def install_step(self): """Custom install procedure for wxPython.""" # wxPython configure, build, and install with one script preinst_opts = self.cfg['preinstallopts'] INSTALL_CMD = "%(preinst_opts)s %(pycmd)s %(script)s --prefix=%(prefix)s" if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("4"): script = '' cmd = INSTALL_CMD % { 'preinst_opts': preinst_opts, 'pycmd': self.python_cmd, 'script': script, 'prefix': self.installdir, } cmd = cmd + " %s -v install" % self.wxflag else: script = os.path.join('wxPython', '') cmd = INSTALL_CMD % { 'preinst_opts': preinst_opts, 'pycmd': self.python_cmd, 'script': script, 'prefix': self.installdir, } cmd = cmd + " --wxpy_installdir=%s --install" % self.installdir run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def build_step(self, *args, **kwargs): """Custom build procedure for Python, ensure stack size limit is set to 'unlimited' (if desired).""" if self.cfg['ulimit_unlimited']: # determine current stack size limit (out, _) = run_cmd("ulimit -s") curr_ulimit_s = out.strip() # figure out hard limit for stack size limit; # this determines whether or not we can use "ulimit -s unlimited" (out, _) = run_cmd("ulimit -s -H") max_ulimit_s = out.strip() if curr_ulimit_s == UNLIMITED:"Current stack size limit is %s: OK", curr_ulimit_s) elif max_ulimit_s == UNLIMITED:"Current stack size limit is %s, setting it to %s for build...", curr_ulimit_s, UNLIMITED) self.cfg.update('prebuildopts', "ulimit -s %s && " % UNLIMITED) else: msg = "Current stack size limit is %s, and can not be set to %s due to hard limit of %s;" msg += " setting stack size limit to %s instead, " msg += " this may break part of the compilation (e.g. hashlib)..." print_warning(msg % (curr_ulimit_s, UNLIMITED, max_ulimit_s, max_ulimit_s)) self.cfg.update('prebuildopts', "ulimit -s %s && " % max_ulimit_s) super(EB_Python, self).build_step(*args, **kwargs)
def install_step(self): """Custom install procedure for VSC-tools.""" args = "install --prefix=%(path)s --install-lib=%(path)s/lib" % {'path': self.installdir} pylibdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib') env.setvar('PYTHONPATH', '%s:%s' % (pylibdir, os.getenv('PYTHONPATH'))) try: os.mkdir(pylibdir) pwd = os.getcwd() pkg_list = ['-'.join(src['name'].split('-')[0:-1]) for src in self.src if src['name'].startswith('vsc')] for pkg in pkg_list: os.chdir(self.builddir) sel_dirs = [d for d in glob.glob("%s-[0-9][0-9.]*" % pkg)] if not len(sel_dirs) == 1: self.log.error("Found none or more than one %s dir in %s: %s" % (pkg, self.builddir, sel_dirs)) os.chdir(os.path.join(self.builddir, sel_dirs[0])) cmd = "python %s" % args run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_output=True) os.chdir(pwd) except OSError, err: self.log.error("Failed to install: %s" % err)
def install_step(self): """ Execute the all.bash script to build and install the Go compiler, specifying the final installation prefix by setting $GOROOT_FINAL. """ srcdir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'src') try: os.chdir(srcdir) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to move to %s: %s", srcdir, err) # $GOROOT_FINAL only specifies the location of the final installation, which gets baked into the binaries # the installation itself is *not* done by the all.bash script, that needs to be done manually # $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP needs to specify a Go installation directory to build the go toolchain for versions # 1.5 and later. if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('1.5'): go_root = get_software_root('Go') if go_root: cmd = "GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=%s GOROOT_FINAL=%s ./all.bash" % (go_root, self.installdir) else: raise EasyBuildError("Go is required as a build dependency for installing Go since version 1.5") else: cmd = "GOROOT_FINAL=%s ./all.bash" % self.installdir run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False) try: rmtree2(self.installdir) shutil.copytree(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.installdir, symlinks=self.cfg['keepsymlinks']) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to copy installation to %s: %s", self.installdir, err)
def check_os_dependency(dep): """ Check if dependency is available from OS. """ # - uses rpm -q and dpkg -s --> can be run as non-root!! # - fallback on which # - should be extended to files later? found = None cmd = None if which('rpm'): cmd = "rpm -q %s" % dep found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True) if not found and which('dpkg'): cmd = "dpkg -s %s" % dep found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True) if cmd is None: # fallback for when os-dependency is a binary/library found = which(dep) # try locate if it's available if not found and which('locate'): cmd = 'locate --regexp "/%s$"' % dep found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True) return found
def build_step(self): """Build OpenFOAM using make after sourcing script to set environment.""" precmd = "source %s" % os.path.join(self.builddir, self.openfoamdir, "etc", "bashrc") # make directly in install directory cmd_tmpl = "%(precmd)s && %(prebuildopts)s %(makecmd)s" % { 'precmd': precmd, 'prebuildopts': self.cfg['prebuildopts'], 'makecmd': os.path.join(self.builddir, self.openfoamdir, '%s'), } if 'extend' in and LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('3.0'): qa = { "Proceed without compiling ParaView [Y/n]": 'Y', "Proceed without compiling cudaSolvers? [Y/n]": 'Y', } noqa = [ ".* -o .*", "checking .*", "warning.*", "configure: creating.*", "%s .*" % os.environ['CC'], "wmake .*", "Making dependency list for source file.*", "\s*\^\s*", # warning indicator "Cleaning .*", ] run_cmd_qa(cmd_tmpl % 'Allwmake.firstInstall', qa, no_qa=noqa, log_all=True, simple=True) else: run_cmd(cmd_tmpl % 'Allwmake', log_all=True, simple=True, log_output=True)
def install_step(self): """Install using chimera.bin.""" try: os.chdir(self.cfg['start_dir']) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change to %s: %s", self.cfg['start_dir'], err) # Chimera comes bundled with its dependencies, and follows a # UNIX file system layout with 'bin', 'include', 'lib', etc. To # avoid conflicts with other modules, the Chimera module must # not add the 'bin', 'include', 'lib', etc. directories to PATH, # CPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. We achieve this by installing # Chimera in a subdirectory (called 'chimera') instead of the # root directory. cmd = "./chimera.bin -q -d %s" % os.path.join(self.installdir, 'chimera') run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # Create a symlink to the Chimera startup script; this symlink # will end up in PATH. The startup script sets up the # environment, so that Chimera finds its dependencies. mkdir(os.path.join(self.installdir, 'bin')) symlink(os.path.join(self.installdir, 'chimera', 'bin', 'chimera'), os.path.join(self.installdir, 'bin', 'chimera'))
def build_step(self, verbose=False): """Build ParMETIS (and METIS) using build_step.""" paracmd = '' if self.cfg['parallel']: paracmd = "-j %s" % self.cfg['parallel'] self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'LIBDIR=""') if self.toolchain.options['usempi']: if self.toolchain.options['pic']: self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CC="$MPICC -fPIC"') else: self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CC="$MPICC"') cmd = "%s make %s %s" % (self.cfg['prebuildopts'], paracmd, self.cfg['buildopts']) # run make in build dir as well for recent version if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("4"): try: os.chdir(self.parmetis_builddir) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_output=verbose) os.chdir(self.cfg['start_dir']) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Running cmd '%s' in %s failed: %s", cmd, self.parmetis_builddir, err) else: run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_output=verbose)
def install_perl_module(self): """Install procedure for Perl modules: using either Makefile.Pl or Build.PL.""" # Perl modules have two possible installation procedures: using Makefile.PL and Build.PL # configure, build, test, install if os.path.exists('Makefile.PL'): install_cmd = ' '.join([ self.cfg['preconfigopts'], 'perl', 'Makefile.PL', 'PREFIX=%s' % self.installdir, self.cfg['configopts'], ]) run_cmd(install_cmd) ConfigureMake.build_step(self) ConfigureMake.test_step(self) ConfigureMake.install_step(self) elif os.path.exists('Build.PL'): install_cmd = ' '.join([ self.cfg['preconfigopts'], 'perl', 'Build.PL', '--prefix', self.installdir, self.cfg['configopts'], ]) run_cmd(install_cmd) run_cmd("%s perl Build build %s" % (self.cfg['prebuildopts'], self.cfg['buildopts'])) if self.cfg['runtest']: run_cmd('perl Build %s' % self.cfg['runtest']) run_cmd('%s perl Build install %s' % (self.cfg['preinstallopts'], self.cfg['installopts']))
def install_step(self): """MATLAB install procedure using 'install' command.""" src = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'install') # make sure install script is executable adjust_permissions(src, stat.S_IXUSR) if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('2016b'): jdir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'sys', 'java', 'jre', 'glnxa64', 'jre', 'bin') for perm_dir in [os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'bin', 'glnxa64'), jdir]: adjust_permissions(perm_dir, stat.S_IXUSR) # make sure $DISPLAY is not defined, which may lead to (hard to trace) problems # this is a workaround for not being able to specify --nodisplay to the install scripts if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ: os.environ.pop('DISPLAY') if not '_JAVA_OPTIONS' in self.cfg['preinstallopts']: self.cfg['preinstallopts'] = ('export _JAVA_OPTIONS="%s" && ' % self.cfg['java_options']) + self.cfg['preinstallopts'] if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('2016b'): change_dir(self.builddir) cmd = "%s %s -v -inputFile %s %s" % (self.cfg['preinstallopts'], src, self.configfile, self.cfg['installopts']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def configure_step(self): """Configure ParMETIS build. For versions of ParMETIS < 4 , METIS is a seperate build New versions of ParMETIS include METIS Run 'cmake' in the build dir to get rid of a 'user friendly' help message that is displayed without this step. """ if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("4"): # tested with 4.0.2, now actually requires cmake to be run first # for both parmetis and metis self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DMETIS_PATH=../metis -DGKLIB_PATH=../metis/GKlib') self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DOPENMP="%s"' % self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp')) if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None): self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="$MPICC"') if self.toolchain.options['pic']: self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-fPIC"') self.parmetis_builddir = 'build' try: os.chdir(self.parmetis_builddir) cmd = 'cmake .. %s -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%s"' % (self.cfg['configopts'], self.installdir) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) os.chdir(self.cfg['start_dir']) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Running cmake in %s failed: %s", self.parmetis_builddir, err)
def build_step(self): """Build by running build_step, but with some special options for SCOTCH depending on the compiler.""" ccs = os.environ['CC'] ccp = os.environ['MPICC'] ccd = os.environ['MPICC'] cflags = "-fPIC -O3 -DCOMMON_FILE_COMPRESS_GZ -DCOMMON_PTHREAD -DCOMMON_RANDOM_FIXED_SEED -DSCOTCH_RENAME" if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.GCC: #@UndefinedVariable cflags += " -Drestrict=__restrict" else: cflags += " -restrict -DIDXSIZE64" #USE 64 bit index if self.toolchain.options['i8']: cflags += " -DINTSIZE64" if not self.toolchain.mpi_family() in [toolchain.INTELMPI, toolchain.QLOGICMPI]: #@UndefinedVariable cflags += " -DSCOTCH_PTHREAD" # actually build apps = ['scotch', 'ptscotch'] if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('6.0'): # separate target for esmumps in recent versions apps.extend(['esmumps', 'ptesmumps']) for app in apps: cmd = 'make CCS="%s" CCP="%s" CCD="%s" CFLAGS="%s" %s' % (ccs, ccp, ccd, cflags, app) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def install_step(self): """Install CUDA using Perl install script.""" # define how to run the installer # script has /usr/bin/perl hardcoded, but we want to have control over which perl is being used if LooseVersion(self.version) <= LooseVersion("5"): install_interpreter = "perl" install_script = "" self.cfg.update('installopts', '--prefix=%s' % self.installdir) elif LooseVersion(self.version) > LooseVersion("5") and LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("10.1"): install_interpreter = "perl" install_script = "" # note: also including samples (via "-samplespath=%(installdir)s -samples") would require libglut self.cfg.update('installopts', "-verbose -silent -toolkitpath=%s -toolkit" % self.installdir) else: install_interpreter = "" install_script = "./cuda-installer" # note: also including samples (via "-samplespath=%(installdir)s -samples") would require libglut self.cfg.update('installopts', "--silent --toolkit --toolkitpath=%s --defaultroot=%s" % ( self.installdir, self.installdir)) cmd = "%(preinstallopts)s %(interpreter)s %(script)s %(installopts)s" % { 'preinstallopts': self.cfg['preinstallopts'], 'interpreter': install_interpreter, 'script': install_script, 'installopts': self.cfg['installopts'] } # prepare for running install script autonomously qanda = {} stdqa = { # this question is only asked if CUDA tools are already available system-wide r"Would you like to remove all CUDA files under .*? (yes/no/abort): ": "no", } noqanda = [ r"^Configuring", r"Installation Complete", r"Verifying archive integrity.*", r"^Uncompressing NVIDIA CUDA", r".* -> .*", ] # patch install script to handle Q&A autonomously if install_interpreter == "perl": patch_perl_script_autoflush(os.path.join(self.builddir, install_script)) # make sure $DISPLAY is not defined, which may lead to (weird) problems # this is workaround for not being able to specify --nox11 to the Perl install scripts if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ: os.environ.pop('DISPLAY') # overriding maxhits default value to 300 (300s wait for nothing to change in the output without seeing a known # question) run_cmd_qa(cmd, qanda, std_qa=stdqa, no_qa=noqanda, log_all=True, simple=True, maxhits=300) # check if there are patches to apply if len(self.src) > 1: for patch in self.src[1:]: self.log.debug("Running patch %s", patch['name']) run_cmd("/bin/sh " + patch['path'] + " --accept-eula --silent --installdir=" + self.installdir)
