Example #1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        log.info("Arguments = %s", kwargs)
        self.parameters = dict(kwargs)
        # This is global, so we can load it here.  (User-profile depends on the course.)
        if self.parameters['userinfo'] is not None:
            log.info("Loading user_info...")
            self.user_info = load_user_info(self.parameters['userinfo'])
            log.info("Loaded user_info...")

        # Just put all the parameters with true boolean values into the entity set.
        # It doesn't matter if there are extras.
        entity_list = [
            key for key, value in self.parameters.iteritems() if value is True
        self.obfuscator = Obfuscator(
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        log.info("Arguments = %s", kwargs)
        self.parameters = dict(kwargs)
        # This is global, so we can load it here.  (User-profile depends on the course.)
        if self.parameters['userinfo'] is not None:
            log.info("Loading user_info...")
            self.user_info = load_user_info(self.parameters['userinfo'])
            log.info("Loaded user_info...")

        # Just put all the parameters with true boolean values into the entity set.
        # It doesn't matter if there are extras.
        entity_list = [key for key, value in self.parameters.iteritems() if value is True]
        self.obfuscator = Obfuscator(log_context=self.parameters['log_context'], entities=set(entity_list))
Example #3
class BulkObfuscator(object):

    parameters = {}

    user_profile = {}

    user_info = None

    obfuscator = None

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        log.info("Arguments = %s", kwargs)
        self.parameters = dict(kwargs)
        # This is global, so we can load it here.  (User-profile depends on the course.)
        if self.parameters['userinfo'] is not None:
            log.info("Loading user_info...")
            self.user_info = load_user_info(self.parameters['userinfo'])
            log.info("Loaded user_info...")

        # Just put all the parameters with true boolean values into the entity set.
        # It doesn't matter if there are extras.
        entity_list = [
            key for key, value in self.parameters.iteritems() if value is True
        self.obfuscator = Obfuscator(

    def obfuscate_directory(self, input_dir, output_dir):
        if output_dir is not None:
        if self.parameters['wiki']:
            for filepath in glob.glob(
                self.obfuscate_wiki_file(filepath, output_dir)
        if self.parameters['courseware']:
            for filepath in glob.glob(
                self.obfuscate_courseware_file(filepath, output_dir)
        if self.parameters['forum']:
            for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, '*.mongo')):
                self.obfuscate_forum_file(filepath, output_dir)
        if self.parameters['event']:
            # This is generalized beyond localfs/glob.
            task = PathSetTask(src=[input_dir], include=['*-events-*.log.gz'])
            requirements = task.requires()
            for requirement in requirements:
                self.obfuscate_event_file(requirement.output(), output_dir)

    def obfuscate_event_file(self, input_target, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        self.missing_profile = defaultdict(int)

        input_filepath = input_target.path
        log.info(u"Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
        with input_target.open('r') as infile:
            if input_filepath.endswith('.gz'):
                if input_filepath.startswith('s3'):
                    # We cannot read from S3 and use GZIP directly, so
                    # read into a buffer. (We assume the file is small
                    # enough to fit in memory.)
                    gzip_bytes = infile.read()
                    read_buffer = StringIO(gzip_bytes)
                    infile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=read_buffer)
                    infile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=infile)

            if output_dir is None:
                for line in infile:
                filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
                output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
                with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file:
                    with gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb',
                                       fileobj=output_file) as outfile:
                        for line in infile:
                            clean_line = self.obfuscate_event_entry(line)
        for key in sorted(self.missing_profile.iterkeys()):
            log.error(u"Missing profile entry for user_id '%s': %s", key,

    def get_user_id_as_int(self, user_id):
        if user_id is not None and not isinstance(user_id, int):
            if len(user_id) == 0:
                user_id = None
                user_id = int(user_id)
        return user_id

    def get_userinfo_from_event(self, event, event_data):
        # Start simply, and just get obvious info.  See what it matches.
        # Need to check back on this, but we really only need to know
        # if this information is wrong.  What we want to come out
        # of this is a user_id and/or a username that can be used for
        # cleaning the rest of the event.

