Example #1
    def GenerateEccReport(self, modify_dir_list: List[str], ecc_diff_range: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]],
                          edk2_path: str) -> None:
        ecc_need = False
        ecc_run = True
        config = os.path.join(edk2_path, "BaseTools", "Source", "Python", "Ecc", "config.ini")
        exception = os.path.join(edk2_path, "BaseTools", "Source", "Python", "Ecc", "exception.xml")
        report = os.path.join(edk2_path, "Ecc.csv")
        for modify_dir in modify_dir_list:
            target = os.path.join(edk2_path, modify_dir)
            logging.info('Run ECC tool for the commit in %s' % modify_dir)
            ecc_need = True
            ecc_params = "-c {0} -e {1} -t {2} -r {3}".format(config, exception, target, report)
            return_code = RunCmd("Ecc", ecc_params, workingdir=edk2_path)
            if return_code != 0:
                ecc_run = False
            if not ecc_run:
                logging.error('Fail to run ECC tool')
            self.ParseEccReport(ecc_diff_range, edk2_path)

        if not ecc_need:
            logging.info("Doesn't need run ECC check")

        revert_params = "checkout -- {}".format(exception)
        RunCmd("git", revert_params)
    def MakeDrive(self, size: int=60):
        ret = RunCmd("VHDCreate", f'-sz {size}MB {self.path_to_vhd}')
        if ret != 0:
            logging.error("Failed to create VHD")
            return ret

        ret = RunCmd("DiskFormat", f"-ft fat -ptt bios {self.path_to_vhd}")
        if ret != 0:
            logging.error("Failed to format VHD")
            return ret
        return ret
    def _get_files_that_changed_in_this_pr(self, base_branch) -> tuple:
        ''' Get all the files that changed in this pr.
            Return the error code and list of files

        # get file differences between pr and base
        output = StringIO()
        cmd_params = f"diff --name-only HEAD..{base_branch}"
        rc = RunCmd("git", cmd_params, outstream=output)

        if (rc == 0):
            self.logger.debug("git diff command returned successfully!")
            self.logger.critical("git diff returned error return value: %s" %
            return (rc, [])

        if (output.getvalue() is None):
            self.logger.info("No files listed in diff")
            return (0, [])

        files = output.getvalue().split()
        for f in files:
            self.logger.debug(f"File Changed: {f}")
        return (0, files)
Example #4
    def _initialize_app_info(self) -> None:
        Initialize Uncrustify application information.

        This function will determine the application path and version.
        # Verify Uncrustify is specified in the environment.
        if UncrustifyCheck.UNCRUSTIFY_PATH_ENV_KEY not in os.environ:
            raise UncrustifyAppEnvVarNotFoundException(
                f"Uncrustify environment variable {UncrustifyCheck.UNCRUSTIFY_PATH_ENV_KEY} is not present.")

        self._app_path = shutil.which('uncrustify', path=os.environ[UncrustifyCheck.UNCRUSTIFY_PATH_ENV_KEY])

        if self._app_path is None:
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self._app_path)

        self._app_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(self._app_path))

        if not os.path.isfile(self._app_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self._app_path)

        # Verify Uncrustify is present at the expected path.
        return_buffer = StringIO()
        ret = RunCmd(self._app_path, "--version", outstream=return_buffer)
        if (ret != 0):
            raise UncrustifyAppVersionErrorException(
                f"Error occurred executing --version: {ret}.")

        # Log Uncrustify version information.
        self._app_version = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
        self._tc.LogStdOut(f"Uncrustify version: {self._app_version}")
            "Uncrustify", self._app_version, version_aggregator.VersionTypes.INFO)
Example #5
    def _get_git_ignored_paths(self) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of file absolute path strings to all files ignored in this git repository.

