Example #1
    def addEdge(self, event):
        self.graph.addEdge(self.startVertex.id, self.endVertex.id)
        newEdge = Edge(-1, canvas, self.startVertex, self.endVertex,



        #reset start vertex for next run
        self.startVertex = None
        self.endVertex = None
Example #2
    def __init__(self, x_shift: int=0, y_shift: int=0):
        self._cfg: Config = Config()
        self._x_shift: int = x_shift
        self._y_shift: int = y_shift
        self._screen: pg.Surface = pg.display.get_surface()
        self._highlighted_edge = None

        # Create the dots (a 2D list of Dot objects)
        self._dots: list[list[Dot]] = []
        for r in range(0, self._cfg.CELL_ROWS + 1):
            row = []
            for c in range(0, self._cfg.CELL_COLS + 1):
                dot = Dot(
                    ((self._cfg.DOT_DIA + self._cfg.CELL_WIDTH) * c
                    + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._x_shift,
                    (self._cfg.DOT_DIA + self._cfg.CELL_HEIGHT) * r
                    + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._y_shift),

                    (self._cfg.DOT_DIA, self._cfg.DOT_DIA),


        # Create the cells (a 2D list of Cell objects)
        self._cells: list[list[Cell]] = []
        for r in range(0, self._cfg.CELL_ROWS):
            row = []
            for c in range(0, self._cfg.CELL_COLS):
                cell = Cell(
                    ((c + 1) * self._cfg.DOT_DIA + c * self._cfg.CELL_WIDTH
                    + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._x_shift,
                    (r + 1) * self._cfg.DOT_DIA + r * self._cfg.CELL_HEIGHT
                    + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._y_shift),

                    (self._cfg.CELL_WIDTH,  self._cfg.CELL_HEIGHT),


        # Create the edges (a 2D list of Edge objects)
        # Superrows and supercolumns are rows and columns of a collection
        # of one dot, two edges, and one cell. This allows for easy grouping
        # and lookup of edges based on mouse location.
        self._edges: list[list[Edge]] = []
        for r in range(0, self._cfg.CELL_ROWS + 1):
            row = []
            for c in range(0, self._cfg.CELL_COLS + 1):
                h_edge, v_edge = None, None
                if c < self._cfg.CELL_COLS:
                    # horizontal edge
                    h_edge = Edge(
                        ((c + 1) * self._cfg.DOT_DIA + c * self._cfg.CELL_WIDTH
                        + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._x_shift,
                        r * self._cfg.DOT_DIA + r * self._cfg.CELL_HEIGHT
                        + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._y_shift),

                        (self._cfg.CELL_WIDTH, self._cfg.DOT_DIA),


                # Establish cell to edge relationships - for checking whether a
                # cell is captured by a user, we need to know which cells the
                # edge touches. An edge always touches one or two cells. Edges
                # that touch one cell are the edges that make up the exterior
                # of the board.
                # top superrow
                if h_edge and r == 0:
                    h_edge.cell2 = self._cells[r][c]
                    self._cells[r][c].edge_top = h_edge

                # bottom superrow
                elif h_edge and r == self._cfg.CELL_ROWS:
                    h_edge.cell1 = self._cells[r-1][c]
                    self._cells[r-1][c].edge_bottom = h_edge

                # all other superrows
                elif h_edge:
                    h_edge.cell1 = self._cells[r-1][c]
                    h_edge.cell2 = self._cells[r][c]
                    self._cells[r][c].edge_top = h_edge
                    self._cells[r-1][c].edge_bottom = h_edge

                if r < self._cfg.CELL_ROWS:
                    # vertical edge
                    v_edge = Edge(
                        (c * self._cfg.DOT_DIA + c * self._cfg.CELL_WIDTH
                        + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._x_shift,
                        (r + 1) * self._cfg.DOT_DIA + r * self._cfg.CELL_HEIGHT
                        + self._cfg.GUTTER_WIDTH + self._y_shift),

                        (self._cfg.DOT_DIA, self._cfg.CELL_HEIGHT),


                # Establish cell to edge relationships - for checking whether a
                # cell is captured by a user, we need to know which edges the
                # cell touches. A cell always touches four edges: top, bottom,
                # left and right.
                # left supercolumn
                if v_edge and c == 0:
                    v_edge.cell2 = self._cells[r][c]
                    self._cells[r][c].edge_left = v_edge

                # right supercolumn
                elif v_edge and c == self._cfg.CELL_COLS:
                    v_edge.cell1 = self._cells[r][c-1]
                    self._cells[r][c-1].edge_right = v_edge

                # all other supercolumns
                elif v_edge:
                    v_edge.cell1 = self._cells[r][c-1]
                    v_edge.cell2 = self._cells[r][c]
                    self._cells[r][c].edge_left = v_edge
                    self._cells[r][c-1].edge_right = v_edge

                # Group the edges into tuples with (usually) two edges per
                # tuple. Each tuple is stored by row,col in the edges 2-D list.
                # The last column will only have the vertical edge in the tuple.
                # The last row will only have the horizontal edge in the tuple.
                # The last row and column will be empty.
                # Each member of the tuple is a dict that stores a reference to
                # the pg.Rect that represents the edge, its capture status, and
                # a tuple of cells it touches.
                if h_edge and v_edge:
                    row.append((h_edge, v_edge))
                elif h_edge: # bottom row
                elif v_edge: # right col
                else: # bottom, right corner

