def gspDemand(supplyPoint, m, d): electricalData = process_data_normal( (electricalGSP.objects.filter(GSP=supplyPoint)), electricalGSP, 3) electricalData = electricalData[0:, 2] / 2 dS = pd.date_range(start='2015-04-01', end='2016-04-01', freq='H') proData = pd.DataFrame({'Time': dS[0:8784], 'Data': electricalData}) data = proData.set_index('Time') d1, d2, S = month(m, data) elec = S['Data'] elec = elec.iloc[0:(24 * d)] return elec
def plot_charge_demand(request): supplyPoint = request.GET['supplyPoint'] m = int(request.GET['month']) d = request.GET['days'] gspName = GSP.objects.filter(idx=supplyPoint) na0 = ([ for p in gspName]) gspAuthority = gspLocalAuthority.objects.filter(gsp=na0[0]) na1 = ([p.localAuthority for p in gspAuthority]) mediumEV = request.GET['mediumEV'] smallEV = request.GET['smallEV'] geographicArea = int(request.GET['geographicArea']) if geographicArea == 1: gA = 'Urban' else: gA = 'Rural' if d == '': d = int(0) else: d = int(d) if m == 13: d = 366 if mediumEV == '': mediumEV = int(0) else: mediumEV = int(mediumEV) if smallEV == '': smallEV = int(0) else: smallEV = int(smallEV) electricalData = process_data( (electricalGSP.objects.filter(GSP=supplyPoint)), electricalGSP, 3) chargeDataSmall = process_data((Journey.objects.filter( localAuthority=na1[0], Area=gA, typeEV='Economy')), Journey, 7) chargeDataMedium = process_data((Journey.objects.filter( localAuthority=na1[0], Area=gA, typeEV='Midsize')), Journey, 7) # good to here electricalData = electricalData[0:, 2] / 2 chargeDataSmall = chargeDataSmall[0:, 0:4] chargeDataMedium = chargeDataMedium[0:, 0:4] profileSmall = formatChargeDemand(smallEV, chargeDataSmall, 'Economy', d) profileMedium = formatChargeDemand(mediumEV, chargeDataMedium, 'Midsize', d) profileTotal = np.zeros([len(profileSmall), 1]) profileTotal[0:, 0] = (profileSmall['Charge'].as_matrix() + profileMedium['Charge'].as_matrix()) / 1000 dS = pd.date_range(start='2015-04-01', end='2016-04-01', freq='H') proData = pd.DataFrame({'Time': dS[0:8784], 'Data': electricalData}) data = proData.set_index('Time') d1, d2, S = month(m, data) elec = S['Data'] baseData = np.zeros([(24 * d), 1]) baseData[0:, 0] = elec.iloc[0:(24 * d)] newData = baseData + profileTotal fmax = max(baseData)[0] newDemandMax = max(newData)[0] fMax = round(fmax, 2) newDemandMax = round(newDemandMax, 2) statHP = process_data_normal((gspStats.objects.filter(index=supplyPoint)), gspStats, 16) rating = statHP[0, 1] if d == 1: formatter = DateFormatter('%H-%M') rule = rrulewrapper(HOURLY, interval=6) elif d < 4: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=1) elif d < 10: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=2) elif d > 9 and d < 16: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=3) elif d > 15 and d < 32: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=5) if m == 13: formatter = DateFormatter('%b-%Y') rule = rrulewrapper(MONTHLY, interval=3) loc = RRuleLocator(rule) delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) dates = drange(d1, d2, delta) finalDates = dates[0:(24 * d)] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot_date(finalDates, baseData, linestyle='-', marker='None') ax.plot_date(finalDates, newData, linestyle='-', marker='None') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) plt.ylabel('Electrical Demand (MWh)') plt.grid(True) buffer = BytesIO() canvas = pylab.get_current_fig_manager().canvas canvas.draw() pilImage = PIL.Image.frombytes("RGB", canvas.get_width_height(), canvas.tostring_rgb()), "PNG") pylab.close() image_png = buffer.getvalue() graphic = base64.b64encode(image_png) graphic = graphic.decode('utf-8') ## return render( request, 'transport/show_plot.html', { 'graphic': graphic, 'fMax': fMax, 'newDemandMax': newDemandMax, 'rating': rating })
def plot_electrical(request): supplyPoint = request.GET['supplyPoint'] m = int(request.GET['month']) d = request.GET['days'] gspName = GSP.objects.get(idx=supplyPoint) if d == '': d = int(0) else: d = int(d) if m == 13: d = 366 electricalData = electricalGSP.objects.filter(GSP=supplyPoint) vlqs = electricalData.values_list() r = np.core.records.fromrecords( vlqs, names=[ for f in electricalGSP._meta.fields]) l = np.array(r) process = np.zeros([len(l), 3]) for i in range( 0, len(process)): # extract the information we need for inputs. change = l[i] for j in range(1, 4): process[i, (j - 1)] = change[j] g = np.array(process) dS = pd.date_range(start='2015-04-01', end='2016-04-01', freq='H') proData = pd.DataFrame({'Time': dS[0:8784], 'Data': g[0:, 2]}) data = proData.set_index('Time') d1, d2, S = month(m, data) elec = S['Data'] finalData = elec.iloc[0:(24 * d)] / 2 if max(finalData) > abs(min(finalData)): maxGSP_proxy = max(finalData) else: maxGSP_proxy = min(finalData) maxGSP = round(maxGSP_proxy, 2) statHP = process_data_normal((gspStats.objects.filter(index=supplyPoint)), gspStats, 16) rating = statHP[0, 1] if d == 1: formatter = DateFormatter('%H-%M') rule = rrulewrapper(HOURLY, interval=6) elif d < 4: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=1) elif d < 