Example #1
def main():
    folder = "supplier-data/descriptions/"
    ext = ".txt"
    attachment = "/tmp/processed.pdf"
    mydate = datetime.datetime.now()
    title = "Processed Update on {} {}, {}".format(mydate.strftime("%B"),
                                                   mydate.day, mydate.year)
    paragraph = extract_data(folder, ext)
    reports.generate_report(attachment, title, paragraph)

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Upload Completed - Online Fruit Store"
    body = "All fruits are uploaded to our website successfully. A detailed list is attached to this email."
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, attachment)
Example #2
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    report_table = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    reports.generate('/tmp/cars.pdf', "Cars report", summary, report_table)

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"

    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, summary,
Example #3
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)

    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales summary for last month",
                     "<br/>".join(summary), table_data)

    #  send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = "\n".join(summary)
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
Example #4
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    table_items = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    string_print = summary[0] + "<br/>" + summary[1] + "<br/>" + summary[2]
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales summary for last month",
                     string_print, table_items)
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = "Hi,\nI'm sending an attachment with sales summary for last month."

    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
Example #5
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    paragraph = "<br/>".join(summary)
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    title = "Sales summary for last month"
    attachment = "/tmp/cars.pdf"

    reports.generate(attachment, title, paragraph, table_data)
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    body = "\n".join(summary)
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, title, body, attachment)
Example #6
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report

    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales summary for last month",
                     "<br/>".join(summary), table_data)

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "*****@*****.**"
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = "\n".join(summary)
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
Example #7
def main(argv):
  """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
  data = load_data("../car_sales.json")
  summary = process_data(data)
  summary_with_brakes = ""
  summary_with_lines = ""
  for item in summary:
    summary_with_brakes += item + '<br/>'
    summary_with_lines += item + '\n'
  # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
  table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
  reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Cars", summary_with_brakes, table_data)
  # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
  recipient = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
  message = emails.generate('*****@*****.**', recipient, 'Sales summary for last month', summary_with_lines, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    title = "Sales summary for last month<br/><br/>"
    br_summary = '<br/>'.join(summary)
    new_summary = '\n'.join(summary)
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", title, br_summary, table_data)
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, new_summary,
Example #9
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)


    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales summary of last month",
                     "<br/>".join(summary), table_data)
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email

    message = emails.generate("*****@*****.**",
                              "Sales summary for last month",
                              "\n".join(summary), "/tmp/cars.pdf")
Example #10
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "A Summary of car sales",
                     "Most Sales, Most Revenue, Most Popular Year", table_data)
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales sumary for last month"
    body = "The same summary from the PDF, but using \n between the lines"

    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body,
Example #11
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data(argv[1])
    summary = process_data(data)
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    #  turn this into a PDF report
        "/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales Summary for last month",
        "{}<br/>{}<br/>{}<br/>".format(summary[0], summary[1],
                                       summary[2]), table_data)
    #  send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "<user>@example.com"
    receiver = "*****@*****.**"
    subject = "Sales Summary for last month"
    body = "{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(summary[0], summary[1], summary[2])

    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    d = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    reports.generate('/tmp/cars.pdf', 'Sales summary for last month',
                     ''.join(summary), d)
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    summary[1] = '\n'
    summary[3] = '\n'
    s = ''.join(summary)
    #  print(s)
    msg = emails.generate('*****@*****.**',
                          'Sales summary for last month', s, '/tmp/cars.pdf')
    # print(msg)
    r = emails.send(msg)
Example #13
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    new_summary = '<br/'.join(summary)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Car Sales Statistics", new_summary,

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment

    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = "{}\n{}\n{}".format(summary[0], summary[1], summary[2])
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("../car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    formatted_summary = "<br\>".join(summary)
    path = "tmp/cars.pdf"  # change to /tmp/

    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    reports.generate(path, "Sales summary for last month", formatted_summary,

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    msg = emails.generate(
        "<user>@example.com",  # add user
        "Sales summary for last month",
Example #15
def main(argv):
    data = load_data(os.path.expanduser('~') + "/car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)

    # Generate a paragraph that contains the necessary summary
    paragraph = "<br/>".join(summary)
    # Generate a table that contains the list of cars
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    # Generate the PDF report
    title = "Sales summary for last month"
    attachment = "/tmp/cars.pdf"
    reports.generate(attachment, title, paragraph, table_data)

