def _show_trimview_info(): editorpersistance.prefs.trim_view_message_shown = True primary_txt = _("On some systems Trim View may update slowly") secondary_txt = _("<b>Trim View</b> works best with SSDs and relatively powerful processors.\n\n") + \ _("Select <b>'Trim View Off'</b> or<b>'Trim View Single Side Edits Only'</b> options\nif performance is not satisfactory.") dialogutils.info_message(primary_txt, secondary_txt, gui.editor_window.window)
def _set_workflow_FILM_STYLE(): editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] # appconsts.TLINE_TOOL_ID_<X> values editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_OVERWRITE_NON_V1 editorpersistance.prefs.box_for_empty_press_in_overwrite_tool = False modesetting.set_default_edit_mode()
def _shutdown_dialog_callback(dialog, response_id): dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE:# "Don't Save" pass elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES:# "Save" if editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path != None: persistance.save_project(editorstate.PROJECT(), editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path) else: dialogutils.warning_message(_("Project has not been saved previously"), _("Save project with File -> Save As before closing."), gui.editor_window.window) return else: # "Cancel" return # --- APP SHUT DOWN --- # print "Exiting app..." # No more auto saving stop_autosave() # Save window dimensions on exit alloc = gui.editor_window.window.get_allocation() x, y, w, h = alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height editorpersistance.prefs.exit_allocation = (w, h) editorpersistance.prefs.app_v_paned_position = gui.editor_window.app_v_paned.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.top_paned_position = gui.editor_window.top_paned.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.mm_paned_position = gui.editor_window.mm_paned.get_position() # Block reconnecting consumer before setting window not visible updater.player_refresh_enabled = False gui.editor_window.window.set_visible(False) # Close and destroy app when gtk finds time to do it after hiding window GLib.idle_add(_app_destroy)
def _set_workflow_STANDARD(): editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools = [2, 11, 6, 1, 9, 10] # appconsts.TLINE_TOOL_ID_<X> values editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_ALWAYS_OVERWRITE editorpersistance.prefs.box_for_empty_press_in_overwrite_tool = True modesetting.set_default_edit_mode()
def _add_image_sequence_callback(dialog, response_id, data): if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL: dialog.destroy() return file_chooser, spin = data frame_file = file_chooser.get_filename() dialog.destroy() if frame_file == None: dialogutils.info_message(_("No file was selected"), _("Select a numbered file to add an Image Sequence to Project."), gui.editor_window.window) return (folder, file_name) = os.path.split(frame_file) try: number_parts = re.findall("[0-9]+", file_name) number_part = number_parts[-1] # we want the last number part except: dialogutils.info_message(_("Not a sequence file!"), _("Selected file does not have a number part in it,\nso it can't be an image sequence file."), gui.editor_window.window) return # Create resource name with MLT syntax for MLT producer number_index = file_name.find(number_part) path_name_part = file_name[0:number_index] end_part = file_name[number_index + len(number_part):len(file_name)] # The better version with "?begin=xxx" only available after 0.8.7 if editorstate.mlt_version_is_equal_or_greater("0.8.5"): resource_name_str = utils.get_img_seq_resource_name(frame_file, True) else: resource_name_str = utils.get_img_seq_resource_name(frame_file, False) # detect highest file # FIX: this fails if two similarily numbered sequences in same dir and both have same substring in frame name onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir(folder) if isfile(join(folder,f)) ] highest_number_part = int(number_part) for f in onlyfiles: try: file_number_part = int(re.findall("[0-9]+", f)[-1]) # -1, we want the last number part except: continue if f.find(path_name_part) == -1: continue if file_number_part > highest_number_part: highest_number_part = file_number_part dialog.destroy() resource_path = folder + "/" + resource_name_str length = highest_number_part - int(number_part) PROJECT().add_image_sequence_media_object(resource_path, file_name + "(img_seq)", length) gui.media_list_view.fill_data_model() gui.bin_list_view.fill_data_model() editorpersistance.prefs.last_opened_media_dir = os.path.dirname(resource_path)
def select_render_clips_dir_callback(dialog, response_id, file_select): folder = file_select.get_filenames()[0] dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: if folder == os.path.expanduser("~"): dialogs.rendered_clips_no_home_folder_dialog() else: editorpersistance.prefs.render_folder = folder
def _shutdown_dialog_callback(dialog, response_id): dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE:# "Don't Save" pass elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES:# "Save" if editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path != None: persistance.save_project(editorstate.PROJECT(), editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path) else: dialogutils.warning_message(_("Project has not been saved previously"), _("Save project with File -> Save As before closing."), gui.editor_window.window) return else: # "Cancel" return # --- APP SHUT DOWN --- # print "Exiting app..." # Sep-2018 - SvdB - Stop wave form threads for thread_termination in threading.enumerate(): # We only terminate threads with a 'process', as these are launched # by the audiowaveformrenderer try: thread_termination.process.terminate() except: None # No more auto saving stop_autosave() # Save window dimensions on exit alloc = gui.editor_window.window.get_allocation() x, y, w, h = alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height editorpersistance.prefs.exit_allocation = (w, h) if gui.editor_window.window2 != None: alloc = gui.editor_window.window2.get_allocation() pos_x, pos_y = gui.editor_window.window2.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.exit_allocation_window_2 = (alloc.width, alloc.height, pos_x, pos_y) editorpersistance.prefs.app_v_paned_position = gui.editor_window.app_v_paned.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.top_paned_position = gui.editor_window.top_paned.get_position() try: # This fails if preference for top row layout changed, we just ignore saving these values then. if editorwindow.top_level_project_panel() == True: editorpersistance.prefs.mm_paned_position = 200 # This is not used until user sets preference to not have top level project panel else: editorpersistance.prefs.mm_paned_position = gui.editor_window.mm_paned.get_position() except: pass # Block reconnecting consumer before setting window not visible updater.player_refresh_enabled = False gui.editor_window.window.set_visible(False) if gui.editor_window.window2 != None: gui.editor_window.window2.set_visible(False) # Close and destroy app when gtk finds time to do it after hiding window GLib.idle_add(_app_destroy)
