Example #1
    def time_slice(self, t_start=None, t_stop=None, copy=False):
        Returns a view or a copied view of currently binned spike trains with
        ``(t_start, t_stop)`` time slice. Only valid (fully overlapping) bins
        are sliced.

        t_start, t_stop : pq.Quantity or None, optional
            Start and stop times or Nones.
            Default: None
        copy : bool, optional
            Copy the sparse matrix or not.
            Default: False

            A time slice of itself.
        if not is_time_quantity(t_start, t_stop, allow_none=True):
            raise TypeError("t_start and t_stop must be quantities")
        if t_start is None and t_stop is None and not copy:
            return self
        if t_start is None:
            start_index = 0
            t_start = t_start.rescale(self.units).item()
            start_index = (t_start - self._t_start) / self._bin_size
            start_index = math.ceil(start_index)
            start_index = max(start_index, 0)
        if t_stop is None:
            stop_index = self.n_bins
            t_stop = t_stop.rescale(self.units).item()
            stop_index = (t_stop - self._t_start) / self._bin_size
            stop_index = round_binning_errors(stop_index,
            stop_index = min(stop_index, self.n_bins)
        stop_index = max(stop_index, start_index)
        spmat = self.sparse_matrix[:, start_index: stop_index]
        if copy:
            spmat = spmat.copy()
        t_start = self._t_start + start_index * self._bin_size
        t_stop = self._t_start + stop_index * self._bin_size
        bst = BinnedSpikeTrainView(t_start=t_start,
        return bst
Example #2
def spike_contrast(spiketrains,
                   min_bin=10 * pq.ms,
    Calculates the synchrony of spike trains. The spike trains can have
    different lengths.

    Original implementation by: Philipp Steigerwald [[email protected]]

    spiketrains : list of neo.SpikeTrain
        A list of input spike trains to calculate the synchrony from.
    t_start : pq.Quantity, optional
        The beginning of the spike train. If None, it's taken as the minimum
        value of `t_start`s of the input spike trains.
        Default: None
    t_stop : pq.Quantity, optional
        The end of the spike train. If None, it's taken as the maximum value
        of `t_stop` of the input spike trains.
        Default: None
    min_bin : pq.Quantity, optional
        Sets the minimum value for the `bin_min` that is calculated by the
        algorithm and defines the smallest bin size to compute the histogram
        of the input `spiketrains`.
        Default: 0.01 ms
    bin_shrink_factor : float, optional
        A multiplier to shrink the bin size on each iteration. The value must
        be in range `(0, 1)`.
        Default: 0.9
    return_trace : bool, optional
        If set to True, returns a history of spike-contrast synchrony, computed
        for a range of different bin sizes, alongside with the maximum value of
        the synchrony.
        Default: False

    synchrony : float
        Returns the synchrony of the input spike trains.
    spike_contrast_trace : namedtuple
        If `return_trace` is set to True, a `SpikeContrastTrace` namedtuple is
        returned with the following attributes:
          `.contrast` - the average sum of differences of the number of spikes
          in subsuequent bins;

          `.active_spiketrains` - the average number of spikes per bin,
          weighted by the number of spike trains containing at least one spike
          inside the bin;

          `.synchrony` - the product of `contrast` and `active_spiketrains`.

        If `bin_shrink_factor` is not in (0, 1) range.

        If the input spike trains constist of a single spiketrain.

        If all input spike trains contain no more than 1 spike.
        If the input spike trains is not a list of neo.SpikeTrain objects.

        If `t_start`, `t_stop`, or `min_bin` are not time quantities.

