def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> _PathCapture:

        # We only allow diving into sub-objects if we are a dataclass.
        if not self._is_dataclass:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Field path cannot include attribute '{name}' "
                f'under parent {self._cls}; parent types must be dataclasses.')

        prep = PrepSession(explicit=False).prep_dataclass(self._cls,
        assert prep is not None
            anntype = prep.annotations[name]
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise AttributeError(f'{type(self)} has no {name} field.') from exc
        anntype, ioattrs = _parse_annotated(anntype)
        storagename = (name if (ioattrs is None or ioattrs.storagename is None)
                       else ioattrs.storagename)
        origin = _get_origin(anntype)
        return _PathCapture(origin, pathparts=self._pathparts + [storagename])
Example #2
    def _value_from_input(self, cls: type, fieldpath: str, anntype: Any,
                          value: Any, ioattrs: Optional[IOAttrs]) -> Any:
        """Convert an assigned value to what a dataclass field expects."""
        # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches

        origin = _get_origin(anntype)

        if origin is typing.Any:
            if not _is_valid_for_codec(value, self._codec):
                raise TypeError(f'Invalid value type for \'{fieldpath}\';'
                                f' \'Any\' typed values must contain only'
                                f' types directly supported by the specified'
                                f' codec ({}); found'
                                f' \'{type(value).__name__}\' which is not.')
            return value

        if origin is typing.Union or origin is types.UnionType:
            # Currently, the only unions we support are None/Value
            # (translated from Optional), which we verified on prep.
            # So let's treat this as a simple optional case.
            if value is None:
                return None
            childanntypes_l = [
                c for c in typing.get_args(anntype) if c is not type(None)
            ]  # noqa (pycodestyle complains about *is* with type)
            assert len(childanntypes_l) == 1
            return self._value_from_input(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes_l[0],
                                          value, ioattrs)

        # Everything below this point assumes the annotation type resolves
        # to a concrete type. (This should have been verified at prep time).
        assert isinstance(origin, type)

        if origin in SIMPLE_TYPES:
            if type(value) is not origin:
                # Special case: if they want to coerce ints to floats, do so.
                if (self._coerce_to_float and origin is float
                        and type(value) is int):
                    return float(value)
                _raise_type_error(fieldpath, type(value), (origin, ))
            return value

        if origin in {list, set}:
            return self._sequence_from_input(cls, fieldpath, anntype, value,
                                             origin, ioattrs)

        if origin is tuple:
            return self._tuple_from_input(cls, fieldpath, anntype, value,

        if origin is dict:
            return self._dict_from_input(cls, fieldpath, anntype, value,

        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(origin):
            return self._dataclass_from_input(origin, fieldpath, value)

        if issubclass(origin, Enum):
            return enum_by_value(origin, value)

        if issubclass(origin, datetime.datetime):
            return self._datetime_from_input(cls, fieldpath, value, ioattrs)

        if origin is bytes:
            return self._bytes_from_input(origin, fieldpath, value)

        raise TypeError(
            f"Field '{fieldpath}' of type '{anntype}' is unsupported here.")
    def prep_type(self, cls: type, attrname: str, anntype: Any,
                  recursion_level: int) -> None:
        """Run prep on a dataclass."""
        # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches

        # If we run into classes containing themselves, we may have
        # to do something smarter to handle it.
        if recursion_level > MAX_RECURSION:
            raise RuntimeError('Max recursion exceeded.')

        origin = _get_origin(anntype)

        if origin is typing.Union:
                            recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if anntype is typing.Any:

        # Everything below this point assumes the annotation type resolves
        # to a concrete type.
        if not isinstance(origin, type):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Unsupported type found for \'{attrname}\' on {cls}:'
                f' {anntype}')

        if origin in SIMPLE_TYPES:

        # For sets and lists, check out their single contained type (if any).
        if origin in (list, set):
            childtypes = typing.get_args(anntype)
            if len(childtypes) == 0:
                # This is equivalent to Any; nothing else needs checking.
            if len(childtypes) > 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Unrecognized typing arg count {len(childtypes)}'
                    f" for {anntype} attr '{attrname}' on {cls}")
                           recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if origin is dict:
            childtypes = typing.get_args(anntype)
            assert len(childtypes) in (0, 2)

            # For key types we support Any, str, int,
            # and Enums with uniform str/int values.
            if not childtypes or childtypes[0] is typing.Any:
                # 'Any' needs no further checks (just checked per-instance).
            elif childtypes[0] in (str, int):
                # str and int are all good as keys.
            elif issubclass(childtypes[0], Enum):
                # Allow our usual str or int enum types as keys.
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Dict key type {childtypes[0]} for \'{attrname}\''
                    f' on {cls.__name__} is not supported by dataclassio.')