        If git is not found, an empty list will be returned.
        if not shutil.which("git"):
                "Git is not found on this system. Git submodule paths will not be considered."
            return []

        outstream_buffer = StringIO()
        exit_code = RunCmd("git",
                           "ls-files --other",
        if (exit_code != 0):
            raise UncrustifyGitIgnoreFileException(
                f"An error occurred reading git ignore settings. This will prevent Uncrustify from running against the expected set of files."

        # Note: This will potentially be a large list, but at least sorted
        return outstream_buffer.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
Example #6
 def _attempt_nuget_install(self, install_dir, non_interactive=True):
     # fetch the contents of the package.
     package_name = self.name
     cmd = NugetDependency.GetNugetCmd()
     cmd += ["install", self.name]
     cmd += ["-Source", self.source]
     cmd += ["-ExcludeVersion"]
     if non_interactive:
         cmd += ["-NonInteractive"]
     cmd += ["-Version", self.version]
     cmd += ["-Verbosity", "detailed"]
     cmd += ["-OutputDirectory", '"' + install_dir + '"']
     # make sure to capture our output
     output_stream = StringIO()
     ret = RunCmd(cmd[0], " ".join(cmd[1:]), outstream=output_stream)
     output_stream.seek(0)  # return the start of the stream
     # check if we found credential providers
     found_cred_provider = False
     for out_line in output_stream:
         line = out_line.strip()
         if line.startswith("CredentialProvider") or line.startswith("[CredentialProvider"):
             found_cred_provider = True
         if line.endswith("as a credential provider plugin."):
             found_cred_provider = True
     # if we fail, then we should retry if we have credential providers
     # we currently steal command input so if we don't have cred providers, we hang
     # this gives cred providers a chance to prompt for input since they don't use stdin
     if ret != 0:
         # If we're in non interactive and we have a credential provider
         if non_interactive and found_cred_provider:  # we should be interactive next time
             self._attempt_nuget_install(install_dir, False)
             raise RuntimeError(f"[Nuget] We failed to install this version {self.version} of {package_name}")
    def Push(self, nuPackage, apikey):
        if (not os.path.isfile(nuPackage)):
            raise Exception("Invalid file path for NuPkg file")
        logging.debug("Pushing %s file to server %s" %
                      (nuPackage, self.ConfigData["server_url"]))

        cmd = NugetDependency.GetNugetCmd()
        cmd += ["push", nuPackage]
        cmd += ["-Verbosity", "detailed"]
        # cmd += ["-NonInteractive"]
        cmd += ["-Source", self.ConfigData["server_url"]]
        cmd += ["-ApiKey", apikey]
        output_buffer = StringIO()
        ret = RunCmd(cmd[0], " ".join(cmd[1:]), outstream=output_buffer)

        if (ret != 0):
            # Rewind the buffer and capture the contents.
            output_contents = output_buffer.read()

            # Check for the API message.
            if "API key is invalid".lower() in output_contents.lower():
                    "API key is invalid. Please use --ApiKey to provide a valid key."

            # Generic error.
            logging.error("Failed on nuget commend.  RC = 0x%x" % ret)

        return ret
Example #8
    def _get_git_submodule_paths(self) -> List[str]:
        Returns a list of directory absolute path strings to the root of each submodule in the workspace repository.

        If git is not found, an empty list will be returned.
        if not shutil.which("git"):
                "Git is not found on this system. Git submodule paths will not be considered.")
            return []

        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._abs_workspace_path, ".gitmodules")):
                f".gitmodules file found. Excluding submodules in {self._package_name}.")

            outstream_buffer = StringIO()
            exit_code = RunCmd("git", "config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp path", workingdir=self._abs_workspace_path, outstream=outstream_buffer, logging_level=logging.NOTSET)
            if (exit_code != 0):
                raise UncrustifyGitSubmoduleException(
                    f".gitmodule file detected but an error occurred reading the file. Cannot proceed with unknown submodule paths.")

