Example #1
def test_loop_within_infra_possible():
    Tests that a loop within the infrastructure is always possible and
    does not interfere with other connections. This can be used to embed
    multiple consecutive blocks within one node.
    infra = InfrastructureNetwork()

    nsource = infra.add_source(pos=(0, 0), transmit_power_dbm=30, name="nso")
    nsink = infra.set_sink(pos=(1, 0), transmit_power_dbm=30, name="nsi")

    overlay = OverlayNetwork()

    esource = ENode(overlay.add_source(name="bso"), nsource)
    einterm = ENode(overlay.add_intermediate(name="bin"), nsource)
    esink = ENode(overlay.set_sink(name="bsi"), nsink)

    overlay.add_link(esource.block, einterm.block)
    overlay.add_link(einterm.block, esink.block)

    embedding = PartialEmbedding(
        infra, overlay, source_mapping=[(esource.block, esource.node)]

    sinr_before = embedding.known_sinr(nsource, nsink, 0)
    assert embedding.take_action(esource, einterm, 0)
    sinr_after = embedding.known_sinr(nsource, nsink, 0)
    assert sinr_before == sinr_after

    assert embedding.take_action(einterm, esink, 0)
    assert embedding.is_complete()
Example #2
def test_invalidating_earlier_choice_impossible():
    Tests that an action that would invalidate an earlier action is
    infra = InfrastructureNetwork()

    # Two sources, one sink. Equal distance from both sources to sink.
    # One source with moderate transmit power (but enough to cover the
    # distance, one source with excessive transmit power.
    # transmit_power_dbm
    # power of 30dBm (similar to a regular router) which should easily
    # cover the distance of 1m without any noise.
    source_node_silent = infra.add_source(
        pos=(0, 0), transmit_power_dbm=20, name="Silent"
    source_node_screamer = infra.add_source(
        pos=(3, 0), transmit_power_dbm=100, name="Screamer"
    node_sink = infra.set_sink(pos=(1, 3), transmit_power_dbm=0, name="Sink")

    overlay = OverlayNetwork()

    esource_silent = ENode(overlay.add_source(), source_node_silent)
    esource_screamer = ENode(overlay.add_source(), source_node_screamer)
    esink = ENode(overlay.set_sink(), node_sink)

    overlay.add_link(esource_silent.block, esink.block)
    overlay.add_link(esource_screamer.block, esink.block)

    embedding = PartialEmbedding(
            (esource_silent.block, esource_silent.node),
            (esource_screamer.block, esource_screamer.node),

    action_to_be_invalidated = (esource_screamer, esink, 0)
    # make sure the action is an option in the first place
    assert action_to_be_invalidated in embedding.possibilities()

    # embed the link from the silent node to the sink
    embedding.take_action(esource_silent, esink, 0)

    # first assert that action would be valid by itself
    screamer_sinr = embedding.known_sinr(source_node_screamer, node_sink, 0)
    assert screamer_sinr > 2.0

    new_possibilities = embedding.possibilities()
    # but since the action would make the first embedding invalid (a
    # node cannot receive two signals at the same time), it should still
    # not be possible
    assert action_to_be_invalidated not in new_possibilities

    # since there are no options left in the first timeslot, there are
    # now exactly 2 (screamer -> silent as relay, screamer -> sink
    # embedded) options left in the newly created second timeslot
    assert len(new_possibilities) == 2
Example #3
def test_broadcast_possible():
    """Tests that broadcast is possible despite SINR constraints"""
    infra = InfrastructureNetwork()

    # One source, one sink, one intermediate
    nsource = infra.add_source(pos=(0, 0), transmit_power_dbm=30)
    ninterm = infra.add_intermediate(pos=(1, 2), transmit_power_dbm=30)
    nsink = infra.set_sink(pos=(2, 0), transmit_power_dbm=30)

    overlay = OverlayNetwork()

    esource = ENode(overlay.add_source(), nsource)
    einterm = ENode(overlay.add_intermediate(), ninterm)
    esink = ENode(overlay.set_sink(), nsink)

    # fork
    overlay.add_link(esource.block, einterm.block)
    overlay.add_link(esource.block, esink.block)

    # make complete
    overlay.add_link(einterm.block, esink.block)

    embedding = PartialEmbedding(
        infra, overlay, source_mapping=[(esource.block, esource.node)]

