Example #1
class Foo(EIP712Struct):
    s = String()
    u_i = Uint(256)
    s_i = Int(8)
    a = Address()
    b = Boolean()
    bytes_30 = Bytes(30)
    dyn_bytes = Bytes()
    bar = Bar
    arr = Array(Bytes(1))
Example #2
def test_arrays():
    assert Array(String()).type_name == 'string[]'
    assert Array(String(), 4).type_name == 'string[4]'

    assert Array(Bytes(17)).type_name == 'bytes17[]'
    assert Array(Bytes(17), 10).type_name == 'bytes17[10]'

    assert Array(Array(Uint(160))).type_name == 'uint160[][]'
Example #3
def test_encoded_types(contract):
    """Checks that the encoded types (and the respective hashes) of our structs match."""
    local_bar_sig = Bar.encode_type()
    remote_bar_sig = contract.functions.BarSig().call()
    assert local_bar_sig == remote_bar_sig

    local_foo_sig = Foo.encode_type()
    remote_foo_sig = contract.functions.FooSig().call()
    assert local_foo_sig == remote_foo_sig

    local_bar_hash = Bar.type_hash()
    remote_bar_hash = contract.functions.Bar_TYPEHASH().call()
    assert local_bar_hash == remote_bar_hash

    local_foo_hash = Foo.type_hash()
    remote_foo_hash = contract.functions.Foo_TYPEHASH().call()
    assert local_foo_hash == remote_foo_hash

    array_type = Array(Bytes(1))
    bytes_array = [os.urandom(1) for _ in range(5)]
    local_encoded_array = array_type.encode_value(bytes_array)
    remote_encoded_array = contract.functions.encodeBytes1Array(bytes_array).call()
    assert local_encoded_array == remote_encoded_array
Example #4
def test_from_solidity_type():
    assert from_solidity_type('address') == Address()
    assert from_solidity_type('bool') == Boolean()
    assert from_solidity_type('bytes') == Bytes()
    assert from_solidity_type('bytes32') == Bytes(32)
    assert from_solidity_type('int128') == Int(128)
    assert from_solidity_type('string') == String()
    assert from_solidity_type('uint256') == Uint(256)

    assert from_solidity_type('address[]') == Array(Address())
    assert from_solidity_type('address[10]') == Array(Address(), 10)
    assert from_solidity_type('bytes16[32]') == Array(Bytes(16), 32)

    # Sanity check that equivalency is working as expected
    assert from_solidity_type('bytes32') != Bytes(31)
    assert from_solidity_type('bytes16[32]') != Array(Bytes(16), 31)
    assert from_solidity_type('bytes16[32]') != Array(Bytes(), 32)
    assert from_solidity_type('bytes16[32]') != Array(Bytes(8), 32)
 class Person(EIP712Struct):
     name = String()
     addr = Address()
     numbers = Array(Int(256))
     moreNumbers = Array(Uint(256), 8)
 class TestStruct(EIP712Struct):
     byte_array = Array(Bytes(32), 4)
Example #7
def test_length_str_typing():
    # Ensure that if length is given as a string, it's typecast to int
    assert Array(String(), '5').fixed_length == 5
    assert Bytes('10').length == 10
    assert Int('128').length == 128
    assert Uint('128').length == 128
Example #8
def test_struct_arrays():
    class Foo(EIP712Struct):
        s = String()

    assert Array(Foo).type_name == 'Foo[]'
    assert Array(Foo, 10).type_name == 'Foo[10]'