Example #1
def PersonalDataTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    #Create a Data.
    firstData: str = rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": "a"})
    initial: str = checkData(rpc, firstData, b"a")

    #Meros should've also created an initial Data.
    if checkData(rpc, initial, decodeAddress(rpc.call(
            "personal", "getAddress"))) != bytes(32).hex():
        raise TestError("Initial Data didn't have a 0-hash input.")

    #Create a Data using hex data. Also tests upper case hex.
    if checkData(rpc,
                 rpc.call("personal", "data", {
                     "data": "AABBCC",
                     "hex": True
                 }), b"\xAA\xBB\xCC") != firstData:
        raise TestError(
            "Newly created Data wasn't a descendant of the existing Data.")

    #Should support using 256 bytes of Data. Also tests lower case hex.
        rpc.call("personal", "data", {
            "data": bytes([0xaa] * 256).hex(),
            "hex": True
        }), bytes([0xaa] * 256))

    #Should properly error when we input no data. All Datas must have at least 1 byte of Data.
        rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": ""})
        raise Exception()
    except Exception as e:
        if str(e) != "-3 Data is too small or too large.":
            raise TestError("Meros didn't handle Data that was too small.")

    #Should properly error when we supply more than 256 bytes of data.
        rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": "a" * 257})
        raise Exception()
    except Exception as e:
        if str(e) != "-3 Data is too small or too large.":
            raise TestError("Meros didn't handle Data that was too large.")

    #Should properly error when we supply non-hex data with the hex flag.
        rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": "zz", "hex": True})
        raise Exception()
    except Exception as e:
        if str(e) != "-3 Invalid hex char `z` (ord 122).":
            raise TestError("Meros didn't properly handle invalid hex.")

    #Should properly error when we supply non-even hex data.
        rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": "a", "hex": True})
        raise Exception()
    except Exception as e:
        if str(e) != "-3 Incorrect hex string len.":
            raise TestError("Meros didn't properly handle non-even hex.")

    #Test Datas when the Wallet has a password.
    rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"password": "******"})

    #Shouldn't work due to the lack of a password.
        rpc.call("personal", "data", {"data": "abc"})
        raise Exception()
    except Exception as e:
        if str(e) != "-3 Invalid password.":
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't properly handle creating a Data without a password."

    #Should work due to the existence of a password.
    lastData: str = rpc.call("personal", "data", {
        "data": "abc",
        "password": "******"
    checkData(rpc, lastData, b"abc")

    #Reboot the node and verify we can create a new Data without issue.
    rpc.meros = Meros(rpc.meros.db, rpc.meros.tcp, rpc.meros.rpc)
    if checkData(
            rpc.call("personal", "data", {
                "data": "def",
                "password": "******"
            }), b"def") != lastData:
        raise TestError("Couldn't create a new Data after rebooting.")
Example #2
def GetAddressTest(rpc: RPC) -> None:
    password: str = "password since it shouldn't be relevant"
    rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {"password": password})
    mnemonic: str = rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic")

    #Test getAddress. Doesn't test specific indexing, as that's handled by DerivationTest.
    #Not only does getAddress need to correctly derive addresses along the external chain, it needs to return new addresses.
    #That said, new is defined by use; use on the network. If it has a TX sent to it, it's used.
    #This is different than checking for UTXOs because that means any address no longer having UTXOs would be considered new again.

    expected: str = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 0)
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
        raise TestError(
            "getAddress didn't return the next unused address (the first one)."
    #It should be returned again given it's still unused.
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
        raise TestError(
            "getAddress didn't return the same address when there was a lack of usage."

    #Reboot the node and verify consistency around the initial address.
    #Added due to an edge case that appeared.
    rpc.meros = Meros(rpc.meros.db, rpc.meros.tcp, rpc.meros.rpc)
    if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
        raise TestError(
            "getAddress didn't return the initial address after a reboot.")

    #Send enough Blocks to have funds available to continue testing.
    vectors: Dict[str, Any]
    with open("e2e/Vectors/Transactions/ClaimedMint.json", "r") as file:
        vectors = json.loads(file.read())
    transactions: Transactions = Transactions.fromJSON(vectors["transactions"])

    def restOfTest() -> None:
        #Move expected into scope.
        expected: str = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 0)

        #Send to the new address, then call getAddress again. Verify a new address appears.
        last: Send = createSend(
        hashes: List[bytes] = [last.hash]

        expected = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 1)
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't move to the next address once the existing one was used."

        #Send to the new unused address, spending the funds before calling getAddress again.
        #Checks address usage isn't defined as having an UTXO, yet rather any TXO.
        #Also confirm the spending TX with full finalization before checking.
        #Ensures the TXO isn't unspent by any definition.
        last = createSend(rpc, last, expected)

        #Spending TX.
        send: Send = Send([(hashes[-1], 0)], [(bytes(32), 1)])
        send.signature = ed.sign(b"MEROS" + send.hash,
                                 getPrivateKey(mnemonic, password, 1))
        if rpc.meros.liveTransaction(send) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
            raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back the spending Send.")