    >>> import quantities as pq
    >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process
    >>> from elephant.spike_train_synchrony import spike_contrast
    >>> spiketrain_1 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=20*pq.Hz,
    ...     t_stop=1000*pq.ms)
    >>> spiketrain_2 = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=20*pq.Hz,
    ...     t_stop=1000*pq.ms)
    >>> spike_contrast([spiketrain_1, spiketrain_2])

    if not 0. < bin_shrink_factor < 1.:
        raise ValueError(
            "'bin_shrink_factor' ({}) must be in range (0, 1).".format(
    if not len(spiketrains) > 1:
        raise ValueError("Spike contrast measure requires more than 1 input "
    if not all(isinstance(st, neo.SpikeTrain) for st in spiketrains):
        raise TypeError("Input spike trains must be a list of neo.SpikeTrain.")
    if not is_time_quantity(t_start, allow_none=True) \
            or not is_time_quantity(t_stop, allow_none=True):
        raise TypeError("'t_start' and 't_stop' must be time quantities.")
    if not is_time_quantity(min_bin):
        raise TypeError("'min_bin' must be a time quantity.")

    if t_start is None:
        t_start = min(st.t_start for st in spiketrains)
    if t_stop is None:
        t_stop = max(st.t_stop for st in spiketrains)
    spiketrains = [
        st.time_slice(t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) for st in spiketrains

    # convert everything to seconds
    spiketrains = [st.simplified.magnitude for st in spiketrains]
    t_start = t_start.simplified.item()
    t_stop = t_stop.simplified.item()
    min_bin = min_bin.simplified.item()

    n_spiketrains = len(spiketrains)
    n_spikes_total = sum(map(len, spiketrains))

    duration = t_stop - t_start
    bin_max = duration / 2

        isi_min = min(np.diff(st).min() for st in spiketrains if len(st) > 1)
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError("All input spiketrains contain no more than 1 spike.")
    bin_min = max(isi_min / 2, min_bin)

    contrast_list = []
    active_spiketrains = []
    synchrony_curve = []

    bin_size = bin_max
    while bin_size >= bin_min:
        # Set new time boundaries
        t_start = -isi_min
        t_stop = duration + isi_min
        # Calculate Theta and n
        theta_k, n_k = _get_theta_and_n_per_bin(spiketrains,

        # calculate synchrony_curve = contrast * active_st
        active_st = (np.sum(n_k * theta_k) / np.sum(theta_k) -
                     1) / (n_spiketrains - 1)
        contrast = np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(theta_k))) / (2 * n_spikes_total)
        # Contrast: sum(|derivation|) / (2*#Spikes)
        synchrony = contrast * active_st


        # New bin size
        bin_size *= bin_shrink_factor

    # Sync value is maximum of the cost function C
    synchrony = max(synchrony_curve)

    if return_trace:
        spike_contrast_trace = SpikeContrastTrace(
        return synchrony, spike_contrast_trace

    return synchrony
Example #3
def instantaneous_rate(spiketrain, sampling_period, kernel='auto',
                       cutoff=5.0, t_start=None, t_stop=None, trim=False,
    Estimates instantaneous firing rate by kernel convolution.

