Example #1
def ho(datasetId=None, network=None, nGPU=None, subTorun=None):

    #%% Set the defaults use these to quickly run the network
    datasetId = datasetId or 0
    network = network or 'FBCNet'
    nGPU = nGPU or 0
    subTorun = subTorun or None
    selectiveSubs = False

    # decide which data to operate on:
    # datasetId ->  0:BCI-IV-2a data,    1: Korea data
    datasets = ['bci42a', 'korea']

    #%% Define all the model and training related options here.
    config = {}

    # Data load options:
        'preloadData'] = False  # whether to load the complete data in the memory

    # Random seed
    config['randSeed'] = 20190821

    # Network related details
    config['network'] = network
    config['batchSize'] = 16

    if datasetId == 1:
        config['modelArguments'] = {
            'nChan': 20,
            'nTime': 1000,
            'dropoutP': 0.5,
            'nBands': 9,
            'm': 4,
            'temporalLayer': 'VarLayer',
            'nClass': 2,
            'doWeightNorm': True
    elif datasetId == 0:
        config['modelArguments'] = {
            'nChan': 22,
            'nTime': 1000,
            'dropoutP': 0.5,
            'nBands': 9,
            'm': 16,
            'temporalLayer': 'VarLayer',
            'nClass': 4,
            'doWeightNorm': True

    # Training related details
    config['modelTrainArguments'] = {
        'stopCondi': {
            'c': {
                'Or': {
                    'c1': {
                        'MaxEpoch': {
                            'maxEpochs': 1500,
                            'varName': 'epoch'
                    'c2': {
                        'NoDecrease': {
                            'numEpochs': 200,
                            'varName': 'valInacc'
        'classes': [0, 1],
        'sampler': 'RandomSampler',
        'loadBestModel': True,
        'bestVarToCheck': 'valInacc',
        'continueAfterEarlystop': True,
        'lr': 1e-3

    if datasetId == 0:
        config['modelTrainArguments']['classes'] = [0, 1, 2, 3]  # 4 class data

    config['transformArguments'] = None

    # add some more run specific details.
    config['cv'] = 'trainTest'
    config['kFold'] = 1
    config['data'] = 'raw'
    config['subTorun'] = subTorun
    config['trainDataToUse'] = 1  # How much data to use for training
        'validationSet'] = 0.2  # how much of the training data will be used a validation set

    # network initialization details:
    config['loadNetInitState'] = True
    config['pathNetInitState'] = config['network'] + '_' + str(datasetId)

    #%% Define data path things here. Do it once and forget it!
    # Input data base folder:
    toolboxPath = os.path.dirname(masterPath)
    config['inDataPath'] = os.path.join(toolboxPath, 'data')

    # Input data datasetId folders
    if 'FBCNet' in config['network']:
        modeInFol = 'multiviewPython'  # FBCNet uses multi-view data
        modeInFol = 'rawPython'

    # set final input location
    config['inDataPath'] = os.path.join(config['inDataPath'],
                                        datasets[datasetId], modeInFol)

    # Path to the input data labels file
    config['inLabelPath'] = os.path.join(config['inDataPath'],

    # Output folder:
    # Lets store all the outputs of the given run in folder.
    config['outPath'] = os.path.join(toolboxPath, 'output')
    config['outPath'] = os.path.join(config['outPath'], datasets[datasetId],

    # Network initialization:
    config['pathNetInitState'] = os.path.join(
        masterPath, 'netInitModels', config['pathNetInitState'] + '.pth')
    # check if the file exists else raise a flag
    config['netInitStateExists'] = os.path.isfile(config['pathNetInitState'])

    #%% Some functions that should be defined here

    def setRandom(seed):
        Set all the random initializations with a given seed

        # Set np

        # Set torch

        # Set cudnn
        torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False

    def excelAddData(worksheet, startCell, data, isNpData=False):
            Write the given max 2D data to a given given worksheet starting from the start-cell.
            List will be treated as a row.
            List of list will be treated in a matrix format with inner list constituting a row.
            will return the modified worksheet which needs to be written to a file
            isNpData flag indicate whether the incoming data in the list is of np data-type
        #  Check the input type.
        if type(data) is not list:
            data = [[data]]
        elif type(data[0]) is not list:
            data = [data]
            data = data

