Example #1
    def test_toy_tweaked(self):
        """Test toy build with tweaked easyconfig, for testing extra easyconfig parameters."""
        test_ecs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "easyconfigs")
        ec_file = os.path.join(self.test_buildpath, "toy-0.0-tweaked.eb")
        shutil.copy2(os.path.join(test_ecs_dir, "toy-0.0.eb"), ec_file)

        # tweak easyconfig by appending to it
        ec_extra = "\n".join(
                "versionsuffix = '-tweaked'",
                "modextrapaths = {'SOMEPATH': ['foo/bar', 'baz', '']}",
                "modextravars = {'FOO': 'bar'}",
                "modloadmsg =  'THANKS FOR LOADING ME, I AM %(name)s v%(version)s'",
                "modtclfooter = 'puts stderr \"oh hai!\"'",  # ignored when module syntax is Lua
                "modluafooter = 'io.stderr:write(\"oh hai!\")'",  # ignored when module syntax is Tcl
        write_file(ec_file, ec_extra, append=True)

        args = [
            "--sourcepath=%s" % self.test_sourcepath,
            "--buildpath=%s" % self.test_buildpath,
            "--installpath=%s" % self.test_installpath,
        outtxt = self.eb_main(args, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)
        self.check_toy(self.test_installpath, outtxt, versionsuffix="-tweaked")
        toy_module = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, "modules", "all", "toy", "0.0-tweaked")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module += ".lua"
        toy_module_txt = read_file(toy_module)

        if get_module_syntax() == "Tcl":
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^setenv\s*FOO\s*"bar"$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s*SOMEPATH\s*\$root/foo/bar$", toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s*SOMEPATH\s*\$root/baz$", toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s*SOMEPATH\s*\$root$", toy_module_txt, re.M))
                re.search(r'module-info mode load.*\n\s*puts stderr\s*.*I AM toy v0.0"$', toy_module_txt, re.M)
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^puts stderr "oh hai!"$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^setenv\("FOO", "bar"\)', toy_module_txt, re.M))
                re.search(r'^prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", pathJoin\(root, "foo/bar"\)\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M)
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", pathJoin\(root, "baz"\)\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", root\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
                    r'^if mode\(\) == "load" then\n\s*io.stderr:write\(".*I AM toy v0.0"\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^io.stderr:write\("oh hai!"\)$', toy_module_txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
    def test_exclude_path_to_top_of_module_tree(self):
        Make sure that modules under the HierarchicalMNS are correct,
        w.r.t. not including any load statements for modules that build up the path to the top of the module tree.
        self.orig_module_naming_scheme = config.get_module_naming_scheme()
        test_ecs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs')
        all_stops = [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()]
        build_options = {
            'check_osdeps': False,
            'robot_path': [test_ecs_path],
            'valid_stops': all_stops,
            'validate': False,
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME'] = 'HierarchicalMNS'

        modfile_prefix = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all')
        mkdir(os.path.join(modfile_prefix, 'Compiler', 'GCC', '4.8.3'), parents=True)
        mkdir(os.path.join(modfile_prefix, 'MPI', 'intel', '2013.5.192-GCC-4.8.3', 'impi', ''), parents=True)

        impi_modfile_path = os.path.join('Compiler', 'intel', '2013.5.192-GCC-4.8.3', 'impi', '')
        imkl_modfile_path = os.path.join('MPI', 'intel', '2013.5.192-GCC-4.8.3', 'impi', '', 'imkl', '')
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            impi_modfile_path += '.lua'
            imkl_modfile_path += '.lua'

        # example: for imkl on top of iimpi toolchain with HierarchicalMNS, no module load statements should be included
        # not for the toolchain or any of the toolchain components,
        # since both icc/ifort and impi form the path to the top of the module tree
        tests = [
            ('impi-', impi_modfile_path, ['icc', 'ifort', 'iccifort']),
            ('imkl-', imkl_modfile_path, ['icc', 'ifort', 'impi', 'iccifort', 'iimpi']),
        for ec_file, modfile_path, excluded_deps in tests:
            ec = EasyConfig(os.path.join(test_ecs_path, ec_file))
            eb = EasyBlock(ec)
            modpath = eb.make_module_step()
            modfile_path = os.path.join(modpath, modfile_path)
            modtxt = read_file(modfile_path)

            for dep in excluded_deps:
                tup = (dep, modfile_path, modtxt)
                failmsg = "No 'module load' statement found for '%s' not found in module %s: %s" % tup
                if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                    self.assertFalse(re.search('module load %s' % dep, modtxt), failmsg)
                elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                    self.assertFalse(re.search('load("%s")' % dep, modtxt), failmsg)
                    self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME'] = self.orig_module_naming_scheme
    def test_make_module_extend_modpath(self):
        """Test for make_module_extend_modpath"""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            'toolchain = {"name":"dummy", "version": "dummy"}',
            'moduleclass = "compiler"',
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = config.install_path()

        # no $MODULEPATH extensions for default module naming scheme (EasyBuildMNS)
        self.assertEqual(eb.make_module_extend_modpath(), '')

        usermodsdir = 'my/own/modules'
        modclasses = ['compiler', 'tools']
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME'] = 'CategorizedHMNS'
        build_options = {
            'subdir_user_modules': usermodsdir,
            'valid_module_classes': modclasses,
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = config.install_path()

        txt = eb.make_module_extend_modpath()
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            regexs = [r'^module use ".*/modules/all/Compiler/pi/3.14/%s"$' % c for c in modclasses]
            home = r'\$env\(HOME\)'
                # extension for user modules is guarded
                r'if { \[ file isdirectory \[ file join %s "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14" \] \] } {$' % (home, usermodsdir),
                # no per-moduleclass extension for user modules
                r'^\s+module use \[ file join %s "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14"\ ]$' % (home, usermodsdir),
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            regexs = [r'^prepend_path\("MODULEPATH", ".*/modules/all/Compiler/pi/3.14/%s"\)$' % c for c in modclasses]
            home = r'os.getenv\("HOME"\)'
                # extension for user modules is guarded
                r'if isDir\(pathJoin\(%s, "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14"\)\) then' % (home, usermodsdir),
                # no per-moduleclass extension for user modules
                r'\s+prepend_path\("MODULEPATH", pathJoin\(%s, "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14"\)\)' % (home, usermodsdir),
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
        for regex in regexs:
            regex = re.compile(regex, re.M)
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(txt), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))
    def test_make_module_extra(self):
        """Test for make_module_extra."""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            "toolchain = {'name': 'gompi', 'version': '1.1.0-no-OFED'}",
            'dependencies = [',
            "   ('FFTW', '3.3.1'),",
            "   ('LAPACK', '3.4.0'),",
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = os.path.join(config.install_path(), 'pi', '3.14')

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            expected_default = re.compile(r'\n'.join([
            expected_alt = re.compile(r'\n'.join([
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            expected_default = re.compile(r'\n'.join([
                r'setenv\("EBROOTPI", root\)',
                r'setenv\("EBVERSIONPI", "3.14"\)',
                r'setenv\("EBDEVELPI", pathJoin\(root, "easybuild/pi-3.14-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED-easybuild-devel"\)\)',
            expected_alt = re.compile(r'\n'.join([
                r'setenv\("EBROOTPI", "/opt/software/tau/6.28"\)',
                r'setenv\("EBVERSIONPI", "6.28"\)',
                r'setenv\("EBDEVELPI", pathJoin\(root, "easybuild/pi-3.14-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED-easybuild-devel"\)\)',
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        defaulttxt = eb.make_module_extra().strip()
                        "Pattern %s found in %s" % (expected_default.pattern, defaulttxt))

        alttxt = eb.make_module_extra(altroot='/opt/software/tau/6.28', altversion='6.28').strip()
                        "Pattern %s found in %s" % (expected_alt.pattern, alttxt))
Example #5
    def test_module_filepath_tweaking(self):
        """Test using --suffix-modules-path."""
        # install test module naming scheme dynamically
        test_mns_parent_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "sandbox")
        mns_path = "easybuild.tools.module_naming_scheme.test_module_naming_scheme"
        __import__(mns_path, globals(), locals(), [""])

        eb_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "easyconfigs", "toy-0.0.eb")
        args = [
            "--sourcepath=%s" % self.test_sourcepath,
            "--buildpath=%s" % self.test_buildpath,
            "--installpath=%s" % self.test_installpath,
        self.eb_main(args, do_build=True, verbose=True)
        mod_file_prefix = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, "modules")
        mod_file_suffix = ""
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            mod_file_suffix += ".lua"

