Example #1
def main():

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)

    outpath = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')
    outdir = "{0}/exon_map".format(outpath)
    if (not os.path.exists(outdir)):

    outfile = "{0}/exon_map.sql".format(outdir)
    if os.path.exists('.creds'):
        [user, passwd, host, port] = read_creds()
        print "creds not found"
    credentials = " -h {0} -P {1} -u {2}  -p{3}".format(
        host, port, user, password)
    cmd = "mysqldump {0} {1} exon_map > {2}".format(
        credentials, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'], outfile)

    print cmd
    ret = commands.getoutput(cmd)

    print ret

    return True
def main():

    db_name = "exolocator_db"
    db = connect_to_mysql(user="******", passwd="tooiram")
    cursor = db.cursor()
    switch_to_db(cursor, db_name)

    cfg = ConfigurationReader(user="******", passwd="tooiram", check=False)

    inpath = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')
    indir = "%s/exon_map" % inpath
    infile = "%s/exon_map.sql" % indir
    if (not os.path.exists(infile)):
        print "not found: ", infile
    print "reading", infile

    qry = "drop table exon_map"
    rows = search_db(cursor, qry)
    # I could not get this to run, though it runs fine directly from the mysql shell:
    #qry = "source %s" % infile
    #rows = search_db(cursor, qry, verbose=True)

    credentials = " -u marioot -ptooiram"
    cmd = "mysql %s  exolocator_db  <  %s" % (credentials, infile)
    print cmd
    ret = commands.getoutput(cmd)
    print ret

    return True
Example #3
def main():

    no_threads = 1
    db_name =  "exolocator_db"
    db      = connect_to_mysql(user="******", passwd="tooiram")
    cursor  = db.cursor()
    switch_to_db (cursor, db_name)

    cfg      = ConfigurationReader(user="******", passwd="tooiram", check=False)
    # afs is killing me here ...
    in_path  = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')+"/exons"
    if (not os.path.exists(in_path)):
        print in_path, "not found"

    db    .close()
    filenames = glob.glob("*exon_dump.txt")
    parallelize (no_threads, load_from_infiles, filenames, in_path)
def main ():

    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)
    db    .close()

    outpath = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')
    outdir   = "{0}/exon_map".format(outpath)
    if (not os.path.exists(outdir)):

    outfile  = "{0}/exon_map.sql".format(outdir)
    if os.path.exists('.creds'):
        [user, passwd, host, port] = read_creds()
        print "creds not found"
    credentials = " -h {0} -P {1} -u {2}  -p{3}".format(host, port, user, password)
    cmd = "mysqldump {0} {1} exon_map > {2}".format (credentials, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'], outfile)

    print cmd
    ret = commands.getoutput(cmd)
    print ret

    return True
def main ():

    db_name = "exolocator_db"
    db      = connect_to_mysql(user="******", passwd="tooiram")
    cursor  = db.cursor()
    switch_to_db (cursor, db_name)

    cfg     = ConfigurationReader (user="******", passwd="tooiram", check=False)

    inpath = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')
    indir   = "%s/exon_map"     % inpath
    infile  = "%s/exon_map.sql" % indir
    if (not os.path.exists(infile)):
        print "not found: ", infile
    print "reading", infile

    qry = "drop table exon_map"
    rows = search_db(cursor, qry)
    # I could not get this to run, though it runs fine directly from the mysql shell:
    #qry = "source %s" % infile
    #rows = search_db(cursor, qry, verbose=True)

    credentials = " -u marioot -ptooiram"
    cmd = "mysql %s  exolocator_db  <  %s" % (credentials, infile)
    print cmd
    ret = commands.getoutput(cmd)
    print ret

    return True
def main():

    no_threads = 1
    db_name =  "exolocator_db"
    db      = connect_to_mysql(user="******", passwd="tooiram")
    cursor  = db.cursor()
    switch_to_db (cursor, db_name)

    cfg     = ConfigurationReader(user="******", passwd="tooiram", check=False)
    in_path = cfg.get_path('resources')
    if (not os.path.exists(in_path)):
        print in_path, "not found"

    if not check_table_exists (cursor, db_name, 'name_resolution'):
        make_name_resolution_table (cursor)
    filenames = glob.glob("*name_resolution.txt")
    for infile in filenames:
        store (cursor, in_path, infile)

    db    .close()
def main():

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cr = ConfigurationReader()

    cursor = db.cursor()
    fasta_path = cr.get_path('ensembl_fasta')

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)

    for species in all_species:
    #for species in ['danio_rerio']:
        print species
        dna_path = "{0}/{1}/dna".format(fasta_path, species)
        if (not os.path.exists(dna_path)):
            print "problem:", dna_path, "not found"

        fasta_files = []
        for r,d,files in os.walk(dna_path):
            for file in files:
                if (not file[-3:] == ".fa"):
        name2file = {}
        for file in fasta_files:
            print dna_path, file
            cmd = "grep '>' {0}/{1}".format(dna_path, file)
            ret = commands.getoutput(cmd)
            headers = ret.split("\n")
            print "number of headers: ", len(headers)
            for hdr in headers:
                fields = hdr.split(" ")
                name = fields[0].replace (">", "")
                #print name
                if (not name2file.has_key(name)):
                    name2file[name] = []

        qry = "use "+ensembl_db_name[species]
        search_db (cursor, qry)

        for name in name2file.keys():
            file_names = ""
            for file in  name2file[name]:
                if file_names:
                    file_names += " "
                file_names += file
            store_seq_filenames (cursor, name, file_names)
    db    .close()
def main():

    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
        print "Usage: %s <species>  <exon_id> <exon_known> <output_name_root>" % sys.argv[

    species = sys.argv[1]
    exon_id = int(sys.argv[2])
    exon_known = int(sys.argv[3])
    output_fnm_root = sys.argv[4]

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)
    sorted_species = species_sort(cursor, all_species, species)

    reconstruct_alignment(cursor, cfg, ensembl_db_name, species, exon_id,
                          exon_known, sorted_species, output_fnm_root)

    return True
Example #9
def annotate(gene_list, db_info):
    [local_db, all_species, ensembl_db_name, species] = db_info
    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    acg = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    if verbose: print "thread %s annotating %s " % (get_thread_name(), species)

    if not species == 'oryctolagus_cuniculus':
        print 'The preferred list of species is hardcoded for the rabbit. Consider modifying.'

    preferred_species = [
        species, 'mus_musculus', 'rattus_norvegicus', 'homo_sapiens'
    nearest_species_list = species_sort(cursor, all_species, species)
    species_list = preferred_species + filter(
        lambda x: x not in preferred_species, nearest_species_list)

    inf = erropen("temp_out.fasta", "w")

    for gene_id in gene_list:
        #for gene_id in [90020]:
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])
        # get stable id and description of this gene
        stable_id = gene2stable(cursor, gene_id)
        if not gene_list.index(gene_id) % 100:
            print gene_list.index(gene_id), "out of", len(gene_list)
        if verbose: print "============================================="
        if verbose: print gene_id, stable_id
        # find the annotation from the preferred source organism
        [annot_source, orthology_type, annotation,
         ortho_stable_ids] = find_annotation(cursor, ensembl_db_name,
                                             species_list, gene_id)
        if verbose: print annot_source, "**", orthology_type, '**', annotation

        # find splices (for now find the canonical splice)
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])
        canonical_splice = get_canonical_transl(acg, cursor, gene_id, species)

        # output
        if orthology_type == 'self' or annotation == 'none':
            header = ">{0} {1}".format(stable_id, annotation)
            header = ">{0} {1} [by sim to {2}, {3}]".format(
                stable_id, annotation, annot_source, ortho_stable_ids)

        print >> inf, header
        print >> inf, canonical_splice

def main():

    special = 'test'
    no_threads = 10
    method = 'usearch'

    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) < 4:
        print("usage: %s <set name> <number of threads> <method>" %
    elif len(sys.argv) == 4:

        special = sys.argv[1]
        special = special.lower()
        if special == 'none': special = None

        no_threads = int(sys.argv[2])

        method = sys.argv[3]
        if not (method == 'usearch' or method == 'sw_sharp'):
            print("unrecognized method: ", method)

