Example #1
def test_ontology():
    kb = KnowledgeBase(
            ("i", "like", "cookies"),
            ("i", "like", "milk"),
            ("i", "type", "person"),
            ("i", "type", "living_thing"),
            ("cookies", "quality", "good"),
    assert kb.types("i") == {"person", "living_thing"}
Example #2
def test_query():
    kb = KnowledgeBase(
            ("i", "like", "cookies"),
            ("i", "like", "milk"),
            ("i", "type", "person"),
            ("i", "type", "living_thing"),
            ("cookies", "quality", "good"),
    assert kb.query("i", "like", "quality") == {"good"}
Example #3
def test_ontology():
    kb = KnowledgeBase()
    ontology = {
        "ontology": {
            "season": [
            "month": [
    df = DialogueFlow(States.A, Speaker.USER, kb=kb)
    df.set_error_successor(States.A, States.E)
    df.set_error_successor(States.B, States.E)
    df.set_error_successor(States.C, States.E)
    df.set_error_successor(States.D, States.E)
    df.add_user_transition(States.A, States.B, "[#ONT(month)]")
    df.add_system_transition(States.B, States.C, "B to C")
    df.add_user_transition(States.C, States.D, "[$m=#ONT(month), $s=#ONT(season)]")

    assert df.state() == States.B
    assert df.system_turn() == "B to C"
    df.user_turn("october is in the fall season")
    assert df.state() == States.D
    assert df._vars["m"] == "october"
    assert df._vars["s"] == "fall"

    df.user_turn("hello there", debugging=False)
    assert df.state() == States.E
Example #4
def test_expressions():
    kb = KnowledgeBase([('i', 'like', 'cookies'), ('i', 'like', 'milk'),
                        ('i', 'type', 'person'), ('i', 'type', 'living_thing'),
                        ('cookies', 'quality', 'good')])
    assert kb.expressions('i') == {'i'}
    assert kb.expressions('living_thing') == set()
    kb.add_expression('living_thing', 'life')
    kb.add_expression('living_thing', 'alive')
    assert kb.expressions('living_thing') == {'life', 'alive'}
Example #5
def test_expressions():
    kb = KnowledgeBase(
            ("i", "like", "cookies"),
            ("i", "like", "milk"),
            ("i", "type", "person"),
            ("i", "type", "living_thing"),
            ("cookies", "quality", "good"),
    assert kb.expressions("i") == {"i"}
    assert kb.expressions("living_thing") == set()
    kb.add_expression("living_thing", "life")
    kb.add_expression("living_thing", "alive")
    assert kb.expressions("living_thing") == {"life", "alive"}
Example #6
def test_constructor():
    kb = KnowledgeBase(
            ("i", "like", "cookies"),
            ("i", "like", "milk"),
            ("i", "type", "person"),
            ("i", "type", "living_thing"),
            ("cookies", "quality", "good"),
Example #7
def test_constructor():
    kb = KnowledgeBase([('i', 'like', 'cookies'), ('i', 'like', 'milk'),
                        ('i', 'type', 'person'), ('i', 'type', 'living_thing'),
                        ('cookies', 'quality', 'good')])
Example #8
def test_ontology():
    kb = KnowledgeBase([('i', 'like', 'cookies'), ('i', 'like', 'milk'),
                        ('i', 'type', 'person'), ('i', 'type', 'living_thing'),
                        ('cookies', 'quality', 'good')])
    assert kb.types('i') == {'person', 'living_thing'}
Example #9
def test_query():
    kb = KnowledgeBase([('i', 'like', 'cookies'), ('i', 'like', 'milk'),
                        ('i', 'type', 'person'), ('i', 'type', 'living_thing'),
                        ('cookies', 'quality', 'good')])
    assert kb.query('i', 'like', 'quality') == {'good'}
Example #10
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.dialogue_flow import DialogueFlow
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.composite_dialogue_flow import (
    CompositeDialogueFlow, )
# from time import time

kb = KnowledgeBase([
    ("lion", "type", "cat"),
    ("panther", "type", "cat"),
    ("cat", "type", "animal"),
    ("animal", "type", "thing"),
    ("lion", "sound", "roar"),
    ("roar", "quality", "loud"),
    ("panther", "sound", "growl"),
    ("growl", "quality", "scary"),
    ("also", "type", "also_syns"),
    ("too", "type", "also_syns"),
    ("basketball", "type", "unknown_hobby"),
    ("basketball", "expr", "bball"),
    ("john", "type", "male"),
    ("mary", "type", "female"),
    ("male", "type", "person"),
    ("female", "type", "person"),
    ("friend", "type", "person"),
ont = {"ontology": {"person": ["mom", "dad", "sister", "brother"]}}

df = DialogueFlow(initial_state="start")
df.add_state("start", "start")
df.add_system_transition("start", "start", "hello")
Example #11
import sys
from time import time
import nltk

from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
import os
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase

wordnet_knowledge_base = KnowledgeBase()

import importlib_resources as impr
from . import data
    # t1 = time()
    # sys.stderr.write('Loading wordnet.json... ')
    # json_str = impr.read_text(data, 'wordnet.json')
    # wordnet_knowledge_base.load_json_string(json_str)
    # sys.stderr.write(' done in {}s'.format(time() - t1))
except FileNotFoundError:
    sys.stderr.write(' failed to load.')