        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(mod_file_prefix, "foobarbaz", "toy", "0.0" + mod_file_suffix)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(mod_file_prefix, "TOOLS", "toy", "0.0" + mod_file_suffix)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(mod_file_prefix, "TOOLS", "toy", "0.0" + mod_file_suffix)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(mod_file_prefix, "t", "toy", "0.0" + mod_file_suffix)))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(mod_file_prefix, "t", "toy", "0.0" + mod_file_suffix)))
    def test_make_module_req(self):
        """Testcase for make_module_req"""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            'toolchain = {"name":"dummy", "version": "dummy"}',
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = config.install_path()

        # create fake directories and files that should be guessed
        open(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'foo.jar'), 'w').write('foo.jar')
        open(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'bla.jar'), 'w').write('bla.jar')
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'bin'))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'share'))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'share', 'man'))
        # this is not a path that should be picked up
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'CPATH'))

        guess = eb.make_module_req()

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CLASSPATH\s+\$root/bla.jar$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CLASSPATH\s+\$root/foo.jar$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+MANPATH\s+\$root/share/man$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root/bin$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertFalse(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CPATH\s+.*$", guess, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CLASSPATH", pathJoin\(root, "bla.jar"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CLASSPATH", pathJoin\(root, "foo.jar"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("MANPATH", pathJoin\(root, "share/man"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertFalse(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CPATH", .*\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # cleanup
Example #7
 def test_toy_hidden(self):
     """Test installing a hidden module."""
     ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "easyconfigs", "toy-0.0.eb")
     self.test_toy_build(ec_file=ec_file, extra_args=["--hidden"], verify=False)
     # module file is hidden
     toy_module = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, "modules", "all", "toy", ".0.0")
     if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
         toy_module += ".lua"
     self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(toy_module), "Found hidden module %s" % toy_module)
     # installed software is not hidden
     toybin = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, "software", "toy", "0.0", "bin", "toy")
def module_generator(app, fake=False):
    Return ModuleGenerator instance that matches the selected module file syntax to be used
    module_syntax = get_module_syntax()
    available_mod_gens = avail_module_generators()

    if module_syntax not in available_mod_gens:
        raise EasyBuildError("No module generator available for specified syntax '%s' (available: %s)",
                             module_syntax, available_mod_gens)

    module_generator_class = available_mod_gens[module_syntax]
    return module_generator_class(app, fake=fake)
Example #9
    def check_toy(self, installpath, outtxt, version="0.0", versionprefix="", versionsuffix=""):
        """Check whether toy build succeeded."""

        full_version = "".join([versionprefix, version, versionsuffix])

        # check for success
        success = re.compile("COMPLETED: Installation ended successfully")
        self.assertTrue(success.search(outtxt), "COMPLETED message found in '%s" % outtxt)

        # if the module exists, it should be fine
        toy_module = os.path.join(installpath, "modules", "all", "toy", full_version)
        msg = "module for toy build toy/%s found (path %s)" % (full_version, toy_module)
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module += ".lua"
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(toy_module), msg)

        # module file is symlinked according to moduleclass
        toy_module_symlink = os.path.join(installpath, "modules", "tools", "toy", full_version)
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module_symlink += ".lua"

        # make sure installation log file and easyconfig file are copied to install dir
        software_path = os.path.join(installpath, "software", "toy", full_version)
        install_log_path_pattern = os.path.join(software_path, "easybuild", "easybuild-toy-%s*.log" % version)
        self.assertTrue(len(glob.glob(install_log_path_pattern)) == 1, "Found 1 file at %s" % install_log_path_pattern)

        # make sure test report is available
        test_report_path_pattern = os.path.join(software_path, "easybuild", "easybuild-toy-%s*test_report.md" % version)
        self.assertTrue(len(glob.glob(test_report_path_pattern)) == 1, "Found 1 file at %s" % test_report_path_pattern)

        ec_file_path = os.path.join(software_path, "easybuild", "toy-%s.eb" % full_version)

        devel_module_path = os.path.join(software_path, "easybuild", "toy-%s-easybuild-devel" % full_version)
    def test_make_module_req(self):
        """Testcase for make_module_req"""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            'toolchain = {"name":"dummy", "version": "dummy"}',
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = config.install_path()

        # create fake directories and files that should be guessed
        open(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'foo.jar'), 'w').write('foo.jar')
        open(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'bla.jar'), 'w').write('bla.jar')
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'bin'))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'share'))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'share', 'man'))
        # this is not a path that should be picked up
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'CPATH'))

        guess = eb.make_module_req()

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CLASSPATH\s+\$root/bla.jar$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CLASSPATH\s+\$root/foo.jar$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+MANPATH\s+\$root/share/man$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root/bin$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertFalse(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CPATH\s+.*$", guess, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CLASSPATH", pathJoin\(root, "bla.jar"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CLASSPATH", pathJoin\(root, "foo.jar"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("MANPATH", pathJoin\(root, "share/man"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertFalse(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CPATH", .*\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # check for behavior when a string value is used as dict value by make_module_req_guesses
        eb.make_module_req_guess = lambda: {'PATH': 'bin'}
        txt = eb.make_module_req()
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.match(r"^\nprepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root/bin\n$", txt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.match(r'^\nprepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)\n$', txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # check for correct behaviour if empty string is specified as one of the values
        # prepend-path statements should be included for both the 'bin' subdir and the install root
        eb.make_module_req_guess = lambda: {'PATH': ['bin', '']}
        txt = eb.make_module_req()
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"\nprepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root/bin\n", txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"\nprepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root\n", txt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'\nprepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)\n', txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'\nprepend_path\("PATH", root\)\n', txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # cleanup
Example #11
    def test_exclude_path_to_top_of_module_tree(self):
        Make sure that modules under the HierarchicalMNS are correct,
        w.r.t. not including any load statements for modules that build up the path to the top of the module tree.
        self.orig_module_naming_scheme = config.get_module_naming_scheme()
        test_ecs_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs',
        all_stops = [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()]
        build_options = {
            'check_osdeps': False,
            'robot_path': [test_ecs_path],
            'valid_stops': all_stops,
            'validate': False,
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME'] = 'HierarchicalMNS'

        intel_ver = '2013.5.192-GCC-4.8.3'
        impi_modfile_path = os.path.join('Compiler', 'intel', intel_ver,
                                         'impi', '')
        imkl_modfile_path = os.path.join('MPI', 'intel', intel_ver, 'impi',
                                         '', 'imkl', '')
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            impi_modfile_path += '.lua'
            imkl_modfile_path += '.lua'

