def test_bucket(stack: Stack) -> None: """Test bucket creation.""" stack.s3_bucket = "cfn_bucket" stack.s3_key = "templates/" topic_test = Topic(name="test-topic") queue_test = Queue(name="test-queue") lambda_test = Py38Function( name="mypylambda", description="this is a test", role="somearn", code_dir="my_code_dir", handler="app.main", ) stack.add(topic_test) stack.add(lambda_test) stack.add(queue_test) bucket = Bucket(name="test-bucket") bucket.add_notification_configuration(event="s3:ObjectCreated:*", target=topic_test, permission_suffix="TpUpload") bucket.add_notification_configuration(event="s3:ObjectCreated:*", target=lambda_test, permission_suffix="TpUpload") bucket.add_notification_configuration(event="s3:ObjectCreated:*", target=queue_test, permission_suffix="FileEvent") stack.add(bucket) with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "bucket.json")) as fd: expected_template = json.load(fd) assert stack.export()["Resources"] == expected_template
def test_bucket(stack: Stack) -> None: """Test bucket creation. Note that a bucket policy is also created when a Bucket is instanciated """ stack.add(Bucket(name="test-bucket")) assert stack.export()["Resources"] == EXPECTED_BUCKET
def __init__( self, name: str, aliases: list[str], bucket_name: str, certificate_arn: str, default_ttl: int = 86400, lambda_edge_function_arns: Optional[list[str]] = None, root_object: str = "index.html", r53_route_from: Optional[list[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, ): """Initialize a S3WebsiteCFDistribution. :param name: function name :param aliases: CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket to create to host the website :param certificate_arn: Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ACM certificate for aliases. Cloudfront only supports ceritificates stored in us-east-1. :param default_ttl: The default amount of time, in seconds, that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront cache before CloudFront sends another request to the origin to see if the object has been updated :param lambda_edge_function_arns: ARNs of Lambda@Edge functions to associate with the cloudfront distribution default cache behaviour :param root_object: The object that you want CloudFront to request from your origin :param r53_route_from: list of (hosted_zone_id, domain_id) for which to create route53 records """ = name self.aliases = aliases self.bucket = Bucket(name=bucket_name) self.certificate_arn = certificate_arn self.default_ttl = default_ttl self.lambda_edge_function_arns = lambda_edge_function_arns self.root_object = root_object self.r53_route_from = r53_route_from self._origin_access_identity = None self._cache_policy = None
def test_bucket_multi_encryption(stack: Stack) -> None: """Test bucket accepting multiple types of encryptions and without default.""" bucket = Bucket( name="test-bucket", default_bucket_encryption=None, authorized_encryptions=[ EncryptionAlgorithm.AES256, EncryptionAlgorithm.KMS ], ) stack.add(bucket) with open(os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "bucket_multi_encryption.json")) as fd: expected_template = json.load(fd) assert stack.export()["Resources"] == expected_template
def resources(self, stack: Stack) -> List[AWSObject]: """Build and return objects associated with the configuration recorder. Return a configuration recorder and a delivery channel with its s3 bucket """ aws_objects = [] config_role = iam.ServiceLinkedRole.from_dict( "AWSServiceRoleForConfig", {"AWSServiceName": ""}) aws_objects.append(config_role) # Add the config recorder recording_group = config.RecordingGroup( AllSupported=True, IncludeGlobalResourceTypes=True) aws_objects.append( config.ConfigurationRecorder( name_to_id("ConfigRecorder"), Name="ConfigRecorder", RecordingGroup=recording_group, RoleARN=Join( ":", [ "arn", "aws", "iam:", AccountId, ("role/aws-service-role/" ""), ], ), DependsOn=config_role.title, )) # Create an S3 bucket for the delivery bucket = Bucket(name=self.bucket_name) bucket.policy_statements += [ PolicyStatement( action="s3:GetBucketAcl", effect="Allow", principal={"Service": ""}, resource=bucket.arn, ), PolicyStatement( action="s3:PutObject", effect="Allow", condition={ "StringEquals": { "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control" } }, principal={"Service": ""}, resource=Join( "", [bucket.arn, "/AWSLogs/", AccountId, "/Config/*"]), ), ] aws_objects.extend(bucket.resources(stack=stack)) # Create the delivery channel to the S3 bucket aws_objects.append( config.DeliveryChannel( name_to_id("DeliveryChannel"), Name="DeliveryChannel", S3BucketName=bucket.ref, )) return aws_objects
