def __init__(self, parent): super(CharacterDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle(_("KeepKey Seed Recovery")) self.character_pos = 0 self.word_pos = 0 self.loop = QEventLoop() self.word_help = QLabel() self.char_buttons = [] vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(CHARACTER_RECOVERY)) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.word_help) for i in range(4): char_button = CharacterButton('*') char_button.setMaximumWidth(36) self.char_buttons.append(char_button) hbox.addWidget(char_button) self.accept_button = CharacterButton(_("Accept Word")) self.accept_button.clicked.connect(partial(self.process_key, 32)) self.rejected.connect(partial(self.loop.exit, 1)) hbox.addWidget(self.accept_button) hbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.finished_button = QPushButton(_("Seed Entered")) self.cancel_button = QPushButton(_("Cancel")) self.finished_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.process_key, Qt.Key_Return)) self.cancel_button.clicked.connect(self.rejected) buttons = Buttons(self.finished_button, self.cancel_button) vbox.addSpacing(40) vbox.addLayout(buttons) self.refresh()
def __init__(self, parent): super(MatrixDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle(_("Trezor Matrix Recovery")) self.num = 9 self.loop = QEventLoop() vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(MATRIX_RECOVERY)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(0) self.char_buttons = [] for y in range(3): for x in range(3): button = QPushButton('?') button.clicked.connect( partial(self.process_key, ord('1') + y * 3 + x)) grid.addWidget(button, 3 - y, x) self.char_buttons.append(button) vbox.addLayout(grid) self.backspace_button = QPushButton("<=") self.backspace_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.process_key, Qt.Key_Backspace)) self.cancel_button = QPushButton(_("Cancel")) self.cancel_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.process_key, Qt.Key_Escape)) buttons = Buttons(self.backspace_button, self.cancel_button) vbox.addSpacing(40) vbox.addLayout(buttons) self.refresh()
def calibration_dialog(self, window): d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("Cosigner Pool Settings")) d.setMinimumSize(150, 100) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) purge = QPushButton(_("Purge Transactions")) purge.clicked.connect(self.purge_transaction) purge.setIcon(read_QIcon("warning.png")) vbox.addWidget(purge) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Wallet Owner:'))) grid = QGridLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Name:')), 0, 0) name = QLineEdit() name.setText(self.config.get('wallet_owner', '')) grid.addWidget(name, 0, 1) sync = QPushButton(_("Sync Name")) sync.clicked.connect(partial(self.sync_name, name)) vbox.addWidget(sync) status = QPushButton(_("Tx. Status")) status.clicked.connect(partial(self.tx_status_dialog, window)) vbox.addWidget(status) vbox.addStretch() vbox.addSpacing(13) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d), OkButton(d))) if not d.exec_(): return
def message_dialog(self, msg, on_cancel): # Called more than once during signing, to confirm output and fee self.clear_dialog() title = _('Please check your {} device').format(self.device) self.dialog = dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window(), title) l = QLabel(msg) vbox = QVBoxLayout(dialog) vbox.addWidget(l) if on_cancel: dialog.rejected.connect(on_cancel) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(dialog)))
def tx_status_dialog(self, window): d = QDialog(window) d.setWindowTitle(_("Transaction Status")) d.setMinimumSize(600, 300) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) status_header = 'No transaction in progress' status = '' for window, xpub, K, _hash in self.cosigner_list: cosigner = server.get(_hash + '_name') signed = True if server.get(_hash + '_signed') else False signing = True if server.get(_hash + '_lock') else False if signed: status_header = 'Transaction in progress' if signed: message = 'Signed' elif signing: message = 'Signing' else: message = 'Not signed' status += f'<br><br> {cosigner}: <b>{message}</b>' for key, _hash, window in self.keys: cosigner = server.get(_hash + '_name') signed = True if server.get(_hash + '_signed') else False signing = True if server.get(_hash + '_lock') else False if signed: status_header = 'Transaction in progress' if signed: message = 'Signed' elif signing: message = 'Signing' else: message = 'Not signed' status += f'<br><br> You: <b>{message}</b>' self.tx_status = QLabel() vbox.addWidget(self.tx_status) self.tx_status.