def configure_step(self): """Configure MUMmer build by running make check and setting make options.""" cmd = "%s make check %s" % (self.cfg['preconfigopts'], self.cfg['configopts']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_output=True) self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'all')
def test_step(self): """ Test with SCons """ if self.cfg['runtest']: cmd = "scons %s" % (self.cfg['runtest']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True)
def build_step(self): """Customize the build step by adding compiler-specific flags to the build command.""" comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family() if comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP: # @UndefinedVariable cmd = "python build --compiler=intel --fcompiler=intelem" elif comp_fam in [toolchain.GCC, toolchain.CLANGGCC]: # @UndefinedVariable cmdprefix = "" ldflags = os.getenv("LDFLAGS") if ldflags: # LDFLAGS should not be set when building numpy/scipy, because it overwrites whatever numpy/scipy sets # see # don't unset it with os.environ.pop('LDFLAGS'), doesn't work in Python 2.4, # see cmdprefix = "unset LDFLAGS && " self.log.debug( "LDFLAGS was %s, will be cleared before %s build with '%s'" % (, ldflags, cmdprefix) ) cmd = "%s python build --fcompiler=gnu95" % cmdprefix else: raise EasyBuildError("Unknown family of compilers being used: %s", comp_fam) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def install_step(self): """MCR install procedure using 'install' command.""" src = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'install') # make sure install script is executable adjust_permissions(src, stat.S_IXUSR) # make sure $DISPLAY is not defined, which may lead to (hard to trace) problems # this is a workaround for not being able to specify --nodisplay to the install scripts if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ: os.environ.pop('DISPLAY') if not '_JAVA_OPTIONS' in self.cfg['preinstallopts']: java_options = 'export _JAVA_OPTIONS="%s" && ' % self.cfg['java_options'] self.cfg['preinstallopts'] = java_options + self.cfg['preinstallopts'] configfile = "%s/%s" % (self.builddir, self.configfilename) cmd = "%s ./install -v -inputFile %s %s" % (self.cfg['preinstallopts'], configfile, self.cfg['installopts']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # determine subdirectory (e.g. v84 (2014a, 2014b), v85 (2015a), ...) subdirs = os.listdir(self.installdir) if len(subdirs) == 1: self.subdir = subdirs[0] else: raise EasyBuildError("Found multiple subdirectories, don't know which one to pick: %s", subdirs)
def test_run_cmd_log(self): """Test logging of executed commands.""" fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='eb-test-') os.close(fd) regex = re.compile('cmd "echo hello" exited with exit code [0-9]* and output:') # command output is not logged by default without debug logging init_logging(logfile, silent=True) self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello")) stop_logging(logfile) self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 0) write_file(logfile, '') init_logging(logfile, silent=True) self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello", log_all=True)) stop_logging(logfile) self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 1) write_file(logfile, '') # with debugging enabled, exit code and output of command should only get logged once setLogLevelDebug() init_logging(logfile, silent=True) self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello")) stop_logging(logfile) self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 1) write_file(logfile, '') init_logging(logfile, silent=True) self.assertTrue(run_cmd("echo hello", log_all=True)) stop_logging(logfile) self.assertEqual(len(regex.findall(read_file(logfile))), 1) write_file(logfile, '')
def install_step(self): """ Install by copying files over to the right places. Also create symlinks where expected by other software (Lib directory). """ includedir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'include') libdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib') if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("4"): # includedir etc changed in v4, use a normal make install cmd = "make install %s" % self.cfg['installopts'] try: os.chdir(self.parmetis_builddir) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) os.chdir(self.cfg['start_dir']) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Running '%s' in %s failed: %s", cmd, self.parmetis_builddir, err) # libraries try: src = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'build' ,'libmetis' ,'libmetis.a') dst = os.path.join(libdir, 'libmetis.a') shutil.copy2(src, dst) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Copying files to installation dir failed: %s", err)
def test_run_cmd_trace(self): """Test run_cmd under --trace""" # replace log.experimental with log.warning to allow experimental code = init_config(build_options={'trace': True}) self.mock_stdout(True) self.mock_stderr(True) (out, ec) = run_cmd("echo hello") stdout = self.get_stdout() stderr = self.get_stderr() self.mock_stdout(False) self.mock_stderr(False) self.assertEqual(stderr, '') pattern = "^ >> running command:\n" pattern += "\t\[started at: .*\]\n" pattern += "\t\[output logged in .*\]\n" pattern += "\techo hello\n" pattern += ' >> command completed: exit 0, ran in .*' regex = re.compile(pattern) self.assertTrue(, "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, stdout)) # trace output can be disabled on a per-command basis self.mock_stdout(True) self.mock_stderr(True) (out, ec) = run_cmd("echo hello", trace=False) stdout = self.get_stdout() stderr = self.get_stderr() self.mock_stdout(False) self.mock_stderr(False) self.assertEqual(stdout, '') self.assertEqual(stderr, '')
def test_run_cmd_cache(self): """Test caching for run_cmd""" (first_out, ec) = run_cmd("ulimit -u") self.assertEqual(ec, 0) (cached_out, ec) = run_cmd("ulimit -u") self.assertEqual(ec, 0) self.assertEqual(first_out, cached_out) # inject value into cache to check whether executing command again really returns cached value run_cmd.update_cache({("ulimit -u", None): ("123456", 123)}) (cached_out, ec) = run_cmd("ulimit -u") self.assertEqual(ec, 123) self.assertEqual(cached_out, "123456") # also test with command that uses stdin (out, ec) = run_cmd("cat", inp='foo') self.assertEqual(ec, 0) self.assertEqual(out, 'foo') # inject different output for cat with 'foo' as stdin to check whether cached value is used run_cmd.update_cache({('cat', 'foo'): ('bar', 123)}) (cached_out, ec) = run_cmd("cat", inp='foo') self.assertEqual(ec, 123) self.assertEqual(cached_out, 'bar') run_cmd.clear_cache()
def install_step(self): """Install IMOD using install script.""" # -dir: Choose location of installation directory # -skip: do not attempt to deploy resource files in /etc # -yes: do not prompt for confirmation script = '{0}_{1}{2}.csh'.format(, self.version, self.cfg['versionsuffix']) cmd = "tcsh {0} -dir {1} -script {1} -skip -yes".format(script, self.installdir) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # The assumption by the install script is that installdir will be something # like /usr/local. So it creates, within the specified install location, a # number of additional directories within which to install IMOD. We will, # therefore, move the contents of these directories up and throw away the # directories themselves. Doing so apparently is not a problem so long as # IMOD_DIR is correctly set in the module. link_to_remove = os.path.join(self.installdir, dir_to_remove = os.path.join(self.installdir, "{0}_{1}".format(, self.version)) try: for entry in os.listdir(dir_to_remove): shutil.move(os.path.join(dir_to_remove, entry), self.installdir) if os.path.realpath(link_to_remove) != os.path.realpath(dir_to_remove): raise EasyBuildError("Something went wrong: %s doesn't point to %s", link_to_remove, dir_to_remove) rmtree2(dir_to_remove) os.remove(link_to_remove) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to clean up install dir: %s", err)
def install_step(self): """Install in non-standard path by passing PREFIX variable to make install.""" self.cfg.update('installopts', "PREFIX=%s" % self.installdir) super(EB_bzip2, self).install_step() # also build & install shared libraries, if desired if self.cfg['with_shared_libs']: cmd = "%s make -f Makefile-libbz2_so %s" % (self.cfg['prebuildopts'], self.cfg['buildopts']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # copy shared libraries to <install dir>/lib shlib_ext = get_shared_lib_ext() libdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib') try: for lib in glob.glob('libbz2.%s.*' % shlib_ext): # only way to copy a symlink is to check for it, # cfr. if os.path.islink(lib): os.symlink(os.readlink(lib), os.path.join(libdir, lib)) else: shutil.copy2(lib, libdir) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Copying shared libraries to installation dir %s failed: %s", libdir, err) # create symlink >> try: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(libdir) os.symlink('libbz2.%s.%s' % (shlib_ext, self.version), 'libbz2.%s' % shlib_ext) os.chdir(cwd) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Creating symlink for failed: %s", err)
def prepare_step(self): """Generate PLUMED patch if PLUMED is listed as a dependency.""" super(EB_DL_underscore_POLY_underscore_Classic, self).prepare_step() if self.with_plumed: # see diff_pat = 'dlpoly-*.diff' try: diff_hits = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.builddir, diff_pat)) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to find list of files/dirs that match '%s': %s", diff_pat, err) if len(diff_hits) == 1: plumed_patch = diff_hits[0] elif not self.dry_run: raise EasyBuildError("Expected to find exactly one match for '%s' in %s, found: %s", diff_pat, self.builddir, diff_hits) if not self.dry_run: try: os.rename('source', 'srcmod') except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to move 'source' directory to 'srcmod': %s", err) engine = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(plumed_patch))[0] cmd = "plumed-patch -p --runtime -e %s -d %s" % (engine, plumed_patch) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def run_clang_tests(self, obj_dir): """Run Clang tests in specified directory (unless disabled).""" if not self.cfg['skip_all_tests']: change_dir(obj_dir)"Running tests") run_cmd("make %s check-all" % self.make_parallel_opts, log_all=True)
def test_step(self): """Custom built-in test procedure for HPCG.""" if self.cfg['runtest']: if not build_option('mpi_tests'):"Skipping testing of HPCG since MPI testing is disabled") return objbindir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'obj', 'bin') # obtain equivalent of 'mpirun -np 2 xhpcg' hpcg_mpi_cmd = self.toolchain.mpi_cmd_for("xhpcg", 2) # 2 threads per MPI process (4 threads in total) cmd = "PATH=%s:$PATH OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 %s" % (objbindir, hpcg_mpi_cmd) run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=True, log_ok=True) # find log file, check for success success_regex = re.compile(r"Scaled Residual \[[0-9.e-]+\]") try: hpcg_logs = glob.glob('hpcg_log*txt') if len(hpcg_logs) == 1: txt = open(hpcg_logs[0], 'r').read() self.log.debug("Contents of HPCG log file %s: %s" % (hpcg_logs[0], txt)) if"Found pattern '%s' in HPCG log file %s, OK!", success_regex.pattern, hpcg_logs[0]) else: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to find pattern '%s' in HPCG log file %s", success_regex.pattern, hpcg_logs[0]) else: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to find exactly one HPCG log file: %s", hpcg_logs) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to check for success in HPCG log file: %s", err)
def configure_step(self): """Configure build: <single-line description how this deviates from standard configure>""" # set generic make options self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CC="%s" OPTFLAGS="%s"' % (os.getenv('MPICC'), os.getenv('CFLAGS'))) if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.2"): # set correct start_dir dir, and change into it # test whether it already contains 'src', since a reprod easyconfig would if os.path.basename(self.cfg['start_dir']) != 'src': self.cfg['start_dir'] = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'src') try: os.chdir(self.cfg['start_dir']) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change to correct source dir %s: %s", self.cfg['start_dir'], err) # run autoconf to generate configure script cmd = "autoconf" run_cmd(cmd) # set config opts beagle = get_software_root('beagle-lib') if beagle: self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-beagle=%s' % beagle) else: if get_software_root('BEAGLE'): self.log.nosupport('BEAGLE module as dependency, should be beagle-lib', '2.0') raise EasyBuildError("beagle-lib module not loaded?") if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None): self.cfg.update('configopts', '--enable-mpi') # configure super(EB_MrBayes, self).configure_step()
def configure_step(self, *args, **kwargs): """Configure build using 'make config' (only for recent versions (>= v5)).""" if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("5"): cmd = "make config prefix=%s" % self.installdir run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def build_step(self): """Custom build procedure for Hadoop: build native libraries, if requested.""" if self.cfg['build_native_libs']: cmd = "mvn package -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip -Dtar -Pdist,native" if self.cfg['parallel'] > 1: cmd += " -T%d" % self.cfg['parallel'] run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
