def test_cooling_pj(): print("Job directory: " + jobdir) print("Temporary directory: " + tmpdir) # ---- CAMPAIGN INITIALISATION --- print("Initializing Campaign") # Set up a fresh campaign called "cooling" my_campaign = uq.Campaign(name='cooling', work_dir=tmpdir) # Define parameter space params = { "temp_init": { "type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "default": 95.0 }, "kappa": { "type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.1, "default": 0.025 }, "t_env": { "type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 40.0, "default": 15.0 }, "out_file": { "type": "string", "default": "output.csv" } } output_filename = params["out_file"]["default"] output_columns = ["te", "ti"] # Create an encoder, decoder and collation element encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder(template_fname=COOLING_APP_DIR + '/cooling.template', delimiter='$', target_filename=ENCODED_FILENAME) decoder = uq.decoders.SimpleCSV(target_filename=output_filename, output_columns=output_columns, header=0) collater = uq.collate.AggregateSamples(average=False) # Add the PCE app (automatically set as current app) my_campaign.add_app(name="cooling", params=params, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, collater=collater) vary = {"kappa": cp.Uniform(0.025, 0.075), "t_env": cp.Uniform(15, 25)} # Create the sampler if uqmethod == 'pce': my_sampler = uq.sampling.PCESampler(vary=vary, polynomial_order=2) if uqmethod == 'qmc': my_sampler = uq.sampling.QMCSampler(vary=vary, n_samples=10) # Associate the sampler with the campaign my_campaign.set_sampler(my_sampler) print("Generating samples") # Will draw all (of the finite set of) samples my_campaign.draw_samples() print("Initialising EasyPJ Executor") # Create EasyVVUQ-QCGPJ Executor that will process the execution qcgpjexec = Executor() # Create QCG PJ-Manager with 4 cores (if you want to use all available resources remove the resources parameter) # Refer to the documentation for customisation options. qcgpjexec.create_manager(dir=my_campaign.campaign_dir, resources='4') # Define ENCODING task that will be used for execution of encodings using encoders specified by EasyVVUQ. # The presented specification of 'TaskRequirements' assumes the execution of each of the tasks on 1 core. qcgpjexec.add_task( Task(TaskType.ENCODING, TaskRequirements(cores=Resources(exact=1)))) # Define EXECUTION task that will be used for the actual execution of application. # The presented specification of 'TaskRequirements' assumes the execution of each of the tasks on 1 core, # but for more advanced parallel applications the resource requirements may be extended to use # many cores or even many resources. # Each task will execute the command provided in the 'application' parameter. qcgpjexec.add_task( Task(TaskType.EXECUTION, TaskRequirements(cores=Resources(exact=1)), application='python3 ' + APPLICATION + " " + ENCODED_FILENAME)) print("Starting the execution of QCG Pilot Job tasks") # Execute encodings and executions for all generated samples, submit_order=SubmitOrder.RUN_ORIENTED) # Terminate QCG PJ-Manager print("Completing the execution") qcgpjexec.terminate_manager() print("Collating results") my_campaign.collate() print("Making analysis") if uqmethod == 'pce': analysis = uq.analysis.PCEAnalysis(sampler=my_sampler, qoi_cols=output_columns) if uqmethod == 'qmc': analysis = uq.analysis.QMCAnalysis(sampler=my_sampler, qoi_cols=output_columns) my_campaign.apply_analysis(analysis) results = my_campaign.get_last_analysis() stats = results['statistical_moments']['te'] per = results['percentiles']['te'] dist_out = results['output_distributions']['te'] print("Stats: ") print(stats) print("Percentiles: ") print(per) print("Output distribution: ") print(dist_out) print("Processing completed") return stats, per, dist_out
def test_cooling_pj(tmpdir): tmpdir = str(tmpdir) print("Job directory: " + jobdir) print("Temporary directory: " + tmpdir) # ---- CAMPAIGN INITIALISATION --- print("Initializing Campaign") # Set up a fresh campaign called "cooling" my_campaign = uq.Campaign(name='cooling', work_dir=tmpdir) # Define parameter space params = { "temp_init": { "type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 100.0, "default": 95.0}, "kappa": { "type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 0.1, "default": 0.025}, "t_env": { "type": "float", "min": 0.0, "max": 40.0, "default": 15.0}, "out_file": { "type": "string", "default": "output.csv"}} output_filename = params["out_file"]["default"] output_columns = ["te", "ti"] # Create an encoder, decoder and collation element for PCE test app # encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder( encoder = CustomEncoder( template_fname=jobdir + '/' + TEMPLATE, delimiter='$', target_filename=ENCODED_FILENAME) decoder = uq.decoders.SimpleCSV(target_filename=output_filename, output_columns=output_columns, header=0) collater = uq.collate.AggregateSamples(average=False) # Add the PCE app (automatically