def test_all_upper(text):
    assert is_all_upper(text), "All is upper"
def test_no_args():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_incorrect_args(sample):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_empty_string():
    assert not is_all_upper(""), "Empty string"
def test_uppercase_and_digits(first_group, second_group):
    text = first_group + second_group
    assert is_all_upper(text), "Uppercase characters and digits"
def test_mixed_cases(first_group, second_group, third_group):
    text = first_group + second_group + third_group
    assert not is_all_upper(text), "Mixed cases"
def test_numbers(text):
    assert not is_all_upper(text), "Numbers"
def test_all_lower(text):
    assert not is_all_upper(text), "All is lower"