Example #1
def test_get_items_ordered_results():

    # Given that we have a well configured queryset object
    connections = {
        'default': {'URL': 'http://localhost:9200'}}
    conf = Mock(connections=connections, indexes=connections.keys())
    queryset = QuerySet(conf=conf)

    hit1 = {'_type': 'type1', '_id': 'some_id', 'value': 'hit1'}
    hit2 = {'_type': 'type2', '_id': 'another_id', 'value': 'hit2'}
    hit3 = {'_type': 'type1', '_id': 'last_id', 'value': 'hit3'}

    queryset.raw_results = {'hits': {'hits': [hit1, hit2, hit3]}}

    wrapper = Wrapper()
    wrapper.wrap = lambda objs: objs
    wrapper.match = lambda obj: obj['_type'] == 'type1'

    wrapper2 = Wrapper()
    wrapper2.wrap = lambda objs: objs
    wrapper2.match = lambda obj: obj['_type'] == 'type2'

    results = queryset.wrap(wrapper).wrap(wrapper2).items()

    results.should.equal([hit1, hit2, hit3])
Example #2
def test_get_items_false_clean():

 # Given that we have a well configured queryset object
    connections = {
        'default': {'URL': 'http://localhost:9200'}}
    conf = Mock(connections=connections, indexes=connections.keys())
    queryset = QuerySet(conf=conf)

    hit1 = {'_type': 'type1', '_id': 'some_id', 'value': 'hit1'}
    hit2 = {'_type': 'type1', '_id': 'last_id', 'value': 'hit2'}

    queryset.raw_results = {'hits': {'hits': [hit1, hit2]}}

    wrapper = Wrapper()
    wrapper.wrap = lambda objs: [objs[0]]
    wrapper.match = lambda obj: obj['_type'] == 'type1'

    results = queryset.wrap(wrapper).items(clean=False)

    results.should.equal([hit1, None])