Example #1
def pFEMsol(p, case):

    h = 0.5
    nodes = np.array([[0.0], [0.5], [1.0]])
    elems = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 2]])
    bcs = [[0, 2 + (p - 1)], [0.0, 0.0]]
    load = [[0, 2 + (p - 1)], [0, 0]]
    nnodes, dpn = nodes.shape  # node count and dofs per node
    dofs = dpn * nnodes + 2 * (p - 1)  # total number of dofs
    material = tuple([1, 1])
    gauss = grule(p + 1)

    K = sp.lil_matrix((dofs, dofs))
    F = np.zeros(dofs)

    #-- Assembling stiffness matrix and force vector...
    for e, conn in enumerate(elems):
        # coordinate array for the element
        X = nodes[conn]
        ldofs = dpn * len(conn) + (p - 1)
        k = np.zeros((ldofs, ldofs))
        f = np.zeros(ldofs)

        # element degree of freedom
        if p == 1:
            eft = np.array([dpn * n + i for n in conn for i in range(dpn)])
        if p > 1:
            if e == 0:
                eft = np.array([dpn * n for n in range(ldofs)])
            elif e > 0:
                eft_0 = np.array([1 + p * (e - 1), 1 + p * e])
                eft_1 = np.array([1 + p * e + (n + 1) for n in range(p - 1)])
                eft = np.append(eft_0, eft_1)

        # derive element k matrix
        for i, xi in enumerate(gauss.xi):
            phi, dphi = shapes(xi, p)
            j = h / 2
            Jinv = 1 / j
            B = np.dot(dphi, Jinv)
            BB = np.kron(B.T, np.identity(dpn))
            matDT = constitutive(material, dpn)
            k += gauss.wgt[i] * j * np.dot(np.dot(BB.T, matDT), BB)

        # assemble global K matrix
        K[eft[:, np.newaxis], eft] += k

        # derive body force vector f
        bodyf = grule(p + 3)
        for i, xi in enumerate(bodyf.xi):
            phi, dphi = np.array(shapes(xi, p))
            Xxi = np.dot(X.T, [phi[0], phi[1]])
            #Xxi = mapping(xi,e)
            j = h / 2
            matDT = constitutive(material, dpn)
            f += bodyf.wgt[i] * j * phi * BodyF(matDT, Xxi, case)

        # assemble global body force vector
        F[eft] += f

    #-- Applying boundary conditions...
    zero = bcs[0]
    F -= K[:, zero] * bcs[1]
    K[:, zero] = 0
    K[zero, :] = 0
    K[zero, zero] = 1
    F[zero] = bcs[1]

    # apply loads
    F[load[0]] += load[1]

    #-- Solving system of equations...
    u = spsolve(K.tocsr(), F)

    #-- Calculating strain energy...
    U = 0.5 * np.dot((u.T * K), u)

    return dofs, U
Example #2
    print("-- Assembling stiffness matrix and force vector...")
    for e, conn in enumerate(elems):
        # coordinate array for the element
        X = nodes[conn]
        ldofs = dpn * len(conn)
        k = np.zeros((ldofs, ldofs))
        f = np.zeros(ldofs)
        eft = np.array([dpn * n + i for n in conn for i in range(dpn)])

        # derive element k matrix
        for i, xi in enumerate(gauss.xi):
            N, dN = eval('fns_{}'.format(etype))(xi, X)
            Jinv, j = jacobian(X, dN)
            B = np.dot(dN, Jinv)
            BB = np.kron(B.T, np.identity(dpn))
            matDT = constitutive(material, dpn)
            k += gauss.wgt[i] * j * np.dot(np.dot(BB.T, matDT), BB)

        # assemble global K matrix
        K[eft[:, np.newaxis], eft] += k

        bodyf = quadrature(etype, 10)
        for i, xi in enumerate(bodyf.xi):
            N, dN = eval('fns_{}'.format(etype))(xi, X)
            Xxi = np.dot(X.T, N)
            Jinv, j = jacobian(X, dN)
            matDT = constitutive(material, dpn)
            f += bodyf.wgt[i] * j * N * BodyF(matDT, Xxi, case)

        # assemble global body force vector
Example #3
def FEMsol(file, case):

    # function to calculate the strain energy of a given mesh size

    with open(file) as f:

        #print("-- Reading file '{}'".format(file))
        data = json.load(f)  # load
        nodes = np.array(data['nodes'])  # nodes array to numpy array
        elems = np.array(data['elements'])  # elements array to numpy array
        nnodes, dpn = nodes.shape  # node count and dofs per node
        etype = data['etype']
        bcs = data['boundary']
        h = data['meshsize']
        load = data['load']
        dofs = dpn * nnodes  # total number of dofs
        material = tuple(data['material'])
        gauss = quadrature(etype, data['gauss'])  # quadrature data structure

    K = sp.lil_matrix((dofs, dofs))
    F = np.zeros(dofs)

    for e, conn in enumerate(elems):
        # coordinate array for the element
        X = nodes[conn]
        ldofs = dpn * len(conn)
        k = np.zeros((ldofs, ldofs))
        f = np.zeros(ldofs)
        eft = np.array([dpn * n + i for n in conn for i in range(dpn)])

        # derive element k matrix
        for i, xi in enumerate(gauss.xi):
            N, dN = eval('fns_{}'.format(etype))(xi, X)
            Jinv, j = jacobian(X, dN)
            B = np.dot(dN, Jinv)
            BB = np.kron(B.T, np.identity(dpn))
            matDT = constitutive(material, dpn)
            k += gauss.wgt[i] * j * np.dot(np.dot(BB.T, matDT), BB)

        # assemble global K matrix
        K[eft[:, np.newaxis], eft] += k

        # for loop: derive element body force vector
        bodyf = quadrature(etype, 5)
        for i, xi in enumerate(bodyf.xi):
            N, dN = eval('fns_{}'.format(etype))(xi, X)
            Xxi = np.dot(
                X.T, N
            )  # map xi back to X and then substitute into the bodyforce!!!!
            Jinv, j = jacobian(X, dN)
            matDT = constitutive(material, dpn)
            f += bodyf.wgt[i] * j * N * BodyF(matDT, Xxi, case)

        # assemble global body force vector
        F[eft] += f

    #print("-- Applying boundary conditions...")
    zero = bcs[0]  # array of rows/columns which are to be zeroed out
    F -= K[:, zero] * bcs[1]  # modify right hand side with prescribed values
    K[:, zero] = 0
    K[zero, :] = 0
    # zero-out rows/columns
    K[zero, zero] = 1  # add 1 in the diagonal
    F[zero] = bcs[1]  # prescribed values

    # apply loads
    F[load[0]] += load[1]

    #print("-- Solving system of equations...")
    u = spsolve(K.tocsr(), F)

    #print("-- Calculating strain energy...")
    U = 0.5 * np.dot((u.T * K), u)

    return U, dofs, h