def test_resolve_dependencies_existing_modules(self): """Test order in case modules already being available.""" def mkdepspec(name, version): """Create a dep spec with given name/version.""" dep = { 'name': name, 'version': version, 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, 'short_mod_name': '%s/%s' % (name, version), 'full_mod_name': '%s/%s' % (name, version), } return dep def mkspec(name, version, deps): """Create a spec with given name/version/deps.""" spec = { 'ec': { 'name': name, 'version': version, 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, }, 'spec': '_', 'short_mod_name': '%s/%s' % (name, version), 'full_mod_name': '%s/%s' % (name, version), 'dependencies': [], 'parsed': True, } for depname, depver in deps: spec['dependencies'].append(mkdepspec(depname, depver)) return spec ecs = [ mkspec('three', '3.0', [('twoone', '2.1'), ('one', '1.0')]), mkspec('four', '4.0', [('three', '3.0'), ('twoone', '2.1')]), mkspec('twoone', '2.1', [('one', '1.0'), ('two', '2.0')]), mkspec('two', '2.0', [('one', '1.0')]), mkspec('one', '1.0', []), ] expected = ['one/1.0', 'two/2.0', 'twoone/2.1', 'three/3.0', 'four/4.0'] # order is correct if modules are not available yet res = resolve_dependencies(ecs, self.modtool) self.assertEqual([x['full_mod_name'] for x in res], expected) # precreate matching modules modpath = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'modules') mods = ['four/4.0', 'one/1.0', 'three/3.0', 'two/2.0', 'twooone/2.1'] for mod in mods: write_file(os.path.join(modpath, mod), '#%Module\n') self.reset_modulepath([modpath]) # order is correct even if modules are already available res = resolve_dependencies(ecs, self.modtool) self.assertEqual([x['full_mod_name'] for x in res], expected)
def tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, targetdir=None): """Tweak list of easyconfigs according to provided build specifications.""" # make sure easyconfigs all feature the same toolchain (otherwise we *will* run into trouble) toolchains = nub(["%(name)s/%(version)s" % ec["ec"]["toolchain"] for ec in easyconfigs]) if len(toolchains) > 1: raise EasyBuildError( "Multiple toolchains featured in easyconfigs, --try-X not supported in that case: %s", toolchains ) if "name" in build_specs or "version" in build_specs: # no recursion if software name/version build specification are included # in that case, do not construct full dependency graph orig_ecs = easyconfigs _log.debug("Software name/version found, so not applying build specifications recursively: %s" % build_specs) else: # build specifications should be applied to the whole dependency graph # obtain full dependency graph for specified easyconfigs # easyconfigs will be ordered 'top-to-bottom': toolchain dependencies and toolchain first _log.debug("Applying build specifications recursively (no software name/version found): %s" % build_specs) orig_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, retain_all_deps=True) # keep track of originally listed easyconfigs (via their path) listed_ec_paths = [ec["spec"] for ec in easyconfigs] # obtain full dependency graph for specified easyconfigs # easyconfigs will be ordered 'top-to-bottom': toolchain dependencies and toolchain first orig_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, retain_all_deps=True) # determine toolchain based on last easyconfigs toolchain = orig_ecs[-1]["ec"]["toolchain"] _log.debug("Filtering using toolchain %s" % toolchain) # filter easyconfigs unless a dummy toolchain is used: drop toolchain and toolchain dependencies if toolchain["name"] != DUMMY_TOOLCHAIN_NAME: while orig_ecs[0]["ec"]["toolchain"] != toolchain: orig_ecs = orig_ecs[1:] # generate tweaked easyconfigs, and continue with those instead tweaked_easyconfigs = [] for orig_ec in orig_ecs: new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec["spec"], None, build_specs, targetdir=targetdir) # only return tweaked easyconfigs for easyconfigs which were listed originally # easyconfig files for dependencies are also generated but not included, and will be resolved via --robot if orig_ec["spec"] in listed_ec_paths: new_ecs = process_easyconfig(new_ec_file, build_specs=build_specs) tweaked_easyconfigs.extend(new_ecs) return tweaked_easyconfigs
def test_robot_archived_easyconfigs(self): """Test whether robot can pick up archived easyconfigs when asked.""" test_ecs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs') gzip_ec = os.path.join(test_ecs, 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.5-ictce-4.1.13.eb') gzip_ectxt = read_file(gzip_ec) test_ec = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.eb') tc_spec = "toolchain = {'name': 'ictce', 'version': '3.2.2.u3'}" regex = re.compile("^toolchain = .*", re.M) test_ectxt = regex.sub(tc_spec, gzip_ectxt) write_file(test_ec, test_ectxt) ecs, _ = parse_easyconfigs([(test_ec, False)]) self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, "Irresolvable dependencies encountered", resolve_dependencies, ecs, self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True) # --consider-archived-easyconfigs must be used to let robot pick up archived easyconfigs init_config(build_options={ 'consider_archived_easyconfigs': True, 'robot_path': [test_ecs], }) res = resolve_dependencies(ecs, self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual([ec['full_mod_name'] for ec in res], ['ictce/3.2.2.u3', 'gzip/1.5-ictce-3.2.2.u3']) expected = os.path.join(test_ecs, '__archive__', 'i', 'ictce', 'ictce-3.2.2.u3.eb') self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(res[0]['spec'], expected))
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(self): """Basic test for build_easyconfigs_in_parallel function.""" easyconfig_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "easyconfigs", "gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb") easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(easyconfig_file) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs) jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo %(spec)s", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8)
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_slurm(self): """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) Slurm as backend for --job.""" # install mocked versions of 'sbatch' and 'scontrol' commands sbatch = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'sbatch') write_file(sbatch, MOCKED_SBATCH) adjust_permissions(sbatch, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True) scontrol = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'scontrol') write_file(scontrol, MOCKED_SCONTROL) adjust_permissions(scontrol, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True) os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join([os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin'), os.getenv('PATH')]) topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_ec = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.5-foss-2018a.eb') foss_ec = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'f', 'foss', 'foss-2018a.eb') build_options = { 'external_modules_metadata': {}, 'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'), 'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(), 'validate': False, 'job_cores': 3, 'job_max_walltime': 5, 'force': True, } init_config(args=['--job-backend=Slurm'], build_options=build_options) easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(test_ec) + process_easyconfig(foss_ec) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool) self.mock_stdout(True) jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) self.mock_stdout(False) # jobs are submitted for foss & gzip (listed easyconfigs) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 2) # last job (gzip) has a dependency on second-to-last job (foss) self.assertEqual(jobs[0].job_specs['job-name'], 'foss-2018a') expected = { 'dependency': 'afterok:%s' % jobs[0].jobid, 'hold': True, 'job-name': 'gzip-1.5-foss-2018a', 'nodes': 1, 'ntasks': 3, 'ntasks-per-node': 3, 'output': '%x-%j.out', 'time': 300, # 60*5 (unit is minutes) 'wrap': "echo '%s'" % test_ec, } self.assertEqual(jobs[1].job_specs, expected)
def process_all_easyconfigs(self): """Process all easyconfigs and resolve inter-easyconfig dependencies.""" # all available easyconfig files easyconfigs_path = get_paths_for("easyconfigs")[0] specs = glob.glob('%s/*/*/*.eb' % easyconfigs_path) # parse all easyconfigs if they haven't been already if not self.parsed_easyconfigs: for spec in specs: self.parsed_easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(spec)) self.ordered_specs = resolve_dependencies(self.parsed_easyconfigs)
def tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=None): """Tweak list of easyconfigs according to provided build specifications.""" tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = None, None if targetdirs is not None: tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = targetdirs # make sure easyconfigs all feature the same toolchain (otherwise we *will* run into trouble) toolchains = nub(['%(name)s/%(version)s' % ec['ec']['toolchain'] for ec in easyconfigs]) if len(toolchains) > 1: raise EasyBuildError("Multiple toolchains featured in easyconfigs, --try-X not supported in that case: %s", toolchains) if 'name' in build_specs or 'version' in build_specs: # no recursion if software name/version build specification are included # in that case, do not construct full dependency graph orig_ecs = easyconfigs _log.debug("Software name/version found, so not applying build specifications recursively: %s" % build_specs) else: # build specifications should be applied to the whole dependency graph # obtain full dependency graph for specified easyconfigs # easyconfigs will be ordered 'top-to-bottom': toolchain dependencies and toolchain first _log.debug("Applying build specifications recursively (no software name/version found): %s" % build_specs) orig_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool, retain_all_deps=True) # keep track of originally listed easyconfigs (via their path) listed_ec_paths = [ec['spec'] for ec in easyconfigs] # determine toolchain based on last easyconfigs if orig_ecs: toolchain = orig_ecs[-1]['ec']['toolchain'] _log.debug("Filtering using toolchain %s" % toolchain) # filter easyconfigs unless a dummy toolchain is used: drop toolchain and toolchain dependencies if toolchain['name'] != DUMMY_TOOLCHAIN_NAME: while orig_ecs[0]['ec']['toolchain'] != toolchain: orig_ecs = orig_ecs[1:] # generate tweaked easyconfigs, and continue with those instead tweaked_easyconfigs = [] for orig_ec in orig_ecs: # Only return tweaked easyconfigs for easyconfigs which were listed originally on the command line (and use the # prepended path so that they are found first). # easyconfig files for dependencies are also generated but not included, they will be resolved via --robot # either from existing easyconfigs or, if that fails, from easyconfigs in the appended path if orig_ec['spec'] in listed_ec_paths: new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_path) new_ecs = process_easyconfig(new_ec_file, build_specs=build_specs) tweaked_easyconfigs.extend(new_ecs) else: # Place all tweaked dependency easyconfigs in the directory appended to the robot path new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_deps_path) return tweaked_easyconfigs
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_gc3pie(self): """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using GC3Pie with local config as backend for --job.""" try: import gc3libs # noqa (ignore unused import) except ImportError: print "GC3Pie not available, skipping test" return # put GC3Pie config in place to use local host and fork/exec resourcedir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie') gc3pie_cfgfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie_local.ini') gc3pie_cfgtxt = GC3PIE_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION % { 'resourcedir': resourcedir, 'time': which('time'), } write_file(gc3pie_cfgfile, gc3pie_cfgtxt) output_dir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'subdir', 'gc3pie_output_dir') # purposely pre-create output dir, and put a file in it (to check whether GC3Pie tries to rename the output dir) mkdir(output_dir, parents=True) write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'foo'), 'bar') # remove write permissions on parent dir of specified output dir, # to check that GC3Pie does not try to rename the (already existing) output directory... adjust_permissions(os.path.dirname(output_dir), stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH, add=False, recursive=False) topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) build_options = { 'job_backend_config': gc3pie_cfgfile, 'job_max_walltime': 24, 'job_output_dir': output_dir, 'job_polling_interval': 0.2, # quick polling 'job_target_resource': 'ebtestlocalhost', 'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'), 'silent': True, 'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(), 'validate': False, } init_config(args=['--job-backend=GC3Pie'], build_options=build_options) ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb') easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool) topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox') cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH eb %%(spec)s -df" % (topdir, test_easyblocks_path) build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(cmd, ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) self.assertTrue(os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy', '0.0')) self.assertTrue(os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0', 'bin', 'toy'))
def get_dep_tree_of_toolchain(toolchain_spec, modtool): """ Get list of dependencies of a toolchain (as EasyConfig objects) :param toolchain_spec: toolchain spec to get the dependencies of :param modtool: module tool used :return: The dependency tree of the toolchain spec """ path = robot_find_easyconfig(toolchain_spec['name'], toolchain_spec['version']) if path is None: raise EasyBuildError("Could not find easyconfig for %s toolchain version %s", toolchain_spec['name'], toolchain_spec['version']) ec = process_easyconfig(path, validate=False) return [dep['ec'] for dep in resolve_dependencies(ec, modtool, retain_all_deps=True)]
def process_all_easyconfigs(self): """Process all easyconfigs and resolve inter-easyconfig dependencies.""" # all available easyconfig files easyconfigs_path = get_paths_for("easyconfigs")[0] specs = glob.glob('%s/*/*/*.eb' % easyconfigs_path) # parse all easyconfigs if they haven't been already if not self.parsed_easyconfigs: for spec in specs: self.parsed_easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(spec)) # filter out external modules for ec in self.parsed_easyconfigs: for dep in ec['dependencies'][:]: if dep.get('external_module', False): ec['dependencies'].remove(dep) self.ordered_specs = resolve_dependencies(self.parsed_easyconfigs, modules_tool(), retain_all_deps=True)
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self): """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job.""" # put mocked functions in place PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__ PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(self, pbs_server='localhost') PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True PbsPython.complete = mock PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock PbsPython.ppn = mock pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob build_options = { 'robot_path': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs'), 'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(), 'validate': False, } init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options) ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb') easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs) jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo %(spec)s", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8) # restore mocked stuff PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__ PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
for ecfile in ecfiles: try: easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(ecfile, build_specs=build_specs)) except EasyBuildError, err: test_results.append((ecfile, 'parsing_easyconfigs', 'easyconfig file error: %s' % err, _log)) # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced if not build_option('force'): _log.debug("Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs) easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs) if build_option('sequential'): return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results) else: resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s" command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd) # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {'cmd': cmd} build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)"Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" % output_dir) return True # success def session_state(): """Get session state: timestamp, dump of environment, system info."""