    # Send the email
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    body = "\n".join(summary)
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, title, body, attachment)
def check_health():
    errormessage = ""
    if psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1) > 80:
        errormessage = "CPU usage is over 80%"

    total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage("/")

    td = (total // (2**30))
    tf = (free // (2**30))

    perfree = ((tf / td) * 100)

    if perfree < 20:
        errormessage += "\nAvailable disk space is less than 20%"

    mem = virtual_memory()

    THRESHOLD = 500 * 1024 * 1024

    if mem.available < THRESHOLD:
        errormessage += "\nAvailable memory is less than 500MB"

        host_name = socket.gethostname()
        host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
        print("Hostname :  ", host_name)
        print("IP : ", host_ip)
        errormessage += "{} cannot be resolved to {}".format(
            host_name, host_ip)


    if len(errormessage) > 0:
        sender = "*****@*****.**"
        receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
        subject = errormessage

        body = "Please check your system and resolve the issue as soon as possible."

        message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "")
Example #17
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    para = summary[0] + "\n" + summary[1] + "\n" + summary[2]
    para_pdf = summary[0] + "<br/>" + summary[1] + "<br/>" + summary[2]
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales Summary for last month", para_pdf,
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = para_pdf

    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject,
                              "PFA the summary for last month",
def main(argv):
  """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
  data = load_data("car_sales.json")
  summary = process_data(data)
  # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
  table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
  path = '/tmp/cars.pdf'
  additional_info = "<br/>".join(summary)
  title = 'Sales summary for last month'
  reports.generate(path, title, additional_info, table_data)
  # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
  from_text = '*****@*****.**'
  to_text = '{}@example.com'.format(os.environ.get('USER'))
  subject_text = 'Sales summary for last month'
  body_text = "\n".join(summary)
  message = emails.generate(from_text, to_text, subject_text, body_text, path)
Example #19
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
 	data = load_data("car_sales.json")
	summary = process_data(data)
	# TODO: turn this into a PDF report
	filename = "/tmp/cars.pdf"
	title = "Sales summary for last month"
	additional_info = "<br/>".join(summary)
	table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
	reports.generate(filename, title, additional_info, table_data)

	# TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
	sender = "*****@*****.**"
	recipient = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
	subject = "Sales summary for last month"
	body = "\n".join(summary)
	attachment_path = "/tmp/cars.pdf"
	message = emails.generate(sender, recipient, subject, body, attachment_path)
def main(argv):
  """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
  data = load_data("../car_sales.json")
  summary = process_data(data)
  # Turn this summary into a PDF report
  filename = "cars.pdf"
  body = summary[0] + '<br/>' + summary[1] + '<br/>' + summary[2]
  title = "Sales summary for last month"
  table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
  reports.generate(filename, title, body, table_data)

  # Send the PDF report as an email attachment
  sender = "*****@*****.**"
  recipient = "*****@*****.**"
  subject = "Sales summary for last month"
  body = body.replace('<br/>', '\n')
  a_path = "cars.pdf"
  message = emails.generate(sender, recipient, subject, body, a_path)
Example #21
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("../car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    # Turn this into a PDF report

    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "A Complete Summary of car sales",
                     summary[0] + "<br/>" + summary[1] + "<br/>" + summary[2],

    # Send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = "A Complete Summary of car sales\n\n" + summary[0] + "\n" + summary[
        1] + "\n" + summary[2] + "\n"
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
Example #22
def main(argv):
  """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
  data = load_data("car_sales.json")
  summary = process_data(data)
  # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
  table_raw = table[1:]
  table_sorted = sorted(table_raw, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=False)
  #adding the header back to the table
  table_sorted.insert(0, ["ID", "Car", "Price", "Total Sales"])
  report_summary = summary[0] + "<br/>" + summary[1] + "<br/>" + summary[2] + "<br/>"
  reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Title", report_summary , table_sorted) 
  # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
  sender = "*****@*****.**"
  receiver = "*****@*****.**"
  subject = "Sales summary for last month"
  body = summary[0] + "\n" + summary[1] + "\n" + summary[2] + "\n"
  package = "/tmp/cars.pdf"
  message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, package)
Example #23
def main(argv):
    summary = []
    for root, _, files in os.walk(description_path):
        for filename in files:
            if filename.endswith(".txt"):
                fruit_str = process_file(root, filename)
    summary_str = "<br /><br />".join(summary)
                            "Processed Update on {}".format(today),

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Upload Completed - Online Fruit Store"
    body = "All fruits are uploaded to our website successfully. A detailed list is attached to this email."