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) self.tx_status.setText( _("<b>Transaction Status</b>") + ': ' + status_header + status) vbox.addStretch() vbox.addSpacing(13) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d))) d.setModal(True) if not d.exec_(): return
def pin_dialog(self, msg): # Needed e.g. when resetting a device self.clear_dialog() dialog = WindowModalDialog(self.top_level_window(), _("Enter PIN")) matrix = self.pin_matrix_widget_class() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) vbox.addWidget(matrix) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(dialog), OkButton(dialog))) dialog.setLayout(vbox) dialog.exec_() self.response = str(matrix.get_value()) self.done.set()
def passphrase_dialog(self, msg, confirm): # If confirm is true, require the user to enter the passphrase twice parent = self.top_level_window() d = WindowModalDialog(parent, _("Enter Passphrase")) if confirm: OK_button = OkButton(d) playout = PasswordLayout(msg=msg, kind=PW_PASSPHRASE, OK_button=OK_button) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(playout.layout()) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OK_button)) d.setLayout(vbox) passphrase = playout.new_password() if d.exec_() else None else: pw = QLineEdit() pw.setEchoMode(2) pw.setMinimumWidth(200) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(msg)) vbox.addWidget(pw) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d))) d.setLayout(vbox) passphrase = pw.text() if d.exec_() else None self.passphrase = passphrase self.done.set()
def settings_dialog(self, window): d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("Email settings")) d.setMinimumSize(500, 200) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) vbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Server hosting your email account'))) grid = QGridLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Server (IMAP)'), 0, 0) server_e = QLineEdit() server_e.setText(self.imap_server) grid.addWidget(server_e, 0, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Username'), 1, 0) username_e = QLineEdit() username_e.setText(self.username) grid.addWidget(username_e, 1, 1) grid.addWidget(QLabel('Password'), 2, 0) password_e = QLineEdit() password_e.setText(self.password) grid.addWidget(password_e, 2, 1) vbox.addStretch() vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d), OkButton(d))) if not d.exec_(): return server = str(server_e.text()) self.config.set_key('email_server', server) self.imap_server = server username = str(username_e.text()) self.config.set_key('email_username', username) self.username = username password = str(password_e.text()) self.config.set_key('email_password', password) self.password = password check_connection = CheckConnectionThread(server, username, password) check_connection.connection_error_signal.connect( lambda e: window.show_message( _("Unable to connect to mail server:\n {}").format(e) + "\n" + _("Please check your connection and credentials."))) check_connection.start()
def auth_dialog(self, window): d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("Authorization")) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) pw = AmountEdit(None, is_int=True) msg = _('Please enter your Google Authenticator code') vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(8) grid.addWidget(QLabel(_('Code')), 1, 0) grid.addWidget(pw, 1, 1) vbox.addLayout(grid) msg = _( 'If you have lost your second factor, you need to restore your wallet from seed in order to request a new code.' ) label = QLabel(msg) label.setWordWrap(1) vbox.addWidget(label) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d))) if not d.exec_(): return return pw.get_amount()