        # And actually, what we also need is the relevant fullname to use,
        # so we need to pick entries out of the user_info that match.
        # One or more?  No analysis was really made of alignment.
        # So we'll have to do it here...
        event_type = event.get('event_type')
        if isinstance(event_type, str):
            event_type = event_type.decode('utf8')
        debug_str = u" [event_type='{}']".format(event_type)

        username_entry = None
        username = eventlog.get_event_username(event)
        if username is not None:
            username = username.decode('utf8')
            if self.user_info is not None:
                username_entry = self.user_info.get(username)
                if username_entry is None:
                    log.error(u"username ('%s') is unknown to user_info %s",
                              username, debug_str)

        # Get the user_id either as an int or None
        userid_entry = None
        user_id = self.get_user_id_as_int(
            event.get('context', {}).get('user_id'))
        if user_id is not None:
            if self.user_info is not None:
                userid_entry = self.user_info.get(user_id)
                if userid_entry is None:
                    log.error(u"user_id ('%s') is unknown to user_info %s",
                              user_id, debug_str)
                elif username_entry and userid_entry != username_entry:
                        u"user_id ('%s'='%s') does not match username ('%s'='%s') %s",

        event_userid_entry = None
        if event_data and isinstance(event_data, dict):
            event_user_id = self.get_user_id_as_int(event_data.get('user_id'))
            if event_user_id:
                if self.user_info is not None:
                    event_userid_entry = self.user_info.get(event_user_id)
                    if event_userid_entry is None:
                            u"Event_user_id ('%s') is unknown to user_info %s",
                            event_user_id, debug_str)

                if user_id is None:
                    # This is way too common. In testing, every edx.course.enrollment.xxx had the user_id in the event but not
                    # in context.  Weird.
                    # log.warning(u"Found user_id ('%s') in event but nothing in context %s", event_user_id, debug_str)
                elif event_userid_entry and userid_entry != event_userid_entry:
                    # This turns out to be somewhat expected for certain event types where one user is doing something on behalf
                    # of another user.  The actor is in context, and the object is in event payload.
                    if event_type not in EVENT_TYPES_WITH_DIFFERENT_USERIDS:
                            u"Context user_id ('%s'='%s') does not match event user_id ('%s'='%s') %s",
                elif event_user_id != user_id:
                        u"Found user_id ('%s') in event that was different from context ('%s') %s",
                        event_user_id, user_id, debug_str)

        # We choose the event user_id over the context, and fall back on the username.
        if event_userid_entry is not None:
            return event_userid_entry
        elif userid_entry is not None:
            return userid_entry
            return username_entry

    def obfuscate_event_entry(self, line):
        event = eventlog.parse_json_event(line)
        if event is None:
            # Unexpected here...
            log.error(u"Encountered event entry which failed to parse: %r",
            return line
        course_id = eventlog.get_course_id(event, from_url=True)
        if course_id is None:
            # Unexpected here...
            log.error(u"Encountered event entry with no course_id: %r", line)
            return line

        # We cannot use this method as-is, since we need to know what was done to the event, so
        # that it can be transformed back to its original form once cleaned.
        # NOT event_data = eventlog.get_event_data(event)
        event_json_decoded = False
        event_data = event.get('event')

        if event_data is None:
            log.error(u"Encountered event entry with no 'event' payload: %r",
        if event_data == '':
            # Note that this happens with some browser events.  Instead of
            # failing to parse it as a JSON string, just leave as-is.
        elif isinstance(event_data, basestring):
            # Cjson produces str, while json produces unicode.  Hmm.
            if len(event_data) == 512 and 'POST' in event_data:
                # It's a truncated JSON string.  But we're going to throw it out anyway, so no worries.
            elif '{' not in event_data and '=' in event_data:
                # It's a key-value pair from a browser event.  Just process as-is, rather than parsing and reassembling.
                    event_data = eventlog.decode_json(event_data)
                    event_json_decoded = True
                except Exception:
                        u"Encountered event entry with unparseable 'event' payload: %r",

