Example #1
    def verified_seat_payment_with_credit_card(self, selenium, addresses):
        Validates users can add a verified seat to the cart and checkout with a credit card.

            addresses (tuple): Addresses to test.

        This test requires 'disable_repeat_order_check' waffle switch turned off on stage, to run.

        discovery_client = DiscoveryApi()

        # REV-2189: The course runs we get back may not exist in ecommerce, or may not be able to be added to the
        # basket (ex: upgrade time expired). We can't easily make that determination here, so we try this in a loop
        # until we find one that works. This quick fix is made in the hope that this whole system is deprecated in the
        # near future.
        course_runs = discovery_client.get_course_runs('verified')

        assert len(course_runs) > 0

        # Use this to make sure that the tests actually ran and that we didn't accidentally skip it due to
        # not finding a valid seat.
        test_run_successfully = False

        # Check up to 10 course runs to find a good one
        for potential_course_run in course_runs[:10]:
            course_run = discovery_client.get_course_run(potential_course_run['key'])
            verified_seat = self.get_verified_seat(course_run)
                for address in addresses:
                    # This is the line that will throw the TimeoutException if the sku isn't valid
                    # for this test.
                    self.add_item_to_basket(selenium, verified_seat['sku'])
                    log.warning("%s, was added to the basket.", verified_seat['sku'])
                    self.checkout_with_credit_card(selenium, address)

                    course_run_key = course_run['key']
                    self.assert_user_enrolled_in_course_run(LMS_USERNAME, course_run_key)
                    assert self.refund_orders_for_course_run(course_run_key)

                test_run_successfully = True

                # We finished a test, stop trying course runs
            except TimeoutException as exc:
                # We only want to continue on this particular error from add_item_to_basket.
                if "No product is available" in exc.msg:
                    log.warning("Failed to get a valid course run for SKU %s, continuing. ", verified_seat['sku'])
                else:  # TODO: Remove else clause after investigation (REV-2493)
                    log.warning("Failed to add basket line for SKU %s, continuing", verified_seat['sku'])
                    log.warning("exc.msg was: %s", exc.msg)

        assert test_run_successfully, "Unable to find a valid course run to test!"
Example #2
 def get_verified_course_run(self):
     """ Returns a course run data dict. """
     return DiscoveryApi().get_course_run('verified')