def GotoBookmark(self, mark): """Goto the bookmark in the editor @param mark: BookMark """ app = wx.GetApp() mw = app.GetActiveWindow() if mw: nb = mw.GetNotebook() buf = nb.FindBuffer(mark.Filename) use_handle = True if not buf: nb.OpenPage(ebmlib.GetPathName(mark.Filename), ebmlib.GetFileName(mark.Filename)) buf = nb.GetCurrentPage() use_handle = False # Handle is invalid so use line number if buf: # Ensure the tab is the current one nb.GotoPage(mark.Filename) # Jump to the bookmark line if use_handle: lnum = buf.MarkerLineFromHandle(mark.Handle) else: lnum = mark.Line buf.GotoLine(lnum) else: util.Log("[ed_bookmark][err] Failed to locate mainwindow")
def OnAddPyExe(self, event): """Handle adding new item""" config = Profile_Get(PYTOOL_CONFIG, default=dict()) curpy = config.get(TLC_PYTHON_PATH, u'') cdir = ebmlib.GetPathName(curpy) cfile = ebmlib.GetFileName(curpy) dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Select Python Executable"), cdir, cfile, style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_CHANGE_DIR | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) dlg.CenterOnParent() result = dlg.ShowModal() path = dlg.Path dlg.Destroy() if result != wx.ID_OK: return if path and os.path.exists(path): allpy = config.get(TLC_ALL_PYTHON_PATHS, []) if path not in allpy: # Update collection of paths allpy.append(path) allpy.sort() config[TLC_ALL_PYTHON_PATHS] = allpy # Update Choice control and current selection self._python_path_combo.Items = allpy self._python_path_combo.StringSelection = path # Update current python to the newly added one config[TLC_PYTHON_PATH] = path Profile_Set(PYTOOL_CONFIG, config)
def OpenPathWithFM(self, path, revel=False): """Open the given path with the systems file manager @param path: path to open @keyword revel: revel path in file manager? """ if revel: path = ebmlib.GetPathName(path) ebmlib.OpenWithFileManager(path)
def OnDrop(self, files): """Opens dropped files @param files: list of file paths @postcondition: all files that could be properly opend are added to the notebook """ # Check file properties and make a "clean" list of file(s) to open valid_files = list() for fname in files: self.LOG("[ed_pages][evt] File(s) Dropped: %s" % fname) if not os.path.exists(fname): self.frame.PushStatusText(_("Invalid file: %s") % fname, \ ed_glob.SB_INFO) elif os.path.isdir(fname): dcnt = glob.glob(os.path.join(fname, '*')) dcnt = util.FilterFiles(dcnt) dlg = None if not len(dcnt): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("There are no files that Editra" " can open in %s") % fname, _("No Valid Files to Open"), style=wx.OK | wx.CENTER | \ wx.ICON_INFORMATION) elif len(dcnt) > 5: # Warn when the folder contains many files dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Do you wish to open all %d files" " in this directory?\n\nWarning:" " opening many files at once may" " cause the editor to temporarily " " freeze.") % len(dcnt), _("Open Directory?"), style=wx.YES | wx.NO | \ wx.ICON_INFORMATION) if dlg is not None: result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: result = wx.ID_YES if result == wx.ID_YES: valid_files.extend(dcnt) else: pass else: valid_files.append(fname) for fname in valid_files: pathname = ebmlib.GetPathName(fname) the_file = ebmlib.GetFileName(fname) self.OpenPage(pathname, the_file) self.frame.PushStatusText(_("Opened file: %s") % fname, \ ed_glob.SB_INFO) return
def testGetPathName(self): """Test that getting the path name from a string returns the correct string. """ roots = (("Home", "foo", "projects"), ("usr", "bin"), ("Users", "bar", "Desktop")) fname = "" paths = [os.sep.join(root) for root in roots] for path in paths: tmp = os.path.join(path, fname) result = ebmlib.GetPathName(tmp) self.assertEqual(path, result, "%s != %s" % (result, path))
def EditCommand(self, cmd): """Perform an edit related command @param cmd: command string to execute """ # e fname: edit file cmd = cmd[1:].strip() frame = self.GetTopLevelParent() if not os.path.isabs(cmd): cmd = os.path.join(self._curdir, cmd) if os.path.exists(cmd): frame.DoOpen(ed_glob.ID_COMMAND_LINE_OPEN, cmd) else: frame.nb.OpenPage(ebmlib.GetPathName(cmd), ebmlib.GetFileName(cmd))