            submodule_paths = []
            for line in outstream_buffer.getvalue().strip().splitlines():
                    os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._abs_workspace_path, line.split()[1])))

            return submodule_paths
            return []
 def test_can_get_nuget_path(self):
     nuget_cmd = NugetDependency.GetNugetCmd()
     nuget_cmd += ["locals", "global-packages", "-list"]
     ret = RunCmd(nuget_cmd[0],
                  ' '.join(nuget_cmd[1:]),
     self.assertEqual(ret, 0)  # make sure we have a zero return code
def FindWithVsWhere(products: str = "*", vs_version: str = None):
    cmd = "-latest -nologo -all -property installationPath"
    vs_where_path = GetVsWherePath()
    if vs_where_path is None:
        logging.warning("We weren't able to find VSWhere")
        return (1, None)
    if (products is not None):
        cmd += " -products " + products
    if (vs_version is not None):
        vs_version = vs_version.lower()
        if vs_version in supported_vs_versions.keys():
            cmd += " -version " + supported_vs_versions[vs_version]
            logging.warning("Invalid or unsupported vs_version " + vs_version)
            return (2, None)
    a = StringIO()
    ret = RunCmd(vs_where_path, cmd, outstream=a)
    if (ret != 0):
        return (ret, None)
    p1 = a.getvalue().strip()
    if (len(p1.strip()) > 0):
        return (0, p1)
    return (ret, None)
Example #11
    def MakeCat(self, OutputCatFile, PathToInf2CatTool=None):
        # Find Inf2Cat tool
        if (PathToInf2CatTool is None):
            PathToInf2CatTool = FindToolInWinSdk("Inf2Cat.exe")
        # check if exists
        if not os.path.exists(PathToInf2CatTool):
            raise Exception(
                "Can't find Inf2Cat on this machine.  Please install the Windows 10 WDK - "

        # Adjust for spaces in the path (when calling the command).
        if " " in PathToInf2CatTool:
            PathToInf2CatTool = '"' + PathToInf2CatTool + '"'

        OutputFolder = os.path.dirname(OutputCatFile)
        # Make Cat file
        cmd = "/driver:. /os:" + self.OperatingSystem + "_" + self.Arch + " /verbose"
        ret = RunCmd(PathToInf2CatTool, cmd, workingdir=OutputFolder)
        if (ret != 0):
            raise Exception("Creating Cat file Failed with errorcode %d" % ret)
        if (not os.path.isfile(OutputCatFile)):
            raise Exception("CAT file (%s) not created" % OutputCatFile)

        return 0
def _GetCommitHashes(root_dir: os.PathLike):
    # Recursively looks at every .git and gets the commit from there
    search_path = os.path.join(root_dir, "**", ".git")
    logging.info(f"Searching {search_path} for git repos")
    search = glob.iglob(search_path, recursive=True)
    found_repos = {}
    cmd_args = "rev-parse HEAD"
    for git_path in search:
        git_path_dir = os.path.dirname(git_path)
        if git_path_dir == root_dir:
            git_repo_name = "MU_BASECORE"
            git_repo_name = os.path.relpath(git_path_dir, root_dir)
        git_repo_name = git_repo_name.upper()
        if git_repo_name in found_repos:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"we've already found this repo before {git_repo_name} {git_path_dir}"
        # read the git hash for this repo
        return_buffer = StringIO()
        commit_hash = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
        found_repos[git_repo_name] = commit_hash
    return found_repos
    def GetRequiredSubmodules(self):
        ''' return iterable containing RequiredSubmodule objects.
        If no RequiredSubmodules return an empty iterable
        rs = []
        # intentionally declare this one with recursive false to avoid overhead
            RequiredSubmodule("CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl", False))

