def test_slack_uses_custom_slack_channel(): rule = { 'name': 'Test Rule', 'type': 'any', 'slack_webhook_url': ['http://please.dontgohere.slack'], 'slack_channel_override': '#test-alert', 'alert': [] } load_modules(rule) alert = SlackAlerter(rule) match = { '@timestamp': '2016-01-01T00:00:00', 'somefield': 'foobarbaz' } with mock.patch('') as mock_post_request: alert.alert([match]) expected_data = { 'username': '******', 'channel': '#test-alert', 'icon_emoji': ':ghost:', 'attachments': [ { 'color': 'danger', 'title': rule['name'], 'text': BasicMatchString(rule, match).__str__(), 'fields': [] } ], 'text': '', 'parse': 'none' } mock_post_request.assert_called_once_with(rule['slack_webhook_url'][0], data=mock.ANY, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, proxies=None) assert expected_data == json.loads(mock_post_request.call_args_list[0][1]['data'])
def test_pagerduty_alerter(): rule = { 'name': 'Test PD Rule', 'type': 'any', 'pagerduty_service_key': 'magicalbadgers', 'pagerduty_client_name': 'ponies inc.', 'alert': [] } load_modules(rule) alert = PagerDutyAlerter(rule) match = { '@timestamp': '2017-01-01T00:00:00', 'somefield': 'foobarbaz' } with mock.patch('') as mock_post_request: alert.alert([match]) expected_data = { 'client': 'ponies inc.', 'description': 'Test PD Rule', 'details': { 'information': 'Test PD Rule\n\n@timestamp: 2017-01-01T00:00:00\nsomefield: foobarbaz\n' }, 'event_type': 'trigger', 'incident_key': '', 'service_key': 'magicalbadgers', } mock_post_request.assert_called_once_with(alert.url, data=mock.ANY, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, proxies=None) assert expected_data == json.loads(mock_post_request.call_args_list[0][1]['data'])
def test_slack_uses_rule_name_when_custom_title_is_not_provided(): rule = { 'name': 'Test Rule', 'type': 'any', 'slack_webhook_url': ['http://please.dontgohere.slack'], 'alert': [] } load_modules(rule) alert = SlackAlerter(rule) match = { '@timestamp': '2016-01-01T00:00:00', 'somefield': 'foobarbaz' } with mock.patch('') as mock_post_request: alert.alert([match]) expected_data = { 'username': '******', 'icon_emoji': ':ghost:', 'attachments': [ { 'color': 'danger', 'title': rule['name'], 'text': BasicMatchString(rule, match).__str__(), 'fields': [] } ] } mock_post_request.assert_called_once_with(rule['slack_webhook_url'][0], data=json.dumps(expected_data), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, proxies=None)
def test_simple_alerter(): rule = { 'name': 'Test Simple Rule', 'type': 'any', 'simple_webhook_url': 'http://test.webhook.url', 'alert_subject': 'Cool subject', 'alert': [] } load_modules(rule) alert = SimplePostAlerter(rule) match = { '@timestamp': '2017-01-01T00:00:00', 'somefield': 'foobarbaz' } with mock.patch('') as mock_post_request: alert.alert([match]) expected_data = { 'rule': rule['name'], 'matches': [match] } mock_post_request.assert_called_once_with( rule['simple_webhook_url'], data=mock.ANY, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'}, proxies=None ) assert expected_data == json.loads(mock_post_request.call_args_list[0][1]['data'])
def test_ms_teams_uses_color_and_fixed_width_text(): rule = { 'name': 'Test Rule', 'type': 'any', 'ms_teams_webhook_url': 'http://test.webhook.url', 'ms_teams_alert_summary': 'Alert from ElastAlert', 'ms_teams_alert_fixed_width': True, 'ms_teams_theme_color': '#124578', 'alert_subject': 'Cool subject', 'alert': [] } load_modules(rule) alert = MsTeamsAlerter(rule) match = {'@timestamp': '2016-01-01T00:00:00', 'somefield': 'foobarbaz'} with mock.patch('') as mock_post_request: alert.alert([match]) body = BasicMatchString(rule, match).__str__() body = body.replace('`', "'") body = "```{0}```".format('```\n\n```'.join( x for x in body.split('\n'))).replace('\n``````', '') expected_data = { '@type': 'MessageCard', '@context': '', 'summary': rule['ms_teams_alert_summary'], 'title': rule['alert_subject'], 'themeColor': '#124578', 'text': body } mock_post_request.assert_called_once_with( rule['ms_teams_webhook_url'], data=mock.ANY, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, proxies=None) assert expected_data == json.loads( mock_post_request.call_args_list[0][1]['data'])
def test_ms_teams(): rule = { 'name': 'Test Rule', 'type': 'any', 'ms_teams_webhook_url': 'http://test.webhook.url', 'ms_teams_alert_summary': 'Alert from ElastAlert', 'alert_subject': 'Cool subject', 'alert': [] } load_modules(rule) alert = MsTeamsAlerter(rule) match = { '@timestamp': '2016-01-01T00:00:00', 'somefield': 'foobarbaz' } with mock.patch('') as mock_post_request: alert.alert([match]) expected_data = { '@type': 'MessageCard', '@context': '', 'summary': rule['ms_teams_alert_summary'], 'title': rule['alert_subject'], 'text': BasicMatchString(rule, match).__str__() } mock_post_request.assert_called_once_with( rule['ms_teams_webhook_url'], data=mock.ANY, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, proxies=None ) assert expected_data == json.loads(mock_post_request.call_args_list[0][1]['data'])
