Example #1
def test_parse_opmio_deckrecord():
    """Test common properties of the general parse_opmio_deckrecord.

    This function is also indirectly tested in each different
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Keyword FOOBAR not supported"):
        common.parse_opmio_deckrecord(None, "FOOBAR")
Example #2
def df(deck: Union[EclFiles, "opm.libopmcommon_python.Deck"]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Produce a dataframe of fault data from a deck

    All data for the keyword FAULTS will be returned.

        deck: Eclipse deck
    if isinstance(deck, EclFiles):
        deck = deck.get_ecldeck()

    # In[91]: list(deck['FAULTS'][0])
    # Out[91]: [[u'F1'], [36], [36], [41], [42], [1], [14], [u'I']]
    data = []
    # It is allowed in Eclipse to use the keyword FAULTS
    # as many times as needed. Thus we need to loop in some way:
    for keyword in deck:
        if keyword.name == "FAULTS":
            for rec in keyword:
                # Each record now has a range potentially in three
                # dimensions for the fault, unroll this:
                frec_dict = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec, "FAULTS")
                faultname = frec_dict["NAME"]
                faultface = frec_dict["FACE"]
                for i_idx in range(frec_dict["IX1"], frec_dict["IX2"] + 1):
                    for j_idx in range(frec_dict["IY1"], frec_dict["IY2"] + 1):
                        for k_idx in range(frec_dict["IZ1"],
                                           frec_dict["IZ2"] + 1):
                                [faultname, i_idx, j_idx, k_idx, faultface])
    dframe = pd.DataFrame(columns=COLUMNS, data=data)
    logger.info("Extracted %i faults", len(dframe["NAME"].unique()))
    return dframe
Example #3
def df(deck: Union[EclFiles, "opm.libopmcommon_python.Deck"]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Loop through the deck and pick up information found

    The loop over the deck is a state machine, as it has to pick up dates

    if isinstance(deck, EclFiles):
        deck = deck.get_ecldeck()

    wconrecords = []  # List of dicts of every line in input file
    date = None  # DATE columns will always be there, but can contain NaN
    for kword in deck:
        if kword.name in ["DATES", "START"]:
            for rec in kword:
                logger.info("Parsing at date %s", str(date))
                date = parse_opmio_date_rec(rec)
        elif kword.name == "TSTEP":
            if not date:
                logger.critical("Can't use TSTEP when there is no start_date")
                return pd.DataFrame()
            for rec in kword:
                steplist = rec[0].get_raw_data_list()
                # Assuming not LAB units, then the unit is days.
                days = sum(steplist)
                date += datetime.timedelta(days=days)
                    "Advancing %s days to %s through TSTEP", str(days), str(date)
        elif kword.name in WCONKEYS:
            for rec in kword:  # Loop over the lines inside WCON* record
                rec_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec, kword.name)
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
                rec_data["KEYWORD"] = kword.name

        elif kword.name == "TSTEP":
            logger.warning("WARNING: Possible premature stop at first TSTEP")

    wcon_df = pd.DataFrame(wconrecords)

    return wcon_df
Example #4
def deck2dfs(
    deck: "opm.io.Deck",
    start_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime.date]] = None,
    unroll: bool = True,
) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
    """Loop through the deck and pick up information found

    The loop over the deck is a state machine, as it has to pick up dates and
    potential information from the WELSPECS keyword.

        deck: A deck representing the schedule
            Does not have to be a full Eclipse deck, an include file is sufficient
        start_date: The default date to use for
            events where the DATE or START keyword is not found in advance.
            Default: None
        unroll: Whether to unroll rows that cover a range,
            like K1 and K2 in COMPDAT and in WELSEGS. Defaults to True.