        # To avoid maintenance of this file for every new submodule
        # lets just parse the .gitmodules and add each if not already in list.
        # The GetRequiredSubmodules is designed to allow a build to optimize
        # the desired submodules but it isn't necessary for this repository.
        result = io.StringIO()
        ret = RunCmd("git",
                     "config --file .gitmodules --get-regexp path",
        # Cmd output is expected to look like:
        # submodule.CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl.path CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl
        # submodule.SoftFloat.path ArmPkg/Library/ArmSoftFloatLib/berkeley-softfloat-3
        if ret == 0:
            for line in result.getvalue().splitlines():
                _, _, path = line.partition(" ")
                if path is not None:
                    if path not in [x.path for x in rs]:
                            True))  # add it with recursive since we don't know
        return rs
    def _PublishNuget(self):
        # otherwise do the upload
        logging.critical("PUBLISHING TO NUGET")
        # get the root directory of mu_basecore
        scriptDir = self.sp
        rootDir = self.ws
        build_dir = os.path.join(rootDir, "Build")

        if (self.should_dump_version):
                "##vso[task.setvariable variable=NugetPackageVersion;isOutput=true]"
                + self.nuget_version)

        config_file = "SharedNetworking.config.json"

        if self.api_key is not None:
            logging.info("Will attempt to publish as well")
            params = "--Operation PackAndPush --ConfigFilePath {0} --Version {1} --InputFolderPath {2}  --ApiKey {3}".format(
                config_file, self.nuget_version, self.OUTPUT_DIR, self.api_key)
            params = "--Operation Pack --ConfigFilePath {0} --Version {1} --InputFolderPath {2} --OutputFolderPath {3}".format(
                config_file, self.nuget_version, self.OUTPUT_DIR, build_dir)
        # TODO: change this from a runcmd to directly invoking nuget publishing
        ret = RunCmd("nuget-publish",
        if ret != 0:
            logging.error("Unable to pack/publish nuget package")
            return False
            "Finished packaging/publishing Nuget version {0}".format(
        return True
 def _GetReleaseForCommit(self, commit_hash: str, n: int = 100):
     if n > 2000:
             "We couldn't find the release branch that we correspond to")
         return ""
     git_dir = os.path.dirname(self.sp)
     cmd_args = ["log", '--format="%h %D"', "-n " + str(n)]
     return_buffer = StringIO()
            " ".join(cmd_args),
     results = return_buffer.readlines()
     log_re = re.compile(r'(release|dev)/(\d{6})')
     for log_item in results:
         commit = log_item[:11]
         branch = log_item[11:].strip()
         if len(branch) == 0:
         match = log_re.search(branch)
         if match:
             logging.info("Basing our release commit off of commit " +
             return match.group(2)
     return self._GetReleaseForCommit(commit_hash, n * 2)
Example #16
def sign_in_place(sign_file_path, signature_options, signer_options):
    alternate module-specific signing interface to support particular signatures associated
    with Windows capsule files (e.g. CAT files). Takes n the signature_options and signer_options
    dictionaries that are used by capsule_tool and capsule_helper
    # NOTE: Currently, we only support the necessary algorithms for capsules.
    if signature_options['sign_alg'] != 'pkcs12':
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unsupported signature algorithm: {signature_options['sign_alg']}!"
    if signature_options['hash_alg'] != 'sha256':
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unsupported hashing algorithm: {signature_options['hash_alg']}!")
    if 'key_file' not in signer_options:
        raise ValueError(
            "Must supply a key_file in signer_options for Signtool!")

    # Start building the parameters for the call.
    signtool_params = ['sign', '/a']
    signtool_params += ['/fd', signature_options['hash_alg']]
    signtool_params += ['/f', f"\"{signer_options['key_file']}\""]
    # if 'oid' in signer_options:
    #     signtool_params += ['/p7co', signer_options['oid']]
    # if 'eku' in signer_options:
    #     signtool_params += ['/u', signer_options['eku']]
    if 'key_pass' in signer_options:
        signtool_params += ['/p', signer_options['key_pass']]
    # Add basic options.
    signtool_params += ['/debug', '/v', f'"{sign_file_path}"']