    spiketrain : neo.SpikeTrain or list of neo.SpikeTrain
        Neo object(s) that contains spike times, the unit of the time stamps,
        and `t_start` and `t_stop` of the spike train.
    sampling_period : pq.Quantity
        Time stamp resolution of the spike times. The same resolution will
        be assumed for the kernel.
    kernel : 'auto' or Kernel, optional
        The string 'auto' or callable object of class `kernels.Kernel`.
        The kernel is used for convolution with the spike train and its
        standard deviation determines the time resolution of the instantaneous
        rate estimation. Currently implemented kernel forms are rectangular,
        triangular, epanechnikovlike, gaussian, laplacian, exponential, and
        alpha function.
        If 'auto', the optimized kernel width for the rate estimation is
        calculated according to [1]_ and with this width a gaussian kernel is
        constructed. Automatized calculation of the kernel width is not
        available for other than gaussian kernel shapes.
        Default: 'auto'.
    cutoff : float, optional
        This factor determines the cutoff of the probability distribution of
        the kernel, i.e., the considered width of the kernel in terms of
        multiples of the standard deviation sigma.
        Default: 5.0.
    t_start : pq.Quantity, optional
        Start time of the interval used to compute the firing rate.
        If None, `t_start` is assumed equal to `t_start` attribute of
        Default: None.
    t_stop : pq.Quantity, optional
        End time of the interval used to compute the firing rate (included).
        If None, `t_stop` is assumed equal to `t_stop` attribute of
        Default: None.
    trim : bool, optional
        Accounts for the asymmetry of a kernel.
        If False, the output of the Fast Fourier Transformation being a longer
        vector than the input vector by the size of the kernel is reduced back
        to the original size of the considered time interval of the
        `spiketrain` using the median of the kernel. False (no trimming) is
        equivalent to 'same' convolution mode for symmetrical kernels.
        If True, only the region of the convolved signal is returned, where
        there is complete overlap between kernel and spike train. This is
        achieved by reducing the length of the output of the Fast Fourier
        Transformation by a total of two times the size of the kernel, and
        `t_start` and `t_stop` are adjusted. True (trimming) is equivalent to
        'valid' convolution mode for symmetrical kernels.
        Default: False.
    center_kernel : bool, optional
        If set to True, the kernel will be translated such that its median is
        centered on the spike, thus putting equal weight before and after the
        spike. If False, no adjustment is performed such that the spike sits at
        the origin of the kernel.
        Default: True

    rate : neo.AnalogSignal
        Contains the rate estimation in unit hertz (Hz). In case a list of
        spike trains was given, this is the combined rate of all spike trains
        (not the average rate). `rate.times` contains the time axis of the rate
        estimate. The unit of this property is the same as the resolution that
        is given via the argument `sampling_period` to the function.

        If `spiketrain` is not an instance of `neo.SpikeTrain`.

        If `sampling_period` is not a `pq.Quantity`.

        If `sampling_period` is not larger than zero.

        If `kernel` is neither instance of `kernels.Kernel` nor string 'auto'.

        If `cutoff` is neither `float` nor `int`.

        If `t_start` and `t_stop` are neither None nor a `pq.Quantity`.

        If `trim` is not `bool`.
        If `sampling_period` is smaller than zero.

        If `kernel` is 'auto' and the function was unable to calculate optimal
        kernel width for instantaneous rate from input data.

        If `cutoff` is less than `min_cutoff` attribute of `kernel`, the width
        of the kernel is adjusted to a minimally allowed width.

        If the instantaneous firing rate approximation contains negative values
        with respect to a tolerance (less than -1e-5), possibly due to machine
        precision errors.

    .. [1] H. Shimazaki, & S. Shinomoto, "Kernel bandwidth optimization in
           spike rate estimation," J Comput Neurosci, vol. 29, pp. 171–182,

    >>> import quantities as pq
    >>> from elephant import kernels
    >>> kernel = kernels.AlphaKernel(sigma=0.05*pq.s, invert=True)
    >>> rate = instantaneous_rate(spiketrain, sampling_period=2*pq.ms,
    ...     kernel=kernel)

    # Merge spike trains if list of spike trains given:
    if isinstance(spiketrain, list):
            spiketrain, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop)
        if t_start is None:
            t_start = spiketrain[0].t_start
        if t_stop is None:
            t_stop = spiketrain[0].t_stop
        spikes = np.concatenate([st.magnitude for st in spiketrain])
        merged_spiketrain = SpikeTrain(np.sort(spikes),
                                       t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop)
        return instantaneous_rate(merged_spiketrain,
                                  kernel=kernel, cutoff=cutoff,
                                  t_stop=t_stop, trim=trim)

    # Checks of input variables:
    if not isinstance(spiketrain, SpikeTrain):
        raise TypeError(
            "'spiketrain' must be an instance of neo.SpikeTrain. \n"
            "Found: '{}'".format(type(spiketrain)))

    if not is_time_quantity(sampling_period):
        raise TypeError(
            "The 'sampling_period' must be a time Quantity. \n"
            "Found: {}".format(type(sampling_period)))

    if sampling_period.magnitude < 0:
        raise ValueError("The 'sampling_period' ({}) must be non-negative.".