def related_synsets(word):
    returns lemmas
Example #12
 def __init__(self, initial_state: Union[Enum, str, tuple], initial_speaker = Speaker.SYSTEM,
              macros: Dict[str, Macro] =None, kb: Union[KnowledgeBase, str, List[str]] =None,
              default_system_state=None, end_state='__end__', all_multi_hop=True, wordnet=False):
     self._graph = GraphDatabase()
     self._initial_state = State(initial_state)
     self._potential_transition = None
     self._initial_speaker = initial_speaker
     self._speaker = self._initial_speaker
     self._vars = HashableDict()
     self._transitions = []
     self._update_transitions = []
     self.vars()['__state__'] = self._initial_state
     self._gates = defaultdict(list)
     self._prepends = {}
     self._var_dependencies = defaultdict(set)
     self._error_transitioned = False
     self._default_state = default_system_state
     self._end_state = end_state
     self._goals = {}
     self._all_multi_hop = all_multi_hop
     self._composite_dialogue_flow = None
     self._namespace = None
     self.vars()['__stack__'] = []
     self.vars()['__system_state__'] = 'None' if initial_speaker == Speaker.USER else self._initial_state
     if kb is None:
         self._kb = KnowledgeBase()
     elif isinstance(kb, str):
         self._kb = KnowledgeBase()
     elif isinstance(kb, list):
         self._kb = KnowledgeBase()
         for filename in kb:
         self._kb = kb
     onte = ONTE(self._kb)
     kbe = KBE(self._kb)
     goal_exit_macro = GoalExit(self)
     self._macros = {
         'WN': WN(wordnet),
         'ONT': onte, 'ONTE': onte,
         'ONTUL': ONTUL(self._kb),
         'KBQ': kbe, 'KBE': kbe,
         'ONTN': ONTN(self._kb),
         'EXP': EXP(self._kb),
         'ONT_NEG': ONT_NEG(self._kb),
         'FPP': FirstPersonPronoun(self._kb),
         'TPP': ThirdPersonPronoun(self._kb),
         'PSP': PossessivePronoun(self._kb),
         'GATE': Gate(self),
         'TRANSITION': Transition(self),
         'GOAL': GoalPursuit(goal_exit_macro, self),
         'GCOM': GoalCompletion(self),
         'GEXT': goal_exit_macro,
         'GSRET': SetGoalReturnPoint(),
         'GRET': GoalReturn(self),
         'GCLR': ClearGoalStack(),
         'VT': VirtualTransitions(self),
         'CE': CanEnter(self),
         'EXTR': ExtractList(self._kb)
     if macros:
     self._rules = UpdateRules(vars=self._vars, macros=self._macros)
     self._vars['__user_utterance__'] = None
Example #13
class DialogueFlow:

    Speaker = Speaker

    def autostate(cls):
        global _autostate
        _autostate = str(int(_autostate) + 1)
        return _autostate

    def __init__(self, initial_state: Union[Enum, str, tuple], initial_speaker = Speaker.SYSTEM,
                 macros: Dict[str, Macro] =None, kb: Union[KnowledgeBase, str, List[str]] =None,
                 default_system_state=None, end_state='__end__', all_multi_hop=True, wordnet=False):
        self._graph = GraphDatabase()
        self._initial_state = State(initial_state)
        self._potential_transition = None
        self._initial_speaker = initial_speaker
        self._speaker = self._initial_speaker
        self._vars = HashableDict()
        self._transitions = []
        self._update_transitions = []
        self.vars()['__state__'] = self._initial_state
        self._gates = defaultdict(list)
        self._prepends = {}
        self._var_dependencies = defaultdict(set)
        self._error_transitioned = False
        self._default_state = default_system_state
        self._end_state = end_state
        self._goals = {}
        self._all_multi_hop = all_multi_hop
        self._composite_dialogue_flow = None
        self._namespace = None
        self.vars()['__stack__'] = []
        self.vars()['__system_state__'] = 'None' if initial_speaker == Speaker.USER else self._initial_state
        if kb is None:
            self._kb = KnowledgeBase()
        elif isinstance(kb, str):
            self._kb = KnowledgeBase()
        elif isinstance(kb, list):
            self._kb = KnowledgeBase()
            for filename in kb:
            self._kb = kb
        onte = ONTE(self._kb)
        kbe = KBE(self._kb)
        goal_exit_macro = GoalExit(self)
        self._macros = {
            'WN': WN(wordnet),
            'ONT': onte, 'ONTE': onte,
            'ONTUL': ONTUL(self._kb),
            'KBQ': kbe, 'KBE': kbe,
            'ONTN': ONTN(self._kb),
            'EXP': EXP(self._kb),
            'ONT_NEG': ONT_NEG(self._kb),
            'FPP': FirstPersonPronoun(self._kb),
            'TPP': ThirdPersonPronoun(self._kb),
            'PSP': PossessivePronoun(self._kb),
            'GATE': Gate(self),
            'TRANSITION': Transition(self),
            'GOAL': GoalPursuit(goal_exit_macro, self),
            'GCOM': GoalCompletion(self),
            'GEXT': goal_exit_macro,
            'GSRET': SetGoalReturnPoint(),
            'GRET': GoalReturn(self),
            'GCLR': ClearGoalStack(),
            'VT': VirtualTransitions(self),
            'CE': CanEnter(self),
            'EXTR': ExtractList(self._kb)
        if macros:
        self._rules = UpdateRules(vars=self._vars, macros=self._macros)
        self._vars['__user_utterance__'] = None