        # write the data. starting from the given start cell.
        rowStart = startCell[0]
        colStart = startCell[1]

        for i, row in enumerate(data):
            for j, col in enumerate(row):
                if isNpData:
                    worksheet.write(rowStart + i, colStart + j, col.item())
                    worksheet.write(rowStart + i, colStart + j, col)

        return worksheet

    def dictToCsv(filePath, dictToWrite):
    	Write a dictionary to a given csv file
        with open(filePath, 'w') as csv_file:
            writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
            for key, value in dictToWrite.items():
                writer.writerow([key, value])

    def count_parameters(model):
        return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)

    #%% create output folder
    # based on current date and time -> always unique!
    randomFolder = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M",
                                     time.localtime())) + '-' + str(
                                         random.randint(1, 1000))
    config['outPath'] = os.path.join(config['outPath'], randomFolder, '')
    # create the path
    if not os.path.exists(config['outPath']):
    print('Outputs will be saved in folder : ' + config['outPath'])

    # Write the config dictionary
    dictToCsv(os.path.join(config['outPath'], 'config.csv'), config)

    #%% Check and compose transforms
    if config['transformArguments'] is not None:
        if len(config['transformArguments']) > 1:
            transform = transforms.Compose([
                for key, value in config['transformArguments'].items()
            transform = transforms.__dict__[list(
        transform = None

    #%% check and Load the data
    print('Data loading in progress')
              datasetId)  # Make sure that all the required data is present!
    data = eegDataset(dataPath=config['inDataPath'],
    print('Data loading finished')

    #%% Check and load the model
    #import networks
    if config['network'] in networks.__dict__.keys():
        network = networks.__dict__[config['network']]
        raise AssertionError('No network named ' + config['network'] +
                             ' is not defined in the networks.py file')

    # Load the net and print trainable parameters:
    net = network(**config['modelArguments'])
    print('Trainable Parameters in the network are: ' +

    #%% check and load/save the the network initialization.
    if config['loadNetInitState']:
        if config['netInitStateExists']:
            netInitState = torch.load(config['pathNetInitState'])
            net = network(**config['modelArguments'])
            netInitState = net.to('cpu').state_dict()
            torch.save(netInitState, config['pathNetInitState'])

#%% Find all the subjects to run
    subs = sorted(set([d[3] for d in data.labels]))
    nSub = len(subs)

    ## Set sub2run
    if selectiveSubs:
        config['subTorun'] = config['subTorun']
        if config['subTorun']:
            config['subTorun'] = list(
                range(config['subTorun'][0], config['subTorun'][1]))
            config['subTorun'] = list(range(nSub))

    #%% Let the training begin
    trainResults = []
    valResults = []
    testResults = []

    for iSub, sub in enumerate(subs):

        if iSub not in config['subTorun']:

        start = time.time()

        # extract subject data
        subIdx = [i for i, x in enumerate(data.labels) if x[3] in sub]
        subData = copy.deepcopy(data)
        subData.createPartialDataset(subIdx, loadNonLoadedData=True)

        trainData = copy.deepcopy(subData)
        testData = copy.deepcopy(subData)

        # Isolate the train -> session 0 and test data-> session 1
        if len(subData.labels[0]) > 4:
            idxTrain = [i for i, x in enumerate(subData.labels) if x[4] == '0']
            idxTest = [i for i, x in enumerate(subData.labels) if x[4] == '1']
            raise ValueError(
                "The data can not be divided based on the sessions")


        # extract the desired amount of train data:
                       math.ceil(len(trainData) * config['trainDataToUse']))))

        # isolate the train and validation set
        valData = copy.deepcopy(trainData)
                    math.ceil(len(trainData) * (1 - config['validationSet'])),
                    0, math.ceil(
                        len(trainData) * (1 - config['validationSet'])))))

        # Call the network for training
        net = network(**config['modelArguments'])
        net.load_state_dict(netInitState, strict=False)

        outPathSub = os.path.join(config['outPath'], 'sub' + str(iSub))
        model = baseModel(net=net,
        model.train(trainData, valData, testData,

        # extract the important results.
            [d['results']['trainBest'] for d in model.expDetails])
        valResults.append([d['results']['valBest'] for d in model.expDetails])
        testResults.append([d['results']['test'] for d in model.expDetails])

        # save the results
        results = {
            'train:': trainResults[-1],
            'val: ': valResults[-1],
            'test': testResults[-1]
        dictToCsv(os.path.join(outPathSub, 'results.csv'), results)

        # Time taken
        print("Time taken = " + str(time.time() - start))

    #%% Extract and write the results to excel file.