        # TODO: update the comment!  This is where we traverse the event in search of values that should be "cleansed".
        # Much along the model of what we already do for 'state' in CWSM.  Except that we need to be more
        # flexible in determining the level of backslash encoding -- decode and re-encode as many levels as needed
        # to get to strings that can be properly interpreted.
        event_user_info = self.get_userinfo_from_event(event, event_data)

        if 'POST' in event_data:
            if self.parameters['skip_post']:
                return None

        updated_event_data = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_structure(
            event_data, u"event", event_user_info)

        if updated_event_data is not None:
            event_source = event.get('event_source')
            event_type = event.get('event_type')
            log.info(u"Obfuscated %s event with event_type = '%s'",
                     event_source, event_type)

            if event_json_decoded:
                # TODO: should really use cjson, if that were originally used for decoding the json.
                updated_event_data = json.dumps(updated_event_data)

            event['event'] = updated_event_data

        # TODO: should really use cjson, if that were originally used for decoding the json.
        return json.dumps(event)

    def obfuscate_courseware_file(self, input_filepath, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        user_profile = None
        self.missing_profile = defaultdict(int)
        if self.parameters['fullname']:
            # convert input_filepath for courseware data to one that points to the corresponding userprofile file.
            userprofile_filepath = input_filepath.replace(
                'courseware_studentmodule', 'auth_userprofile')
            log.info("Loading %s", userprofile_filepath)
            user_profile = load_user_profile(userprofile_filepath)

        if output_dir is None:
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
            with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                for line in infile:
                    self.obfuscate_courseware_entry(line, user_profile)
            filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
            output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s to %s", input_filepath, output_path)

            with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile:
                with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        clean_line = self.obfuscate_courseware_entry(
                            line, user_profile)
        for key in sorted(self.missing_profile.iterkeys()):
            log.error(u"Missing profile entry for user_id '%s': %s", key,

    def obfuscate_courseware_entry(self, line, user_profile):
        fields = line.rstrip('\r\n').decode('utf8').split('\t')
        record = CoursewareRecord(*fields)

        # Skip the header.
        if record.state == 'state':
            return line.rstrip('\r\n')

        user_info = {}
        if user_profile is not None:
            user_id = record.student_id
            if user_id != 'NULL':
                profile_entry = user_profile.get(user_id)
                if profile_entry is None:
                    self.missing_profile[user_id] += 1
                    user_info['name'] = [

        # TODO: also read in auth_user, and store username for each user_id.

        # Courseware_studentmodule is not processed with the other SQL tables, so it
        # is not escaped in the same way.  In particular, we will not decode and encode it.
        state_str = record.state.replace('\\\\', '\\')
            state_dict = cjson.decode(state_str, all_unicode=True)
        except Exception as exc:
                u"Unable to parse state as JSON for record %s: type = %s, state = %r",
                record.id, type(state_str), state_str)
            return line

        # Traverse the dictionary, looking for entries that need to be scrubbed.
        updated_state_dict = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_structure(
            state_dict, u"state", user_info)

        if updated_state_dict is not None:
            # Can't reset values, so update original fields.
            updated_state = json.dumps(updated_state_dict).replace(
                '\\', '\\\\')
            fields[4] = updated_state
            log.info(u"Obfuscated state for user_id '%s' module_id '%s'",
                     record.student_id, record.module_id)

        return u"\t".join(fields).encode('utf-8')

    def obfuscate_wiki_file(self, input_filepath, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        user_profile = None
        if self.parameters['fullname']:
            # convert input_filepath for wiki data to one that points to the corresponding userprofile file.
            userprofile_filepath = input_filepath.replace(
                'wiki_articlerevision', 'auth_userprofile')
            log.info("Loading %s", userprofile_filepath)
            user_profile = load_user_profile(userprofile_filepath)

        if output_dir is None:
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
            with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                for line in infile:
                    self.obfuscate_wiki_entry(line, user_profile)
            filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
            output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s to %s", input_filepath, output_path)

            with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile:
                with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        clean_line = self.obfuscate_wiki_entry(
                            line, user_profile)

    def obfuscate_wiki_entry(self, line, user_profile):
        fields = line.rstrip('\r\n').decode('utf8').split('\t')
        record = ArticleRevisionRecord(*fields)

        user_info = {}
        if user_profile is not None:
            user_id = record.user_id
            if user_id != 'NULL':
                profile_entry = user_profile.get(user_id)
                if profile_entry is None:
                    log.error("Missing profile entry for user_id %s", user_id)
                    user_info['name'] = [

        if record.ip_address != 'NULL' and record.ip_address != 'ip_address':
            log.warning("Found non-NULL IP address")
        if record.automatic_log != '' and record.automatic_log != 'automatic_log':
            log.warning(u"Found non-zero-length automatic_log: %s",