def configure_step(self): """Custom configuration procedure for ESMF through environment variables.""" env.setvar('ESMF_DIR', self.cfg['start_dir']) env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX', self.installdir) env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_BINDIR', 'bin') env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_LIBDIR', 'lib') env.setvar('ESMF_INSTALL_MODDIR', 'mod') # specify compiler comp_family = self.toolchain.comp_family() if comp_family in [toolchain.GCC]: compiler = 'gfortran' else: compiler = comp_family.lower() env.setvar('ESMF_COMPILER', compiler) # specify MPI communications library comm = None mpi_family = self.toolchain.mpi_family() if mpi_family in [toolchain.MPICH, toolchain.QLOGICMPI]: # MPICH family for MPICH v3.x, which is MPICH2 compatible comm = 'mpich2' else: comm = mpi_family.lower() env.setvar('ESMF_COMM', comm) # specify decent LAPACK lib env.setvar('ESMF_LAPACK', 'user') env.setvar('ESMF_LAPACK_LIBS', '%s %s' % (os.getenv('LDFLAGS'), os.getenv('LIBLAPACK_MT'))) # specify netCDF netcdf = get_software_root('netCDF') if netcdf: env.setvar('ESMF_NETCDF', 'user') netcdf_libs = ['-L%s/lib' % netcdf, '-lnetcdf'] # Fortran netcdff = get_software_root('netCDF-Fortran') if netcdff: netcdf_libs = ["-L%s/lib" % netcdff] + netcdf_libs + ["-lnetcdff"] else: netcdf_libs.append('-lnetcdff') # C++ netcdfcxx = get_software_root('netCDF-C++') if netcdfcxx: netcdf_libs = ["-L%s/lib" % netcdfcxx] + netcdf_libs + ["-lnetcdf_c++"] else: netcdfcxx = get_software_root('netCDF-C++4') if netcdfcxx: netcdf_libs = ["-L%s/lib" % netcdfcxx] + netcdf_libs + ["-lnetcdf_c++4"] else: netcdf_libs.append('-lnetcdf_c++') env.setvar('ESMF_NETCDF_LIBS', ' '.join(netcdf_libs)) # 'make info' provides useful debug info cmd = "make info" run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
def configure_step(self): """Configure numpy build by composing site.cfg contents.""" # see e.g. self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([ "[DEFAULT]", "library_dirs = %(libs)s", "include_dirs= %(includes)s", "search_static_first=True", ]) if get_software_root("imkl"): if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.GCC: # see, # section Building with GNU Compiler chain extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([ "[mkl]", "lapack_libs = ", "mkl_libs = mkl_rt", ]) else: extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([ "[mkl]", "lapack_libs = %(lapack)s", "mkl_libs = %(blas)s", ]) else: # [atlas] the only real alternative, even for non-ATLAS BLAS libs (e.g., OpenBLAS, ACML, ...) # using only the [blas] and [lapack] sections results in sub-optimal builds that don't provide; # it does require a CBLAS interface to be available for the BLAS library being used # e.g. for ACML, the CBLAS module providing a C interface needs to be used extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([ "[atlas]", "atlas_libs = %(lapack)s", "[lapack]", "lapack_libs = %(lapack)s", # required by scipy, that uses numpy's site.cfg ]) blas = None lapack = None fft = None if get_software_root("imkl"): # with IMKL, no spaces and use '-Wl:' # redefine 'Wl,' to 'Wl:' so that the patch file can do its job def get_libs_for_mkl(varname): """Get list of libraries as required for MKL patch file.""" libs = self.toolchain.variables['LIB%s' % varname].copy() libs.try_remove(['pthread', 'dl']) tweaks = { 'prefix': '', 'prefix_begin_end': '-Wl:', 'separator': ',', 'separator_begin_end': ',', } libs.try_function_on_element('change', kwargs=tweaks) libs.SEPARATOR = ',' return str(libs) # str causes list concatenation and adding prefixes & separators blas = get_libs_for_mkl('BLAS_MT') lapack = get_libs_for_mkl('LAPACK_MT') fft = get_libs_for_mkl('FFT') # make sure the patch file is there # we check for a typical characteristic of a patch file that cooperates with the above # not fool-proof, but better than enforcing a particular patch filename patch_found = False patch_wl_regex = re.compile(r"replace\(':',\s*','\)") for patch in self.patches: # patches are either strings (extension) or dicts (easyblock) if isinstance(patch, dict): patch = patch['path'] if, 'r').read()): patch_found = True break if not patch_found: raise EasyBuildError("Building numpy on top of Intel MKL requires a patch to " "handle -Wl linker flags correctly, which doesn't seem to be there.") else: # unless Intel MKL is used, $ATLAS should be set to take full control, # and to make sure a fully optimized version is built, including # which is critical for decent performance of the (matrix dot product) function! env.setvar('ATLAS', '1') lapack = ', '.join([x for x in self.toolchain.get_variable('LIBLAPACK_MT', typ=list) if x != "pthread"]) fft = ', '.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('LIBFFT', typ=list)) libs = ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('LDFLAGS', typ=list)) includes = ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('CPPFLAGS', typ=list)) # CBLAS is required for ACML, because it doesn't offer a C interface to BLAS if get_software_root('ACML'): cblasroot = get_software_root('CBLAS') if cblasroot: lapack = ', '.join([lapack, "cblas"]) cblaslib = os.path.join(cblasroot, 'lib') # with numpy as extension, CBLAS might not be included in LDFLAGS because it's not part of a toolchain if not cblaslib in libs: libs = ':'.join([libs, cblaslib]) else: raise EasyBuildError("CBLAS is required next to ACML to provide a C interface to BLAS, " "but it's not loaded.") if fft: extrasiteconfig += "\n[fftw]\nlibraries = %s" % fft suitesparseroot = get_software_root('SuiteSparse') if suitesparseroot: amddir = os.path.join(suitesparseroot, 'AMD') umfpackdir = os.path.join(suitesparseroot, 'UMFPACK') if not os.path.exists(amddir) or not os.path.exists(umfpackdir): raise EasyBuildError("Expected SuiteSparse subdirectories are not both there: %s, %s", amddir, umfpackdir) else: extrasiteconfig += '\n'.join([ "[amd]", "library_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(amddir, 'Lib'), "include_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(amddir, 'Include'), "amd_libs = amd", "[umfpack]", "library_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(umfpackdir, 'Lib'), "include_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(umfpackdir, 'Include'), "umfpack_libs = umfpack", ]) self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([self.sitecfg, extrasiteconfig]) self.sitecfg = self.sitecfg % { 'blas': blas, 'lapack': lapack, 'libs': libs, 'includes': includes, } super(EB_numpy, self).configure_step() # check configuration (for debugging purposes) cmd = "%s config" % self.python_cmd run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def test_run_cmd_simple(self): """Test return value for run_cmd in 'simple' mode.""" self.assertEqual(True, run_cmd("echo hello", simple=True)) self.assertEqual( False, run_cmd("exit 1", simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False))
def install_step(self): """Install CUDA using Perl install script.""" # define how to run the installer # script has /usr/bin/perl hardcoded, but we want to have control over which perl is being used if LooseVersion(self.version) <= LooseVersion("5"): install_interpreter = "perl" install_script = "" self.cfg.update('installopts', '--prefix=%s' % self.installdir) elif LooseVersion(self.version) > LooseVersion("5") and LooseVersion( self.version) < LooseVersion("10.1"): install_interpreter = "perl" install_script = "" # note: also including samples (via "-samplespath=%(installdir)s -samples") would require libglut self.cfg.update( 'installopts', "-verbose -silent -toolkitpath=%s -toolkit" % self.installdir) else: install_interpreter = "" install_script = "./cuda-installer" # note: also including samples (via "-samplespath=%(installdir)s -samples") would require libglut self.cfg.update( 'installopts', "--silent --toolkit --toolkitpath=%s --defaultroot=%s" % (self.installdir, self.installdir)) if LooseVersion("10.0") < LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion( "10.2") and get_cpu_architecture() == POWER: # Workaround for # install_script = " && ".join([ "mkdir -p %(installdir)s/targets/ppc64le-linux/include", "([ -e %(installdir)s/include ] || ln -s targets/ppc64le-linux/include %(installdir)s/include)", "cp -r %(builddir)s/builds/cublas/src %(installdir)s/.", install_script ]) % { 'installdir': self.installdir, 'builddir': self.builddir } # Use C locale to avoid localized questions and crash on CUDA 10.1 self.cfg.update('preinstallopts', "export LANG=C && ") cmd = "%(preinstallopts)s %(interpreter)s %(script)s %(installopts)s" % { 'preinstallopts': self.cfg['preinstallopts'], 'interpreter': install_interpreter, 'script': install_script, 'installopts': self.cfg['installopts'] } # prepare for running install script autonomously qanda = {} stdqa = { # this question is only asked if CUDA tools are already available system-wide r"Would you like to remove all CUDA files under .*? (yes/no/abort): ": "no", } noqanda = [ r"^Configuring", r"Installation Complete", r"Verifying archive integrity.*", r"^Uncompressing NVIDIA CUDA", r".* -> .*", ] # patch install script to handle Q&A autonomously if install_interpreter == "perl": patch_perl_script_autoflush( os.path.join(self.builddir, install_script)) # make sure $DISPLAY is not defined, which may lead to (weird) problems # this is workaround for not being able to specify --nox11 to the Perl install scripts if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ: os.environ.pop('DISPLAY') # cuda-installer creates /tmp/cuda-installer.log (ignoring TMPDIR) # Try to remove it before running the installer. # This will fail with a usable error if it can't be removed # instead of segfaulting in the cuda-installer. remove_file('/tmp/cuda-installer.log') # overriding maxhits default value to 1000 (seconds to wait for nothing to change in the output # without seeing a known question) run_cmd_qa(cmd, qanda, std_qa=stdqa, no_qa=noqanda, log_all=True, simple=True, maxhits=1000) # Remove the cuda-installer log file remove_file('/tmp/cuda-installer.log') # check if there are patches to apply if len(self.src) > 1: for patch in self.src[1:]: self.log.debug("Running patch %s", patch['name']) run_cmd("/bin/sh " + patch['path'] + " --accept-eula --silent --installdir=" + self.installdir)
def extract_step(self): """Extract installer to have more control, e.g. options, patching Perl scripts, etc.""" execpath = self.src[0]['path'] run_cmd("/bin/sh " + execpath + " --noexec --nox11 --target " + self.builddir) self.src[0]['finalpath'] = self.builddir
def test_run_cmd(self): """Basic test for run_cmd function.""" (out, ec) = run_cmd("echo hello") self.assertEqual(out, "hello\n") # no reason echo hello could fail self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
def test_run_cmd_list(self): """Test run_cmd with command specified as a list rather than a string""" (out, ec) = run_cmd(['/bin/sh', '-c', "echo hello"], shell=False) self.assertEqual(out, "hello\n") # no reason echo hello could fail self.assertEqual(ec, 0)
def build_step(self): """Run build in build subdirectory.""" cxx = os.environ['CXX'] cxxflags = os.environ['CXXFLAGS'] cmd = "make CXX='%s' CXXFLAGS='$(HPCG_DEFS) %s -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK'" % (cxx, cxxflags) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True, path='obj')
def configure_step(self): """ Configure PETSc by setting configure options and running configure script. Configure procedure is much more concise for older versions (< v3). """ if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3"): # make the install dir first if we are doing a download install, then keep it for the rest of the way deps = self.cfg["download_deps"] + self.cfg[ "download_deps_static"] + self.cfg["download_deps_shared"] if deps: "Creating the installation directory before the configure." ) self.make_installdir() self.cfg["keeppreviousinstall"] = True for dep in set(deps): self.cfg.update('configopts', '--download-%s=1' % dep) for dep in self.cfg["download_deps_static"]: self.cfg.update('configopts', '--download-%s-shared=0' % dep) for dep in self.cfg["download_deps_shared"]: self.cfg.update('configopts', '--download-%s-shared=1' % dep) # compilers self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-cc="%s"' % os.getenv('CC')) self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '--with-cxx="%s" --with-c++-support' % os.getenv('CXX')) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-fc="%s"' % os.getenv('F90')) # compiler flags if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.5"): self.cfg.update('configopts', '--CFLAGS="%s"' % os.getenv('CFLAGS')) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--CXXFLAGS="%s"' % os.getenv('CXXFLAGS')) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--FFLAGS="%s"' % os.getenv('F90FLAGS')) else: self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-cflags="%s"' % os.getenv('CFLAGS')) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-cxxflags="%s"' % os.getenv('CXXFLAGS')) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-fcflags="%s"' % os.getenv('F90FLAGS')) if not self.toolchain.comp_family( ) == toolchain.GCC: #@UndefinedVariable self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-gnu-compilers=0') # MPI if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None): self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-mpi=1') # build options self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-build-step-np=%s' % self.cfg['parallel']) self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '--with-shared-libraries=%d' % self.cfg['shared_libs']) self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '--with-debugging=%d' % self.toolchain.options['debug']) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-pic=%d' % self.toolchain.options['pic']) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-x=0 --with-windows-graphics=0') # PAPI support if self.cfg['with_papi']: papi_inc = self.cfg['papi_inc'] papi_inc_file = os.path.join(papi_inc, "papi.h") papi_lib = self.cfg['papi_lib'] if os.path.isfile(papi_inc_file) and os.path.isfile(papi_lib): self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-papi=1') self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-papi-include=%s' % papi_inc) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-papi-lib=%s' % papi_lib) else: raise EasyBuildError( "PAPI header (%s) and/or lib (%s) not found, can not enable PAPI support?", papi_inc_file, papi_lib) # Python extensions_step if get_software_root('Python'): self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-numpy=1') if self.cfg['shared_libs']: self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-mpi4py=1') # FFTW, ScaLAPACK (and BLACS for older PETSc versions) deps = ["FFTW", "ScaLAPACK"] if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion("3.5"): deps.append("BLACS") for dep in deps: inc = os.getenv('%s_INC_DIR' % dep.upper()) libdir = os.getenv('%s_LIB_DIR' % dep.upper()) libs = os.getenv('%s_STATIC_LIBS' % dep.upper()) if inc and libdir and libs: with_arg = "--with-%s" % dep.lower() self.cfg.update('configopts', '%s=1' % with_arg) self.cfg.update('configopts', '%s-include=%s' % (with_arg, inc)) self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '%s-lib=[%s/%s]' % (with_arg, libdir, libs)) else: "Missing inc/lib info, so not enabling %s support." % dep) # BLAS, LAPACK libraries bl_libdir = os.getenv('BLAS_LAPACK_LIB_DIR') bl_libs = os.getenv('BLAS_LAPACK_STATIC_LIBS') if bl_libdir and bl_libs: self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '--with-blas-lapack-lib=[%s/%s]' % (bl_libdir, bl_libs)) else: raise EasyBuildError( "One or more environment variables for BLAS/LAPACK not defined?" ) # additional dependencies # filter out deps handled seperately depfilter = self.cfg.builddependencies() + [ "BLACS", "BLAS", "CMake", "FFTW", "LAPACK", "numpy", "mpi4py", "papi", "ScaLAPACK", "SuiteSparse" ] deps = [ dep['name'] for dep in self.cfg.dependencies() if not dep['name'] in depfilter ] for dep in deps: if type(dep) == str: dep = (dep, dep) deproot = get_software_root(dep[0]) if deproot: if (LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.5")) and (dep[1] == "SCOTCH"): withdep = "--with-pt%s" % dep[1].lower( ) # --with-ptscotch is the configopt PETSc >= 3.5 else: withdep = "--with-%s" % dep[1].lower() self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '%s=1 %s-dir=%s' % (withdep, withdep, deproot)) # SuiteSparse options changed in PETSc 3.5, suitesparse = get_software_root('SuiteSparse') if suitesparse: if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.5"): withdep = "--with-suitesparse" # specified order of libs matters! ss_libs = [ "UMFPACK", "KLU", "CHOLMOD", "BTF", "CCOLAMD", "COLAMD", "CAMD", "AMD" ] suitesparse_inc = [ os.path.join(suitesparse, l, "Include") for l in ss_libs ] suitesparse_inc.append( os.path.join(suitesparse, "SuiteSparse_config")) inc_spec = "-include=[%s]" % ','.join(suitesparse_inc) suitesparse_libs = [ os.path.join(suitesparse, l, "Lib", "lib%s.a" % l.lower()) for l in ss_libs ] suitesparse_libs.append( os.path.join(suitesparse, "SuiteSparse_config", "libsuitesparseconfig.a")) lib_spec = "-lib=[%s]" % ','.join(suitesparse_libs) else: # CHOLMOD and UMFPACK are part of SuiteSparse (PETSc < 3.5) withdep = "--with-umfpack" inc_spec = "-include=%s" % os.path.join( suitesparse, "UMFPACK", "Include") # specified order of libs matters! umfpack_libs = [ os.path.join(suitesparse, l, "Lib", "lib%s.a" % l.lower()) for l in ["UMFPACK", "CHOLMOD", "COLAMD", "AMD"] ] lib_spec = "-lib=[%s]" % ','.join(umfpack_libs) self.cfg.update( 'configopts', ' '.join([ withdep + spec for spec in ['=1', inc_spec, lib_spec] ])) # set PETSC_DIR for configure (env) and build_step env.setvar('PETSC_DIR', self.cfg['start_dir']) self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'PETSC_DIR=%s' % self.cfg['start_dir']) if self.cfg['sourceinstall']: # run configure without --prefix (required) cmd = "%s ./configure %s" % (self.cfg['preconfigopts'], self.cfg['configopts']) (out, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False) else: out = super(EB_PETSc, self).configure_step() # check for errors in configure error_regexp = re.compile("ERROR") if raise EasyBuildError("Error(s) detected in configure output!") if self.cfg['sourceinstall']: # figure out PETSC_ARCH setting petsc_arch_regex = re.compile("^\s*PETSC_ARCH:\s*(\S+)$", re.M) res = if res: self.petsc_arch = self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'PETSC_ARCH=%s' % self.petsc_arch) else: raise EasyBuildError( "Failed to determine PETSC_ARCH setting.") self.petsc_subdir = '%s-%s' % (, self.version) else: # old versions (< 3.x) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--prefix=%s' % self.installdir) self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-shared=1') # additional dependencies for dep in ["SCOTCH"]: deproot = get_software_root(dep) if deproot: withdep = "--with-%s" % dep.lower() self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '%s=1 %s-dir=%s' % (withdep, withdep, deproot)) cmd = "./config/ %s" % self.get_cfg('configopts') run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # PETSc > 3.5, make does not accept -j if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("3.5"): self.cfg['parallel'] = None
def extract_step(self, verbose=False): """Custom extraction of sources for Chimera: unpack installation file to obtain chimera.bin installer.""" cmd = "unzip -d %s %s" % (self.builddir, self.src[0]['path']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
class EB_numpy(FortranPythonPackage): """Support for installing the numpy Python package as part of a Python installation.""" @staticmethod def extra_options(): """Easyconfig parameters specific to numpy.""" extra_vars = ({ 'blas_test_time_limit': [500, "Time limit (in ms) for 1000x1000 matrix dot product BLAS test", CUSTOM], }) return FortranPythonPackage.extra_options(extra_vars=extra_vars) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize numpy-specific class variables.""" super(EB_numpy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sitecfg = None self.sitecfgfn = 'site.cfg' self.testinstall = True self.testcmd = "cd .. && %(python)s -c 'import numpy; numpy.test(verbose=2)'" def configure_step(self): """Configure numpy build by composing site.cfg contents.""" # see e.g. self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([ "[DEFAULT]", "library_dirs = %(libs)s", "include_dirs= %(includes)s", "search_static_first=True", ]) if get_software_root("imkl"): if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.GCC: # see, # section Building with GNU Compiler chain extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([ "[mkl]", "lapack_libs = ", "mkl_libs = mkl_rt", ]) else: extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([ "[mkl]", "lapack_libs = %(lapack)s", "mkl_libs = %(blas)s", ]) else: # [atlas] the only real alternative, even for non-ATLAS BLAS libs (e.g., OpenBLAS, ACML, ...) # using only the [blas] and [lapack] sections results in sub-optimal builds that don't provide; # it does require a CBLAS interface to be available for the BLAS library being used # e.g. for ACML, the CBLAS module providing a C interface needs to be used extrasiteconfig = '\n'.join([ "[atlas]", "atlas_libs = %(lapack)s", "[lapack]", "lapack_libs = %(lapack)s", # required by scipy, that uses numpy's site.cfg ]) blas = None lapack = None fft = None if get_software_root("imkl"): # with IMKL, no spaces and use '-Wl:' # redefine 'Wl,' to 'Wl:' so that the patch file can do its job def get_libs_for_mkl(varname): """Get list of libraries as required for MKL patch file.""" libs = self.toolchain.variables['LIB%s' % varname].copy() libs.try_remove(['pthread', 'dl']) tweaks = { 'prefix': '', 'prefix_begin_end': '-Wl:', 'separator': ',', 'separator_begin_end': ',', } libs.try_function_on_element('change', kwargs=tweaks) libs.SEPARATOR = ',' return str(libs) # str causes list concatenation and adding prefixes & separators blas = get_libs_for_mkl('BLAS_MT') lapack = get_libs_for_mkl('LAPACK_MT') fft = get_libs_for_mkl('FFT') # make sure the patch file is there # we check for a typical characteristic of a patch file that cooperates with the above # not fool-proof, but better than enforcing a particular patch filename patch_found = False patch_wl_regex = re.compile(r"replace\(':',\s*','\)") for patch in self.patches: # patches are either strings (extension) or dicts (easyblock) if isinstance(patch, dict): patch = patch['path'] if, 'r').read()): patch_found = True break if not patch_found: raise EasyBuildError("Building numpy on top of Intel MKL requires a patch to " "handle -Wl linker flags correctly, which doesn't seem to be there.") else: # unless Intel MKL is used, $ATLAS should be set to take full control, # and to make sure a fully optimized version is built, including # which is critical for decent performance of the (matrix dot product) function! env.setvar('ATLAS', '1') lapack = ', '.join([x for x in self.toolchain.get_variable('LIBLAPACK_MT', typ=list) if x != "pthread"]) fft = ', '.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('LIBFFT', typ=list)) libs = ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('LDFLAGS', typ=list)) includes = ':'.join(self.toolchain.get_variable('CPPFLAGS', typ=list)) # CBLAS is required for ACML, because it doesn't offer a C interface to BLAS if get_software_root('ACML'): cblasroot = get_software_root('CBLAS') if cblasroot: lapack = ', '.join([lapack, "cblas"]) cblaslib = os.path.join(cblasroot, 'lib') # with numpy as extension, CBLAS might not be included in LDFLAGS because it's not part of a toolchain if not cblaslib in libs: libs = ':'.join([libs, cblaslib]) else: raise EasyBuildError("CBLAS is required next to ACML to provide a C interface to BLAS, " "but it's not loaded.") if fft: extrasiteconfig += "\n[fftw]\nlibraries = %s" % fft suitesparseroot = get_software_root('SuiteSparse') if suitesparseroot: amddir = os.path.join(suitesparseroot, 'AMD') umfpackdir = os.path.join(suitesparseroot, 'UMFPACK') if not os.path.exists(amddir) or not os.path.exists(umfpackdir): raise EasyBuildError("Expected SuiteSparse subdirectories are not both there: %s, %s", amddir, umfpackdir) else: extrasiteconfig += '\n'.join([ "[amd]", "library_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(amddir, 'Lib'), "include_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(amddir, 'Include'), "amd_libs = amd", "[umfpack]", "library_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(umfpackdir, 'Lib'), "include_dirs = %s" % os.path.join(umfpackdir, 'Include'), "umfpack_libs = umfpack", ]) self.sitecfg = '\n'.join([self.sitecfg, extrasiteconfig]) self.sitecfg = self.sitecfg % { 'blas': blas, 'lapack': lapack, 'libs': libs, 'includes': includes, } super(EB_numpy, self).configure_step() # check configuration (for debugging purposes) cmd = "%s config" % self.python_cmd run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) def test_step(self): """Run available numpy unit tests, and more.""" super(EB_numpy, self).test_step() # temporarily install numpy, it doesn't alow to be used straight from the source dir tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() abs_pylibdirs = [os.path.join(tmpdir, pylibdir) for pylibdir in self.all_pylibdirs] for pylibdir in abs_pylibdirs: mkdir(pylibdir, parents=True) pythonpath = "export PYTHONPATH=%s &&" % os.pathsep.join(abs_pylibdirs + ['$PYTHONPATH']) cmd = self.compose_install_command(tmpdir, extrapath=pythonpath) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, verbose=False) try: pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdir) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Faild to change to %s: %s", tmpdir, err) # evaluate performance of (3 runs, 3 loops each) size = 1000 cmd = ' '.join([ pythonpath, '%s -m timeit -n 3 -r 3' % self.python_cmd, '-s "import numpy; x = numpy.random.random((%(size)d, %(size)d))"' % {'size': size}, '", x.T)"', ]) (out, ec) = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False) self.log.debug("Test output: %s" % out) # fetch result time_msec = None msec_re = re.compile("\d+ loops, best of \d+: (?P<time>[0-9.]+) msec per loop") res = if res: time_msec = float('time')) else: sec_re = re.compile("\d+ loops, best of \d+: (?P<time>[0-9.]+) sec per loop") res = if res: time_msec = 1000 * float('time')) elif self.dry_run: # use fake value during dry run time_msec = 123 self.log.warning("Using fake value for time required for %dx%d matrix dot product under dry run: %s", size, size, time_msec) else: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine time for test run.") # make sure we observe decent performance if time_msec < self.cfg['blas_test_time_limit']:"Time for %dx%d matrix dot product: %d msec < %d msec => OK", size, size, time_msec, self.cfg['blas_test_time_limit']) else: raise EasyBuildError("Time for %dx%d matrix dot product: %d msec >= %d msec => ERROR", size, size, time_msec, self.cfg['blas_test_time_limit']) try: os.chdir(pwd) rmtree2(tmpdir) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change back to %s: %s", pwd, err)
try: os.chdir(testdir) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to move to %s to run tests: %s", testdir, err) # run all tests via the provided 'run' scripts tests = glob.glob(os.path.join(testdir, '*.run')) # gpcr takes too logn (~1h), ifabp fails due to input issues (?) tests = [ t for t in tests if not (t.endswith('') or t.endswith('')) ] for test in tests: run_cmd(test) def install_step(self): """Custom install procedure for TINKER.""" source_dir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'source') try: os.chdir(source_dir) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to move to %s: %s", source_dir, err) mkdir(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'bin')) run_cmd( os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.build_subdir, 'rename.make')) def sanity_check_step(self):