    if kernel == 'auto':
        kernel_width_sigma = None
        if len(spiketrain) > 0:
            kernel_width_sigma = optimal_kernel_bandwidth(
                spiketrain.magnitude, times=None, bootstrap=False)['optw']
        if kernel_width_sigma is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to calculate optimal kernel width for "
                "instantaneous rate from input data.")
        kernel = kernels.GaussianKernel(kernel_width_sigma * spiketrain.units)
    elif not isinstance(kernel, kernels.Kernel):
        raise TypeError(
            "'kernel' must be either instance of class elephant.kernels.Kernel"
            " or the string 'auto'. Found: %s, value %s" % (type(kernel),

    if not isinstance(cutoff, (float, int)):
        raise TypeError("'cutoff' must be float or integer")

    if not is_time_quantity(t_start, allow_none=True):
        raise TypeError("'t_start' must be a time Quantity")

    if not is_time_quantity(t_stop, allow_none=True):
        raise TypeError("'t_stop' must be a time Quantity")

    if not isinstance(trim, bool):
        raise TypeError("'trim' must be bool")

    # main function:
    units = pq.CompoundUnit(
    spiketrain = spiketrain.rescale(units)
    if t_start is None:
        t_start = spiketrain.t_start
        t_start = t_start.rescale(spiketrain.units)

    if t_stop is None:
        t_stop = spiketrain.t_stop
        t_stop = t_stop.rescale(spiketrain.units)

    # float32 makes fftconvolve less precise which may result in nan
    time_vector = np.zeros(int(t_stop - t_start) + 1, dtype=np.float64)
    spikes_slice = spiketrain.time_slice(t_start, t_stop)
    bins_active = (spikes_slice.times - t_start).magnitude.astype(np.int32)
    bins_unique, bin_counts = np.unique(bins_active, return_counts=True)
    time_vector[bins_unique] = bin_counts

    if cutoff < kernel.min_cutoff:
        cutoff = kernel.min_cutoff
        warnings.warn("The width of the kernel was adjusted to a minimally "
                      "allowed width.")

    t_arr = np.arange(-cutoff * kernel.sigma.rescale(units).magnitude,
                      cutoff * kernel.sigma.rescale(units).magnitude +
                      sampling_period.rescale(units).magnitude) * units

    if center_kernel:
        # keep the full convolve range and do the trimming afterwards;
        # trimming is performed according to the kernel median index
        fft_mode = 'full'
    elif trim:
        # no median index trimming is involved
        fft_mode = 'valid'
        # no median index trimming is involved
        fft_mode = 'same'
    rate = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(time_vector,

    if np.any(rate < -1e-8):  # abs tolerance in np.isclose
        warnings.warn("Instantaneous firing rate approximation contains "
                      "negative values, possibly caused due to machine "
                      "precision errors.")

    median_id = kernel.median_index(t_arr)
    # the size of kernel() output matches the input size
    kernel_array_size = len(t_arr)
    if center_kernel:
        # account for the kernel asymmetry
        if not trim:
            rate = rate[median_id: -kernel_array_size + median_id]
            rate = rate[2 * median_id: -2 * (kernel_array_size - median_id)]
            t_start = t_start + median_id * spiketrain.units
            t_stop = t_stop - (kernel_array_size - median_id
                               ) * spiketrain.units
        # (to be consistent with center_kernel=True)
        # n points have n-1 intervals;
        # instantaneous rate is a list of intervals;
        # hence, the last element is excluded
        rate = rate[:-1]

    rate = neo.AnalogSignal(signal=np.expand_dims(rate, axis=1),
                            units=pq.Hz, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop)

    return rate
Example #4
def fanofactor(spiketrains, warn_tolerance=0.1 * pq.ms):
    Evaluates the empirical Fano factor F of the spike counts of
    a list of `neo.SpikeTrain` objects.