    # lets group the results for all the subjects using experiment.
    # the train, test and val accuracy and cm will be written

    trainAcc = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in trainResults]
    trainAcc = list(map(list, zip(*trainAcc)))
    valAcc = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in valResults]
    valAcc = list(map(list, zip(*valAcc)))
    testAcc = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in testResults]
    testAcc = list(map(list, zip(*testAcc)))

    print("Results sequence is train, val , test")

    # append the confusion matrix
    trainCm = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in trainResults]
    trainCm = list(map(list, zip(*trainCm)))
    trainCm = [
        np.concatenate(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=1) for cms in trainCm

    valCm = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in valResults]
    valCm = list(map(list, zip(*valCm)))
    valCm = [
        np.concatenate(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=1) for cms in valCm

    testCm = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in testResults]
    testCm = list(map(list, zip(*testCm)))
    testCm = [
        np.concatenate(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=1) for cms in testCm

    #%% Excel writing
    book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
    for i, res in enumerate(trainAcc):
        sheet1 = book.add_sheet('exp-' + str(i + 1), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [0, 0],
                              ['SubId', 'trainAcc', 'valAcc', 'testAcc'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 0], [[sub] for sub in subs])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 1], [[acc] for acc in trainAcc[i]],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 2], [[acc] for acc in valAcc[i]],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 3], [[acc] for acc in testAcc[i]],

        # write the cm
        for isub, sub in enumerate(subs):
            sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [
                len(trainAcc[0]) + 5,
                0 + isub * len(config['modelTrainArguments']['classes'])
            ], sub)
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 6, 0], ['train CM:'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 7, 0],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 11, 0], ['val CM:'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 12, 0],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 17, 0], ['test CM:'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 18, 0],

    book.save(os.path.join(config['outPath'], 'results.xls'))
Example #2
            fPass =  (np.array(bandFiltCutF)/ nFreq).tolist()
            fStop =  [(bandFiltCutF[0]-filtAllowance)/ nFreq, (bandFiltCutF[1]+filtAllowance)/ nFreq]
            # find the order
            [N, ws] = signal.cheb2ord(fPass, fStop, aPass, aStop)
            b, a = signal.cheby2(N, aStop, fStop, 'bandpass')

        if filtType == 'filtfilt':
            dataOut = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data, axis=axis, padlen = 3 * (max(len(a), len(b))-1))
            dataOut = signal.lfilter(b, a, data, axis=axis)
        return dataOut

dPath = '/home/ravi/FBCNetToolbox/data/bci42a/'

dataPython = eegDataset(dPath+'multiviewPython3', dPath+'multiviewPython3/dataLabels.csv')
dataMat = eegDataset(dPath+'csvFilterBand', dPath+'csvFilterBand/dataLabels.csv')
# dataMat = eegDataset(dPath+'multiviewPython', dPath+'multiviewPython/dataLabels.csv')

i= 1
j =10
band = 5

plt.plot(range(1000), dataPython[i]['data'][j,:,band], label="python")
plt.plot(range(1000), dataMat[i]['data'][j,:,band], label="matlab")
plt.legend(loc='upper right')

# psd plots
Example #3
def cv(datasetId=None, network=None, nGPU=None, subTorun=None):

    #%% Set the defaults use these to quickly run the network
    datasetId = datasetId or 0
    network = network or 'FBCNet'
    nGPU = nGPU or 0
    subTorun = subTorun or None
    selectiveSubs = False

    # decide which data to operate on:
    # datasetId ->  0:BCI-IV-2a data,    1: Korea data
    datasets = ['bci42a', 'korea']