def test_slack_uses_custom_title(): rule = { 'name': 'Test Rule', 'type': 'any', 'slack_webhook_url': 'http://please.dontgohere.slack', 'alert_subject': 'Cool subject', 'alert': [] } load_modules(rule) alert = SlackAlerter(rule) match = {'@timestamp': '2016-01-01T00:00:00', 'somefield': 'foobarbaz'} with mock.patch('') as mock_post_request: alert.alert([match]) mock_post_request.assert_called_once_with( rule['slack_webhook_url'], data=mock.ANY, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, proxies=None) assert rule['alert_subject'] in mock_post_request.call_args_list[0][1][ 'data']
def test_load_inline_alert_rule(): test_rule_copy = copy.deepcopy(test_rule) test_rule_copy['alert'] = [{ 'email': { 'email': '*****@*****.**' } }, { 'email': { 'email': '*****@*****.**' } }] test_config_copy = copy.deepcopy(test_config) with mock.patch('elastalert.config.yaml_loader') as mock_open: mock_open.side_effect = [test_config_copy, test_rule_copy] load_modules(test_rule_copy) assert isinstance(test_rule_copy['alert'][0], elastalert.alerts.EmailAlerter) assert isinstance(test_rule_copy['alert'][1], elastalert.alerts.EmailAlerter) assert '*****@*****.**' in test_rule_copy['alert'][0].rule['email'] assert '*****@*****.**' in test_rule_copy['alert'][1].rule['email']
def test_load_inline_alert_rule(): test_rule_copy = copy.deepcopy(test_rule) test_rule_copy['alert'] = [ { 'email': { 'email': '*****@*****.**' } }, { 'email': { 'email': '*****@*****.**' } } ] test_config_copy = copy.deepcopy(test_config) with mock.patch('elastalert.config.yaml_loader') as mock_open: mock_open.side_effect = [test_config_copy, test_rule_copy] load_modules(test_rule_copy) assert isinstance(test_rule_copy['alert'][0], elastalert.alerts.EmailAlerter) assert isinstance(test_rule_copy['alert'][1], elastalert.alerts.EmailAlerter) assert '*****@*****.**' in test_rule_copy['alert'][0].rule['email'] assert '*****@*****.**' in test_rule_copy['alert'][1].rule['email']
def run_elastalert(self, rule, conf, args): """ Creates an ElastAlert instance and run's over for a specific rule using either real or mock data. """ # Load and instantiate rule # Pass an args containing the context of whether we're alerting or not # It is needed to prevent unnecessary initialization of unused alerters load_modules_args = argparse.Namespace() load_modules_args.debug = not args.alert load_modules(rule, load_modules_args) conf['rules'] = [rule] # If using mock data, make sure it's sorted and find appropriate time range timestamp_field = rule.get('timestamp_field', '@timestamp') if args.json: if not return None try: x: x[timestamp_field]) starttime = ts_to_dt([0][timestamp_field]) endtime =[-1][timestamp_field] endtime = ts_to_dt(endtime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) except KeyError as e: print("All documents must have a timestamp and _id: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) if args.stop_error: exit(1) return None # Create mock _id for documents if it's missing used_ids = [] def get_id(): _id = ''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(16)]) if _id in used_ids: return get_id() used_ids.append(_id) return _id for doc in doc.update({'_id': doc.get('_id', get_id())}) else: if args.end: if args.end == 'NOW': endtime = ts_now() else: try: endtime = ts_to_dt(args.end) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.handle_error("%s is not a valid ISO8601 timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+XX:00)" % (args.end)) exit(1) else: endtime = ts_now() if args.start: try: starttime = ts_to_dt(args.start) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.handle_error("%s is not a valid ISO8601 timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+XX:00)" % (args.start)) exit(1) else: # if days given as command line argument if args.days > 0: starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) else: # if timeframe is given in rule if 'timeframe' in rule: starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(seconds=rule['timeframe'].total_seconds() * 1.01) # default is 1 days / 24 hours else: starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Set run_every to cover the entire time range unless count query, terms query or agg query used # This is to prevent query segmenting which unnecessarily slows down tests if not rule.get('use_terms_query') and not rule.get('use_count_query') and not rule.get('aggregation_query_element'): conf['run_every'] = endtime - starttime # Instantiate ElastAlert to use mock config and special rule with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.get_rule_hashes'): with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.load_rules') as