    Given the vector v containing the observed spike counts (one per
    spike train) in the time window [t0, t1], F is defined as:

    .. math::
        F := \frac{var(v)}{mean(v)}

    The Fano factor is typically computed for spike trains representing the
    activity of the same neuron over different trials. The higher F, the
    larger the cross-trial non-stationarity. In theory for a time-stationary
    Poisson process, F=1.

    spiketrains : list
        List of `neo.SpikeTrain` or `pq.Quantity` or `np.ndarray` or list of
        spike times for which to compute the Fano factor of spike counts.
    warn_tolerance : pq.Quantity
        In case of a list of input neo.SpikeTrains, if their durations vary by
        more than `warn_tolerence` in their absolute values, throw a waring.
        Default: 0.1 ms.

    fano : float
        The Fano factor of the spike counts of the input spike trains.
        Returns np.NaN if an empty list is specified, or if all spike trains
        are empty.

        If the input spiketrains are neo.SpikeTrain objects, but
        `warn_tolerance` is not a quantity.

    # Build array of spike counts (one per spike train)
    spike_counts = np.array([len(st) for st in spiketrains])

    # Compute FF
    if all(count == 0 for count in spike_counts):
        # empty list of spiketrains reaches this branch, and NaN is returned
        return np.nan

    if all(isinstance(st, neo.SpikeTrain) for st in spiketrains):
        if not is_time_quantity(warn_tolerance):
            raise TypeError("'warn_tolerance' must be a time quantity.")
        durations = [(st.t_stop - st.t_start).simplified.item()
                     for st in spiketrains]
        durations_min = min(durations)
        durations_max = max(durations)
        if durations_max - durations_min > warn_tolerance.simplified.item():
            warnings.warn("Fano factor calculated for spike trains of "
                          "different duration (minimum: {_min}s, maximum "

    fano = spike_counts.var() / spike_counts.mean()
    return fano
Example #5
def mean_firing_rate(spiketrain, t_start=None, t_stop=None, axis=None):
    Return the firing rate of the spike train.

    The firing rate is calculated as the number of spikes in the spike train
    in the range `[t_start, t_stop]` divided by the time interval
    `t_stop - t_start`. See the description below for cases when `t_start` or
    `t_stop` is None.

    Accepts a `neo.SpikeTrain`, a `pq.Quantity` array, or a plain
    `np.ndarray`. If either a `neo.SpikeTrain` or `pq.Quantity` array is
    provided, the return value will be a `pq.Quantity` array, otherwise a
    plain `np.ndarray`. The units of the `pq.Quantity` array will be the
    inverse of the `spiketrain`.

    spiketrain : neo.SpikeTrain or pq.Quantity or np.ndarray
        The spike times.
    t_start : float or pq.Quantity, optional
        The start time to use for the interval.
        If None, retrieved from the `t_start` attribute of `spiketrain`. If
        that is not present, default to 0. All spiketrain's spike times below
        this value are ignored.
        Default: None.
    t_stop : float or pq.Quantity, optional
        The stop time to use for the time points.
        If not specified, retrieved from the `t_stop` attribute of
        `spiketrain`. If that is not present, default to the maximum value of
        `spiketrain`. All spiketrain's spike times above this value are
        Default: None.
    axis : int, optional
        The axis over which to do the calculation; has no effect when the
        input is a neo.SpikeTrain, because a neo.SpikeTrain is always a 1-d
        vector. If None, do the calculation over the flattened array.
        Default: None.

    float or pq.Quantity or np.ndarray
        The firing rate of the `spiketrain`

        If the input spiketrain is a `np.ndarray` but `t_start` or `t_stop` is

        If the input spiketrain is a `neo.SpikeTrain` or `pq.Quantity` but
        `t_start` or `t_stop` is not `pq.Quantity`.
        If the input spiketrain is empty.