    # Make the call to Signtool.
    ret = RunCmd(get_signtool_path(), " ".join(signtool_params))
    if ret != 0:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Signtool.exe returned with error: {ret}!")
    def Pack(self, version, OutputDirectory, ContentDir, RelNotesText=None):
        self.NewVersion = version

        # content must be absolute path in nuspec otherwise it is assumed
        # relative to nuspec file.
        cdir = os.path.abspath(ContentDir)

        # make nuspec file
        xmlstring = self._MakeNuspecXml(cdir, RelNotesText)
        nuspec = os.path.join(OutputDirectory, self.Name + ".nuspec")
        f = open(nuspec, "wb")

        # run nuget
        cmd = NugetDependency.GetNugetCmd()
        cmd += ["pack", nuspec]
        cmd += ["-OutputDirectory", '"' + OutputDirectory + '"']
        cmd += ["-Verbosity", "detailed"]
        # cmd += ["-NonInteractive"]
        ret = RunCmd(cmd[0], " ".join(cmd[1:]))

        if (ret != 0):
            logging.error("Failed on nuget commend.  RC = 0x%x" % ret)
            return ret

        self.NuPackageFile = os.path.join(
            OutputDirectory, self._GetNuPkgFileName(self.NewVersion))
        return ret
    def clone_from(self,
        _logger = logging.getLogger("git.repo")
        _logger.debug("Cloning {0} into {1}".format(url, to_path))
        # make sure we get the commit if
        # use run command from utilities
        cmd = "git"
        params = ["clone"]
        if branch:
            shallow = True
            params.append(f'--branch {branch}')
        if shallow:
            # params.append("--shallow-submodules")
        if reference:
            params.append("--reference %s" % reference)
            )  # if we don't have a reference we can just recurse the submodules


        # Combine all the parameters together
        param_string = " ".join(params)

        ret = RunCmd(cmd, param_string)

        if ret != 0:
            logging.error("ERROR CLONING ")
            return None

        # if we have a reference path we must init the submodules
        if reference:
            params = ["submodule", "update", "--init", "--recursive"]
            params.append("--reference %s" % reference)
            param_string = " ".join(params)
            RunCmd(cmd, param_string)

        return Repo(to_path)
Example #19
    def fetch(self):
        package_name = self.name
        # Before trying anything with Nuget feeds,
        # check to see whether the package is already in
        # our local cache. If it is, we avoid a lot of
        # time and network cost by copying it directly.
        if self._fetch_from_cache(package_name):
            # We successfully found the package in the cache.
            # The published path may change now that the package has been unpacked.
            # Bail.
            self.published_path = self.compute_published_path()

        # If we are still here, the package wasn't in the cache.
        # We need to ask Nuget to find it.

        # First, fetch the contents of the package.
        temp_directory = self.get_temp_dir()
        cmd = NugetDependency.GetNugetCmd()
        cmd += ["install", package_name]
        cmd += ["-Source", self.source]
        cmd += ["-ExcludeVersion"]
        cmd += ["-Version", self.version]
        cmd += ["-Verbosity", "detailed"]
        cmd += ["-OutputDirectory", '"' + temp_directory + '"']
        RunCmd(cmd[0], " ".join(cmd[1:]))

        # Next, copy the contents of the package to the
        # final resting place.
        # Depending on packaging, the package content will be in one of two
        # possible locations:
        # 1. temp_directory\package_name\package_name\
        # 2. temp_directory\package_name\
        source_dir = os.path.join(temp_directory, package_name, package_name)
        if not os.path.isdir(source_dir):
            source_dir = os.path.join(temp_directory, package_name)
        shutil.move(source_dir, self.contents_dir)