def xtest_resolve_dependencies(self): """ Test with some basic testcases (also check if he can find dependencies inside the given directory """ # replace Modules class with something we have control over config.modules_tool = mock_module ectools.modules_tool = mock_module robot.modules_tool = mock_module os.environ['module'] = "() { eval `/bin/echo $*`\n}" base_easyconfig_dir = find_full_path( os.path.join("test", "framework", "easyconfigs")) self.assertTrue(base_easyconfig_dir) easyconfig = { 'spec': '_', 'full_mod_name': 'name/version', 'short_mod_name': 'name/version', 'dependencies': [] } build_options = { 'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True, 'robot_path': None, 'validate': False, } init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig)]) self.assertEqual([easyconfig], res) easyconfig_dep = { 'ec': { 'name': 'foo', 'version': '1.2.3', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': { 'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy' }, }, 'spec': '_', 'short_mod_name': 'foo/1.2.3', 'full_mod_name': 'foo/1.2.3', 'dependencies': [{ 'name': 'gzip', 'version': '1.4', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': { 'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy' }, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }], 'parsed': True, } build_options.update({ 'robot': True, 'robot_path': base_easyconfig_dir }) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # dependency should be found, order should be correct self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertEqual('gzip/1.4', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) # hidden dependencies are found too, but only retained if they're not available (or forced to be retained hidden_dep = { 'name': 'toy', 'version': '0.0', 'versionsuffix': '-deps', 'toolchain': { 'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy' }, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': True, } easyconfig_moredeps = deepcopy(easyconfig_dep) easyconfig_moredeps['dependencies'].append(hidden_dep) easyconfig_moredeps['hiddendependencies'] = [hidden_dep] # toy/.0.0-deps is available and thus should be omitted res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_moredeps)]) self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) full_mod_names = [ec['full_mod_name'] for ec in res] self.assertFalse('toy/.0.0-deps' in full_mod_names) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_moredeps)], retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual( len(res), 4 ) # hidden dep toy/.0.0-deps (+1) depends on (fake) ictce/4.1.13 (+1) self.assertEqual('gzip/1.4', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) full_mod_names = [ec['full_mod_name'] for ec in res] self.assertTrue('toy/.0.0-deps' in full_mod_names) self.assertTrue('ictce/4.1.13' in full_mod_names) # here we have included a dependency in the easyconfig list easyconfig['full_mod_name'] = 'gzip/1.4' ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep), deepcopy(easyconfig)] build_options.update({'robot_path': None}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # all dependencies should be resolved self.assertEqual(0, sum(len(ec['dependencies']) for ec in res)) # this should not resolve (cannot find gzip-1.4.eb), both with and without robot enabled ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] msg = "Irresolvable dependencies encountered" self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, msg, resolve_dependencies, ecs) # test if dependencies of an automatically found file are also loaded easyconfig_dep['dependencies'] = [{ 'name': 'gzip', 'version': '1.4', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': { 'name': 'GCC', 'version': '4.6.3' }, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] build_options.update({'robot_path': base_easyconfig_dir}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # GCC should be first (required by gzip dependency) self.assertEqual('GCC/4.6.3', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) # make sure that only missing stuff is built, and that available modules are not rebuilt # monkey patch MockModule to pretend that all ingredients required for goolf-1.4.10 toolchain are present MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', ] easyconfig_dep['dependencies'] = [{ 'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': { 'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy' }, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # there should only be two retained builds, i.e. the software itself and the goolf toolchain as dep self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[1]['full_mod_name']) # force doesn't trigger rebuild of all deps, but listed easyconfigs for which a module is available are rebuilt build_options.update({'force': True}) init_config(build_options=build_options) easyconfig['full_mod_name'] = 'this/is/already/there' MockModule.avail_modules.append('this/is/already/there') ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep), deepcopy(easyconfig)] res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # there should only be three retained builds, foo + goolf dep and the additional build (even though a module is available) self.assertEqual(len(res), 3) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual('this/is/already/there', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[1]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[2]['full_mod_name']) # build that are listed but already have a module available are not retained without force build_options.update({'force': False}) init_config(build_options=build_options) newecs = skip_available( ecs) # skip available builds since force is not enabled res = resolve_dependencies(newecs) self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[1]['full_mod_name']) # with retain_all_deps enabled, all dependencies ae retained build_options.update({'retain_all_deps': True}) init_config(build_options=build_options) ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] newecs = skip_available( ecs) # skip available builds since force is not enabled res = resolve_dependencies(newecs) self.assertEqual(len(res), 9) self.assertEqual('GCC/4.7.2', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[-2]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) build_options.update({'retain_all_deps': False}) init_config(build_options=build_options) # provide even less goolf ingredients (no OpenBLAS/ScaLAPACK), make sure the numbers add up MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10', ] easyconfig_dep['dependencies'] = [{ 'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': { 'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy' }, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # there should only be two retained builds, i.e. the software itself and the goolf toolchain as dep self.assertEqual(len(res), 4) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual('OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual( 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', res[1]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[2]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[3]['full_mod_name']) config.modules_tool = ORIG_MODULES_TOOL ectools.modules_tool = ORIG_ECTOOLS_MODULES_TOOL robot.modules_tool = ORIG_ROBOT_MODULES_TOOL if ORIG_MODULE_FUNCTION is not None: os.environ['module'] = ORIG_MODULE_FUNCTION else: if 'module' in os.environ: del os.environ['module']
def xtest_resolve_dependencies(self): """ Test with some basic testcases (also check if he can find dependencies inside the given directory """ # replace Modules class with something we have control over config.modules_tool = mock_module ectools.modules_tool = mock_module robot.modules_tool = mock_module os.environ['module'] = "() { eval `/bin/echo $*`\n}" base_easyconfig_dir = find_full_path(os.path.join("test", "framework", "easyconfigs")) self.assertTrue(base_easyconfig_dir) easyconfig = { 'spec': '_', 'full_mod_name': 'name/version', 'short_mod_name': 'name/version', 'dependencies': [] } build_options = { 'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True, 'robot_path': None, 'validate': False, } init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig)]) self.assertEqual([easyconfig], res) easyconfig_dep = { 'ec': { 'name': 'foo', 'version': '1.2.3', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, }, 'spec': '_', 'short_mod_name': 'foo/1.2.3', 'full_mod_name': 'foo/1.2.3', 'dependencies': [{ 'name': 'gzip', 'version': '1.4', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }], 'parsed': True, } build_options.update({'robot': True, 'robot_path': base_easyconfig_dir}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # dependency should be found, order should be correct self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertEqual('gzip/1.4', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) # hidden dependencies are found too, but only retained if they're not available (or forced to be retained hidden_dep = { 'name': 'toy', 'version': '0.0', 'versionsuffix': '-deps', 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': True, } easyconfig_moredeps = deepcopy(easyconfig_dep) easyconfig_moredeps['dependencies'].append(hidden_dep) easyconfig_moredeps['hiddendependencies'] = [hidden_dep] # toy/.0.0-deps is available and thus should be omitted res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_moredeps)]) self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) full_mod_names = [ec['full_mod_name'] for ec in res] self.assertFalse('toy/.0.0-deps' in full_mod_names) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_moredeps)], retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 4) # hidden dep toy/.0.0-deps (+1) depends on (fake) ictce/4.1.13 (+1) self.assertEqual('gzip/1.4', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) full_mod_names = [ec['full_mod_name'] for ec in res] self.assertTrue('toy/.0.0-deps' in full_mod_names) self.assertTrue('ictce/4.1.13' in full_mod_names) # here we have included a dependency in the easyconfig list easyconfig['full_mod_name'] = 'gzip/1.4' ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep), deepcopy(easyconfig)] build_options.update({'robot_path': None}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # all dependencies should be resolved self.assertEqual(0, sum(len(ec['dependencies']) for ec in res)) # this should not resolve (cannot find gzip-1.4.eb), both with and without robot enabled ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] msg = "Irresolvable dependencies encountered" self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, msg, resolve_dependencies, ecs) # test if dependencies of an automatically found file are also loaded easyconfig_dep['dependencies'] = [{ 'name': 'gzip', 'version': '1.4', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': {'name': 'GCC', 'version': '4.6.3'}, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] build_options.update({'robot_path': base_easyconfig_dir}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # GCC should be first (required by gzip dependency) self.assertEqual('GCC/4.6.3', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) # make sure that only missing stuff is built, and that available modules are not rebuilt # monkey patch MockModule to pretend that all ingredients required for goolf-1.4.10 toolchain are present MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', ] easyconfig_dep['dependencies'] = [{ 'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # there should only be two retained builds, i.e. the software itself and the goolf toolchain as dep self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[1]['full_mod_name']) # force doesn't trigger rebuild of all deps, but listed easyconfigs for which a module is available are rebuilt build_options.update({'force': True}) init_config(build_options=build_options) easyconfig['full_mod_name'] = 'this/is/already/there' MockModule.avail_modules.append('this/is/already/there') ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep), deepcopy(easyconfig)] res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # there should only be three retained builds, foo + goolf dep and the additional build (even though a module is available) self.assertEqual(len(res), 3) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual('this/is/already/there', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[1]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[2]['full_mod_name']) # build that are listed but already have a module available are not retained without force build_options.update({'force': False}) init_config(build_options=build_options) newecs = skip_available(ecs) # skip available builds since force is not enabled res = resolve_dependencies(newecs) self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[1]['full_mod_name']) # with retain_all_deps enabled, all dependencies ae retained build_options.update({'retain_all_deps': True}) init_config(build_options=build_options) ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] newecs = skip_available(ecs) # skip available builds since force is not enabled res = resolve_dependencies(newecs) self.assertEqual(len(res), 9) self.assertEqual('GCC/4.7.2', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[-2]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[-1]['full_mod_name']) build_options.update({'retain_all_deps': False}) init_config(build_options=build_options) # provide even less goolf ingredients (no OpenBLAS/ScaLAPACK), make sure the numbers add up MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10', ] easyconfig_dep['dependencies'] = [{ 'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10', 'versionsuffix': '', 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, 'dummy': True, 'hidden': False, }] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # there should only be two retained builds, i.e. the software itself and the goolf toolchain as dep self.assertEqual(len(res), 4) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual('OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', res[0]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', res[1]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('goolf/1.4.10', res[2]['full_mod_name']) self.assertEqual('foo/1.2.3', res[3]['full_mod_name']) config.modules_tool = ORIG_MODULES_TOOL ectools.modules_tool = ORIG_ECTOOLS_MODULES_TOOL robot.modules_tool = ORIG_ROBOT_MODULES_TOOL if ORIG_MODULE_FUNCTION is not None: os.environ['module'] = ORIG_MODULE_FUNCTION else: if 'module' in os.environ: del os.environ['module']
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False, modtool=None): """ Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly. :param args: command line arguments to use :param logfile: log file to use :param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build :param testing: enable testing mode """ # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in init_session_state = session_state() # initialise options eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args) options = eb_go.options orig_paths = eb_go.args # set umask (as early as possible) if options.umask is not None: new_umask = int(options.umask, 8) old_umask = os.umask(new_umask) # set by option parsers via set_tmpdir eb_tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() search_query = or options.search_filename or options.search_short # initialise logging for main global _log _log, logfile = init_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout, silent=(testing or options.terse or search_query), colorize=options.color) # disallow running EasyBuild as root if os.getuid() == 0: raise EasyBuildError("You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges which is not wise, " "so let's end this here.") # log startup info eb_cmd_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args log_start(eb_cmd_line, eb_tmpdir) if options.umask is not None:"umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" % (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask))) # process software build specifications (if any), i.e. # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ... (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options) # determine robot path # --try-X, --dep-graph, --search use robot path for searching, so enable it with path of installed easyconfigs tweaked_ecs = try_to_generate and build_specs tweaked_ecs_paths, pr_path = alt_easyconfig_paths(eb_tmpdir, tweaked_ecs=tweaked_ecs, from_pr=options.from_pr) auto_robot = try_to_generate or options.check_conflicts or options.dep_graph or search_query robot_path = det_robot_path(options.robot_paths, tweaked_ecs_paths, pr_path, auto_robot=auto_robot) _log.debug("Full robot path: %s" % robot_path) # configure & initialize build options config_options_dict = eb_go.get_options_by_section('config') build_options = { 'build_specs': build_specs, 'command_line': eb_cmd_line, 'external_modules_metadata': parse_external_modules_metadata(options.external_modules_metadata), 'pr_path': pr_path, 'robot_path': robot_path, 'silent': testing, 'try_to_generate': try_to_generate, 'valid_stops': [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()], } # initialise the EasyBuild configuration & build options config.init(options, config_options_dict) config.init_build_options(build_options=build_options, cmdline_options=options) if modtool is None: modtool = modules_tool(testing=testing) if options.last_log: # print location to last log file, and exit last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or '(none)' print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False) # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used if options.package: check_pkg_support() else: _log.debug("Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.") # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified if search_query: search_easyconfigs(search_query, short=options.search_short, filename_only=options.search_filename, terse=options.terse) # GitHub options that warrant a silent cleanup & exit if options.check_github: check_github() elif options.install_github_token: install_github_token(options.github_user, silent=build_option('silent')) elif options.review_pr: print review_pr(options.review_pr, colored=use_color(options.color)) elif options.list_installed_software: detailed = options.list_installed_software == 'detailed' print list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=detailed, only_installed=True) elif options.list_software: print list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=options.list_software == 'detailed') # non-verbose cleanup after handling GitHub integration stuff or printing terse info early_stop_options = [ options.check_github, options.install_github_token, options.list_installed_software, options.list_software, options.review_pr, options.terse, search_query, ] if