def after_step(self, batch_index, last_results): if batch_index % self.interval == 0: step = last_results["global_step"] # TODO: fix hard-coded font type # TODO: add option to log overview to tensorboard batches = [] try: fnt = ImageFont.truetype("LiberationMono-Regular.ttf", 20) except OSError: fnt = ImageFont.load_default() last_results = last_results["logging"] for name, im in sorted(last_results["images"].items()): canvas = batch_to_canvas(im) canvas = (canvas + 1.0) / 2.0 canvas = np.clip(255 * canvas, 0, 255) canvas = np.array(canvas, dtype="uint8") im = Image.fromarray(canvas) im.thumbnail((512, 512), Image.ANTIALIAS) d = ImageDraw.Draw(im) d.text((10, 10), name, fill=(255, 0, 0), font=fnt) batches.append(im) im ="RGB", batches[0].size, color=(0, 0, 0)) try: fnt = ImageFont.truetype("LiberationMono-Regular.ttf", 50) except OSError: fnt = ImageFont.load_default() d = ImageDraw.Draw(im) d.text((10, 10), "epoch\n{:07d}".format(step), fill=(255, 0, 0), font=fnt) batches.append(im) batch = np.stack(batches, axis=0) / 255.0 * 2 - 1.0 out_path = os.path.join(self.root, "overview_{:07d}.png".format(step)) plot_batch(batch, out_path)
def test_batch_to_canvas(): x = np.ones((9, 100, 100, 3)) canvas = batches.batch_to_canvas(x) assert canvas.shape == (300, 300, 3) canvas = batches.batch_to_canvas(x, cols=5) assert canvas.shape == (200, 500, 3) canvas = batches.batch_to_canvas(x, cols=1) assert canvas.shape == (900, 100, 3) canvas = batches.batch_to_canvas(x, cols=0) assert canvas.shape == (900, 100, 3) canvas = batches.batch_to_canvas(x, cols=None) assert canvas.shape == (300, 300, 3)
def yield_visualize_clusters(mask: np.ndarray, view: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray, N_vis: int = 10) -> np.ndarray: """ Takes masks, views and assigned cluster labels and creates an image per cluster with the N_vis assigned images per cluster. Parameters ---------- mask : np.ndarray [N, H, W]-shaped array where each element is an integer giving the assigned connected component view : np.ndarray [N, H, W, 3]-shaped array representing the RGB image labels : np.array [N]-shaped array with assignments for each item in features to one of the k-clusters. Returns ------- canvas_list : list a list of canvas plots. Each canvas represents one clusters. """ uniques = sorted(np.unique(labels)) for u in uniques: m = mask[labels == u] v = view[labels == u] mask_one_hot = tf.one_hot(m, 5, axis=-1)[:, :, :, 1:] # [N, H, W, 5] components = np.expand_dims(np.array(mask_one_hot), -1) * np.expand_dims(v, 3) N, H, W, P, _ = components.shape components = np.rollaxis(components, 3, 1) components = np.reshape(components, (N * P, H, W, 3)) canvas = batch_to_canvas(components) yield canvas
def log_tensorboard_images(writer, results, step, path): results = dict((path + "/" + k, v) for k, v in results.items()) for k, v in results.items(): v = batch_to_canvas(v) v = ((v + 1) * 127.5).astype(np.uint8) writer.add_image(tag=k, img_tensor=v, global_step=step, dataformats="HWC") writer.flush()
def make_legend_image(legend_labels, colors, text_colors, legend_size, n_cols): """ legend_labels : list of str list of semantic labels (str) for each label colors : ndarray or list list of same length as legend_labels with colors for each label OR ndarray of shape [n_labels, 3]. Colors in range [0, 1] text_colors : ndarray or list list of same length as legend_labels with colors for each text OR ndarray of shape [n_labels, 3]. Colors in range [0, 1] legend_size : tuple of ints the size of the legend image. the width should match the label_image because it is stacked vertically n_cols : int into how many colums the legend labels should be splitted for visualization # TODO: example usage """ N_labels = len(legend_labels) box_h = 512 // len(legend_labels) box_w = 512 // n_cols legend = [ colors[np.ones((box_h, box_w), dtype=np.int16) * i] for i in range(N_labels) ] legend = [ imageutils.put_text(patch, t, loc="center", font_scale=1.0, thickness=1, color=tc) for patch, t, tc in zip(legend, legend_labels, text_colors) ] legend = np.stack(legend, axis=0) legend = batches.batch_to_canvas(legend, cols=n_cols) legend = cv2.resize(legend, (legend_size[1], legend_size[0]), cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) return legend
def log_wandb_images(results, step, path): results = dict(( path + "/" + k, wandb.Image(((batch_to_canvas(v) + 1) * 127.5).astype(np.uint8)), ) for k, v in results.items()) wandb.log(results, step=step)