    def run(self, debugging=False):
        test in interactive mode
        :return: None
        t1 = time()
        while self.state() != self.end_state():
            if self.speaker() == Speaker.SYSTEM:
                system_response = self.system_turn(debugging=debugging)
                if debugging:
                    print('Time delta: {:.5f}'.format(time() - t1))
                print("S:", system_response)
                user_input = input("U: ")
                t1 = time()
                self.user_turn(user_input, debugging=debugging)

    def system_turn(self, debugging=False):
        an entire system turn comprising a single system utterance and
        one or more system transitions
        :return: the natural language system response
        t1 = time()
        self.vars()['__goal_return_state__'] = 'None'
        visited = {self.state()}
        responses = []
        while self.speaker() is Speaker.SYSTEM:
            response, next_state = self.system_transition(self.state(), debugging=debugging)
            if next_state in visited or (not self.state_settings(next_state).system_multi_hop):
        t2 = time()
        if debugging:
            print('System turn in {:.5f}'.format(t2-t1))
        full_response = ' '.join(responses)
        self.vars()['__selected_response__'] = full_response
        return full_response

    def user_turn(self, natural_language, debugging=False):
        an entire user turn comprising one user utterance and
        one or more user transitions
        :param natural_language:
        :param debugging:
        :return: None
        t1 = time()
        natural_language = ''.join([c.lower() for c in natural_language if c.isalpha() or c == ' '])
        self.vars()['__user_utterance__'] = natural_language
        self.apply_update_rules(natural_language, debugging)
        visited = {self.state()}
        while self.speaker() is Speaker.USER:
            next_state = self.user_transition(natural_language, self.state(), debugging=debugging)
            if self._error_transitioned and next_state != self.state():
                    nns = self.user_transition(natural_language, next_state, debugging=debugging)
                    if nns not in visited:
                        next_state = nns
                except RuntimeError:
                    if debugging:
                        print("Couldn't error hop")
            if next_state in visited or (not self.state_settings(next_state).user_multi_hop):
        t2 = time()
        if debugging:
            print('User turn in {:.5f}'.format(t2 - t1))

    def load_transitions(self, json_dict, speaker=None):
        if speaker is None:
            speaker = self._initial_speaker
        if 'state' in json_dict:
            source = json_dict['state']
            source = DialogueFlow.autostate()

        hop = None
        switch = False
        enter = None

        # read settings and transitions for state
        transitions = []
        for key, value in json_dict.items():
            if key == 'transitions':
                assert isinstance(value, list)
                transitions = value
            elif key == 'root':
                root = json_dict['root']
            elif key == 'hop':
                hop = json_dict['hop']
            elif key == 'prepend':
                prepend = json_dict['prepend']
                self.set_state_prepend(source, prepend)
            elif key == 'switch':
                switch = json_dict['switch']
            elif key == 'enter':
                enter = json_dict['enter']
            elif key not in {'state', 'hop', 'score', 'switch', 'enter'}:
                transitions.append((key, value))

        # set up state settings
        if not self.has_state(source):
        if hop:
            if speaker == Speaker.USER:
                speaker = Speaker.SYSTEM
            elif speaker == Speaker.SYSTEM:
                speaker = Speaker.USER
        if switch:
            self.update_state_settings(source, switch=True)
        if enter:
            self.update_state_settings(source, enter=enter)