        # example: for imkl on top of iimpi toolchain with HierarchicalMNS, no module load statements should be included
        # not for the toolchain or any of the toolchain components,
        # since both icc/ifort and impi form the path to the top of the module tree
        iccifort_mods = ['icc', 'ifort', 'iccifort']
        tests = [
             impi_modfile_path, iccifort_mods),
             imkl_modfile_path, iccifort_mods + ['iimpi', 'impi']),
        for ec_file, modfile_path, excluded_deps in tests:
            ec = EasyConfig(os.path.join(test_ecs_path, ec_file))
            eb = EasyBlock(ec)
            modpath = eb.make_module_step()
            modfile_path = os.path.join(modpath, modfile_path)
            modtxt = read_file(modfile_path)

            for dep in excluded_deps:
                tup = (dep, modfile_path, modtxt)
                failmsg = "No 'module load' statement found for '%s' not found in module %s: %s" % tup
                if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                    self.assertFalse(re.search('module load %s' % dep, modtxt),
                elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                    self.assertFalse(re.search('load("%s")' % dep, modtxt),
                        "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # modpath_extensions_for should spit out correct result, even if modules are loaded
        icc_mod = 'icc/%s' % intel_ver
        impi_mod = 'impi/'
        self.assertTrue(impi_modfile_path in self.modtool.show(impi_mod))
        expected = {
            icc_mod: [os.path.join(modpath, 'Compiler', 'intel', intel_ver)],
            impi_mod: [
                os.path.join(modpath, 'MPI', 'intel', intel_ver, 'impi',
            self.modtool.modpath_extensions_for([icc_mod, impi_mod]), expected)
def stage2(tmpdir, templates, install_path, distribute_egg_dir, sourcepath):
    """STAGE 2: install EasyBuild to temporary dir with EasyBuild from stage 1."""

    info("+++ STAGE 2: installing EasyBuild in %s with EasyBuild from stage 1...\n" % install_path)

    preinstallopts = ''

    if distribute_egg_dir is not None:
        # inject path to distribute installed in stage 0 into $PYTHONPATH via preinstallopts
        # other approaches are not reliable, since EasyBuildMeta easyblock unsets $PYTHONPATH;
        # this is required for the easy_install from stage 0 to work
        preinstallopts += "export PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH && " % distribute_egg_dir

        # ensure that (latest) setuptools is installed as well alongside EasyBuild,
        # since it is a required runtime dependency for recent vsc-base and EasyBuild versions
        # this is necessary since we provide our own distribute installation during the bootstrap (cfr. stage0)
        preinstallopts += "%s -m easy_install -U --prefix %%(installdir)s setuptools && " % sys.executable

    # vsc-install is a runtime dependency for the EasyBuild unit test suite,
    # and is easily picked up from stage1 rather than being actually installed, so force it
    vsc_install = 'vsc-install'
    if sourcepath:
        vsc_install_tarball_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourcepath, 'vsc-install*.tar.gz'))
        if len(vsc_install_tarball_paths) == 1:
            vsc_install = vsc_install_tarball_paths[0]
    preinstallopts += "%s -m easy_install -U --prefix %%(installdir)s %s && " % (sys.executable, vsc_install)

        'preinstallopts': preinstallopts,

    # determine PyPI URLs for individual packages
    pkg_urls = []
    for pkg in EASYBUILD_PACKAGES:
        # format of pkg entries in templates: "'<pkg_filename>',"
        pkg_filename = templates[pkg][1:-2]

        # the lines below implement a simplified version of the 'pypi_source_urls' and 'derive_alt_pypi_url' functions,
        # which we can't leverage here, partially because of transitional changes in PyPI (#md5= -> #sha256=)

        # determine download URL via PyPI's 'simple' API
        pkg_simple = None
            pkg_simple = urllib2.urlopen('https://pypi.python.org/simple/%s' % pkg, timeout=10).read()
        except (urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError) as err:
            # failing to figure out the package download URl may be OK when source tarballs are provided
            if sourcepath:
                info("Ignoring failed attempt to determine '%s' download URL since source tarballs are provided" % pkg)
                raise err

        if pkg_simple:
            pkg_url_part_regex = re.compile('/(packages/[^#]+)/%s#' % pkg_filename)
            res = pkg_url_part_regex.search(pkg_simple)
            if res:
                pkg_url_part = res.group(1)
                error("Failed to determine PyPI package URL for %s: %s\n" % (pkg, pkg_simple))

            pkg_url = 'https://pypi.python.org/' + pkg_url_part

        'source_urls': '\n'.join(["'%s'," % pkg_url for pkg_url in pkg_urls]),
        'sources': "%(vsc-install)s%(vsc-base)s%(easybuild-framework)s%(easybuild-easyblocks)s%(easybuild-easyconfigs)s" % templates,
        'pythonpath': distribute_egg_dir,

    # create easyconfig file
    ebfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'EasyBuild-%s.eb' % templates['version'])
    handle = open(ebfile, 'w')
    ebfile_txt = EASYBUILD_EASYCONFIG_TEMPLATE % templates
    debug("Contents of generated easyconfig file:\n%s" % ebfile_txt)

    # set command line arguments for eb
    eb_args = ['eb', ebfile, '--allow-modules-tool-mismatch']
    if print_debug:
        eb_args.extend(['--debug', '--logtostdout'])
    if forced_install:
        info("Performing FORCED installation, as requested...")

    # make sure we don't leave any stuff behind in default path $HOME/.local/easybuild
    # and set build and install path explicitely
    if LooseVersion(templates['version']) < LooseVersion('1.3.0'):
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_PREFIX'] = tmpdir
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH'] = tmpdir
        if install_path is not None:
            os.environ['EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH'] = install_path
        # only for v1.3 and up
        eb_args.append('--prefix=%s' % tmpdir)
        eb_args.append('--buildpath=%s' % tmpdir)
        if install_path is not None:
            eb_args.append('--installpath=%s' % install_path)
        if sourcepath is not None:
            eb_args.append('--sourcepath=%s' % sourcepath)

    # make sure parent modules path already exists (Lmod trips over a non-existing entry in $MODULEPATH)
    if install_path is not None:
        modules_path = det_modules_path(install_path)
        if not os.path.exists(modules_path):
        debug("Created path %s" % modules_path)

    debug("Running EasyBuild with arguments '%s'" % ' '.join(eb_args))
    sys.argv = eb_args

    # location to 'eb' command (from stage 1) may be expected to be included in $PATH
    # it usually is there after stage1, unless 'prep' is called again with another location
    # (only when stage 0 is not skipped)
    # cfr. https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2279
    curr_path = [x for x in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) if len(x) > 0]
    os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([os.path.join(tmpdir, STAGE1_SUBDIR, 'bin')] + curr_path)
    debug("$PATH: %s" % os.environ['PATH'])

    # install EasyBuild with EasyBuild
    from easybuild.main import main as easybuild_main

    if print_debug:
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_DEBUG'] = '1'

    # make sure the EasyBuild module was actually installed
    # EasyBuild configuration options that are picked up from configuration files/environment may break the bootstrap,
    # for example by having $EASYBUILD_VERSION defined or via a configuration file specifies a value for 'stop'...
    from easybuild.tools.config import build_option, install_path, get_module_syntax
    from easybuild.framework.easyconfig.easyconfig import ActiveMNS
    eb_spec = {
        'name': 'EasyBuild',
        'hidden': False,
        'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'},
        'version': templates['version'],
        'versionprefix': '',
        'versionsuffix': '',
        'moduleclass': 'tools',

    mod_path = os.path.join(install_path('mod'), build_option('suffix_modules_path'))
    debug("EasyBuild module should have been installed to %s" % mod_path)

    eb_mod_name = ActiveMNS().det_full_module_name(eb_spec)
    debug("EasyBuild module name: %s" % eb_mod_name)

    eb_mod_path = os.path.join(mod_path, eb_mod_name)
    if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
        eb_mod_path += '.lua'

    if os.path.exists(eb_mod_path):
        info("EasyBuild module installed: %s" % eb_mod_path)
        error("EasyBuild module not found at %s, define $EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG to debug" % eb_mod_path)
Example #13
    def test_toy_module_fulltxt(self):
        """Strict text comparison of generated module file."""

