def getValue(self): self.value = self.climate.clock = d = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(, '%Y%m%d') msg = "{:%d.%m.%Y}".format(d)+" "+"{:.0f}".format(self.value // 60).zfill(2) + ":" + "{:.0f}".format(int(self.value) % 60).zfill(2) if hasattr(eel, "setText"): eel.setText(, msg) if hasattr(eel, "updateClock"): eel.updateClock(msg) return self.value
def receiveMessage(ch, method, properties, k, body): resp = body.decode('utf-8') if resp == 'True': ch.status = True ch.setEnvEffect('temperature', 1) ch.setEnvEffect('humidity', 6) ch.setEnvEffect('co2', -200) if (hasattr(eel, "setWindowStatus")): eel.setWindowStatus(, True) if (hasattr(eel, "setText")): eel.setText(, "open") else: ch.status = False ch.setEnvEffect('temperature', 0) ch.setEnvEffect('humidity', 0) ch.setEnvEffect('co2', 0) if (hasattr(eel, "setWindowStatus")): eel.setWindowStatus(, False) if (hasattr(eel, "setText")): eel.setText(, "closed")
def getValue(self): if(self.value): if(random.random()<0.33): self.envEffect['sound_sensor'] = 5 else: self.envEffect['sound_sensor'] = 0 else: self.envEffect['sound_sensor'] = 0 if(hasattr(eel,"setText")): if(self.value): eel.setText(, "occupied") else: eel.setText(, "free") #if(not self.override and random.random() < 0.5): # self.value = not self.value if hasattr(eel,'setChairStatus'): eel.setChairStatus(, self.value) return self.value
def getMessage(self): oldPersonCount = self.personCounter self.getValue() msg = self.getResponse() msg['value'] = str(self.arriving) self.msg = json.dumps(msg) if (hasattr(eel, "setText")): data = { 'Person Counter': str(oldPersonCount), 'Arriving now': str(self.arriving), 'Leaving now': str(self.leaving) } msg = {'sender': 'motion_sensor', 'data': data} eel.setText(, json.dumps(msg)) for i in range(0, (self.leaving)): self.personLeaves() self.leaving = 0 self.arriving = 0 return self.msg
def initFrontend(self): time.sleep(10) if (hasattr(eel, "setWindowStatus")): eel.setWindowStatus(, self.status) if (hasattr(eel, "setText")): eel.setText(, "closed")
def getValue(self): eel.setText(, self.value)
def getValue(self): eel.setText('gateway', self.status)
def getValue(self): if(hasattr(eel,"setText")): eel.setText(, str(round(self.value,1)))
def update_problem(self): """ Updates the string that will be used for the problem file generator using the current context :return: """ pw = problem_writer() #context_state_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.context_state) #context_state_outside_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.context_state_outside) context_state_copy = self.context_state context_state_outside_copy = self.context_state_outside # set objects pw.setRooms(len(context_state_copy)) chairCounter = 1 nOfChairs = 0 nOfPersPerRoom = [0, 0, 0] tables = [] for i, room in enumerate(context_state_copy): i += 1 presence = False nOfChairs += len(context_state_copy[room]['sensor']['pressure']) for c in context_state_copy[room]['sensor']['pressure']: if context_state_copy[room]['sensor']['pressure'][c]: nOfPersPerRoom[i - 1] += 1 presence = True else: pw.setFreeChair(chairCounter, i) chairCounter += 1 if presence: pw.setPresence(i) roomTemp = list( context_state_copy[room]['sensor']['temperature'].values())[0] outsideTemp = list(context_state_outside_copy["none.none.none"] ['sensor']['temperatureOut'].values())[0] if roomTemp == "low": if outsideTemp == ("mid" or "high"): pw.setOutsideTemp("higher", i) if roomTemp == "high": if outsideTemp == ("mid" or "low"): pw.setOutsideTemp("lower", i) if roomTemp == "mid": if outsideTemp == "low": pw.setOutsideTemp("lower", i) elif outsideTemp == "high": pw.setOutsideTemp("higher", i) roomHumidity = list( context_state_copy[room]['sensor']['humidity'].values())[0] outsideHumidity = list(context_state_outside_copy["none.none.none"] ['sensor']['humidityOut'].values())[0] if roomHumidity == "low": if outsideHumidity == ("mid" or "high"): pw.setOutsideHum("higher", i) if roomHumidity == "high": if outsideHumidity == ("mid" or "low"): pw.setOutsideHum("lower", i) if roomHumidity == "mid": if outsideHumidity == "low": pw.setOutsideHum("lower", i) elif outsideHumidity == "high": pw.setOutsideHum("higher", i) pw.setTemp( self.getSensorValue('temperature', room, context_state_copy), i) pw.setHum( self.getSensorValue('humidity', room, context_state_copy), i) if self.getSensorValue('co2', room, context_state_copy) == 'high': pw.setHighCO2(i) if self.getSensorValue('light_sensor', room, context_state_copy) == 'low': pw.setLowLight(i) for k, v in context_state_copy[room]['sensor'][ 'sound_level'].items(): tables.append( context_state_copy[room]['sensor']['sound_level'][k]) # Actuators if self.getActuatorValue('window', room, context_state_copy): pw.setWindowOpen(i) if self.getActuatorValue('climate_control', room, context_state_copy): pw.setClimateOn(i) if self.getActuatorValue('light', room, context_state_copy): pw.setLightOn(i) pw.setTables(len(tables)) for i, v in enumerate(tables): if v == "high": pw.setLoudSound(i + 1) lowestNumOfPers = 0 if nOfPersPerRoom[0] < nOfPersPerRoom[1]: if nOfPersPerRoom[0] < nOfPersPerRoom[2]: lowestNumOfPers = nOfPersPerRoom[0] else: lowestNumOfPers = nOfPersPerRoom[2] elif nOfPersPerRoom[1] < nOfPersPerRoom[2]: lowestNumOfPers = nOfPersPerRoom[1] else: lowestNumOfPers = nOfPersPerRoom[2] nOfPersPerRoom[0] -= lowestNumOfPers nOfPersPerRoom[1] -= lowestNumOfPers nOfPersPerRoom[2] -= lowestNumOfPers i = 0 while i < len(nOfPersPerRoom): if nOfPersPerRoom[i] == 1: pw.setOnePersonMoreInRoom(i + 1) elif nOfPersPerRoom[i] == 2: pw.setTwoPersonMoreInRoom(i + 1) elif nOfPersPerRoom[i] == 3: pw.setThreePersonMoreInRoom(i + 1) i += 1 self.actPersonCount = self.personCount for k in range(1, self.actPersonCount + 1): pw.setNewPerson(k) if self.actPersonCount != 0: pw.setPersons(self.actPersonCount) for w, v in context_state_outside_copy["none.none.none"]['sensor'][ 'weatherforcast'].items(): if v: pw.setBadWeather() for l, v in context_state_outside_copy["none.none.none"]['sensor'][ 'light_sensor'].items(): if v == "low": pw.setLowLightOutside() pw.setChairs(nOfChairs) pw.finishObjects() pw.finishInit() pw.finishGoal() if (hasattr(eel, "setText")): data = { 'context_distribution_problem': pw.initDistribution, 'context_environment_problem': pw.initEnvironment } msg = {'sender': 'ContextBridge', 'data': data} eel.setText("plan", json.dumps(msg)) return pw, [ pw.initEnvironment, pw.objectsEnvironment, pw.initDistribution, pw.objectsDistribution, pw.goalDistribution ]
def execute_plan(self, plan_name): """ Goes through the new plan and sends the actions for the affected actuators to the gateway :param plan_name: :return: """ actions = plan_to_list(load_plan(plan_name)) print(str(actions)) for action in actions: command = action.split() method = command[0] room = '' status = False if method == 'climate-on': room = command[2] status = True elif method == 'climate-off': room = command[2] status = False elif method == 'keep-climate-on': continue elif method == 'window-open': room = command[2] status = True elif method == 'window-close': room = command[2] status = False elif method == 'keep-window-open': continue elif method == 'light-on': room = command[1] status = True elif method == 'light-off-low': room = command[1] status = False elif method == 'light-off-high': room = command[1] status = False elif method == 'reduce-sound-level': table = command[1].replace("t", "") status = True elif method == 'set-weathersafe': continue elif method == 'keep-light-off': continue elif method == 'keep-light-on': continue if method == 'even-distributed-reset': continue elif method == 'place-person-on-chair': person = command[1] room = command[2] chair = command[3] status = chair.replace("c", "") elif method == 'reject-new-person-because-full': continue actuator = "" if 'window' in method: actuator = 'window' elif 'light' in method: actuator = 'light' elif 'climate' in method: actuator = 'climate' elif 'sound' in method: actuator = 'sound_level' elif 'person' in method: actuator = 'place_person' if 'sound' in method: actuator += "_" + str(int(table) - 1) elif room == "": actuator = None elif 'person' in method: actuator += "_" + str(int(status) - 1) else: room = str(int(room.replace("r", "")) - 1) actuator += "_" + room if (hasattr(eel, "setText")): data = {'actuator': actuator, 'status': status} msg = {'sender': 'plan_executioner', 'data': data} eel.setText("plan", json.dumps(msg)) self.send({'actuator': actuator, 'status': status})