        # set up transitions
        expanded_transitions = []
        for natex, target in transitions:
            natex_with_leading_digits_stripped = ''
            i = 0
            c = natex[i] if natex else ''
            while c and c.isnumeric():
                natex_with_leading_digits_stripped += c
                i += 1
                c = natex[i] if i < len(natex) else ''
            if natex == 'error':
                if isinstance(target, dict):
                    if 'state' not in target:
                        target['state'] = DialogueFlow.autostate()
                    target = target['state']
                    if not self.has_state(target):
                self.set_error_successor(source, target)

                score = 1.0
                if isinstance(target, dict):
                    if 'state' not in target:
                        target['state'] = DialogueFlow.autostate()
                    if 'score' in target:
                        score = target['score']
                    target = target['state']
                    if not self.has_state(target):
                if speaker == Speaker.USER:
                    if self.has_transition(source, target, Speaker.USER):
                        intermediate = '_' + self.autostate()
                        self.add_state(intermediate, target)
                        self.add_user_transition(source, intermediate, natex + ' #TARGET(%s)' % target, score=score)
                        self.add_user_transition(source, target, natex, score=score)
                elif speaker == Speaker.SYSTEM:
                    if self.has_transition(source, target, Speaker.SYSTEM):
                        intermediate = '_' + self.autostate()
                        self.add_system_transition(source, intermediate, natex + ' #TARGET(%s)' % target, score=score)
                        self.add_system_transition(source, target, natex, score=score)

        # switch turn (will be switched back if multi hop detected on next recursive call)
        if speaker == Speaker.USER:
            speaker = Speaker.SYSTEM
        elif speaker == Speaker.SYSTEM:
            speaker = Speaker.USER

        # recurse to load nested turns
        for transition in expanded_transitions:
            self.load_transitions(transition, speaker)


    def system_transition(self, state: Union[Enum, str, tuple], debugging=False):
        :param state:
        :param debugging:
        :return: a <state, response> tuple representing the successor state and response
        if '__gate__' in self._vars:
            del self._vars['__gate__']
        state = module_state(state)
        ti = time()
        if state is None:
            state = self.state()
            state = State(state)
        transition_options = []
        transitions = list(self.transitions(state, Speaker.SYSTEM))
        transition_items = []
        for transition in transitions:
            natex = self.transition_natex(*transition)
            score = self.transition_settings(*transition).score
            transition_items.append((natex, transition, score))
        while self._transitions:
            natex, transition, score = self._transitions.pop()
            transition_items.append((natex, transition, score))
        while self._update_transitions:
            natex, transition, score = self._update_transitions.pop()
            transition_items.append((natex, transition, score))
        for natex, transition, score in transition_items:
            t1 = time()
            transition_transition_enter = None
            vars = HashableDict(self._vars)
            self._potential_transition = transition # MOVED, todo
                generation = natex.generate(vars=vars, macros=self._macros, debugging=debugging)
            except Exception as e:
                print('Transition {}: {} failed'.format(str(transition), natex))
                generation = None
            source, target, speaker = transition
            if '__source__' in vars:
                source = State(module_state(vars['__source__']))
                del vars['__source__']
            if '__target__' in vars:
                target = State(module_state(vars['__target__']))
                del vars['__target__']
            transition = source, target, speaker
            # if not self.is_module() and isinstance(target, tuple):
            #     continue
            if '->' in transition[1]:
                _src, _tar = target.split('->')[0], target.split('->')[1]
                _tar = State(module_state(_tar))
                transition = (_src, _tar, speaker)
                    appended_generation = self.transition_natex(*transition).generate(vars=vars, macros=self._macros, debugging=debugging)
                    if appended_generation is None:
                        generation = None
                        generation = generation + ' ' + appended_generation
                except Exception as e:
                    print('Transition {}: {} failed'.format(str(transition), natex))
                    generation = None
            elif isinstance(transition[1], tuple) and '->' in transition[1][1]:
                namespace = transition[1][0]
                source, target = (namespace, target[1].split('->')[0]), target[1].split('->')[1]
                target = State(module_state(target))
                transition_transition_enter = source
                transition = (source, target, speaker)
                    appended_generation = self.composite_dialogue_flow().transition_natex(
                        namespace, *transition).generate(vars=vars, macros=self._macros, debugging=debugging)
                    if generation is None or appended_generation is None:
                        generation = None
                        generation = generation + ' ' + appended_generation
                except Exception as e:
                    print('Transition {}: {} failed'.format(str(transition), natex))
                    generation = None
            source, target, speaker = transition
            if '__source__' in vars:
                source = State(module_state(vars['__source__']))
                del vars['__source__']
            if '__target__' in vars:
                target = State(module_state(vars['__target__']))
                del vars['__target__']
            transition = source, target, speaker
            enter_natex_pass = True
            transition_transition_enter_vars = vars
            if transition_transition_enter is not None:
                if self.is_module() and isinstance(transition_transition_enter, tuple):
                    enter_natex = self.composite_dialogue_flow().state_settings(*transition_transition_enter).enter
                    enter_natex = self.state_settings(transition_transition_enter).enter
                if enter_natex is not None:
                        enter_natex_pass = enter_natex.generate(vars=transition_transition_enter_vars, macros=self._macros, debugging=debugging)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print('Enter Natex {}: {} failed'.format(str(transition_transition_enter), enter_natex))
                        enter_natex_pass = None
            if enter_natex_pass:
                if self.is_module() and isinstance(target, tuple):
                    enter_natex = self.composite_dialogue_flow().state_settings(*target).enter
                    enter_natex = self.state_settings(target).enter
                if enter_natex is not None:
                        enter_natex_pass = enter_natex.generate(vars=vars, macros=self._macros, debugging=debugging)
                    except Exception as e:
                        print('Enter Natex {}: {} failed'.format(str(target), enter_natex))
                        enter_natex_pass = None
            if generation is not None and enter_natex_pass is not None:
                if '__score__' in vars:
                    score = vars['__score__']
                    del vars['__score__']
                gate_closed = False
                gate_var_config = None
                gate_target_id = None
                if '__gate__' in vars:
                    gate_var_config = vars['__gate__']
                    gate_target_id = (self.namespace(), target) if (not isinstance(target, tuple) and self.is_module()) else target
                    for vc in self.gates()[gate_target_id]:
                        if gate_var_config == vc:
                            gate_closed = True
                    del vars['__gate__']
                tt_gate_var_config = None
                tt_gate_target_id = None
                if transition_transition_enter is not None and '__gate__' in transition_transition_enter_vars:
                    tt_gate_var_config = transition_transition_enter_vars['__gate__']
                    tt_gate_target_id = (self.namespace(), transition_transition_enter) if \
                        (not isinstance(transition_transition_enter, tuple) and self.is_module()) else transition_transition_enter
                    for vc in self.gates()[tt_gate_target_id]:
                        if tt_gate_var_config == vc:
                            gate_closed = True
                    del transition_transition_enter_vars['__gate__']
                vars = transition_transition_enter_vars
                if not gate_closed:
                    transition_options.append((score, natex, generation, transition, vars, gate_var_config, gate_target_id, tt_gate_var_config, tt_gate_target_id))
            t2 = time()
            if debugging:
                print('Transition {} evaluated in {:.5f}'.format(transition, t2-t1))
            while self._transitions:
                natex, transition, score = self._transitions.pop()
                transition_items.append((natex, transition, score))
        if transition_options:
            if debugging:
                print('Transition options: ------------')
                for option in transition_options:
                    print('{} {}: {}'.format(option[0], option[3][1], option[1]))
            score, natex, response, transition, vars, gate_var_config, gate_target_id, tt_gate_var_config, tt_gate_target_id =\
                random_max(transition_options, key=lambda x: x[0])
            if gate_var_config is not None:
            if tt_gate_var_config is not None:
            if debugging:
                updates = {}
                for k, v in vars.items():
                    if k not in self._vars or v != self._vars[k]:
                        updates[k] = v
                if updates:
                    print('Updating vars:')
                    for k, v in updates.items():
                        if k in self._vars:
                            print('  {} = {} -> {}'.format(k, self._vars[k], v))
                            print('  {} = None -> {}'.format(k, v))
            next_state = transition[1]
            if debugging:
                tf = time()
                print('System transition in {:.5f}'.format(tf-ti))
                print('Transitioning {} -> {}'.format(self.state(), next_state))
            if '__response_prefix__' in self.vars() and self.vars()['__response_prefix__'] != 'None':
                response = self.vars()['__response_prefix__'] + ' ' + response
                self.vars()['__response_prefix__'] = 'None'
            return response, next_state
            if self._default_state is not None:
                if debugging:
                    print('No valid system transitions found, going to default state...')
                return self.system_transition(self.state(), debugging=debugging)
            raise AssertionError('dialogue flow system transition found no valid options from state {}'.format(state))

