Example #1
class ProblemResponseRecord(Record):
    Record containing the data for a single user's response to a problem, in a given date range.

    If there are multiple questions in a problem, they are spread over separate ProblemResponseRecords.

    Note that the course_id field is available from the partition string.
    # Data sourced from problem_response tracking logs
    course_id = StringField(description='Course containing the problem.')
    answer_id = StringField(description='Learner\'s answer ID.')
    problem_id = StringField(description='Problem\'s block usage ID.')
    problem = StringField(description='Problem display name, at time of answering.')
    username = StringField(description='Learner\'s username.')
    question = StringField(description='Question\'s display name, at time of answering.')
    score = FloatField(description='Score achieved by the learner.')
    max_score = FloatField(description='Maximum possible score for the problem.')
    correct = BooleanField(nullable=True, description='True if all answers are correct; '
                                                      'False if any answers are not correct; '
                                                      'None if any answers have unknown correctness.')
    answer = DelimitedStringField(description='List of answers the user chose for the question.')
    total_attempts = IntegerField(description='Total number of attempts the user has made on the problem.')
    first_attempt_date = DateTimeField(description='date/time of the first attempt the user has made on the problem.')
    last_attempt_date = DateTimeField(description='date/time of the last attempt the user has made on the problem.')

    # Data sourced from course_blocks
    location = StringField(description='Problem location in the course, concatenated from Section, Subsection, Unit, '
                                       'and problem display name.  Sourced from course_blocks.course_path')
    sort_idx = IntegerField(description='Sort index for the problem location.  Sourced from course_blocks.sort_idx')
 def test_delimiter(self):
     self.assertEqual(DelimitedStringField().delimiter, '\0')
 def test_elasticsearch_type(self):
     self.assertEqual(DelimitedStringField().elasticsearch_type, 'string')
 def test_hive_type(self):
     self.assertEqual(DelimitedStringField().hive_type, 'STRING')
 def test_sql_type(self):
     self.assertEqual(DelimitedStringField().sql_type, 'VARCHAR')
 def test_deserialize(self, value, expected_value):
     test_record = DelimitedStringField()
 def test_validate_error(self, value):
     test_record = DelimitedStringField()
     self.assertEqual(len(test_record.validate(value)), 1)