any(early_stop_options): cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) sys.exit(0) # update session state eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True) modlist = modtool.list() # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config}) init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist}) _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state) # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR) if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths: _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.") if options.install_latest_eb_release: if orig_paths: raise EasyBuildError("Installing the latest EasyBuild release can not be combined with installing " "other easyconfigs") else: eb_file = find_easybuild_easyconfig() orig_paths.append(eb_file) categorized_paths = categorize_files_by_type(orig_paths) # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified no_ec_opts = [options.aggregate_regtest, options.new_pr, options.regtest, options.update_pr, search_query] # determine paths to easyconfigs paths = det_easyconfig_paths(categorized_paths['easyconfigs']) if paths: # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated paths = [(p, False) for p in paths] else: if 'name' in build_specs: # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing) elif not any(no_ec_opts): print_error(("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build " "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"), log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing) _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths) # run regtest if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test") # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path regtest_ok = regtest([path[0] for path in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths, modtool) if not regtest_ok:"Regression test failed (partially)!") sys.exit(31) # exit -> 3x1t -> 31 if options.check_style: _log.debug("Running style check...") if cmdline_easyconfigs_style_check([path[0] for path in paths]): print_msg("All style checks passed!", prefix=False) cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) else: raise EasyBuildError("One or more style checks FAILED!") # read easyconfig files easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths) # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs: easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=tweaked_ecs_paths) dry_run_mode = options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short new_update_pr = options.new_pr or options.update_pr # skip modules that are already installed unless forced if not (options.force or options.rebuild or dry_run_mode or options.extended_dry_run or new_update_pr): retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) if not testing: for skipped_ec in [ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs]: print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec['full_mod_name']) easyconfigs = retained_ecs # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build if len(easyconfigs) > 0: # resolve dependencies if robot is enabled, except in dry run mode # one exception: deps *are* resolved with --new-pr or --update-pr when dry run mode is enabled if options.robot and (not dry_run_mode or new_update_pr): print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) else: ordered_ecs = easyconfigs elif new_update_pr: ordered_ecs = None else: print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = [] # creating/updating PRs if new_update_pr: if options.new_pr: new_pr(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, title=options.pr_title, descr=options.pr_descr, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) else: update_pr(options.update_pr, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) sys.exit(0) # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built elif dry_run_mode: txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, modtool, short=not options.dry_run) print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False) elif options.check_conflicts: if check_conflicts(easyconfigs, modtool): print_error("One or more conflicts detected!") sys.exit(1) else: print_msg("\nNo conflicts detected!\n", prefix=False) # dump source script to set up build environment elif options.dump_env_script: dump_env_script(easyconfigs) # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test if any(no_ec_opts + [options.check_conflicts, dry_run_mode, options.dump_env_script]): cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) # create dependency graph and exit if options.dep_graph:"Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph) dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs) cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) sys.exit(0) # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit if options.job: submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing) if not testing: print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now") cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing) exit_on_failure = not options.dump_test_report and not options.upload_test_report if not testing or (testing and do_build): ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure) else: ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs] correct_builds_cnt = len([ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get('success', False)]) overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs) success_msg = "Build succeeded for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs)) repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath()) repo.cleanup() # dump/upload overall test report test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state) if test_report_msg is not None: print_msg(test_report_msg) print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing) # cleanup and spec files for ec in easyconfigs: if 'original_spec' in ec and os.path.isfile(ec['spec']): os.remove(ec['spec']) # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir) stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout) if overall_success: cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)
def test_resolve_dependencies_minimal(self): """Test resolved dependencies with minimal toolchain.""" # replace log.experimental with log.warning to allow experimental code = test_easyconfigs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs') self.install_mock_module() init_config(build_options={ 'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True, 'minimal_toolchains': True, 'use_existing_modules': True, 'external_modules_metadata': ConfigObj(), 'robot_path': test_easyconfigs, 'valid_module_classes': module_classes(), 'validate': False, }) barec = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bar-1.2.3-goolf-1.4.10.eb') barec_lines = [ "easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'", "name = 'bar'", "version = '1.2.3'", "homepage = ''", "description = 'foo'", # deliberately listing components of toolchain as dependencies without specifying subtoolchains, # to test resolving of dependencies with minimal toolchain # for each of these, we know test easyconfigs are available (which are required here) "dependencies = [", " ('OpenMPI', '1.6.4'),", # available with GCC/4.7.2 " ('OpenBLAS', '0.2.6', '-LAPACK-3.4.2'),", # available with gompi/1.4.10 " ('ScaLAPACK', '2.0.2', '-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2'),", # available with gompi/1.4.10 " ('SQLite', ''),", "]", # toolchain as list line, for easy modification later; # the use of %(version_major)s here is mainly to check if templates are being handled correctly # (it doesn't make much sense, but it serves the purpose) "toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '%(version_major)s.4.10'}", ] write_file(barec, '\n'.join(barec_lines)) bar = process_easyconfig(barec)[0] # all modules in the dep graph, in order all_mods_ordered = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'hwloc/1.6.2-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'SQLite/', 'FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10', 'goolf/1.4.10', 'bar/1.2.3-goolf-1.4.10', ] # no modules available, so all dependencies are retained MockModule.avail_modules = [] res = resolve_dependencies([bar], self.modtool) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) self.assertEqual([x['full_mod_name'] for x in res], all_mods_ordered) MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'goolf/1.4.10', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'SQLite/', ] # test resolving dependencies with minimal toolchain (rather than using goolf/1.4.10 for all of them) # existing modules are *not* taken into account when determining minimal subtoolchain, by default res = resolve_dependencies([bar], self.modtool) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertEqual(res[0]['full_mod_name'], bar['ec'].full_mod_name) # test retaining all dependencies, regardless of whether modules are available or not res = resolve_dependencies([bar], self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) mods = [x['full_mod_name'] for x in res] self.assertEqual(mods, all_mods_ordered) self.assertTrue('SQLite/' in mods) # test taking into account existing modules # with an SQLite module with goolf/1.4.10 in place, this toolchain should be used rather than GCC/4.7.2 MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'SQLite/', ] # parsed easyconfigs are cached, so clear the cache before reprocessing easyconfigs ecec._easyconfigs_cache.clear() bar = process_easyconfig(barec)[0] res = resolve_dependencies([bar], self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) mods = [x['full_mod_name'] for x in res] self.assertTrue('SQLite/' in mods) self.assertFalse('SQLite/' in mods) # Check whether having 2 version of dummy toolchain is ok # Clear easyconfig and toolchain caches ecec._easyconfigs_cache.clear() get_toolchain_hierarchy.clear() init_config(build_options={ 'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True, 'minimal_toolchains': True, 'add_dummy_to_minimal_toolchains': True, 'external_modules_metadata': ConfigObj(), 'robot_path': test_easyconfigs, 'valid_module_classes': module_classes(), 'validate': False, }) impi_txt = read_file(os.path.join(test_easyconfigs, 'i', 'impi', 'impi-')) self.assertTrue("^toolchain = {'name': 'dummy', 'version': ''}", impi_txt, re.M)) gzip_txt = read_file(os.path.join(test_easyconfigs, 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.4.eb')) self.assertTrue("^toolchain = {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}", gzip_txt, re.M)) barec = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bar-1.2.3-goolf-1.4.10.eb') barec_lines = [ "easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'", "name = 'bar'", "version = '1.2.3'", "homepage = ''", "description = 'foo'", # deliberately listing components of toolchain as dependencies without specifying subtoolchains, # to test resolving of dependencies with minimal toolchain # for each of these, we know test easyconfigs are available (which are required here) "dependencies = [", " ('impi', ''),", # has toolchain ('dummy', '') " ('gzip', '1.4'),", # has toolchain ('dummy', 'dummy') "]", # toolchain as list line, for easy modification later "toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10'}", ] write_file(barec, '\n'.join(barec_lines)) bar = process_easyconfig(barec)[0] res = resolve_dependencies([bar], self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 11) mods = [x['full_mod_name'] for x in res] self.assertTrue('impi/' in mods) self.assertTrue('gzip/1.4' in mods)
def regtest(easyconfig_paths, modtool, build_specs=None): """ Run regression test, using easyconfigs available in given path :param easyconfig_paths: path of easyconfigs to run regtest on :param modtool: ModulesTool instance to use :param build_specs: dictionary specifying build specifications (e.g. version, toolchain, ...) """ cur_dir = os.getcwd() aggregate_regtest = build_option('aggregate_regtest') if aggregate_regtest is not None: output_file = os.path.join(aggregate_regtest, "%s-aggregate.xml" % os.path.basename(aggregate_regtest)) aggregate_xml_in_dirs(aggregate_regtest, output_file)"aggregated xml files inside %s, output written to: %s" % (aggregate_regtest, output_file)) sys.exit(0) # create base directory, which is used to place all log files and the test output as xml regtest_output_dir = build_option('regtest_output_dir') testoutput = build_option('testoutput') if regtest_output_dir is not None: output_dir = regtest_output_dir elif testoutput is not None: output_dir = os.path.abspath(testoutput) else: # default: current dir + easybuild-test-[timestamp] dirname = "easybuild-test-%s" %"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") output_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, dirname) mkdir(output_dir, parents=True) # find all easyconfigs ecfiles = [] if easyconfig_paths: for path in easyconfig_paths: ecfiles += find_easyconfigs(path, ignore_dirs=build_option('ignore_dirs')) else: raise EasyBuildError("No easyconfig paths specified.") test_results = [] # process all the found easyconfig files easyconfigs = [] for ecfile in ecfiles: try: easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(ecfile, build_specs=build_specs)) except EasyBuildError as err: test_results.append((ecfile, 'parsing_easyconfigs', 'easyconfig file error: %s' % err, _log)) # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced if not build_option('force'): _log.debug("Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs) easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs) if build_option('sequential'): return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results) else: resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s" command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd) # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {'cmd': cmd} build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)"Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" % output_dir) return True # success
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_gc3pie(self): """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using GC3Pie with local config as backend for --job.""" try: import gc3libs except ImportError: print "GC3Pie not available, skipping test" return # put GC3Pie config in place to use local host and fork/exec resourcedir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie') gc3pie_cfgfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie_local.ini') gc3pie_cfgtxt = GC3PIE_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION % { 'resourcedir': resourcedir, 'time': which('time'), } write_file(gc3pie_cfgfile, gc3pie_cfgtxt) output_dir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'subdir', 'gc3pie_output_dir') # purposely pre-create output dir, and put a file in it (to check whether GC3Pie tries to rename the output dir) mkdir(output_dir, parents=True) write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'foo'), 'bar') # remove write permissions on parent dir of specified output dir, # to check that GC3Pie does not try to rename the (already existing) output directory... adjust_permissions(os.path.dirname(output_dir), stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH, add=False, recursive=False) topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) build_options = { 'job_backend_config': gc3pie_cfgfile, 'job_max_walltime': 24, 'job_output_dir': output_dir, 'job_polling_interval': 0.2, # quick polling 'job_target_resource': 'ebtestlocalhost', 'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'), 'silent': True, 'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(), 'validate': False, } options = init_config(args=['--job-backend=GC3Pie'], build_options=build_options) ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb') easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool) topdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox') cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH eb %%(spec)s -df" % ( topdir, test_easyblocks_path) jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(cmd, ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) self.assertTrue( os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy', '0.0')) self.assertTrue( os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0', 'bin', 'toy'))
for ecfile in ecfiles: try: easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(ecfile, build_specs=build_specs)) except EasyBuildError, err: test_results.append((ecfile, "parsing_easyconfigs", "easyconfig file error: %s" % err, _log)) # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced if not build_option("force"): _log.debug("Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs) easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs) _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs) if build_option("sequential"): return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results) else: resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, build_specs=build_specs) cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s" command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd) # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {"cmd": cmd} jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir) print "List of submitted jobs:" for job in jobs: print "%s: %s" % (, job.jobid) print "(%d jobs submitted)" % len(jobs) # determine leaf nodes in dependency graph, and report them all_deps = set()
