def main(): inputs = effectiveModel.getInputs(options.input) for i in inputs: i[2] = unit # This function has to be pickle'able. Lambda functions are not allowed. x = [bins[0], plotRange[0], plotRange[2]] y = [bins[1], plotRange[1], plotRange[3]] h = ROOT.TH2F( "muTmuW", "(#mu^{f}_{ggF+ttH},#mu^{f}_{VBF+VH}) plane;#mu^{f}_{ggF+ttH};#mu^{f}_{VBF+VH};-2 ln #Lambda", x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2]) npHistograms = {} effectiveModel.fillHist(h, x, y, inputs, options, npHistograms=npHistograms) PyROOTUtils.subtractMinFromHist(h) outF = effectiveModel.outFileName(options.output, options) fOut = ROOT.TFile.Open(outF, "RECREATE") h.Write() for npH in npHistograms.values(): npH.Write() fOut.Close() print("Output written to: " + outF)
def main(): inputs = effectiveModel.getInputs( options.input ) for i in inputs: i[2] = unit # This function has to be pickle'able. Lambda functions are not allowed. x = [bins[0], plotRange[0], plotRange[2]] y = [bins[1], plotRange[1], plotRange[3]] h = ROOT.TH2F( "muTmuW", "(#mu^{f}_{ggF+ttH},#mu^{f}_{VBF+VH}) plane;#mu^{f}_{ggF+ttH};#mu^{f}_{VBF+VH};-2 ln #Lambda", x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2] ) npHistograms = {} effectiveModel.fillHist( h,x,y,inputs, options, npHistograms=npHistograms ) PyROOTUtils.subtractMinFromHist( h ) outF = effectiveModel.outFileName( options.output, options ) fOut = ROOT.TFile.Open( outF, "RECREATE" ) h.Write() for npH in npHistograms.values(): npH.Write() fOut.Close() print( "Output written to: "+outF )
def main(): inputs = effectiveModel.getInputs( options.input ) for i in inputs: if "2ph" in i[2]: i[2] = map_2ph elif "4l" in i[2]: i[2] = map_4l elif "lvlv" in i[2]: i[2] = map_lvlv else: print( "WARNING: Didn't find functional replacement for "+i[2] ) kGam = [bins[0], plotRange[0], plotRange[2]] kGlu = [bins[1], plotRange[1], plotRange[3]] h = ROOT.TH2F( "kGlukGamma", "Couplings in (k_{g},k_{#gamma});#kappa_{#gamma};#kappa_{g};-2 ln #Lambda", kGam[0], kGam[1], kGam[2], kGlu[0], kGlu[1], kGlu[2] ) npHistograms = {} effectiveModel.fillHist( h,kGam,kGlu,inputs, options, npHistograms=npHistograms ) PyROOTUtils.subtractMinFromHist( h ) outF = effectiveModel.outFileName( options.output, options ) fOut = ROOT.TFile.Open( outF, "RECREATE" ) h.Write() for npH in npHistograms.values(): npH.Write() fOut.Close() print( "Output written to: "+outF )