def empiricalDistributionPlot(self, sample, bounds=None): if bounds: lower = bounds[0] upper = bounds[1] else: lower = min(sample) upper = max(sample) plotDomain = linspace(lower, upper, len(sample)) empiricalCDF = ECDF([uniform(0, 1) for i in range(len(sample))]) empiricalCDF.observations = sample obs = [] for j in range(len(sample)): obs.append(empiricalCDF(plotDomain[j])) ecdf_sample = array(obs) plt.plot(plotDomain, ecdf_sample)
defosequence = [] for t in range(sampleSize): defosequence.append(defo_ad_pf(initial_land, costshocks[t]) - initial_land) defosequence_ad = array(defosequence) * landtoemissions / 1e6 defosequence = [] for t in range(sampleSize): defosequence.append(defo_pf(initial_land, costshocks[t]) - initial_land) defosequence_defo = array(defosequence) * landtoemissions / 1e6 lower = min(min(defosequence_defo), min(defosequence_ad)) upper = max(max(defosequence_defo), max(defosequence_ad)) plotDomain = linspace(lower, upper, len(costshocks)) empiricalCDF = ECDF([uniform(0, 1) for i in range(len(costshocks))]) empiricalCDF.observations = defosequence_ad obs = [] for j in range(sampleSize): obs.append(empiricalCDF(plotDomain[j])) ecdf_sample_ad = array(obs) plt.plot(plotDomain, ecdf_sample_ad, label='AD') empiricalCDF.observations = defosequence_defo obs = [] for j in range(sampleSize): obs.append(empiricalCDF(plotDomain[j])) ecdf_sample_defo = array(obs) plt.plot(plotDomain, ecdf_sample_defo, label='Defo') plt.legend()
]) # calculate sum E-fields at obsevation points Emags2 = abs(numpy.array([, a) for a in Es])) av = sum(Emags2) / N_obs_points # the average of |E|**2 ma = max(Emags2) # the maximum of |E|**2 D = ma / av # directivity #print mc, ma, av, D Ds.append(D) Eslist.append(Es) D_max_list.append(numpy.mean(Ds)) D_max_var_list.append(numpy.var(Ds)) #ED=EDmax_hansen(ka, mu=1., Ns=Ns) # print #print f, ka, sum(Ds)/N_MC, ED print f, N_obs_points #sys.stdout.flush() ecdfD = ECDF(Ds) #pylab.plot(deval, [FD_hertz_one_cut(d) for d in deval], label="Theoretical CDF (a=0 m)") #pylab.plot(deval, [FD_hertz_one_cut_costheta(d) for d in deval], label="Theoretical CDF cos(theta)(a=0 m)") pylab.figure(1) pylab.plot(N_obs_points_list, D_max_list, '%s+-' % clr, label="f=%dGHz" % (f / 1e9)) output_data1.append(D_max_list) pylab.figure(2) pylab.plot(N_obs_points_list, D_max_var_list, '%s+-' % clr, label="f=%dGHz" % (f / 1e9)) output_data2.append(D_max_var_list)
Es = numpy.array([ E_hertz_far(r, p, R, pha, f, t=0, epsr=1.) for r in rs ]) # calculate sum E-fields at obsevation points Emags2 = abs(numpy.array([, a) for a in Es])) av = sum(Emags2) / N_obs_points # the average of |E|**2 ma = max(Emags2) # the maximum of |E|**2 D = ma / av # directivity #print mc, ma, av, D Ds_K.append(D) Es2_list_av_K.append(av) print "K", mc Es2_ratio = numpy.divide(Es2_list_max_R, Es2_list_av_K) ecdfD = ECDF(Es2_ratio) pylab.figure(1) pylab.plot(deval, ecdfD(deval), '%s+-' % clr, label="ECDF (Dipoles)") output_data.append(remove_nan(ecdfD(deval))) #pylab.plot(deval, [FD_hertz_one_cut(d) for d in deval], label="Theoretical CDF (a=0 m)") #pylab.plot(deval, [FD_hertz_one_cut_costheta(d) for d in deval], label="Theoretical CDF cos(theta)(a=0 m)") pylab.axis([deval[0], deval[-1], 0, 1]) pylab.grid() pylab.legend(loc=4) pylab.xlabel(r"$\frac{E^{R^{2}}_{max}}{E^{K^{2}}}$") pylab.ylabel(r"F($\frac{E^{R^{2}}_{max}}{E^{K^{2}}}$)") pylab.title("$N_{dipoles}=%d$, MC runs=%d, $Frequency=%dGHz$, $R=%dm$" % (N_dipole, N_MC, f / 1e9, distance)) fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)