    #%% Define all the model and training related options here.
    config = {}

    # Data load options:
        'preloadData'] = False  # whether to load the complete data in the memory

    # Random seed
    config['randSeed'] = 20190821

    # Network related details
    config['network'] = network
    config['batchSize'] = 16

    if datasetId == 1:
        config['modelArguments'] = {
            'nChan': 20,
            'nTime': 1000,
            'dropoutP': 0.5,
            'nBands': 9,
            'm': 32,
            'temporalLayer': 'LogVarLayer',
            'nClass': 2,
            'doWeightNorm': True
    elif datasetId == 0:
        config['modelArguments'] = {
            'nChan': 22,
            'nTime': 1000,
            'dropoutP': 0.5,
            'nBands': 9,
            'm': 32,
            'temporalLayer': 'LogVarLayer',
            'nClass': 4,
            'doWeightNorm': True

    # Training related details
    config['modelTrainArguments'] = {
        'stopCondi': {
            'c': {
                'Or': {
                    'c1': {
                        'MaxEpoch': {
                            'maxEpochs': 1500,
                            'varName': 'epoch'
                    'c2': {
                        'NoDecrease': {
                            'numEpochs': 200,
                            'varName': 'valInacc'
        'classes': [0, 1],
        'sampler': 'RandomSampler',
        'loadBestModel': True,
        'bestVarToCheck': 'valInacc',
        'continueAfterEarlystop': True,
        'lr': 1e-3

    if datasetId == 0:
        config['modelTrainArguments']['classes'] = [0, 1, 2, 3]  # 4 class data

    config['transformArguments'] = None

    # add some more run specific details.
    config['cv'] = 'subSpecific-Kfold'
    config['kFold'] = 10
    config['data'] = 'raw'
    config['subTorun'] = subTorun

    # CV fold details.
    # These files have been written to achieve consistent division of trials in
    # fold across all methods.
    # For random division set config['loadCVFold'] to False
    config['loadCVFold'] = True
    config['pathCVFold'] = {
        0: 'CVIdx-subSpec-bci42a-seq.json',
        1: 'CVIdx-subSpec-korea-seq.json'

    # network initialization details:
    config['loadNetInitState'] = True
    config['loadNetInitState'] = True
    config['pathNetInitState'] = config['network'] + '_' + str(datasetId)

    #%% Define data path things here. Do it once and forget it!
    # Input data base folder:
    toolboxPath = os.path.dirname(masterPath)
    config['inDataPath'] = os.path.join(toolboxPath, 'data')

    # Input data datasetId folders
    if 'FBCNet' in config['network']:
        modeInFol = 'multiviewPython'  # FBCNet uses multi-view data
        modeInFol = 'rawPython'

    # set final input location
    config['inDataPath'] = os.path.join(config['inDataPath'],
                                        datasets[datasetId], modeInFol)

    # Path to the input data labels file
    config['inLabelPath'] = os.path.join(config['inDataPath'],

    # give ful path to the pathCVFold
    for key, val in config['pathCVFold'].items():
        config['pathCVFold'][key] = os.path.join(masterPath, 'cvFiles', val)
    config['pathCVFold'] = config['pathCVFold'][datasetId]
    if (not os.path.exists(config['pathCVFold'])) or config['kFold'] != 10:
            'loadCVFold'] = False  # cv fold divisions are only provided for 10-fold cv.

    # Output folder:
    # Lets store all the outputs of the given run in folder.
    config['outPath'] = os.path.join(toolboxPath, 'output')
    config['outPath'] = os.path.join(config['outPath'], datasets[datasetId],

    # Network initialization:
    config['pathNetInitState'] = os.path.join(
        masterPath, 'netInitModels', config['pathNetInitState'] + '.pth')
    # check if the file exists else raise a flag
    config['netInitStateExists'] = os.path.isfile(config['pathNetInitState'])

    #%% Some functions that should be defined here
    def setRandom(seed):
        Set all the random initializations with a given seed