        Dictionary with dataframes, at least for COMPDAT, COMPSEGS and WELSEGS.
    compdatrecords = []  # List of dicts of every line in input file
    compsegsrecords = []
    welopenrecords = []
    welsegsrecords = []
    wsegsicdrecords = []
    wsegaicdrecords = []
    wsegvalvrecords = []
    welspecs = {}
    date = start_date  # DATE column will always be there, but can contain NaN/None
    for idx, kword in enumerate(deck):  # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
        if kword.name == ("DATES", "START"):
            for rec in kword:
                date = parse_opmio_date_rec(rec)
                logger.info("Parsing at date %s", str(date))
        elif kword.name == "TSTEP":
            if not date:
                logger.critical("Can't use TSTEP when there is no start_date")
                return {}
            for rec in kword:
                steplist = parse_opmio_tstep_rec(rec)
                # Assuming not LAB units, then the unit is days.
                days = sum(steplist)
                assert isinstance(date, datetime.date)
                date += datetime.timedelta(days=days)
                logger.info("Advancing %s days to %s through TSTEP", str(days),
        elif kword.name == "WELSPECS":
            # Information from WELSPECS are to be used in case
            # 0 or 1* is used in the I or J column in COMPDAT
            # Only the latest information pr. well is stored.
            for wellrec in kword:
                welspecs_rec_dict = parse_opmio_deckrecord(wellrec, "WELSPECS")
                welspecs[welspecs_rec_dict["WELL"]] = {
                    "I": welspecs_rec_dict["HEAD_I"],
                    "J": welspecs_rec_dict["HEAD_J"],
        elif kword.name == "COMPDAT":
            for rec in kword:  # Loop over the lines inside COMPDAT record
                rec_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec,
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
                rec_data["KEYWORD_IDX"] = idx
                # start of code changes
                if rec_data["WELL"] != "*":
                    if rec_data["I"] == 0:
                        if rec_data["WELL"] not in welspecs:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "WELSPECS must be provided when I is defaulted in COMPDAT"
                        rec_data["I"] = welspecs[rec_data["WELL"]]["I"]
                    if rec_data["J"] == 0:
                        if rec_data["WELL"] not in welspecs:
                            raise ValueError(
                                "WELSPECS must be provided when J is defaulted in COMPDAT"
                        rec_data["J"] = welspecs[rec_data["WELL"]]["J"]
                    # go through all known wells and assign correct indices
                    for item in welspecs.items():
                        rec_data["WELL"] = item[0]
                        rec_data["I"] = item[1]["I"]
                        rec_data["J"] = item[1]["J"]
                # end of code changes
        elif kword.name == "WSEGSICD":
            for rec in kword:  # Loop over the lines inside WSEGSICD record
                rec_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec,
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
                rec_data["KEYWORD_IDX"] = idx
        elif kword.name == "WSEGAICD":
            for rec in kword:  # Loop over the lines inside WSEGAICD record
                rec_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec,
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
                rec_data["KEYWORD_IDX"] = idx
        elif kword.name == "WSEGVALV":
            for rec in kword:  # Loop over the lines inside WSEGVALV record
                rec_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec, "WSEGVALV")
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
                rec_data["KEYWORD_IDX"] = idx
        elif kword.name == "COMPSEGS":
            wellname = parse_opmio_deckrecord(kword[0],
            for recidx in range(1, len(kword)):
                rec = kword[recidx]
                rec_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec,
                rec_data["WELL"] = wellname
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
        elif kword.name == "WELOPEN":
            for rec in kword:
                rec_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec, "WELOPEN")
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
                rec_data["KEYWORD_IDX"] = idx
                if rec_data["STATUS"] not in ["OPEN", "SHUT", "STOP", "AUTO"]:
                    rec_data["STATUS"] = "SHUT"
                        "WELOPEN status %s is not a valid "
                        "COMPDAT state. Using 'SHUT' instead.",
        elif kword.name == "WELSEGS":
            # First record contains meta-information for well
            # (opm deck returns default values for unspecified items.)
            welsegsdict = parse_opmio_deckrecord(kword[0],
            # Loop over all subsequent records.
            for recidx in range(1, len(kword)):
                rec = kword[recidx]
                # WARNING: We assume that SEGMENT1 === SEGMENT2 (!!!) (if not,
                # we need to loop over a range just as for layer in compdat)
                rec_data = welsegsdict.copy()
                rec_data["DATE"] = date
                if "INFO_TYPE" in rec_data and rec_data["INFO_TYPE"] == "ABS":
                    rec_data["SEGMENT_MD"] = rec_data["SEGMENT_LENGTH"]