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False, modtool=None): """ Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly. :param args: command line arguments to use :param logfile: log file to use :param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build :param testing: enable testing mode """ # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in init_session_state = session_state() eb_go, cfg_settings = set_up_configuration(args=args, logfile=logfile, testing=testing) options, orig_paths = eb_go.options, eb_go.args global _log (build_specs, _log, logfile, robot_path, search_query, eb_tmpdir, try_to_generate, tweaked_ecs_paths) = cfg_settings # load hook implementations (if any) hooks = load_hooks(options.hooks) run_hook(START, hooks) if modtool is None: modtool = modules_tool(testing=testing) # check whether any (EasyBuild-generated) modules are loaded already in the current session modtool.check_loaded_modules() if options.last_log: # print location to last log file, and exit last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or '(none)' print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False) # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used if options.package: check_pkg_support() else: _log.debug("Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.") # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified if search_query: search_easyconfigs(search_query, short=options.search_short, filename_only=options.search_filename, terse=options.terse) # GitHub options that warrant a silent cleanup & exit if options.check_github: check_github() elif options.install_github_token: install_github_token(options.github_user, silent=build_option('silent')) elif options.close_pr: close_pr(options.close_pr, motivation_msg=options.close_pr_msg) elif options.list_prs: print(list_prs(options.list_prs)) elif options.merge_pr: merge_pr(options.merge_pr) elif options.review_pr: print(review_pr(pr=options.review_pr, colored=use_color(options.color))) elif options.list_installed_software: detailed = options.list_installed_software == 'detailed' print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=detailed, only_installed=True)) elif options.list_software: print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=options.list_software == 'detailed')) # non-verbose cleanup after handling GitHub integration stuff or printing terse info early_stop_options = [ options.check_github, options.install_github_token, options.list_installed_software, options.list_software, options.close_pr, options.list_prs, options.merge_pr, options.review_pr, options.terse, search_query, ] if any(early_stop_options): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) # update session state eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True) modlist = modtool.list() # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config}) init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist}) _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state) # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR) if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths: _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.") if options.install_latest_eb_release: if orig_paths: raise EasyBuildError("Installing the latest EasyBuild release can not be combined with installing " "other easyconfigs") else: eb_file = find_easybuild_easyconfig() orig_paths.append(eb_file) categorized_paths = categorize_files_by_type(orig_paths) # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified new_update_preview_pr = options.new_pr or options.update_pr or options.preview_pr no_ec_opts = [options.aggregate_regtest, options.regtest, search_query, new_update_preview_pr] # determine paths to easyconfigs determined_paths = det_easyconfig_paths(categorized_paths['easyconfigs']) if determined_paths: # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated paths = [(p, False) for p in determined_paths] else: if 'name' in build_specs: # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing) elif any(no_ec_opts): paths = determined_paths else: print_error(("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build " "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"), log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing) _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths) # run regtest if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test") # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path regtest_ok = regtest([path[0] for path in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths, modtool) if not regtest_ok:"Regression test failed (partially)!") sys.exit(31) # exit -> 3x1t -> 31 # read easyconfig files easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths, validate=not options.inject_checksums) # handle --check-contrib & --check-style options if run_contrib_style_checks([ec['ec'] for ec in easyconfigs], options.check_contrib, options.check_style): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # verify easyconfig filenames, if desired if options.verify_easyconfig_filenames:"Verifying easyconfig filenames...") for easyconfig in easyconfigs: verify_easyconfig_filename(easyconfig['spec'], easyconfig['ec'], parsed_ec=easyconfig['ec']) # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs: easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=tweaked_ecs_paths) if options.containerize: # if --containerize/-C create a container recipe (and optionally container image), and stop containerize(easyconfigs) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) forced = options.force or options.rebuild dry_run_mode = options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short # skip modules that are already installed unless forced, or unless an option is used that warrants not skipping if not (forced or dry_run_mode or options.extended_dry_run or new_update_preview_pr or options.inject_checksums): retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) if not testing: for skipped_ec in [ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs]: print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec['full_mod_name']) easyconfigs = retained_ecs # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build if len(easyconfigs) > 0: # resolve dependencies if robot is enabled, except in dry run mode # one exception: deps *are* resolved with --new-pr or --update-pr when dry run mode is enabled if options.robot and (not dry_run_mode or new_update_preview_pr): print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) else: ordered_ecs = easyconfigs elif new_update_preview_pr: ordered_ecs = None else: print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = [] # creating/updating PRs if new_update_preview_pr: if options.new_pr: new_pr(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, title=options.pr_title, descr=options.pr_descr, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) elif options.preview_pr: print(review_pr(paths=determined_paths, colored=use_color(options.color))) else: update_pr(options.update_pr, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built elif dry_run_mode: txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, modtool, short=not options.dry_run) print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False) elif options.check_conflicts: if check_conflicts(easyconfigs, modtool): print_error("One or more conflicts detected!") sys.exit(1) else: print_msg("\nNo conflicts detected!\n", prefix=False) # dump source script to set up build environment elif options.dump_env_script: dump_env_script(easyconfigs) elif options.inject_checksums: inject_checksums(ordered_ecs, options.inject_checksums) # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test stop_options = [options.check_conflicts, dry_run_mode, options.dump_env_script, options.inject_checksums] if any(no_ec_opts) or any(stop_options): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # create dependency graph and exit if options.dep_graph:"Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph) dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit if options.job: submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing) if not testing: print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now") clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing) if not testing or (testing and do_build): exit_on_failure = not (options.dump_test_report or options.upload_test_report) ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure) else: ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs] correct_builds_cnt = len([ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get('success', False)]) overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs) success_msg = "Build succeeded for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs)) repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath()) repo.cleanup() # dump/upload overall test report test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state) if test_report_msg is not None: print_msg(test_report_msg) print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing) # cleanup and spec files for ec in easyconfigs: if 'original_spec' in ec and os.path.isfile(ec['spec']): os.remove(ec['spec']) run_hook(END, hooks) # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir) stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout) if overall_success: cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)
def tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=None): """Tweak list of easyconfigs according to provided build specifications.""" tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = None, None if targetdirs is not None: tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = targetdirs # make sure easyconfigs all feature the same toolchain (otherwise we *will* run into trouble) toolchains = nub(['%(name)s/%(version)s' % ec['ec']['toolchain'] for ec in easyconfigs]) if len(toolchains) > 1: raise EasyBuildError("Multiple toolchains featured in easyconfigs, --try-X not supported in that case: %s", toolchains) # Toolchain is unique, let's store it source_toolchain = easyconfigs[-1]['ec']['toolchain'] modifying_toolchains = False target_toolchain = {} src_to_dst_tc_mapping = {} revert_to_regex = False if 'toolchain_name' in build_specs or 'toolchain_version' in build_specs: keys = build_specs.keys() # Make sure there are no more build_specs, as combining --try-toolchain* with other options is currently not # supported if any(key not in ['toolchain_name', 'toolchain_version', 'toolchain'] for key in keys): warning_msg = "Combining --try-toolchain* with other build options is not fully supported: using regex" print_warning(warning_msg, silent=build_option('silent')) revert_to_regex = True if not revert_to_regex: # we're doing something with the toolchain, # so build specifications should be applied to whole dependency graph; # obtain full dependency graph for specified easyconfigs; # easyconfigs will be ordered 'top-to-bottom' (toolchains and dependencies appearing first) modifying_toolchains = True if 'toolchain_name' in keys: target_toolchain['name'] = build_specs['toolchain_name'] else: target_toolchain['name'] = source_toolchain['name'] if 'toolchain_version' in keys: target_toolchain['version'] = build_specs['toolchain_version'] else: target_toolchain['version'] = source_toolchain['version'] if build_option('map_toolchains'): try: src_to_dst_tc_mapping = map_toolchain_hierarchies(source_toolchain, target_toolchain, modtool) except EasyBuildError as err: # make sure exception was raised by match_minimum_tc_specs because toolchain mapping didn't work if "No possible mapping from source toolchain" in err.msg: error_msg = err.msg + '\n' error_msg += "Toolchain %s is not equivalent to toolchain %s in terms of capabilities. " error_msg += "(If you know what you are doing, " error_msg += "you can use --disable-map-toolchains to proceed anyway.)" raise EasyBuildError(error_msg, target_toolchain['name'], source_toolchain['name']) else: # simply re-raise the exception if something else went wrong raise err else: msg = "Mapping of (sub)toolchains disabled, so falling back to regex mode, " msg += "disabling recursion and not changing (sub)toolchains for dependencies" revert_to_regex = True modifying_toolchains = False if not revert_to_regex: _log.debug("Applying build specifications recursively (no software name/version found): %s", build_specs) orig_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool, retain_all_deps=True) # Filter out the toolchain hierarchy (which would only appear if we are applying build_specs recursively) # We can leave any dependencies they may have as they will only be used if required (or originally listed) _log.debug("Filtering out toolchain hierarchy for %s", source_toolchain) i = 0 while i < len(orig_ecs): tc_names = [tc['name'] for tc in get_toolchain_hierarchy(source_toolchain)] if orig_ecs[i]['ec']['name'] in tc_names: # drop elements in toolchain hierarchy del orig_ecs[i] else: i += 1 else: revert_to_regex = True if revert_to_regex: # no recursion if software name/version build specification are included or we are amending something # in that case, do not construct full dependency graph orig_ecs = easyconfigs _log.debug("Software name/version found, so not applying build specifications recursively: %s" % build_specs) # keep track of originally listed easyconfigs (via their path) listed_ec_paths = [ec['spec'] for ec in easyconfigs] # generate tweaked easyconfigs, and continue with those instead tweaked_easyconfigs = [] for orig_ec in orig_ecs: # Only return tweaked easyconfigs for easyconfigs which were listed originally on the command line # (and use the prepended path so that they are found first). # easyconfig files for dependencies are also generated but not included, they will be resolved via --robot # either from existing easyconfigs or, if that fails, from easyconfigs in the appended path tc_name = orig_ec['ec']['toolchain']['name'] new_ec_file = None verification_build_specs = copy.copy(build_specs) if orig_ec['spec'] in listed_ec_paths: if modifying_toolchains: if tc_name in src_to_dst_tc_mapping: new_ec_file = map_easyconfig_to_target_tc_hierarchy(orig_ec['spec'], src_to_dst_tc_mapping, tweaked_ecs_path) # Need to update the toolchain in the build_specs to match the toolchain mapping keys = verification_build_specs.keys() if 'toolchain_name' in keys: verification_build_specs['toolchain_name'] = src_to_dst_tc_mapping[tc_name]['name'] if 'toolchain_version' in keys: verification_build_specs['toolchain_version'] = src_to_dst_tc_mapping[tc_name]['version'] if 'toolchain' in keys: verification_build_specs['toolchain'] = src_to_dst_tc_mapping[tc_name] else: new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_path) if new_ec_file: new_ecs = process_easyconfig(new_ec_file, build_specs=verification_build_specs) tweaked_easyconfigs.extend(new_ecs) else: # Place all tweaked dependency easyconfigs in the directory appended to the robot path if modifying_toolchains: if tc_name in src_to_dst_tc_mapping: new_ec_file = map_easyconfig_to_target_tc_hierarchy(orig_ec['spec'], src_to_dst_tc_mapping, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_deps_path) else: new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_deps_path) return tweaked_easyconfigs
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False, modtool=None): """ Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly. :param args: command line arguments to use :param logfile: log file to use :param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build :param testing: enable testing mode """ # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in init_session_state = session_state() # initialise options eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args) options = eb_go.options orig_paths = eb_go.args # set umask (as early as possible) if options.umask is not None: new_umask = int(options.umask, 8) old_umask = os.umask(new_umask) # set by option parsers via set_tmpdir eb_tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() search_query = or options.search_filename or options.search_short # initialise logging for main global _log _log, logfile = init_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout, silent=(testing or options.terse or search_query), colorize=options.color) # disallow running EasyBuild as root (by default) check_root_usage(allow_use_as_root=options.allow_use_as_root_and_accept_consequences) # log startup info eb_cmd_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args log_start(eb_cmd_line, eb_tmpdir) if options.umask is not None:"umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" % (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask))) # process software build specifications (if any), i.e. # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ... (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options) # determine robot path # --try-X, --dep-graph, --search use robot path for searching, so enable it with path of installed easyconfigs tweaked_ecs = try_to_generate and build_specs tweaked_ecs_paths, pr_path = alt_easyconfig_paths(eb_tmpdir, tweaked_ecs=tweaked_ecs, from_pr=options.from_pr) auto_robot = try_to_generate or options.check_conflicts or options.dep_graph or search_query robot_path = det_robot_path(options.robot_paths, tweaked_ecs_paths, pr_path, auto_robot=auto_robot) _log.debug("Full robot path: %s" % robot_path) # configure & initialize build options config_options_dict = eb_go.get_options_by_section('config') build_options = { 'build_specs': build_specs, 'command_line': eb_cmd_line, 'external_modules_metadata': parse_external_modules_metadata(options.external_modules_metadata), 'pr_path': pr_path, 'robot_path': robot_path, 'silent': testing, 'try_to_generate': try_to_generate, 'valid_stops': [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()], } # initialise the EasyBuild configuration & build options config.init(options, config_options_dict) config.init_build_options(build_options=build_options, cmdline_options=options) # load hook implementations (if any) hooks = load_hooks(options.hooks) run_hook(START, hooks) if modtool is None: modtool = modules_tool(testing=testing) # check whether any (EasyBuild-generated) modules are loaded already in the current session modtool.check_loaded_modules() if options.last_log: # print location to last log file, and exit last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or '(none)' print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False) # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used if options.package: check_pkg_support() else: _log.debug("Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.") # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified if search_query: search_easyconfigs(search_query, short=options.search_short, filename_only=options.search_filename, terse=options.terse) # GitHub options that warrant a silent cleanup & exit if options.check_github: check_github() elif options.install_github_token: install_github_token(options.github_user, silent=build_option('silent')) elif options.merge_pr: merge_pr(options.merge_pr) elif options.review_pr: print review_pr(pr=options.review_pr, colored=use_color(options.color)) elif options.list_installed_software: detailed = options.list_installed_software == 'detailed' print list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=detailed, only_installed=True) elif options.list_software: print list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=options.list_software == 'detailed') # non-verbose cleanup after handling GitHub integration stuff or printing terse info early_stop_options = [ options.check_github, options.install_github_token, options.list_installed_software, options.list_software, options.merge_pr, options.review_pr, options.terse, search_query, ] if any(early_stop_options): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) # update session state eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True) modlist = modtool.list() # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config}) init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist}) _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state) # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR) if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths: _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.") if options.install_latest_eb_release: if orig_paths: raise EasyBuildError("Installing the latest EasyBuild release can not be combined with installing " "other easyconfigs") else: eb_file = find_easybuild_easyconfig() orig_paths.append(eb_file) categorized_paths = categorize_files_by_type(orig_paths) # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified new_update_preview_pr = options.new_pr or options.update_pr or options.preview_pr no_ec_opts = [options.aggregate_regtest, options.regtest, search_query, new_update_preview_pr] # determine paths to easyconfigs determined_paths = det_easyconfig_paths(categorized_paths['easyconfigs']) if determined_paths: # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated paths = [(p, False) for p in determined_paths] else: if 'name' in build_specs: # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing) elif any(no_ec_opts): paths = determined_paths else: print_error(("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build " "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"), log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing) _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths) # run regtest if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test") # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path regtest_ok = regtest([path[0] for path in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths, modtool) if not regtest_ok:"Regression test failed (partially)!") sys.exit(31) # exit -> 3x1t -> 31 # read easyconfig files easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths, validate=not options.inject_checksums) # handle --check-contrib & --check-style options if run_contrib_style_checks([ec['ec'] for ec in easyconfigs], options.check_contrib, options.check_style): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # verify easyconfig filenames, if desired if options.verify_easyconfig_filenames:"Verifying easyconfig filenames...") for easyconfig in easyconfigs: verify_easyconfig_filename(easyconfig['spec'], easyconfig['ec'], parsed_ec=easyconfig['ec']) # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs: easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=tweaked_ecs_paths) if options.containerize: # if --containerize/-C create a container recipe (and optionally container image), and stop containerize(easyconfigs) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) forced = options.force or options.rebuild dry_run_mode = options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short # skip modules that are already installed unless forced, or unless an option is used that warrants not skipping if not (forced or dry_run_mode or options.extended_dry_run or new_update_preview_pr or options.inject_checksums): retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) if not testing: for skipped_ec in [ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs]: print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec['full_mod_name']) easyconfigs = retained_ecs # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build if len(easyconfigs) > 0: # resolve dependencies if robot is enabled, except in dry run mode # one exception: deps *are* resolved with --new-pr or --update-pr when dry run mode is enabled if options.robot and (not dry_run_mode or new_update_preview_pr): print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) else: ordered_ecs = easyconfigs elif new_update_preview_pr: ordered_ecs = None else: print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = [] # creating/updating PRs if new_update_preview_pr: if options.new_pr: new_pr(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, title=options.pr_title, descr=options.pr_descr, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) elif options.preview_pr: print review_pr(paths=determined_paths, colored=use_color(options.color)) else: update_pr(options.update_pr, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built elif dry_run_mode: txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, modtool, short=not options.dry_run) print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False) elif options.check_conflicts: if check_conflicts(easyconfigs, modtool): print_error("One or more conflicts detected!") sys.exit(1) else: print_msg("\nNo conflicts detected!\n", prefix=False) # dump source script to set up build environment elif options.dump_env_script: dump_env_script(easyconfigs) elif options.inject_checksums: inject_checksums(ordered_ecs, options.inject_checksums) # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test stop_options = [options.check_conflicts, dry_run_mode, options.dump_env_script, options.inject_checksums] if any(no_ec_opts) or any(stop_options): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # create dependency graph and exit if options.dep_graph:"Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph) dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit if options.job: submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing) if not testing: print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now") clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing) if not testing or (testing and do_build): exit_on_failure = not (options.dump_test_report or options.upload_test_report) ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure) else: ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs] correct_builds_cnt = len([ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get('success', False)]) overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs) success_msg = "Build succeeded for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs)) repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath()) repo.cleanup() # dump/upload overall test report test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state) if test_report_msg is not None: print_msg(test_report_msg) print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing) # cleanup and spec files for ec in easyconfigs: if 'original_spec' in ec and os.path.isfile(ec['spec']): os.remove(ec['spec']) run_hook(END, hooks) # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir) stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout) if overall_success: cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False, modtool=None): """ Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly. :param args: command line arguments to use :param logfile: log file to use :param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build :param testing: enable testing mode """ register_lock_cleanup_signal_handlers() # if $CDPATH is set, unset it, it'll only cause trouble... # see if 'CDPATH' in os.environ: del os.environ['CDPATH'] # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in init_session_state = session_state() eb_go, cfg_settings = set_up_configuration(args=args, logfile=logfile, testing=testing) options, orig_paths = eb_go.options, eb_go.args global _log (build_specs, _log, logfile, robot_path, search_query, eb_tmpdir, try_to_generate, from_pr_list, tweaked_ecs_paths) = cfg_settings # load hook implementations (if any) hooks = load_hooks(options.hooks) run_hook(START, hooks) if modtool is None: modtool = modules_tool(testing=testing) # check whether any (EasyBuild-generated) modules are loaded already in the current session modtool.check_loaded_modules() if options.last_log: # print location to last log file, and exit last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or '(none)' print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False) # if easystack is provided with the command, commands with arguments from it will be executed if options.easystack: # TODO add general_options (i.e. robot) to build options orig_paths, general_options = parse_easystack(options.easystack) if general_options: raise EasyBuildError("Specifying general configuration options in easystack file is not supported yet.") # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used if options.package: check_pkg_support() else: _log.debug("Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.") # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified if search_query: search_easyconfigs(search_query, short=options.search_short, filename_only=options.search_filename, terse=options.terse) if options.check_eb_deps: print_checks(check_easybuild_deps(modtool)) # GitHub options that warrant a silent cleanup & exit if options.check_github: check_github() elif options.install_github_token: install_github_token(options.github_user, silent=build_option('silent')) elif options.close_pr: close_pr(options.close_pr, motivation_msg=options.close_pr_msg) elif options.list_prs: print(list_prs(options.list_prs)) elif options.merge_pr: merge_pr(options.merge_pr) elif options.review_pr: print(review_pr(pr=options.review_pr, colored=use_color(options.color), testing=testing, max_ecs=options.review_pr_max, filter_ecs=options.review_pr_filter)) elif options.add_pr_labels: add_pr_labels(options.add_pr_labels) elif options.list_installed_software: detailed = options.list_installed_software == 'detailed' print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=detailed, only_installed=True)) elif options.list_software: print(list_software(output_format=options.output_format, detailed=options.list_software == 'detailed')) elif options.create_index: print_msg("Creating index for %s..." % options.create_index, prefix=False) index_fp = dump_index(options.create_index, max_age_sec=options.index_max_age) index = load_index(options.create_index) print_msg("Index created at %s (%d files)" % (index_fp, len(index)), prefix=False) # non-verbose cleanup after handling GitHub integration stuff or printing terse info early_stop_options = [ options.add_pr_labels, options.check_eb_deps, options.check_github, options.create_index, options.install_github_token, options.list_installed_software, options.list_software, options.close_pr, options.list_prs, options.merge_pr, options.review_pr, options.terse, search_query, ] if any(early_stop_options): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) # update session state eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True) modlist = modtool.list() # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config}) init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist}) _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state) if options.skip_test_step: if options.ignore_test_failure: raise EasyBuildError("Found both ignore-test-failure and skip-test-step enabled. " "Please use only one of them.") else: print_warning("Will not run the test step as requested via skip-test-step. " "Consider using ignore-test-failure instead and verify the results afterwards") # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR) if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths: _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.") if options.install_latest_eb_release: if orig_paths: raise EasyBuildError("Installing the latest EasyBuild release can not be combined with installing " "other easyconfigs") else: eb_file = find_easybuild_easyconfig() orig_paths.append(eb_file) if options.copy_ec: # figure out list of files to copy + target location (taking into account --from-pr) orig_paths, target_path = det_copy_ec_specs(orig_paths, from_pr_list) categorized_paths = categorize_files_by_type(orig_paths) # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified pr_options = options.new_branch_github or options.new_pr or options.new_pr_from_branch or options.preview_pr pr_options = pr_options or options.sync_branch_with_develop or options.sync_pr_with_develop pr_options = pr_options or options.update_branch_github or options.update_pr no_ec_opts = [options.aggregate_regtest, options.regtest, pr_options, search_query] # determine paths to easyconfigs determined_paths = det_easyconfig_paths(categorized_paths['easyconfigs']) # only copy easyconfigs here if we're not using --try-* (that's handled below) copy_ec = options.copy_ec and not tweaked_ecs_paths if copy_ec or options.fix_deprecated_easyconfigs or options.show_ec: if options.copy_ec: # at this point some paths may still just be filenames rather than absolute paths, # so try to determine full path for those too via robot search path paths = locate_files(orig_paths, robot_path) copy_files(paths, target_path, target_single_file=True, allow_empty=False, verbose=True) elif options.fix_deprecated_easyconfigs: fix_deprecated_easyconfigs(determined_paths) elif options.show_ec: for path in determined_paths: print_msg("Contents of %s:" % path) print_msg(read_file(path), prefix=False) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) if determined_paths: # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated paths = [(p, False) for p in determined_paths] elif 'name' in build_specs: # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing) elif any(no_ec_opts): paths = determined_paths else: print_error("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build " + "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs", log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing) _log.debug("Paths: %s", paths) # run regtest if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test") # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path regtest_ok = regtest([x for (x, _) in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths, modtool) if not regtest_ok:"Regression test failed (partially)!") sys.exit(31) # exit -> 3x1t -> 31 # read easyconfig files easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths, validate=not options.inject_checksums) # handle --check-contrib & --check-style options if run_contrib_style_checks([ec['ec'] for ec in easyconfigs], options.check_contrib, options.check_style): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # verify easyconfig filenames, if desired if options.verify_easyconfig_filenames:"Verifying easyconfig filenames...") for easyconfig in easyconfigs: verify_easyconfig_filename(easyconfig['spec'], easyconfig['ec'], parsed_ec=easyconfig['ec']) # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs: easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=tweaked_ecs_paths) if options.containerize: # if --containerize/-C create a container recipe (and optionally container image), and stop containerize(easyconfigs) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) forced = options.force or options.rebuild dry_run_mode = options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short or options.missing_modules keep_available_modules = forced or dry_run_mode or options.extended_dry_run or pr_options keep_available_modules = keep_available_modules or options.inject_checksums or options.sanity_check_only # skip modules that are already installed unless forced, or unless an option is used that warrants not skipping if not keep_available_modules: retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) if not testing: for skipped_ec in [ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs]: print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec['full_mod_name']) easyconfigs = retained_ecs # keep track for which easyconfigs we should set the corresponding module as default if options.set_default_module: for easyconfig in easyconfigs: easyconfig['ec'].set_default_module = True # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build if len(easyconfigs) > 0: # resolve dependencies if robot is enabled, except in dry run mode # one exception: deps *are* resolved with --new-pr or --update-pr when dry run mode is enabled if options.robot and (not dry_run_mode or pr_options): print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) else: ordered_ecs = easyconfigs elif pr_options: ordered_ecs = None else: print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = [] if options.copy_ec and tweaked_ecs_paths: all_specs = [spec['spec'] for spec in resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool, retain_all_deps=True, raise_error_missing_ecs=False)] tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs = [path for path in all_specs if any(tweaked_ecs_path in path for tweaked_ecs_path in tweaked_ecs_paths)] if tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs: # Clean them, then copy them clean_up_easyconfigs(tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs) copy_files(tweaked_ecs_in_all_ecs, target_path, allow_empty=False, verbose=True) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # creating/updating PRs if pr_options: if options.new_pr: new_pr(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs) elif options.new_branch_github: new_branch_github(categorized_paths, ordered_ecs) elif options.new_pr_from_branch: new_pr_from_branch(options.new_pr_from_branch) elif options.preview_pr: print(review_pr(paths=determined_paths, colored=use_color(options.color))) elif options.sync_branch_with_develop: sync_branch_with_develop(options.sync_branch_with_develop) elif options.sync_pr_with_develop: sync_pr_with_develop(options.sync_pr_with_develop) elif options.update_branch_github: update_branch(options.update_branch_github, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs) elif options.update_pr: update_pr(options.update_pr, categorized_paths, ordered_ecs) else: raise EasyBuildError("Unknown PR option!") # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built elif dry_run_mode: if options.missing_modules: txt = missing_deps(easyconfigs, modtool) else: txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, modtool, short=not options.dry_run) print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False) elif options.check_conflicts: if check_conflicts(easyconfigs, modtool): print_error("One or more conflicts detected!") sys.exit(1) else: print_msg("\nNo conflicts detected!