    # sw_sharps chokes if there is only one graphics card
    if method == 'sw_sharp': no_threads = 1

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)

    if special:
        print("using", special, "set")
        if special == 'complement':
            gene_list = get_complement_ids(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg)
            gene_list = get_theme_ids(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, special)

        print("using all protein coding genes")
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        gene_list = get_gene_ids(cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1)


    parallelize(no_threads, find_missing_exons, gene_list,
                [local_db, ensembl_db_name, method])

    return True
def main():

    db_name = "exolocator_db"
    db      = connect_to_mysql(user="******", passwd="tooiram")
    cursor  = db.cursor()
    switch_to_db (cursor, db_name)

    cfg      = ConfigurationReader (user="******", passwd="tooiram", check=False)
    in_path  = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')
    in_path += "/para_dump"
    if (not os.path.exists(in_path)):
        print in_path, "not found"
        sys.exit(1) # exit on non-existent outdir

    if 1:
        qry = "drop table paralog"
        search_db (cursor, qry)
        qry = "create table paralog (id int(10) primary key auto_increment) "
        search_db (cursor, qry)
        qry = "alter table paralog  ADD gene_id1 varchar(30) " 
        search_db (cursor, qry)
        qry = "alter table paralog  ADD gene_id2 varchar(30) " 
        search_db (cursor, qry)
        create_index (cursor, db_name,'gene_id_index', 'paralog', ['gene_id1', 'gene_id2'])

    filenames = glob.glob("*_para_dump.txt")

    for infile in filenames:
        print infile
        store(cursor, infile)

    db    .close()
def dump_orthos (species_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info
    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

     # find db ids adn common names for each species db
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)

    # in the afa headers use 'trivial' names for the species: cow, dog, pig, ...
    trivial_name   = translate_to_trivial(cursor, all_species)

    out_path = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')
    outfile  = "{0}/orthologue_dump.txt".format(out_path)
    print outfile
    of       = erropen (outfile,"w")

    species  = 'homo_sapiens'
    switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name[species])

    qry = "select * from orthologue"
    rows = search_db (cursor, qry)
    for row in rows:
        [pair_id, human_gene_id, cognate_gene_id, genome_db_id, source] =  row
        species = genome_db_id2species (cursor, genome_db_id)
        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        human_stable_id = gene2stable(cursor, human_gene_id)
        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name[species])
        cognate_stable_id = gene2stable(cursor, cognate_gene_id)
        print  >>of,  orthos_tabstring ([human_stable_id, cognate_stable_id, species, trivial_name[species]])

    db    .close()
Example #13
def main():

    db_name = "exolocator_db"
    db = connect_to_mysql(user="******", passwd="tooiram")
    cursor = db.cursor()
    switch_to_db(cursor, db_name)

    cfg = ConfigurationReader(user="******", passwd="tooiram", check=False)
    in_path = cfg.get_path('afs_dumps')
    in_path += "/para_dump"
    if (not os.path.exists(in_path)):
        print in_path, "not found"
        sys.exit(1)  # exit on non-existent outdir

    if 1:
        qry = "drop table paralog"
        search_db(cursor, qry)
        qry = "create table paralog (id int(10) primary key auto_increment) "
        search_db(cursor, qry)
        qry = "alter table paralog  ADD gene_id1 varchar(30) "
        search_db(cursor, qry)
        qry = "alter table paralog  ADD gene_id2 varchar(30) "
        search_db(cursor, qry)
        create_index(cursor, db_name, 'gene_id_index', 'paralog',
                     ['gene_id1', 'gene_id2'])

    filenames = glob.glob("*_para_dump.txt")

    for infile in filenames:
        print infile
        store(cursor, infile)

def main():

    db  = connect_to_mysql()
    acg = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)
    # human and mouse are the only two species that have CCDs info
    for species in [ 'homo_sapiens', 'mus_musculus']:
        alt_splice_almt (cursor, cfg, acg, species, ensembl_db_name)

    db    .close()
def main():

    no_threads = 1
    special = 'test'

    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage: %s <set name> <number of threads>" % sys.argv[0]
    elif len(sys.argv) == 3:

        special = sys.argv[1]
        special = special.lower()
        if special == 'none': special = None

        no_threads = int(sys.argv[2])

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)

    print '======================================='
    print sys.argv[0]
    if special:
        print "using", special, "set"
        if special == 'complement':
            gene_list = get_complement_ids(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg)
            gene_list = get_theme_ids(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, special)
        print "using all protein coding genes"
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        gene_list = get_gene_ids(cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1)


    parallelize(no_threads, exon_cleanup, gene_list,
                [local_db, ensembl_db_name])

    return True
def make_alignments (species_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info

    verbose      = False
    flank_length = 10

    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    acg    = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # find db ids adn common names for each species db
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)

    max_days = 60

    for species in species_list:

        species_shorthand = get_species_shorthand(cursor, species)
        print(species, species_shorthand)

        directory = check_directory (cfg, species, species_shorthand, "pep")
        if not directory: continue

        removed   = 0
        remaining = 0
        for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
            for filename in filenames:
                full_name =  os.path.join(dirname, filename)
                time_modified = os.path.getmtime(full_name)
                number_of_days_since_modified = (time.time() - time_modified)/(60*60*24)
                if number_of_days_since_modified > max_days:
                    #print "removing", filename, "made", number_of_days_since_modified, "ago"
                    remaining += 1
        print(species, "done, removed", removed, "files, remaining", remaining)
Example #17
def main():

    no_threads = 1
    local_db = False

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()

    cursor = db.cursor()
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)

    outdir = "{0}/para_dump".format(cfg.dir_path['afs_dumps'])
    print outdir
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):
        print outdir, "not found"
        exit(1)  # exit after dir existence check

    parallelize(no_threads, dump_paralogues, all_species,
                [local_db, ensembl_db_name, outdir])

    return True
Example #18
def main():

    species = 'oryctolagus_cuniculus'
    no_threads = 1

    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage: %s <species> <number of threads>" % sys.argv[0]
    elif len(sys.argv) == 3:

        species = sys.argv[1].lower()

        no_threads = int(sys.argv[2])

    local_db = False

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)
    ensembl_db_name['compara'] = get_compara_name(cursor)

    print "running %s for %s " % (sys.argv[0], species)

    switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])
    gene_list = get_gene_ids(cursor, biotype='protein_coding')


    parallelize(no_threads, annotate, gene_list,
                [local_db, all_species, ensembl_db_name, species])

    return True
Example #19
def dump_exons (species_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info
    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    out_path = "{0}/exons".format(cfg.get_path('afs_dumps'))
    if not os.path.exists(out_path):
        print out_path, "not found"
        exit (1) # exit on failed output dir check

    for species in species_list:
        #if (not species=='homo_sapiens'):
        #    continue
        outfile  = "{0}/{1}_exon_dump.txt".format(out_path, species)
        of       = erropen (outfile,"w")
        if not of:  continue
        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name[species])

        if (species=='homo_sapiens'):
            gene_ids = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1, ref_only=True)
            gene_ids = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding')

        source = get_analysis_dict(cursor)

        ct     = 0
        for gene_id in gene_ids:
            ct += 1
            if (not  ct%1000):
                print species, ct, len(gene_ids)

            # get _all_ exons
            exons = gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id)
            if (not exons):
                print 'no exons for ', gene_id

            for exon in exons:

                if exon.covering_exon  > 0: continue
                # exons seqs are its aa translation, left_flank, right_flank, and dna_seq
                exon_seqs = get_exon_seqs(cursor, exon.exon_id, exon.is_known)
                if (not exon_seqs):
                # human readable string describing the source of annotation for this exon
                if exon.is_known==2:
                    analysis = 'sw_sharp'
                elif exon.is_known==3:
                    analysis = 'usearch'
                    analysis = source[exon.analysis_id] 
                # the first field return by get_exon_seqs is the exon_seq_id, so get rid of it
                gene_stable_id = gene2stable(cursor,gene_id)
                if ( exon.is_known == 1):
                    exon_stable_id = exon2stable(cursor,exon.exon_id)
                elif ( exon.is_known == 2):
                    exon_stable_id = 'sw_sharp_'+str(exon.exon_id)
                elif ( exon.is_known == 3):
                    exon_stable_id = 'usearch_'+str(exon.exon_id)
                    exon_stable_id = "anon"

                print >> of, exon_tabstring (exon, gene_stable_id, exon_stable_id, species, analysis, exon_seqs[1:])

        print species, "done"
    db    .close()
Example #20
def main():