        # Add a file to track the state of the dependency.

        # Finally, delete the temp directory.

        # The published path may change now that the package has been unpacked.
        self.published_path = self.compute_published_path()
Example #20
    def _get_url(self, remote="origin"):
        return_buffer = StringIO()
        params = "config --get remote.{0}.url".format(remote)
        RunCmd("git", params, workingdir=self._path, outstream=return_buffer)

        p1 = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
        return p1
Example #21
 def _check_spelling(self, abs_file_to_check: str, abs_config_file_to_use: str) -> []:
     output = StringIO()
     ret = RunCmd(
         "cspell", f"--config {abs_config_file_to_use} {abs_file_to_check}", outstream=output)
     if ret == 0:
         return []
         return output.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
Example #22
    def _get_branch(self):
        return_buffer = StringIO()
        params = "rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
        RunCmd("git", params, workingdir=self._path, outstream=return_buffer)

        p1 = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
        return p1
    def Build(self):
        BuildType = self.env.GetValue("TARGET")
        edk2_logging.log_progress("Running Build %s" % BuildType)

        # set target, arch, toolchain, threads, and platform
        params = "-p " + self.env.GetValue("ACTIVE_PLATFORM")
        params += " -b " + BuildType
        params += " -t " + self.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG")
        # Thread number is now optional and not set in default tianocore target.txt
        if self.env.GetValue("MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER") is not None:
            params += " -n " + self.env.GetValue(

        # Set the arch flags.  Multiple are split by space
        rt = self.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").split(" ")
        for t in rt:
            params += " -a " + t

        # get the report options and setup the build command
        if (self.env.GetValue("BUILDREPORTING") == "TRUE"):
            params += " -y " + self.env.GetValue("BUILDREPORT_FILE")
            rt = self.env.GetValue("BUILDREPORT_TYPES").split(" ")
            for t in rt:
                params += " -Y " + t

        # add special processing to handle building a single module
        mod = self.env.GetValue("BUILDMODULE")
        if (mod is not None and len(mod.strip()) > 0):
            params += " -m " + mod
            edk2_logging.log_progress("Single Module Build: " + mod)
            self.SkipPostBuild = True
            self.FlashImage = False

        # attach the generic build vars
        buildvars = self.env.GetAllBuildKeyValues(BuildType)
        for key, value in buildvars.items():
            params += " -D " + key + "=" + value
        output_stream = edk2_logging.create_output_stream()

        env = shell_environment.ShellEnvironment()
        # WORKAROUND - Pin the PYTHONHASHSEED so that TianoCore build tools
        #               have consistent ordering. Addresses incremental builds.
        pre_build_env_chk = env.checkpoint()
        env.set_shell_var('PYTHONHASHSEED', '0')
        ret = RunCmd("build", params)
        # WORKAROUND - Undo the workaround.

        problems = edk2_logging.scan_compiler_output(output_stream)
        for level, problem in problems:
            logging.log(level, problem)

        if (ret != 0):
            return ret

        return 0
    def RunBuildPlugin(self,
        return_buffer = StringIO()
        params = "diff --unified=0 origin/master HEAD"
        RunCmd("git", params, outstream=return_buffer)
        p = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
        patch = p.split("\n")

        ignore_files = []
        if "IgnoreFiles" in pkgconfig:
            ignore_files = pkgconfig["IgnoreFiles"]

        self.ok = True
        self.startcheck = False
        self.license = True
        self.all_file_pass = True
        count = len(patch)
        line_index = 0
        for line in patch:
            if line.startswith('--- /dev/null'):
                nextline = patch[line_index + 1]
                added_file = self.Readdedfileformat.search(nextline).group(1)
                added_file_extension = os.path.splitext(added_file)[1]
                if added_file_extension in self.file_extension_list and packagename in added_file:
                    if (self.IsIgnoreFile(added_file, ignore_files)):
                        line_index = line_index + 1
                    self.startcheck = True
                    self.license = False
            if self.startcheck and self.license_format_preflix in line:
                if self.bsd2_patent in line:
                    self.license = True
            if line_index + 1 == count or patch[line_index + 1].startswith(
                    'diff --') and self.startcheck:
                if not self.license:
                    self.all_file_pass = False
                    error_message = "Invalid license in: " + added_file + " Hint: Only BSD-2-Clause-Patent is accepted."
                self.startcheck = False
                self.license = True
            line_index = line_index + 1