def __init__(self, window, plugin, keystore, device_id): title = _("{} Settings").format(plugin.device) super(SettingsDialog, self).__init__(window, title) self.setMaximumWidth(540) devmgr = plugin.device_manager() config = devmgr.config handler = keystore.handler thread = keystore.thread hs_cols, hs_rows = (128, 64) def invoke_client(method, *args, **kw_args): unpair_after = kw_args.pop('unpair_after', False) def task(): client = devmgr.client_by_id(device_id) if not client: raise RuntimeError("Device not connected") if method: getattr(client, method)(*args, **kw_args) if unpair_after: devmgr.unpair_id(device_id) return client.features thread.add(task, on_success=update) def update(features): self.features = features set_label_enabled() if features.bootloader_hash: bl_hash = bh2u(features.bootloader_hash) bl_hash = "\n".join([bl_hash[:32], bl_hash[32:]]) else: bl_hash = "N/A" noyes = [_("No"), _("Yes")] endis = [_("Enable Passphrases"), _("Disable Passphrases")] disen = [_("Disabled"), _("Enabled")] setchange = [_("Set a PIN"), _("Change PIN")] version = "%d.%d.%d" % (features.major_version, features.minor_version, features.patch_version) device_label.setText(features.label) pin_set_label.setText(noyes[features.pin_protection]) passphrases_label.setText(disen[features.passphrase_protection]) bl_hash_label.setText(bl_hash) label_edit.setText(features.label) device_id_label.setText(features.device_id) initialized_label.setText(noyes[features.initialized]) version_label.setText(version) clear_pin_button.setVisible(features.pin_protection) clear_pin_warning.setVisible(features.pin_protection) pin_button.setText(setchange[features.pin_protection]) pin_msg.setVisible(not features.pin_protection) passphrase_button.setText(endis[features.passphrase_protection]) language_label.setText(features.language) def set_label_enabled(): label_apply.setEnabled(label_edit.text() != self.features.label) def rename(): invoke_client('change_label', label_edit.text()) def toggle_passphrase(): title = _("Confirm Toggle Passphrase Protection") currently_enabled = self.features.passphrase_protection if currently_enabled: msg = _( "After disabling passphrases, you can only pair this " "Rutanio-Electrum wallet if it had an empty passphrase. " "If its passphrase was not empty, you will need to " "create a new wallet with the install wizard. You " "can use this wallet again at any time by re-enabling " "passphrases and entering its passphrase.") else: msg = _( "Your current Rutanio-Electrum wallet can only be used with " "an empty passphrase. You must create a separate " "wallet with the install wizard for other passphrases " "as each one generates a new set of addresses.") msg += "\n\n" + _("Are you sure you want to proceed?") if not self.question(msg, title=title): return invoke_client('toggle_passphrase', unpair_after=currently_enabled) def change_homescreen(): dialog = QFileDialog(self, _("Choose Homescreen")) filename, __ = dialog.getOpenFileName() if not filename: return # user cancelled if filename.endswith('.toif'): img = open(filename, 'rb').read() if img[:8] != b'TOIf\x90\x00\x90\x00': handler.show_error( 'File is not a TOIF file with size of 144x144') return else: from PIL import Image # FIXME im = if im.size != (128, 64): handler.show_error('Image must be 128 x 64 pixels') return im = im.convert('1') pix = im.load() img = bytearray(1024) for j in range(64): for i in range(128): if pix[i, j]: o = (i + j * 128) img[o // 8] |= (1 << (7 - o % 8)) img = bytes(img) invoke_client('change_homescreen', img) def clear_homescreen(): invoke_client('change_homescreen', b'\x00') def set_pin(): invoke_client('set_pin', remove=False) def clear_pin(): invoke_client('set_pin', remove=True) def wipe_device(): wallet = window.wallet if wallet and sum(wallet.get_balance()): title = _("Confirm Device Wipe") msg = _("Are you SURE you want to wipe the device?