    compdat_df = pd.DataFrame(compdatrecords)
    welopen_df = pd.DataFrame(welopenrecords)

    if unroll and not compdat_df.empty:
        compdat_df = unrolldf(compdat_df, "K1", "K2")

    if not welopen_df.empty:
        compdat_df = applywelopen(compdat_df, welopen_df)

    compsegs_df = pd.DataFrame(compsegsrecords)
    welsegs_df = pd.DataFrame(welsegsrecords)
    wsegsicd_df = pd.DataFrame(wsegsicdrecords)
    wsegaicd_df = pd.DataFrame(wsegaicdrecords)
    wsegvalv_df = pd.DataFrame(wsegvalvrecords)

    if unroll and not welsegs_df.empty:
        welsegs_df = unrolldf(welsegs_df, "SEGMENT1", "SEGMENT2")

    if unroll and not wsegsicd_df.empty:
        wsegsicd_df = unrolldf(wsegsicd_df, "SEGMENT1", "SEGMENT2")

    if unroll and not wsegaicd_df.empty:
        wsegaicd_df = unrolldf(wsegaicd_df, "SEGMENT1", "SEGMENT2")

    if "KEYWORD_IDX" in compdat_df.columns:
        compdat_df.drop(["KEYWORD_IDX"], axis=1, inplace=True)

    if "KEYWORD_IDX" in wsegsicd_df.columns:
        wsegsicd_df.drop(["KEYWORD_IDX"], axis=1, inplace=True)

    if "KEYWORD_IDX" in wsegaicd_df.columns:
        wsegaicd_df.drop(["KEYWORD_IDX"], axis=1, inplace=True)

    if "KEYWORD_IDX" in wsegvalv_df.columns:
        wsegvalv_df.drop(["KEYWORD_IDX"], axis=1, inplace=True)

    return dict(
Example #5
def df(
    deck: Union[EclFiles, "opm.libopmcommon_python.Deck"],
    startdate: Optional[datetime.date] = None,
    welspecs: bool = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Extract all group information from a deck
    and present as a Pandas Dataframe of all edges.

    Properties for nodes given in GRUPNET/NODEPROP will
    be added as extra columns.

    From WELSPECS, well names are extracted and added
    as nodes with an edge to its group.

    The gruptree is a time dependent property,
    with accumulative effects from new occurences of

    Whenever the GRUPTREE or BRANPROP tree changes, the
    previous tree is copied and a new complete tree is added
    to the dataframe tagged with the new date.

    startdate is only relevant when START is not in the deck.

        deck: opm.io Deck object or EclFiles

        pd.DataFrame with one row pr edge. Empty dataframe if no
        information is found in deck.

    date: Optional[datetime.date]
    if startdate is not None:
        date = startdate
        date = None

    if isinstance(deck, EclFiles):
        deck = deck.get_ecldeck()

    edgerecords = []  # list of dict of rows containing an edge.
    nodedatarecords = []

    # In order for the GRUPTREE/BRANPROP keywords to accumulate, we
    # store the edges as dictionaries indexed by the edge
    # (which is a tuple of child and parent).
    currentedges: Dict[str, Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[str, Any]]] = {
        "GRUPTREE": {},
        "BRANPROP": {},
    # Same approach for the welspecs keywords
    wellspecsedges: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str] = {}
    # Node properties from GRUPNET/NODEPROP is stored in a dataframe
    # Note that it's not allowed to mix GRUPNET and NODEPROP in eclipse
    # so the datframe will only contain columns from one of them
    nodedata: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = {
        "GRUPNET": pd.DataFrame(),
        "NODEPROP": pd.DataFrame(),

