Example #1
    def runSparseTraining(self, sess):
        Function to run the Sparse Retraining routine on Bonsai Obj
        currW = self.bonsaiObj.W.eval()
        currV = self.bonsaiObj.V.eval()
        currT = self.bonsaiObj.T.eval()

        newW = utils.copySupport(self.__thrsdW, currW)
        newV = utils.copySupport(self.__thrsdV, currV)
        newT = utils.copySupport(self.__thrsdT, currT)

        fd_st = {self.__Wth: newW, self.__Vth: newV,
                 self.__Tth: newT}
        sess.run(self.sparseRetrainGroup, feed_dict=fd_st)
Example #2
    def runSparseTraining(self, sess):
        Function to run the Sparse Retraining routine on FastObj
        self.reTrainParams = []
        for i in range(0, self.totalMatrices):
                utils.copySupport(self.thrsdParams[i], self.FastParams[i].eval()))

        fd_st = {}
        for i in range(0, self.totalMatrices):
            fd_st[self.paramPlaceholders[i]] = self.reTrainParams[i]
        sess.run(self.sparseRetrainGroup, feed_dict=fd_st)