    # Broadcast from source to sink and intermediate
    sinr_before = embedding.known_sinr(esource.node, esink.node, timeslot=0)
    assert embedding.take_action(esource, esink, 0)
    # Easiest way to test this, easy to change if internals change.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    power_at_sink = embedding.infra.power_at_node(
        esink.node, frozenset(embedding._nodes_sending_in[0])
    assert embedding.take_action(esource, einterm, 0)

    # Make sure the broadcasting isn't counted twice
    new_power = embedding.infra.power_at_node(
        esink.node, frozenset(embedding._nodes_sending_in[0])
    assert new_power == power_at_sink

    # Make sure the broadcasts do not interfere with each other
    assert sinr_before == embedding.known_sinr(
        esource.node, esink.node, timeslot=0
Example #4
def test_manually_verified_sinr():
    Tests that the SINR calculation agrees with a manually verified
    infra = InfrastructureNetwork(noise_floor_dbm=15)

    # 2 sources, 2 intermediaries, 1 sink
    n_source1 = infra.add_source(pos=(0, 0), transmit_power_dbm=30)
    n_interm1 = infra.add_intermediate(pos=(1, 0), transmit_power_dbm=30)
    n_source2 = infra.add_source(pos=(0, 2), transmit_power_dbm=30)
    n_interm2 = infra.add_intermediate(pos=(1, 2), transmit_power_dbm=30)
    n_sink = infra.set_sink(pos=(3, 1), transmit_power_dbm=0)

    overlay = OverlayNetwork()
    b_source1 = overlay.add_source()
    b_interm1 = overlay.add_intermediate()
    b_source2 = overlay.add_source()
    b_interm2 = overlay.add_intermediate()
    b_sink = overlay.set_sink()

    overlay.add_link(b_source1, b_interm1)
    overlay.add_link(b_source2, b_interm2)

    # just to make the embedding complete
    overlay.add_link(b_interm1, b_sink)
    overlay.add_link(b_interm2, b_sink)

    embedding = PartialEmbedding(
        source_mapping=[(b_source1, n_source1), (b_source2, n_source2)],

    # this doesn't actually do anything, just makes the next step more
    # convenient
    e_source1 = ENode(b_source1, n_source1)
    e_source2 = ENode(b_source2, n_source2)
    e_interm1 = ENode(b_interm1, n_interm1)
    e_interm2 = ENode(b_interm2, n_interm2)
    e_sink = ENode(b_sink, n_sink)

    # Here is the important part: Two signals in parallel
    embedding.take_action(e_source1, e_interm1, 0)
    embedding.take_action(e_source2, e_interm2, 0)

    # We don't really care what is going on in other timeslots, this is
    # just to make the embedding valid.
    embedding.take_action(e_interm1, e_sink, 1)
    embedding.take_action(e_interm2, e_sink, 2)

    # Now we have a clean model to work with in timeslot 1: Two parallel
    # communications, one signal and one noise.
    # Let's calculate the SINR or signal1.

    # source1 sends with 30dBm. There is a distance of 1m to interm1.
    # According to the log path loss model with a loss exponent of 2
    # (appropriate for a building), the signal will incur a loss of
    # 2 * distance_decibel dBm
    # Where distance_decibel is the distance in relation to 1m, i.e. 0
    # in this case. That means there is *no loss*, at least according to
    # the model.

    # It follows that interm1 receives a signal of 30dBm. Now on to the
    # received noise. source2 also sends with 30dBm and has a distance
    # of sqrt(1^2 + 2^2) ~= 2.24m to interm1. According to the log path
    # loss model:
    # distance_decibel = 10 * lg(2.24) ~= 3.50
    # => path_loss = 2 * 3.50 ~= 7 dBm

    # So interm1 receives roughly 30 - 7 = 23 dBm of noise. Lets assume
    # a base noise of 15dB. We have to add those two. Care must be taken
    # here because of the logarithmic scale. Naive addition would result
    # in multiplication of the actual power in watts. So we need to
    # convert back to watts first, then add, then convert back:
    # base_noise_milliwatts = 10^(1.5) ~= 31.62 mW
    # com_noise_milliwatts = 10^(2.3) ~= 199.53 mW
    # => total_noise = 31.62 + 199.53 = 231.15 mW
    # The total noise is 231.15 mW, which equals
    # 10*lg(231.15) ~= 23.64 dB
    # That is way less than the naively calculated 16 + 15 = 31 dB.

    # That means the SINR should be
    # sinr = 30dBm - 23.64 = 6.36dB
    # Here the subtraction actually *should* represent a division of the
    # powers.

    sinr = embedding.known_sinr(n_source1, n_interm1, 0)
    assert sinr == approx(6.36, abs=0.1)