\n", prefix=False) # dump source script to set up build environment elif options.dump_env_script: dump_env_script(easyconfigs) elif options.inject_checksums: with rich_live_cm(): inject_checksums(ordered_ecs, options.inject_checksums) # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test stop_options = [options.check_conflicts, dry_run_mode, options.dump_env_script, options.inject_checksums] if any(no_ec_opts) or any(stop_options): clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # create dependency graph and exit if options.dep_graph:"Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph) dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs) clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit if options.job: submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing) if not testing: print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now") clean_exit(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing) if not testing or (testing and do_build): exit_on_failure = not (options.dump_test_report or options.upload_test_report) with rich_live_cm(): ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure) else: ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs] correct_builds_cnt = len([ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get('success', False)]) overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs) success_msg = "Build succeeded " if build_option('ignore_test_failure'): success_msg += "(with --ignore-test-failure) " success_msg += "for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs)) repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath()) repo.cleanup() # dump/upload overall test report test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state) if test_report_msg is not None: print_msg(test_report_msg) print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing) # cleanup and spec files for ec in easyconfigs: if 'original_spec' in ec and os.path.isfile(ec['spec']): os.remove(ec['spec']) run_hook(END, hooks) # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir) stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout) if overall_success: cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False, modtool=None): """ Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly. @param args: command line arguments to use @param logfile: log file to use @param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build @param testing: enable testing mode """ # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in init_session_state = session_state() # initialise options eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args) options = eb_go.options orig_paths = eb_go.args # set umask (as early as possible) if options.umask is not None: new_umask = int(options.umask, 8) old_umask = os.umask(new_umask) # set by option parsers via set_tmpdir eb_tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() # initialise logging for main global _log _log, logfile = init_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout, silent=testing or options.terse) # disallow running EasyBuild as root if os.getuid() == 0: raise EasyBuildError( "You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges which is not wise, " "so let's end this here.") # log startup info eb_cmd_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args log_start(eb_cmd_line, eb_tmpdir) if options.umask is not None:"umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" % (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask))) # process software build specifications (if any), i.e. # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ... (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options) # determine robot path # --try-X, --dep-graph, --search use robot path for searching, so enable it with path of installed easyconfigs tweaked_ecs = try_to_generate and build_specs tweaked_ecs_path, pr_path = alt_easyconfig_paths(eb_tmpdir, tweaked_ecs=tweaked_ecs, from_pr=options.from_pr) auto_robot = try_to_generate or options.dep_graph or or options.search_short robot_path = det_robot_path(options.robot_paths, tweaked_ecs_path, pr_path, auto_robot=auto_robot) _log.debug("Full robot path: %s" % robot_path) # configure & initialize build options config_options_dict = eb_go.get_options_by_section('config') build_options = { 'build_specs': build_specs, 'command_line': eb_cmd_line, 'external_modules_metadata': parse_external_modules_metadata(options.external_modules_metadata), 'pr_path': pr_path, 'robot_path': robot_path, 'silent': testing, 'try_to_generate': try_to_generate, 'valid_stops': [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()], } # initialise the EasyBuild configuration & build options config.init(options, config_options_dict) config.init_build_options(build_options=build_options, cmdline_options=options) if modtool is None: modtool = modules_tool(testing=testing) if options.last_log: # print location to last log file, and exit last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or '(none)' print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False) # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used if options.package: check_pkg_support() else: _log.debug( "Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.") # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified query = or options.search_filename or options.search_short if query: search_easyconfigs(query, short=options.search_short, filename_only=options.search_filename, terse=options.terse) # GitHub integration cleanup_and_exit = handle_github_options(options, orig_paths) # non-verbose cleanup and exit after handling GitHub integration stuff or printing terse info if cleanup_and_exit or options.terse: cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) sys.exit(0) # update session state eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True) modlist = modtool.list( ) # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config}) init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist}) _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state) # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR) if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths: _log.warning( "Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package." ) # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified no_ec_opts = [ options.aggregate_regtest, options.new_pr, options.review_pr,, options.search_filename, options.search_short, options.regtest, options.update_pr ] # determine paths to easyconfigs paths = det_easyconfig_paths(orig_paths) if paths: # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated paths = [(p, False) for p in paths] else: if 'name' in build_specs: # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing) elif not any(no_ec_opts): print_error(( "Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build " "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"), log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing) _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths) # run regtest if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test") # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path regtest_ok = regtest([path[0] for path in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths, modtool) if not regtest_ok:"Regression test failed (partially)!") sys.exit(31) # exit -> 3x1t -> 31 # read easyconfig files easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths) # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs: easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_path) # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built if options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short: txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, modtool, short=not options.dry_run) print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False) # dump source script to set up build environment if options.dump_env_script: dump_env_script(easyconfigs) # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test if any(no_ec_opts + [options.dry_run, options.dry_run_short, options.dump_env_script]): cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) # skip modules that are already installed unless forced if not (options.force or options.rebuild or options.extended_dry_run): retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) if not testing: for skipped_ec in [ ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs ]: print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec['full_mod_name']) easyconfigs = retained_ecs # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build if len(easyconfigs) > 0: if options.robot: print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) else: ordered_ecs = easyconfigs else: print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = [] # create dependency graph and exit if options.dep_graph:"Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph) dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs) sys.exit(0) # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit if options.job: submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing) if not testing: print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now") cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing) exit_on_failure = not options.dump_test_report and not options.upload_test_report if not testing or (testing and do_build): ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software( ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure) else: ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs] correct_builds_cnt = len([ ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get('success', False) ]) overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs) success_msg = "Build succeeded for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs)) repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath()) repo.cleanup() # dump/upload overall test report test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state) if test_report_msg is not None: print_msg(test_report_msg) print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing) # cleanup and spec files for ec in easyconfigs: if 'original_spec' in ec and os.path.isfile(ec['spec']): os.remove(ec['spec']) # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir) stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout) if overall_success: cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self): """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job.""" # put mocked functions in place PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__ PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(self, pbs_server='localhost') PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True PbsPython.complete = mock PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock PbsPython.ppn = mock pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) build_options = { 'external_modules_metadata': {}, 'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'), 'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(), 'validate': False, 'job_cores': 3, } init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options) ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.5-foss-2018a.eb') easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool) jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) # only one job submitted since foss/2018a module is already available self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1) regex = re.compile("echo '.*/gzip-1.5-foss-2018a.eb'") self.assertTrue([-1].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[-1].script)) ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb') ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file), self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True) jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False, prepare_first=False) # make sure command is correct, and that --hidden is there when it needs to be for i, ec in enumerate(ordered_ecs): if ec['hidden']: regex = re.compile("eb %s.* --hidden" % ec['spec']) else: regex = re.compile("eb %s" % ec['spec']) self.assertTrue([i].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[i].script)) for job in jobs: self.assertEqual(job.cores, build_options['job_cores']) # no deps for GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) and intel/2018a (test easyconfig with 'fake' deps) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].deps), 0) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[1].deps), 0) # only dependency for toy/0.0-deps is intel/2018a (dep marked as external module is filtered out) self.assertTrue('toy-0.0-deps.eb' in jobs[2].script) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[2].deps), 1) self.assertTrue('intel-2018a.eb' in jobs[2].deps[0].script) # dependencies for gzip/1.4-GCC-4.6.3: GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) + toy/.0.0-deps self.assertTrue('gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].script) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[3].deps), 2) regex = re.compile('toy-0.0-deps.eb\s* --hidden') self.assertTrue([3].deps[0].script)) self.assertTrue('GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].deps[1].script) # also test use of --pre-create-installdir ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb') ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file), self.modtool) # installation directory doesn't exist yet before submission toy_installdir = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0') self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(toy_installdir)) jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1) # software install dir is created (by default) as part of job submission process (fetch_step is run) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(toy_installdir)) remove_dir(toy_installdir) remove_dir(os.path.dirname(toy_installdir)) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(toy_installdir)) # installation directory does *not* get created when --pre-create-installdir is used build_options['pre_create_installdir'] = False init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options) jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 1) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(toy_installdir)) # restore mocked stuff PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__ PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self): """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job.""" # put mocked functions in place PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__ PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__( self, pbs_server='localhost') PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True PbsPython.complete = mock PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock PbsPython.ppn = mock pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) build_options = { 'external_modules_metadata': {}, 'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'), 'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(), 'validate': False, 'job_cores': 3, } init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options) ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb') easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool) jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8) regex = re.compile("echo '.*/gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb'") self.assertTrue([-1].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[-1].script)) ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 'g', 'gzip', 'gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb') ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file), self.modtool, retain_all_deps=True) jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False, prepare_first=False) # make sure command is correct, and that --hidden is there when it needs to be for i, ec in enumerate(ordered_ecs): if ec['hidden']: regex = re.compile("eb %s.* --hidden" % ec['spec']) else: regex = re.compile("eb %s" % ec['spec']) self.assertTrue([i].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[i].script)) for job in jobs: self.assertEqual(job.cores, build_options['job_cores']) # no deps for GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) and ictce/4.1.13 (test easyconfig with 'fake' deps) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].deps), 0) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[1].deps), 0) # only dependency for toy/0.0-deps is ictce/4.1.13 (dep marked as external module is filtered out) self.assertTrue('toy-0.0-deps.eb' in jobs[2].script) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[2].deps), 1) self.assertTrue('ictce-4.1.13.eb' in jobs[2].deps[0].script) # dependencies for gzip/1.4-GCC-4.6.3: GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) + toy/.0.0-deps self.assertTrue('gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].script) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[3].deps), 2) regex = re.compile('toy-0.0-deps.eb\s* --hidden') self.assertTrue([3].deps[0].script)) self.assertTrue('GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].deps[1].script) # restore mocked stuff PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__ PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
except EasyBuildError, err: test_results.append((ecfile, 'parsing_easyconfigs', 'easyconfig file error: %s' % err, _log)) # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced if not build_option('force'): _log.debug( "Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs) easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs) if build_option('sequential'): return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results) else: resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s" command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd) # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % { 'cmd': cmd } build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)"Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" % output_dir) return True # success