    # Flags which will tell when a new network related keyword
    # has been encountered
    found_keywords = {key: False for key in keywords}
    for kword in deck:
        if kword.name in ["DATES", "START", "TSTEP"]:
            # Whenever we encounter a new DATES, it means that
            # we have processed all the network keywords that
            # have occured since the last date, so this is the chance
            # to dump the parsed data. Also we dump the *entire* tree
            # at every date with a change, not only the newfound edges.
            if any(val for val in found_keywords.values()):
                if date is None:
                    logger.warning("No date parsed, maybe you should pass --startdate")
                    logger.warning("Using 1900-01-01")
                    date = datetime.date(year=1900, month=1, day=1)
                edgerecords += _write_edgerecords(
                    currentedges, nodedata, wellspecsedges, found_keywords, date
                found_keywords = {key: False for key in keywords}
            # Done dumping the data for the previous date, parse the fresh
            # date:
            if kword.name in ["DATES", "START"]:
                for rec in kword:
                    date = parse_opmio_date_rec(rec)
                    logger.debug("Parsing at date %s", str(date))
            elif kword.name == "TSTEP":
                assert date is not None
                for rec in kword:
                    steplist = parse_opmio_tstep_rec(rec)
                    # Assuming not LAB units, then the unit is days.
                    days = sum(steplist)
                    date += datetime.timedelta(days=days)
                        "Advancing %s days to %s through TSTEP", str(days), str(date)
        if kword.name in ["GRUPTREE", "BRANPROP"]:
            found_keywords[kword.name] = True
            renamer = (
                if kword.name == "BRANPROP"
                else None
            for edgerec in kword:
                edge_dict = parse_opmio_deckrecord(edgerec, kword.name, renamer=renamer)
                child = edge_dict.pop("CHILD_GROUP")
                parent = edge_dict.pop("PARENT_GROUP")
                currentedges[kword.name][(child, parent)] = edge_dict

        if kword.name == "WELSPECS" and welspecs:
            found_keywords["WELSPECS"] = True
            for wellrec in kword:
                wspc_dict = parse_opmio_deckrecord(wellrec, "WELSPECS")
                wellspecsedges[(wspc_dict["WELL"], wspc_dict["GROUP"])] = "WELSPECS"

        if kword.name in ["GRUPNET", "NODEPROP"]:
            found_keywords[kword.name] = True
            renamer = (
                {"PRESSURE": "TERMINAL_PRESSURE"} if kword.name == "NODEPROP" else None
            for rec in kword:
                    parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec, kword.name, renamer=renamer)
            nodedata[kword.name] = (
                .drop_duplicates(subset="NAME", keep="last")

    # Ensure we also store any tree information found after the last DATE statement
    if any(val for val in found_keywords.values()):
        edgerecords += _write_edgerecords(
            currentedges, nodedata, wellspecsedges, found_keywords, date
    dframe = pd.DataFrame(edgerecords)
    if "DATE" in dframe:
        dframe["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(dframe["DATE"])

    # Remove rows with duplicate DATE, CHILD and KEYWORD
    # This happens with WELSPECS if both GRUPTREE and BRANPROP is defined
    # at the same timestep. And when a node is redirected to a new parent node
    dframe = dframe.drop_duplicates(subset=["DATE", "CHILD", "KEYWORD"], keep="last")
    return dframe
Example #6
def df(
    deck: Union[EclFiles, "opm.libopmcommon_python.Deck"],
    startdate: Optional[datetime.date] = None,
    welspecs: bool = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Extract all group information from a deck
    and present as a Pandas Dataframe of all edges.

    Numerical properties for nodes given in GRUPNET will
    be added as extra columns.

    From WELSPECS, well names are extracted and added
    as nodes with an edge to its group.