        # Set np

        # Set torch

        # Set cudnn
        torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
        torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False

    def excelAddData(worksheet, startCell, data, isNpData=False):
            Write the given max 2D data to a given given worksheet starting from the start-cell.
            List will be treated as a row.
            List of list will be treated in a matrix formate with inner list constituting a row.
            will return the modified worksheet which needs to be written to a file
            isNpData flag indicate whether the incoming data in the list is of np data-type
        #  Check the input type.
        if type(data) is not list:
            data = [[data]]
        elif type(data[0]) is not list:
            data = [data]
            data = data

        # write the data. starting from the given start cell.
        rowStart = startCell[0]
        colStart = startCell[1]

        for i, row in enumerate(data):
            for j, col in enumerate(row):
                if isNpData:
                    worksheet.write(rowStart + i, colStart + j, col.item())
                    worksheet.write(rowStart + i, colStart + j, col)

        return worksheet

    def dictToCsv(filePath, dictToWrite):
    	Write a dictionary to a given csv file
        with open(filePath, 'w') as csv_file:
            writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
            for key, value in dictToWrite.items():
                writer.writerow([key, value])

    def splitKfold(idx1, k, doShuffle=True):
        Split the index from given list in k random parts.
        Returns list with k sublists.
        idx = copy.deepcopy(idx1)
        lenFold = math.ceil(len(idx) / k)
        if doShuffle:
        return [idx[i * lenFold:i * lenFold + lenFold] for i in range(k)]

    def loadSplitFold(idx, path, subNo):
        Load the CV fold details saved in json formate.
        Returns list with k sublists corresponding to the k fold splitting.
        subNo is the number of the subject to load from. starts from 0
        import json
        with open(path) as json_file:
            data = json.load(json_file)
        data = data[subNo]
        # sort the values in sublists
        folds = []
        for i in list(set(data)):
            folds.append([idx[j] for (j, val) in enumerate(data) if val == i])

        return folds

    def generateBalancedFolds(idx, label, kFold=5):
        Generate a class aware splitting of the data index in given number of folds.
        Returns list with k sublists corresponding to the k fold splitting.
        from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
        folds = []
        skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=kFold)
        for train, test in skf.split(idx, label):
            folds.append([idx[i] for i in list(test)])
        return folds

    def count_parameters(model):
        return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)

    # based on current date and time -> always unique!
    randomFolder = str(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M",
                                     time.localtime())) + '-' + str(
                                         random.randint(1, 1000))
    config['outPath'] = os.path.join(config['outPath'], randomFolder, '')
    # create the path
    if not os.path.exists(config['outPath']):
    print('Outputs will be saved in folder : ' + config['outPath'])

    # Write the config dictionary
    dictToCsv(os.path.join(config['outPath'], 'config.csv'), config)

    #%% Check and compose transforms
    if config['transformArguments'] is not None:
        if len(config['transformArguments']) > 1:
            transform = transforms.Compose([
                for key, value in config['transformArguments'].items()
            transform = transforms.__dict__[list(
        transform = None

    #%% check and Load the data
    print('Data loading in progress')
              datasetId)  # Make sure that all the required data is present!
    data = eegDataset(dataPath=config['inDataPath'],
    print('Data loading finished')

    # Select only the session 1 data because we will be doing cv on session 1 data.
    if len(data.labels[0]) > 4:
        idx = [i for i, x in enumerate(data.labels) if x[4] == '0']

    #%% Check and load the model
    #import networks
    if config['network'] in networks.__dict__.keys():
        network = networks.__dict__[config['network']]
        raise AssertionError('No network named ' + config['network'] +
                             ' is not defined in the networks.py file')

    # Load the net and print trainable parameters:
    net = network(**config['modelArguments'])
    print('Trainable Parameters in the network are: ' +

    #%% check and load/save the the network initialization.
    if config['loadNetInitState']:
        if config['netInitStateExists']:
            netInitState = torch.load(config['pathNetInitState'])
            net = network(**config['modelArguments'])
            netInitState = net.to('cpu').state_dict()
            torch.save(netInitState, config['pathNetInitState'])

    #%% Find all the subjects to run
    subs = sorted(set([d[3] for d in data.labels]))
    nSub = len(subs)