def main(args=None, logfile=None, do_build=None, testing=False): """ Main function: parse command line options, and act accordingly. @param args: command line arguments to use @param logfile: log file to use @param do_build: whether or not to actually perform the build @param testing: enable testing mode """ # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in init_session_state = session_state() # initialise options eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args) options = eb_go.options orig_paths = eb_go.args # set umask (as early as possible) if options.umask is not None: new_umask = int(options.umask, 8) old_umask = os.umask(new_umask) # set by option parsers via set_tmpdir eb_tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() # initialise logging for main global _log _log, logfile = init_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout, silent=testing or options.last_log) # disallow running EasyBuild as root if os.getuid() == 0: raise EasyBuildError( "You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges which is not wise, " "so let's end this here." ) # log startup info eb_cmd_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args log_start(eb_cmd_line, eb_tmpdir) if options.umask is not None:"umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" % (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask))) # process software build specifications (if any), i.e. # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ... (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options) # determine robot path # --try-X, --dep-graph, --search use robot path for searching, so enable it with path of installed easyconfigs tweaked_ecs = try_to_generate and build_specs tweaked_ecs_path, pr_path = alt_easyconfig_paths(eb_tmpdir, tweaked_ecs=tweaked_ecs, from_pr=options.from_pr) auto_robot = try_to_generate or options.dep_graph or or options.search_short robot_path = det_robot_path(options.robot_paths, tweaked_ecs_path, pr_path, auto_robot=auto_robot) _log.debug("Full robot path: %s" % robot_path) # configure & initialize build options config_options_dict = eb_go.get_options_by_section("config") build_options = { "build_specs": build_specs, "command_line": eb_cmd_line, "pr_path": pr_path, "robot_path": robot_path, "silent": testing, "try_to_generate": try_to_generate, "valid_stops": [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()], } # initialise the EasyBuild configuration & build options config.init(options, config_options_dict) config.init_build_options(build_options=build_options, cmdline_options=options) if options.last_log: # print location to last log file, and exit last_log = find_last_log(logfile) or "(none)" print_msg(last_log, log=_log, prefix=False) cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing, silent=True) sys.exit(0) # check whether packaging is supported when it's being used if options.package: check_pkg_support() else: _log.debug("Packaging not enabled, so not checking for packaging support.") # update session state eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True) modlist = session_module_list(testing=testing) # build options must be initialized first before 'module list' works init_session_state.update({"easybuild_configuration": eb_config}) init_session_state.update({"module_list": modlist}) _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state) # GitHub integration if options.review_pr or options.new_pr or options.update_pr: if options.review_pr: print review_pr(options.review_pr, colored=options.color) elif options.new_pr: new_pr(orig_paths, title=options.pr_title, descr=options.pr_descr, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) elif options.update_pr: update_pr(options.update_pr, orig_paths, commit_msg=options.pr_commit_msg) cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) # search for easyconfigs, if a query is specified query = or options.search_short if query: search_easyconfigs(query, short=not # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path easyconfigs_pkg_paths = get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR) if not easyconfigs_pkg_paths: _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.") # command line options that do not require any easyconfigs to be specified no_ec_opts = [ options.aggregate_regtest, options.new_pr, options.review_pr,, options.search_short, options.regtest, options.update_pr, ] # determine paths to easyconfigs paths = det_easyconfig_paths(orig_paths) if paths: # transform paths into tuples, use 'False' to indicate the corresponding easyconfig files were not generated paths = [(p, False) for p in paths] else: if "name" in build_specs: # try to obtain or generate an easyconfig file via build specifications if a software name is provided paths = find_easyconfigs_by_specs(build_specs, robot_path, try_to_generate, testing=testing) elif not any(no_ec_opts): print_error( ( "Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build " "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs" ), log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing, ) _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths) # run regtest if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:"Running regression test") # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path regtest_ok = regtest([path[0] for path in paths] or easyconfigs_pkg_paths) if not regtest_ok:"Regression test failed (partially)!") sys.exit(31) # exit -> 3x1t -> 31 # read easyconfig files easyconfigs, generated_ecs = parse_easyconfigs(paths) # tweak obtained easyconfig files, if requested # don't try and tweak anything if easyconfigs were generated, since building a full dep graph will fail # if easyconfig files for the dependencies are not available if try_to_generate and build_specs and not generated_ecs: easyconfigs = tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_path) # dry_run: print all easyconfigs and dependencies, and whether they are already built if options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short: txt = dry_run(easyconfigs, short=not options.dry_run) print_msg(txt, log=_log, silent=testing, prefix=False) # cleanup and exit after dry run, searching easyconfigs or submitting regression test if any(no_ec_opts + [options.dry_run, options.dry_run_short]): cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) # skip modules that are already installed unless forced if not (options.force or options.rebuild or options.extended_dry_run): retained_ecs = skip_available(easyconfigs) if not testing: for skipped_ec in [ec for ec in easyconfigs if ec not in retained_ecs]: print_msg("%s is already installed (module found), skipping" % skipped_ec["full_mod_name"]) easyconfigs = retained_ecs # determine an order that will allow all specs in the set to build if len(easyconfigs) > 0: if options.robot: print_msg("resolving dependencies ...", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies( easyconfigs, minimal_toolchains=build_option("minimal_toolchains"), use_existing_modules=build_option("use_existing_modules"), ) else: ordered_ecs = easyconfigs else: print_msg("No easyconfigs left to be built.", log=_log, silent=testing) ordered_ecs = [] # create dependency graph and exit if options.dep_graph:"Creating dependency graph %s" % options.dep_graph) dep_graph(options.dep_graph, ordered_ecs) sys.exit(0) # submit build as job(s), clean up and exit if options.job: submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, eb_go.generate_cmd_line(), testing=testing) if not testing: print_msg("Submitted parallel build jobs, exiting now") cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing) sys.exit(0) # build software, will exit when errors occurs (except when testing) exit_on_failure = not options.dump_test_report and not options.upload_test_report if not testing or (testing and do_build): ecs_with_res = build_and_install_software(ordered_ecs, init_session_state, exit_on_failure=exit_on_failure) else: ecs_with_res = [(ec, {}) for ec in ordered_ecs] correct_builds_cnt = len([ec_res for (_, ec_res) in ecs_with_res if ec_res.get("success", False)]) overall_success = correct_builds_cnt == len(ordered_ecs) success_msg = "Build succeeded for %s out of %s" % (correct_builds_cnt, len(ordered_ecs)) repo = init_repository(get_repository(), get_repositorypath()) repo.cleanup() # dump/upload overall test report test_report_msg = overall_test_report(ecs_with_res, len(paths), overall_success, success_msg, init_session_state) if test_report_msg is not None: print_msg(test_report_msg) print_msg(success_msg, log=_log, silent=testing) # cleanup and spec files for ec in easyconfigs: if "original_spec" in ec and os.path.isfile(ec["spec"]): os.remove(ec["spec"]) # stop logging and cleanup tmp log file, unless one build failed (individual logs are located in eb_tmpdir) stop_logging(logfile, logtostdout=options.logtostdout) if overall_success: cleanup(logfile, eb_tmpdir, testing)
def test_resolve_dependencies_minimal(self): """Test resolved dependencies with minimal toolchain.""" # replace log.experimental with log.warning to allow experimental code = test_easyconfigs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs') install_mock_module() init_config(build_options={ 'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True, 'external_modules_metadata': ConfigObj(), 'robot_path': test_easyconfigs, 'valid_module_classes': module_classes(), 'validate': False, }) barec = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bar-1.2.3-goolf-1.4.10.eb') barec_lines = [ "easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'", "name = 'bar'", "version = '1.2.3'", "homepage = ''", "description = 'foo'", # deliberately listing components of toolchain as dependencies without specifying subtoolchains, # to test resolving of dependencies with minimal toolchain # for each of these, we know test easyconfigs are available (which are required here) "dependencies = [", " ('OpenMPI', '1.6.4'),", # available with GCC/4.7.2 " ('OpenBLAS', '0.2.6', '-LAPACK-3.4.2'),", # available with gompi/1.4.10 " ('ScaLAPACK', '2.0.2', '-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2'),", # available with gompi/1.4.10 " ('SQLite', ''),", "]", # toolchain as list line, for easy modification later "toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10'}", ] write_file(barec, '\n'.join(barec_lines)) bar = process_easyconfig(barec)[0] # all modules in the dep graph, in order all_mods_ordered = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'hwloc/1.6.2-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'SQLite/', 'FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10', 'goolf/1.4.10', 'bar/1.2.3-goolf-1.4.10', ] # no modules available, so all dependencies are retained MockModule.avail_modules = [] res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) self.assertEqual([x['full_mod_name'] for x in res], all_mods_ordered) # cleanup shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'minimal-easyconfigs')) MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'goolf/1.4.10', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'SQLite/', ] # test resolving dependencies with minimal toolchain (rather than using goolf/1.4.10 for all of them) # existing modules are *not* taken into account when determining minimal subtoolchain, by default res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertEqual(res[0]['full_mod_name'], bar['ec'].full_mod_name) # cleanup shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'minimal-easyconfigs')) # test retaining all dependencies, regardless of whether modules are available or not res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True, retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) mods = [x['full_mod_name'] for x in res] self.assertEqual(mods, all_mods_ordered) self.assertTrue('SQLite/' in mods) # cleanup shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'minimal-easyconfigs')) # test taking into account existing modules # with an SQLite module with goolf/1.4.10 in place, this toolchain should be used rather than GCC/4.7.2 MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'SQLite/', ] res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True, retain_all_deps=True, use_existing_modules=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) mods = [x['full_mod_name'] for x in res] self.assertTrue('SQLite/' in mods) self.assertFalse('SQLite/' in mods)
def test_resolve_dependencies_minimal(self): """Test resolved dependencies with minimal toolchain.""" # replace log.experimental with log.warning to allow experimental code = test_easyconfigs = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs') install_mock_module() init_config( build_options={ 'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True, 'external_modules_metadata': ConfigObj(), 'robot_path': test_easyconfigs, 'valid_module_classes': module_classes(), 'validate': False, }) barec = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bar-1.2.3-goolf-1.4.10.eb') barec_lines = [ "easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'", "name = 'bar'", "version = '1.2.3'", "homepage = ''", "description = 'foo'", # deliberately listing components of toolchain as dependencies without specifying subtoolchains, # to test resolving of dependencies with minimal toolchain # for each of these, we know test easyconfigs are available (which are required here) "dependencies = [", " ('OpenMPI', '1.6.4'),", # available with GCC/4.7.2 " ('OpenBLAS', '0.2.6', '-LAPACK-3.4.2'),", # available with gompi/1.4.10 " ('ScaLAPACK', '2.0.2', '-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2'),", # available with gompi/1.4.10 " ('SQLite', ''),", "]", # toolchain as list line, for easy modification later "toolchain = {'name': 'goolf', 'version': '1.4.10'}", ] write_file(barec, '\n'.join(barec_lines)) bar = process_easyconfig(barec)[0] # all modules in the dep graph, in order all_mods_ordered = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'hwloc/1.6.2-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'SQLite/', 'FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10', 'goolf/1.4.10', 'bar/1.2.3-goolf-1.4.10', ] # no modules available, so all dependencies are retained MockModule.avail_modules = [] res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) self.assertEqual([x['full_mod_name'] for x in res], all_mods_ordered) # cleanup shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'minimal-easyconfigs')) MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'GCC/4.7.2', 'gompi/1.4.10', 'goolf/1.4.10', 'OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2', 'OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2', 'SQLite/', ] # test resolving dependencies with minimal toolchain (rather than using goolf/1.4.10 for all of them) # existing modules are *not* taken into account when determining minimal subtoolchain, by default res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertEqual(res[0]['full_mod_name'], bar['ec'].full_mod_name) # cleanup shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'minimal-easyconfigs')) # test retaining all dependencies, regardless of whether modules are available or not res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True, retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) mods = [x['full_mod_name'] for x in res] self.assertEqual(mods, all_mods_ordered) self.assertTrue('SQLite/' in mods) # cleanup shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'minimal-easyconfigs')) # test taking into account existing modules # with an SQLite module with goolf/1.4.10 in place, this toolchain should be used rather than GCC/4.7.2 MockModule.avail_modules = [ 'SQLite/', ] res = resolve_dependencies([bar], minimal_toolchains=True, retain_all_deps=True, use_existing_modules=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) mods = [x['full_mod_name'] for x in res] self.assertTrue('SQLite/' in mods) self.assertFalse('SQLite/' in mods)
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(self): """Basic test for build_easyconfigs_in_parallel function.""" easyconfig_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "easyconfigs", "gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb") easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(easyconfig_file, validate=False) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs) build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo %(spec)s", ordered_ecs)
def tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=None): """Tweak list of easyconfigs according to provided build specifications.""" tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = None, None if targetdirs is not None: tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = targetdirs # make sure easyconfigs all feature the same toolchain (otherwise we *will* run into trouble) toolchains = nub( ['%(name)s/%(version)s' % ec['ec']['toolchain'] for ec in easyconfigs]) if len(toolchains) > 1: raise EasyBuildError( "Multiple toolchains featured in easyconfigs, --try-X not supported in that case: %s", toolchains) # Toolchain is unique, let's store it source_toolchain = easyconfigs[-1]['ec']['toolchain'] modifying_toolchains = False target_toolchain = {} src_to_dst_tc_mapping = {} revert_to_regex = False if 'toolchain_name' in build_specs or 'toolchain_version' in build_specs: keys = build_specs.keys() # Make sure there are no more build_specs, as combining --try-toolchain* with other options is currently not # supported if any(key not in ['toolchain_name', 'toolchain_version', 'toolchain'] for key in keys): warning_msg = "Combining --try-toolchain* with other build options is not fully supported: using regex" print_warning(warning_msg, silent=build_option('silent')) revert_to_regex = True if not revert_to_regex: # we're doing something with the toolchain, # so build specifications should be applied to whole dependency graph; # obtain full dependency graph for specified easyconfigs; # easyconfigs will be ordered 'top-to-bottom' (toolchains and dependencies appearing first) modifying_toolchains = True if 'toolchain_name' in keys: target_toolchain['name'] = build_specs['toolchain_name'] else: target_toolchain['name'] = source_toolchain['name'] if 'toolchain_version' in keys: target_toolchain['version'] = build_specs['toolchain_version'] else: target_toolchain['version'] = source_toolchain['version'] if build_option('map_toolchains'): try: src_to_dst_tc_mapping = map_toolchain_hierarchies( source_toolchain, target_toolchain, modtool) except EasyBuildError as err: # make sure exception was raised by match_minimum_tc_specs because toolchain mapping didn't work if "No possible mapping from source toolchain" in err.msg: error_msg = err.msg + '\n' error_msg += "Toolchain %s is not equivalent to toolchain %s in terms of capabilities. " error_msg += "(If you know what you are doing, " error_msg += "you can use --disable-map-toolchains to proceed anyway.)" raise EasyBuildError(error_msg, target_toolchain['name'], source_toolchain['name']) else: # simply re-raise the exception if something else went wrong raise err else: msg = "Mapping of (sub)toolchains disabled, so falling back to regex mode, " msg += "disabling recursion and not changing (sub)toolchains for dependencies" revert_to_regex = True modifying_toolchains = False if not revert_to_regex: _log.debug( "Applying build specifications recursively (no software name/version found): %s", build_specs) orig_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool, retain_all_deps=True) # Filter out the toolchain hierarchy (which would only appear if we are applying build_specs recursively) # We can leave any dependencies they may have as they will only be used if required (or originally listed) _log.debug("Filtering out toolchain hierarchy for %s", source_toolchain) i = 0 while i < len(orig_ecs): tc_names = [ tc['name'] for tc in get_toolchain_hierarchy(source_toolchain) ] if orig_ecs[i]['ec']['name'] in tc_names: # drop elements in toolchain hierarchy del orig_ecs[i] else: i += 1 else: revert_to_regex = True if revert_to_regex: # no recursion if software name/version build specification are included or we are amending something # in that case, do not construct full dependency graph orig_ecs = easyconfigs _log.debug( "Software name/version found, so not applying build specifications recursively: %s" % build_specs) # keep track of originally listed easyconfigs (via their path) listed_ec_paths = [ec['spec'] for ec in easyconfigs] # generate tweaked easyconfigs, and continue with those instead tweaked_easyconfigs = [] for orig_ec in orig_ecs: # Only return tweaked easyconfigs for easyconfigs which were listed originally on the command line # (and use the prepended path so that they are found first). # easyconfig files for dependencies are also generated but not included, they will be resolved via --robot # either from existing easyconfigs or, if that fails, from easyconfigs in the appended path tc_name = orig_ec['ec']['toolchain']['name'] new_ec_file = None verification_build_specs = copy.copy(build_specs) if orig_ec['spec'] in listed_ec_paths: if modifying_toolchains: if tc_name in src_to_dst_tc_mapping: new_ec_file = map_easyconfig_to_target_tc_hierarchy( orig_ec['spec'], src_to_dst_tc_mapping, tweaked_ecs_path) # Need to update the toolchain in the build_specs to match the toolchain mapping keys = verification_build_specs.keys() if 'toolchain_name' in keys: verification_build_specs[ 'toolchain_name'] = src_to_dst_tc_mapping[tc_name][ 'name'] if 'toolchain_version' in keys: verification_build_specs[ 'toolchain_version'] = src_to_dst_tc_mapping[ tc_name]['version'] if 'toolchain' in keys: verification_build_specs[ 'toolchain'] = src_to_dst_tc_mapping[tc_name] else: new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_path) if new_ec_file: new_ecs = process_easyconfig( new_ec_file, build_specs=verification_build_specs) tweaked_easyconfigs.extend(new_ecs) else: # Place all tweaked dependency easyconfigs in the directory appended to the robot path if modifying_toolchains: if tc_name in src_to_dst_tc_mapping: new_ec_file = map_easyconfig_to_target_tc_hierarchy( orig_ec['spec'], src_to_dst_tc_mapping, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_deps_path) else: new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_deps_path) return tweaked_easyconfigs