        # Can't reset values, so update original fields.
        fields[12] = backslash_encode_value(
                backslash_decode_value(record.content), user_info))
        fields[2] = backslash_encode_value(
                backslash_decode_value(record.user_message), user_info))
        return u"\t".join(fields).encode('utf-8')

    def obfuscate_forum_file(self, input_filepath, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        user_profile = None
        if self.parameters['fullname']:
            # convert input_filepath for forum data to one that points to the corresponding userprofile file.
            userprofile_filepath = input_filepath.replace(
                'prod.mongo', 'auth_userprofile-prod-analytics.sql')
            log.info("Loading %s", userprofile_filepath)
            user_profile = load_user_profile(userprofile_filepath)

        if output_dir is None:
            log.info("Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
            with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                for line in infile:
                    self.obfuscate_forum_entry(line, user_profile)
            filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
            output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
            log.info("Obfuscating %s to %s", input_filepath, output_path)

            with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile:
                with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        clean_line = self.obfuscate_forum_entry(
                            line, user_profile)

    def obfuscate_forum_entry(self, line, user_profile):
        # Round trip does not preserve content.  Original had no embedded spaces,
        # and entries were in alphabetic order.  This is addressed by modifying the
        # separators and setting sort_keys, but there are character encodings that
        # are also different, as to when \u notation is used for a character as
        # opposed to a utf8 encoding of the character.
            entry = cjson.decode(line, all_unicode=True)
        except ValueError as exc:
            log.error("Failed to parse json for line: %r", line)
            return ""

        # Get user information:
        username = entry.get('author_username')
        user_info = {
            'username': [
        profile_entry = None
        if user_profile is not None:
            user_id = entry.get('author_id')
            profile_entry = user_profile.get(user_id)
            if profile_entry is None:
                log.error(u"Missing profile entry for user_id %s username %s",
                          user_id, username)
                user_info['name'] = [

        # Clean the body of the forum post.
        body = entry['body']
        clean_body = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_text(body, user_info)
        entry['body'] = clean_body

        # Also clean the title, since it also contains username and fullname matches.
        if 'title' in entry:
            title = entry['title']
            clean_title = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_text(title, user_info)
            entry['title'] = clean_title

        return json.dumps(entry,
                          separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8')
class BulkObfuscator(object):

    parameters = {}

    user_profile = {}

    user_info = None

    obfuscator = None

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        log.info("Arguments = %s", kwargs)
        self.parameters = dict(kwargs)
        # This is global, so we can load it here.  (User-profile depends on the course.)
        if self.parameters['userinfo'] is not None:
            log.info("Loading user_info...")
            self.user_info = load_user_info(self.parameters['userinfo'])
            log.info("Loaded user_info...")

        # Just put all the parameters with true boolean values into the entity set.
        # It doesn't matter if there are extras.
        entity_list = [key for key, value in self.parameters.iteritems() if value is True]
        self.obfuscator = Obfuscator(log_context=self.parameters['log_context'], entities=set(entity_list))

    def obfuscate_directory(self, input_dir, output_dir):
        if output_dir is not None:
        if self.parameters['wiki']:
            for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, '*wiki_articlerevision-prod-analytics.sql')):
                self.obfuscate_wiki_file(filepath, output_dir)
        if self.parameters['courseware']:
            for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, '*courseware_studentmodule-prod-analytics.sql')):
                self.obfuscate_courseware_file(filepath, output_dir)
        if self.parameters['forum']:
            for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, '*.mongo')):
                self.obfuscate_forum_file(filepath, output_dir)
        if self.parameters['event']:
            # This is generalized beyond localfs/glob.
            task = PathSetTask(src=[input_dir], include=['*-events-*.log.gz'])
            requirements = task.requires()
            for requirement in requirements:
                self.obfuscate_event_file(requirement.output(), output_dir)

    def obfuscate_event_file(self, input_target, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        self.missing_profile = defaultdict(int)

        input_filepath = input_target.path
        log.info(u"Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
        with input_target.open('r') as infile:
            if input_filepath.endswith('.gz'):
                if input_filepath.startswith('s3'):
                    # We cannot read from S3 and use GZIP directly, so
                    # read into a buffer. (We assume the file is small
                    # enough to fit in memory.)
                    gzip_bytes = infile.read()
                    read_buffer = StringIO(gzip_bytes)
                    infile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=read_buffer)
                    infile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=infile)