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)

    mammals = [
        'ailuropoda_melanoleuca', 'bos_taurus', 'callithrix_jacchus',
        'canis_familiaris', 'cavia_porcellus', 'choloepus_hoffmanni',
        'dasypus_novemcinctus', 'dipodomys_ordii', 'echinops_telfairi',
        'equus_caballus', 'erinaceus_europaeus', 'felis_catus',
        'gorilla_gorilla', 'ictidomys_tridecemlineatus', 'loxodonta_africana',
        'macaca_mulatta', 'macropus_eugenii', 'microcebus_murinus',
        'monodelphis_domestica', 'mus_musculus', 'mustela_putorius_furo',
        'myotis_lucifugus', 'nomascus_leucogenys', 'ochotona_princeps',
        'ornithorhynchus_anatinus', 'oryctolagus_cuniculus',
        'otolemur_garnettii', 'pan_troglodytes', 'pongo_abelii',
        'procavia_capensis', 'pteropus_vampyrus', 'rattus_norvegicus',
        'sarcophilus_harrisii', 'sorex_araneus', 'sus_scrofa',
        'tarsius_syrichta', 'tupaia_belangeri', 'tursiops_truncatus',

    for species in all_species:
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])
        print "** species: ", species
        known_genes = get_gene_ids(cursor,
        print "\t known genes: ", len(known_genes)
        predicted_genes = get_gene_ids(cursor,
        print "\t predicted genes: ", len(predicted_genes)
        # sanity check:
        all_genes = get_gene_ids(cursor, biotype='protein_coding')
        print "\t all genes: ", len(all_genes)
        # alternative alelles crap (it is crap bcs these are nto
        # always alleles, but may be different version of a gene on a 'patch'
        qry = "select count(distinct alt_allele_group_id) from alt_allele"
        rows = search_db(cursor, qry)
        print "\t number of allele groups: ", rows[0][0]

        ortho_stats(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species], species, all_genes)

    # how often does it happen that one  exon does not have
    # a map while the others do

    # how many of those can actually be found, and how many are gaps in the seqeunces
    # (are the gaps in the sequence commesurat withe the coverage?)

    # ow many are at the scaffold boundary?

    # how many of those cane be patched by brute force?
    # which sequences are more patchable?

    # what are the lessons learned (1) about biology, (2) about tchnology/tools that
    # we need to find the missing exons?


Example #21
def main():

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)

    print "using all protein coding genes"
    switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
    min_similarity = cfg.get_value('min_accptbl_exon_sim')
    flank_length = 10
    gene_list = get_gene_ids(cursor,

    new_afas = 0
    old_afas = 0
    ancient_afas = 0

    failed_afas = []
    for gene_id in gene_list:
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        stable_id = gene2stable(cursor, gene_id)
        if check_afa_age(cfg, stable_id, max_days=30) == "new":
            new_afas += 1
        elif check_afa_age(cfg, stable_id, max_days=300) == "new":
            old_afas += 1
        elif check_afa_age(cfg, stable_id, max_days=1000) == "new":
            ancient_afas += 1

    no_exons = 0
    cases_with_no_orthos = 0
    no_exon_ids = []
    for gene_id in failed_afas:

        if ((failed_afas.index(gene_id)) % 10 == 0):
            print failed_afas.index(gene_id), "out of ", len(failed_afas),
            print "  no orthos: ", cases_with_no_orthos

        canonical_human_exons = get_canonical_coding_exons(
            cursor, gene_id, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])

        if not canonical_human_exons:
            no_exons += 1

        if False:
            # reconstruct  per-exon alignments with orthologues
            mitochondrial = is_mitochondrial(cursor, gene_id)
             alnmt_dna] = make_exon_alignments(cursor, ensembl_db_name,
                                               mitochondrial, min_similarity,

            no_orthos = True
            for human_exon, almt in alnmt_pep.iteritems():
                if (type(almt) is str or len(almt.keys()) <= 1): continue
                no_orthos = False

            if no_orthos:
                cases_with_no_orthos += 1

    print "total genes", len(gene_list)
    print "new  afas", new_afas
    print "old  afas", old_afas
    print "ancient afas", ancient_afas

    print "failure cases"
    print "\t no exons", no_exons
    print "\t no orthologues ", cases_with_no_orthos

    for gene_id in no_exon_ids:
        print gene_id
        for exon in gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id):
            print "\t", exon.is_canonical, exon.is_coding

def main():

    db  = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)

    print "using all protein coding genes"
    switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
    min_similarity = cfg.get_value('min_accptbl_exon_sim') 
    flank_length = 10
    gene_list = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1, ref_only=True)
    new_afas = 0
    old_afas = 0
    ancient_afas = 0

    failed_afas = []
    for gene_id in gene_list:
        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        stable_id = gene2stable(cursor, gene_id)
        if  check_afa_age (cfg, stable_id, max_days=30) == "new": 
            new_afas += 1
        elif  check_afa_age (cfg, stable_id, max_days=300) == "new": 
            old_afas += 1
        elif  check_afa_age (cfg, stable_id, max_days=1000) == "new": 
           ancient_afas += 1
    no_exons  = 0
    cases_with_no_orthos = 0
    no_exon_ids = []
    for gene_id in failed_afas:

        if ( (failed_afas.index(gene_id))%10 == 0 ): 
            print failed_afas.index(gene_id), "out of ", len(failed_afas),
            print "  no orthos: ", cases_with_no_orthos

        canonical_human_exons = get_canonical_coding_exons (cursor, gene_id, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])

        if not canonical_human_exons: 
            no_exons += 1

        if False:
        # reconstruct  per-exon alignments with orthologues
            mitochondrial = is_mitochondrial(cursor, gene_id)
            [alnmt_pep, alnmt_dna] = make_exon_alignments(cursor, ensembl_db_name, canonical_human_exons,
                                                          mitochondrial, min_similarity, flank_length)

            no_orthos = True
            for human_exon, almt in alnmt_pep.iteritems():
                if ( type(almt) is str or len(almt.keys()) <= 1):  continue
                no_orthos = False

            if no_orthos:
                cases_with_no_orthos += 1
    print "total genes", len(gene_list)
    print "new  afas", new_afas
    print "old  afas", old_afas
    print "ancient afas", ancient_afas

    print "failure cases"
    print "\t no exons", no_exons
    print "\t no orthologues ", cases_with_no_orthos
    for gene_id in no_exon_ids:
        print gene_id
        for exon in gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id):
            print "\t", exon.is_canonical, exon.is_coding

def exon_cleanup(gene_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info
    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    acg = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()
    # find db ids and common names for each species db
    all_species, ensembl_db_name = get_species(cursor)

    mammals = [
        'ailuropoda_melanoleuca', 'bos_taurus', 'callithrix_jacchus',
        'canis_familiaris', 'cavia_porcellus', 'choloepus_hoffmanni',
        'dasypus_novemcinctus', 'dipodomys_ordii', 'echinops_telfairi',
        'equus_caballus', 'erinaceus_europaeus', 'felis_catus',
        'gorilla_gorilla', 'ictidomys_tridecemlineatus', 'loxodonta_africana',
        'macaca_mulatta', 'macropus_eugenii', 'microcebus_murinus',
        'monodelphis_domestica', 'mus_musculus', 'mustela_putorius_furo',
        'myotis_lucifugus', 'nomascus_leucogenys', 'ochotona_princeps',
        'ornithorhynchus_anatinus', 'oryctolagus_cuniculus',
        'otolemur_garnettii', 'pan_troglodytes', 'papio_anubis',
        'pongo_abelii', 'procavia_capensis', 'pteropus_vampyrus',
        'rattus_norvegicus', 'sarcophilus_harrisii', 'sorex_araneus',
        'sus_scrofa', 'tarsius_syrichta', 'tupaia_belangeri',
        'tursiops_truncatus', 'vicugna_pacos'

    tot = 0
    tot_ok = 0
    for human_gene_id in gene_list:

        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        stable_id = gene2stable(cursor, human_gene_id)
        description = get_description(cursor, human_gene_id)

        mitochondrial = is_mitochondrial(cursor, human_gene_id)

        #print "#############################################"
        #print human_gene_id, stable_id, get_description (cursor, human_gene_id)

        human_exons = get_ok_human_exons(cursor, ensembl_db_name,

        for human_exon in human_exons:
                exon_seq_id, human_protein_seq, pepseq_transl_start,
                pepseq_transl_end, left_flank, right_flank, dna_seq
            ] = get_exon_seqs(cursor, human_exon.exon_id, 1,
            human_exon_phase = get_exon_phase(cursor, human_exon.exon_id, 1)

            first_exon = (human_exons.index(human_exon) == 0)

            for species in mammals:  # maxentscan does not work for fish

                for table in ['sw_exon', 'usearch_exon']:
                    switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])
                    qry = "select * from %s where maps_to_human_exon_id = %d " % (
                        table, human_exon.exon_id)
                    novel_exons = search_db(cursor, qry)

                    if not novel_exons:
                        #print  "human_exon: ", human_exon.exon_id, "no", table,  "for", species
                    ct = 0
                    ok = 0
                    for novel_exon in novel_exons:

                        print "%s: novel exon found in table %s, mapping to human exon %s" % \
                        (species, table, exon2stable (cursor, human_exon.exon_id, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens']) )
                        ct += 1

                        has_stop = False
                        has_NNN = False

                            novel_exon_id, gene_id, start_in_gene, end_in_gene,
                            maps_to_human_exon_id, exon_seq_id,
                            template_exon_seq_id, template_species, strand,
                            phase, end_phase, has_NNN, has_stop, has_3p_ss,
                        ] = novel_exon

                        tot += 1

                        exon_seqs = get_exon_seq_by_db_id(
                            cursor, exon_seq_id, ensembl_db_name[species])
                        if not exon_seqs:
                            print "exon seqs not found"

                            exon_seq_id, protein_seq, pepseq_transl_start,
                            pepseq_transl_end, left_flank, right_flank, dna_seq
                        ] = exon_seqs

                        len_ok = (pepseq_transl_end -
                                  pepseq_transl_start) == len(dna_seq)
                        if not len_ok:
                            # if it is not the case, then make it be so
                            left_flank += dna_seq[:pepseq_transl_start]
                            right_flank = dna_seq[
                                pepseq_transl_end:] + right_flank
                            dna_seq = dna_seq[
                            pepseq_transl_start = 0
                            pepseq_transl_end = len(dna_seq)

                        phase_ok = (len(dna_seq) % 3 == 0)
                        if not phase_ok:
                            phase = len(dna_seq) % 3
                            cds = dna_seq[phase:]
                            pepseq_corrected = Seq(cds).translate().tostring()
                            if pepseq_corrected == protein_seq:
                                left_flank += dna_seq[:phase]
                                dna_seq = dna_seq[phase:]
                                cds = dna_seq[:-phase]
                                pepseq_corrected = Seq(

                                if pepseq_corrected == protein_seq:
                                    right_flank += dna_seq[
                                        -phase:] + right_flank
                                    dna_seq = dna_seq[:-phase]
                                    print "no match ..."
                                    continue  # don't want to shut-off the pipeline here

                            pepseq_transl_start = 0
                            pepseq_transl_end = len(dna_seq)

                        # retrieve the template
                        template_db_id = species2genome_db_id(
                            cursor, template_species)

                        [templ_exon_seq_id, templ_protein_seq, templ_pepseq_transl_start,
                         templ_pepseq_transl_end,  templ_left_flank, templ_right_flank, templ_dna_seq] \
                         = get_exon_seq_by_db_id (cursor, template_exon_seq_id, ensembl_db_name[template_species])

                        correction = 0
                        phase = 0
                        end_phase = 0

                        # if this is the first exon, check if we are starting from methionine
                        if first_exon:
                            [left_flank_ok, correction, phase] = \
                                check_translation_start (mitochondrial, left_flank, dna_seq, templ_dna_seq, templ_protein_seq)
                        # see if the left splice site is ok
                            [left_flank_ok, correction, phase, max_score] = \
                                check_left_flank (acg, left_flank, dna_seq, templ_dna_seq)

                        # see if the right splice site is ok
                        [right_flank_ok, end_correction, end_phase, end_max_score] = \
                            check_right_flank(acg, right_flank, dna_seq, templ_dna_seq)

                        pepseq_corrected = ""
                        new_left_flank = ""
                        new_right_flank = ""
                        new_dna_seq = ""
                        if left_flank_ok:
                            offset = (3 - phase) % 3
                            if correction:
                                if correction > 0:
                                    new_dna_seq = dna_seq[correction:]
                                    new_left_flank = left_flank + dna_seq[:
                                    # correction is negative, therefore left_flank[correction:] is the tail of left_flank
                                    new_dna_seq = left_flank[
                                        correction:] + dna_seq
                                    new_left_flank = left_flank[:correction]
                                new_left_flank = left_flank

                            pepseq_transl_start = offset

                            new_left_flank = left_flank

                        if right_flank_ok:
                            if not new_dna_seq: new_dna_seq = dna_seq
                            if end_correction:
                                if end_correction < 0:
                                    new_right_flank = new_dna_seq[
                                        end_correction:] + right_flank
                                    new_dna_seq = new_dna_seq[:end_correction]
                                    # correction is negative, therefore right_flank[correction:] is the tail of right_flank
                                    new_right_flank = right_flank[
                                    new_dna_seq += right_flank[:end_correction]
                                new_right_flank = right_flank
                            pepseq_transl_end = len(new_dna_seq)
                            pepseq_transl_end -= end_phase
                            new_right_flank = right_flank

                        # if only one flank is ok, use that side to decide if there is a phase on the other
                        if left_flank_ok and not right_flank_ok:
                            end_phase = (pepseq_transl_end -
                                         pepseq_transl_start) % 3
                            pepseq_transl_end -= end_phase

                        if right_flank_ok and not left_flank_ok:
                            phase = (pepseq_transl_end -
                                     pepseq_transl_start) % 3
                            pepseq_transl_start += phase

                        # check that the lengths match
                        has_stop = None
                        if new_dna_seq:
                            len_old = len(left_flank + dna_seq + right_flank)
                            len_new = len(new_left_flank + new_dna_seq +
                            if not len_old == len_new:

                                print len_old, len_new
                                print correction, end_correction
                                print map(len,
                                          [left_flank, dna_seq, right_flank])
                                print map(len, [
                                    new_left_flank, new_dna_seq,
                            cds = new_dna_seq[
                            if mitochondrial:
                                pepseq_corrected = Seq(cds).translate(
                                    table="Vertebrate Mitochondrial").tostring(
                                pepseq_corrected = Seq(
                            if '*' in pepseq_corrected:
                                has_stop = 1
                                has_stop = 0

                        if has_stop and not '*' in protein_seq:
                            continue  # abort, abort

                        if True:
                            print "#############################################"
                            print human_gene_id, stable_id, "exo no:", human_exons.index(
                                human_exon), "      ", description
                            print species, table

                            print "\t  template", template_exon_seq_id, template_species, template_db_id
                            print "\t  template left flank", templ_left_flank, templ_dna_seq[
                            print "\t           left flank", left_flank, dna_seq[
                            print "\t          ", left_flank_ok, correction, phase,
                            if not first_exon:
                                print max_score
                            print "\t  template right flank", templ_dna_seq[
                                -3:], templ_right_flank
                            print "\t           right flank", dna_seq[
                                -3:], right_flank
                            print "\t          ", right_flank_ok, end_correction, end_phase, end_max_score