    ## Set sub2run
    if selectiveSubs:
        config['subTorun'] = config['subTorun']
        if config['subTorun']:
            config['subTorun'] = list(
                range(config['subTorun'][0], config['subTorun'][1]))
            config['subTorun'] = list(range(nSub))

    #%% Let the training begin
    trainResults = []
    valResults = []
    testResults = []

    for i, sub in enumerate(subs):
        # for each subject
        if i not in config['subTorun']:

        start = time.time()

        # Run the cross-validation over all the folds
        subIdx = [i for i, x in enumerate(data.labels) if x[3] in sub]
        subY = [data.labels[i][2] for i in subIdx]

        if config['loadCVFold']:
            subIdxFold = loadSplitFold(subIdx, config['pathCVFold'], i)
            subIdxFold = generateBalancedFolds(subIdx, subY, config['kFold'])

        trainResultsCV = []
        valResultsCV = []
        testResultsCV = []

        for j, folds in enumerate(subIdxFold):
            # for each fold:
            testIdx = folds
            rFolds = copy.deepcopy(subIdxFold)
            if j + 1 < config['kFold']:
                valIdx = rFolds[j + 1]
                valIdx = rFolds[0]
            trainIdx = [i for sl in rFolds for i in sl]

            # separate the train, test and validation data
            testData = copy.deepcopy(data)
            testData.createPartialDataset(testIdx, loadNonLoadedData=True)
            trainData = copy.deepcopy(data)
            trainData.createPartialDataset(trainIdx, loadNonLoadedData=True)
            valData = copy.deepcopy(data)
            valData.createPartialDataset(valIdx, loadNonLoadedData=True)

            # Call the network
            net = network(**config['modelArguments'])
            net.load_state_dict(netInitState, strict=False)
            outPathSub = os.path.join(config['outPath'], 'sub' + str(i),
                                      'fold' + str(j))
            model = baseModel(net=net,
            model.train(trainData, valData, testData,

            # extract the important results.
                [d['results']['trainBest'] for d in model.expDetails])
                [d['results']['valBest'] for d in model.expDetails])
                [d['results']['test'] for d in model.expDetails])

        # Average the results. : This is only required for excel based reporting
        # You don't need this if you plan to just note the results from a terminal
        trainAccCV = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in trainResultsCV]
        trainAccCV = list(map(list, zip(*trainAccCV)))
        trainAccCV = [mean(data) for data in trainAccCV]
        valAccCV = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in valResultsCV]
        valAccCV = list(map(list, zip(*valAccCV)))
        valAccCV = [mean(data) for data in valAccCV]
        testAccCV = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in testResultsCV]
        testAccCV = list(map(list, zip(*testAccCV)))
        testAccCV = [mean(data) for data in testAccCV]

        # same for CM
        trainCmCV = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in trainResultsCV]
        trainCmCV = list(map(list, zip(*trainCmCV)))
        trainCmCV = [
            np.stack(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=2) for cms in trainCmCV
        trainCmCV = [np.mean(data, axis=2) for data in trainCmCV]

        valCmCV = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in valResultsCV]
        valCmCV = list(map(list, zip(*valCmCV)))
        valCmCV = [
            np.stack(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=2) for cms in valCmCV
        valCmCV = [np.mean(data, axis=2) for data in valCmCV]

        testCmCV = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in testResultsCV]
        testCmCV = list(map(list, zip(*testCmCV)))
        testCmCV = [
            np.stack(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=2) for cms in testCmCV
        testCmCV = [np.mean(data, axis=2) for data in testCmCV]

        # Put everything back.
        temp1 = []
        temp2 = []
        temp3 = []
        for iTemp, trainAc in enumerate(trainAccCV):
            temp1.append({'acc': trainAc, 'cm': trainCmCV[iTemp]})
            temp2.append({'acc': valAccCV[iTemp], 'cm': valCmCV[iTemp]})
            temp3.append({'acc': testAccCV[iTemp], 'cm': testCmCV[iTemp]})

        # append to original results

        # save the results
        results = {
            'train:': trainResults[-1],
            'val: ': valResults[-1],
            'test': testResults[-1]
        dictToCsv(os.path.join(outPathSub, 'results.csv'), results)

