Example #1
def Payload_Challenge_Response(ID, RAND, ETYPE):
    # Let's build EAP-Payload Challenge-Response AVP
    # Create EAP-Payload (empty)
    EAP = eap.EAPItem()
    # Set command code
    # Set id
    EAP.id = ID
    # Set type
    EAP.type = ETYPE
    # Set sub-type
    EAP.stype = eap.dictEAPSUBname2type("SIM-Challenge")
    # RAND is copied from Challenge
    # These values can be calculated or entered manually
    # Copied from SIP-Auth-Data-Item->Authentication-Information-SIM(301)
    a1 = "8b7e0f1147f9af050809bbaf50881dbb08014ca81b36d9fa"
    # Copied from SIP-Auth-Data-Item->Authorization-Information-SIM(302)
    b1 = "334131fc"
    RAND, KC = prepareKeysFromTriplets(a1, a1, a1)
    SRES = b1 + b1 + b1
    # Step 2
    KENCR, KAUT, MSK, EMSK, MK = eap.sim_calc_keys(IDENTITY, KC, NONCE_MT,
                                                   VERSION_LIST, "1")
    # Add AT_MAC as last
    eap.addMAC(EAP, KAUT, SRES)
    # Do not add any AVPs after adding MAC
    Payload = eap.encode_EAP(EAP)
    # Payload now contains EAP-Payload AVP
    return Payload
def Payload_Challenge_Response(ID, RAND, ETYPE):
    # Let's build EAP-Payload Challenge-Response AVP
    # Create EAP-Payload (empty)
    EAP = eap.EAPItem()
    # Set command code
    # Set id
    EAP.id = ID
    # Set type
    EAP.type = ETYPE
    # Set sub-type
    EAP.stype = eap.dictEAPSUBname2type("AKA-Challenge")
    # RAND is copied from Challenge
    # These values can be calculated or entered manually
    # Or copy from MAA
    # IK=Identity-Key
    # CK=Confidentiality-Key
    # XRES=SIP-Authorization
    IK = "952A44900B7FAFF249763475B3AA77EE"
    CK = "F16A4BB5112DBA580132E29882FEC143"
    XRES = "E818FBF691AE3B97"
    KENCR, KAUT, MSK, EMSK, MK = eap.aka_calc_keys(IDENTITY, CK, IK)
    # Add AT_RES
    EAP.avps.append(("AT_RES", XRES))
    # Add AT_MAC as last
    eap.addMAC(EAP, KAUT, "")
    # Do not add any AVPs after adding MAC
    Payload = eap.encode_EAP(EAP)
    # Payload now contains EAP-Payload AVP
    return Payload
Example #3
def Payload_Identity():
    # Let's build EAP-Payload Identity AVP
    # Create EAP-Payload (empty)
    EAP = eap.EAPItem()
    # Set command code
    # Remember - Requests normally starts from AAA-> UE, so
    # even when skipped, identity is actually an response
    # Set id
    EAP.id = 1
    # Set type
    EAP.type = eap.EAP_TYPE_IDENTITY
    # Add Identity
    EAP.msg = eap.addEAPIdentity(IDENTITY)
    Payload = eap.encode_EAP(EAP)
    return Payload
Example #4
def Payload_AKA_Identity(ID, ETYPE):
    # Let's build EAP-Payload with AT_IDENTITY AVP
    # Create EAP-Payload (empty)
    EAP = eap.EAPItem()
    # Set command code
    # Remember - Requests normally starts from AAA-> UE, so
    # even when skipped, identity is actually an response
    # Set id
    EAP.id = ID
    # Set type
    EAP.type = ETYPE
    # Set sub-type
    EAP.stype = eap.dictEAPSUBname2type("AKA-Identity")
    EAP.avps.append(("AT_IDENTITY", IDENTITY))
    Payload = eap.encode_EAP(EAP)
    # Payload now contains EAP-Payload AVP
    return Payload
Example #5
def Payload_AT_Identity(ID, ETYPE):
    # Let's build EAP-Payload with AT_IDENTITY AVP
    # Create EAP-Payload (empty)
    EAP = eap.EAPItem()
    # Set command code
    # Remember - Requests normally starts from AAA-> UE, so
    # even when skipped, identity is actually an response
    # Set id
    EAP.id = ID
    # Set type
    EAP.type = ETYPE
    # Set sub-type
    EAP.stype = eap.dictEAPSUBname2type("SIM-Start")
    EAP.avps.append(("AT_IDENTITY", IDENTITY.encode("hex")))
    EAP.avps.append(("AT_NONCE_MT", NONCE_MT))
    Payload = eap.encode_EAP(EAP)
    print "S Payload", Payload
    # Payload now contains EAP-Payload AVP
    return Payload
Example #6
def Payload_Challenge_Response(ID, RAND, ETYPE):
    # Let's build EAP-Payload Challenge-Response AVP
    # Create EAP-Payload (empty)
    EAP = eap.EAPItem()
    # Set command code
    # Set id
    EAP.id = ID
    # Set type
    EAP.type = ETYPE
    # Set sub-type
    EAP.stype = eap.dictEAPSUBname2type("AKA-Challenge")
    # RAND is copied from Challenge
    # These values can be calculated or entered manually
    # Or copy from MAA
    # IK=Identity-Key
    # CK=Confidentiality-Key
    # XRES=SIP-Authorization
    IK = "2d346b8c456223bc7519823a0abc94fd"
    CK = "07fc3189172095ddce5b4ba2bfb70f7f"
    XRES = "e818fbf691ae3b97"
    if EAP.type == eap.EAP_TYPE_AKAPRIME:
        # For AKA'
        KENCR, KAUT, MSK, EMSK, KRE = eap.akap_calc_keys(IDENTITY, CK, IK)
        # For AKA
        KENCR, KAUT, MSK, EMSK, MK = eap.aka_calc_keys(IDENTITY, CK, IK)
    # Add AT_RES
    EAP.avps.append(("AT_RES", XRES))
    # Add AT_MAC as last
    eap.addMAC(EAP, KAUT, '')
    # Do not add any AVPs after adding MAC
    Payload = eap.encode_EAP(EAP)
    # Payload now contains EAP-Payload AVP
    return Payload
#Next two lines are to include parent directory for testing
import sys
# Remove them normally

import eap
import logging

if __name__ == "__main__":
    EAP = eap.EAPItem()
    # Set command code
    # Remember - Requests normally starts from AAA-> UE, so
    # even when skipped, identity is actually an response
    # Set id
    EAP.id = 1
    # Set type
    EAP.type = eap.EAP_TYPE_AKA
    # Set sub-type
    EAP.stype = eap.dictEAPSUBname2type("AKA-Identity")
    I = "0031303231313131323334353631303540776c616e2e6d6e633032332e6d63633236322e336770706e6574776f726b2e6f7267"
    print len(I), len(I) / 4, len(I) / 8
    IDENTITY = I.decode("hex")
    EAP.avps.append(("AT_IDENTITY", IDENTITY.encode("hex")))
    Payload = eap.encode_EAP(EAP)
    print "S Payload", Payload
    # Payload now contains EAP-Payload AVP
    E = eap.decode_EAP(Payload)