        toy_module = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, "modules", "all", "toy", "0.0-tweaked")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module += ".lua"
        toy_mod_txt = read_file(toy_module)

        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            mod_txt_regex_pattern = "\n".join(
                    r"help\(\[\[Toy C program. - Homepage: http://hpcugent.github.com/easybuild\]\]\)",
                    r"whatis\(\[\[Name: toy\]\]\)",
                    r"whatis\(\[\[Version: 0.0\]\]\)",
                    r"whatis\(\[\[Description: Toy C program. - Homepage: http://hpcugent.github.com/easybuild\]\]\)",
                    r"whatis\(\[\[Homepage: http://hpcugent.github.com/easybuild\]\]\)",
                    r'local root = "%s/software/toy/0.0-tweaked"' % self.test_installpath,
                    r'prepend_path\("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin\(root, "lib"\)\)',
                    r'prepend_path\("LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin\(root, "lib"\)\)',
                    r'prepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)',
                    r'setenv\("EBROOTTOY", root\)',
                    r'setenv\("EBVERSIONTOY", "0.0"\)',
                    r'setenv\("EBDEVELTOY", pathJoin\(root, "easybuild/toy-0.0-tweaked-easybuild-devel"\)\)',
                    r'setenv\("FOO", "bar"\)',
                    r'prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", pathJoin\(root, "foo/bar"\)\)',
                    r'prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", pathJoin\(root, "baz"\)\)',
                    r'prepend_path\("SOMEPATH", root\)',
                    r'if mode\(\) == "load" then',
                    r'    io.stderr:write\("THANKS FOR LOADING ME, I AM toy v0.0"\)',
                    r'io.stderr:write\("oh hai\!"\)',
                    r"-- Built with EasyBuild version .*$",
        elif get_module_syntax() == "Tcl":
            mod_txt_regex_pattern = "\n".join(
                    r"proc ModulesHelp { } {",
                    r"    puts stderr { Toy C program. - Homepage: http://hpcugent.github.com/easybuild",
                    r"    }",
                    r"module-whatis {Description: Toy C program. - Homepage: http://hpcugent.github.com/easybuild}",
                    r"set root %s/software/toy/0.0-tweaked" % self.test_installpath,
                    r"conflict toy",
                    r"prepend-path	LD_LIBRARY_PATH		\$root/lib",
                    r"prepend-path	LIBRARY_PATH		\$root/lib",
                    r"prepend-path	PATH		\$root/bin",
                    r'setenv	EBROOTTOY		"\$root"',
                    r'setenv	EBVERSIONTOY		"0.0"',
                    r'setenv	EBDEVELTOY		"\$root/easybuild/toy-0.0-tweaked-easybuild-devel"',
                    r'setenv	FOO		"bar"',
                    r"prepend-path	SOMEPATH		\$root/foo/bar",
                    r"prepend-path	SOMEPATH		\$root/baz",
                    r"prepend-path	SOMEPATH		\$root",
                    r"if { \[ module-info mode load \] } {",
                    r'    puts stderr "THANKS FOR LOADING ME, I AM toy v0.0"',
                    r'puts stderr "oh hai\!"',
                    r"# Built with EasyBuild version .*$",
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        mod_txt_regex = re.compile(mod_txt_regex_pattern)
        msg = "Pattern '%s' matches with: %s" % (mod_txt_regex.pattern, toy_mod_txt)
        self.assertTrue(mod_txt_regex.match(toy_mod_txt), msg)
Example #14
def stage2(tmpdir, templates, install_path, distribute_egg_dir, sourcepath):
    """STAGE 2: install EasyBuild to temporary dir with EasyBuild from stage 1."""

        "+++ STAGE 2: installing EasyBuild in %s with EasyBuild from stage 1...\n"
        % install_path)

    preinstallopts = ''

    if distribute_egg_dir is not None:
        # inject path to distribute installed in stage 0 into $PYTHONPATH via preinstallopts
        # other approaches are not reliable, since EasyBuildMeta easyblock unsets $PYTHONPATH;
        # this is required for the easy_install from stage 0 to work
        preinstallopts += "export PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH && " % distribute_egg_dir

        # ensure that (latest) setuptools is installed as well alongside EasyBuild,
        # since it is a required runtime dependency for recent vsc-base and EasyBuild versions
        # this is necessary since we provide our own distribute installation during the bootstrap (cfr. stage0)
        preinstallopts += "%s -m easy_install -U --prefix %%(installdir)s setuptools && " % sys.executable

    # vsc-install is a runtime dependency for the EasyBuild unit test suite,
    # and is easily picked up from stage1 rather than being actually installed, so force it
    vsc_install = "'%s<0.11.4'" % VSC_INSTALL
    if sourcepath:
        vsc_install_tarball_paths = glob.glob(
            os.path.join(sourcepath, 'vsc-install*.tar.gz'))
        if len(vsc_install_tarball_paths) == 1:
            vsc_install = vsc_install_tarball_paths[0]
    preinstallopts += "%s -m easy_install -U --prefix %%(installdir)s %s && " % (
        sys.executable, vsc_install)

        'preinstallopts': preinstallopts,

    # determine PyPI URLs for individual packages
    pkg_urls = []
    for pkg in EASYBUILD_PACKAGES:
        # format of pkg entries in templates: "'<pkg_filename>',"
        pkg_filename = templates[pkg][1:-2]

        # the lines below implement a simplified version of the 'pypi_source_urls' and 'derive_alt_pypi_url' functions,
        # which we can't leverage here, partially because of transitional changes in PyPI (#md5= -> #sha256=)

        # determine download URL via PyPI's 'simple' API
        pkg_simple = None
            pkg_simple = urllib2.urlopen('https://pypi.python.org/simple/%s' %
        except (urllib2.URLError, urllib2.HTTPError) as err:
            # failing to figure out the package download URl may be OK when source tarballs are provided
            if sourcepath:
                    "Ignoring failed attempt to determine '%s' download URL since source tarballs are provided"
                    % pkg)
                raise err

        if pkg_simple:
            pkg_url_part_regex = re.compile('/(packages/[^#]+)/%s#' %
            res = pkg_url_part_regex.search(pkg_simple)
            if res:
                pkg_url_part = res.group(1)
                error("Failed to determine PyPI package URL for %s: %s\n" %
                      (pkg, pkg_simple))

            pkg_url = 'https://pypi.python.org/' + pkg_url_part

        '\n'.join(["'%s'," % pkg_url for pkg_url in pkg_urls]),
        % templates,

    # create easyconfig file
    ebfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'EasyBuild-%s.eb' % templates['version'])
    handle = open(ebfile, 'w')
    ebfile_txt = EASYBUILD_EASYCONFIG_TEMPLATE % templates
    debug("Contents of generated easyconfig file:\n%s" % ebfile_txt)

    # set command line arguments for eb
    eb_args = ['eb', ebfile, '--allow-modules-tool-mismatch']
    if print_debug:
        eb_args.extend(['--debug', '--logtostdout'])
    if forced_install:
        info("Performing FORCED installation, as requested...")