        # Time taken
        print("Time taken = " + str(time.time() - start))

    #%% Extract and write the results to excel file.
    # This is only required for excel based reporting
    # You don't need this if you plan to just note the results from a terminal

    # lets group the results for all the subjects using experiment.
    # the train, test and val accuracy and cm will be written
    trainAcc = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in trainResults]
    trainAcc = list(map(list, zip(*trainAcc)))
    valAcc = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in valResults]
    valAcc = list(map(list, zip(*valAcc)))
    testAcc = [[r['acc'] for r in result] for result in testResults]
    testAcc = list(map(list, zip(*testAcc)))

    print("Results sequence is train, val , test")

    # append the confusion matrix
    trainCm = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in trainResults]
    trainCm = list(map(list, zip(*trainCm)))
    trainCm = [
        np.concatenate(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=1) for cms in trainCm

    valCm = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in valResults]
    valCm = list(map(list, zip(*valCm)))
    valCm = [
        np.concatenate(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=1) for cms in valCm

    testCm = [[r['cm'] for r in result] for result in testResults]
    testCm = list(map(list, zip(*testCm)))
    testCm = [
        np.concatenate(tuple([cm for cm in cms]), axis=1) for cms in testCm

    #%% Excel writing
    book = xlwt.Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
    for i, res in enumerate(trainAcc):
        sheet1 = book.add_sheet('exp-' + str(i + 1), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [0, 0],
                              ['SubId', 'trainAcc', 'valAcc', 'testAcc'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 0], [[sub] for sub in subs])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 1], [[acc] for acc in trainAcc[i]],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 2], [[acc] for acc in valAcc[i]],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [1, 3], [[acc] for acc in testAcc[i]],

        # write the cm
        for isub, sub in enumerate(subs):
            sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [
                len(trainAcc[0]) + 5,
                0 + isub * len(config['modelTrainArguments']['classes'])
            ], sub)
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 6, 0], ['train CM:'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 7, 0],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 11, 0], ['val CM:'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 12, 0],
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 17, 0], ['test CM:'])
        sheet1 = excelAddData(sheet1, [len(trainAcc[0]) + 18, 0],

    book.save(os.path.join(config['outPath'], 'results.xls'))
Example #4
def trasnformAndSave(datasetPath, savePath, transform = None):
    Apply a data transform and save the result as a new eegdataset

    atasetPath : str
        path to mat dataset
    savePath : str
        Path on where to save the epoched eeg data in a eegdataset format.
    filterTransform: dict
        A transform to be applied on the data. 


    if transform is None:
        return -1
    # Data options:
    config = {}
    config['preloadData'] = False # process One by one
    config['transformArguments'] = transform
    config['inDataPath'] = datasetPath
    config['inLabelPath'] = os.path.join(config['inDataPath'], 'dataLabels.csv')
    if not os.path.exists(savePath):
    print('Outputs will be saved in folder : ' + savePath)
    # Check and compose transforms
    if len(config['transformArguments']) >1 :
        transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.__dict__[key](**value) for key, value in config['transformArguments'].items()])
        transform = transforms.__dict__[list(config['transformArguments'].keys())[0]](**config['transformArguments'][list(config['transformArguments'].keys())[0]])

    # Load the data
    data = eegDataset(dataPath = config['inDataPath'], dataLabelsPath= config['inLabelPath'], preloadData = config['preloadData'], transform= transform)

    # Write the transform applied data
    dLen = len(data)
    perDone = 0
    for i, d in enumerate(data):
        with open(os.path.join(savePath,data.labels[i][1]), 'wb') as fp: # 1-> realtive-path
                    pickle.dump(d, fp)
        if i/dLen*100 > perDone:
            print(str(perDone) + '% Completed')
            perDone +=1

    # Copy the labels and config files
    copyfile(config['inLabelPath'], os.path.join(savePath, 'dataLabels.csv'))
    copyfile(os.path.join(config['inDataPath'], "dataInfo.csv"), os.path.join(savePath, "dataInfo.csv"))

    # Store the applied transform in the transform . csv file
    with open(os.path.join(config['inDataPath'], "transform.csv"), 'w') as f:
        for key in config['transformArguments'].keys():