    if isinstance(spiketrain, neo.SpikeTrain) and t_start is None \
            and t_stop is None and axis is None:
        # a faster approach for a typical use case
        n_spikes = len(spiketrain)
        time_interval = spiketrain.t_stop - spiketrain.t_start
        time_interval = time_interval.rescale(spiketrain.units)
        rate = n_spikes / time_interval
        return rate

    if isinstance(spiketrain, pq.Quantity):
        # Quantity or neo.SpikeTrain
        if not is_time_quantity(t_start, allow_none=True):
            raise TypeError("'t_start' must be a Quantity or None")
        if not is_time_quantity(t_stop, allow_none=True):
            raise TypeError("'t_stop' must be a Quantity or None")

        units = spiketrain.units
        if t_start is None:
            t_start = getattr(spiketrain, 't_start', 0 * units)
        t_start = t_start.rescale(units).magnitude
        if t_stop is None:
            t_stop = getattr(spiketrain, 't_stop',
                             np.max(spiketrain, axis=axis))
        t_stop = t_stop.rescale(units).magnitude

        # calculate as a numpy array
        rates = mean_firing_rate(spiketrain.magnitude, t_start=t_start,
                                 t_stop=t_stop, axis=axis)

        rates = pq.Quantity(rates, units=1. / units)
        return rates
    elif isinstance(spiketrain, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
        if isinstance(t_start, pq.Quantity) or isinstance(t_stop, pq.Quantity):
            raise TypeError("'t_start' and 't_stop' cannot be quantities if "
                            "'spiketrain' is not a Quantity.")
        spiketrain = np.asarray(spiketrain)
        if len(spiketrain) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Empty input spiketrain.")
        if t_start is None:
            t_start = 0
        if t_stop is None:
            t_stop = np.max(spiketrain, axis=axis)
        time_interval = t_stop - t_start
        if axis and isinstance(t_stop, np.ndarray):
            t_stop = np.expand_dims(t_stop, axis)
        rates = np.sum((spiketrain >= t_start) & (spiketrain <= t_stop),
                       axis=axis) / time_interval
        return rates
        raise TypeError("Invalid input spiketrain type: '{}'. Allowed: "
                        "neo.SpikeTrain, Quantity, ndarray".
Example #6
def instantaneous_rate(spiketrains,
    Estimates instantaneous firing rate by kernel convolution.

    Visualization of this function is covered in Viziphant:

    spiketrains : neo.SpikeTrain or list of neo.SpikeTrain
        Neo object(s) that contains spike times, the unit of the time stamps,
        and `t_start` and `t_stop` of the spike train.
    sampling_period : pq.Quantity
        Time stamp resolution of the spike times. The same resolution will
        be assumed for the kernel.
    kernel : 'auto' or Kernel, optional
        The string 'auto' or callable object of class `kernels.Kernel`.
        The kernel is used for convolution with the spike train and its
        standard deviation determines the time resolution of the instantaneous
        rate estimation. Currently implemented kernel forms are rectangular,
        triangular, epanechnikovlike, gaussian, laplacian, exponential, and
        alpha function.
        If 'auto', the optimized kernel width for the rate estimation is
        calculated according to [1]_ and with this width a gaussian kernel is
        constructed. Automatized calculation of the kernel width is not
        available for other than gaussian kernel shapes.
        Default: 'auto'.
    cutoff : float, optional
        This factor determines the cutoff of the probability distribution of
        the kernel, i.e., the considered width of the kernel in terms of
        multiples of the standard deviation sigma.
        Default: 5.0.
    t_start : pq.Quantity, optional
        Start time of the interval used to compute the firing rate.
        If None, `t_start` is assumed equal to `t_start` attribute of
        Default: None.
    t_stop : pq.Quantity, optional
        End time of the interval used to compute the firing rate (included).
        If None, `t_stop` is assumed equal to `t_stop` attribute of
        Default: None.
    trim : bool, optional
        Accounts for the asymmetry of a kernel.
        If False, the output of the Fast Fourier Transformation being a longer
        vector than the input vector by the size of the kernel is reduced back
        to the original size of the considered time interval of the
        `spiketrain` using the median of the kernel. False (no trimming) is
        equivalent to 'same' convolution mode for symmetrical kernels.
        If True, only the region of the convolved signal is returned, where
        there is complete overlap between kernel and spike train. This is
        achieved by reducing the length of the output of the Fast Fourier
        Transformation by a total of two times the size of the kernel, and
        `t_start` and `t_stop` are adjusted. True (trimming) is equivalent to
        'valid' convolution mode for symmetrical kernels.
        Default: False.
    center_kernel : bool, optional
        If set to True, the kernel will be translated such that its median is
        centered on the spike, thus putting equal weight before and after the
        spike. If False, no adjustment is performed such that the spike sits at
        the origin of the kernel.
        Default: True