    def user_transition(self, natural_language: str, state: Union[Enum, str, tuple], debugging=False):
        :param state:
        :param natural_language:
        :param debugging:
        :return: the successor state representing the highest score user transition
                 that matches natural_language, or None if none match
        if '__gate__' in self._vars:
            del self._vars['__gate__']
        if '__user_utterance__' in self.vars() and self.vars()['__user_utterance__'] is not None:
            natural_language = self.vars()['__user_utterance__']
            natural_language = ''.join([c.lower() for c in natural_language if c.isalpha() or c == ' '])
        state = module_state(state)
        self._error_transitioned = False
        ti = time()
        if state is None:
            state = self.state()
            state = State(state)
        transition_options = []
        transition_items = []
        for transition in self.transitions(state, Speaker.USER):
            natex = self.transition_natex(*transition)
            score = self.transition_settings(*transition).score
            transition_items.append((natex, transition, score))
        while self._transitions:
            natex, transition, score = self._transitions.pop()
            transition_items.append((natex, transition, score))
        ngrams = Ngrams(natural_language, n=10)
        for natex, transition, score in transition_items:
            self._potential_transition = transition
            if not self.is_module() and isinstance(transition[1], tuple):
            t1 = time()
            if debugging:
                print('Evaluating transition {}'.format(transition[:2]))
            vars = HashableDict(self._vars)
                match = natex.match(natural_language, vars, self._macros, ngrams, debugging)
            except Exception as e:
                print('Transition {}: {} failed'.format(str(transition), natex))
                match = None
            source, target, speaker = transition
            if '__source__' in vars:
                source = State(module_state(vars['__source__']))
                del vars['__source__']
            if '__target__' in vars:
                target = State(module_state(vars['__target__']))
                del vars['__target__']
            transition = source, target, speaker
            if self.is_module() and isinstance(target, tuple):
                enter_natex = self.composite_dialogue_flow().state_settings(*target).enter
                enter_natex = self.state_settings(target).enter
            enter_natex_pass = True
            if enter_natex is not None:
                    enter_natex_pass = enter_natex.generate(vars=vars, macros=self._macros, debugging=debugging)
                except Exception as e:
                    print('Enter Natex {}: {} failed'.format(str(target), enter_natex))
                    enter_natex_pass = None
            if match and enter_natex_pass is not None:
                if debugging:
                    print('Transition {} matched "{}"'.format(transition[:2], natural_language))
                if '__score__' in vars:
                    score = vars['__score__']
                    del vars['__score__']
                gate_closed = False
                gate_var_config = None
                gate_target_id = None
                if '__gate__' in vars:
                    gate_var_config = vars['__gate__']
                    gate_target_id = (self.namespace(), target) if (
                                not isinstance(target, tuple) and self.is_module()) else target
                    for vc in self.gates()[gate_target_id]:
                        if gate_var_config == vc:
                            gate_closed = True
                    del vars['__gate__']
                if not gate_closed:
                    transition_options.append((score, natex, transition, vars, gate_var_config, gate_target_id))
            t2 = time()
            if debugging:
                print('Transition {} evaluated in {:.5f}'.format(transition, t2-t1))
            while self._transitions:
                natex, transition, score = self._transitions.pop()
                transition_items.append((natex, transition, score))
        if transition_options:
            if debugging:
                print('Transition options: ------------')
                for option in transition_options:
                    print('{} {}: {}'.format(option[0], option[2][1], option[1]))
            score, natex, transition, vars, gate_var_config, gate_target_id = random_max(transition_options, key=lambda x: x[0])
            if gate_var_config is not None:
            if debugging:
                updates = {}
                for k, v in vars.items():
                    if k not in self._vars or v != self._vars[k]:
                        updates[k] = v
                if updates:
                    print('Updating vars:')
                    for k, v in updates.items():
                        if k in self._vars:
                            print('  {} = {} -> {}'.format(k, self._vars[k], v))
                            print('  {} = None -> {}'.format(k, v))
            next_state = transition[1]
            if debugging:
                print('User transition in {:.5f}'.format(time() - ti))
                print('Transitioning {} -> {}'.format(self.state(), next_state))
            return next_state
            self._error_transitioned = True
            next_state = self.error_successor(self.state())
            if debugging:
                print('User transition in {:.5f}'.format(time() - ti))
                print('Error transition {} -> {}'.format(self.state(), next_state))
            return next_state