def DoCompileCheck(self, path): """Run a compilation check on the given path @return: tuple(path, output) """ flag, pypath = ToolConfig.GetPythonExecutablePath("CompileCheck") if not flag: # No configured Python return (None, u"No Python") # TODO translations (send error code) # run 'python -m py_compile fname' parentPath = ebmlib.GetPathName(path) fname = ebmlib.GetFileName(path) cmd = [pypath, '-m', 'py_compile', fname] # TODO: pythonpath? processcreator = ProcessCreator("CompileCheck", parentPath, cmd) process = processcreator.createprocess() stdoutdata, stderrdata = process.communicate() processcreator.restorepath() return (path, stderrdata)
def OnNavigateToPos(self, evt): """Handle buffer position history navigation events""" e_id = evt.GetId() fname, pos = (None, None) cname = self.control.GetFileName() cpos = self.control.GetCurrentPos() if e_id == ed_glob.ID_NEXT_POS: if self.DocMgr.CanNavigateNext(): fname, pos = self.DocMgr.GetNextNaviPos() if (fname, pos) == (cname, cpos): fname, pos = (None, None) tmp = self.DocMgr.GetNextNaviPos() if tmp is not None: fname, pos = tmp elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_PRE_POS: if self.DocMgr.CanNavigatePrev(): fname, pos = self.DocMgr.GetPreviousNaviPos() if (fname, pos) == (cname, cpos): fname, pos = (None, None) tmp = self.DocMgr.GetPreviousNaviPos() if tmp is not None: fname, pos = tmp else: evt.Skip() return ctrl = self.FindBuffer(fname) if ctrl is None: # Open the file in the editor if fname is not None: self.OpenPage(ebmlib.GetPathName(fname), ebmlib.GetFileName(fname)) self.control.SetCaretPos(pos) else: # Raise page to top and goto position pages = [ self.GetPage(page) for page in xrange(self.GetPageCount()) ] idx = pages.index(ctrl) self.ChangePage(idx) ctrl.SetCaretPos(pos)
def process_file(window, d): filename = d["name"] # If the file is open in this window, reuse it. Otherwise, open it. for i in range(window.nb.GetPageCount()): page = window.nb.GetPage(i) if page.GetFileName() == filename: window.nb.ChangePage(i) break else: window.nb.OpenPage(ebmlib.GetPathName(filename), ebmlib.GetFileName(filename), quiet=True) window.nb.GoCurrentPage() buff = window.nb.GetCurrentCtrl() if d.get("revert", False): buff.RevertToSaved() # Go to the line. if "line" in d: buff.GotoLine(d["line"] - 1)
def OpenPage(self, path, filename, quiet=False): """Open a File Inside of a New Page @param path: files base path @param filename: name of file to open @keyword quiet: Open/Switch to the file quietly if it is already open. """ path2file = os.path.join(path, filename) # Resolve links to real file if ebmlib.IsLink(path2file): path2file = ebmlib.ResolveRealPath(path2file) path = ebmlib.GetPathName(path2file) filename = ebmlib.GetFileName(path2file) if self.DocDuplicated(path2file): return # Check if file needs to be opened # TODO: these steps could be combined together with some # refactoring of the _NeedOpen method. Requires extra # testing though to check for dependencies on current # behavior. if quiet and self.HasFileOpen(path2file): self.GotoPage(path2file) return elif not self._NeedOpen(path2file): return # Create new control to place text on if necessary self.GetTopLevelParent().Freeze() new_pg = True if self.GetPageCount(): if self.control.GetModify() or self.control.GetLength() or \ self.control.GetFileName() != u'': control = ed_editv.EdEditorView(self, wx.ID_ANY) control.Hide() else: new_pg = False control = self.control else: control = ed_editv.EdEditorView(self, wx.ID_ANY) control.Hide() # Open file and get contents result = False if os.path.exists(path2file): try: result = control.LoadFile(path2file) except Exception, msg: self.LOG("[ed_pages][err] Failed to open file %s\n" % path2file) self.LOG("[ed_pages][err] %s" % msg) # File could not be opened/read give up # Don't raise a dialog during a session load error as if the # dialog is shown before the mainwindow is ready it can cause # the app to freeze. if not self._ses_load: ed_mdlg.OpenErrorDlg(self, path2file, msg) control.GetDocument().ClearLastError() control.SetFileName('') # Reset the file name if new_pg: control.Destroy() self.GetTopLevelParent().Thaw() return