def _show_monitor_info_toggled(widget): editorpersistance.prefs.show_sequence_profile = widget.get_active() if editorstate.timeline_visible(): name = editorstate.current_sequence().name profile_desc = editorstate.current_sequence().profile.description() if editorpersistance.prefs.show_sequence_profile: gui.editor_window.monitor_source.set_text(name + " / " + profile_desc) else: gui.editor_window.monitor_source.set_text(name)
def _preferences_dialog_callback(dialog, response_id, all_widgets): if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT: editorpersistance.update_prefs_from_widgets(all_widgets) dialog.destroy() primary_txt = _("Restart required for some setting changes to take effect.") secondary_txt = _("If requested change is not in effect, restart application.") dialogutils.info_message(primary_txt, secondary_txt, gui.editor_window.window) return dialog.destroy()
def _unhide_selected_clicked(visible_view, hidden_view): hidden_indexes = hidden_view.get_selected_indexes_list() prof_names = [] for i in hidden_indexes: pname, profile = mltprofiles.get_hidden_profiles()[i] prof_names.append(pname) editorpersistance.prefs.hidden_profile_names = list(set(editorpersistance.prefs.hidden_profile_names) - set(prof_names)) mltprofiles.load_profile_list() visible_view.fill_data_model(mltprofiles.get_factory_profiles()) hidden_view.fill_data_model(mltprofiles.get_hidden_profiles())
def run(self): Gdk.threads_enter() watch = gui.editor_window.window.get_window().set_cursor(watch) Gdk.threads_leave() is_first_video_load = PROJECT().is_first_video_load() duplicates = [] succes_new_file = None filenames = self.filenames for new_file in filenames: (folder, file_name) = os.path.split(new_file) if PROJECT().media_file_exists(new_file): duplicates.append(file_name) else: try: PROJECT().add_media_file(new_file) succes_new_file = new_file except projectdata.ProducerNotValidError as err: print err.__str__() dialogs.not_valid_producer_dialog(err.value, gui.editor_window.window) Gdk.threads_enter() gui.media_list_view.fill_data_model() max_val = gui.editor_window.media_scroll_window.get_vadjustment().get_upper() gui.editor_window.media_scroll_window.get_vadjustment().set_value(max_val) Gdk.threads_leave() if succes_new_file != None: editorpersistance.prefs.last_opened_media_dir = os.path.dirname(succes_new_file) # Update editor gui Gdk.threads_enter() gui.media_list_view.fill_data_model() update_current_bin_files_count() _enable_save() normal_cursor = #RTL gui.editor_window.window.get_window().set_cursor(normal_cursor) Gdk.threads_leave() if len(duplicates) > 0: GObject.timeout_add(10, _duplicates_info, duplicates) if is_first_video_load: GObject.timeout_add(10, _first_load_profile_check) audiowaveformrenderer.launch_audio_levels_rendering(filenames)
def _create_proxy_render_folder_select_callback(dialog, response_id, file_select, media_files): try: folder = file_select.get_filenames()[0] except: dialog.destroy() return dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: if folder == os.path.expanduser("~"): dialogs.rendered_clips_no_home_folder_dialog() else: editorpersistance.prefs.render_folder = folder _do_create_proxy_files(media_files, True)
def _show_buttons_COMPONETS_CENTERED_layout(widget): global w w = gui.editor_window if w == None: return if widget.get_active() == False: return _clear_container(w.edit_buttons_row) _create_buttons(w) fill_with_COMPONETS_CENTERED_pattern(w.edit_buttons_row, w) w.window.show_all() editorpersistance.prefs.midbar_layout = appconsts.MIDBAR_COMPONENTS_CENTERED
def _show_buttons_TC_MIDDLE_layout(widget): global w w = gui.editor_window if w == None: return if widget.get_active() == False: return _clear_container(w.edit_buttons_row) _create_buttons(w) fill_with_TC_MIDDLE_pattern(w.edit_buttons_row, w) w.window.show_all() editorpersistance.prefs.midbar_tc_left = False
def _add_transition_render_folder_select_callback(dialog, response_id, file_select): try: folder = file_select.get_filenames()[0] except: dialog.destroy() return dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: if folder == os.path.expanduser("~"): dialogs.rendered_clips_no_home_folder_dialog() else: editorpersistance.prefs.render_folder = folder add_transition_pressed(True)
def _show_buttons_TC_LEFT_layout(widget): global w w = gui.editor_window if w == None: return if widget.get_active() == False: return _clear_container(w.edit_buttons_row) _create_buttons(w) fill_with_TC_LEFT_pattern(w.edit_buttons_row, w) w.window.show_all() editorpersistance.prefs.midbar_tc_left = True
def _show_buttons_TC_MIDDLE_layout(widget): global w w = gui.editor_window if w == None: return if widget.get_active() == False: return _clear_container(w.edit_buttons_row) _create_buttons(w) fill_with_TC_MIDDLE_pattern(w.edit_buttons_row, w) w.window.show_all() editorpersistance.prefs.midbar_layout = appconsts.MIDBAR_TC_CENTER
def _create_proxy_render_folder_select_callback(dialog, response_id, file_select, media_files): try: folder = file_select.get_filenames()[0] except: dialog.destroy() return dialog.destroy() if response_id == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: if folder == os.path.expanduser("~"): dialogs.rendered_clips_no_home_folder_dialog() else: editorpersistance.prefs.render_folder = folder _do_create_proxy_files(media_files, True)
def select_thumbnail_dir_callback(dialog, response_id, data): file_select, retry_add_media = data folder = file_select.get_filenames()[0] dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: if folder == os.path.expanduser("~"): dialogutils.warning_message(_("Can't make home folder thumbnails folder"), _("Please create and select some other folder then \'") + os.path.expanduser("~") + _("\' as thumbnails folder"), gui.editor_window.window) else: editorpersistance.prefs.thumbnail_folder = folder if retry_add_media == True: add_media_files(True)
def get_default_profile_index(): """ We're making sure here that something is returned as default profile even if user may have removed some profiles. """ def_profile_index = get_index_for_name(editorpersistance.prefs.default_profile_name) if def_profile_index == -1: print "default profile from prefs not found" def_profile_index = get_index_for_name(DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PROFILE) def_profile_name = DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PROFILE if def_profile_index == -1: def_profile_index = 0 def_profile_name, profile = _profile_list[def_profile_index] print "DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PROFILE deleted returning first profile" editorpersistance.prefs.default_profile_name = def_profile_name return def_profile_index
def run(self): gtk.gdk.threads_enter() watch = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH) gui.editor_window.window.window.set_cursor(watch) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() duplicates = [] succes_new_file = None filenames = self.filenames for new_file in filenames: (folder, file_name) = os.path.split(new_file) if PROJECT().media_file_exists(new_file): duplicates.append(file_name) else: try: PROJECT().add_media_file(new_file) succes_new_file = new_file except projectdata.ProducerNotValidError as err: print err.__str__() dialogs.not_valid_producer_dialog(err.value, gui.editor_window.window) gtk.gdk.threads_enter() gui.media_list_view.fill_data_model() max_val = gui.editor_window.media_scroll_window.get_vadjustment( ).get_upper() gui.editor_window.media_scroll_window.get_vadjustment().set_value( max_val) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() if succes_new_file != None: editorpersistance.prefs.last_opened_media_dir = os.path.dirname( succes_new_file) # Update editor gui gtk.gdk.threads_enter() gui.media_list_view.fill_data_model() gui.bin_list_view.fill_data_model() _enable_save() normal_cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR) #RTL gui.editor_window.window.window.set_cursor(normal_cursor) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() if len(duplicates) > 0: gobject.timeout_add(10, _duplicates_info, duplicates)
