Example #1
def probe_regions(regions=None, tag_filter=None):
    """probe AWS region(s) for instances, and return dict(s) of instance(s)

    Requires ec2:DescribeInstances permission.

    Uses multithreading to probe all whitelisted regions simultaneously.

        regions (list[str]): AWS region(s) to probe.
        tag_filter (list[dict]): Tag filter to filter instances with.

        list[dict]: Found instance(s).
            'region' (str): AWS region that an instance is in.
            For other key-value pairs, see what _probe_region returns.
    if regions is None:
        regions = consts.REGIONS

    if tag_filter is None:
        tag_filter = []
    tag_filter.append({'Name': "tag:Namespace", 'Values': [consts.NAMESPACE]})

    threader = Threader()
    for region in regions:
        threader.add_thread(_probe_region, (region, tag_filter))
    regions_instances = threader.get_results(return_dict=True)

    return [{
        'region': region,
    } for region, instances in regions_instances.items()
            for instance in instances]
Example #2
def test_threader_fifo():
    """test that threader is first-in, first-out"""
    def func(index):
        sleep(randint(5, 25) / 100)
        return index

    threader = Threader()
    for index in range(10):
        threader.add_thread(func, (index, ))
    assert threader.get_results() == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Example #3
    def delete_component(self):
        """delete VPC(s) and associated SG(s) from AWS"""
        threader = Threader()
        for region in consts.REGIONS:
            threader.add_thread(self._delete_region_vpc, (region, ))
        deleted_vpcs = threader.get_results()

        if any(deleted_vpcs):
            print(f"VPC {consts.NAMESPACE} deleted "
                  "from whitelisted AWS region(s).")
            print("No VPCs to delete.")
Example #4
    def delete_component(self):
        """remove namespace EC2 key pair from each whitelisted AWS region"""
        threader = Threader()
        for region in consts.REGIONS:
            threader.add_thread(self._delete_region_key_pair, (region, ))
        deleted_key_pairs = threader.get_results()

        if any(deleted_key_pairs):
            print(f"EC2 key pair {self._key_pair_name} "
                  "deleted from whitelisted AWS region(s).")
            print("No EC2 key pairs to delete.")
Example #5
    def check_component(self):
        """determine which regions need namespace EC2 key pair created

            dict: Which regions namespace EC2 key pair exists in.
                Region name (str/None): Public key fingerprint, if pair exists.
        threader = Threader()
        for region in consts.REGIONS:
                                (region, ))
        return threader.get_results(return_dict=True)
Example #6
def test_threader_dict_return():
    """test that functions' first args set as function returns' dict keys"""
    def func(dict_key):
        return dict_key * 2

    threader = Threader()
    for index in range(5):
        threader.add_thread(func, (index, ))
    assert threader.get_results(return_dict=True) == {
        0: 0,
        1: 2,
        2: 4,
        3: 6,
        4: 8
Example #7
def probe_regions():
    """return elastic IP addresses from whitelisted regions

    Requires ec2:DescribeInstances and ec2:DescribeAddresses permissions.
    all_instances = find_instances.probe_regions()

    threader = Threader()
    for region in consts.REGIONS:
        threader.add_thread(_probe_region, (region, all_instances))
    region_addresses = threader.get_results(return_dict=True)

    return [{'region': region, **address}
        for region, addresses in region_addresses.items()
        for address in addresses]
Example #8
    def upload_component(self, fingerprint_regions):
        """create namespace EC2 key pair in each whitelisted AWS region

            fingerprint_regions (dict): See what check_component returns.
        aws_fingerprints = [
            fp for fp in fingerprint_regions.values() if fp is not None

        if consts.RSA_KEY_PEM.is_file():
            pub_key_bytes = pem.pem_to_public_key()
            print(f"Using existing {self._pem_file} file for EC2 key pair(s).")
        # If SSH key pair doesn't exist in any regions, create a new one
        elif not aws_fingerprints:
            pub_key_bytes = pem.generate_rsa_key_pair()
            print(f"Generating new {self._pem_file} file for EC2 key pair(s).")
        # No private key file, and there are existing EC2 key pairs
                f"RSA private key file {self._pem_file} not found.",
                "  Additional pairs must be created from same private key.")

        if len(set(aws_fingerprints)) > 1:
            print("Warning: Differing EC2 key pairs found.")
        local_key_fingerprint = pem.local_key_fingerprint()
        if local_key_fingerprint not in aws_fingerprints and aws_fingerprints:
            halt.err("Local key fingerprint doesn't match any EC2 key pair.")

        threader = Threader()
        for region in fingerprint_regions:
            if fingerprint_regions[region] is None:
                                    (region, pub_key_bytes))
        created_pair_fingerprints = threader.get_results()

        if created_pair_fingerprints:
            print(f"EC2 key pair {self._key_pair_name} created in "
                  f"{len(created_pair_fingerprints)} AWS region(s).")
            print(f"EC2 key pair {self._key_pair_name} "
                  "already present in whitelisted region(s).")
def main(regions: List[str]) -> str:
    """repeatedly use ec2:DescribeRegions action to estimate closest region"""
    ping_num = 50

    threader = Threader()
    for region in regions:
        ec2_client = aws.ec2_client_no_validate(region)
        for _ in range(ping_num):
            threader.add_thread(_get_region_latency, (ec2_client,))
    latencies = threader.get_results()

    latencies_for_regions = []
    for i, region in enumerate(regions):
        region_latencies = sorted(latencies[i*ping_num:(i+1)*ping_num])
        region_latencies = region_latencies[ping_num//5:-ping_num//5]
        region_latency = sum(region_latencies) / len(region_latencies)
        latencies_for_regions.append((region, region_latency))

    latencies_for_regions.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
    return latencies_for_regions[0][0]
Example #10
def test_threader_add_thread_type_validation():
    """test that add_thread only accepts function and tuple as args 1 and 2"""
    def func(index):
        return index

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        threader = Threader()
        threader.add_thread("I'm a string!", ("1st arg", ))
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "func must be a function."