load_conf: load_conf.return_value = conf if args.alert: client = ElastAlerter(['--verbose']) else: client = ElastAlerter(['--debug']) # Replace get_hits_* functions to use mock data if args.json: self.mock_elastalert(client) # Mock writeback to return empty results client.writeback_es = mock.MagicMock() = {"hits": {"hits": []}} with mock.patch.object(client, 'writeback') as mock_writeback: client.run_rule(rule, endtime, starttime) if mock_writeback.call_count: if args.formatted_output: self.formatted_output['writeback'] = {} else: print("\nWould have written the following documents to writeback index (default is elastalert_status):\n") errors = False for call in mock_writeback.call_args_list: if args.formatted_output: self.formatted_output['writeback'][call[0][0]] = json.loads(json.dumps(call[0][1], default=str)) else: print("%s - %s\n" % (call[0][0], call[0][1])) if call[0][0] == 'elastalert_error': errors = True if errors and args.stop_error: exit(1)
def run_elastalert(self, rule, conf, args): """ Creates an ElastAlert instance and run's over for a specific rule using either real or mock data. """ # Load and instantiate rule load_modules(rule) conf['rules'] = [rule] # If using mock data, make sure it's sorted and find appropriate time range timestamp_field = rule.get('timestamp_field', '@timestamp') if args.json: if not return None try: x: x[timestamp_field]) starttime = ts_to_dt([0][timestamp_field]) endtime =[-1][timestamp_field] endtime = ts_to_dt(endtime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) except KeyError as e: print("All documents must have a timestamp and _id: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) if args.stop_error: exit(1) return None # Create mock _id for documents if it's missing used_ids = [] def get_id(): _id = ''.join( [random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(16)]) if _id in used_ids: return get_id() used_ids.append(_id) return _id for doc in doc.update({'_id': doc.get('_id', get_id())}) else: endtime = ts_now() starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) # Set run_every to cover the entire time range unless count query, terms query or agg query used # This is to prevent query segmenting which unnecessarily slows down tests if not rule.get('use_terms_query') and not rule.get( 'use_count_query') and not rule.get( 'aggregation_query_element'): conf['run_every'] = endtime - starttime # Instantiate ElastAlert to use mock config and special rule with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.get_rule_hashes'): with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.load_rules') as load_conf: load_conf.return_value = conf if args.alert: client = ElastAlerter(['--verbose']) else: client = ElastAlerter(['--debug']) # Replace get_hits_* functions to use mock data if args.json: self.mock_elastalert(client) # Mock writeback to return empty results client.writeback_es = mock.MagicMock() = {"hits": {"hits": []}} with mock.patch.object(client, 'writeback') as mock_writeback: client.run_rule(rule, endtime, starttime) if mock_writeback.call_count: print( "\nWould have written the following documents to writeback index (default is elastalert_status):\n" ) errors = False for call in mock_writeback.call_args_list: print("%s - %s\n" % (call[0][0], call[0][1])) if call[0][0] == 'elastalert_error': errors = True if errors and args.stop_error: exit(1)
def run_elastalert(self, rule, args): """ Creates an ElastAlert instance and run's over for a specific rule using either real or mock data. """ # Mock configuration. Nothing here is used except run_every conf = {'rules_folder': 'rules', 'run_every': datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), 'buffer_time': datetime.timedelta(minutes=45), 'alert_time_limit': datetime.timedelta(hours=24), 'es_host': 'es', 'es_port': 14900, 'writeback_index': 'wb', 'max_query_size': 100000, 'old_query_limit': datetime.timedelta(weeks=1), 'disable_rules_on_error': False} # Load and instantiate rule load_options(rule, conf) load_modules(rule) conf['rules'] = [rule] # If using mock data, make sure it's sorted and find appropriate time range timestamp_field = rule.get('timestamp_field', '@timestamp') if args.json: if not return try: x: x[timestamp_field]) starttime = ts_to_dt([0][timestamp_field]) endtime =[-1][timestamp_field] endtime = ts_to_dt(endtime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) except KeyError as e: print("All documents must have a timestamp and _id: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) return # Create mock _id for documents if it's missing used_ids = [] def get_id(): _id = ''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(16)]) if _id in used_ids: return get_id() used_ids.append(_id) return _id for doc in doc.update({'_id': doc.get('_id', get_id())}) else: endtime = ts_now() starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) # Set run_every to cover the entire time range unless use_count_query or use_terms_query is set # This is to prevent query segmenting which unnecessarily slows down tests if not rule.get('use_terms_query') and not rule.get('use_count_query'): conf['run_every'] = endtime - starttime # Instantiate ElastAlert to use mock config and special rule with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.get_rule_hashes'): with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.load_rules') as load_conf: load_conf.return_value = conf if args.alert: client = ElastAlerter(['--verbose']) else: client = ElastAlerter(['--debug']) # Replace get_hits_* functions to use mock data if args.json: self.mock_elastalert(client) # Mock writeback for both real data and json data client.writeback_es = None with mock.patch.object(client, 'writeback') as mock_writeback: client.run_rule(rule, endtime, starttime) if mock_writeback.call_count: print("\nWould have written the following documents to elastalert_status:\n") for call in mock_writeback.call_args_list: print("%s - %s\n" % (call[0][0], call[0][1]))
def run_elastalert(self, rule, conf, args): """ Creates an ElastAlert instance and run's over for a specific rule using either real or mock data. """ # Load and instantiate rule # Pass an args containing the context of whether we're alerting or not # It is needed to prevent unnecessary initialization of unused alerters load_modules_args = argparse.Namespace() load_modules_args.debug = not args.alert load_modules(rule, load_modules_args) conf['rules'] = [rule] # If using mock data, make sure it's sorted and find appropriate time range timestamp_field = rule.get('timestamp_field', '@timestamp') if args.json: if not return None try: sorted(, key=lambda x: x[timestamp_field]) starttime = ts_to_dt([0][timestamp_field]) endtime =[-1][timestamp_field] endtime = ts_to_dt(endtime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) except KeyError as e: print("All documents must have a timestamp and _id: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) if args.stop_error: exit(1) return None # Create mock _id for documents if it's missing used_ids = [] def get_id(): _id = ''.join( [random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(16)]) if _id in used_ids: return get_id() used_ids.append(_id) return _id for doc in doc.update({'_id': doc.get('_id', get_id())}) else: if args.end: if args.end == 'NOW': endtime = ts_now() else: try: endtime = ts_to_dt(args.end) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.handle_error( "%s is not a valid ISO8601 timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+XX:00)" % (args.end)) exit(1) else: endtime = ts_now() if args.start: try: starttime = ts_to_dt(args.start) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.handle_error( "%s is not a valid ISO8601 timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+XX:00)" % (args.start)) exit(1) else: # if days given as command line argument if args.days > 0: starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) else: # if timeframe is given in rule if 'timeframe' in rule: starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta( seconds=rule['timeframe'].total_seconds() * 1.01) # default is 1 days / 24 hours else: starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Set run_every to cover the entire time range unless count query, terms query or agg query used # This is to prevent query segmenting which unnecessarily slows down tests if not rule.get('use_terms_query') and not rule.get( 'use_count_query') and not rule.get( 'aggregation_query_element'): conf['run_every'] = endtime - starttime # Instantiate ElastAlert to use mock config and special rule with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.get_rule_hashes'): with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.load_rules') as load_conf: load_conf.return_value = conf if args.alert: client = ElastAlerter(['--verbose']) else: client = ElastAlerter(['--debug']) # Replace get_hits_* functions to use mock data if args.json: self.mock_elastalert(client) # Mock writeback to return empty results client.writeback_es = mock.MagicMock() = {"hits": {"hits": []}} with mock.patch.object(client, 'writeback') as mock_writeback: client.run_rule(rule, endtime, starttime) if mock_writeback.call_count: if args.formatted_output: self.formatted_output['writeback'] = {} else: print( "\nWould have written the following documents to writeback index (default is elastalert_status):\n" ) errors = False for call in mock_writeback.call_args_list: if args.formatted_output: self.formatted_output['writeback'][ call[0][0]] = json.loads( json.dumps(call[0][1], default=str)) else: print("%s - %s\n" % (call[0][0], call[0][1])) if call[0][0] == 'elastalert_error': errors = True if errors and args.stop_error: exit(1)