def apply_gtk_css(): gtk_version = "%s.%s.%s" % (Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version()) if Gtk.get_major_version() == 3 and Gtk.get_minor_version() >= 22: print "Gtk version is " + gtk_version + ", Flowblade theme is available." else: print "Gtk version is " + gtk_version + ", Flowblade theme only available for Gtk >= 3.22" editorpersistance.prefs.theme = appconsts.LIGHT_THEME return False provider = display = Gdk.Display.get_default() screen = display.get_default_screen() Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen (screen, provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER) provider.load_from_path(respaths.ROOT_PATH + "/res/css/gtk-flowblade-dark.css") return True
def _create_new_kb_shortcuts_group(dialog, response_id, entry): if response_id != Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT: name = entry.get_text() if name == "": # No need for info dialog, user should really get this. dialog.destroy() return custom_xml_file_name = shortcuts.create_custom_shortcuts_xml(name) editorpersistance.prefs.shortcuts = custom_xml_file_name shortcuts.shortcut_files.append(custom_xml_file_name) root = shortcuts.get_root() shortcuts.shortcut_files_display_names.append(root.get('name')) shortcuts.set_keyboard_shortcuts() guicomponents.update_shortcuts_combo(dialogs.shortcuts_combo) dialogs.display_keyboard_shortcuts(editorpersistance.prefs.shortcuts, workflow.get_tline_tool_working_set(), dialogs.scroll_hold_panel) dialog.destroy()
def _audio_levels_item_activated(widget, msg): if msg == "all": editorstate.display_all_audio_levels = True updater.repaint_tline() elif msg == "on request": editorstate.display_all_audio_levels = False current_sequence().drop_audio_levels() updater.repaint_tline() elif msg == "snapping": snapping.snapping_on = widget.get_active() elif msg == "scrubbing": editorpersistance.prefs.audio_scrubbing = widget.get_active() PLAYER().set_scrubbing(widget.get_active()) else: # media thumbnails editorstate.display_clip_media_thumbnails = widget.get_active() updater.repaint_tline()
def _hide_selected_clicked(visible_view, hidden_view): visible_indexes = visible_view.get_selected_indexes_list() prof_names = [] default_profile = mltprofiles.get_default_profile() for i in visible_indexes: pname, profile = mltprofiles.get_factory_profiles()[i] if profile == default_profile: dialogutils.warning_message("Can't hide default Profile", "Profile '"+ profile.description() + "' is default profile and can't be hidden.", None) return prof_names.append(pname) editorpersistance.prefs.hidden_profile_names += prof_names mltprofiles.load_profile_list() visible_view.fill_data_model(mltprofiles.get_factory_profiles()) hidden_view.fill_data_model(mltprofiles.get_hidden_profiles())
def run(self): gtk.gdk.threads_enter() watch = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH) gui.editor_window.window.window.set_cursor(watch) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() duplicates = [] succes_new_file = None filenames = self.filenames for new_file in filenames: (folder, file_name) = os.path.split(new_file) if PROJECT().media_file_exists(new_file): duplicates.append(file_name) else: try: PROJECT().add_media_file(new_file) succes_new_file = new_file except projectdata.ProducerNotValidError as err: print err.__str__() dialogs.not_valid_producer_dialog(err.value, gui.editor_window.window) gtk.gdk.threads_enter() gui.media_list_view.fill_data_model() max_val = gui.editor_window.media_scroll_window.get_vadjustment().get_upper() gui.editor_window.media_scroll_window.get_vadjustment().set_value(max_val) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() if succes_new_file != None: editorpersistance.prefs.last_opened_media_dir = os.path.dirname(succes_new_file) # Update editor gui gtk.gdk.threads_enter() gui.media_list_view.fill_data_model() gui.bin_list_view.fill_data_model() _enable_save() normal_cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR) #RTL gui.editor_window.window.window.set_cursor(normal_cursor) gtk.gdk.threads_leave() if len(duplicates) > 0: gobject.timeout_add(10, _duplicates_info, duplicates)
def _workflow_menu_callback(widget, data): tool_id, msg = data if msg == "activity": if widget.get_active() == False: editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.remove(tool_id) else: editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.append(tool_id) elif msg == "preset standard": _set_workflow_STANDARD() elif msg == "preset filmstyle": _set_workflow_FILM_STYLE() elif msg == "autofollow": active = widget.get_active() editorstate.auto_follow = active PROJECT().set_project_property(appconsts.P_PROP_AUTO_FOLLOW, active) if active == True: # Do autofollow update if auto follow activated compositor_autofollow_data = edit.get_full_compositor_sync_data() edit.do_autofollow_redo(compositor_autofollow_data) updater.repaint_tline() elif msg == "always overwrite": editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_ALWAYS_OVERWRITE elif msg == "overwrite nonV1": editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_OVERWRITE_NON_V1 elif msg == "always insert": editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_ALWAYS_INSERT elif msg == "tooltips": editorpersistance.prefs.show_tool_tooltips = widget.get_active() elif msg == "delete lift" and widget.get_active() == True: print "lift" elif msg == "delete splice" and widget.get_active() == True: print "splice" else: try: pos = int(msg) current_index = editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.index(tool_id) editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.remove(tool_id) editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.insert(pos - 1, tool_id) except: pass
def _shutdown_dialog_callback(dialog, response_id): dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE:# "Don't Save" pass elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES:# "Save" if editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path != None: persistance.save_project(editorstate.PROJECT(), editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path) else: dialogutils.warning_message(_("Project has not been saved previously"), _("Save project with File -> Save As before closing."), gui.editor_window.window) return else: # "Cancel" return # --- APP SHUT DOWN --- # print "Exiting app..." # No more auto saving stop_autosave() # Save window dimensions on exit alloc = gui.editor_window.window.get_allocation() x, y, w, h = alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height editorpersistance.prefs.exit_allocation = (w, h) if gui.editor_window.window2 != None: alloc = gui.editor_window.window2.get_allocation() pos_x, pos_y = gui.editor_window.window2.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.exit_allocation_window_2 = (alloc.width, alloc.height, pos_x, pos_y) editorpersistance.prefs.app_v_paned_position = gui.editor_window.app_v_paned.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.top_paned_position = gui.editor_window.top_paned.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.mm_paned_position = gui.editor_window.mm_paned.get_position() # Block reconnecting consumer before setting window not visible updater.player_refresh_enabled = False gui.editor_window.window.set_visible(False) if gui.editor_window.window2 != None: gui.editor_window.window2.set_visible(False) # Close and destroy app when gtk finds time to do it after hiding window GLib.idle_add(_app_destroy)
