async def invite(ctx): embed = eou.makeEmbed( title="Want to add me?", description= "[Invite me with this link!](" ) embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) eou.log(text="Got an invite link", ctx=ctx)
async def getexact(self, ctx, section, name): try: await ctx.message.delete() except: pass valid_sections_r = r.get(url="").json() valid_sections = valid_sections_r.keys() if section not in valid_sections: embed = eou.makeEmbed(title="That wasn't a valid section!", description="__Valid Sections are:__\n- %s" % ("\n- ".join(valid_sections))) embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) return eou.log(text="Attempted to search dnd (invalid section)", ctx=ctx) request = r.get(url="" % (section, name)).json() if "error" in request: embed = eou.makeEmbed(title="Whoops!", description="I couldn't find that!") embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) return eou.log(text="Attempted to search dnd (invalid name)", ctx=ctx) embed = eou.makeEmbed(title=request["name"], description="") if section == "monsters": # output_string = "Size: %s\nType: %s\nAlignment: %s\nAC: %s\nHP: %s\nSpeed: %s" % (request["size"], request["type"], request["alignment"], request["armor_class"], request["hit_points"], ", ".join(["%s %sing" % (value[value], value) for key, value in request["speed"]])) for stat in ["size", "type", "alignment", "armor_class"]: embed.add_field(name=stat.replace("_", " ").title(), value=request[stat], inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Hit Points", value="%s (%s)" % (request["hit_points"], request["hit_dice"])) embed.add_field(name="Speed", value="\n".join([ "%s %sing" % (request["speed"][key], key) for key in request["speed"] ])) else: output_string = "```json\n" + json.dumps(request, indent=4) + "```" if len(output_string) > 2000: output_string = output_string[:1750] + "...```\n\n(longer than 2000 characters)" embed = eou.makeEmbed(title=request["name"], description=output_string) embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) return eou.log(text="Searched dnd (section = %s, terms=[%s])" % (section, name), ctx=ctx)
async def _reload_error(ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CheckFailure): try: await ctx.message.delete() except: pass embed = eou.makeEmbed( title="Whoops!", description="Only the bot owner can do that command.") embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) eou.log(text="Attempted to reload cog(s) - Missing permissions", ctx=ctx)
async def _reload(ctx, cog="all"): try: await ctx.message.delete() except: pass log = [] cogs = getData()["cogs"] if cog == "all": for extension in cogs: try: bot.reload_extension(extension) log.append(f"**{extension.title()}** reloaded successfully.") except: bot.load_extension(extension) log.append(f"**{extension.title()}** loaded successfully.") embed = eou.makeEmbed(title="Reloaded Cogs" %, description="\n".join(log)) embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) eou.log(text="Reloded all modules", ctx=ctx) else: try: bot.reload_extension(cog) embed = eou.makeEmbed(title=f"Reloaded {cog.title()}", description="Successfully reloaded!") embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) except: bot.load_extension(cog) embed = eou.makeEmbed(title=f"Loaded {cog.title()}", description="Successfully loaded!") embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) eou.log(text="Reloaded %s" % cog.title(), ctx=ctx)
async def searchdnd(self, ctx, section, *, search_terms=""): try: await ctx.message.delete() except: pass valid_sections_r = r.get(url="").json() valid_sections = valid_sections_r.keys() if section not in valid_sections: embed = eou.makeEmbed(title="That wasn't a valid section!", description="__Valid Sections are:__\n- %s" % ("\n- ".join(valid_sections))) embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) return eou.log(text="Attempted to search dnd (invalid section)", ctx=ctx) if search_terms == "" or search_terms.startswith("page="): request = r.get(url="" % section).json() results_array = request["results"] results = [item["index"] for item in results_array] if "page" in search_terms: page = int(search_terms.split("=")[1]) else: page = 0 output_string = "- %s" % "\n- ".join(results)[(1750 * page):] print(len(output_string)) if len(output_string) > 2000: output_string = output_string[:( 1750 * (page + 1))] + "...\n\n(longer than 2000 characters)" embed = eou.makeEmbed(title=section.title() + " (%s results)" % request["count"], description=output_string) embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) return eou.log(text="Searched dnd (section = %s)" % section, ctx=ctx) split_terms = search_terms.split(", ") fixed_terms = "&".join(split_terms) request = r.get(url="" % (section, fixed_terms)).json() results_array = request["results"] if request["count"] == 1: result = results_array[0] request = r.get(url="" % result["url"]).json() output_string = "" embed = eou.makeEmbed(title=request["name"], description=output_string) if section == "monsters": # output_string = "Size: %s\nType: %s\nAlignment: %s\nAC: %s\nHP: %s\nSpeed: %s" % (request["size"], request["type"], request["alignment"], request["armor_class"], request["hit_points"], ", ".join(["%s %sing" % (value[value], value) for key, value in request["speed"]])) for stat in ["size", "type", "alignment", "armor_class"]: embed.add_field(name=stat.replace("_", " ").title(), value=request[stat], inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Hit Points", value="%s (%s)" % (request["hit_points"], request["hit_dice"])) embed.add_field(name="Speed", value="\n".join([ "%s %sing" % (request["speed"][key], key) for key in request["speed"] ])) else: output_string = "```json\n" + json.dumps(request, indent=4) + "```" if len(output_string) > 2000: output_string = output_string[:1750] + "...```\n\n(longer than 2000 characters)" embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) return eou.log(text="Searched dnd (section = %s, terms=[%s])" % (section, search_terms), ctx=ctx) else: results = [item["index"] for item in results_array] output_string = "- %s" % "\n- ".join(results) if len(output_string) > 2000: output_string = output_string[:1750] + "...\n\n(longer than 2000 characters)" embed = eou.makeEmbed(title="I got %s results for \"%s\"" % (request["count"], search_terms), description=output_string) embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) return eou.log(text="Searched dnd (section = %s, terms=[%s])" % (section, search_terms), ctx=ctx)
def cog_unload(self): eou.log(text="Offline", cog="DND", color="red")
def setup(bot): eou.log(text="Online", cog="DND", color="red") bot.add_cog(DND(bot)) reload(eou)
async def on_ready(): eou.log(text="Ready") game = discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name="") await bot.change_presence(, activity=game)
async def on_disconnect(): eou.log(text="Disconnected")
async def on_connect(): eou.log(text="Connected")
async def ping(ctx): embed = eou.makeEmbed(title="Pong!", description="Craig is online.") embed.set_author(, await ctx.send(embed=embed) eou.log(text="Pinged the bot", ctx=ctx)
def getData(): with open("data.json", "r") as dataFile: return json.loads( def setData(_in): with open("data.json", "w") as dataFile: dataFile.write(json.dumps(_in, indent=4)) # clear the console and load all the cogs eou.clear() cogs = getData()["cogs"] for cog in cogs: bot.load_extension(cog) eou.log(text=("%s loaded" % cog.title())) # define a function for checking if a user is an owner of the bot async def is_owner(ctx): return in [184474965859368960, 696087051619008612] # when connected, say so @bot.event async def on_connect(): eou.log(text="Connected") # when disconnected, say so @bot.event