            if output_dir is None:
                for line in infile:
                filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
                output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
                with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file:
                    with gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=output_file) as outfile:
                        for line in infile:
                            clean_line = self.obfuscate_event_entry(line)
        for key in sorted(self.missing_profile.iterkeys()):
            log.error(u"Missing profile entry for user_id '%s': %s", key, self.missing_profile[key])

    def get_user_id_as_int(self, user_id):
        if user_id is not None and not isinstance(user_id, int):
            if len(user_id) == 0:
                user_id = None
                user_id = int(user_id)
        return user_id

    def get_userinfo_from_event(self, event, event_data):
        # Start simply, and just get obvious info.  See what it matches.
        # Need to check back on this, but we really only need to know
        # if this information is wrong.  What we want to come out
        # of this is a user_id and/or a username that can be used for
        # cleaning the rest of the event.

        # And actually, what we also need is the relevant fullname to use,
        # so we need to pick entries out of the user_info that match.
        # One or more?  No analysis was really made of alignment.
        # So we'll have to do it here...
        event_type = event.get('event_type')
        if isinstance(event_type, str):
            event_type = event_type.decode('utf8')
        debug_str = u" [event_type='{}']".format(event_type)

        username_entry = None
        username = eventlog.get_event_username(event)
        if username is not None:
            username = username.decode('utf8')
            if self.user_info is not None:
                username_entry = self.user_info.get(username)
                if username_entry is None:
                    log.error(u"username ('%s') is unknown to user_info %s", username, debug_str)

        # Get the user_id either as an int or None
        userid_entry = None
        user_id = self.get_user_id_as_int(event.get('context', {}).get('user_id'))
        if user_id is not None:
            if self.user_info is not None:
                userid_entry = self.user_info.get(user_id)
                if userid_entry is None:
                    log.error(u"user_id ('%s') is unknown to user_info %s", user_id, debug_str)
                elif username_entry and userid_entry != username_entry:
                        u"user_id ('%s'='%s') does not match username ('%s'='%s') %s",
                        userid_entry.get('user_id'), userid_entry.get('username'), username_entry.get('username'), username_entry.get('user_id'), debug_str,

        event_userid_entry = None
        if event_data and isinstance(event_data, dict):
            event_user_id = self.get_user_id_as_int(event_data.get('user_id'))
            if event_user_id:
                if self.user_info is not None:
                    event_userid_entry = self.user_info.get(event_user_id)
                    if event_userid_entry is None:
                        log.error(u"Event_user_id ('%s') is unknown to user_info %s", event_user_id, debug_str)

                if user_id is None:
                    # This is way too common. In testing, every edx.course.enrollment.xxx had the user_id in the event but not
                    # in context.  Weird.
                    # log.warning(u"Found user_id ('%s') in event but nothing in context %s", event_user_id, debug_str)
                elif event_userid_entry and userid_entry != event_userid_entry:
                    # This turns out to be somewhat expected for certain event types where one user is doing something on behalf
                    # of another user.  The actor is in context, and the object is in event payload.
                    if event_type not in EVENT_TYPES_WITH_DIFFERENT_USERIDS:
                            u"Context user_id ('%s'='%s') does not match event user_id ('%s'='%s') %s",
                            userid_entry.get('user_id'), userid_entry.get('username'), event_userid_entry.get('username'), event_userid_entry.get('user_id'), debug_str,
                elif event_user_id != user_id:
                    log.error(u"Found user_id ('%s') in event that was different from context ('%s') %s", event_user_id, user_id, debug_str)

        # We choose the event user_id over the context, and fall back on the username.
        if event_userid_entry is not None:
            return event_userid_entry
        elif userid_entry is not None:
            return userid_entry
            return username_entry

    def obfuscate_event_entry(self, line):
        event = eventlog.parse_json_event(line)
        if event is None:
            # Unexpected here...
            log.error(u"Encountered event entry which failed to parse: %r", line)
            return line
        course_id = eventlog.get_course_id(event, from_url=True)
        if course_id is None:
            # Unexpected here...
            log.error(u"Encountered event entry with no course_id: %r", line)
            return line