set as current app) my_campaign.add_app(name="cooling", params=params, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, collater=collater ) vary = { "kappa": cp.Uniform(0.025, 0.075), "t_env": cp.Uniform(15, 25) } # Create the sampler my_sampler = uq.sampling.PCESampler(vary=vary, polynomial_order=3) # Associate the sampler with the campaign my_campaign.set_sampler(my_sampler) # Will draw all (of the finite set of samples) my_campaign.draw_samples() print("Starting execution") qcgpjexec = easypj.Executor() qcgpjexec.create_manager(dir=my_campaign.campaign_dir, resources='4') qcgpjexec.add_task(Task( TaskType.ENCODING, TaskRequirements(cores=Resources(exact=1)) )) qcgpjexec.add_task(Task( TaskType.EXECUTION, TaskRequirements(cores=Resources(exact=1)), application='python3 ' + jobdir + "/" + APPLICATION + " " + ENCODED_FILENAME )) # qcgpjexec.add_task(Task( # TaskType.ENCODING_AND_EXECUTION, # TaskRequirements(cores=Resources(exact=1)), # application='python3 ' + jobdir + "/" + APPLICATION + " " + ENCODED_FILENAME # )) campaign=my_campaign, submit_order=SubmitOrder.RUN_ORIENTED) # submit_order=SubmitOrder.RUN_ORIENTED_CONDENSED) qcgpjexec.terminate_manager() print("Collating results") my_campaign.collate() print("Making analysis") pce_analysis = uq.analysis.PCEAnalysis(sampler=my_sampler, qoi_cols=output_columns) my_campaign.apply_analysis(pce_analysis) results = my_campaign.get_last_analysis() stats = results['statistical_moments']['te'] print("Processing completed") return stats
def urbanair_no2_pj(tmpdir): tmpdir = str(tmpdir) print("Job directory: " + jobdir) print("Temporary directory: " + tmpdir) # ---- CAMPAIGN INITIALISATION --- # Set up a UrbanAir campagin - NO2 modelling my_campaign = uq.Campaign(name='urbanair_no2', work_dir=tmpdir) home = os.environ['HOME'] # Define parameter space params = { "cars": { "type": "integer", "min": 10, "max": 10000, "default": 860 }, "gas_engine": { "type": "float", "min": 0.1, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.72 }, "gas_usage": { "type": "float", "min": 4.0, "max": 13.0, "default": 8.0 }, "gas_density": { "type": "float", "min": 0.001, "max": 0.9, "default": 0.75 }, "gas_no2_index": { "type": "float", "min": 0.001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.00855 }, "out_file": { "type": "string", "default": "output.csv" } } output_filename = params["out_file"]["default"] output_columns = ["NO2"] # Create encoders, decoder and collation element for UrbanAir encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder(template_fname=jobdir + '/' + TEMPLATE, delimiter='$', target_filename=ENCODED_FILENAME) wind_encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder(template_fname=jobdir + '/' + WIND_TEMPLATE, delimiter='$', target_filename='wind.dat') scalars_encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder(template_fname=jobdir + '/' + SCALARS_TEMPLATE, delimiter='$', target_filename='scalars.dat') fort13_encoder = uq.encoders.GenericEncoder(template_fname=jobdir + '/' + FORT13_TEMPLATE, delimiter='$', target_filename='fort.13') emis_encoder = EmisEncoder(template_fname=jobdir + '/' + EMIS_TEMPLATE, delimiter='$', target_filename='emis.dat') encoders = uq.encoders.MultiEncoder(encoder, wind_encoder, scalars_encoder, fort13_encoder, emis_encoder) decoder = uq.decoders.SimpleCSV(target_filename=output_filename, output_columns=output_columns, header=0) collater = uq.collate.AggregateSamples(average=False) # Add the app (automatically set as current app) my_campaign.add_app(name="urbanair_no2", params=params, encoder=encoders, decoder=decoder, collater=collater) vary = { "gas_engine": cp.Uniform(0.1, 0.9), "gas_usage": cp.Uniform(3.0, 13.0), "gas_density": cp.Uniform(0.001, 0.9), "gas_no2_index": cp.Uniform(0.01, 0.1), } # Create the sampler my_sampler = uq.sampling.SCSampler(vary=vary, polynomial_order=1) # Associate the sampler with the campaign my_campaign.set_sampler(my_sampler) # Will draw all (of the finite set of samples) my_campaign.draw_samples() # use integrator between EasyVVUQ and QCG PilotJob qcgpjexec = easypj.Executor() # allocate 32 nodes, 24 cores each qcgpjexec.create_manager(dir=my_campaign.campaign_dir, resources='32:24') # create task to sample parameters. Each task will use 1 core # the samples will be generated in parallel qcgpjexec.add_task( Task(TaskType.ENCODING, TaskRequirements(cores=Resources(exact=1)))) # run the MPI application using 16 nodes, 24 cores each # Two ensembles should be run in parallel qcgpjexec.add_task( Task(TaskType.EXECUTION, TaskRequirements(nodes=Resources(exact=16), cores=Resources(exact=24)), application=APPLICATION)) # first generate samples, then run ensembles, submit_order=SubmitOrder.PHASE_ORIENTED) qcgpjexec.terminate_manager() my_campaign.collate() sc_analysis = uq.analysis.SCAnalysis(sampler=my_sampler, qoi_cols=output_columns) my_campaign.apply_analysis(sc_analysis) results = my_campaign.get_last_analysis() stats = results['statistical_moments']['NO2'] return stats