            # For value types we support any of our normal types.
            if not childtypes or _get_origin(childtypes[1]) is typing.Any:
                # 'Any' needs no further checks (just checked per-instance).
                               recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        # For Tuples, simply check individual member types.
        # (and, for now, explicitly disallow zero member types or usage
        # of ellipsis)
        if origin is tuple:
            childtypes = typing.get_args(anntype)
            if not childtypes:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Tuple at \'{attrname}\''
                    f' has no type args; dataclassio requires type args.')
            if childtypes[-1] is ...:
                raise TypeError(f'Found ellipsis as part of type for'
                                f' \'{attrname}\' on {cls.__name__};'
                                f' these are not'
                                f' supported by dataclassio.')
            for childtype in childtypes:
                               recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if issubclass(origin, Enum):

        # We allow datetime objects (and google's extended subclass of them
        # used in firestore, which is why we don't look for exact type here).
        if issubclass(origin, datetime.datetime):

        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(origin):
            self.prep_dataclass(origin, recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if origin is bytes:

        raise TypeError(f"Attr '{attrname}' on {cls.__name__} contains"
                        f" type '{anntype}'"
                        f' which is not supported by dataclassio.')
Example #4
    def _process_value(self, cls: type, fieldpath: str, anntype: Any,
                       value: Any, ioattrs: Optional[IOAttrs]) -> Any:
        # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements

        origin = _get_origin(anntype)

        if origin is typing.Any:
            if not _is_valid_for_codec(value, self._codec):
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Invalid value type for \'{fieldpath}\';'
                    f" 'Any' typed values must contain types directly"
                    f' supported by the specified codec ({});'
                    f' found \'{type(value).__name__}\' which is not.')
            return value if self._create else None

        if origin is typing.Union or origin is types.UnionType:
            # Currently, the only unions we support are None/Value
            # (translated from Optional), which we verified on prep.
            # So let's treat this as a simple optional case.
            if value is None:
                return None
            childanntypes_l = [
                c for c in typing.get_args(anntype) if c is not type(None)
            ]  # noqa (pycodestyle complains about *is* with type)
            assert len(childanntypes_l) == 1
            return self._process_value(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes_l[0],
                                       value, ioattrs)

        # Everything below this point assumes the annotation type resolves
        # to a concrete type. (This should have been verified at prep time).
        assert isinstance(origin, type)

        # For simple flat types, look for exact matches:
        if origin in SIMPLE_TYPES:
            if type(value) is not origin:
                # Special case: if they want to coerce ints to floats, do so.
                if (self._coerce_to_float and origin is float
                        and type(value) is int):
                    return float(value) if self._create else None
                _raise_type_error(fieldpath, type(value), (origin, ))
            return value if self._create else None

        if origin is tuple:
            if not isinstance(value, tuple):
                raise TypeError(f'Expected a tuple for {fieldpath};'
                                f' found a {type(value)}')
            childanntypes = typing.get_args(anntype)

            # We should have verified this was non-zero at prep-time
            assert childanntypes
            if len(value) != len(childanntypes):
                raise TypeError(f'Tuple at {fieldpath} contains'
                                f' {len(value)} values; type specifies'
                                f' {len(childanntypes)}.')
            if self._create:
                return [
                    self._process_value(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes[i], x,
                                        ioattrs) for i, x in enumerate(value)
            for i, x in enumerate(value):
                self._process_value(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes[i], x,
            return None

        if origin is list:
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                raise TypeError(f'Expected a list for {fieldpath};'
                                f' found a {type(value)}')
            childanntypes = typing.get_args(anntype)

            # 'Any' type children; make sure they are valid values for
            # the specified codec.
            if len(childanntypes) == 0 or childanntypes[0] is typing.Any:
                for i, child in enumerate(value):
                    if not _is_valid_for_codec(child, self._codec):
                        raise TypeError(
                            f'Item {i} of {fieldpath} contains'
                            f' data type(s) not supported by the specified'
                            f' codec ({}).')
                # Hmm; should we do a copy here?
                return value if self._create else None

            # We contain elements of some specified type.
            assert len(childanntypes) == 1
            if self._create:
                return [
                    self._process_value(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes[0], x,
                                        ioattrs) for x in value
            for x in value:
                self._process_value(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes[0], x,
            return None

        if origin is set:
            if not isinstance(value, set):
                raise TypeError(f'Expected a set for {fieldpath};'
                                f' found a {type(value)}')
            childanntypes = typing.get_args(anntype)

            # 'Any' type children; make sure they are valid Any values.
            if len(childanntypes) == 0 or childanntypes[0] is typing.Any:
                for child in value:
                    if not _is_valid_for_codec(child, self._codec):
                        raise TypeError(
                            f'Set at {fieldpath} contains'
                            f' data type(s) not supported by the'
                            f' specified codec ({}).')
                return list(value) if self._create else None

            # We contain elements of some specified type.
            assert len(childanntypes) == 1
            if self._create:
                # Note: we output json-friendly values so this becomes
                # a list.
                return [
                    self._process_value(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes[0], x,
                                        ioattrs) for x in value
            for x in value:
                self._process_value(cls, fieldpath, childanntypes[0], x,
            return None

        if origin is dict:
            return self._process_dict(cls, fieldpath, anntype, value, ioattrs)