    rate : neo.AnalogSignal
        2D matrix that contains the rate estimation in unit hertz (Hz) of shape
        ``(time, len(spiketrains))`` or ``(time, 1)`` in case of a single
        input spiketrain. `rate.times` contains the time axis of the rate
        estimate: the unit of this property is the same as the resolution that
        is given via the argument `sampling_period` to the function.

        If `spiketrain` is not an instance of `neo.SpikeTrain`.

        If `sampling_period` is not a `pq.Quantity`.

        If `sampling_period` is not larger than zero.

        If `kernel` is neither instance of `kernels.Kernel` nor string 'auto'.

        If `cutoff` is neither `float` nor `int`.

        If `t_start` and `t_stop` are neither None nor a `pq.Quantity`.

        If `trim` is not `bool`.
        If `sampling_period` is smaller than zero.

        If `kernel` is 'auto' and the function was unable to calculate optimal
        kernel width for instantaneous rate from input data.

        If `cutoff` is less than `min_cutoff` attribute of `kernel`, the width
        of the kernel is adjusted to a minimally allowed width.

    The resulting instantaneous firing rate values smaller than ``0``, which
    can happen due to machine precision errors, are clipped to zero.

    .. [1] H. Shimazaki, & S. Shinomoto, "Kernel bandwidth optimization in
           spike rate estimation," J Comput Neurosci, vol. 29, pp. 171–182,

    >>> import quantities as pq
    >>> from elephant import kernels
    >>> from elephant.spike_train_generation import homogeneous_poisson_process
    >>> spiketrain = homogeneous_poisson_process(rate=10*pq.Hz, t_stop=5*pq.s)
    >>> kernel = kernels.AlphaKernel(sigma=0.05*pq.s, invert=True)
    >>> rate = instantaneous_rate(spiketrain, sampling_period=2*pq.ms,
    ...        kernel=kernel)

    def optimal_kernel(st):
        width_sigma = None
        if len(st) > 0:
            width_sigma = optimal_kernel_bandwidth(st.magnitude,
        if width_sigma is None:
            raise ValueError("Unable to calculate optimal kernel width for "
                             "instantaneous rate from input data.")
        return kernels.GaussianKernel(width_sigma * st.units)

    if isinstance(spiketrains, neo.SpikeTrain):
        if kernel == 'auto':
            kernel = optimal_kernel(spiketrains)
        spiketrains = [spiketrains]
    elif not isinstance(spiketrains, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError(
            "'spiketrains' must be a list of neo.SpikeTrain's or a single "
            "neo.SpikeTrain. Found: '{}'".format(type(spiketrains)))

    if not is_time_quantity(sampling_period):
        raise TypeError("The 'sampling_period' must be a time Quantity. \n"
                        "Found: {}".format(type(sampling_period)))

    if sampling_period.magnitude < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "The 'sampling_period' ({}) must be non-negative.".format(

    if not (isinstance(kernel, kernels.Kernel) or kernel == 'auto'):
        raise TypeError(
            "'kernel' must be either instance of class elephant.kernels.Kernel"
            " or the string 'auto'. Found: %s, value %s" %
            (type(kernel), str(kernel)))

    if not isinstance(cutoff, (float, int)):
        raise TypeError("'cutoff' must be float or integer")