        # We cannot use this method as-is, since we need to know what was done to the event, so
        # that it can be transformed back to its original form once cleaned.
        # NOT event_data = eventlog.get_event_data(event)
        event_json_decoded = False
        event_data = event.get('event')

        if event_data is None:
            log.error(u"Encountered event entry with no 'event' payload: %r", line)
        if event_data == '':
            # Note that this happens with some browser events.  Instead of
            # failing to parse it as a JSON string, just leave as-is.
        elif isinstance(event_data, basestring):
            # Cjson produces str, while json produces unicode.  Hmm.
            if len(event_data) == 512 and 'POST' in event_data:
                # It's a truncated JSON string.  But we're going to throw it out anyway, so no worries.
            elif '{' not in event_data and '=' in event_data:
                # It's a key-value pair from a browser event.  Just process as-is, rather than parsing and reassembling.
                    event_data = eventlog.decode_json(event_data)
                    event_json_decoded = True
                except Exception:
                    log.error(u"Encountered event entry with unparseable 'event' payload: %r", line)

        # TODO: update the comment!  This is where we traverse the event in search of values that should be "cleansed".
        # Much along the model of what we already do for 'state' in CWSM.  Except that we need to be more
        # flexible in determining the level of backslash encoding -- decode and re-encode as many levels as needed
        # to get to strings that can be properly interpreted.
        event_user_info = self.get_userinfo_from_event(event, event_data)

        if 'POST' in event_data:
            if self.parameters['skip_post']:
                return None

        updated_event_data = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_structure(event_data, u"event", event_user_info)

        if updated_event_data is not None:
            event_source = event.get('event_source')
            event_type = event.get('event_type')
            log.info(u"Obfuscated %s event with event_type = '%s'", event_source, event_type)

            if event_json_decoded:
                # TODO: should really use cjson, if that were originally used for decoding the json.
                updated_event_data = json.dumps(updated_event_data)

            event['event'] = updated_event_data

        # TODO: should really use cjson, if that were originally used for decoding the json.
        return json.dumps(event)

    def obfuscate_courseware_file(self, input_filepath, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        user_profile = None
        self.missing_profile = defaultdict(int)
        if self.parameters['fullname']:
            # convert input_filepath for courseware data to one that points to the corresponding userprofile file.
            userprofile_filepath = input_filepath.replace('courseware_studentmodule', 'auth_userprofile')
            log.info("Loading %s", userprofile_filepath)
            user_profile = load_user_profile(userprofile_filepath)

        if output_dir is None:
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
            with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                for line in infile:
                    self.obfuscate_courseware_entry(line, user_profile)
            filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
            output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s to %s", input_filepath, output_path)

            with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile:
                with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        clean_line = self.obfuscate_courseware_entry(line, user_profile)
        for key in sorted(self.missing_profile.iterkeys()):
            log.error(u"Missing profile entry for user_id '%s': %s", key, self.missing_profile[key])

    def obfuscate_courseware_entry(self, line, user_profile):
        fields = line.rstrip('\r\n').decode('utf8').split('\t')
        record = CoursewareRecord(*fields)

        # Skip the header.
        if record.state == 'state':
            return line.rstrip('\r\n')

        user_info = {}
        if user_profile is not None:
            user_id = record.student_id
            if user_id != 'NULL':
                profile_entry = user_profile.get(user_id)
                if profile_entry is None:
                    self.missing_profile[user_id] += 1
                    user_info['name'] = [profile_entry.name, ]

        # TODO: also read in auth_user, and store username for each user_id.

        # Courseware_studentmodule is not processed with the other SQL tables, so it
        # is not escaped in the same way.  In particular, we will not decode and encode it.
        state_str = record.state.replace('\\\\', '\\')
            state_dict = cjson.decode(state_str, all_unicode=True)
        except Exception as exc:
            log.exception(u"Unable to parse state as JSON for record %s: type = %s, state = %r", record.id, type(state_str), state_str)
            return line