def run_elastalert(self, rule, args): """ Creates an ElastAlert instance and run's over for a specific rule using either real or mock data. """ # Mock configuration. Nothing here is used except run_every conf = {'rules_folder': 'rules', 'run_every': datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), 'buffer_time': datetime.timedelta(minutes=45), 'alert_time_limit': datetime.timedelta(hours=24), 'es_host': 'es', 'es_port': 14900, 'writeback_index': 'wb', 'max_query_size': 10000, 'old_query_limit': datetime.timedelta(weeks=1), 'disable_rules_on_error': False} # Load and instantiate rule load_options(rule, conf) load_modules(rule) conf['rules'] = [rule] # If using mock data, make sure it's sorted and find appropriate time range timestamp_field = rule.get('timestamp_field', '@timestamp') if args.json: if not return None try: x: x[timestamp_field]) starttime = ts_to_dt([0][timestamp_field]) endtime =[-1][timestamp_field] endtime = ts_to_dt(endtime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) except KeyError as e: print("All documents must have a timestamp and _id: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) return None # Create mock _id for documents if it's missing used_ids = [] def get_id(): _id = ''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(16)]) if _id in used_ids: return get_id() used_ids.append(_id) return _id for doc in doc.update({'_id': doc.get('_id', get_id())}) else: endtime = ts_now() starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) # Set run_every to cover the entire time range unless use_count_query or use_terms_query is set # This is to prevent query segmenting which unnecessarily slows down tests if not rule.get('use_terms_query') and not rule.get('use_count_query'): conf['run_every'] = endtime - starttime # Instantiate ElastAlert to use mock config and special rule with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.get_rule_hashes'): with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.load_rules') as load_conf: load_conf.return_value = conf if args.alert: client = ElastAlerter(['--verbose']) else: client = ElastAlerter(['--debug']) # Replace get_hits_* functions to use mock data if args.json: self.mock_elastalert(client) # Mock writeback for both real data and json data client.writeback_es = None with mock.patch.object(client, 'writeback') as mock_writeback: client.run_rule(rule, endtime, starttime) if mock_writeback.call_count: print("\nWould have written the following documents to elastalert_status:\n") for call in mock_writeback.call_args_list: print("%s - %s\n" % (call[0][0], call[0][1]))
def run_elastalert(self, rule, conf, args): """ Creates an ElastAlert instance and run's over for a specific rule using either real or mock data. """ # Load and instantiate rule load_modules(rule) conf['rules'] = [rule] # If using mock data, make sure it's sorted and find appropriate time range timestamp_field = rule.get('timestamp_field', '@timestamp') if args.json: if not return None try: x: x[timestamp_field]) starttime = ts_to_dt([0][timestamp_field]) endtime =[-1][timestamp_field] endtime = ts_to_dt(endtime) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) except KeyError as e: print("All documents must have a timestamp and _id: %s" % (e), file=sys.stderr) return None # Create mock _id for documents if it's missing used_ids = [] def get_id(): _id = ''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(16)]) if _id in used_ids: return get_id() used_ids.append(_id) return _id for doc in doc.update({'_id': doc.get('_id', get_id())}) else: endtime = ts_now() starttime = endtime - datetime.timedelta(days=args.days) # Set run_every to cover the entire time range unless count query, terms query or agg query used # This is to prevent query segmenting which unnecessarily slows down tests if not rule.get('use_terms_query') and not rule.get('use_count_query') and not rule.get('aggregation_query_element'): conf['run_every'] = endtime - starttime # Instantiate ElastAlert to use mock config and special rule with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.get_rule_hashes'): with mock.patch('elastalert.elastalert.load_rules') as load_conf: load_conf.return_value = conf if args.alert: client = ElastAlerter(['--verbose']) else: client = ElastAlerter(['--debug']) # Replace get_hits_* functions to use mock data if args.json: self.mock_elastalert(client) # Mock writeback to return empty results client.writeback_es = mock.MagicMock() = {"hits": {"hits": []}} with mock.patch.object(client, 'writeback') as mock_writeback: client.run_rule(rule, endtime, starttime) if mock_writeback.call_count: print("\nWould have written the following documents to writeback index (default is elastalert_status):\n") for call in mock_writeback.call_args_list: print("%s - %s\n" % (call[0][0], call[0][1]))