\n" "Your wallet still has Rutanio in it!") if not self.question( msg, title=title, icon=QMessageBox.Critical): return invoke_client('wipe_device', unpair_after=True) def slider_moved(): mins = timeout_slider.sliderPosition() timeout_minutes.setText(_("{:2d} minutes").format(mins)) def slider_released(): config.set_session_timeout(timeout_slider.sliderPosition() * 60) # Information tab info_tab = QWidget() info_layout = QVBoxLayout(info_tab) info_glayout = QGridLayout() info_glayout.setColumnStretch(2, 1) device_label = QLabel() pin_set_label = QLabel() passphrases_label = QLabel() version_label = QLabel() device_id_label = QLabel() bl_hash_label = QLabel() bl_hash_label.setWordWrap(True) language_label = QLabel() initialized_label = QLabel() rows = [ (_("Device Label"), device_label), (_("PIN set"), pin_set_label), (_("Passphrases"), passphrases_label), (_("Firmware Version"), version_label), (_("Device ID"), device_id_label), (_("Bootloader Hash"), bl_hash_label), (_("Language"), language_label), (_("Initialized"), initialized_label), ] for row_num, (label, widget) in enumerate(rows): info_glayout.addWidget(QLabel(label), row_num, 0) info_glayout.addWidget(widget, row_num, 1) info_layout.addLayout(info_glayout) # Settings tab settings_tab = QWidget() settings_layout = QVBoxLayout(settings_tab) settings_glayout = QGridLayout() # Settings tab - Label label_msg = QLabel( _("Name this {}. If you have multiple devices " "their labels help distinguish them.").format(plugin.device)) label_msg.setWordWrap(True) label_label = QLabel(_("Device Label")) label_edit = QLineEdit() label_edit.setMinimumWidth(150) label_edit.setMaxLength(plugin.MAX_LABEL_LEN) label_apply = QPushButton(_("Apply")) label_apply.clicked.connect(rename) label_edit.textChanged.connect(set_label_enabled) settings_glayout.addWidget(label_label, 0, 0) settings_glayout.addWidget(label_edit, 0, 1, 1, 2) settings_glayout.addWidget(label_apply, 0, 3) settings_glayout.addWidget(label_msg, 1, 1, 1, -1) # Settings tab - PIN pin_label = QLabel(_("PIN Protection")) pin_button = QPushButton() pin_button.clicked.connect(set_pin) settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_label, 2, 0) settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_button, 2, 1) pin_msg = QLabel( _("PIN protection is strongly recommended. " "A PIN is your only protection against someone " "stealing your Rutanio if they obtain physical " "access to your {}.").format(plugin.device)) pin_msg.setWordWrap(True) pin_msg.setStyleSheet("color: red") settings_glayout.addWidget(pin_msg, 3, 1, 1, -1) # Settings tab - Homescreen homescreen_label = QLabel(_("Homescreen")) homescreen_change_button = QPushButton(_("Change...")) homescreen_clear_button = QPushButton(_("Reset")) homescreen_change_button.clicked.connect(change_homescreen) try: import PIL except ImportError: homescreen_change_button.setDisabled(True) homescreen_change_button.setToolTip( _("Required package 'PIL' is not available - Please install it or use the Trezor website instead." )) homescreen_clear_button.clicked.connect(clear_homescreen) homescreen_msg = QLabel( _("You can set the homescreen on your " "device to personalize it. You must " "choose a {} x {} monochrome black and " "white image.").format(hs_cols, hs_rows)) homescreen_msg.setWordWrap(True) settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_label, 4, 0) settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_change_button, 4, 1) settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_clear_button, 4, 2) settings_glayout.addWidget(homescreen_msg, 5, 1, 1, -1) # Settings tab - Session Timeout timeout_label = QLabel(_("Session Timeout")) timeout_minutes = QLabel() timeout_slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) timeout_slider.setRange(1, 60) timeout_slider.setSingleStep(1) timeout_slider.setTickInterval(5) timeout_slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) timeout_slider.setTracking(True) timeout_msg = QLabel( _("Clear the session after the specified period " "of inactivity. Once a session has timed out, " "your PIN and passphrase (if enabled) must be " "re-entered to use the device.")) timeout_msg.setWordWrap(True) timeout_slider.setSliderPosition(config.get_session_timeout() // 60) slider_moved() timeout_slider.valueChanged.connect(slider_moved) timeout_slider.sliderReleased.connect(slider_released) settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_label, 6, 0) settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_slider, 6, 1, 1, 3) settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_minutes, 6, 