def configure_step(self): """Custom configuration for ROOT, add configure options.""" # using ./configure is deprecated/broken in recent versions, need to use CMake instead if LooseVersion(self.version.lstrip('v')) >= LooseVersion('6.10'): if self.cfg['arch']: raise EasyBuildError( "Specified value '%s' for 'arch' is not used, should not be set", self.cfg['arch']) cfitsio_root = get_software_root('CFITSIO') if cfitsio_root: self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DCFITSIO=%s' % cfitsio_root) fftw_root = get_software_root('FFTW') if fftw_root: self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '-Dbuiltin_fftw3=OFF -DFFTW_DIR=%s' % fftw_root) gsl_root = get_software_root('GSL') if gsl_root: self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGSL_DIR=%s' % gsl_root) mesa_root = get_software_root('Mesa') if mesa_root: self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '-DDOPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR=%s' % os.path.join(mesa_root, 'include')) self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '-DOPENGL_gl_LIBRARY=%s' % os.path.join(mesa_root, 'lib', '')) python_root = get_software_root('Python') if python_root: pyshortver = '.'.join( get_software_version('Python').split('.')[:2]) self.cfg.update( 'configopts', '-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s' % os.path.join(python_root, 'bin', 'python')) python_inc_dir = os.path.join(python_root, 'include', 'python%s' % pyshortver) self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=%s' % python_inc_dir) python_lib = os.path.join(python_root, 'lib', '' % pyshortver) self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=%s' % python_lib) if get_software_root('X11'): self.cfg.update('configopts', '-Dx11=ON') self.cfg['separate_build_dir'] = True CMakeMake.configure_step(self) else: if self.cfg['arch'] is None: raise EasyBuildError( "No architecture specified to pass to configure script") self.cfg.update('configopts', "--etcdir=%s/etc/root " % self.installdir) cmd = "%s ./configure %s --prefix=%s %s" % ( self.cfg['preconfigopts'], self.cfg['arch'], self.installdir, self.cfg['configopts']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, log_ok=True, simple=True)
def configure_common(self): """Common configuration for all toolchains""" # openmp introduces 2 major differences # -automatic is default: -noautomatic -auto-scalar # some mem-bandwidth optimisation if self.cfg['type'] == 'psmp': self.openmp = self.toolchain.get_flag('openmp') # determine which opt flags to use if self.cfg['typeopt']: optflags = 'OPT' regflags = 'OPT2' else: optflags = 'NOOPT' regflags = 'NOOPT' # make sure a MPI-2 able MPI lib is used mpi2 = False if hasattr(self.toolchain, 'MPI_FAMILY') and self.toolchain.MPI_FAMILY is not None: known_mpi2_fams = [ toolchain.MPICH, toolchain.MPICH2, toolchain.MVAPICH2, toolchain.OPENMPI, toolchain.INTELMPI ] mpi_fam = self.toolchain.mpi_family() if mpi_fam in known_mpi2_fams: mpi2 = True self.log.debug( "Determined MPI2 compatibility based on MPI toolchain component: %s" % mpi_fam) else: self.log.debug( "Cannot determine MPI2 compatibility based on MPI toolchain component: %s" % mpi_fam) else: # can't use toolchain.mpi_family, because of dummy toolchain mpi2libs = ['impi', 'MVAPICH2', 'OpenMPI', 'MPICH2', 'MPICH'] for mpi2lib in mpi2libs: if get_software_root(mpi2lib): mpi2 = True self.log.debug( "Determined MPI2 compatibility based on loaded MPI module: %s" ) else: self.log.debug( "MPI-2 supporting MPI library %s not loaded.") if not mpi2: raise EasyBuildError( "CP2K needs MPI-2, no known MPI-2 supporting library loaded?") cppflags = os.getenv('CPPFLAGS') ldflags = os.getenv('LDFLAGS') cflags = os.getenv('CFLAGS') fflags = os.getenv('FFLAGS') fflags_lowopt = re.sub('-O[0-9]', '-O1', fflags) options = { 'CC': os.getenv('MPICC'), 'CPP': '', 'FC': '%s %s' % (os.getenv('MPIF90'), self.openmp), 'LD': '%s %s' % (os.getenv('MPIF90'), self.openmp), 'AR': 'ar -r', 'CPPFLAGS': '', 'FPIC': self.fpic, 'DEBUG': self.debug, 'FCFLAGS': '$(FCFLAGS%s)' % optflags, 'FCFLAGS2': '$(FCFLAGS%s)' % regflags, 'CFLAGS': ' %s %s %s $(FPIC) $(DEBUG) %s ' % (cflags, cppflags, ldflags, self.cfg['extracflags']), 'DFLAGS': ' -D__parallel -D__BLACS -D__SCALAPACK -D__FFTSG %s' % self.cfg['extradflags'], 'LIBS': os.getenv('LIBS', ''), 'FCFLAGSNOOPT': '$(DFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -O0 $(FREE) $(FPIC) $(DEBUG)', 'FCFLAGSOPT': '%s $(FREE) $(SAFE) $(FPIC) $(DEBUG)' % fflags, 'FCFLAGSOPT2': '%s $(FREE) $(SAFE) $(FPIC) $(DEBUG)' % fflags_lowopt, } libint = get_software_root('LibInt') if libint: options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__LIBINT' libintcompiler = "%s %s" % (os.getenv('CC'), os.getenv('CFLAGS')) # Build libint-wrapper, if required libint_wrapper = '' # required for old versions of GCC if not self.compilerISO_C_BINDING: options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__HAS_NO_ISO_C_BINDING' # determine path for libint_tools dir libinttools_paths = [ 'libint_tools', 'tools/hfx_tools/libint_tools' ] libinttools_path = None for path in libinttools_paths: path = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], path) if os.path.isdir(path): libinttools_path = path change_dir(libinttools_path) if not libinttools_path: raise EasyBuildError("No libinttools dir found") # build libint wrapper cmd = "%s -c libint_cpp_wrapper.cpp -I%s/include" % ( libintcompiler, libint) if not run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True): raise EasyBuildError("Building the libint wrapper failed") libint_wrapper = '%s/libint_cpp_wrapper.o' % libinttools_path # determine Libint libraries based on major version number libint_maj_ver = get_software_version('Libint').split('.')[0] if libint_maj_ver == '1': libint_libs = "$(LIBINTLIB)/libderiv.a $(LIBINTLIB)/libint.a $(LIBINTLIB)/libr12.a" elif libint_maj_ver == '2': libint_libs = "$(LIBINTLIB)/libint2.a" else: raise EasyBuildError( "Don't know how to handle libint version %s", libint_maj_ver)"Using Libint version %s" % (libint_maj_ver)) options['LIBINTLIB'] = '%s/lib' % libint options['LIBS'] += ' %s -lstdc++ %s' % (libint_libs, libint_wrapper) else: # throw a warning, since CP2K without Libint doesn't make much sense self.log.warning( "Libint module not loaded, so building without Libint support") libxc = get_software_root('libxc') if libxc: cur_libxc_version = get_software_version('libxc') if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('6.1'): libxc_min_version = '4.0.3' options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__LIBXC' else: libxc_min_version = '2.0.1' options['DFLAGS'] += ' -D__LIBXC2' if LooseVersion(cur_libxc_version) < LooseVersion( libxc_min_version): raise EasyBuildError( "This version of CP2K is not compatible with libxc < %s" % libxc_min_version) if LooseVersion(cur_libxc_version) >= LooseVersion('4.0.3'): # cfr. options['LIBS'] += ' -L%s/lib -lxcf03 -lxc' % libxc elif LooseVersion(cur_libxc_version) >= LooseVersion('2.2'): options['LIBS'] += ' -L%s/lib -lxcf90 -lxc' % libxc else: options['LIBS'] += ' -L%s/lib -lxc' % libxc"Using Libxc-%s" % cur_libxc_version) else: "libxc module not loaded, so building without libxc support") return options
class EB_TINKER(EasyBlock): """Support for building/installing TINKER.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Custom easyblock constructor for TINKER: initialise class variables.""" super(EB_TINKER, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.build_subdir = None self.build_in_installdir = True def configure_step(self): """Custom configuration procedure for TINKER.""" # make sure FFTW is available if get_software_root('FFTW') is None: raise EasyBuildError("FFTW dependency is not available.") os_dirs = { LINUX: 'linux', DARWIN: 'macosx', } os_type = get_os_type() os_dir = os_dirs.get(os_type) if os_dir is None: raise EasyBuildError( "Failed to determine OS directory for %s (known: %s)", os_type, os_dirs) comp_dirs = { toolchain.INTELCOMP: 'intel', toolchain.GCC: 'gfortran', } comp_fam = self.toolchain.comp_family() comp_dir = comp_dirs.get(comp_fam) if comp_dir is None: raise EasyBuildError( "Failed to determine compiler directory for %s (known: %s)", comp_fam, comp_dirs) self.build_subdir = os.path.join(os_dir, comp_dir)"Using build scripts from %s subdirectory" % self.build_subdir) # patch 'link.make' script to use FFTW provided via EasyBuild link_make_fp = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.build_subdir, 'link.make') for line in fileinput.input(link_make_fp, inplace=1, backup='.orig'): line = re.sub(r"libfftw3_threads.a libfftw3.a", r"-L$EBROOTFFTW/lib -lfftw3_threads -lfftw3", line) sys.stdout.write(line) def build_step(self): """Custom build procedure for TINKER.""" source_dir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'source') try: os.chdir(source_dir) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to move to %s: %s", source_dir, err) run_cmd( os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.build_subdir, 'compile.make')) run_cmd( os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.build_subdir, 'library.make')) run_cmd( os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], self.build_subdir, 'link.make'))
def build_step(self): """Build in install dir using compile script.""" cmd = "./%s" % self.compile_script run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
def test_step(self): """Run regression test.""" if self.cfg['runtest']: # we need to specify location of 'data' directory in *build* dir, # since we've configured CP2K to look into the installation directory # (where 'data' will be copied to in install step) setvar('CP2K_DATA_DIR', os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'data')) if not build_option('mpi_tests'): "Skipping testing of CP2K since MPI testing is disabled") return if self.cfg['omp_num_threads']: setvar('OMP_NUM_THREADS', self.cfg['omp_num_threads']) # change to root of build dir change_dir(self.builddir) # use regression test reference output if available # try and find an unpacked directory that starts with 'LAST-' regtest_refdir = None for d in os.listdir(self.builddir): if d.startswith("LAST-"): regtest_refdir = d break # location of do_regtest script cfg_fn = "cp2k_regtest.cfg" regtest_script = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'tools', 'regtesting', 'do_regtest') regtest_cmd = "%s -nosvn -nobuild -config %s" % (regtest_script, cfg_fn) # older version of CP2K if not os.path.exists(regtest_script): regtest_script = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'tools', 'do_regtest') regtest_cmd = "%s -nocvs -quick -nocompile -config %s" % ( regtest_script, cfg_fn) # patch do_regtest so that reference output is used if regtest_refdir:"Using reference output available in %s" % regtest_refdir) try: for line in fileinput.input(regtest_script, inplace=1, backup='.orig.refout'): line = re.sub(r"^(dir_last\s*=\${dir_base})/.*$", r"\1/%s" % regtest_refdir, line) sys.stdout.write(line) except IOError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to modify '%s': %s", regtest_script, err) else: "No reference output found for regression test, just continuing without it..." ) # prefer using 4 cores, since some tests require/prefer square (n^2) numbers or powers of 2 (2^n) test_core_cnt = min(self.cfg.get('parallel', sys.maxint), 4) if get_avail_core_count() < test_core_cnt: raise EasyBuildError( "Cannot run MPI tests as not enough cores (< %s) are available", test_core_cnt) else:"Using %s cores for the MPI tests" % test_core_cnt) # configure regression test cfg_txt = '\n'.join([ 'FORT_C_NAME="%(f90)s"', 'dir_base=%(base)s', 'cp2k_version=%(cp2k_version)s', 'dir_triplet=%(triplet)s', 'export ARCH=${dir_triplet}', 'cp2k_dir=%(cp2k_dir)s', 'leakcheck="YES"', 'maxtasks=%(maxtasks)s', 'cp2k_run_prefix="%(mpicmd_prefix)s"', ]) % { 'f90': os.getenv('F90'), 'base': os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(self.cfg['start_dir'])), 'cp2k_version': self.cfg['type'], 'triplet': self.typearch, 'cp2k_dir': os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.cfg['start_dir'])), 'maxtasks': self.cfg['maxtasks'], 'mpicmd_prefix': self.toolchain.mpi_cmd_for('', test_core_cnt), } write_file(cfg_fn, cfg_txt) self.log.debug("Contents of %s: %s" % (cfg_fn, cfg_txt)) # run regression test (regtest_output, ec) = run_cmd(regtest_cmd, log_all=True, simple=False, log_output=True) if ec == 0:"Regression test output:\n%s" % regtest_output) else: raise EasyBuildError( "Regression test failed (non-zero exit code): %s", regtest_output) # pattern to search for regression test summary re_pattern = "number\s+of\s+%s\s+tests\s+(?P<cnt>[0-9]+)" # find total number of tests regexp = re.compile(re_pattern % "", re.M | re.I) res = tot_cnt = None if res: tot_cnt = int('cnt')) else: raise EasyBuildError( "Finding total number of tests in regression test summary failed" ) # function to report on regtest results def test_report(test_result): """Report on tests with given result.""" postmsg = '' test_result = test_result.upper() regexp = re.compile(re_pattern % test_result, re.M | re.I) cnt = None res = if not res: raise EasyBuildError( "Finding number of %s tests in regression test summary failed", test_result.lower()) else: cnt = int('cnt')) logmsg = "Regression test reported %s / %s %s tests" logmsg_values = (cnt, tot_cnt, test_result.lower()) # failed tests indicate problem with installation # wrong tests are only an issue when there are excessively many if (test_result == "FAILED" and cnt > 0) or (test_result == "WRONG" and (cnt / tot_cnt) > 0.1): if self.cfg['ignore_regtest_fails']: self.log.warning(logmsg, *logmsg_values) "Ignoring failures in regression test, as requested." ) else: raise EasyBuildError(logmsg, *logmsg_values) elif test_result == "CORRECT" or cnt == 0:, *logmsg_values) else: self.log.warning(logmsg, *logmsg_values) return postmsg # number of failed/wrong tests, will report error if count is positive self.postmsg += test_report("FAILED") self.postmsg += test_report("WRONG") # number of new tests, will be high if a non-suitable regtest reference was used # will report error if count is positive (is that what we want?) self.postmsg += test_report("NEW") # number of correct tests: just report test_report("CORRECT")