    def precache_transitions(self, process_num=1):
        Make DialogueFlow fast from the start with the power of precache!
        if process_num == 1:
            for transition in self._graph.arcs():
                data = self._graph.arc_data(*transition)
            for rule in self.update_rules().rules:
                if rule.postcondition:
            # transition_data_sets = []
            # for i in range(process_num):
            #     transition_data_sets.append([])
            # count = 0
            # for transition in self._graph.arcs():
            #     transition_data_sets[count].append(self._graph.arc_data(*transition))
            #     count = (count + 1) % process_num
            # print("multiprocessing...")
            # p = Pool(process_num)
            # results = p.map(precache, transition_data_sets)
            # for i in range(len(results)):
            #     result_list = results[i]
            #     t_list = transition_data_sets[i]
            #     for j in range(len(result_list)):
            #         parsed_tree = result_list[j]
            #         t = t_list[j]
            #         t['natex']._compiler._parsed_tree = parsed_tree
            raise NotImplementedError()

    def check(self, debugging=False):
        all_good = True
        for state in self._graph.nodes():
            has_system_fallback = False
            has_user_fallback = False
            for source, target, speaker in self._graph.arcs_out(state):
                if speaker == Speaker.SYSTEM:
                    if self.transition_natex(source, target, speaker).is_complete():
                        has_system_fallback = True
            if self.error_successor(state) is not None:
                has_user_fallback = True
            in_labels = {x[2] for x in self.incoming_transitions(state)}
            if Speaker.SYSTEM in in_labels:
                if not has_user_fallback:
                    if debugging:
                        print('WARNING: Turn-taking dead end: state {} has no fallback user transition'.format(state))
                    all_good = False
            if Speaker.USER in in_labels:
                if not has_system_fallback:
                    if debugging:
                        print('WARNING: Turn-taking dead end: state {} may have no fallback system transitions'.format(state))
                    all_good = False
        return all_good