4) settings_glayout.addWidget(timeout_msg, 7, 1, 1, -1) settings_layout.addLayout(settings_glayout) settings_layout.addStretch(1) # Advanced tab advanced_tab = QWidget() advanced_layout = QVBoxLayout(advanced_tab) advanced_glayout = QGridLayout() # Advanced tab - clear PIN clear_pin_button = QPushButton(_("Disable PIN")) clear_pin_button.clicked.connect(clear_pin) clear_pin_warning = QLabel( _("If you disable your PIN, anyone with physical access to your " "{} device can spend your Rutanio.").format(plugin.device)) clear_pin_warning.setWordWrap(True) clear_pin_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red") advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_button, 0, 2) advanced_glayout.addWidget(clear_pin_warning, 1, 0, 1, 5) # Advanced tab - toggle passphrase protection passphrase_button = QPushButton() passphrase_button.clicked.connect(toggle_passphrase) passphrase_msg = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_HELP) passphrase_warning = WWLabel(PASSPHRASE_NOT_PIN) passphrase_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red") advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_button, 3, 2) advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_msg, 4, 0, 1, 5) advanced_glayout.addWidget(passphrase_warning, 5, 0, 1, 5) # Advanced tab - wipe device wipe_device_button = QPushButton(_("Wipe Device")) wipe_device_button.clicked.connect(wipe_device) wipe_device_msg = QLabel( _("Wipe the device, removing all data from it. The firmware " "is left unchanged.")) wipe_device_msg.setWordWrap(True) wipe_device_warning = QLabel( _("Only wipe a device if you have the recovery seed written down " "and the device wallet(s) are empty, otherwise the Rutanio " "will be lost forever.")) wipe_device_warning.setWordWrap(True) wipe_device_warning.setStyleSheet("color: red") advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_button, 6, 2) advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_msg, 7, 0, 1, 5) advanced_glayout.addWidget(wipe_device_warning, 8, 0, 1, 5) advanced_layout.addLayout(advanced_glayout) advanced_layout.addStretch(1) tabs = QTabWidget(self) tabs.addTab(info_tab, _("Information")) tabs.addTab(settings_tab, _("Settings")) tabs.addTab(advanced_tab, _("Advanced")) dialog_vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) dialog_vbox.addWidget(tabs) dialog_vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(self))) # Update information invoke_client(None)
def show_settings_dialog(self, window, success): if not success: window.show_message(_('Server not reachable.')) return wallet = window.wallet d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("TrustedCoin Information")) d.setMinimumSize(500, 200) vbox = QVBoxLayout(d) hbox = QHBoxLayout() logo = QLabel() logo.setPixmap(QPixmap(icon_path("trustedcoin-status.png"))) msg = _('This wallet is protected by TrustedCoin\'s two-factor authentication.') + '<br/>'\ + _("For more information, visit") + " <a href=\"\"></a>" label = QLabel(msg) label.setOpenExternalLinks(1) hbox.addStretch(10) hbox.addWidget(logo) hbox.addStretch(10) hbox.addWidget(label) hbox.addStretch(10) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addStretch(10) msg = _( 'TrustedCoin charges a small fee to co-sign transactions. The fee depends on how many prepaid transactions you buy. An extra output is added to your transaction every time you run out of prepaid transactions.' ) + '<br/>' label = QLabel(msg) label.setWordWrap(1) vbox.addWidget(label) vbox.addStretch(10) grid = QGridLayout() vbox.addLayout(grid) price_per_tx = wallet.price_per_tx n_prepay = wallet.num_prepay(self.config) i = 0 for k, v in sorted(price_per_tx.items()): if k == 1: continue grid.addWidget(QLabel("Pay every %d transactions:" % k), i, 0) grid.addWidget( QLabel( window.format_amount(v / k) + ' ' + window.base_unit() + "/tx"), i, 1) b = QRadioButton() b.setChecked(k == n_prepay) b.clicked.connect(lambda b, k=k: self.config.set_key( 'trustedcoin_prepay', k, True)) grid.addWidget(b, i, 2) i += 1 n = wallet.billing_info.get('tx_remaining', 0) grid.addWidget( QLabel(_("Your wallet has {} prepaid transactions.").format(n)), i, 0) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(d))) d.exec_()