def configure_step(self): """ Configure for GCC build: - prepare extra source dirs (GMP, MPFR, MPC, ...) - create obj dir to build in (GCC doesn't like to be built in source dir) - add configure and make options, according to .eb spec file - decide whether or not to do a staged build (which is required to enable PPL/CLooG support) - set platform_lib based on config.guess output """ # self.configopts will be reused in a 3-staged build, # configopts is only used in first configure self.configopts = self.cfg['configopts'] # I) prepare extra source dirs, e.g. for GMP, MPFR, MPC (if required), so GCC can build them stage1_info = self.prep_extra_src_dirs("stage1") configopts = stage1_info['configopts'] # II) update config options # enable specified language support if self.cfg['languages']: self.configopts += " --enable-languages=%s" % ','.join(self.cfg['languages']) # enable building of libiberty, if desired if self.cfg['withlibiberty']: self.configopts += " --enable-install-libiberty" # enable link-time-optimization (LTO) support, if desired if self.cfg['withlto']: self.configopts += " --enable-lto" else: self.configopts += " --disable-lto" # configure for a release build self.configopts += " --enable-checking=release " # enable multilib: allow both 32 and 64 bit if self.cfg['multilib']: glibc_32bit = [ "glibc.i686", # Fedora, RedHat-based "glibc.ppc", # "" on Power "libc6-dev-i386", # Debian-based "gcc-c++-32bit", # OpenSuSE, SLES ] if not any([check_os_dependency(dep) for dep in glibc_32bit]): raise EasyBuildError("Using multilib requires 32-bit glibc (install one of %s, depending on your OS)", ', '.join(glibc_32bit)) self.configopts += " --enable-multilib --with-multilib-list=m32,m64" else: self.configopts += " --disable-multilib" # build both static and dynamic libraries (???) self.configopts += " --enable-shared=yes --enable-static=yes " # use POSIX threads self.configopts += " --enable-threads=posix " # enable plugin support self.configopts += " --enable-plugins " # use GOLD as default linker if self.cfg['use_gold_linker']: self.configopts += " --enable-gold=default --enable-ld" else: self.configopts += " --enable-gold --enable-ld=default" # enable bootstrap build for self-containment (unless for staged build) if not self.stagedbuild: configopts += " --enable-bootstrap" else: configopts += " --disable-bootstrap" if self.stagedbuild: # # STAGE 1: configure GCC build that will be used to build PPL/CLooG #"Starting with stage 1 of 3-staged build to enable CLooG and/or PPL, ISL support...") self.stage1installdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'GCC_stage1_eb') configopts += " --prefix=%(p)s --with-local-prefix=%(p)s" % {'p': self.stage1installdir} else: # unstaged build, so just run standard configure/make/make install # set prefixes"Performing regular GCC build...") configopts += " --prefix=%(p)s --with-local-prefix=%(p)s" % {'p': self.installdir} # prioritize lib over lib{64,32,x32} for all architectures by overriding default MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES config # only do this when multilib is not enabled if self.cfg['prefer_lib_subdir'] and not self.cfg['multilib']: cfgfile = 'gcc/config/i386/t-linux64' multilib_osdirnames = "MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES = m64=../lib:../lib64 m32=../lib:../lib32 mx32=../lib:../libx32""Patching MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES in %s with '%s'", cfgfile, multilib_osdirnames) write_file(cfgfile, multilib_osdirnames, append=True) elif self.cfg['multilib']:"Not patching MULTILIB_OSDIRNAMES since use of --enable-multilib is enabled") # III) create obj dir to build in, and change to it # GCC doesn't like to be built in the source dir if self.stagedbuild: objdir = self.create_dir("stage1_obj") self.stage1prefix = objdir else: objdir = self.create_dir("obj") # IV) actual configure, but not on default path cmd = "../configure %s %s" % (self.configopts, configopts) # instead of relying on uname, we run the same command GCC uses to # determine the platform out, ec = run_cmd("../config.guess", simple=False) if ec == 0: self.platform_lib = out.rstrip() self.run_configure_cmd(cmd) self.disable_lto_mpfr_old_gcc(objdir)
def test_step(self): """Run WPS test (requires large dataset to be downloaded). """ wpsdir = None def run_wps_cmd(cmdname, mpi_cmd=True): """Run a WPS command, and check for success.""" cmd = os.path.join(wpsdir, "%s.exe" % cmdname) if mpi_cmd: if build_option('mpi_tests'): cmd = self.toolchain.mpi_cmd_for(cmd, 1) else: "Skipping MPI test for %s, since MPI tests are disabled", cmd) return (out, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False) re_success = re.compile("Successful completion of %s" % cmdname) if not raise EasyBuildError("%s.exe failed (pattern '%s' not found)?", cmdname, re_success.pattern) if self.cfg['runtest']: if not self.cfg['testdata']: raise EasyBuildError("List of URLs for testdata not provided.") wpsdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, "WPS") try: # create temporary directory tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(tmpdir) # download data testdata_paths = [] for testdata in self.cfg['testdata']: path = self.obtain_file(testdata) if not path: raise EasyBuildError( "Downloading file from %s failed?", testdata) testdata_paths.append(path) # unpack data for path in testdata_paths: extract_file(path, tmpdir) namelist_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'namelist.wps') # GEOGRID # setup directories and files for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, "geog")): os.symlink(os.path.join(tmpdir, "geog", d), os.path.join(tmpdir, d)) # copy namelist.wps file and patch it for geogrid copy_file(os.path.join(wpsdir, 'namelist.wps'), namelist_file) for line in fileinput.input(namelist_file, inplace=1, backup='.orig.geogrid'): line = re.sub(r"^(\s*geog_data_path\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1 '%s'" % tmpdir, line) sys.stdout.write(line) # GEOGRID.TBL geogrid_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "geogrid") os.mkdir(geogrid_dir) os.symlink(os.path.join(wpsdir, "geogrid", "GEOGRID.TBL.ARW"), os.path.join(geogrid_dir, "GEOGRID.TBL")) # run geogrid.exe run_wps_cmd("geogrid") # UNGRIB # determine start and end time stamps of grib files grib_file_prefix = "fnl_" k = len(grib_file_prefix) fs = [ f for f in sorted(os.listdir('.')) if f.startswith(grib_file_prefix) ] start = "%s:00:00" % fs[0][k:] end = "%s:00:00" % fs[-1][k:] # copy namelist.wps file and patch it for ungrib copy_file(os.path.join(wpsdir, 'namelist.wps'), namelist_file) for line in fileinput.input(namelist_file, inplace=1, backup='.orig.ungrib'): line = re.sub(r"^(\s*start_date\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1 '%s','%s'," % (start, start), line) line = re.sub(r"^(\s*end_date\s*=\s*).*$", r"\1 '%s','%s'," % (end, end), line) sys.stdout.write(line) # copy correct Vtable vtable_dir = os.path.join(wpsdir, 'ungrib', 'Variable_Tables') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vtable_dir, 'Vtable.ARW')): copy_file(os.path.join(vtable_dir, 'Vtable.ARW'), os.path.join(tmpdir, 'Vtable')) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(vtable_dir, 'Vtable.ARW.UPP')): copy_file(os.path.join(vtable_dir, 'Vtable.ARW.UPP'), os.path.join(tmpdir, 'Vtable')) else: raise EasyBuildError( "Could not find Vtable file to use for testing ungrib") # run link_grib.csh script cmd = "%s %s*" % (os.path.join( wpsdir, "link_grib.csh"), grib_file_prefix) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # run ungrib.exe run_wps_cmd("ungrib", mpi_cmd=False) # METGRID.TBL metgrid_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "metgrid") os.mkdir(metgrid_dir) os.symlink(os.path.join(wpsdir, "metgrid", "METGRID.TBL.ARW"), os.path.join(metgrid_dir, "METGRID.TBL")) # run metgrid.exe run_wps_cmd('metgrid') # clean up rmtree2(tmpdir) os.chdir(self.builddir) except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to run WPS test: %s", err)
def configure_step(self): """Configure Python package build/install.""" # don't add user site directory to sys.path (equivalent to python -s) # see env.setvar('PYTHONNOUSERSITE', '1', verbose=False) if self.python_cmd is None: self.prepare_python() if self.sitecfg is not None: # used by some extensions, like numpy, to find certain libs finaltxt = self.sitecfg if self.sitecfglibdir: repl = self.sitecfglibdir finaltxt = finaltxt.replace('SITECFGLIBDIR', repl) if self.sitecfgincdir: repl = self.sitecfgincdir finaltxt = finaltxt.replace('SITECFGINCDIR', repl) self.log.debug("Using %s: %s" % (self.sitecfgfn, finaltxt)) try: if os.path.exists(self.sitecfgfn): txt = open(self.sitecfgfn).read() self.log.debug("Found %s: %s" % (self.sitecfgfn, txt)) config = open(self.sitecfgfn, 'w') config.write(finaltxt) config.close() except IOError: raise EasyBuildError("Creating %s failed", self.sitecfgfn) # conservatively auto-enable checking of $LDSHARED if it is not explicitely enabled or disabled # only do this for sufficiently recent Python versions (>= 3.7 or Python 2.x >= 2.7.15) if self.cfg.get('check_ldshared') is None: pyver = det_python_version(self.python_cmd) recent_py2 = pyver.startswith( '2') and LooseVersion(pyver) >= LooseVersion('2.7.15') if recent_py2 or LooseVersion(pyver) >= LooseVersion('3.7'): "Checking of $LDSHARED auto-enabled for sufficiently recent Python version %s", pyver) self.cfg['check_ldshared'] = True else: "Not auto-enabling checking of $LDSHARED, Python version %s is not recent enough", pyver) # ensure that LDSHARED uses CC if self.cfg.get('check_ldshared', False): curr_cc = os.getenv('CC') python_ldshared = get_config_vars('LDSHARED')[0] if python_ldshared and curr_cc: if python_ldshared.split(' ')[0] == curr_cc: "Python's value for $LDSHARED ('%s') uses current $CC value ('%s'), not touching it", python_ldshared, curr_cc) else: "Python's value for $LDSHARED ('%s') doesn't use current $CC value ('%s'), fixing", python_ldshared, curr_cc) env.setvar("LDSHARED", curr_cc + " -shared") else: if curr_cc: "No $LDSHARED found for Python, setting to '%s -shared'", curr_cc) env.setvar("LDSHARED", curr_cc + " -shared") else: "No value set for $CC, so not touching $LDSHARED either" ) # creates log entries for python being used, for debugging cmd = "%(python)s -V; %(python)s -c 'import sys; print(sys.executable, sys.path)'" run_cmd(cmd % {'python': self.python_cmd}, verbose=False, trace=False)
def build_step(self): if self.stagedbuild: # make and install stage 1 build of GCC paracmd = '' if self.cfg['parallel']: paracmd = "-j %s" % self.cfg['parallel'] cmd = "%s make %s %s" % (self.cfg['prebuildopts'], paracmd, self.cfg['buildopts']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) cmd = "make install %s" % (self.cfg['installopts']) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # register built GCC as compiler to use for stage 2/3 path = "%s/bin:%s" % (self.stage1installdir, os.getenv('PATH')) env.setvar('PATH', path) ld_lib_path = "%(dir)s/lib64:%(dir)s/lib:%(val)s" % { 'dir': self.stage1installdir, 'val': os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') } env.setvar('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', ld_lib_path) # # STAGE 2: build GMP/PPL/CLooG for stage 3 # # create dir to build GMP/PPL/CLooG in stage2dir = "stage2_stuff" stage2prefix = self.create_dir(stage2dir) # prepare directories to build GMP/PPL/CLooG stage2_info = self.prep_extra_src_dirs("stage2", target_prefix=stage2prefix) configopts = stage2_info['configopts'] # build PPL and CLooG (GMP as dependency) for lib in ["gmp"] + self.with_dirs: self.log.debug("Building %s in stage 2" % lib) if lib == "gmp" or self.cfg['with%s' % lib]: libdir = os.path.join(stage2prefix, lib) try: os.chdir(libdir) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to change to %s: %s", libdir, err) if lib == "gmp": cmd = "./configure --prefix=%s " % stage2prefix cmd += "--with-pic --disable-shared --enable-cxx " # ensure generic build when 'generic' is set to True or when --optarch=GENERIC is used # non-generic build can be enforced with generic=False if --optarch=GENERIC is used if build_option('optarch') == OPTARCH_GENERIC and self.cfg['generic'] is not False: cmd += "--enable-fat " elif lib == "ppl": self.pplver = LooseVersion(stage2_info['versions']['ppl']) cmd = "./configure --prefix=%s --with-pic -disable-shared " % stage2prefix # only enable C/C++ interfaces (Java interface is sometimes troublesome) cmd += "--enable-interfaces='c c++' " # enable watchdog (or not) if self.pplver <= LooseVersion("0.11"): if self.cfg['pplwatchdog']: cmd += "--enable-watchdog " else: cmd += "--disable-watchdog " elif self.cfg['pplwatchdog']: raise EasyBuildError("Enabling PPL watchdog only supported in PPL <= v0.11 .") # make sure GMP we just built is found cmd += "--with-gmp=%s " % stage2prefix elif lib == "isl": cmd = "./configure --prefix=%s --with-pic --disable-shared " % stage2prefix cmd += "--with-gmp=system --with-gmp-prefix=%s " % stage2prefix # ensure generic build when 'generic' is set to True or when --optarch=GENERIC is used # non-generic build can be enforced with generic=False if --optarch=GENERIC is used if build_option('optarch') == OPTARCH_GENERIC and self.cfg['generic'] is not False: cmd += "--without-gcc-arch " elif lib == "cloog": self.cloogname = stage2_info['names']['cloog'] self.cloogver = LooseVersion(stage2_info['versions']['cloog']) v0_15 = LooseVersion("0.15") v0_16 = LooseVersion("0.16") cmd = "./configure --prefix=%s --with-pic --disable-shared " % stage2prefix # use ISL or PPL if self.cfg['clooguseisl']: if self.cfg['withisl']: self.log.debug("Using external ISL for CLooG") cmd += "--with-isl=system --with-isl-prefix=%s " % stage2prefix elif self.cloogver >= v0_16: self.log.debug("Using bundled ISL for CLooG") cmd += "--with-isl=bundled " else: raise EasyBuildError("Using ISL is only supported in CLooG >= v0.16 (detected v%s).", self.cloogver) else: if self.cloogname == "cloog-ppl" and self.cloogver >= v0_15 and self.cloogver < v0_16: cmd += "--with-ppl=%s " % stage2prefix else: errormsg = "PPL only supported with CLooG-PPL v0.15.x (detected v%s)" % self.cloogver errormsg += "\nNeither using PPL or ISL-based ClooG, I'm out of options..." raise EasyBuildError(errormsg) # make sure GMP is found if self.cloogver >= v0_15 and self.cloogver < v0_16: cmd += "--with-gmp=%s " % stage2prefix elif self.cloogver >= v0_16: cmd += "--with-gmp=system --with-gmp-prefix=%s " % stage2prefix else: raise EasyBuildError("Don't know how to specify location of GMP to configure of CLooG v%s.", self.cloogver) else: raise EasyBuildError("Don't know how to configure for %s", lib) # configure self.run_configure_cmd(cmd) # build and 'install' cmd = "make %s" % paracmd run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) cmd = "make install" run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) if lib == "gmp": # make sure correct GMP is found libpath = os.path.join(stage2prefix, 'lib') incpath = os.path.join(stage2prefix, 'include') cppflags = os.getenv('CPPFLAGS', '') env.setvar('CPPFLAGS', "%s -L%s -I%s " % (cppflags, libpath, incpath)) # # STAGE 3: bootstrap build of final GCC (with PPL/CLooG support) # # create new obj dir and change into it self.create_dir("stage3_obj") # reconfigure for stage 3 build"Stage 2 of 3-staged build completed, continuing with stage 3 " "(with CLooG and/or PPL, ISL support enabled)...") stage3_info = self.prep_extra_src_dirs("stage3") configopts = stage3_info['configopts'] configopts += " --prefix=%(p)s --with-local-prefix=%(p)s" % {'p': self.installdir} # enable bootstrapping for self-containment configopts += " --enable-bootstrap " # PPL config options if self.cfg['withppl']: # for PPL build and CLooG-PPL linking for lib in ["lib64", "lib"]: path = os.path.join(self.stage1installdir, lib, "libstdc++.a") if os.path.exists(path): libstdcxxpath = path break configopts += "--with-host-libstdcxx='-static-libgcc %s -lm' " % libstdcxxpath configopts += "--with-ppl=%s " % stage2prefix if self.pplver <= LooseVersion("0.11"): if self.cfg['pplwatchdog']: configopts += "--enable-watchdog " else: configopts += "--disable-watchdog " # CLooG config options if self.cfg['withcloog']: configopts += "--with-cloog=%s " % stage2prefix gccver = LooseVersion(self.version) if self.cfg['clooguseisl'] and self.cloogver >= LooseVersion('0.16') and gccver < LooseVersion('4.8.0'): configopts += "--enable-cloog-backend=isl " if self.cfg['withisl']: configopts += "--with-isl=%s " % stage2prefix # configure cmd = "../configure %s %s" % (self.configopts, configopts) self.run_configure_cmd(cmd) # build with bootstrapping for self-containment if self.cfg['profiled']: self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'profiledbootstrap') else: self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'bootstrap') # call standard build_step super(EB_GCC, self).build_step()
os.chdir(absDest) except OSError, err: _log.error("Can't change to directory %s: %s" % (absDest, err)) if not cmd: cmd = extract_cmd(fn, overwrite=overwrite) else: # complete command template with filename cmd = cmd % fn if not cmd: _log.error("Can't extract file %s with unknown filetype" % fn) if extra_options: cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, extra_options) run.run_cmd(cmd, simple=True) return find_base_dir() def which(cmd): """Return (first) path in $PATH for specified command, or None if command is not found.""" paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) for path in paths: cmd_path = os.path.join(path, cmd) # only accept path is command is there, and both readable and executable if os.access(cmd_path, os.R_OK | os.X_OK):"Command %s found at %s" % (cmd, cmd_path)) return cmd_path _log.warning( "Could not find command '%s' (with permissions to read/execute it) in $PATH (%s)"
def sanity_check_step(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Custom sanity check for Python packages """ success, fail_msg = True, '' # don't add user site directory to sys.path (equivalent to python -s) # see; # must be set here to ensure that it is defined when running sanity check for extensions, # since load_module is not called for every extension, # to avoid that any Python packages installed in $HOME/.local/lib affect the sanity check; # see also env.setvar('PYTHONNOUSERSITE', '1', verbose=False) if self.cfg.get('download_dep_fail', False): "Detection of downloaded depenencies enabled, checking output of installation command..." ) patterns = [ 'Downloading .*/packages/.*', # setuptools r'Collecting .*', # pip ] downloaded_deps = [] for pattern in patterns: downloaded_deps.extend( re.compile(pattern, re.M).findall(self.install_cmd_output)) if downloaded_deps: success = False fail_msg = "found one or more downloaded dependencies: %s" % ', '.join( downloaded_deps) self.sanity_check_fail_msgs.append(fail_msg) else: self.log.debug("Detection of downloaded dependencies not enabled") # inject directory path that uses %(pyshortver)s template into default value for sanity_check_paths, # but only for stand-alone installations, not for extensions; # this is relevant for installations of Python packages for multiple Python versions (via multi_deps) # (we can not pass this via custom_paths, since then the %(pyshortver)s template value will not be resolved) if not self.is_extension and not self.cfg[ 'sanity_check_paths'] and kwargs.get('custom_paths') is None: self.cfg['sanity_check_paths'] = { 'files': [], 'dirs': [os.path.join('lib', 'python%(pyshortver)s', 'site-packages')], } # make sure 'exts_filter' is defined, which is used for sanity check if self.multi_python: # when installing for multiple Python versions, we must use 'python', not a full-path 'python' command! python_cmd = 'python' if 'exts_filter' not in kwargs: kwargs.update({'exts_filter': EXTS_FILTER_PYTHON_PACKAGES}) else: # 'python' is replaced by full path to active 'python' command # (which is required especially when installing with system Python) if self.python_cmd is None: self.prepare_python() python_cmd = self.python_cmd if 'exts_filter' not in kwargs: orig_exts_filter = EXTS_FILTER_PYTHON_PACKAGES exts_filter = (orig_exts_filter[0].replace( 'python', self.python_cmd), orig_exts_filter[1]) kwargs.update({'exts_filter': exts_filter}) if self.cfg.get('sanity_pip_check', False): pip_version = det_pip_version() if pip_version: if LooseVersion(pip_version) >= LooseVersion('9.0.0'): if not self.is_extension: # for stand-alone Python package installations (not part of a bundle of extensions), # we need to load the fake module file, otherwise the Python package being installed # is not "in view", and we will overlook missing dependencies... fake_mod_data = self.load_fake_module(purge=True) pip_check_errors = [] pip_check_msg, ec = run_cmd("pip check", log_ok=False) if ec: pip_check_errors.append('`pip check` failed:\n%s' % pip_check_msg) else:'`pip check` completed successfully') # Also check for a common issue where the package version shows up as 0.0.0 often caused # by using as the installation method for a package which is released as a generic wheel # named name-version-py2.py3-none-any.whl. `tox` creates those from version controlled source code # so it will contain a version, but the raw tar.gz does not. pkgs = self.get_installed_python_packages( names_only=False, python_cmd=python_cmd) faulty_version = '0.0.0' faulty_pkg_names = [ pkg['name'] for pkg in pkgs if pkg['version'] == faulty_version ] for unversioned_package in self.cfg.get( 'unversioned_packages', []): try: faulty_pkg_names.remove(unversioned_package) self.log.debug( 'Excluding unversioned package %s from check', unversioned_package) except ValueError: try: version = next( pkg['version'] for pkg in pkgs if pkg['name'] == unversioned_package) except StopIteration: msg = ( 'Package %s in unversioned_packages was not found in the installed packages. ' 'Check that the name from `pip list` is used which may be different than the ' 'module name.' % unversioned_package) else: msg = ( 'Package %s in unversioned_packages has a version of %s which is valid. ' 'Please remove it from unversioned_packages.' % (unversioned_package, version)) pip_check_errors.append(msg) 'Found %s invalid packages out of %s packages', len(faulty_pkg_names), len(pkgs)) if faulty_pkg_names: msg = ( "The following Python packages were likely not installed correctly because they show a " "version of '%s':\n%s\n" "This may be solved by using a *-none-any.whl file as the source instead. " "See e.g. the SOURCE*_WHL templates.\n" "Otherwise you could check if the package provides a version at all or if e.g. poetry is " "required (check the source for a pyproject.toml and see PEP517 for details on that)." ) % (faulty_version, '\n'.join(faulty_pkg_names)) pip_check_errors.append(msg) if not self.is_extension: self.clean_up_fake_module(fake_mod_data) if pip_check_errors: raise EasyBuildError('\n'.join(pip_check_errors)) else: raise EasyBuildError( "pip >= 9.0.0 is required for running 'pip check', found %s", pip_version) else: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine pip version!") parent_success, parent_fail_msg = super(PythonPackage, self).sanity_check_step( *args, **kwargs) if parent_fail_msg: parent_fail_msg += ', ' return (parent_success and success, parent_fail_msg + fail_msg)
def test_generate_software_list(self): """Test for script.""" # adjust $PYTHONPATH such that test easyblocks are found by the script test_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) eb_blocks_path = os.path.join(test_dir, 'sandbox') pythonpath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', os.path.dirname(test_dir)) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join( [pythonpath, eb_blocks_path]) testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(testdir)) script = os.path.join(topdir, 'easybuild', 'scripts', '') easyconfigs_dir = os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs') # copy easyconfig files in format v1 to run the script tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(easyconfigs_dir): if 'v2.0' in subfolders: subfolders.remove('v2.0') for ec_file in [ f for f in files if 'broken' not in os.path.basename(f) ]: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(root, ec_file), tmpdir) cmd = "%s %s --local --quiet --path %s" % (sys.executable, script, tmpdir) out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False) # make sure output is kind of what we expect it to be regex = r"Supported Packages \(32 " self.assertTrue(, out), "Pattern '%s' found in output: %s" % (regex, out)) per_letter = { 'B': '2', # binutils, bzip2 'C': '2', # CrayCCE, CUDA 'F': '3', # foss, fosscuda, FFTW 'G': '9', # GCC, GCCcore, gcccuda, gmvapich2, golf, golfc, gompic, gompi, gzip 'H': '1', # hwloc 'I': '8', # icc, iccifort, iccifortcuda, intel, ifort, iimpi, imkl, impi 'M': '1', # MVAPICH2 'O': '2', # OpenMPI, OpenBLAS 'P': '1', # Python 'S': '2', # ScaLAPACK, SQLite 'T': '1', # toy } self.assertTrue(' - '.join( ["[%(l)s](#%(l)s)" % { 'l': l } for l in sorted(per_letter.keys())])) for key, val in per_letter.items(): regex = re.compile( r"### %(l)s \(%(n)s packages\) <a name='%(l)s'/>" % { 'l': key, 'n': val }) self.assertTrue(, "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern, out)) software = [ 'FFTW', 'foss', 'GCC', 'gompi', 'gzip', 'hwloc', 'OpenMPI', 'OpenBLAS', 'ScaLAPACK', 'toy' ] for soft in software: letter = soft[0].lower() pattern = r"^\*.*logo[\s\S]*easyconfigs/%(l)s/%(s)s\)[\s\S]*%(s)s.*\n" % { 'l': letter, 's': soft } self.assertTrue(, out, re.M), "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (pattern, out)) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = pythonpath
def test_generate_software_list(self): """Test for script.""" # adjust $PYTHONPATH such that test easyblocks are found by the script eb_blocks_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sandbox')) pythonpath = os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = "%s:%s" % (pythonpath, eb_blocks_path) testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(testdir)) script = os.path.join(topdir, 'easybuild', 'scripts', '') easyconfigs_dir = os.path.join(testdir, 'easyconfigs') # copy easyconfig files in format v1 to run the script tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for root, subfolders, files in os.walk(easyconfigs_dir): if 'v2.0' in subfolders: subfolders.remove('v2.0') for ec_file in files: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(root, ec_file), tmpdir) cmd = "python %s --local --quiet --path %s" % (script, tmpdir) out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False) # make sure output is kind of what we expect it to be self.assertTrue("Supported Packages \(11", out)) per_letter = { 'F': '1', # FFTW 'G': '4', # GCC, gompi, goolf, gzip 'H': '1', # hwloc 'I': '1', # ictce 'O': '2', # OpenMPI, OpenBLAS 'S': '1', # ScaLAPACK 'T': '1', # toy } self.assertTrue(' - '.join( ["[%(l)s](#%(l)s)" % { 'l': l } for l in sorted(per_letter.keys())])) for key, val in per_letter.items(): self.assertTrue( r"### %(l)s \(%(n)s packages\) <a name='%(l)s'/>" % { 'l': key, 'n': val }, out)) software = [ 'FFTW', 'GCC', 'gompi', 'goolf', 'gzip', 'hwloc', 'OpenMPI', 'OpenBLAS', 'ScaLAPACK', 'toy' ] for soft in software: letter = soft[0].lower() pattern = r"^\*.*logo[\s\S]*easyconfigs/%(l)s/%(s)s\)[\s\S]*%(s)s.*\n" % { 'l': letter, 's': soft } self.assertTrue(, out, re.M)) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = pythonpath