        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(origin):
            if not isinstance(value, origin):
                raise TypeError(f'Expected a {origin} for {fieldpath};'
                                f' found a {type(value)}.')
            return self._process_dataclass(cls, value, fieldpath)

        if issubclass(origin, Enum):
            if not isinstance(value, origin):
                raise TypeError(f'Expected a {origin} for {fieldpath};'
                                f' found a {type(value)}.')
            # At prep-time we verified that these enums had valid value
            # types, so we can blindly return it here.
            return value.value if self._create else None

        if issubclass(origin, datetime.datetime):
            if not isinstance(value, origin):
                raise TypeError(f'Expected a {origin} for {fieldpath};'
                                f' found a {type(value)}.')
            if ioattrs is not None:
                ioattrs.validate_datetime(value, fieldpath)
            if self._codec is Codec.FIRESTORE:
                return value
            assert self._codec is Codec.JSON
            return [
                value.year, value.month,, value.hour, value.minute,
                value.second, value.microsecond
            ] if self._create else None

        if origin is bytes:
            return self._process_bytes(cls, fieldpath, value)

        raise TypeError(
            f"Field '{fieldpath}' of type '{anntype}' is unsupported here.")
Example #5
    def prep_type(self, cls: type, attrname: str, anntype: Any,
                  ioattrs: Optional[IOAttrs], recursion_level: int) -> None:
        """Run prep on a dataclass."""
        # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements

        if recursion_level > MAX_RECURSION:
            raise RuntimeError('Max recursion exceeded.')

        origin = _get_origin(anntype)

        if origin is typing.Union or origin is types.UnionType:
                            recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if anntype is typing.Any:

        # Everything below this point assumes the annotation type resolves
        # to a concrete type.
        if not isinstance(origin, type):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Unsupported type found for \'{attrname}\' on {cls}:'
                f' {anntype}')

        # If a soft_default value/factory was passed, we do some basic
        # type checking on the top-level value here. We also run full
        # recursive validation on values later during inputting, but this
        # should catch at least some errors early on, which can be
        # useful since soft_defaults are not static type checked.
        if ioattrs is not None:
            have_soft_default = False
            soft_default: Any = None
            if ioattrs.soft_default is not ioattrs.MISSING:
                have_soft_default = True
                soft_default = ioattrs.soft_default
            elif ioattrs.soft_default_factory is not ioattrs.MISSING:
                assert callable(ioattrs.soft_default_factory)
                have_soft_default = True
                soft_default = ioattrs.soft_default_factory()

            # Do a simple type check for the top level to catch basic
            # soft_default mismatches early; full check will happen at
            # input time.
            if have_soft_default:
                if not isinstance(soft_default, origin):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f'{cls} attr {attrname} has type {origin}'
                        f' but soft_default value is type {type(soft_default)}'

        if origin in SIMPLE_TYPES:

        # For sets and lists, check out their single contained type (if any).
        if origin in (list, set):
            childtypes = typing.get_args(anntype)
            if len(childtypes) == 0:
                # This is equivalent to Any; nothing else needs checking.
            if len(childtypes) > 1:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Unrecognized typing arg count {len(childtypes)}'
                    f" for {anntype} attr '{attrname}' on {cls}")
                           recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if origin is dict:
            childtypes = typing.get_args(anntype)
            assert len(childtypes) in (0, 2)

            # For key types we support Any, str, int,
            # and Enums with uniform str/int values.
            if not childtypes or childtypes[0] is typing.Any:
                # 'Any' needs no further checks (just checked per-instance).
            elif childtypes[0] in (str, int):
                # str and int are all good as keys.
            elif issubclass(childtypes[0], Enum):
                # Allow our usual str or int enum types as keys.
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Dict key type {childtypes[0]} for \'{attrname}\''
                    f' on {cls.__name__} is not supported by dataclassio.')

            # For value types we support any of our normal types.
            if not childtypes or _get_origin(childtypes[1]) is typing.Any:
                # 'Any' needs no further checks (just checked per-instance).
                               recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        # For Tuples, simply check individual member types.
        # (and, for now, explicitly disallow zero member types or usage
        # of ellipsis)
        if origin is tuple:
            childtypes = typing.get_args(anntype)
            if not childtypes:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'Tuple at \'{attrname}\''
                    f' has no type args; dataclassio requires type args.')
            if childtypes[-1] is ...:
                raise TypeError(f'Found ellipsis as part of type for'
                                f' \'{attrname}\' on {cls.__name__};'
                                f' these are not'
                                f' supported by dataclassio.')
            for childtype in childtypes:
                               recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if issubclass(origin, Enum):

        # We allow datetime objects (and google's extended subclass of them
        # used in firestore, which is why we don't look for exact type here).
        if issubclass(origin, datetime.datetime):

        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(origin):
            self.prep_dataclass(origin, recursion_level=recursion_level + 1)

        if origin is bytes:

        raise TypeError(f"Attr '{attrname}' on {cls.__name__} contains"
                        f" type '{anntype}'"
                        f' which is not supported by dataclassio.')