    # make sure we don't leave any stuff behind in default path $HOME/.local/easybuild
    # and set build and install path explicitely
    if LooseVersion(templates['version']) < LooseVersion('1.3.0'):
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_PREFIX'] = tmpdir
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH'] = tmpdir
        if install_path is not None:
            os.environ['EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH'] = install_path
        # only for v1.3 and up
        eb_args.append('--prefix=%s' % tmpdir)
        eb_args.append('--buildpath=%s' % tmpdir)
        if install_path is not None:
            eb_args.append('--installpath=%s' % install_path)
        if sourcepath is not None:
            eb_args.append('--sourcepath=%s' % sourcepath)

    # make sure parent modules path already exists (Lmod trips over a non-existing entry in $MODULEPATH)
    if install_path is not None:
        modules_path = det_modules_path(install_path)
        if not os.path.exists(modules_path):
        debug("Created path %s" % modules_path)

    debug("Running EasyBuild with arguments '%s'" % ' '.join(eb_args))
    sys.argv = eb_args

    # location to 'eb' command (from stage 1) may be expected to be included in $PATH
    # it usually is there after stage1, unless 'prep' is called again with another location
    # (only when stage 0 is not skipped)
    # cfr. https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2279
    curr_path = [
        x for x in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) if len(x) > 0
    os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(
        [os.path.join(tmpdir, STAGE1_SUBDIR, 'bin')] + curr_path)
    debug("$PATH: %s" % os.environ['PATH'])

    # install EasyBuild with EasyBuild
    from easybuild.main import main as easybuild_main

    if print_debug:
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_DEBUG'] = '1'

    # make sure the EasyBuild module was actually installed
    # EasyBuild configuration options that are picked up from configuration files/environment may break the bootstrap,
    # for example by having $EASYBUILD_VERSION defined or via a configuration file specifies a value for 'stop'...
    from easybuild.tools.config import build_option, install_path, get_module_syntax
    from easybuild.framework.easyconfig.easyconfig import ActiveMNS
    eb_spec = {
        'name': 'EasyBuild',
        'hidden': False,
        'toolchain': {
            'name': 'dummy',
            'version': 'dummy'
        'version': templates['version'],
        'versionprefix': '',
        'versionsuffix': '',
        'moduleclass': 'tools',

    mod_path = os.path.join(install_path('mod'),
    debug("EasyBuild module should have been installed to %s" % mod_path)

    eb_mod_name = ActiveMNS().det_full_module_name(eb_spec)
    debug("EasyBuild module name: %s" % eb_mod_name)

    eb_mod_path = os.path.join(mod_path, eb_mod_name)
    if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
        eb_mod_path += '.lua'

    if os.path.exists(eb_mod_path):
        info("EasyBuild module installed: %s" % eb_mod_path)
            "EasyBuild module not found at %s, define $EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG to debug"
            % eb_mod_path)
Example #15
    def test_make_module_req(self):
        """Testcase for make_module_req"""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            'toolchain = {"name":"dummy", "version": "dummy"}',
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = config.install_path()

        # create fake directories and files that should be guessed
        open(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'foo.jar'), 'w').write('foo.jar')
        open(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'bla.jar'), 'w').write('bla.jar')
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'bin'))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'share'))
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'share', 'man'))
        # this is not a path that should be picked up
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(eb.installdir, 'CPATH'))

        guess = eb.make_module_req()

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CLASSPATH\s+\$root/bla.jar$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CLASSPATH\s+\$root/foo.jar$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+MANPATH\s+\$root/share/man$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root/bin$", guess, re.M))
            self.assertFalse(re.search(r"^prepend-path\s+CPATH\s+.*$", guess, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CLASSPATH", pathJoin\(root, "bla.jar"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CLASSPATH", pathJoin\(root, "foo.jar"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("MANPATH", pathJoin\(root, "share/man"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertFalse(re.search(r'^prepend_path\("CPATH", .*\)$', guess, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # check for behavior when a string value is used as dict value by make_module_req_guesses
        eb.make_module_req_guess = lambda: {'PATH': 'bin'}
        txt = eb.make_module_req()
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.match(r"^\nprepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root/bin\n$", txt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.match(r'^\nprepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)\n$', txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # check for correct behaviour if empty string is specified as one of the values
        # prepend-path statements should be included for both the 'bin' subdir and the install root
        eb.make_module_req_guess = lambda: {'PATH': ['bin', '']}
        txt = eb.make_module_req()
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"\nprepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root/bin\n", txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"\nprepend-path\s+PATH\s+\$root\n", txt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'\nprepend_path\("PATH", pathJoin\(root, "bin"\)\)\n', txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'\nprepend_path\("PATH", root\)\n', txt, re.M))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # cleanup
Example #16
    def test_make_module_step(self):
        """Test the make_module_step"""
        name = "pi"
        version = "3.14"
        deps = [('GCC', '4.6.4')]
        modextravars = {'PI': '3.1415', 'FOO': 'bar'}
        modextrapaths = {'PATH': 'pibin', 'CPATH': 'pi/include'}
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "%s"' % name,
            'version = "%s"' % version,
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            "toolchain = {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}",
            "dependencies = [('GCC', '4.6.4'), ('toy', '0.0-deps')]",
            "builddependencies = [('OpenMPI', '1.6.4-GCC-4.6.4')]",
            # hidden deps must be included in list of (build)deps
            "hiddendependencies = [('toy', '0.0-deps'), ('OpenMPI', '1.6.4-GCC-4.6.4')]",
            "modextravars = %s" % str(modextravars),
            "modextrapaths = %s" % str(modextrapaths),

        test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = os.path.join(test_dir, 'modules')

        # test if module is generated correctly
        ec = EasyConfig(self.eb_file)
        eb = EasyBlock(ec)
        eb.installdir = os.path.join(config.install_path(), 'pi', '3.14')

        modpath = os.path.join(eb.make_module_step(), name, version)
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            modpath += '.lua'
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(modpath), "%s exists" % modpath)

        # verify contents of module
        txt = read_file(modpath)
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^#%Module", txt.split('\n')[0]))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^conflict\s+%s$" % name, txt, re.M))

                re.search(r"^set\s+root\s+%s$" % eb.installdir, txt, re.M))
            ebroot_regex = re.compile(
                r'^setenv\s+EBROOT%s\s+"\$root"\s*$' % name.upper(), re.M)
                            "%s in %s" % (ebroot_regex.pattern, txt))
                    r'^setenv\s+EBVERSION%s\s+"%s"$' % (name.upper(), version),
                    txt, re.M))

        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            ebroot_regex = re.compile(
                r'^setenv\("EBROOT%s", root\)$' % name.upper(), re.M)
                            "%s in %s" % (ebroot_regex.pattern, txt))
                    r'^setenv\("EBVERSION%s", "%s"\)$' %
                    (name.upper(), version), txt, re.M))

                            "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        for (key, val) in modextravars.items():
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(r'^setenv\s+%s\s+"%s"$' % (key, val), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^setenv\("%s", "%s"\)$' % (key, val),
                    False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
                            "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (key, val) in modextrapaths.items():
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(
                    r'^prepend-path\s+%s\s+\$root/%s$' % (key, val), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(
                    r'^prepend_path\("%s", pathJoin\(root, "%s"\)\)$' %
                    (key, val), re.M)
                    False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
                            "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (name, ver) in [('GCC', '4.6.4')]:
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(
                    r'^\s*module load %s\s*$' % os.path.join(name, ver), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(
                    r'^\s*load\("%s"\)$' % os.path.join(name, ver), re.M)
                    False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
                            "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (name, ver) in [('toy', '0.0-deps')]:
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*module load %s/.%s\s*$' % (name, ver),
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*load\("%s/.%s"\)$' % (name, ver),
                    False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
                            "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (name, ver) in [('OpenMPI', '1.6.4-GCC-4.6.4')]:
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(
                    r'^\s*module load %s/.?%s\s*$' % (name, ver), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*load\("%s/.?%s"\)$' % (name, ver),
                    False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
                "Pattern '%s' *not* found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))
    def test_make_module_step(self):
        """Test the make_module_step"""
        name = "pi"
        version = "3.14"
        deps = [('GCC', '4.6.4')]
        modextravars = {'PI': '3.1415', 'FOO': 'bar'}
        modextrapaths = {'PATH': 'pibin', 'CPATH': 'pi/include'}
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "%s"' % name,
            'version = "%s"' % version,
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            "toolchain = {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}",
            "dependencies = [('GCC', '4.6.4'), ('toy', '0.0-deps')]",
            "builddependencies = [('OpenMPI', '1.6.4-GCC-4.6.4')]",
            # hidden deps must be included in list of (build)deps
            "hiddendependencies = [('toy', '0.0-deps'), ('OpenMPI', '1.6.4-GCC-4.6.4')]",
            "modextravars = %s" % str(modextravars),
            "modextrapaths = %s" % str(modextrapaths),

        test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = os.path.join(test_dir, 'modules')