        if self.all_file_pass:
            return 0
            tc.SetFailed("License Check {0} Failed. ".format(packagename),
            return 1
Example #25
    def GetDiff(self, pkg: str) -> List[str]:
        return_buffer = StringIO()
        params = "diff --unified=0 origin/master HEAD"
        RunCmd("git", params, outstream=return_buffer)
        p = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
        patch = p.split("\n")

        return patch
Example #26
 def _execute_uncrustify(self) -> None:
     Executes Uncrustify with the initialized configuration.
     output = StringIO()
     self._app_exit_code = RunCmd(
         f"-c {self._app_config_file} -F {self._app_input_file_path} --if-changed --suffix {UncrustifyCheck.FORMATTED_FILE_EXTENSION}", outstream=output)
     self._app_output = output.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
Example #27
    def FlashRomImage(self):
        VirtualDrive = os.path.join(self.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE"),
        os.makedirs(VirtualDrive, exist_ok=True)
        OutputPath_FV = os.path.join(self.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE"),
        Built_FV = os.path.join(OutputPath_FV, "QEMU_EFI.fd")

        # pad fd to 64mb
        with open(Built_FV, "ab") as fvfile:
            fvfile.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
            additional = b'\0' * ((64 * 1024 * 1024) - fvfile.tell())

        # QEMU must be on that path

        # Unique Command and Args parameters per ARCH
        if (self.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").upper() == "AARCH64"):
            cmd = "qemu-system-aarch64"
            args = "-M virt"
            args += " -cpu cortex-a57"  # emulate cpu
        elif (self.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").upper() == "ARM"):
            cmd = "qemu-system-arm"
            args = "-M virt"
            args += " -cpu cortex-a15"  # emulate cpu
            raise NotImplementedError()

        # Common Args
        args += " -pflash " + Built_FV  # path to fw
        args += " -m 1024"  # 1gb memory
        # turn off network
        args += " -net none"
        # Serial messages out
        args += " -serial stdio"
        # Mount disk with startup.nsh
        args += f" -drive file=fat:rw:{VirtualDrive},format=raw,media=disk"

        # Conditional Args
        if (self.env.GetValue("QEMU_HEADLESS").upper() == "TRUE"):
            args += " -display none"  # no graphics

        if (self.env.GetValue("MAKE_STARTUP_NSH").upper() == "TRUE"):
            f = open(os.path.join(VirtualDrive, "startup.nsh"), "w")
            f.write("BOOT SUCCESS !!! \n")
            # add commands here
            f.write("reset -s\n")

        ret = RunCmd(cmd, args)

        if ret == 0xc0000005:
            # for some reason getting a c0000005 on successful return
            return 0

        return ret
 def _get_clang_version(self, clang_bin_path):
     return_buffer = StringIO()
     ret = RunCmd(os.path.join(clang_bin_path, "clang"),
     if (ret != 0):
         logging.warning("Failed to find version of clang")
         return -1
     line = return_buffer.getvalue().splitlines()[0].strip()
     return line[14:].strip()
Example #29
 def GetDiff(self, pkg: str, temp_diff_output: str) -> List[str]:
     patch = []
     # Generate unified diff between origin/master and HEAD.
     params = "diff --output={} --unified=0 origin/master HEAD".format(
     RunCmd("git", params)
     with open(temp_diff_output) as file:
         patch = file.read().strip().split('\n')
     return patch
Example #30
    def _get_bare(self):
        return_buffer = StringIO()
        params = "rev-parse --is-bare-repository"
        RunCmd("git", params, workingdir=self._path, outstream=return_buffer)

        p1 = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
        if p1.lower() == "true":
            return True
            return False