def configure_step(self): """Custom configuration procedure for NEURON.""" if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('7.8.1'): # make sure we're using the correct configure command # (required because custom easyconfig parameters from CMakeMake are picked up) self.cfg['configure_cmd'] = "./configure" # enable support for distributed simulations if desired if self.cfg['paranrn']: self.cfg.update('configopts', '--with-paranrn') # specify path to InterViews if it is available as a dependency interviews_root = get_software_root('InterViews') if interviews_root: self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-iv=%s" % interviews_root) else: self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-iv") # optionally enable support for Python as alternative interpreter python_root = get_software_root('Python') if python_root: self.with_python = True self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-nrnpython=%s/bin/python" % python_root) # determine host CPU type cmd = "./config.guess" (out, ec) = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False) self.hostcpu = out.split('\n')[0].split('-')[0] self.log.debug("Determined host CPU type as %s" % self.hostcpu) # determine Python lib dir self.pylibdir = det_pylibdir() # complete configuration with configure_method of parent ConfigureMake.configure_step(self) else: # enable support for distributed simulations if desired if self.cfg['paranrn']: self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DNRN_ENABLE_MPI=ON') else: self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DNRN_ENABLE_MPI=OFF') # specify path to InterViews if it is available as a dependency interviews_root = get_software_root('InterViews') if interviews_root: self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DIV_DIR=%s -DNRN_ENABLE_INTERVIEWS=ON" % interviews_root) else: self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DNRN_ENABLE_INTERVIEWS=OFF") # no longer used it seems self.hostcpu = '' # optionally enable support for Python as alternative interpreter python_root = get_software_root('Python') if python_root: self.with_python = True self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DNRN_ENABLE_PYTHON=ON -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s/bin/python" % python_root) self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DNRN_ENABLE_MODULE_INSTALL=ON " "-DNRN_MODULE_INSTALL_OPTIONS='--prefix=%s'" % self.installdir) else: self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DNRN_ENABLE_PYTHON=OFF") # determine Python lib dir self.pylibdir = det_pylibdir() # complete configuration with configure_method of parent CMakeMake.configure_step(self)
def run_clang_tests(self, obj_dir): os.chdir(obj_dir)"Running tests") run_cmd("make %s check-all" % self.make_parallel_opts, log_all=True)
self.cfg.update('buildopts', 'CC="$MPICC"') cmd = "%s make %s %s" % (self.cfg['prebuildopts'], paracmd, self.cfg['buildopts']) # run make in build dir as well for recent version if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("4"): try: os.chdir(self.parmetis_builddir) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_output=verbose) os.chdir(self.cfg['start_dir']) except OSError, err: self.log.error("Running cmd '%s' in %s failed: %s" % (cmd, self.parmetis_builddir, err)) else: run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_output=verbose) def install_step(self): """ Install by copying files over to the right places. Also create symlinks where expected by other software (Lib directory). """ includedir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'include') libdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib') if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion("4"): # includedir etc changed in v4, use a normal make install cmd = "make install %s" % self.cfg['installopts'] try: os.chdir(self.parmetis_builddir)
def test_fix_broken_easyconfig(self): """Test script.""" testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(testdir)) script = os.path.join(topdir, 'easybuild', 'scripts', '') test_easyblocks = os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox') broken_ec_txt_tmpl = '\n'.join([ "# licenseheader", "%sname = '%s'", "version = '1.2.3'", '', "description = 'foo'", "homepage = ''", '', "toolchain = {'name': 'GCC', 'version': '4.8.2'}", '', "premakeopts = 'FOO=libfoo.%%s' %% shared_lib_ext", "makeopts = 'CC=gcc'", '', "license = 'foo.lic'", ]) fixed_ec_txt_tmpl = '\n'.join([ "# licenseheader", "%sname = '%s'", "version = '1.2.3'", '', "description = 'foo'", "homepage = ''", '', "toolchain = {'name': 'GCC', 'version': '4.8.2'}", '', "prebuildopts = 'FOO=libfoo.%%s' %% SHLIB_EXT", "buildopts = 'CC=gcc'", '', "license_file = 'foo.lic'", ]) broken_ec_tmpl = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, '%s.eb') script_cmd_tmpl = "PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH:%s %s %%s" % ( topdir, test_easyblocks, script) # don't change it if it isn't broken broken_ec = broken_ec_tmpl % 'notbroken' script_cmd = script_cmd_tmpl % broken_ec fixed_ec_txt = fixed_ec_txt_tmpl % ("easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'\n\n", 'foo') write_file(broken_ec, fixed_ec_txt) # (dummy) ConfigureMake easyblock is available in test sandbox script_cmd = script_cmd_tmpl % broken_ec new_ec_txt = read_file(broken_ec) self.assertEqual(new_ec_txt, fixed_ec_txt) self.assertTrue(EasyConfig(None, rawtxt=new_ec_txt)) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists( '%s.bk' % broken_ec)) # no backup created if nothing was fixed broken_ec = broken_ec_tmpl % 'nosuchsoftware' script_cmd = script_cmd_tmpl % broken_ec broken_ec_txt = broken_ec_txt_tmpl % ('', 'nosuchsoftware') fixed_ec_txt = fixed_ec_txt_tmpl % ("easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'\n\n", 'nosuchsoftware') # broken easyconfig is fixed in place, original file is backed up write_file(broken_ec, broken_ec_txt) run_cmd(script_cmd) new_ec_txt = read_file(broken_ec) self.assertEqual(new_ec_txt, fixed_ec_txt) self.assertTrue(EasyConfig(None, rawtxt=new_ec_txt)) self.assertEqual(read_file('%s.bk' % broken_ec), broken_ec_txt) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('%s.bk1' % broken_ec)) # broken easyconfig is fixed in place, original file is backed up, existing backup is not overwritten write_file(broken_ec, broken_ec_txt) write_file('%s.bk' % broken_ec, 'thisshouldnot\nbechanged') run_cmd(script_cmd) new_ec_txt = read_file(broken_ec) self.assertEqual(new_ec_txt, fixed_ec_txt) self.assertTrue(EasyConfig(None, rawtxt=new_ec_txt)) self.assertEqual(read_file('%s.bk' % broken_ec), 'thisshouldnot\nbechanged') self.assertEqual(read_file('%s.bk1' % broken_ec), broken_ec_txt) # if easyblock is specified, that part is left untouched broken_ec = broken_ec_tmpl % 'footoy' script_cmd = script_cmd_tmpl % broken_ec broken_ec_txt = broken_ec_txt_tmpl % ("easyblock = 'EB_toy'\n\n", 'foo') fixed_ec_txt = fixed_ec_txt_tmpl % ("easyblock = 'EB_toy'\n\n", 'foo') write_file(broken_ec, broken_ec_txt) run_cmd(script_cmd) new_ec_txt = read_file(broken_ec) self.assertEqual(new_ec_txt, fixed_ec_txt) self.assertTrue(EasyConfig(None, rawtxt=new_ec_txt)) self.assertEqual(read_file('%s.bk' % broken_ec), broken_ec_txt) # for existing easyblocks, "easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'" should *not* be added # EB_toy easyblock is available in test sandbox test_easyblocks = os.path.join(testdir, 'sandbox') broken_ec = broken_ec_tmpl % 'toy' # path to test easyblocks must be *appended* to PYTHONPATH (due to flattening in easybuild-easyblocks repo) script_cmd = script_cmd_tmpl % broken_ec broken_ec_txt = broken_ec_txt_tmpl % ('', 'toy') fixed_ec_txt = fixed_ec_txt_tmpl % ('', 'toy') write_file(broken_ec, broken_ec_txt) run_cmd(script_cmd) new_ec_txt = read_file(broken_ec) self.assertEqual(new_ec_txt, fixed_ec_txt) self.assertTrue(EasyConfig(None, rawtxt=new_ec_txt)) self.assertEqual(read_file('%s.bk' % broken_ec), broken_ec_txt)
def test_step(self): """Build and run tests included in the WRF distribution.""" if self.cfg['runtest']: if self.cfg[ 'buildtype'] in self.parallel_build_types and not build_option( 'mpi_tests'): "Skipping testing of WRF with build type '%s' since MPI testing is disabled", self.cfg['buildtype']) return # get list of WRF test cases self.testcases = [] if os.path.exists('test'): self.testcases = os.listdir('test') elif not self.dry_run: raise EasyBuildError( "Test directory not found, failed to determine list of test cases" ) # exclude 2d testcases in non-parallel WRF builds if self.cfg['buildtype'] in self.parallel_build_types: self.testcases = [ test for test in self.testcases if not "2d_" in test ] # exclude real testcases self.testcases = [ test for test in self.testcases if not test.endswith("_real") ] self.log.debug("intermediate list of testcases: %s" % self.testcases) # exclude tests that should not be run for test in ["em_esmf_exp", "em_scm_xy", "nmm_tropical_cyclone"]: if test in self.testcases: self.testcases.remove(test) # some tests hang when WRF is built with Intel compilers if self.comp_fam == toolchain.INTELCOMP: #@UndefinedVariable for test in ["em_heldsuarez"]: if test in self.testcases: self.testcases.remove(test) # determine parallel setting (1/2 of available processors + 1) n = self.cfg['parallel'] / 2 + 1 # prepare run command # stack limit needs to be set to unlimited for WRF to work well if self.cfg['buildtype'] in self.parallel_build_types: test_cmd = "ulimit -s unlimited && %s && %s" % ( self.toolchain.mpi_cmd_for("./ideal.exe", 1), self.toolchain.mpi_cmd_for("./wrf.exe", n)) else: test_cmd = "ulimit -s unlimited && ./ideal.exe && ./wrf.exe" % n def run_test(): """Run a single test and check for success.""" # regex to check for successful test run re_success = re.compile("SUCCESS COMPLETE WRF") # run test run_cmd(test_cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # check for success fn = "rsl.error.0000" try: f = open(fn, "r") txt = f.close() except IOError, err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to read output file %s: %s", fn, err) if"Test %s ran successfully." % test) else: raise EasyBuildError( "Test %s failed, pattern '%s' not found.", test, re_success.pattern) # clean up stuff that gets in the way fn_prefs = [ "wrfinput_", "namelist.output", "wrfout_", "rsl.out.", "rsl.error." ] for f in os.listdir('.'): for p in fn_prefs: if f.startswith(p): os.remove(f) self.log.debug("Cleaned up file %s." % f) # build an run each test case individually for test in self.testcases: self.log.debug("Building and running test %s" % test) #build_and_install cmd = "tcsh ./compile %s %s" % (self.par, test) run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True) # run test try: os.chdir('run') if test in ["em_fire"]: # handle tests with subtests seperately testdir = os.path.join("..", "test", test) for subtest in [ x for x in os.listdir(testdir) if os.path.isdir(x) ]: subtestdir = os.path.join(testdir, subtest) # link required files for f in os.listdir(subtestdir): if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f) os.symlink(os.path.join(subtestdir, f), f) # run test run_test() else: # run test run_test() os.chdir('..') except OSError, err: raise EasyBuildError( "An error occured when running test %s: %s", test, err)
def sanity_check_step(self): """Custom sanity check for NEURON.""" shlib_ext = get_shared_lib_ext() binpath = os.path.join(self.hostcpu, 'bin') libpath = os.path.join(self.hostcpu, 'lib', 'lib%s.' + shlib_ext) # hoc_ed is not included in the sources of 7.4. However, it is included in the binary distribution. # Nevertheless, the binary has a date old enough (June 2014, instead of November 2015 like all the # others) to be considered a mistake in the distribution binaries = ["neurondemo", "nrngui", "nrniv", "nrnivmodl", "nocmodl", "modlunit", "nrnmech_makefile", "mkthreadsafe"] libs = ["nrniv"] sanity_check_dirs = ['share/nrn'] if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('7.4'): binaries += ["hoc_ed"] if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('7.8.1'): binaries += ["", "", "ivoc", "memacs", "mos2nrn", "", "oc"] binaries += ["nrn%s" % x for x in ["iv_makefile", "oc", "oc_makefile", "ocmodl"]] libs += ["ivoc", "ivos", "memacs", "meschach", "neuron_gnu", "nrnmpi", "nrnoc", "nrnpython", "oc", "ocxt", "scopmath", "sparse13", "sundials"] sanity_check_dirs += ['include/nrn'] # list of included binaries changed with cmake. See # else: binaries += ["", "", "sortspike"] libs += ["rxdmath"] sanity_check_dirs += ['include'] if self.with_python: sanity_check_dirs += [os.path.join("lib", "python"), os.path.join("lib", "python%(pyshortver)s", "site-packages")] # this is relevant for installations of Python packages for multiple Python versions (via multi_deps) # (we can not pass this via custom_paths, since then the %(pyshortver)s template value will not be resolved) # ensure that we only add to paths specified in the EasyConfig sanity_check_files = [os.path.join(binpath, x) for x in binaries] + [libpath % x for x in libs] self.cfg['sanity_check_paths'] = { 'files': sanity_check_files, 'dirs': sanity_check_dirs, } super(EB_NEURON, self).sanity_check_step() try: fake_mod_data = self.load_fake_module() except EasyBuildError as err: self.log.debug("Loading fake module failed: %s" % err) # test NEURON demo inp = '\n'.join([ "demo(3) // load the pyramidal cell model.", "init() // initialise the model", "t // should be zero", "soma.v // will print -65", "run() // run the simulation", "t // should be 5, indicating that 5ms were simulated", "soma.v // will print a value other than -65, indicating that the simulation was executed", "quit()", ]) (out, ec) = run_cmd("neurondemo", simple=False, log_all=True, log_output=True, inp=inp) validate_regexp = re.compile(r"^\s+-65\s*\n\s+5\s*\n\s+-68.134337", re.M) if ec or not raise EasyBuildError("Validation of NEURON demo run failed.") else:"Validation of NEURON demo OK!") if build_option('mpi_tests'): nproc = self.cfg['parallel'] try: cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'src', 'parallel')) cmd = self.toolchain.mpi_cmd_for("nrniv -mpi test0.hoc", nproc) (out, ec) = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False, log_all=True, log_output=True) os.chdir(cwd) except OSError as err: raise EasyBuildError("Failed to run parallel hello world: %s", err) valid = True for i in range(0, nproc): validate_regexp = re.compile("I am %d of %d" % (i, nproc)) if not valid = False break if ec or not valid: raise EasyBuildError("Validation of parallel hello world run failed.") else:"Parallel hello world OK!") else:"Skipping MPI testing of NEURON since MPI testing is disabled") if self.with_python: cmd = "python -c 'import neuron; neuron.test()'" (out, ec) = run_cmd(cmd, simple=False, log_all=True, log_output=True) # cleanup self.clean_up_fake_module(fake_mod_data)