        # test if module is generated correctly
        ec = EasyConfig(self.eb_file)
        eb = EasyBlock(ec)
        eb.installdir = os.path.join(config.install_path(), 'pi', '3.14')

        modpath = os.path.join(eb.make_module_step(), name, version)
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            modpath += '.lua'
        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(modpath), "%s exists" % modpath)

        # verify contents of module
        txt = read_file(modpath)
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^#%Module", txt.split('\n')[0]))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^conflict\s+%s$" % name, txt, re.M))

            self.assertTrue(re.search(r"^set\s+root\s+%s$" % eb.installdir, txt, re.M))
            ebroot_regex = re.compile(r'^setenv\s+EBROOT%s\s+"\$root"\s*$' % name.upper(), re.M)
            self.assertTrue(ebroot_regex.search(txt), "%s in %s" % (ebroot_regex.pattern, txt))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^setenv\s+EBVERSION%s\s+"%s"$' % (name.upper(), version), txt, re.M))

        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            ebroot_regex = re.compile(r'^setenv\("EBROOT%s", root\)$' % name.upper(), re.M)
            self.assertTrue(ebroot_regex.search(txt), "%s in %s" % (ebroot_regex.pattern, txt))
            self.assertTrue(re.search(r'^setenv\("EBVERSION%s", "%s"\)$' % (name.upper(), version), txt, re.M))

            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        for (key, val) in modextravars.items():
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(r'^setenv\s+%s\s+"%s"$' % (key, val), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^setenv\("%s", "%s"\)$' % (key, val), re.M)
                self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(txt), "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (key, val) in modextrapaths.items():
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(r'^prepend-path\s+%s\s+\$root/%s$' % (key, val), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^prepend_path\("%s", pathJoin\(root, "%s"\)\)$' % (key, val), re.M)
                self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(txt), "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (name, ver) in [('GCC', '4.6.4')]:
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*module load %s\s*$' % os.path.join(name, ver), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*load\("%s"\)$' % os.path.join(name, ver), re.M)
                self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(txt), "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (name, ver) in [('toy', '0.0-deps')]:
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*module load %s/.%s\s*$' % (name, ver), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*load\("%s/.%s"\)$' % (name, ver), re.M)
                self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(txt), "Pattern %s found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))

        for (name, ver) in [('OpenMPI', '1.6.4-GCC-4.6.4')]:
            if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*module load %s/.?%s\s*$' % (name, ver), re.M)
            elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
                regex = re.compile(r'^\s*load\("%s/.?%s"\)$' % (name, ver), re.M)
                self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
            self.assertFalse(regex.search(txt), "Pattern '%s' *not* found in %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))
Example #18
    def test_make_module_dep(self):
        """Test for make_module_dep"""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            "toolchain = {'name': 'gompi', 'version': '1.1.0-no-OFED'}",
            'dependencies = [',
            "   ('FFTW', '3.3.1'),",
            "   ('LAPACK', '3.4.0'),",
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        eb.installdir = os.path.join(config.install_path(), 'pi', '3.14')

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            tc_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module load gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED",
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module load FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED",
            lapack_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module load LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED",
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            tc_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    load("gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    load("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            lapack_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    load("LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        expected = tc_load + '\n\n' + fftw_load + '\n\n' + lapack_load
        self.assertEqual(eb.make_module_dep().strip(), expected)

        # provide swap info for FFTW to trigger an extra 'unload FFTW'
        unload_info = {
            'FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED': 'FFTW',

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module unload FFTW",
                "    module load FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED",
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    unload("FFTW")',
                '    load("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
        expected = tc_load + '\n\n' + fftw_load + '\n\n' + lapack_load
        self.assertEqual(eb.make_module_dep(unload_info=unload_info).strip(), expected)
Example #19
def stage2(tmpdir, templates, install_path, distribute_egg_dir, sourcepath):
    """STAGE 2: install EasyBuild to temporary dir with EasyBuild from stage 1."""

    info("+++ STAGE 2: installing EasyBuild in %s with EasyBuild from stage 1...\n" % install_path)

    preinstallopts = ''

    if distribute_egg_dir is not None:
        # inject path to distribute installed in stage 1 into $PYTHONPATH via preinstallopts
        # other approaches are not reliable, since EasyBuildMeta easyblock unsets $PYTHONPATH;
        # this is required for the easy_install from stage 1 to work
        preinstallopts += "export PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH && " % distribute_egg_dir

        # ensure that (latest) setuptools is installed as well alongside EasyBuild,
        # since it is a required runtime dependency for recent vsc-base and EasyBuild versions
        # this is necessary since we provide our own distribute installation during the bootstrap (cfr. stage0)
        preinstallopts += "%s $(which easy_install) -U --prefix %%(installdir)s setuptools && " % sys.executable

    # vsc-install is a runtime dependency for the EasyBuild unit test suite,
    # and is easily picked up from stage1 rather than being actually installed, so force it
    vsc_install = 'vsc-install'
    if sourcepath:
        vsc_install_tarball_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourcepath, 'vsc-install*.tar.gz'))
        if len(vsc_install_tarball_paths) == 1:
            vsc_install = vsc_install_tarball_paths[0]
    preinstallopts += "%s $(which easy_install) -U --prefix %%(installdir)s %s && " % (sys.executable, vsc_install)

        'preinstallopts': preinstallopts,

    # create easyconfig file
    ebfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'EasyBuild-%s.eb' % templates['version'])
    handle = open(ebfile, 'w')
        'source_urls': '\n'.join(["'%s/%s/%s'," % (PYPI_SOURCE_URL, pkg[0], pkg) for pkg in EASYBUILD_PACKAGES]),
        'sources': "%(vsc-install)s%(vsc-base)s%(easybuild-framework)s%(easybuild-easyblocks)s%(easybuild-easyconfigs)s" % templates,
        'pythonpath': distribute_egg_dir,
    handle.write(EASYBUILD_EASYCONFIG_TEMPLATE % templates)

    # set command line arguments for eb
    eb_args = ['eb', ebfile, '--allow-modules-tool-mismatch']
    if print_debug:
        eb_args.extend(['--debug', '--logtostdout'])
    if forced_install:
        info("Performing FORCED installation, as requested...")