def _trim_view_menu_item_activated(widget, msg): if msg == "matchclear": gui.monitor_widget.set_default_view_force() return if msg == "clipframematch": import tlineaction # if this is on top level gmic tool get circular import clip = tlineaction._get_new_clip_from_clip_monitor() if clip == None: return frame = PLAYER().current_frame() gui.monitor_widget.set_frame_match_view(clip, frame) return if widget.get_active() == False: return if msg == "trimon": editorstate.show_trim_view = appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_ON editorpersistance.prefs.trim_view_default = appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_ON if editorpersistance.prefs.trim_view_message_shown == False: _show_trimview_info() if msg == "trimsingle": editorstate.show_trim_view = appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_SINGLE editorpersistance.prefs.trim_view_default = appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_SINGLE if editorpersistance.prefs.trim_view_message_shown == False: _show_trimview_info() if msg == "trimoff": editorstate.show_trim_view = appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_OFF editorpersistance.prefs.trim_view_default = appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_OFF
def _workflow_menu_callback(widget, data): tool_id, msg = data if msg == "activity": if widget.get_active() == False: editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.remove(tool_id) else: editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.append(tool_id) elif msg == "preset standard": _set_workflow_STANDARD() elif msg == "preset filmstyle": _set_workflow_FILM_STYLE() elif msg == "always overwrite": editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_ALWAYS_OVERWRITE elif msg == "overwrite nonV1": editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_OVERWRITE_NON_V1 elif msg == "always insert": editorpersistance.prefs.dnd_action = appconsts.DND_ALWAYS_INSERT elif msg == "tooltips": editorpersistance.prefs.show_tool_tooltips = widget.get_active() elif msg == "top down": editorpersistance.prefs.default_compositing_mode = appconsts.COMPOSITING_MODE_TOP_DOWN_FREE_MOVE elif msg == "top down auto": editorpersistance.prefs.default_compositing_mode = appconsts.COMPOSITING_MODE_TOP_DOWN_AUTO_FOLLOW elif msg == "standard auto": editorpersistance.prefs.default_compositing_mode = appconsts.COMPOSITING_MODE_STANDARD_AUTO_FOLLOW elif msg == "delete lift" and widget.get_active() == True: print("lift") elif msg == "delete splice" and widget.get_active() == True: print("splice") else: try: pos = int(msg) current_index = editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.index(tool_id) editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.remove(tool_id) editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools.insert(pos - 1, tool_id) except: pass
def _hamburger_item_activated(widget, msg): if msg == "cancel_all": global _jobs, _remove_list _remove_list = [] for job in _jobs: if job.status == RENDERING: job.abort_render() job.progress = -1.0 job.text = _("Cancelled") job.status = CANCELLED _remove_list.append(job) _jobs_list_view.fill_data_model() _jobs_list_view.scroll.queue_draw() GObject.timeout_add(4000, _remove_jobs) elif msg == "cancel_selected": try: jobs_list_index = _jobs_list_view.get_selected_row_index() except: return # nothing was selected job = _jobs[jobs_list_index] job.abort_render() job.progress = -1.0 job.text = _("Cancelled") job.status = CANCELLED _remove_list.append(job) _jobs_list_view.fill_data_model() _jobs_list_view.scroll.queue_draw() GObject.timeout_add(4000, _remove_jobs) elif msg == "open_on_add": editorpersistance.prefs.open_jobs_panel_on_add = widget.get_active() elif msg == "sequential_render": editorpersistance.prefs.render_jobs_sequentially = widget.get_active()
def apply_gtk_css(theme): gtk_version = "%s.%s.%s" % (Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version()) if Gtk.get_major_version() == 3 and Gtk.get_minor_version() >= 22: print("Gtk version is " + gtk_version + ", Flowblade theme is available.") else: print("Gtk version is " + gtk_version + ", Flowblade theme only available for Gtk >= 3.22") editorpersistance.prefs.theme = appconsts.LIGHT_THEME return False provider = display = Gdk.Display.get_default() screen = display.get_default_screen() Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen (screen, provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION) if theme == appconsts.FLOWBLADE_THEME: css_path = "/res/css/gtk-flowblade-dark.css" elif theme == appconsts.FLOWBLADE_THEME_NEUTRAL: css_path = "/res/css3/gtk-flowblade-dark.css" else: # appconsts.FLOWBLADE_THEME_GRAY css_path = "/res/css2/gtk-flowblade-dark.css" provider.load_from_path(respaths.ROOT_PATH + css_path) return True
def _alpha_info_dialog_cb(dialog, response_id, dont_show_check): if dont_show_check.get_active() == True: editorpersistance.prefs.show_alpha_info_message = False dialog.destroy()
def encoding_changed(self, enc_index): editorpersistance.prefs.tline_render_encoding = enc_index
def output_type_changed(output_type): editorpersistance.prefs.jack_output_type = output_type
def size_changed(self, size_index): editorpersistance.prefs.tline_render_size = size_index
def _show_tabs_down(self, widget): if widget.get_active() == False: return self.notebook.set_tab_pos(gtk.POS_BOTTOM) editorpersistance.prefs.tabs_on_top = False
def main(root_path): """ Called at application start. Initializes application with a default project. """ # DEBUG: Direct output to log file if log file set if _log_file != None: log_print_output_to_file() print "Application version: " + editorstate.appversion # Print OS, Python version and GTK+ version try: os_release_file = open("/etc/os-release","r") os_text = s_index = os_text.find("PRETTY_NAME=") e_index = os_text.find("\n", s_index) print "OS: " + os_text[s_index + 13:e_index - 1] except: pass print "Python", sys.version gtk_version = "%s.%s.