    if not is_time_quantity(t_start, allow_none=True):
        raise TypeError("'t_start' must be a time Quantity")

    if not is_time_quantity(t_stop, allow_none=True):
        raise TypeError("'t_stop' must be a time Quantity")

    if not isinstance(trim, bool):
        raise TypeError("'trim' must be bool")

    if kernel == 'auto':
        if len(spiketrains) == 1:
            kernel = optimal_kernel(spiketrains[0])
            raise ValueError("Cannot estimate a kernel for a list of spike "
                             "trains. Please provide a kernel explicitly "
                             "rather than 'auto'.")

    if t_start is None:
        t_start = spiketrains[0].t_start
    if t_stop is None:
        t_stop = spiketrains[0].t_stop

    units = pq.CompoundUnit("{}*s".format(sampling_period.rescale('s').item()))
    t_start = t_start.rescale(spiketrains[0].units)
    t_stop = t_stop.rescale(spiketrains[0].units)

    n_bins = int(((t_stop - t_start) / sampling_period).simplified) + 1
    time_vectors = np.zeros((len(spiketrains), n_bins), dtype=np.float64)
    hist_range_end = t_stop + sampling_period.rescale(spiketrains[0].units)
    hist_range = (t_start.item(), hist_range_end.item())
    for i, st in enumerate(spiketrains):
        time_vectors[i], _ = np.histogram(st.magnitude,

    if cutoff < kernel.min_cutoff:
        cutoff = kernel.min_cutoff
        warnings.warn("The width of the kernel was adjusted to a minimally "
                      "allowed width.")

    # An odd number of points correctly resolves the median index and the
    # fact that the peak of an instantaneous rate should be centered at t=0
    # for symmetric kernels applied on a single spike at t=0.
    # See issue https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/elephant/issues/360
    n_half = math.ceil(cutoff *
                       (kernel.sigma / sampling_period).simplified.item())
    cutoff_sigma = cutoff * kernel.sigma.rescale(units).magnitude
    if center_kernel:
        # t_arr must be centered at the kernel median.
        # Not centering on the kernel median leads to underestimating the
        # instantaneous rate in cases when sampling_period >> kernel.sigma.
        median = kernel.icdf(0.5).rescale(units).item()
        median = 0
    t_arr = np.linspace(-cutoff_sigma + median,
                        stop=cutoff_sigma + median,
                        num=2 * n_half + 1,
                        endpoint=True) * units

    if center_kernel:
        # keep the full convolve range and do the trimming afterwards;
        # trimming is performed according to the kernel median index
        fft_mode = 'full'
    elif trim:
        # no median index trimming is involved
        fft_mode = 'valid'
        # no median index trimming is involved
        fft_mode = 'same'

    time_vectors = time_vectors.T  # make it (time, units)
    kernel_arr = np.expand_dims(kernel(t_arr).rescale(pq.Hz).magnitude, axis=1)
    rate = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(time_vectors, kernel_arr, mode=fft_mode)
    # the convolution of non-negative vectors is non-negative
    rate = np.clip(rate, a_min=0, a_max=None, out=rate)

    if center_kernel:  # account for the kernel asymmetry
        median_id = kernel.median_index(t_arr)
        # the size of kernel() output matches the input size, len(t_arr)
        kernel_array_size = len(t_arr)
        if not trim:
            rate = rate[median_id:-kernel_array_size + median_id]
            rate = rate[2 * median_id:-2 * (kernel_array_size - median_id)]
            t_start = t_start + median_id * units
            t_stop = t_stop - (kernel_array_size - median_id) * units
        # FIXME: don't shrink the output array
        # (to be consistent with center_kernel=True)
        # n points have n-1 intervals;
        # instantaneous rate is a list of intervals;
        # hence, the last element is excluded
        rate = rate[:-1]

    kernel_annotation = dict(type=type(kernel).__name__,

    rate = neo.AnalogSignal(signal=rate,

    return rate