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        threader = Threader()
        threader.add_thread(func, "fargs...")
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "fargs must be a non-empty tuple."

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        threader = Threader()
        threader.add_thread(func, tuple())
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "fargs must be a non-empty tuple."
Example #11
    def check_component(self):
        """determine statuses of VPC(s) and SG(s) on AWS

                dict: Which regions namespace VPC exists in.
                    'ToCreate' (list): AWS region(s) to create VPC in.
                    'Existing' (list): AWS region(s) already containing VPC.
                dict: VPC security group status(es) for each region.
                    Name of security group (dict):
                        'ToCreate' (list): AWS region(s) to create SG in.
                        'ToUpdate' (list): AWS region(s) to update SG in.
                        'UpToDate' (list): AWS region(s) SG is up to date in.
        regions = consts.REGIONS

        # Region(s) to create VPC in, and region(s) already containing VPC
        vpc_regions = {'ToCreate': list(regions), 'Existing': []}

        # Status for each SG in each region
        sg_names = {
            sg_name: {
                'ToCreate': list(regions),
                'ToUpdate': [],
                'UpToDate': []
            for sg_name in self._security_group_setup

        vpc_threader = Threader()
        for region in regions:
            vpc_threader.add_thread(aws.get_region_vpc, (region, ))
        # VPCs already present in AWS regions
        aws_vpcs = vpc_threader.get_results(return_dict=True)

        # Check each region has VPC with correct Name tag value
        for region in regions:
            if aws_vpcs[region] is not None:
                if ({
                        'Key': "Name",
                        'Value': consts.NAMESPACE
                } in aws_vpcs[region]['Tags']):
        # TODO: Detect and repair incomplete VPCs (missing subnets, etc.)

        sg_threader = Threader()
        for region in regions:
            if aws_vpcs[region] is not None:
                                       (region, aws_vpcs[region]['VpcId']))
        # VPC security groups already present in AWS regions
        aws_sgs = sg_threader.get_results(return_dict=True)

        # Check each region for VPC SG(s) described by aws_setup.json
        for sg_name, sg_regions in sg_names.items():
            for region in regions:
                if aws_vpcs[region] is not None:
                    if any(aws_sg['GroupName'] == sg_name
                           for aws_sg in aws_sgs[region]):

                # Check if existing VPC SG needs to be updated
                if region in sg_regions['ToUpdate']:
                    local_sg_ingress = self._get_json_sg_ingress(sg_name)
                    aws_sg_ingress = next(sg['IpPermissions']
                                          for sg in aws_sgs[region]
                                          if sg['GroupName'] == sg_name)

                    sg_ingress_diffs = DeepDiff(local_sg_ingress,

                    if not sg_ingress_diffs:

        return (vpc_regions, sg_names)
Example #12
    def upload_component(self, vpc_and_sg_info):
        """create VPC(s) and create/update SG(s) in AWS region(s)

            vpc_and_sg_info (dict): See what check_component returns.
        vpc_regions, sg_names = vpc_and_sg_info

        vpc_threader = Threader()
        for region in vpc_regions['ToCreate']:
            vpc_threader.add_thread(self._create_vpc, (region, ))

        create_num = len(vpc_regions['ToCreate'])
        if create_num > 0:
            print(f"VPC {consts.NAMESPACE} created in {create_num} region(s).")
            print(f"VPC {consts.NAMESPACE} already present "
                  "in whitelisted region(s).")

        vpc_ids = {}
        threader = Threader()
        for region in consts.REGIONS:
            threader.add_thread(aws.get_region_vpc, (region, ))
        for region, vpc in threader.get_results(return_dict=True).items():
            if vpc is None:
                halt.err(f"Namespace VPC not created in {region} region.")
            vpc_ids[region] = vpc['VpcId']

        sg_threader = Threader()
        for sg_name, sg_regions in sg_names.items():
            sg_desc = self._security_group_setup[sg_name]
            for region in sg_regions['ToCreate']:
                    (region, sg_name, sg_desc, vpc_ids[region]))
            for region in sg_regions['ToUpdate']:
                                       (region, sg_name, vpc_ids[region]))

        for sg_name, sg_regions in sg_names.items():
            if sg_regions['ToCreate']:
                print(f"VPC SG {sg_name} created in "
                      f"{len(sg_regions['ToCreate'])} region(s).")
            if sg_regions['ToUpdate']:
                print(f"VPC SG {sg_name} updated in "
                      f"{len(sg_regions['ToUpdate'])} region(s).")
            if not sg_regions['ToCreate'] and not sg_regions['ToUpdate']:
                print(f"VPC SG {sg_name} already up to date "
                      "in whitelisted region(s).")