def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_pbs_python(self): """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using (mocked) pbs_python as backend for --job.""" # put mocked functions in place PbsPython__init__ = PbsPython.__init__ PbsPython_check_version = PbsPython._check_version PbsPython_complete = PbsPython.complete PbsPython_connect_to_server = PbsPython.connect_to_server PbsPython_ppn = PbsPython.ppn pbs_python_PbsJob = pbs_python.PbsJob PbsPython.__init__ = lambda self: PbsPython__init__(self, pbs_server='localhost') PbsPython._check_version = lambda _: True PbsPython.complete = mock PbsPython.connect_to_server = mock PbsPython.ppn = mock pbs_python.PbsJob = MockPbsJob build_options = { 'external_modules_metadata': {}, 'robot_path': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'easyconfigs'), 'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(), 'validate': False, 'job_cores': 3, } init_config(args=['--job-backend=PbsPython'], build_options=build_options) ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb') easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file) ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs) jobs = build_easyconfigs_in_parallel("echo '%(spec)s'", ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False) self.assertEqual(len(jobs), 8) regex = re.compile("echo '.*/gzip-1.5-goolf-1.4.10.eb'") self.assertTrue([-1].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[-1].script)) ec_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'easyconfigs', 'gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb') ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(process_easyconfig(ec_file), retain_all_deps=True) jobs = submit_jobs(ordered_ecs, '', testing=False, prepare_first=False) # make sure command is correct, and that --hidden is there when it needs to be for i, ec in enumerate(ordered_ecs): if ec['hidden']: regex = re.compile("eb %s.* --hidden" % ec['spec']) else: regex = re.compile("eb %s" % ec['spec']) self.assertTrue([i].script), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, jobs[i].script)) for job in jobs: self.assertEqual(job.cores, build_options['job_cores']) # no deps for GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) and ictce/4.1.13 (test easyconfig with 'fake' deps) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[0].deps), 0) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[1].deps), 0) # only dependency for toy/0.0-deps is ictce/4.1.13 (dep marked as external module is filtered out) self.assertTrue('toy-0.0-deps.eb' in jobs[2].script) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[2].deps), 1) self.assertTrue('ictce-4.1.13.eb' in jobs[2].deps[0].script) # dependencies for gzip/1.4-GCC-4.6.3: GCC/4.6.3 (toolchain) + toy/.0.0-deps self.assertTrue('gzip-1.4-GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].script) self.assertEqual(len(jobs[3].deps), 2) regex = re.compile('toy-0.0-deps.eb\s* --hidden') self.assertTrue([3].deps[0].script)) self.assertTrue('GCC-4.6.3.eb' in jobs[3].deps[1].script) # restore mocked stuff PbsPython.__init__ = PbsPython__init__ PbsPython._check_version = PbsPython_check_version PbsPython.complete = PbsPython_complete PbsPython.connect_to_server = PbsPython_connect_to_server PbsPython.ppn = PbsPython_ppn pbs_python.PbsJob = pbs_python_PbsJob
def test_resolve_dependencies(self): """ Test with some basic testcases (also check if he can find dependencies inside the given directory """ easyconfig = { "spec": "_", "full_mod_name": "name/version", "short_mod_name": "name/version", "dependencies": [], } build_options = {"allow_modules_tool_mismatch": True, "robot_path": None, "validate": False} init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig)]) self.assertEqual([easyconfig], res) easyconfig_dep = { "ec": { "name": "foo", "version": "1.2.3", "versionsuffix": "", "toolchain": {"name": "dummy", "version": "dummy"}, }, "spec": "_", "short_mod_name": "foo/1.2.3", "full_mod_name": "foo/1.2.3", "dependencies": [ { "name": "gzip", "version": "1.4", "versionsuffix": "", "toolchain": {"name": "dummy", "version": "dummy"}, "dummy": True, "hidden": False, } ], "parsed": True, } build_options.update({"robot": True, "robot_path": self.base_easyconfig_dir}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # dependency should be found, order should be correct self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertEqual("gzip/1.4", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[-1]["full_mod_name"]) # hidden dependencies are found too, but only retained if they're not available (or forced to be retained hidden_dep = { "name": "toy", "version": "0.0", "versionsuffix": "-deps", "toolchain": {"name": "dummy", "version": "dummy"}, "dummy": True, "hidden": True, } easyconfig_moredeps = deepcopy(easyconfig_dep) easyconfig_moredeps["dependencies"].append(hidden_dep) easyconfig_moredeps["hiddendependencies"] = [hidden_dep] # toy/.0.0-deps is available and thus should be omitted res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_moredeps)]) self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) full_mod_names = [ec["full_mod_name"] for ec in res] self.assertFalse("toy/.0.0-deps" in full_mod_names) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_moredeps)], retain_all_deps=True) self.assertEqual(len(res), 4) # hidden dep toy/.0.0-deps (+1) depends on (fake) ictce/4.1.13 (+1) self.assertEqual("gzip/1.4", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[-1]["full_mod_name"]) full_mod_names = [ec["full_mod_name"] for ec in res] self.assertTrue("toy/.0.0-deps" in full_mod_names) self.assertTrue("ictce/4.1.13" in full_mod_names) # here we have included a dependency in the easyconfig list easyconfig["full_mod_name"] = "gzip/1.4" ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep), deepcopy(easyconfig)] build_options.update({"robot_path": None}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # all dependencies should be resolved self.assertEqual(0, sum(len(ec["dependencies"]) for ec in res)) # this should not resolve (cannot find gzip-1.4.eb), both with and without robot enabled ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] msg = "Irresolvable dependencies encountered" self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, msg, resolve_dependencies, ecs) # test if dependencies of an automatically found file are also loaded easyconfig_dep["dependencies"] = [ { "name": "gzip", "version": "1.4", "versionsuffix": "", "toolchain": {"name": "GCC", "version": "4.6.3"}, "dummy": True, "hidden": False, } ] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] build_options.update({"robot_path": self.base_easyconfig_dir}) init_config(build_options=build_options) res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # GCC should be first (required by gzip dependency) self.assertEqual("GCC/4.6.3", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[-1]["full_mod_name"]) # make sure that only missing stuff is built, and that available modules are not rebuilt # monkey patch MockModule to pretend that all ingredients required for goolf-1.4.10 toolchain are present MockModule.avail_modules = [ "GCC/4.7.2", "OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2", "OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2", "FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10", "ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2", ] easyconfig_dep["dependencies"] = [ { "name": "goolf", "version": "1.4.10", "versionsuffix": "", "toolchain": {"name": "dummy", "version": "dummy"}, "dummy": True, "hidden": False, } ] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # there should only be two retained builds, i.e. the software itself and the goolf toolchain as dep self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual("goolf/1.4.10", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[1]["full_mod_name"]) # force doesn't trigger rebuild of all deps, but listed easyconfigs for which a module is available are rebuilt build_options.update({"force": True}) init_config(build_options=build_options) easyconfig["full_mod_name"] = "this/is/already/there" MockModule.avail_modules.append("this/is/already/there") ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep), deepcopy(easyconfig)] res = resolve_dependencies(ecs) # there should only be three retained builds, foo + goolf dep and the additional build (even though a module is available) self.assertEqual(len(res), 3) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual("this/is/already/there", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("goolf/1.4.10", res[1]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[2]["full_mod_name"]) # build that are listed but already have a module available are not retained without force build_options.update({"force": False}) init_config(build_options=build_options) newecs = skip_available(ecs) # skip available builds since force is not enabled res = resolve_dependencies(newecs) self.assertEqual(len(res), 2) self.assertEqual("goolf/1.4.10", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[1]["full_mod_name"]) # with retain_all_deps enabled, all dependencies ae retained build_options.update({"retain_all_deps": True}) init_config(build_options=build_options) ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] newecs = skip_available(ecs) # skip available builds since force is not enabled res = resolve_dependencies(newecs) self.assertEqual(len(res), 9) self.assertEqual("GCC/4.7.2", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("goolf/1.4.10", res[-2]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[-1]["full_mod_name"]) build_options.update({"retain_all_deps": False}) init_config(build_options=build_options) # provide even less goolf ingredients (no OpenBLAS/ScaLAPACK), make sure the numbers add up MockModule.avail_modules = ["GCC/4.7.2", "OpenMPI/1.6.4-GCC-4.7.2", "gompi/1.4.10", "FFTW/3.3.3-gompi-1.4.10"] easyconfig_dep["dependencies"] = [ { "name": "goolf", "version": "1.4.10", "versionsuffix": "", "toolchain": {"name": "dummy", "version": "dummy"}, "dummy": True, "hidden": False, } ] ecs = [deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)] res = resolve_dependencies([deepcopy(easyconfig_dep)]) # there should only be two retained builds, i.e. the software itself and the goolf toolchain as dep self.assertEqual(len(res), 4) # goolf should be first, the software itself second self.assertEqual("OpenBLAS/0.2.6-gompi-1.4.10-LAPACK-3.4.2", res[0]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("ScaLAPACK/2.0.2-gompi-1.4.10-OpenBLAS-0.2.6-LAPACK-3.4.2", res[1]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("goolf/1.4.10", res[2]["full_mod_name"]) self.assertEqual("foo/1.2.3", res[3]["full_mod_name"])
for ecfile in ecfiles: try: easyconfigs.extend(process_easyconfig(ecfile, build_specs=build_specs)) except EasyBuildError, err: test_results.append((ecfile, 'parsing_easyconfigs', 'easyconfig file error: %s' % err, _log)) # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced if not build_option('force'): _log.debug("Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs) easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs) _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs) if build_option('sequential'): return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results) else: resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs) cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s" command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd) # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % {'cmd': cmd} build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)"Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" % output_dir) return True # success def session_state(): """Get session state: timestamp, dump of environment, system info."""
def regtest(easyconfig_paths, modtool, build_specs=None): """ Run regression test, using easyconfigs available in given path :param easyconfig_paths: path of easyconfigs to run regtest on :param modtool: ModulesTool instance to use :param build_specs: dictionary specifying build specifications (e.g. version, toolchain, ...) """ cur_dir = os.getcwd() aggregate_regtest = build_option('aggregate_regtest') if aggregate_regtest is not None: output_file = os.path.join( aggregate_regtest, "%s-aggregate.xml" % os.path.basename(aggregate_regtest)) aggregate_xml_in_dirs(aggregate_regtest, output_file)"aggregated xml files inside %s, output written to: %s" % (aggregate_regtest, output_file)) sys.exit(0) # create base directory, which is used to place all log files and the test output as xml regtest_output_dir = build_option('regtest_output_dir') testoutput = build_option('testoutput') if regtest_output_dir is not None: output_dir = regtest_output_dir elif testoutput is not None: output_dir = os.path.abspath(testoutput) else: # default: current dir + easybuild-test-[timestamp] dirname = "easybuild-test-%s" %"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") output_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, dirname) mkdir(output_dir, parents=True) # find all easyconfigs ecfiles = [] if easyconfig_paths: for path in easyconfig_paths: ecfiles += find_easyconfigs( path, ignore_dirs=build_option('ignore_dirs')) else: raise EasyBuildError("No easyconfig paths specified.") test_results = [] # process all the found easyconfig files easyconfigs = [] for ecfile in ecfiles: try: easyconfigs.extend( process_easyconfig(ecfile, build_specs=build_specs)) except EasyBuildError as err: test_results.append((ecfile, 'parsing_easyconfigs', 'easyconfig file error: %s' % err, _log)) # skip easyconfigs for which a module is already available, unless forced if not build_option('force'): _log.debug( "Skipping easyconfigs from %s that already have a module available..." % easyconfigs) easyconfigs = skip_available(easyconfigs, modtool) _log.debug("Retained easyconfigs after skipping: %s" % easyconfigs) if build_option('sequential'): return build_easyconfigs(easyconfigs, output_dir, test_results) else: resolved = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool) cmd = "eb %(spec)s --regtest --sequential -ld --testoutput=%(output_dir)s" command = "unset TMPDIR && cd %s && %s; " % (cur_dir, cmd) # retry twice in case of failure, to avoid fluke errors command += "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then %(cmd)s --force && %(cmd)s --force; fi" % { 'cmd': cmd } build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(command, resolved, output_dir=output_dir)"Submitted regression test as jobs, results in %s" % output_dir) return True # success
def tweak(easyconfigs, build_specs, modtool, targetdirs=None): """Tweak list of easyconfigs according to provided build specifications.""" tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = None, None if targetdirs is not None: tweaked_ecs_path, tweaked_ecs_deps_path = targetdirs # make sure easyconfigs all feature the same toolchain (otherwise we *will* run into trouble) toolchains = nub( ['%(name)s/%(version)s' % ec['ec']['toolchain'] for ec in easyconfigs]) if len(toolchains) > 1: raise EasyBuildError( "Multiple toolchains featured in easyconfigs, --try-X not supported in that case: %s", toolchains) if 'name' in build_specs or 'version' in build_specs: # no recursion if software name/version build specification are included # in that case, do not construct full dependency graph orig_ecs = easyconfigs _log.debug( "Software name/version found, so not applying build specifications recursively: %s" % build_specs) else: # build specifications should be applied to the whole dependency graph # obtain full dependency graph for specified easyconfigs # easyconfigs will be ordered 'top-to-bottom': toolchain dependencies and toolchain first _log.debug( "Applying build specifications recursively (no software name/version found): %s" % build_specs) orig_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, modtool, retain_all_deps=True) # keep track of originally listed easyconfigs (via their path) listed_ec_paths = [ec['spec'] for ec in easyconfigs] # determine toolchain based on last easyconfigs if orig_ecs: toolchain = orig_ecs[-1]['ec']['toolchain'] _log.debug("Filtering using toolchain %s" % toolchain) # filter easyconfigs unless a dummy toolchain is used: drop toolchain and toolchain dependencies if toolchain['name'] != DUMMY_TOOLCHAIN_NAME: while orig_ecs[0]['ec']['toolchain'] != toolchain: orig_ecs = orig_ecs[1:] # generate tweaked easyconfigs, and continue with those instead tweaked_easyconfigs = [] for orig_ec in orig_ecs: # Only return tweaked easyconfigs for easyconfigs which were listed originally on the command line (and use the # prepended path so that they are found first). # easyconfig files for dependencies are also generated but not included, they will be resolved via --robot # either from existing easyconfigs or, if that fails, from easyconfigs in the appended path if orig_ec['spec'] in listed_ec_paths: new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_path) new_ecs = process_easyconfig(new_ec_file, build_specs=build_specs) tweaked_easyconfigs.extend(new_ecs) else: # Place all tweaked dependency easyconfigs in the directory appended to the robot path new_ec_file = tweak_one(orig_ec['spec'], None, build_specs, targetdir=tweaked_ecs_deps_path) return tweaked_easyconfigs