                            print "\t     human", human_protein_seq, human_exon.exon_id, human_exon_phase
                            print "\t  template", templ_protein_seq
                            print "\t deposited", protein_seq
                            if pepseq_corrected:
                                print "\t corrected", pepseq_corrected

                        if new_dna_seq:
                            if (pepseq_transl_end - pepseq_transl_start) % 3:
                                print "length not divisible by 3 "
                                print pepseq_transl_start, pepseq_transl_end
                                print phase, end_phase
                                print len(new_dna_seq)
                                print "%%%%% "
                            new_dna_seq = dna_seq

                        # 18_find_exons is sometimes messing up the coordinates
                        # I do not know why
                        ret = check_coordinates_in_the_gene(
                            cursor, cfg, acg, ensembl_db_name, species,
                            novel_exon, new_dna_seq)
                        if not ret:
                            print "\t coordinate check failed"
                        [start_in_gene_corrected, end_in_gene_corrected] = ret

                        # update the *_exon and exon_seq tables accordingly
                        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])

                        qry = "update %s set " % table

                        set_fields = ""
                        if not start_in_gene_corrected == start_in_gene:
                            if set_fields: set_fields += ", "
                            set_fields += " start_in_gene = %d  " % start_in_gene_corrected

                        if not end_in_gene_corrected == end_in_gene:
                            if set_fields: set_fields += ", "
                            set_fields += " end_in_gene = %d  " % end_in_gene_corrected

                        if not has_stop is None:
                            if set_fields: set_fields += ", "
                            set_fields += " has_stop  = %d" % has_stop

                        if left_flank_ok:
                            if set_fields: set_fields += ", "
                            set_fields += " phase = %d,  " % phase
                            if first_exon:
                                set_fields += " has_3p_ss = '%s' " % (
                                    "first exon; starts with M")
                                set_fields += " has_3p_ss = '%s' " % (
                                    "me_score=" + str(max_score))

                        if right_flank_ok:
                            if set_fields: set_fields += ", "
                            set_fields += " end_phase = %d,  " % end_phase
                            set_fields += " has_5p_ss = '%s' " % (
                                "me_score=" + str(end_max_score))

                        qry += set_fields + " where exon_id=%d" % novel_exon_id

                        if set_fields:
                            search_db(cursor, qry)

                        # update exon sequence
                        if pepseq_corrected:
                            # we might have changed our mind as to what is the cDNA seq, and what is flanking
                            qry = "update exon_seq set "
                            qry += " protein_seq = '%s', " % pepseq_corrected
                            qry += " dna_seq = '%s',     " % new_dna_seq
                            qry += " left_flank = '%s',  " % new_left_flank
                            qry += " right_flank = '%s',       " % new_right_flank
                            qry += " pepseq_transl_start = %d, " % pepseq_transl_start
                            qry += " pepseq_transl_end   = %d  " % pepseq_transl_end
                            table_id = 2 if table == 'novel_exon' else 3
                            qry += " where exon_id=%d and is_known=%d" % (
                                novel_exon_id, table_id)
                            search_db(cursor, qry)

                        # gene2exon --> have to go back to 07_gene2exon for that
                        tot_ok += 1

    print "gene list done"

Example #24
def dump_exons(species_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info
    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    out_path = "{0}/exons".format(cfg.get_path('afs_dumps'))
    if not os.path.exists(out_path):
        print out_path, "not found"
        exit(1)  # exit on failed output dir check

    for species in species_list:
        #if (not species=='homo_sapiens'):
        #    continue
        outfile = "{0}/{1}_exon_dump.txt".format(out_path, species)
        of = erropen(outfile, "w")
        if not of: continue
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])

        if (species == 'homo_sapiens'):
            gene_ids = get_gene_ids(cursor,
            gene_ids = get_gene_ids(cursor, biotype='protein_coding')

        source = get_analysis_dict(cursor)

        ct = 0
        for gene_id in gene_ids:
            ct += 1
            if (not ct % 1000):
                print species, ct, len(gene_ids)

            # get _all_ exons
            exons = gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id)
            if (not exons):
                print 'no exons for ', gene_id

            for exon in exons:

                if exon.covering_exon > 0: continue
                # exons seqs are its aa translation, left_flank, right_flank, and dna_seq
                exon_seqs = get_exon_seqs(cursor, exon.exon_id, exon.is_known)
                if (not exon_seqs):
                # human readable string describing the source of annotation for this exon
                if exon.is_known == 2:
                    analysis = 'sw_sharp'
                elif exon.is_known == 3:
                    analysis = 'usearch'
                    analysis = source[exon.analysis_id]
                # the first field return by get_exon_seqs is the exon_seq_id, so get rid of it
                gene_stable_id = gene2stable(cursor, gene_id)
                if (exon.is_known == 1):
                    exon_stable_id = exon2stable(cursor, exon.exon_id)
                elif (exon.is_known == 2):
                    exon_stable_id = 'sw_sharp_' + str(exon.exon_id)
                elif (exon.is_known == 3):
                    exon_stable_id = 'usearch_' + str(exon.exon_id)
                    exon_stable_id = "anon"

                print >> of, exon_tabstring(exon, gene_stable_id,
                                            exon_stable_id, species, analysis,

        print species, "done"

def find_missing_exons(human_gene_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name, method] = db_info
    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    acg = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # find db ids and common names for each species db
    all_species, ensembl_db_name = get_species(cursor)
    # minimal acceptable similarity between exons
    min_similarity = cfg.get_value('min_accptbl_exon_sim')

    switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])

    # loop over human genes
    gene_ct = 0
    found = 0
    sought = 0
    unsequenced = 0
    for human_gene_id in human_gene_list:

        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])

        # Get stable id and description of this gene -- DEBUG
        human_stable = gene2stable(cursor, human_gene_id)
        human_description = get_description(cursor, human_gene_id)
        if verbose: print(human_gene_id, human_stable, human_description)

        # progress counter
        gene_ct += 1
        if (not gene_ct % 10):
            print("processed ", gene_ct, " out of ", len(human_gene_list),
            print("exons found: ", found, " out of ", sought, "sought")

        # find all human exons for this gene that we are tracking in the database
        human_exons = [
            e for e in gene2exon_list(cursor, human_gene_id)
            if e.covering_exon < 0 and e.is_canonical and e.is_known
        if not human_exons:
            print("\t\t no exons found")

        human_exons.sort(key=lambda exon: exon.start_in_gene)
        for he in human_exons:
            he.stable_id = exon2stable(cursor, he.exon_id)

        # make 'table' of maps, which is either pointer to the map if it exists, or None
        map_table = {}
        for species in all_species:
            map_table[species] = {}
            for he in human_exons:
                map_table[species][he] = None

        maps_for_exon = {}
        for he in human_exons:
            maps_for_exon[he] = get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, he.exon_id,
                                         he.is_known)  # exon data
            for m in maps_for_exon[he]:
                #if m.source ==  'usearch': continue
                #if m.source == 'sw_sharp': continue
                #if m.source == 'sw_sharp':
                #    print 'sw_sharp'
                #if m.source == 'usearch':
                #    print 'usearch',  m.similarity, m.species_2, m.exon_id_1, m.exon_id_2
                if m.similarity < min_similarity: continue
                m_previous = map_table[m.species_2][he]
                if m_previous and m_previous.similarity > m.similarity:
                map_table[m.species_2][he] = m

    # get rid of species that do not have the gene at all
        for species in all_species:
            one_exon_found = False
            for he in human_exons:
                if map_table[species][he]:
                    one_exon_found = True
            if not one_exon_found:
                del map_table[species]

    # fill in the peptide sequence field for each human exon
    # get rid of exons  that appear in no other species but human (?)
        bad_he = []
        for he in human_exons:
            one_species_found = False
            he.pepseq = get_exon_pepseq(cursor, he,
            if len(
            ) < 3:  # can I ever get rid of all the nonsense I find in Ensembl?
            for species in list(map_table.keys()):
                if species == 'homo_sapiens': continue
                if map_table[species][he]:
                    one_species_found = True
            if not one_species_found:
        human_exons = [he for he in human_exons if not he in bad_he]