        # Traverse the dictionary, looking for entries that need to be scrubbed.
        updated_state_dict = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_structure(state_dict, u"state", user_info)

        if updated_state_dict is not None:
            # Can't reset values, so update original fields.
            updated_state = json.dumps(updated_state_dict).replace('\\', '\\\\')
            fields[4] = updated_state
            log.info(u"Obfuscated state for user_id '%s' module_id '%s'", record.student_id, record.module_id)

        return u"\t".join(fields).encode('utf-8')

    def obfuscate_wiki_file(self, input_filepath, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        user_profile = None
        if self.parameters['fullname']:
            # convert input_filepath for wiki data to one that points to the corresponding userprofile file.
            userprofile_filepath = input_filepath.replace('wiki_articlerevision', 'auth_userprofile')
            log.info("Loading %s", userprofile_filepath)
            user_profile = load_user_profile(userprofile_filepath)

        if output_dir is None:
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
            with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                for line in infile:
                    self.obfuscate_wiki_entry(line, user_profile)
            filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
            output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
            log.info(u"Obfuscating %s to %s", input_filepath, output_path)

            with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile:
                with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        clean_line = self.obfuscate_wiki_entry(line, user_profile)

    def obfuscate_wiki_entry(self, line, user_profile):
        fields = line.rstrip('\r\n').decode('utf8').split('\t')
        record = ArticleRevisionRecord(*fields)

        user_info = {}
        if user_profile is not None:
            user_id = record.user_id
            if user_id != 'NULL':
                profile_entry = user_profile.get(user_id)
                if profile_entry is None:
                    log.error("Missing profile entry for user_id %s", user_id)
                    user_info['name'] = [profile_entry.name, ]

        if record.ip_address != 'NULL' and record.ip_address != 'ip_address':
            log.warning("Found non-NULL IP address")
        if record.automatic_log != '' and record.automatic_log != 'automatic_log':
            log.warning(u"Found non-zero-length automatic_log: %s", record.automatic_log)

        # Can't reset values, so update original fields.
        fields[12] = backslash_encode_value(self.obfuscator.obfuscate_text(backslash_decode_value(record.content), user_info))
        fields[2] = backslash_encode_value(self.obfuscator.obfuscate_text(backslash_decode_value(record.user_message), user_info))
        return u"\t".join(fields).encode('utf-8')

    def obfuscate_forum_file(self, input_filepath, output_dir):
        # Check for loading user_profile:
        user_profile = None
        if self.parameters['fullname']:
            # convert input_filepath for forum data to one that points to the corresponding userprofile file.
            userprofile_filepath = input_filepath.replace('prod.mongo', 'auth_userprofile-prod-analytics.sql')
            log.info("Loading %s", userprofile_filepath)
            user_profile = load_user_profile(userprofile_filepath)

        if output_dir is None:
            log.info("Obfuscating %s", input_filepath)
            with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                for line in infile:
                    self.obfuscate_forum_entry(line, user_profile)
            filename = os.path.basename(input_filepath)
            output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
            log.info("Obfuscating %s to %s", input_filepath, output_path)

            with open(output_path, 'w') as outfile:
                with open(input_filepath, 'r') as infile:
                    for line in infile:
                        clean_line = self.obfuscate_forum_entry(line, user_profile)

    def obfuscate_forum_entry(self, line, user_profile):
        # Round trip does not preserve content.  Original had no embedded spaces,
        # and entries were in alphabetic order.  This is addressed by modifying the
        # separators and setting sort_keys, but there are character encodings that
        # are also different, as to when \u notation is used for a character as
        # opposed to a utf8 encoding of the character.
            entry = cjson.decode(line, all_unicode=True)
        except ValueError as exc:
            log.error("Failed to parse json for line: %r", line)
            return ""

        # Get user information:
        username = entry.get('author_username')
        user_info = {'username': [username, ]}
        profile_entry = None
        if user_profile is not None:
            user_id = entry.get('author_id')
            profile_entry = user_profile.get(user_id)
            if profile_entry is None:
                log.error(u"Missing profile entry for user_id %s username %s", user_id, username)
                user_info['name'] = [profile_entry.name, ]

        # Clean the body of the forum post.
        body = entry['body']
        clean_body = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_text(body, user_info)
        entry['body'] = clean_body

        # Also clean the title, since it also contains username and fullname matches.
        if 'title' in entry:
            title = entry['title']
            clean_title = self.obfuscator.obfuscate_text(title, user_info)
            entry['title'] = clean_title

        return json.dumps(entry, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf-8')