10: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=2) elif d > 9 and d < 16: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=3) elif d > 15 and d < 32: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=5) if m == 13: formatter = DateFormatter('%b-%Y') rule = rrulewrapper(MONTHLY, interval=3) loc = RRuleLocator(rule) delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) dates = drange(d1, d2, delta) finalDates = dates[0:(24 * d)] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot_date(finalDates, finalData, linestyle='-', marker='None', label='Demand') ## if (finalData<0).any() == True and (finalData>0).any() == False: ## ax.plot_date(finalDates,ratingNeg, linestyle='-', marker='None', color='r', label='GSP Rating') ## elif (finalData<0).any() == False and (finalData>0).any() == True: ## ax.plot_date(finalDates,rating, linestyle='-', marker='None', color='r', label='GSP Rating') ## elif (finalData<0).any() == True and (finalData>0).any() == True: ## ax.plot_date(finalDates,ratingNeg, linestyle='-', marker='None', color='r', label='GSP Rating') ## ax.plot_date(finalDates,rating, linestyle='-', marker='None', color='r') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) plt.ylabel('Electrical Demand (MWh)') plt.title('Electrical Demand Plot for ' + + ' GSP') plt.grid(True) buffer = BytesIO() canvas = pylab.get_current_fig_manager().canvas canvas.draw() pilImage = PIL.Image.frombytes("RGB", canvas.get_width_height(), canvas.tostring_rgb()), "PNG") pylab.close() image_png = buffer.getvalue() graphic = base64.b64encode(image_png) graphic = graphic.decode('utf-8') ## return render(request, 'electrical/show_plot.html', { 'graphic': graphic, 'maxGSP': maxGSP, 'rating': rating })
def plot_gsp_storage(request): supplyPoint=request.GET['supplyPoint'] m=int(request.GET['month']) d=request.GET['days'] gspName=GSP.objects.get(idx=supplyPoint) esCap=int(request.GET['esCap']) if d =='': d=int(0) else: d = int(d) if m == 13: d=366 electricalData = electricalGSP.objects.filter(GSP = supplyPoint) vlqs = electricalData.values_list() r = np.core.records.fromrecords(vlqs, names=[ for f in electricalGSP._meta.fields]) l=np.array(r) process = np.zeros([len(l),3]) for i in range(0,len(process)): # extract the information we need for inputs. change = l[i] for j in range(1,4): process[i,(j-1)] = change[j] g=np.array(process)/2 dS=pd.date_range(start='2015-04-01', end='2016-04-01', freq='H') proData=pd.DataFrame({'Time':dS[0:8784], 'Data':g[0:,2]}) data=proData.set_index('Time') d1, d2, S = month(m, data) elec=S['Data'] fProxy=np.zeros([24, d]) cProxy=np.zeros([24, d]) disProxy=np.zeros([24, d]) newDemandProxy=np.zeros([24, d]) for i in range(1,(d+1)): model, sol, flo, cha, dis, nD = runSolutionBalance(esCap, (elec.iloc[(24*i)-24:(24*i)])) fProxy[0:,(i-1)]=flo cProxy[0:,(i-1)]=cha disProxy[0:,(i-1)]=dis newDemandProxy[0:,(i-1)]=nD f=fProxy.reshape((d*24), order='F') c=cProxy.reshape((d*24),order='F') dis=disProxy.reshape((d*24),order='F') newDemand=newDemandProxy.reshape((d*24),order='F') check=all(i > 0 for i in f) if np.absolute(np.amax(f)) > np.absolute(np.amin(f)): fMax = np.amax(f) newDemandMax = np.amax(newDemand) peakReduction = 100 - round(((newDemandMax/fMax)*100),2) headroom = round((fMax - newDemandMax), 2) else: fMax = np.amin(f) newDemandMax = np.amin(newDemand) peakReduction = 100 - round(((newDemandMax/fMax)*100),2) headroom = round((newDemandMax- fMax), 2) statHP = process_data_normal((gspStats.objects.filter(index=supplyPoint)), gspStats, 16) rating=statHP[0,1] ####Plotting#### if d == 1: formatter = DateFormatter('%H-%M') rule = rrulewrapper(HOURLY, interval=6) elif d < 4: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=1) elif d < 10: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=2) elif d > 9 and d < 16: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m-%y') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=3) elif d > 15: formatter = DateFormatter('%d-%m') rule = rrulewrapper(DAILY, interval=5) if m==13: formatter = DateFormatter('%b-%Y') rule = rrulewrapper(MONTHLY, interval=3) loc = RRuleLocator(rule) delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) dates = drange(d1, d2, delta) finalDates=dates[0:(24*d)] fig, ax =plt.subplots() ax.plot_date(finalDates, f, linestyle='-', marker='None', label='Base Case (no BES)') ax.plot(finalDates, newDemand, linestyle='-', marker='None', label='With BES') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) ax.legend() plt.ylabel('Electrical Demand (MWh)') plt.title('Electrical Demand Plot for '+ + ' GSP' + ' with ' + str(esCap)+ ' MWh BES') plt.grid(True) buffer = BytesIO() canvas = pylab.get_current_fig_manager().canvas canvas.draw() pilImage = PIL.Image.frombytes("RGB", canvas.get_width_height(), canvas.tostring_rgb()), "PNG") pylab.close() image_png = buffer.getvalue() graphic = base64.b64encode(image_png) graphic = graphic.decode('utf-8') return render(request, 'energyStorage/show_plot.html', {'graphic':graphic, 'fMax':fMax, 'newDemandMax': newDemandMax, 'peakReduction':peakReduction,'esCap':esCap, 'headroom':headroom, 'rating':rating})