        # keep track of nearest neighbors for each human exon
        previous = {}
        next = {}
        prev = None
        for he in human_exons:
            previous[he] = prev
            if prev: next[prev] = he
            prev = he
        next[he] = None

        # fill,  starting from the species that are nearest to the human
        if not list(map_table.keys()):
            continue  # whatever

        species_sorted_from_human = species_sort(cursor,

        for species in species_sorted_from_human:
            # see which exons have which neighbors
            #if verbose: print he.exon_id, species
            no_left = []
            no_right = []
            has_both_neighbors = []
            one_existing_map = None
            for he in human_exons:
                m = map_table[species][he]
                if m and not m.warning:  # the one existing map should not be a problematic one
                    one_existing_map = m
                prev = previous[he]
                nxt = next[he]
                if prev and nxt and map_table[species][prev] and map_table[
                elif not prev or not map_table[species][prev]:
                elif not nxt or not map_table[species][nxt]:

            if not one_existing_map: continue  # this shouldn't happen
            if not has_both_neighbors and not no_left and not no_right:

            # what is the gene that we are talking about?
            exon_id = one_existing_map.exon_id_2
            is_known = one_existing_map.exon_known_2
            gene_id = exon_id2gene_id(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species],
                                      exon_id, is_known)
            # is it mitochondrial?
            mitochondrial = is_mitochondrial(cursor, gene_id,
            # where is the gene origin (position on the sequence)
            gene_coords = get_gene_coordinates(cursor, gene_id,
            if not gene_coords: continue
            [gene_seq_region_id, gene_start, gene_end,
             gene_strand] = gene_coords

            # fill in exons that have both neighbors:
            # human exon functions as a coordinate here
            for he in has_both_neighbors:

                # get template (known exon from the nearest species)
                template_info = get_template(cursor, ensembl_db_name,
                                             map_table, species, he)
                if not template_info: continue
                # previous_ and next_seq_region are of the type Seq_Region defined on the top of the file
                # get previous region
                prev_seq_region = get_neighboring_region(
                    cursor, ensembl_db_name, map_table, species, gene_coords,
                    he, previous[he])
                if not prev_seq_region: continue
                # get following  region
                next_seq_region = get_neighboring_region(
                    cursor, ensembl_db_name, map_table, species, gene_coords,
                    he, next[he])
                if not next_seq_region: continue
                sought += 1
                reply = find_NNN(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, acg, he,
                                 maps_for_exon[he], species, gene_id,
                                 gene_coords, prev_seq_region, next_seq_region,
                                 template_info, mitochondrial, method)
                if reply == 'NNN':
                    unsequenced += 1

            # work backwards
            # use the last known region on the left as the bound
            next_seq_region = None
            for he in no_left:
                m = map_table[species][he]
                # check first if we haave already looked into this, and found incomplete region
                #if m and m.warning: continue
                # get template (known exon from the nearest species)
                template_info = get_template(cursor, ensembl_db_name,
                                             map_table, species, he)
                if not template_info: continue

                # get following  region
                if not next_seq_region:
                    next_seq_region = get_neighboring_region(
                        cursor, ensembl_db_name, map_table, species,
                        gene_coords, he, next[he])
                if not next_seq_region: continue

                # otherwise it is the last thing we found
                # the previous region is eyeballed from the next on
                # the previous and the  next region frame the search region
                prev_seq_region = left_region(next_seq_region,
                sought += 1
                reply = find_NNN(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, acg, he,
                                 maps_for_exon[he], species, gene_id,
                                 gene_coords, prev_seq_region, next_seq_region,
                                 template_info, mitochondrial, method)
                if reply == 'NNN':
                    unsequenced += 1

            # repeat the whole procedure on the right
            prev_seq_region = None
            for he in no_right:
                m = map_table[species][he]
                # check first if we haave already looked into this, and found incomplete region
                #if  m and m.warning: continue
                # get template (known exon from the nearest species)
                template_info = get_template(cursor, ensembl_db_name,
                                             map_table, species, he)
                if not template_info: continue

                # get following  region
                if not prev_seq_region:
                    prev_seq_region = get_neighboring_region(
                        cursor, ensembl_db_name, map_table, species,
                        gene_coords, he, previous[he])
                if not prev_seq_region: continue
                # otherwise it is the last thing we found

                # the following region is eyeballed from the previous
                next_seq_region = right_region(prev_seq_region,
                sought += 1
                reply = find_NNN(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, acg, he,
                                 maps_for_exon[he], species, gene_id,
                                 gene_coords, prev_seq_region, next_seq_region,
                                 template_info, mitochondrial, method)
                if reply == 'NNN':
                    unsequenced += 1

            print(species, "sought", sought, " unseq", unsequenced)
def main():

    no_threads = 1
    special = None

    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print "usage: %s <set name> <number of threads> " % sys.argv[0]
    elif len(sys.argv) == 3:

        special = sys.argv[1]
        special = special.lower()
        if special == 'none': special = None

        no_threads = int(sys.argv[2])

    db = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # find db ids adn common names for each species db
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species(cursor)
    species = 'homo_sapiens'
    switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name[species])

    if special:
        print "using", special, "set"
        gene_list = get_theme_ids(cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, special)
        print "using all protein coding genes"
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        gene_list = get_gene_ids(cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1)

    incomplete = 0
    genes_checked = 0
    #for gene_id in gene_list:
    #for gene_id in [743609]:
    for sampling_count in range(1000):

        gene_id = choice(gene_list)
        genes_checked += 1
        with_map = 0
        tot = 0
        switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        print gene2stable(cursor, gene_id), get_description(cursor, gene_id)

        # find all exons we are tracking in the database
        human_exons = gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id)
        human_exons.sort(key=lambda exon: exon.start_in_gene)
        has_a_map = False
        for human_exon in human_exons:
            if (not human_exon.is_canonical or not human_exon.is_coding):
            if verbose:
                print "\t human", human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known
                print "\t ", get_exon_pepseq(cursor, human_exon,
                print "\t checking maps ..."
            maps = get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, human_exon.exon_id,
            tot += 1
            if maps:
                has_a_map = True
                with_map += 1
                #print "ok"
                print "no maps for exon", human_exon.exon_id
            if verbose:
                for map in maps:
                    species = map.species_2
                    exon = map2exon(cursor, ensembl_db_name, map)
                    unaligned_sequence = get_exon_pepseq(
                        cursor, exon, ensembl_db_name[species])
                    if (map.similarity):
                        print "\t", species, map.source, map.exon_id_2, map.exon_known_2
                        print "\tmaps to ", map.exon_id_1, map.exon_known_1
                        print "\tsim", map.similarity,
                        print "\tsource", map.source
                        print "\t", unaligned_sequence
                        if not map.bitmap:
                            print "\t bitmap not assigned"
                            bs = Bits(bytes=map.bitmap)
                            reconst_pepseq = ''
                            if (not bs.count(1) == len(unaligned_sequence)):
                                print "\talnd seq mismatch"

                                usi = iter(unaligned_sequence)
                                for c in bs.bin:
                                    if c == '0': reconst_pepseq += '-'
                                    else: reconst_pepseq += next(usi)
                                print "\tbinary   : ", bs.bin
                                print "\talnd seq: ", reconst_pepseq
        if not tot == with_map:
            print "####  gene id: %d   total exons: %d     with map:  %d   ( = %d%%) " % \
                (gene_id,  tot,  with_map, int(float(with_map)/tot*100) )
            incomplete += 1

    print "genes checked: %d,  incomplete: %d" % (genes_checked, incomplete)

    print tot, with_map
def find_missing_exons(human_gene_list, db_info):

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name, method] = db_info
    db  = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()
    acg = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # find db ids and common names for each species db
    all_species, ensembl_db_name = get_species (cursor)
    # minimal acceptable similarity between exons
    min_similarity = cfg.get_value('min_accptbl_exon_sim')

    switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])