    # make sure we don't leave any stuff behind in default path $HOME/.local/easybuild
    # and set build and install path explicitely
    if LooseVersion(templates['version']) < LooseVersion('1.3.0'):
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_PREFIX'] = tmpdir
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH'] = tmpdir
        if install_path is not None:
            os.environ['EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH'] = install_path
        # only for v1.3 and up
        eb_args.append('--prefix=%s' % tmpdir)
        eb_args.append('--buildpath=%s' % tmpdir)
        if install_path is not None:
            eb_args.append('--installpath=%s' % install_path)
        if sourcepath is not None:
            eb_args.append('--sourcepath=%s' % sourcepath)

    # make sure parent modules path already exists (Lmod trips over a non-existing entry in $MODULEPATH)
    if install_path is not None:
        modules_path = det_modules_path(install_path)
        if not os.path.exists(modules_path):
        debug("Created path %s" % modules_path)

    debug("Running EasyBuild with arguments '%s'" % ' '.join(eb_args))
    sys.argv = eb_args

    # location to 'eb' command (from stage 1) may be expected to be included in $PATH
    # it usually is there after stage1, unless 'prep' is called again with another location
    # (only when stage 0 is not skipped)
    # cfr. https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2279
    curr_path = [x for x in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) if len(x) > 0]
    os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([os.path.join(tmpdir, STAGE1_SUBDIR, 'bin')] + curr_path)
    debug("$PATH: %s" % os.environ['PATH'])

    # install EasyBuild with EasyBuild
    from easybuild.main import main as easybuild_main

    # make sure the EasyBuild module was actually installed
    # EasyBuild configuration options that are picked up from configuration files/environment may break the bootstrap,
    # for example by having $EASYBUILD_VERSION defined or via a configuration file specifies a value for 'stop'...
    from easybuild.tools.config import build_option, install_path, get_module_syntax
    from easybuild.framework.easyconfig.easyconfig import ActiveMNS
    eb_spec = {
        'name': 'EasyBuild',
        'hidden': False,
        'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'},
        'version': templates['version'],
        'versionprefix': '',
        'versionsuffix': '',
        'moduleclass': 'tools',

    mod_path = os.path.join(install_path('mod'), build_option('suffix_modules_path'))
    debug("EasyBuild module should have been installed to %s" % mod_path)

    eb_mod_name = ActiveMNS().det_full_module_name(eb_spec)
    debug("EasyBuild module name: %s" % eb_mod_name)

    eb_mod_path = os.path.join(mod_path, eb_mod_name)
    if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
        eb_mod_path += '.lua'

    if os.path.exists(eb_mod_path):
        info("EasyBuild module installed: %s" % eb_mod_path)
        error("EasyBuild module not found at %s, define $EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG to debug" % eb_mod_path)
    def test_make_module_dep(self):
        """Test for make_module_dep"""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            "toolchain = {'name': 'gompi', 'version': '1.1.0-no-OFED'}",
            'dependencies = [',
            "   ('FFTW', '3.3.1'),",
            "   ('LAPACK', '3.4.0'),",
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        eb.installdir = os.path.join(config.install_path(), 'pi', '3.14')

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            tc_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module load gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED",
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module load FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED",
            lapack_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module load LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED",
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            tc_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    load("gompi/1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    load("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            lapack_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    load("LAPACK/3.4.0-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        expected = tc_load + '\n\n' + fftw_load + '\n\n' + lapack_load
        self.assertEqual(eb.make_module_dep().strip(), expected)

        # provide swap info for FFTW to trigger an extra 'unload FFTW'
        unload_info = {
            'FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED': 'FFTW',

        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                "if { ![ is-loaded FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED ] } {",
                "    module unload FFTW",
                "    module load FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED",
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            fftw_load = '\n'.join([
                'if not isloaded("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED") then',
                '    unload("FFTW")',
                '    load("FFTW/3.3.1-gompi-1.1.0-no-OFED")',
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
        expected = tc_load + '\n\n' + fftw_load + '\n\n' + lapack_load
        self.assertEqual(eb.make_module_dep(unload_info=unload_info).strip(), expected)
Example #21
    def test_toy_permissions(self):
        """Test toy build with custom umask settings."""
        toy_ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "easyconfigs", "toy-0.0.eb")
        args = [
            "--sourcepath=%s" % self.test_sourcepath,
            "--buildpath=%s" % self.test_buildpath,
            "--installpath=%s" % self.test_installpath,
            "--unittest-file=%s" % self.logfile,

        # set umask hard to verify default reliably
        orig_umask = os.umask(0022)

        # test specifying a non-existing group
        allargs = [toy_ec_file] + args + ["--group=thisgroupdoesnotexist"]
        outtxt, err = self.eb_main(allargs, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, return_error=True)
        err_regex = re.compile("Failed to get group ID .* group does not exist")
        self.assertTrue(err_regex.search(outtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in '%s'" % (err_regex.pattern, outtxt))

        # determine current group name (at least we can use that)
        gid = os.getgid()
        curr_grp = grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name

        for umask, cfg_group, ec_group, dir_perms, fil_perms, bin_perms in [
            (None, None, None, 0755, 0644, 0755),  # default: inherit session umask
            (None, None, curr_grp, 0750, 0640, 0750),  # default umask, but with specified group in ec
            (None, curr_grp, None, 0750, 0640, 0750),  # default umask, but with specified group in cfg
            (None, "notagrp", curr_grp, 0750, 0640, 0750),  # default umask, but with specified group in both cfg and ec
            ("000", None, None, 0777, 0666, 0777),  # stupid empty umask
            ("032", None, None, 0745, 0644, 0745),  # no write/execute for group, no write for other
            ("030", None, curr_grp, 0740, 0640, 0740),  # no write for group, with specified group
            ("077", None, None, 0700, 0600, 0700),  # no access for other/group
            # empty the install directory, to ensure any created directories adher to the permissions

            if cfg_group is None and ec_group is None:
                allargs = [toy_ec_file]
            elif ec_group is not None:
                shutil.copy2(toy_ec_file, self.test_buildpath)
                tmp_ec_file = os.path.join(self.test_buildpath, os.path.basename(toy_ec_file))
                write_file(tmp_ec_file, "\ngroup = '%s'" % ec_group, append=True)
                allargs = [tmp_ec_file]
            if umask is not None:
                allargs.append("--umask=%s" % umask)
            if cfg_group is not None:
                allargs.append("--group=%s" % cfg_group)
            outtxt = self.eb_main(allargs, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True)

            # verify that installation was correct
            self.check_toy(self.test_installpath, outtxt)

            # group specified in easyconfig overrules configured group
            group = cfg_group
            if ec_group is not None:
                group = ec_group

            # verify permissions
            paths_perms = [
                # no write permissions for group/other, regardless of umask
                (("software", "toy", "0.0"), dir_perms & ~0022),
                (("software", "toy", "0.0", "bin"), dir_perms & ~0022),
                (("software", "toy", "0.0", "bin", "toy"), bin_perms & ~0022),
            # only software subdirs are chmod'ed for 'protected' installs, so don't check those if a group is specified
            if group is None:
                        (("software",), dir_perms),
                        (("software", "toy"), dir_perms),
                        (("software", "toy", "0.0", "easybuild", "*.log"), fil_perms),
                        (("modules",), dir_perms),
                        (("modules", "all"), dir_perms),
                        (("modules", "all", "toy"), dir_perms),
                if get_module_syntax() == "Tcl":
                    paths_perms.append((("modules", "all", "toy", "0.0"), fil_perms))
                elif get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
                    paths_perms.append((("modules", "all", "toy", "0.0.lua"), fil_perms))

            for path, correct_perms in paths_perms:
                fullpath = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.test_installpath, *path))[0]
                perms = os.stat(fullpath).st_mode & 0777
                msg = "Path %s has %s permissions: %s" % (fullpath, oct(correct_perms), oct(perms))
                self.assertEqual(perms, correct_perms, msg)
                if group is not None:
                    path_gid = os.stat(fullpath).st_gid
                    self.assertEqual(path_gid, grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid)
Example #22
    def test_toy_hierarchical(self):
        """Test toy build under example hierarchical module naming scheme."""