%s" % (Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version()) print "GTK+ version:", gtk_version editorstate.gtk_version = gtk_version try: editorstate.mlt_version = mlt.LIBMLT_VERSION except: editorstate.mlt_version = "0.0.99" # magic string for "not found" #print "SDL version:", str(editorstate.get_sdl_version()) # passing -xdg as a flag will change the user_dir location with XDG_CONFIG_HOME # For full xdg-app support all the launch processes need to add this too, currently not impl. for arg in sys.argv: if arg.lower() == "-xdg": editorstate.use_xdg = True # Create hidden folders if not present user_dir = utils.get_hidden_user_dir_path() print "User dir:",user_dir if not os.path.exists(user_dir): os.mkdir(user_dir) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + mltprofiles.USER_PROFILES_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + mltprofiles.USER_PROFILES_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + AUTOSAVE_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + AUTOSAVE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + BATCH_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + BATCH_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.AUDIO_LEVELS_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.AUDIO_LEVELS_DIR) if not os.path.exists(utils.get_hidden_screenshot_dir_path()): os.mkdir(utils.get_hidden_screenshot_dir_path()) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.GMIC_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.GMIC_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.MATCH_FRAME_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.MATCH_FRAME_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.TRIM_VIEW_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.NATRON_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.NATRON_DIR) # Set paths. respaths.set_paths(root_path) # Load editor prefs and list of recent projects editorpersistance.load() if editorpersistance.prefs.theme != appconsts.LIGHT_THEME: respaths.apply_dark_theme() if editorpersistance.prefs.display_all_audio_levels == False: editorstate.display_all_audio_levels = False editorpersistance.create_thumbs_folder_if_needed(user_dir) editorpersistance.create_rendered_clips_folder_if_needed(user_dir) # Init translations module with translations data translations.init_languages() translations.load_filters_translations() mlttransitions.init_module() # Apr-2017 - SvdB - Keyboard shortcuts shortcuts.load_shortcut_files() shortcuts.load_shortcuts() # We respaths and translations data available so we need to init in a function. workflow.init_data() # RHEL7/CentOS compatibility fix if gtk_version == "3.8.8": GObject.threads_init() # Init gtk threads Gdk.threads_init() Gdk.threads_enter() # Themes if editorpersistance.prefs.theme == appconsts.FLOWBLADE_THEME: success = gui.apply_gtk_css() if not success: editorpersistance.prefs.theme = appconsts.LIGHT_THEME if editorpersistance.prefs.theme != appconsts.LIGHT_THEME: Gtk.Settings.get_default().set_property("gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", True) # Load drag'n'drop images dnd.init() # Adjust gui parameters for smaller screens scr_w = Gdk.Screen.width() scr_h = Gdk.Screen.height() editorstate.SCREEN_WIDTH = scr_w editorstate.SCREEN_HEIGHT = scr_h print "Screen size:", scr_w, "x", scr_h print "Small height:", editorstate.screen_size_small_height() print "Small width:", editorstate.screen_size_small_width() _set_draw_params() # Refuse to run on too small screen. if scr_w < 1151 or scr_h < 767: _too_small_screen_exit() return # Splash screen if editorpersistance.prefs.display_splash_screen == True: show_splash_screen() # Init MLT framework repo = mlt.Factory().init() processutils.prepare_mlt_repo(repo) # Set numeric locale to use "." as radix, MLT initilizes this to OS locale and this causes bugs. locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C') # Check for codecs and formats on the system. mltenv.check_available_features(repo) renderconsumer.load_render_profiles() # Load filter and compositor descriptions from xml files. mltfilters.load_filters_xml( mlttransitions.load_compositors_xml(mltenv.transitions) # Replace some services if better replacements available. mltfilters.replace_services( # Create list of available mlt profiles. mltprofiles.load_profile_list() # Save assoc file path if found in arguments. global assoc_file_path assoc_file_path = get_assoc_file_path() # There is always a project open, so at startup we create a default project. # Set default project as the project being edited. editorstate.project = projectdata.get_default_project() check_crash = True # Audiomonitoring being available needs to be known before GUI creation. audiomonitoring.init(editorstate.project.profile) # Set trim view mode to current default value. editorstate.show_trim_view = editorpersistance.prefs.trim_view_default # Check for tools and init tools integration. gmic.test_availablity() toolnatron.init() toolsintegration.init() #toolsintegration.test() # Create player object. create_player() # Create main window and set widget handles in for more convenient reference. create_gui() # Inits widgets with project data. init_project_gui() # Inits widgets with current sequence data. init_sequence_gui() # Launch player now that data and gui exist launch_player() # Editor and modules need some more initializing. init_editor_state() # Tracks need to be recentered if window is resized. # Connect listener for this now that the tline panel size allocation is sure to be available. global window_resize_id, window_state_id window_resize_id = gui.editor_window.window.connect("size-allocate", lambda w, e:updater.window_resized()) window_state_id = gui.editor_window.window.connect("window-state-event", lambda w, e:updater.window_resized()) # Get existing autosave files autosave_files = get_autosave_files() # Show splash if ((editorpersistance.prefs.display_splash_screen == True) and len(autosave_files) == 0) and not editorstate.runtime_version_greater_then_test_version(editorpersistance.prefs.workflow_dialog_last_version_shown, editorstate.appversion): global splash_timeout_id splash_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(2600, destroy_splash_screen) splash_screen.show_all() appconsts.SAVEFILE_VERSION = projectdata.SAVEFILE_VERSION # THIS IS A QUESTIONABLE IDEA TO SIMPLIFY IMPORTS, NOT DRY. WHEN DOING TOOLS THAT RUN IN ANOTHER PROCESSES AND SAVE PROJECTS, THIS LINE NEEDS TO BE THERE ALSO. # Every running instance has unique autosave file which is deleted at exit set_instance_autosave_id() # Existance of autosave file hints that program was exited abnormally. if check_crash == True and len(autosave_files) > 0: if len(autosave_files) == 1: GObject.timeout_add(10, autosave_recovery_dialog) else: GObject.timeout_add(10, autosaves_many_recovery_dialog) else: start_autosave() # We prefer to monkeypatch some callbacks into some modules, usually to # maintain a simpler and/or non-circular import structure. monkeypatch_callbacks() # File in assoc_file_path is opened after very short delay. if not(check_crash == True and len(autosave_files) > 0): if assoc_file_path != None: print "Launch assoc file:", assoc_file_path global assoc_timeout_id assoc_timeout_id = GObject.timeout_add(10, open_assoc_file) if editorpersistance.prefs.theme == appconsts.FLOWBLADE_THEME: gui.apply_flowblade_theme_fixes() # SDL 2 consumer needs to created after Gtk.main() has run enough for window to be visble #if editorstate.get_sdl_version() == editorstate.SDL_2: # needs more state considerion still # print "SDL2 timeout launch" # global sdl2_timeout_id # sdl2_timeout_id = GObject.timeout_add(1500, create_sdl_2_consumer) # In PositionNumericalEntries we are using Gtk.Entry objects in a way that works for us nicely, but is somehow "error" for Gtk, so we just kill this. Gtk.Settings.get_default().set_property("gtk-error-bell", False) # Show first run worflow info dialog if not shown for this version of application. if editorstate.runtime_version_greater_then_test_version(editorpersistance.prefs.workflow_dialog_last_version_shown, editorstate.appversion): GObject.timeout_add(500, show_worflow_info_dialog) # Launch gtk+ main loop Gtk.main() Gdk.threads_leave()