    # loop over human genes
    gene_ct = 0
    found   = 0
    sought  = 0
    unsequenced = 0
    for human_gene_id in human_gene_list:

	switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])

	# Get stable id and description of this gene -- DEBUG
	human_stable      = gene2stable    (cursor, human_gene_id)
        human_description = get_description(cursor, human_gene_id)
	if verbose:  print human_gene_id, human_stable, human_description

	# progress counter 
	gene_ct += 1
	if (not gene_ct%10): 
            print "processed ",   gene_ct, " out of ", len(human_gene_list), "genes"
            print "exons found: ",  found, " out of ", sought, "sought"

	# find all human exons for this gene that we are tracking in the database 
	human_exons = [e for e in gene2exon_list(cursor, human_gene_id) 
                       if e.covering_exon < 0 and e.is_canonical and e.is_known]
        if not human_exons: 
            print "\t\t no exons found"

	human_exons.sort(key=lambda exon: exon.start_in_gene)
        for he in human_exons:
            he.stable_id = exon2stable (cursor, he.exon_id)

	# make 'table' of maps, which is either pointer to the map if it exists, or None
	map_table = {}
        for species in all_species:
            map_table[species] = {}
            for he in human_exons:
                map_table[species][he] = None

        maps_for_exon = {}
        for he in human_exons:
            maps_for_exon[he] =  get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, he.exon_id, he.is_known) # exon data
            for m in maps_for_exon[he]:
                #if m.source ==  'usearch': continue
                #if m.source == 'sw_sharp': continue
                #if m.source == 'sw_sharp': 
                #    print 'sw_sharp'
                #if m.source == 'usearch': 
                #    print 'usearch',  m.similarity, m.species_2, m.exon_id_1, m.exon_id_2
                if m.similarity < min_similarity: continue
                m_previous = map_table[m.species_2][he]
                if m_previous and m_previous.similarity > m.similarity:
                map_table[m.species_2][he] = m

        # get rid of species that do not have the gene at all
        for species in all_species:
            one_exon_found = False
            for he in human_exons:
                if map_table[species][he]:
                    one_exon_found = True
            if not one_exon_found:
                del map_table[species]
        # fill in the peptide sequence field for each human exon
        # get rid of exons  that appear in no other species but human (?)
        bad_he = []
        for he in human_exons:
            one_species_found = False
            he.pepseq =   get_exon_pepseq (cursor, he, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
            if len (he.pepseq) < 3:  # can I ever get rid of all the nonsense I find in Ensembl?
            for species in  map_table.keys(): 
                if species =='homo_sapiens': continue
                if map_table[species][he]:
                    one_species_found = True
            if not one_species_found:
        human_exons = filter (lambda he: not he in bad_he, human_exons)

        # keep track of nearest neighbors for each human exon
        previous = {}
        next     = {}
        prev     = None
        for he in human_exons:
            previous[he]        = prev
            if prev: next[prev] = he
            prev = he
        next[he] = None

        # fill,  starting from the species that are nearest to the human
        if not map_table.keys():
            continue # whatever

        species_sorted_from_human = species_sort(cursor,map_table.keys(),species)[1:]

        for species in species_sorted_from_human:
            print species
            # see which exons have which neighbors
            #if verbose: print he.exon_id, species
            no_left  = []
            no_right = []
            has_both_neighbors = []
            one_existing_map   = None
            for he in human_exons:
                m =  map_table[species][he]
                if m and not m.warning: # the one existing map should not be a problematic one 
                    one_existing_map = m
                prev = previous[he]
                nxt  = next[he]
                if prev and nxt and map_table[species][prev] and map_table[species][nxt]:
                elif not prev or not map_table[species][prev]:
                elif not nxt  or not map_table[species][nxt]:
            if not one_existing_map: continue # this shouldn't happen
            if not has_both_neighbors and not no_left and not no_right: continue

            # what is the gene that we are talking about?
            exon_id  = one_existing_map.exon_id_2
            is_known = one_existing_map.exon_known_2
            gene_id  = exon_id2gene_id (cursor, ensembl_db_name[species], exon_id, is_known)
            # is it mitochondrial?
            mitochondrial = is_mitochondrial(cursor, gene_id, ensembl_db_name[species])
            # where is the gene origin (position on the sequence)
            gene_coords =  get_gene_coordinates (cursor, gene_id, ensembl_db_name[species])
            if not gene_coords: continue
            [gene_seq_region_id, gene_start, gene_end, gene_strand] = gene_coords

            # fill in exons that have both neighbors:
            # human exon functions as a coordinate here
            for he in has_both_neighbors:

                # get template (known exon from the nearest species)
                template_info = get_template (cursor, ensembl_db_name, 
                                              map_table, species, he)
                if not template_info: continue
                # previous_ and next_seq_region are of the type Seq_Region defined on the top of the file
                # get previous region
                prev_seq_region = get_neighboring_region (cursor, ensembl_db_name, 
                                                          map_table, species, gene_coords, he, previous[he])
                if not prev_seq_region: continue
                # get following  region
                next_seq_region = get_neighboring_region  (cursor, ensembl_db_name, 
                                                           map_table, species, gene_coords, he, next[he])
                if not next_seq_region: continue
                sought += 1
                reply = find_NNN (cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, acg, he, maps_for_exon[he], 
                                                   species, gene_id,  gene_coords, prev_seq_region, 
                                                   next_seq_region, template_info, mitochondrial, method)
                if reply=='NNN':
                    unsequenced += 1

            # work backwards
            # use the last known region on the left as the bound
            next_seq_region = None
            for he in no_left:
                m =  map_table[species][he]
                # check first if we haave already looked into this, and found incomplete region
                #if m and m.warning: continue
                # get template (known exon from the nearest species)
                template_info = get_template (cursor, ensembl_db_name, map_table, species, he)
                if not template_info: continue

                # get following  region
                if not next_seq_region:
                    next_seq_region = get_neighboring_region (cursor, ensembl_db_name, map_table, 
                                                              species,  gene_coords, he, next[he])
                if not next_seq_region: continue

                # otherwise it is the last thing we found
                # the previous region is eyeballed from the next on
                # the previous and the  next region frame the search region
                prev_seq_region = left_region (next_seq_region, MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH)
                sought         += 1
                reply = find_NNN (cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, acg, he, maps_for_exon[he], 
                                                   species,  gene_id, gene_coords, prev_seq_region, next_seq_region,
                                                   template_info, mitochondrial, method)
                if reply=='NNN':
                    unsequenced += 1
            # repeat the whole procedure on the right
            prev_seq_region = None
            for he in no_right:
                m =  map_table[species][he]
                # check first if we haave already looked into this, and found incomplete region
                #if  m and m.warning: continue
                # get template (known exon from the nearest species)
                template_info = get_template (cursor, ensembl_db_name, 
                                                                map_table, species, he)
                if not template_info: continue

                # get following  region
                if not prev_seq_region:
                    prev_seq_region = get_neighboring_region (cursor, ensembl_db_name, map_table, 
                                                              species, gene_coords,  he, previous[he])
                if not prev_seq_region: continue
                # otherwise it is the last thing we found

                # the following region is eyeballed from the previous 
                next_seq_region = right_region (prev_seq_region, MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH)
                sought         += 1
                reply = find_NNN (cursor, ensembl_db_name, cfg, acg, he,  maps_for_exon[he], 
                                                    species, gene_id, gene_coords, prev_seq_region, next_seq_region,
                                                    template_info, mitochondrial, method)
                if reply=='NNN':
                    unsequenced += 1
            print species, "sought", sought, " unseq", unsequenced
def multiple_exon_alnmt(gene_list, db_info):

    print "process pid: %d, length of gene list: %d" % ( get_process_id(), len(gene_list))

    [local_db, ensembl_db_name] = db_info

    db     = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg    = ConfigurationReader()
    acg    = AlignmentCommandGenerator()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # find db ids adn common names for each species db
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)

    species  = 'homo_sapiens'
    switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name[species])
    gene_ids = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1)

