def test_remember_curr_place(self):
        # Test whether the curr place in history will be remembered between runs.

        # Make some interesting history.
        a = "file:///home/trentm/a.txt"
        b = "file:///home/trentm/current.txt"
        locs = [
            self.history.note_loc(Location(a, 10 * (i + 1), 0))
            for i in range(10)
        locs.insert(0, None)  # Make locs 1-based
        current_loc = Location(b, 55, 0)
        loc_back = self.history.go_back(current_loc, 4)
        self.assertEqual(loc_back, locs[7])

        # Test history before the restart:
        h = list(self.history.recent_history(loc_back))
        for i in range(1, 10):
            self.assertEqual(h[i][1], locs[11 - i])

        # Simulate a restart.
        self.history = History(self._db_path_)

        h = list(self.history.recent_history(loc_back))
        # Test boundary conditions, then check all in a loop.
        self.assertEqual(h[0][1], current_loc)  # 4 fwd
        self.assertEqual(h[1][1], locs[10])  # 3 fwd
        self.assertEqual(h[3][1], locs[8])  # 1 fwd
        self.assertEqual(h[4][1], locs[7])  # here
        self.assertEqual(h[5][1], locs[6])  # 1 back
        h = list(self.history.recent_history(loc_back))
        for i in range(1, 10):
            self.assertEqual(h[i][1], locs[11 - i])
    def test_reloading_db(self):
        Build a database with locations from two URIs interleaved.
        Step one hop at a time until we find a "volatile" URI, and
        remove it.  Verify the remaining visits.
        Reload the database, verifying that
        we find all the same items.
        uri_stable = "file:///home/tester/stable.txt"
        uri_volatile = "file:///home/tester/volatile.txt"
        uri_current = "file:///home/tester/current.txt"
        # Create 50 entries in the database, every 3rd is the volatile URI
        num_items_to_create = 50
        volatile_factor = 3
        uris = [uri_stable, uri_stable, uri_volatile]
        locs = [
                Location(uris[i % volatile_factor], 10 * (i + 1), 0))
            for i in range(num_items_to_create)
        current_loc = Location(uri_current, num_items_to_create + 1, 0)
        loc = self.history.go_back(current_loc, 2)
        self.assertEqual(loc.uri, uri_stable)
        self.assertEqual(loc.line, 490)
        current_loc = loc
        # We want to make 1 step back into a location we'll remove.
        loc = self.history.go_back(current_loc, 1)
        self.assertEqual(loc.uri, uri_volatile)
        self.assertEqual(loc.line, 480)
        self.history.obsolete_uri(loc.uri, 1, True)  # => #490
        v = list(self.history.recent_history(current_loc))
        # Make assertions about the culled list
        vlen = len(v)
        for i in range((vlen - 1) / 2):
            self.assertEqual(v[1 + (2 * i)][1], locs[49 - 0 - (3 * i)])
            self.assertEqual(v[2 + (2 * i)][1], locs[49 - 1 - (3 * i)])
        self.assertEqual(current_loc.line, 490)

        # Now save the database, reload, and verify some facts about the
        # new database
        self.history = History(self._db_path_)

        self.assertEqual(current_loc.line, 490)
        # Recheck history
        v = list(self.history.recent_history(current_loc))
        # Make the same assertions about the culled list
        vlen = len(v)
        for i in range((vlen - 1) / 2):
            self.assertEqual(v[1 + (2 * i)][1], locs[49 - 0 - (3 * i)])
            self.assertEqual(v[2 + (2 * i)][1], locs[49 - 1 - (3 * i)])
    def setUp(self):
        frame = sys._getframe(1)
        meth = frame.f_locals["testMethod"]
        name = meth.__name__
        self._db_path_ = join(dirname(self._db_path_), name + ".sqlite")

        if not exists(dirname(self._db_path_)):
        if exists(self._db_path_):
        self.history = History(self._db_path_)
    def test_two_sessions_basic(self):
        a = "file:///home/tester/a.txt"
        b = "file:///home/tester/b.txt"
        locs = ([
                Location(a, (i + 1) * 10, 1, session_name="1"))
            for i in range(10)
        ] + [
                Location(b, 100 + (i + 1) * 10, 1, session_name="2"))
            for i in range(10)
        cw1 = "file:///home/tester/cw1.txt"
        cw2 = "file:///home/tester/cw2.txt"
        curr_loc_cw1 = Location(cw1, 110, 1, session_name="1")
        curr_loc_cw2 = Location(cw2, 210, 1, session_name="2")
        new_loc_w1 = self.history.go_back(curr_loc_cw1, 3)
        self.assertEqual(new_loc_w1, locs[7])
        new_loc_w2 = self.history.go_back(curr_loc_cw2, 7)
        self.assertEqual(new_loc_w2, locs[13])
        self.assertNotEqual(new_loc_w2, locs[14])  # Verify they're different

        visits_pre_close = [
        self.assertEqual(len(visits_pre_close[0]), 7)
        self.assertEqual(len(visits_pre_close[1]), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(visits_pre_close[2]), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(visits_pre_close[3]), 7)

        # And verify that after we do a close and reopen, the caches are maintained
        # correctly for each session.
        self.history = History(self._db_path_)
        visits_post_close = [
        self.assertEqual(visits_post_close, visits_pre_close)
 def test_cull_unvisited_locations(self):
     # Assumes that we keep the first 500 locations.
     uri_base = "file:///home/tester/file%04x"
     num_items_to_create = 505
     for i in range(num_items_to_create):
         uri = uri_base % i
         self.history.note_loc(Location(uri, i + 1, 0))
     # Now reopen
     self.history = History(self._db_path_)
     # Verify that both history_uri and history_visit contain
     # 500 items
     limit = self.history.db.URIS_TO_KEEP
     with self.history.db.connect(True) as cu:
         cu.execute("select count(*) from history_visit")
         count = int(cu.fetchone()[0])
             count, limit, "Expected %d locs in mem:history_visit, got %d" %
             (limit, count))
         cu.execute("select count(*) from history_uri")
         count = int(cu.fetchone()[0])
             count, limit,
             "Expected %d locs in mem:history_uri, got %d" % (limit, count))
     with self.history.db.connect(True, inMemory=False) as cu:
         cu.execute("select count(*) from history_visit")
         count = int(cu.fetchone()[0])
             count, limit,
             "Expected %d locs in file:history_visit, got %d" %
             (limit, count))
         cu.execute("select count(*) from history_uri")
         count = int(cu.fetchone()[0])
             count, limit, "Expected %d locs in file:history_uri, got %d" %
             (limit, count))