def show_worflow_info_dialog(): editorpersistance.prefs.workflow_dialog_last_version_shown = editorstate.appversion worflow_info_dialog = workflow.WorkflowDialog() return False
def _set_workflow_FILM_STYLE(): editorpersistance.prefs.active_tools = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] editevent.set_default_edit_mode()
def _shutdown_dialog_callback(dialog, response_id): dialog.destroy() if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE: # "Don't Save" pass elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: # "Save" if editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path != None: persistance.save_project(editorstate.PROJECT(), editorstate.PROJECT().last_save_path) else: dialogutils.warning_message( _("Project has not been saved previously"), _("Save project with File -> Save As before closing."), gui.editor_window.window) return else: # "Cancel" return # --- APP SHUT DOWN --- # print("Exiting app...") # Sep-2018 - SvdB - Stop wave form threads for thread_termination in threading.enumerate(): # We only terminate threads with a 'process', as these are launched # by the audiowaveformrenderer try: thread_termination.process.terminate() except: None # No more auto saving stop_autosave() # Save window dimensions on exit alloc = gui.editor_window.window.get_allocation() x, y, w, h = alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height editorpersistance.prefs.exit_allocation = (w, h) if gui.editor_window.window2 != None: alloc = gui.editor_window.window2.get_allocation() pos_x, pos_y = gui.editor_window.window2.get_position() editorpersistance.prefs.exit_allocation_window_2 = (alloc.width, alloc.height, pos_x, pos_y) editorpersistance.prefs.app_v_paned_position = gui.editor_window.app_v_paned.get_position( ) editorpersistance.prefs.top_paned_position = gui.editor_window.top_paned.get_position( ) try: # This fails if preference for top row layout changed, we just ignore saving these values then. if editorwindow.top_level_project_panel() == True: editorpersistance.prefs.mm_paned_position = 200 # This is not used until user sets preference to not have top level project panel else: editorpersistance.prefs.mm_paned_position = gui.editor_window.mm_paned.get_position( ) except: pass # Block reconnecting consumer before setting window not visible updater.player_refresh_enabled = False gui.editor_window.window.set_visible(False) if gui.editor_window.window2 != None: gui.editor_window.window2.set_visible(False) # Close and destroy app when gtk finds time to do it after hiding window GLib.idle_add(_app_destroy)
def init_languages(): langs = [] lc, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale() if (lc): langs = [lc] print("Locale:", lc) language = os.environ.get('LANGUAGE', None) if (language): langs += language.split(":") if editorstate.app_running_from == editorstate.RUNNING_FROM_INSTALLATION or editorstate.app_running_from == editorstate.RUNNING_FROM_FLATPAK: # Use /usr/share/locale first if available and running from installation # Look for installed translation in distro install # Were using Russian as test language if os.path.isfile("/usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/"): # fi is the translation controlled by program author print("Found translations at /usr/share/locale, using those.") locale_path = "/usr/share/locale/" # Look for installed translations in flatpak install elif os.path.isfile("/app/share/flowblade/Flowblade/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/"): # fi is the translation controlled by program author print("Found translations at /app/share/flowblade/Flowblade/locale, using those.") locale_path = "/app/share/flowblade/Flowblade/locale" else: print("Translations at /usr/share/locale were not found, using program root directory translations.") locale_path = respaths.LOCALE_PATH else: # Use translations in program folder first if NOT running from installation # Were using Russian as test language locale_file = respaths.LOCALE_PATH + "ru/LC_MESSAGES/" if os.path.isfile(locale_file): # fi is the translation controlled by program author print("Found translations at " + respaths.LOCALE_PATH + ", using those.") locale_path = respaths.LOCALE_PATH else: print("Translations at " + locale_file + " were not found, using /usr/share/locale translations.") locale_path = "/usr/share/locale/" gettext.bindtextdomain(APP_NAME, locale_path) gettext.textdomain(APP_NAME) # Get the language to use global lang if editorpersistance.prefs.use_english_always == True: lang_code = "English" editorpersistance.prefs.use_english_always = False editorpersistance.prefs.force_language = "English" else: lang_code = editorpersistance.prefs.force_language if editorpersistance.prefs.force_language == "English": print("Force use English.") lang = gettext.translation(APP_NAME, locale_path, languages=["dummy"], fallback=True) elif editorpersistance.prefs.force_language != "None": print("Force use ", editorpersistance.prefs.force_language) lang = gettext.translation(APP_NAME, locale_path, languages=[str(editorpersistance.prefs.force_language)], fallback=True) else: print("Use OS locale language.") lang = gettext.translation(APP_NAME, locale_path, languages=langs, fallback=True) # Un-comment for translations tests #lang = gettext.translation(APP_NAME, locale_path, languages=["it"], fallback=True) lang.install(APP_NAME) # makes _() a build-in available in all modules without imports
def _show_tabs_down(self, widget): if widget.get_active() == False: return self.notebook.set_tab_pos(Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM) editorpersistance.prefs.tabs_on_top = False
def main(root_path): """ Called at application start. Initializes application with a default project. """ # Print OS, Python version and GTK+ version try: os_release_file = open("/etc/os-release","r") os_text = s_index = os_text.find("PRETTY_NAME=") e_index = os_text.find("\n", s_index) print "OS: " + os_text[s_index + 13:e_index - 1] except: pass print "Python", sys.version gtk_version = "%s.%s.%s" % (Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version()) print "GTK+ version:", gtk_version editorstate.gtk_version = gtk_version try: editorstate.mlt_version = mlt.LIBMLT_VERSION except: editorstate.mlt_version = "0.0.99" # magic string for "not found" # passing -xdg as a flag will change the user_dir location with XDG_CONFIG_HOME # For full xdg-app support all the launch processes need to add this too, currently not impl. for arg in sys.argv: if arg.lower() == "-xdg": editorstate.use_xdg = True # Create hidden folders if not present user_dir = utils.get_hidden_user_dir_path() print "User dir:",user_dir if not os.path.exists(user_dir): os.mkdir(user_dir) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + mltprofiles.USER_PROFILES_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + mltprofiles.USER_PROFILES_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + AUTOSAVE_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + AUTOSAVE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + BATCH_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + BATCH_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.AUDIO_LEVELS_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.AUDIO_LEVELS_DIR) if not