    # for each human gene
    gene_ct = 0
    tot  = 0
    ok   = 0
    no_maps        = 0
    no_pepseq      = 0
    no_orthologues = 0
    min_similarity = cfg.get_value('min_accptbl_exon_sim')

    for gene_id in gene_list:

        start = time()
        gene_ct += 1
        if  not gene_ct%10: print gene_ct, "genes out of", len(gene_list)

        switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        print gene_ct, len(gene_ids),  gene_id,  gene2stable(cursor, gene_id), get_description (cursor, gene_id)

        human_exons = filter (lambda e: e.is_known==1 and e.is_coding and e.covering_exon<0, gene2exon_list(cursor, gene_id))
        human_exons.sort(key=lambda exon: exon.start_in_gene)

        for human_exon in human_exons:
            tot += 1

            # find all orthologous exons the human exon  maps to
            maps = get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known)
            if verbose: 
                print "\texon no.", tot, " id", human_exon.exon_id,
                if not maps: 
                    print " no maps"
                    print human_exon
            if not maps: 
                no_maps += 1

            # human sequence to fasta:
            seqname   = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format('homo_sapiens', human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known)
            switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
            [exon_seq_id, pepseq, pepseq_transl_start, pepseq_transl_end, 
             left_flank, right_flank, dna_seq] = get_exon_seqs (cursor, human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known)
            if (not pepseq):
                if verbose and  human_exon.is_coding and  human_exon.covering_exon <0: # this should be a master exon
                    print "no pep seq for",  human_exon.exon_id, "coding ", human_exon.is_coding,
                    print "canonical: ",  human_exon.is_canonical
                    print "length of dna ", len(dna_seq)
                no_pepseq += 1

            # collect seq from all maps, and output them in fasta format
            hassw = False
            headers   = []
            sequences = {}
            exons_per_species = {}

            for map in maps:

                switch_to_db (cursor, ensembl_db_name[map.species_2])
                if map.similarity < min_similarity: continue
                exon    = map2exon(cursor, ensembl_db_name, map)
                pepseq  = get_exon_pepseq (cursor,exon)
                if (not pepseq):
                if  map.source == 'sw_sharp':
                    exon_known_code = 2
                    hassw = True
                elif  map.source == 'usearch':
                    exon_known_code = 3
                    hassw = True
                    exon_known_code = map.exon_known_2
                seqname = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(map.species_2, map.exon_id_2, exon_known_code)
                sequences[seqname] = pepseq
                # for split exon concatenation (see below)
                if not map.species_2 in exons_per_species.keys():
                    exons_per_species[map.species_2] = []
                exons_per_species[map.species_2].append ([ map.exon_id_2, exon_known_code]);
            if (len(headers) <=1 ):
                if verbose: print "single species in the alignment"
                no_orthologues += 1
            # concatenate exons from the same gene - the alignment program might go wrong otherwise
            concatenated = concatenate_exons (cursor, ensembl_db_name, sequences, exons_per_species)

            fasta_fnm = "{0}/{1}.fa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], human_exon.exon_id)
            output_fasta (fasta_fnm, sequences.keys(), sequences)

            # align
            afa_fnm  = "{0}/{1}.afa".format( cfg.dir_path['scratch'], human_exon.exon_id)
            mafftcmd = acg.generate_mafft_command (fasta_fnm, afa_fnm)
            ret      = commands.getoutput(mafftcmd)

            if (verbose): print 'almt to', afa_fnm

            # read in the alignment 
            inf = erropen(afa_fnm, "r")
            aligned_seqs = {}
            for record in SeqIO.parse(inf, "fasta"):
                aligned_seqs[record.id] = str(record.seq)
            # split back the concatenated exons
            if concatenated: split_concatenated_exons (aligned_seqs, concatenated)

            human_seq_seen = False
            for seq_name, sequence in aligned_seqs.iteritems():
                # if this is one of the concatenated seqs, split them back to two

                ### store the alignment as bitstring
                # Generate the bitmap
                bs         = Bits(bin='0b' + re.sub("[^0]","1", sequence.replace('-','0')))
                # The returned value of tobytes() will be padded at the end 
                # with between zero and seven 0 bits to make it byte aligned.
                # I will end up with something that looks like extra alignment gaps, that I'll have to return
                msa_bitmap = bs.tobytes() 
                # Retrieve information on the cognate
                cognate_species, cognate_exon_id, cognate_exon_known = seq_name.split(':')
                if cognate_exon_known == '2':
                    source = 'sw_sharp'
                elif cognate_exon_known == '3':
                    source = 'usearch'
                    source = 'ensembl'
                if (cognate_species == 'homo_sapiens'):
                    human_seq_seen = True
                cognate_genome_db_id = species2genome_db_id(cursor, cognate_species) # moves the cursor
                switch_to_db(cursor, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens']) # so move it back to h**o sapiens
                # Write the bitmap to the database
                #if (cognate_species == 'homo_sapiens'):
                if verbose: # and (source=='sw_sharp' or source=='usearch'):
                    print "storing"
                    print human_exon.exon_id, human_exon.is_known
                    print cognate_species, cognate_genome_db_id, cognate_exon_id, cognate_exon_known, source
                    print sequence
                    if not msa_bitmap:
                        print "no msa_bitmap"
                store_or_update(cursor, "exon_map",    {"cognate_genome_db_id":cognate_genome_db_id,
                   "cognate_exon_id":cognate_exon_id   ,"cognate_exon_known"  :cognate_exon_known,
                   "source": source, "exon_id" :human_exon.exon_id, "exon_known":human_exon.is_known},
            ok += 1
            commands.getoutput("rm "+afa_fnm+" "+fasta_fnm)

        if verbose: print " time: %8.3f\n" % (time()-start);

    print "tot: ", tot, "ok: ", ok
    print "no maps ",   no_pepseq
    print "no pepseq ", no_pepseq
    print "no orthologues  ", no_orthologues
def main():
    special    = None
    no_threads = 1
    db  = connect_to_mysql()
    cfg = ConfigurationReader()

    cursor = db.cursor()
    [all_species, ensembl_db_name] = get_species (cursor)

    if special:
        print "using", special, "set"
        gene_list = get_theme_ids (cursor,  ensembl_db_name, cfg, special)
        print "using all protein coding genes"
        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
        gene_list = get_gene_ids (cursor, biotype='protein_coding', is_known=1)

    # loop over all genes
    sw_count = 0
    tot_count = 0
    for human_gene_id in gene_list:
        switch_to_db (cursor,  ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
 	human_stable      = gene2stable    (cursor, human_gene_id)
        human_description = get_description(cursor, human_gene_id)
        tot_count += 1
	#print human_gene_id, human_stable, human_description
  	human_exons = [e for e in gene2exon_list(cursor, human_gene_id, verbose=True) 
                       if e.covering_exon < 0 and e.is_canonical and e.is_known]
        if not human_exons: 
            #print "\t\t", human_stable, "no exons found"

	human_exons.sort(key=lambda exon: exon.start_in_gene)
        # loop over all exons in this gene
        maps_for_exon = {}
        for he in human_exons:
            he.stable_id = exon2stable (cursor, he.exon_id, ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
            he.pepseq = get_exon_pepseq (cursor, he,  ensembl_db_name['homo_sapiens'])
            # maps cleanup: get rid of maps that have "none" as similarity

            maps_for_exon[he] =  get_maps(cursor, ensembl_db_name, he.exon_id, he.is_known) # exon data
            if not maps_for_exon[he]: continue

            #maps_for_exon[he] = filter (lambda m: m.source == 'sw_sharp' or m.source == 'usearch', 
            #                            maps_for_exon[he])
            maps_for_exon[he] = filter (lambda m: m.source == 'usearch', 

            if not maps_for_exon[he]: 
                #print "\t\t", human_stable,  "no maps found"

            sw_count += len(maps_for_exon[he])

        print "tot count: ", tot_count
        print "sw count: ", sw_count

    #print "tot count: ", tot_count
    #print "sw count: ", sw_count