Example #1
    def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        self.func = func
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.throw = kwargs.pop('throw', True)
        self.daemon = kwargs.pop('daemon', True)
        self.threadname = kwargs.pop('threadname', 'anon-%X' % id(self))
        self.stopper = kwargs.pop('stopper', threading.Event())
        self.sleep = kwargs.pop('sleep', 1)
        self.loop = kwargs.pop('loop', False)
        self.timer = None
        self.console_logging = kwargs.pop('console_logging', True)

        real_thread_no_greenlet = kwargs.pop('real_thread_no_greenlet', False)
        if is_module_patched("threading"):
            # in case of using apply_gevent_patch function - use this option in order to defer some jobs to real threads
            self.real_thread_no_greenlet = real_thread_no_greenlet
            # gevent isn't active, no need to do anything special
            self.real_thread_no_greenlet = False

        rimt = kwargs.pop("raise_in_main_thread", False)
        if rimt:
            exc_type = Exception if rimt is True else rimt
            self.func = raise_in_main_thread(exc_type)(self.func)
Example #2
from easypy.humanize import IndentableTextBuffer, time_duration, compact
from easypy.humanize import format_thread_stack, yesno_to_bool
from easypy.threadtree import iter_thread_frames
from easypy.timing import Timer
from easypy.units import MINUTE, HOUR
from easypy.colors import colorize, uncolored
from easypy.sync import SynchronizationCoordinator, ProcessExiting, raise_in_main_thread

DISABLE_CONCURRENCY = yesno_to_bool(
    os.getenv("EASYPY_DISABLE_CONCURRENCY", "no"))

this_module = import_module(__name__)
THREADING_MODULE_PATHS = [threading.__file__]

if is_module_patched("threading"):
    import gevent
    MAX_THREAD_POOL_SIZE *= 100  # these are not threads anymore, but greenlets. so we allow a lot of them

    from traceback import _extract_stack_iter
except ImportError:
    from traceback import walk_stack

    def _extract_stack_iter(frame):
        for f, lineno in walk_stack(frame):
            co = f.f_code
            filename = co.co_filename
            name = co.co_name
            yield filename, lineno, name