    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body,
Example #24
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    report_summary = ""
    for line in summary:
        report_summary += line
        report_summary += '<br/>'
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Sales summary for last month",
                     report_summary, cars_dict_to_table(data))
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    recipient = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    att_path = "/tmp/cars.pdf"
    email_summary = ""
    for line in summary:
        email_summary += line + '\n'
        emails.generate(sender, recipient, subject, email_summary, att_path))
Example #25
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    # we'll transform the list into a string ans add <br/> :
    str_summarybr = ""
    str_summaryn = ""
    for elem in summary:
        str_summarybr += elem+"<br/>"
        str_summaryn += elem+"\n"

    reports.generate("cars.pdf", "Sales summary for last month",
                     str_summarybr, cars_dict_to_table(data))
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    recipient = "*****@*****.**"
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = str_summaryn
    attachment_path = "cars.pdf"
    emails.send(emails.generate(sender, recipient,
                                subject, body, attachment_path))
Example #26
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)

    # Turn this into a PDF report
    summary_l = ""
    for elem in summary:
        summary_l = summary_l + elem + "<br/>"
    reports.generate("/tmp/cars.pdf", "Cars", summary_l,

    # Send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = ""
    for elem in summary:
        body = body + elem + "\n"
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
Example #27
def main(argv):
  """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
  data = load_data("car_sales.json")
  summary = process_data(data)
  # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
  styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
  report = SimpleDocTemplate("/tmp/cars.pdf")
  report_title = Paragraph("Sales summary for last month", styles["h1"])
  report_summary = Paragraph(' '.join([str(elem) for elem in summary]), styles["Normal"])
  table_style = [('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1, colors.black)]
  report_table = Table(data=table_data, style=table_style, hAlign="LEFT")
  report.build([report_title,report_summary, report_table])
# TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment

  sender = "*****@*****.**"
  receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
  subject = "Sales summary for last month"
  body =  ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in summary])
  message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, "/tmp/cars.pdf")
Example #28
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)
    summary_with_breaks = "<br/>".join(summary)
    summary_for_email = "<\n>".join(summary)
    # print(summary_with_breaks)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report

    #Convert car data from json/dictionary to two dimensional array (list of lists)
    table = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    report.generate("/home/<username>/report.pdf", "Car Sales History",
                    summary_with_breaks, table)

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "*****@*****.**"
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = summary_for_email
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body,
Example #29
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    #TODO Sort the data by total sales
    sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda i: i['total_sales'],
                         reverse=True)  # sort by total sales, descending
    summary = process_data(data)
    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
    table_data = cars_dict_to_table(data)
    text_summary = '<br/>\n'.join(summary)
                     "A Complete Summary of Monthly Car Sales", text_summary,
    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    sender = "*****@*****.**"
    receiver = "{}@example.com".format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = "Sales summary for last month"
    body = '\n'.join(summary)

    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body,
                              "/tmp/cars.pdf")  # creates email
Example #30
def main(argv):
    """Process the JSON data and generate a full report out of it."""
    data = load_data("car_sales.json")
    summary = process_data(data)

    # TODO: turn this into a PDF report
        'cars.pdf', 'Car Sales Report',
        'Detailed Analysis of Car sales and generation of insights<br/><br/>{}<br/>{}<br/>{}<br/>'
        .format(summary[0], summary[1], summary[2]), cars_dict_to_table(data))

    # TODO: send the PDF report as an email attachment
    # Generate Email
    sender = '*****@*****.**'
    receiver = '{}@example.com'.format(os.environ.get('USER'))
    subject = 'Sales summary for last month'
    body = "Detailed Analysis of Car sales and generation of insights'\n'{}'\n'{}'\n'{}'\n'".format(
        summary[0], summary[1], summary[2])
    attachment_path = 'cars.pdf'
    message = emails.generate(sender, receiver, subject, body, attachment_path)

    # Send Email