def build_and_deploy_tstacks() -> None: """Build and deploy two simple troposphere stacks. Two stacks in two different regions are deployed. An us stack define only a secure bucket. An eu stack define secure s3 buckets, a role to add object to the eu bucket and a AWSConfig recorder with rules that check s3 buckets security configurations across both regions. """ sessions = { "eu": Session(regions=["eu-west-1"]), "us": Session(regions=["us-east-1"]), } stack = {} for region in ("eu", "us"): stack[region] = Stack( f"e3-example-{region}", sessions[region], opts={"Capabilities": ["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"]}, ) # Add a s3 secure bucket in each region stack["eu"].add_construct([Bucket(name="e3-l1-example")]) stack["us"].add_construct([Bucket(name="e3-l2-example")]) # Define a new IAM-Roles that will be used to acces e3-l1-example bucket stack["eu"].add_construct( [ Role( name="L1WriteRole", description="Role to write to l1 buckets", principal={"Service": ""}, ) ] ) # Define a new IAM-Policy to putObject in e3-l1-example bucket # and attach the L1WriteRole role to it stack["eu"].add_construct( [ S3AccessManagedPolicy( name="S3WriteAccess", buckets=["e3-l1-example"], action=["s3:PutObject"], roles=[Ref(stack["eu"]["L1WriteRole"])], ) ] ) # Add AWS config rules to check S3 buckets security configuration. # This should only be defined in one region for region in ("eu",): stack[region].add_construct( [ConfigurationRecorder(bucket_name="config-bucket-example")] ) for region in ("eu",): stack[region].add_construct( [ S3BucketPublicWriteProhibited, S3BucketPublicReadProhibited, S3BucketServerSideEncryptionEnabled, S3BucketSSLRequestsOnly, IAMUserNoPoliciesCheck, ] ) # Deploy stacks for region in ("eu", "us"): stack[region].deploy()
class S3WebsiteDistribution(Construct): """Set a Cloudfront distribution in front of a website hosted in S3. It also provides a lambda invalidating cloudfront cache when s3 objects are updated. """ def __init__( self, name: str, aliases: list[str], bucket_name: str, certificate_arn: str, default_ttl: int = 86400, lambda_edge_function_arns: Optional[list[str]] = None, root_object: str = "index.html", r53_route_from: Optional[list[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, ): """Initialize a S3WebsiteCFDistribution. :param name: function name :param aliases: CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution. :param bucket_name: name of the bucket to create to host the website :param certificate_arn: Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the ACM certificate for aliases. Cloudfront only supports ceritificates stored in us-east-1. :param default_ttl: The default amount of time, in seconds, that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront cache before CloudFront sends another request to the origin to see if the object has been updated :param lambda_edge_function_arns: ARNs of Lambda@Edge functions to associate with the cloudfront distribution default cache behaviour :param root_object: The object that you want CloudFront to request from your origin :param r53_route_from: list of (hosted_zone_id, domain_id) for which to create route53 records """ = name self.aliases = aliases self.bucket = Bucket(name=bucket_name) self.certificate_arn = certificate_arn self.default_ttl = default_ttl self.lambda_edge_function_arns = lambda_edge_function_arns self.root_object = root_object self.r53_route_from = r53_route_from self._origin_access_identity = None self._cache_policy = None def add_oai_access_to_bucket(self) -> None: """Add policy granting cloudfront OAI read access to the bucket.""" cf_principal = { "CanonicalUser": GetAtt(self.origin_access_identity, "S3CanonicalUserId") } self.bucket.policy_statements.extend([ Allow( action="s3:GetObject", resource=self.bucket.all_objects_arn, principal=cf_principal, ), Allow( action="s3:ListBucket", resource=self.bucket.arn, principal=cf_principal, ), ]) @property def cache_policy(self) -> cloudfront.CachePolicy: """Return cloudfront distribution cache policy.""" if self._cache_policy is None: forwarded_to_origin = cloudfront.ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin( CookiesConfig=cloudfront.CacheCookiesConfig( CookieBehavior="none"), EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli="true", EnableAcceptEncodingGzip="true", HeadersConfig=cloudfront.CacheHeadersConfig( HeaderBehavior="none"), QueryStringsConfig=cloudfront.CacheQueryStringsConfig( QueryStringBehavior="none"), ) self._cache_policy = cloudfront.CachePolicy( name_to_id(f"{}-cloudfront-cache-policy"), CachePolicyConfig=cloudfront.CachePolicyConfig( Comment=f"{} s3 website cloudfront cache policy", DefaultTTL=self.default_ttl, MaxTTL=31536000, MinTTL=1, Name="s3-cache-policy", ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin= forwarded_to_origin, ), ) return self._cache_policy @property def distribution(self) -> cloudfront.Distribution: """Return cloudfront distribution with bucket as origin.""" origin = cloudfront.Origin( S3OriginConfig=cloudfront.S3OriginConfig(OriginAccessIdentity=Join( "", [ "origin-access-identity/cloudfront/", Ref(self.origin_access_identity), ], )), DomainName=f"{}", Id="S3Origin", ) cache_params = { "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"], "CachePolicyId": Ref(self.cache_policy), "TargetOriginId": "S3Origin", "ViewerProtocolPolicy": "redirect-to-https", } if self.lambda_edge_function_arns: cache_params["LambdaFunctionAssociations"] = [ cloudfront.LambdaFunctionAssociation( EventType="viewer-request", LambdaFunctionARN=lambda_arn) for lambda_arn in self.lambda_edge_function_arns ] default_cache_behavior = cloudfront.DefaultCacheBehavior( **cache_params) return cloudfront.Distribution( name_to_id(, DistributionConfig=cloudfront.DistributionConfig( Aliases=self.aliases, DefaultRootObject=self.root_object, DefaultCacheBehavior=default_cache_behavior, Enabled="True", HttpVersion="http2", Origins=[origin], ViewerCertificate=cloudfront.ViewerCertificate( AcmCertificateArn=self.certificate_arn, SslSupportMethod="sni-only"), ), ) @property def origin_access_identity( self) -> cloudfront.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity: """Return cloudformation access identity. It is needed to be used as principal for s3 bucket access policy. """ if self._origin_access_identity is None: cf_oai_config = cloudfront.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig( Comment=f"{} Cloudfront origin access identity") self._origin_access_identity = cloudfront.CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity( name_to_id(f"{}-cloudfront-oai"), CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig=cf_oai_config, ) return self._origin_access_identity def add_cache_invalidation(self, stack: Stack) -> list[AWSObject]: """Return resources invalidating cache when objects are pushed to s3. A lambda is called at each s3 object update to invalidate cloudformation cache for the updated object. """ lambda_name = f"{}-cache-invalidation-lambda" lambda_policy = ManagedPolicy( name=f"{lambda_name}-policy", description=f"managed policy used by {lambda_name}", path=f"/{}/", statements=[ Allow( action=["cloudfront:CreateInvalidation"], resource=Join( "", [ "arn:aws:cloudfront::", AccountId, ":distribution ", ], ), ) ], ) lambda_role = Role( name=f"{lambda_name}-role", description=f"role assumed by {lambda_name}", path=f"/{}/", trust=Trust(services=["lambda"]), managed_policy_arns=[lambda_policy.arn], ) # Get first part of invalidation lambda code from a file with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "data", "", )) as lf: lambda_code = # Complete it with the part depending on the distribution id lambda_code.extend([ " client.create_invalidation(", Sub( " DistributionId='${distribution_id}',",, ), " InvalidationBatch={", " 'Paths': {'Quantity': 1, 'Items': path},", " 'CallerReference': str(time.time()),", " },", " )", ]) lambda_function = Function( name_to_id(lambda_name), description=(f"lambda invalidating cloudfront cache when " f"{} objects are updated"), handler="invalidate.handler", role=lambda_role, code_zipfile=Join("\n", lambda_code), runtime="python3.9", ) sns_topic = Topic(name=f"{}-invalidation-topic") sns_topic.add_lambda_subscription( function=lambda_function, delivery_policy={"throttlePolicy": { "maxReceivesPerSecond": 10 }}, ) # Trigger the invalidation when a file is updated self.bucket.add_notification_configuration(event="s3:ObjectCreated:*", target=sns_topic, result = [ resource for construct in (lambda_policy, lambda_role, lambda_function, sns_topic) for resource in construct.resources(stack) ] return result @property def domain_name(self) -> GetAtt: """Return cloudfront distribution domain name.""" return GetAtt(name_to_id(, "DomainName") @property def id(self) -> Ref: """Return cloudfront distribution id.""" return Ref(name_to_id( def resources(self, stack: Stack) -> list[AWSObject]: """Return list of AWSObject associated with the construct.""" # Add bucket policy granting read access to te cloudfront distribution self.add_oai_access_to_bucket() result = [ *self.bucket.resources(stack), self.cache_policy, self.distribution, self.origin_access_identity, ] # Add a lambda invalidating cloudfront cache when bucket objects are modified result.extend(self.add_cache_invalidation(stack)) # Add route53 records if needed if self.r53_route_from: for zone_id, domain in self.r53_route_from: result.append( route53.RecordSetType( name_to_id(f"{}-{domain}-r53-rset"), AliasTarget=route53.AliasTarget( DNSName=self.domain_name, # Z2FDTNDATAQYW2 is always the hosted zone ID when you # create an alias record that routes traffic to a # CloudFront distribution HostedZoneId="Z2FDTNDATAQYW2", ), Name=domain, HostedZoneId=zone_id, Type="A", )) return result
def test_add_and_get_item() -> None: """Test adding a construct and retrieving an AWSObject from a stack.""" stack = Stack("test-stack", "this is a test stack") stack.add(Bucket("my-bucket")) my_bucket = stack["my-bucket"] assert my_bucket