os.path.exists(utils.get_hidden_screenshot_dir_path()): os.mkdir(utils.get_hidden_screenshot_dir_path()) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.GMIC_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.GMIC_DIR) # Set paths. respaths.set_paths(root_path) # Load editor prefs and list of recent projects editorpersistance.load() if editorpersistance.prefs.dark_theme == True: respaths.apply_dark_theme() if editorpersistance.prefs.display_all_audio_levels == False: editorstate.display_all_audio_levels = False editorpersistance.create_thumbs_folder_if_needed(user_dir) editorpersistance.create_rendered_clips_folder_if_needed(user_dir) # Init translations module with translations data translations.init_languages() translations.load_filters_translations() mlttransitions.init_module() # RHEL7/CentOS compatibility fix if gtk_version == "3.8.8": GObject.threads_init() # Init gtk threads Gdk.threads_init() Gdk.threads_enter() # Request dark them if so desired if editorpersistance.prefs.dark_theme == True: Gtk.Settings.get_default().set_property("gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", True) # Load drag'n'drop images dnd.init() # Adjust gui parameters for smaller screens scr_w = Gdk.Screen.width() scr_h = Gdk.Screen.height() editorstate.SCREEN_WIDTH = scr_w editorstate.SCREEN_HEIGHT = scr_h print "Small height:", editorstate.screen_size_small_height() print "Small width:", editorstate.screen_size_small_width() _set_draw_params() # Refuse to run on too small screen. if scr_w < 1151 or scr_h < 767: _too_small_screen_exit() return # Splash screen if editorpersistance.prefs.display_splash_screen == True: show_splash_screen() # Init MLT framework repo = mlt.Factory().init() # Set numeric locale to use "." as radix, MLT initilizes this to OS locale and this causes bugs locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C') # Check for codecs and formats on the system mltenv.check_available_features(repo) renderconsumer.load_render_profiles() # Load filter and compositor descriptions from xml files. mltfilters.load_filters_xml( mlttransitions.load_compositors_xml(mltenv.transitions) # Replace some services if better replacements available mltfilters.replace_services( # Create list of available mlt profiles mltprofiles.load_profile_list() # Launch association file if found in arguments launch_file_path = get_assoc_file_path() if launch_file_path != None: try: print "Launching assoc file:" + launch_file_path persistance.show_messages = False editorstate.project = persistance.load_project(launch_file_path) persistance.show_messages = True check_crash = False except: editorstate.project = projectdata.get_default_project() persistance.show_messages = True check_crash = True else: # There is always a project open, so at startup we create a default project. # Set default project as the project being edited. editorstate.project = projectdata.get_default_project() check_crash = True # Audiomonitoring being available needs to be known before GUI creation audiomonitoring.init(editorstate.project.profile) # Create player object create_player() # Create main window and set widget handles in for more convenient reference. create_gui() # Inits widgets with project data init_project_gui() # Inits widgets with current sequence data init_sequence_gui() # Launch player now that data and gui exist launch_player() # Editor and modules need some more initializing init_editor_state() # Tracks need to be recentered if window is resized. # Connect listener for this now that the tline panel size allocation is sure to be available. global window_resize_id, window_state_id window_resize_id = gui.editor_window.window.connect("size-allocate", lambda w, e:updater.window_resized()) window_state_id = gui.editor_window.window.connect("window-state-event", lambda w, e:updater.window_resized()) # Get existing autosave files autosave_files = get_autosave_files() # Show splash if ((editorpersistance.prefs.display_splash_screen == True) and len(autosave_files) == 0): global splash_timeout_id splash_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(2600, destroy_splash_screen) splash_screen.show_all() appconsts.SAVEFILE_VERSION = projectdata.SAVEFILE_VERSION # THIS IS A QUESTIONABLE IDEA TO SIMPLIFY IMPORTS, NOT DRY. WHEN DOING TOOLS THAT RUN IN ANOTHER PROCESSES AND SAVE PROJECTS, THIS LINE NEEDS TO BE THERE ALSO. # Every running instance has unique autosave file which is deleted at exit set_instance_autosave_id() # Existance of autosave file hints that program was exited abnormally if check_crash == True and len(autosave_files) > 0: if len(autosave_files) == 1: GObject.timeout_add(10, autosave_recovery_dialog) else: GObject.timeout_add(10, autosaves_many_recovery_dialog) else: start_autosave() # We prefer to monkeypatch some callbacks into some modules, usually to # maintain a simpler and/or non-circular import structure monkeypatch_callbacks() # Launch gtk+ main loop Gtk.main() Gdk.threads_leave()
def _TLINE_TOOL_OVERWRITE_box_selection_pref(check_menu_item): editorpersistance.prefs.box_for_empty_press_in_overwrite_tool = check_menu_item.get_active( )
def _show_vu_meter(self, widget): editorpersistance.prefs.show_vu_meter = widget.get_active() self._update_top_row(True)
def _show_tabs_up(self, widget): if widget.get_active() == False: return self.notebook.set_tab_pos(gtk.POS_TOP) editorpersistance.prefs.tabs_on_top = True
def main(root_path): """ Called at application start. Initializes application with a default project. """ # Print OS, Python version and GTK+ version try: os_release_file = open("/etc/os-release", "r") os_text = s_index = os_text.find("PRETTY_NAME=") e_index = os_text.find("\n", s_index) print "OS: " + os_text[s_index + 13:e_index - 1] except: pass print "Python", sys.version print "GTK+ version:", gtk.gtk_version editorstate.gtk_version = gtk.gtk_version try: editorstate.mlt_version = mlt.LIBMLT_VERSION except: editorstate.mlt_version = "0.0.99" # magic string for "not found" # Create hidden folders if not present user_dir = utils.get_hidden_user_dir_path() if not os.path.exists(user_dir): os.mkdir(user_dir) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + mltprofiles.USER_PROFILES_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + mltprofiles.USER_PROFILES_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + AUTOSAVE_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + AUTOSAVE_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + BATCH_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + BATCH_DIR) if not os.path.exists(user_dir + appconsts.AUDIO_LEVELS_DIR): os.mkdir(user_dir + appconsts.AUDIO_LEVELS_DIR) if not os.path.exists(utils.get_hidden_screenshot_dir_path()): os.mkdir(utils.get_hidden_screenshot_dir_path()) # Set paths. respaths.set_paths(root_path) # Init translations module with translations data translations.init_languages() translations.load_filters_translations() mlttransitions.init_module() # Load editor prefs and list of recent projects editorpersistance.load() if editorpersistance.prefs.dark_theme == True: respaths.apply_dark_theme() editorpersistance.create_thumbs_folder_if_needed(user_dir) editorpersistance.create_rendered_clips_folder_if_needed(user_dir) # Init gtk threads gtk.gdk.threads_init() gtk.gdk.threads_enter() # Load drag'n'drop images dnd.init() # Adjust gui parameters for smaller screens scr_w = gtk.gdk.screen_width() scr_h = gtk.gdk.screen_height() editorstate.SCREEN_WIDTH = scr_w editorstate.SCREEN_HEIGHT = scr_h _set_draw_params(scr_w, scr_h) # Refuse to run on too small screen. if scr_w < 1151 or scr_h < 767: _too_small_screen_exit() return # Splash screen if editorpersistance.prefs.display_splash_screen == True: show_splash_screen() # Init MLT framework repo = mlt.Factory().init() # Set numeric locale to use "." as radix, MLT initilizes this to OS locale and this causes bugs locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C') # Check for codecs and formats on the system mltenv.check_available_features(repo) renderconsumer.load_render_profiles() # Load filter and compositor descriptions from xml files. mltfilters.load_filters_xml( mlttransitions.load_compositors_xml(mltenv.transitions) # Replace some services if better replacements available mltfilters.replace_services( # Create list of available mlt profiles mltprofiles.load_profile_list() # Launch association file if found in arguments launch_file_path = get_assoc_file_path() if launch_file_path != None: try: print "Launching assoc file:" + launch_file_path persistance.show_messages = False editorstate.project = persistance.load_project(launch_file_path) persistance.show_messages = True check_crash = False except: editorstate.project = projectdata.get_default_project() persistance.show_messages = True check_crash = True else: # There is always a project open, so at startup we create a default project. # Set default project as the project being edited. editorstate.project = projectdata.get_default_project() check_crash = True # Audiomonitoring being available needs to be known before GUI creation audiomonitoring.init(editorstate.project.profile) # Do JACK audio start-up action jackaudio.start_up() # Create player object create_player() # Create main window and set widget handles in for more convenient reference. create_gui() # Inits widgets with project data init_project_gui() # Inits widgets with current sequence data init_sequence_gui() # Launch player now that data and gui exist launch_player() # Editor and modules need some more initializing init_editor_state() # Tracks need to be recentered if window is resized. # Connect listener for this now that the tline panel size allocation is sure to be available. gui.editor_window.window.connect("size-allocate", lambda w, e: updater.window_resized()) gui.editor_window.window.connect("window-state-event", lambda w, e: updater.window_resized()) # Get existing autosave files autosave_files = get_autosave_files() # Show splash if ((editorpersistance.prefs.display_splash_screen == True) and len(autosave_files) == 0): global splash_timeout_id splash_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(2600, destroy_splash_screen) splash_screen.show_all() appconsts.SAVEFILE_VERSION = projectdata.SAVEFILE_VERSION # THIS IS A QUESTIONABLE IDEA TO SIMPLIFY IMPORTS, NOT DRY. WHEN DOING TOOLS THAT RUN IN ANOTHER PROCESSES AND SAVE PROJECTS, THIS LINE NEEDS TO BE THERE ALSO. # Every running instance has unique autosave file which is deleted at exit set_instance_autosave_id() # Existance of autosave file hints that program was exited abnormally if check_crash == True and len(autosave_files) > 0: if len(autosave_files) == 1: gobject.timeout_add(10, autosave_recovery_dialog) else: gobject.timeout_add(10, autosaves_many_recovery_dialog) else: start_autosave() # We prefer to monkeypatch some callbacks into some modules, usually to # maintain a simpler and non-circular import structure monkeypatch_callbacks() # Launch gtk+ main loop gtk.main() gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
def _TLINE_TOOL_OVERWRITE_box_selection_pref(check_menu_item): editorpersistance.prefs.box_for_empty_press_in_overwrite_tool = check_menu_item.get_active()
def init_layout_data(): global _panel_positions, _positions_names, _panels_names, _position_notebooks _panel_positions = editorpersistance.prefs.panel_positions # Use default panels positons if nothing available yet or too small screen if panel_positioning_available() == False or _panel_positions == None: _panel_positions = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_PANEL_POSITIONS) editorpersistance.prefs.panel_positions = _panel_positions if editorpersistance.prefs.positions_tabs == None: editorpersistance.prefs.positions_tabs = DEFAULT_TABS_POSITIONS # Force media panel positioning to work with both one and two window modes if editorpersistance.prefs.global_layout == appconsts.SINGLE_WINDOW: if _panel_positions[ appconsts. PANEL_MEDIA] == appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TWO_WINDOWS_MEDIA_PANEL_POS: _panel_positions[ appconsts. PANEL_MEDIA] = appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_DEFAULT else: if _panel_positions[ appconsts. PANEL_MEDIA] == appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_DEFAULT: _panel_positions[ appconsts. PANEL_MEDIA] = appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TWO_WINDOWS_MEDIA_PANEL_POS # We are using different media panels for differnt screen sizes, # make sure that are using and displaying the right one here even screen size has changed. if top_level_project_panel() == True: if appconsts.PANEL_PROJECT_SMALL_SCREEN in _panel_positions: _panel_positions[ appconsts. PANEL_PROJECT] = appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_PROJECT_DEFAULT del (_panel_positions[appconsts.PANEL_PROJECT_SMALL_SCREEN]) else: if appconsts.PANEL_PROJECT in _panel_positions: _panel_positions[ appconsts. PANEL_PROJECT_SMALL_SCREEN] = appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_DEFAULT del (_panel_positions[appconsts.PANEL_PROJECT]) # Translations need to be initialized after modules have been loaded. _positions_names = { \ appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_DEFAULT: _("Top Row Default Notebook"), appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_RIGHT: _("Top Row Right"), appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_LEFT_COLUMN: _("Left Column"), appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_BOTTOM_ROW_LEFT: _("Bottom Row Left"), appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_BOTTOM_ROW_RIGHT: _("Bottom Row Right"), appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE: _("Not Visible"), appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_PROJECT_DEFAULT: _("Top Row Project Panel Default"), } _panels_names = { \ appconsts.PANEL_MEDIA: _("Media"), appconsts.PANEL_FILTERS: _("Filters"), appconsts.PANEL_COMPOSITORS: _("Compositors"), appconsts.PANEL_RANGE_LOG: _("Range Log"), appconsts.PANEL_RENDERING: _("Render"), appconsts.PANEL_JOBS: _("Jobs"), appconsts.PANEL_PROJECT: _("Project"), appconsts.PANEL_PROJECT_SMALL_SCREEN: _("Project"), appconsts.PANEL_MEDIA_AND_BINS_SMALL_SCREEN: "tba", appconsts.PANEL_FILTER_SELECT: _("Filter Select") } # Values are possibly set to other then None as layout is being build _position_notebooks = { \ appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_DEFAULT: None, appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_RIGHT: None, appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_LEFT_COLUMN: None, appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_BOTTOM_ROW_LEFT: None, appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_BOTTOM_ROW_RIGHT: None, appconsts.PANEL_PLACEMENT_TOP_ROW_PROJECT_DEFAULT: None }