    The gruptree is a time dependent property,
    with accumulative effects from new occurences of

    Whenever the tree changes, the previous tree is copied
    and a new complete tree is added to the dataframe tagged
    with the new date.

    startdate is only relevant when START is not in the deck.

        deck: opm.io Deck object or EclFiles

        pd.DataFrame with one row pr edge. Empty dataframe if no
        information is found in deck.

    date: Optional[datetime.date]
    if startdate is not None:
        date = startdate
        date = None

    if isinstance(deck, EclFiles):
        deck = deck.get_ecldeck()

    gruptreerecords = []  # list of dict of rows containing an edge.
    grupnetrecords = []

    # In order for the GRUPTREE keywords to accumulate, we
    # store the edges as a dictionary indexed by the edge
    # (which is a tuple of child and parent).
    # The value of the dictionary is GRUPTREE or WELSPECS
    currentedges: Dict[tuple, str] = dict()

    grupnet_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame()

    found_gruptree = False  # Flags which will tell when a new GRUPTREE or
    found_welspecs = False  # WELSPECS have been encountered.
    found_grupnet = False  # GRUPNET has been encountered
    for kword in deck:
        if kword.name == "DATES" or kword.name == "START" or kword.name == "TSTEP":
            # Whenever we encounter a new DATES, it means that
            # we have processed all the GRUPTREE and WELSPECS that
            # have occured since the last date, so this is the chance
            # to dump the parsed data. Also we dump the *entire* tree
            # at every date with a change, not only the newfound edges.
            if currentedges and (found_gruptree or found_welspecs or found_grupnet):
                if date is None:
                    logger.warning("No date parsed, maybe you should pass --startdate")
                    logger.warning("Using 1900-01-01")
                    date = datetime.date(year=1900, month=1, day=1)
                gruptreerecords += _currentedges_to_gruptreerecords(
                    currentedges, grupnet_df, date
                found_gruptree = False
                found_welspecs = False
                found_grupnet = False
            # Done dumping the data for the previous date, parse the fresh
            # date:
            if kword.name == "DATES" or kword.name == "START":
                for rec in kword:
                    date = parse_opmio_date_rec(rec)
                    logging.info("Parsing at date %s", str(date))
            elif kword.name == "TSTEP":
                assert date is not None
                for rec in kword:
                    steplist = parse_opmio_tstep_rec(rec)
                    # Assuming not LAB units, then the unit is days.
                    days = sum(steplist)
                    if days <= 0:
                        logger.critical("Invalid TSTEP, summed to %s days", str(days))
                        return pd.DataFrame()
                    date += datetime.timedelta(days=days)
                        "Advancing %s days to %s through TSTEP", str(days), str(date)
                logger.critical("BUG: Should not get here")
                return pd.DataFrame()
        if kword.name == "GRUPTREE":
            found_gruptree = True
            for edgerec in kword:
                edge_dict = parse_opmio_deckrecord(edgerec, "GRUPTREE")
                    (edge_dict["CHILD_GROUP"], edge_dict["PARENT_GROUP"])
                ] = "GRUPTREE"
        if kword.name == "WELSPECS" and welspecs:
            found_welspecs = True
            for wellrec in kword:
                wspc_dict = parse_opmio_deckrecord(wellrec, "WELSPECS")
                currentedges[(wspc_dict["WELL"], wspc_dict["GROUP"])] = "WELSPECS"
        if kword.name == "GRUPNET":
            found_grupnet = True
            for rec in kword:
                grupnet_data = parse_opmio_deckrecord(rec, "GRUPNET")
            grupnet_df = (
                .drop_duplicates(subset="NAME", keep="last")

    # Ensure we also store any tree information found after the last DATE statement
    if found_gruptree or found_welspecs:
        gruptreerecords += _currentedges_to_gruptreerecords(
            currentedges, grupnet_df, date
    dframe = pd.DataFrame(gruptreerecords)
    if "DATE" in dframe:
        dframe["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(dframe["DATE"])
    return dframe