        test_easyconfigs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "easyconfigs")
        mod_prefix = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, "modules", "all")

        args = [
            os.path.join(test_easyconfigs, "toy-0.0.eb"),
            "--sourcepath=%s" % self.test_sourcepath,
            "--buildpath=%s" % self.test_buildpath,
            "--installpath=%s" % self.test_installpath,
            "--unittest-file=%s" % self.logfile,
            "--robot=%s" % test_easyconfigs,

        # test module paths/contents with gompi build
        extra_args = ["--try-toolchain=goolf,1.4.10"]
        self.eb_main(args + extra_args, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)

        # make sure module file is installed in correct path
        toy_module_path = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "MPI", "GCC", "4.7.2", "OpenMPI", "1.6.4", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module_path += ".lua"

        # check that toolchain load is expanded to loads for toolchain dependencies,
        # except for the ones that extend $MODULEPATH to make the toy module available
        if get_module_syntax() == "Tcl":
            load_regex_template = "load %s"
        elif get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            load_regex_template = r'load\("%s/.*"\)'
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        modtxt = read_file(toy_module_path)
        for dep in ["goolf", "GCC", "OpenMPI"]:
            load_regex = re.compile(load_regex_template % dep)
            self.assertFalse(load_regex.search(modtxt), "Pattern '%s' not found in %s" % (load_regex.pattern, modtxt))
        for dep in ["OpenBLAS", "FFTW", "ScaLAPACK"]:
            load_regex = re.compile(load_regex_template % dep)
            self.assertTrue(load_regex.search(modtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in %s" % (load_regex.pattern, modtxt))


        # test module path with GCC/4.7.2 build
        extra_args = ["--try-toolchain=GCC,4.7.2"]
        self.eb_main(args + extra_args, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)

        # make sure module file is installed in correct path
        toy_module_path = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "Compiler", "GCC", "4.7.2", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module_path += ".lua"

        # no dependencies or toolchain => no module load statements in module file
        modtxt = read_file(toy_module_path)
        self.assertFalse(re.search("module load", modtxt))

        # test module path with GCC/4.7.2 build, pretend to be an MPI lib by setting moduleclass
        extra_args = ["--try-toolchain=GCC,4.7.2", "--try-amend=moduleclass=mpi"]
        self.eb_main(args + extra_args, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)

        # make sure module file is installed in correct path
        toy_module_path = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "Compiler", "GCC", "4.7.2", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module_path += ".lua"

        # 'module use' statements to extend $MODULEPATH are present
        modtxt = read_file(toy_module_path)
        modpath_extension = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "MPI", "GCC", "4.7.2", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Tcl":
            self.assertTrue(re.search("^module\s*use\s*%s" % modpath_extension, modtxt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            fullmodpath_extension = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, modpath_extension)
            regex = re.compile(r'^prepend_path\("MODULEPATH", "%s"\)' % fullmodpath_extension, re.M)
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(modtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in %s" % (regex.pattern, modtxt))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # ... unless they shouldn't be
        extra_args.append("--try-amend=include_modpath_extensions=")  # pass empty string as equivalent to False
        self.eb_main(args + extra_args, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)
        modtxt = read_file(toy_module_path)
        modpath_extension = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "MPI", "GCC", "4.7.2", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Tcl":
            self.assertFalse(re.search("^module\s*use\s*%s" % modpath_extension, modtxt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            fullmodpath_extension = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, modpath_extension)
            regex = re.compile(r'^prepend_path\("MODULEPATH", "%s"\)' % fullmodpath_extension, re.M)
            self.assertFalse(regex.search(modtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in %s" % (regex.pattern, modtxt))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # test module path with dummy/dummy build
        extra_args = ["--try-toolchain=dummy,dummy"]
        self.eb_main(args + extra_args, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)

        # make sure module file is installed in correct path
        toy_module_path = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "Core", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module_path += ".lua"

        # no dependencies or toolchain => no module load statements in module file
        modtxt = read_file(toy_module_path)
        self.assertFalse(re.search("module load", modtxt))

        # test module path with dummy/dummy build, pretend to be a compiler by setting moduleclass
        extra_args = ["--try-toolchain=dummy,dummy", "--try-amend=moduleclass=compiler"]
        self.eb_main(args + extra_args, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=True)

        # make sure module file is installed in correct path
        toy_module_path = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "Core", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            toy_module_path += ".lua"

        # no dependencies or toolchain => no module load statements in module file
        modtxt = read_file(toy_module_path)
        modpath_extension = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "Compiler", "toy", "0.0")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Tcl":
            self.assertTrue(re.search("^module\s*use\s*%s" % modpath_extension, modtxt, re.M))
        elif get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            fullmodpath_extension = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, modpath_extension)
            regex = re.compile(r'^prepend_path\("MODULEPATH", "%s"\)' % fullmodpath_extension, re.M)
            self.assertTrue(regex.search(modtxt), "Pattern '%s' found in %s" % (regex.pattern, modtxt))
            self.assertTrue(False, "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())

        # building a toolchain module should also work
        args[0] = os.path.join(test_easyconfigs, "gompi-1.4.10.eb")
        self.eb_main(args, logfile=self.dummylogfn, do_build=True, verbose=True, raise_error=False)
        gompi_module_path = os.path.join(mod_prefix, "Core", "gompi", "1.4.10")
        if get_module_syntax() == "Lua":
            gompi_module_path += ".lua"
Example #23
    def test_make_module_extend_modpath(self):
        """Test for make_module_extend_modpath"""
        self.contents = '\n'.join([
            'easyblock = "ConfigureMake"',
            'name = "pi"',
            'version = "3.14"',
            'homepage = "http://example.com"',
            'description = "test easyconfig"',
            'toolchain = {"name":"dummy", "version": "dummy"}',
            'moduleclass = "compiler"',
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = config.install_path()

        # no $MODULEPATH extensions for default module naming scheme (EasyBuildMNS)
        self.assertEqual(eb.make_module_extend_modpath(), '')

        usermodsdir = 'my/own/modules'
        modclasses = ['compiler', 'tools']
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_NAMING_SCHEME'] = 'CategorizedHMNS'
        build_options = {
            'subdir_user_modules': usermodsdir,
            'valid_module_classes': modclasses,
        eb = EasyBlock(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))
        eb.installdir = config.install_path()

        txt = eb.make_module_extend_modpath()
        if get_module_syntax() == 'Tcl':
            regexs = [
                r'^module use ".*/modules/all/Compiler/pi/3.14/%s"$' % c
                for c in modclasses
            home = r'\$env\(HOME\)'
                # extension for user modules is guarded
                r'if { \[ file isdirectory \[ file join %s "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14" \] \] } {$'
                % (home, usermodsdir),
                # no per-moduleclass extension for user modules
                r'^\s+module use \[ file join %s "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14"\ ]$' %
                (home, usermodsdir),
        elif get_module_syntax() == 'Lua':
            regexs = [
                r'^prepend_path\("MODULEPATH", ".*/modules/all/Compiler/pi/3.14/%s"\)$'
                % c for c in modclasses
            home = r'os.getenv\("HOME"\)'
                # extension for user modules is guarded
                r'if isDir\(pathJoin\(%s, "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14"\)\) then' %
                (home, usermodsdir),
                # no per-moduleclass extension for user modules
                r'\s+prepend_path\("MODULEPATH", pathJoin\(%s, "%s/Compiler/pi/3.14"\)\)'
                % (home, usermodsdir),
                            "Unknown module syntax: %s" % get_module_syntax())
        for regex in regexs:
            regex = re.compile(regex, re.M)
                            "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, txt))