    def add_user_transition(self, source: Union[Enum, str, tuple], target: Union[Enum, str, tuple],
                            natex_nlu: Union[str, NatexNLU, List[str]], **settings):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        if self.has_transition(source, target, Speaker.USER):
            raise ValueError('user transition {} -> {} already exists'.format(source, target))
        natex_nlu = NatexNLU(natex_nlu, macros=self._macros)
        if not self.has_state(source):
        if not self.has_state(target):
        self._graph.add_arc(source, target, Speaker.USER)
        self.set_transition_natex(source, target, Speaker.USER, natex_nlu)
        transition_settings = Settings(score=1.0)
        if self._all_multi_hop:
            self.update_state_settings(source, user_multi_hop=True)
        self.set_transition_settings(source, target, Speaker.USER, transition_settings)
        if target in self._prepends:
            prepend = self._prepends[target]
            natex = self.transition_natex(source, target, Speaker.USER)
            self.set_transition_natex(source, target, Speaker.USER, prepend + natex)

    def add_system_transition(self, source: Union[Enum, str, tuple], target: Union[Enum, str, tuple],
                              natex_nlg: Union[str, NatexNLG, List[str]], **settings):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        if self.has_transition(source, target, Speaker.SYSTEM):
            raise ValueError('system transition {} -> {} already exists'.format(source, target))
        natex_nlg = NatexNLG(natex_nlg, macros=self._macros)
        if not self.has_state(source):
        if not self.has_state(target):
        self._graph.add_arc(source, target, Speaker.SYSTEM)
        self.set_transition_natex(source, target, Speaker.SYSTEM, natex_nlg)
        transition_settings = Settings(score=1.0)
        self.set_transition_settings(source, target, Speaker.SYSTEM, transition_settings)
        if self._all_multi_hop:
            self.update_state_settings(source, system_multi_hop=True)
        if target in self._prepends:
            prepend = self._prepends[target]
            natex = self.transition_natex(source, target, Speaker.SYSTEM)
            self.set_transition_natex(source, target, Speaker.SYSTEM, prepend + natex)

    def add_state(self, state: Union[Enum, str, tuple], error_successor: Union[Union[Enum, str, tuple], None] =None, **settings):
        state = module_state(state)
        state = State(state)
        if self.has_state(state):
            raise ValueError('state {} already exists'.format(state))
        state_settings = Settings(user_multi_hop=False, system_multi_hop=False, switch=False, enter=None)
        self.update_state_settings(state, **state_settings)
        if error_successor is not None:
            error_successor = State(error_successor)
            self.set_error_successor(state, error_successor)


    def transition_natex(self, source: Union[Enum, str, tuple], target: Union[Enum, str, tuple], speaker: Enum):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        return self._graph.arc_data(source, target, speaker)['natex']

    def set_transition_natex(self, source, target, speaker, natex):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        if isinstance(natex, str):
            if speaker == Speaker.USER:
                natex = NatexNLU(natex, macros=self._macros)
                natex = NatexNLG(natex, macros=self._macros)
        self._graph.arc_data(source, target, speaker)['natex'] = natex

    def transition_settings(self, source: Union[Enum, str, tuple], target: Union[Enum, str, tuple], speaker: Enum):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        return self._graph.arc_data(source, target, speaker)['settings']

    def set_transition_settings(self, source, target, speaker, settings):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        self._graph.arc_data(source, target, speaker)['settings'] = settings

    def update_transition_settings(self, source, target, speaker, **settings):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        self.transition_settings(source, target, speaker).update(**settings)

    def state_settings(self, state):
        state = module_state(state)
        state = State(state)
        return self._graph.data(state)['settings']

    def add_global_nlu(self, state, nlu, score=0.5, post_nlu=None):
        state = module_state(state)
        state = State(state)
        if not self.has_state(state):
        if isinstance(state, tuple):
            state = ':'.join(state)
        if isinstance(nlu, list) or isinstance(nlu, set):
            nlu = '{' + ', '.join(nlu) + '}'
        if post_nlu is None:
            self._rules.add('{} ({})'.format(nlu, score), '#TRANSITION({}, {})'.format(state, score))
            self._rules.add('{} ({})'.format(nlu, score), '#TRANSITION({}, {}, {})'.format(state, score, post_nlu))

    def update_state_settings(self, state, **settings):
        state = module_state(state)
        state = State(state)
        if 'settings' not in self._graph.data(state):
            self._graph.data(state)['settings'] = Settings()
        if 'global_nlu' in settings:
            self.add_global_nlu(state, settings['global_nlu'])
        if 'enter' in settings and isinstance(settings['enter'], str):
            settings['enter'] = NatexNLG(settings['enter'], macros=self._macros)

    def remove_transition(self, source, target, speaker):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        MapMultidigraph.remove_arc(self.graph(), source, target, speaker)

    def states(self):
        return self.graph().nodes()

    def state(self):
        return self._vars['__state__']