        #In order to finalize, we need to mine 6 Blocks once this Transaction and its parent have Verifications.
        for txHash in hashes:
            sv: SignedVerification = SignedVerification(txHash)
            sv.sign(0, PrivateKey(0))
            if rpc.meros.signedElement(sv) != rpc.meros.live.recv():
                raise TestError("Meros didn't broadcast back a Verification.")

        #Close the sockets while we mine.

        #Mine these to the Wallet on the node so we can test getMeritHolderNick.
        privKey: PrivateKey = PrivateKey(
            bytes.fromhex(rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderKey")))
        blockchain: Blockchain = Blockchain.fromJSON(vectors["blockchain"])
        for _ in range(6):
            template: Dict[str, Any] = rpc.call(
                "merit", "getBlockTemplate",
                {"miner": privKey.toPublicKey().serialize().hex()})
            proof: int = -1
            tempHash: bytes = bytes()
            tempSignature: bytes = bytes()
            while ((proof == -1)
                   or ((int.from_bytes(tempHash, "little") *
                        (blockchain.difficulty() * 11 // 10)) > int.from_bytes(
                            bytes.fromhex("FF" * 32), "little"))):
                proof += 1
                tempHash = RandomX(
                    bytes.fromhex(template["header"]) +
                    proof.to_bytes(4, "little"))
                tempSignature = privKey.sign(tempHash).serialize()
                tempHash = RandomX(tempHash + tempSignature)

                "merit", "publishBlock", {
                    template["header"] + proof.to_bytes(4, "little").hex() +
                    rpc.call("merit", "getBlock",
                             {"block": len(blockchain.blocks)})))

        #Verify a new address is returned.
        expected = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 2)
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't move to the next address once the existing one was used."

        #Get a new address after sending to the address after it.
        #Use both, and then call getAddress.
        #getAddress should detect X is used, move to Y, detect Y is used, and move to Z.
        #It shouldn't assume the next address after an used address is unused.
        #Actually has two Ys as one iteration of the code only ran for the next address; not all future addresses.

        #Send to the next next addresses.
        for i in range(2):
            addy: str = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 3 + i)

            #Reopen the sockets. This isn't done outside of the loop due to the time deriving the final address can take.
            #Due to how slow the reference Python code is, it is necessary to redo the socket connections.

            last = createSend(rpc, last, addy)
            if MessageType(rpc.meros.live.recv()
                           [0]) != MessageType.SignedVerification:
                raise TestError(
                    "Meros didn't create and broadcast a SignedVerification for this Send."

            if i == 0:
                #Close them again.

        #Verify getAddress returns the existing next address.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Sending to the address after this address caused Meros to consider this address used."

        #Send to the next address.
        last = createSend(rpc, last, expected)
        if MessageType(
                rpc.meros.live.recv()[0]) != MessageType.SignedVerification:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't create and broadcast a SignedVerification for this Send."

        #Verify getAddress returns the address after the next next addresses.
        expected = getAddress(mnemonic, password, 5)
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros didn't return the correct next address after using multiple addresses in a row."

        #Now that we have mined a Block as part of this test, ensure the Merit Holder nick is set.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderNick") != 1:
            raise TestError(
                "Merit Holder nick wasn't made available despite having one.")

        #Sanity check off Mnemonic.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic") != mnemonic:
            raise TestError("getMnemonic didn't return the correct Mnemonic.")

        #Existing values used to test getMnemonic/getMeritHolderKey/getMeritHolderNick/getAccount/getAddress consistency.
        existing: Dict[str, Any] = {
            #Should be equal to the mnemonic variable, which is verified in a check above.
            "getMnemonic": rpc.call("personal", "getMnemonic"),
            "getMeritHolderKey": rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderKey"),
            "getMeritHolderNick": rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderNick"),
            "getAccount": rpc.call("personal", "getAccount"),
            #Should be equal to expected, which is also verified in a check above.
            "getAddress": rpc.call("personal", "getAddress")

        #Set a new seed and verify the Merit Holder nick is cleared.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet")
            rpc.call("personal", "getMeritHolderNick")
            raise TestError("")
        except TestError as e:
            if str(
            ) != "-2 Wallet doesn't have a Merit Holder nickname assigned.":
                raise TestError(
                    "getMeritHolderNick returned something or an unexpected error when a new Mnemonic was set."

        #Set back the old seed and verify consistency.
        rpc.call("personal", "setWallet", {
            "mnemonic": mnemonic,
            "password": password
        for method in existing:
            if rpc.call("personal", method) != existing[method]:
                raise TestError(
                    "Setting an old seed caused the WalletDB to improperly reload."

        #Verify calling getAddress returns the expected address.
        if rpc.call("personal", "getAddress") != expected:
            raise TestError(
                "Meros returned an address that wasn't next after reloading the seed."

        #Reboot the node and verify consistency.
        rpc.meros = Meros(rpc.meros.db, rpc.meros.tcp, rpc.meros.rpc)
        for method in existing:
            if rpc.call("personal", method) != existing[method]:
                raise TestError(
                    "Rebooting the node caused the WalletDB to improperly reload."

        #Used so Liver doesn't run its own post-test checks.
        #Since we added our own Blocks, those will fail.
        raise SuccessError()

    #Used so we don't have to write a sync loop.
    with raises(SuccessError):
        Liver(rpc, vectors["blockchain"], transactions, {8: restOfTest}).live()