    def set_state(self, state: Union[Enum, str, tuple]):
        state = module_state(state)
        state = State(state)
        if self.speaker() == Speaker.SYSTEM:
            if '__state__' in self.vars():
                st_str = self.vars()['__state__'][1] if isinstance(self.vars()['__state__'],tuple) else self.vars()['__state__']
                if not st_str.startswith('_'):
                    self.vars()['__system_state__'] = self.vars()['__state__']
                if '__system_state__' not in self.vars():
                    self.vars()['__system_state__'] = 'None'
                self.vars()['__system_state__'] = 'None'
        self._vars['__state__'] = state

    def has_state(self, state):
        state = module_state(state)
        state = State(state)
        return self._graph.has_node(state)

    def error_successor(self, state):
        state = module_state(state)
        state = State(state)
        data = self._graph.data(state)
        if 'error' in data:
            return data['error']
            return None

    def set_error_successor(self, state, error_successor):
        state, error_successor = module_source_target(state, error_successor)
        state = State(state)
        error_successor = State(error_successor)
        self._graph.data(state)['error'] = error_successor

    def speaker(self):
        return self._speaker

    def set_speaker(self, speaker: Enum):
        self._speaker = speaker

    def graph(self):
        return self._graph

    def vars(self):
        return self._vars

    def set_vars(self, vars):
        self._vars = vars

    def transitions(self, source_state, speaker=None):
        get (source, target, speaker) transition tuples for the entire state machine
        (default) or that lead out from a given source_state
        :param source_state: optionally, filter returned transitions by source state
        :param speaker: optionally, filter returned transitions by speaker
        :return: a generator over (source, target, speaker) 3-tuples
        source_state = module_state(source_state)
        source_state = State(source_state)
        if speaker is None:
            yield from self._graph.arcs_out(source_state)
        elif self._graph.has_arc_label(source_state, speaker):
            yield from self._graph.arcs_out(source_state, label=speaker)

    def has_transition(self, source, target, speaker):
        source, target = module_source_target(source, target)
        source = State(source)
        target = State(target)
        return self._graph.has_arc(source, target, speaker)

    def incoming_transitions(self, target_state):
        target_state = module_state(target_state)
        target_state = State(target_state)
        yield from self._graph.arcs_in(target_state)

    def change_speaker(self):
        if self.speaker() is Speaker.USER:
        elif self.Speaker is Speaker.SYSTEM:

    def reset(self):
        self._speaker = self._initial_speaker
        self._vars = HashableDict()
        self.vars()['__state__'] = self._initial_state
        self.vars()['__stack__'] = []
        self.vars()['__user_utterance__'] = None
        self.vars()['__system_state__'] = 'None' if self._initial_speaker == Speaker.USER else self._initial_state
        self._gates = defaultdict(list)

    def update_vars(self, variables: HashableDict):
        if not isinstance(variables, HashableDict):
            variables = HashableDict(variables)
        for k in variables:
            if k in self._var_dependencies:
                dependencies = self._var_dependencies[k]
                for dependency in dependencies:
                    if dependency in self._vars:
                        self._vars[dependency] = None
        self._vars.update({k: variables[k] for k in variables if k != '__score__' and k in variables})

    def potential_transition(self):
        return self._potential_transition

    def gates(self):
        return self._gates

    def var_dependencies(self):
        return self._var_dependencies

    def set_state_prepend(self, state, prepend):
        state = module_state(state)
        self._prepends[state] = prepend
        if self.has_state(state):
            for transition in self._graph.arcs_in(state):
                natex = self.transition_natex(*transition)
                self.set_transition_natex(*transition, prepend + natex)

    def add_update_rule(self, precondition, postcondition=None):
        self._rules.add(precondition, postcondition)

    def apply_update_rules(self, user_input, debugging=False):
        result = self._rules.update(user_input, debugging)
        if result is not None:
            response, score = result
                (response, (self.state(), self.state(), Speaker.SYSTEM), score))

    def knowledge_base(self):
        return self._kb

    def set_is_module(self, composite_dialogue_flow):
        self._composite_dialogue_flow = composite_dialogue_flow

    def is_switch(self, state):
        return self.state_settings(state)['switch']

    def end_state(self):
        return self._end_state

    def update_rules(self):
        return self._rules

    def goals(self):
        return self._goals

    def set_goals(self, goals_dict):
        self._goals = goals_dict

    def dynamic_transitions(self):
        return self._transitions

    def composite_dialogue_flow(self):
        return self._composite_dialogue_flow

    def is_module(self):
        return self.composite_dialogue_flow() is not None

    def namespace(self):
        return self._namespace

    def add_macros(self, macro_dict):

    def set_namespace(self, namespace):
        self._namespace = namespace

    def set_gates(self, gates):
        self._gates = gates

    def load_global_nlu(self, transitions, default_score=0.5):
        for nlu, followup in transitions.items():
            if nlu == 'state':
            if isinstance(followup, str):
                state = followup
                if 'state' not in followup:
                    state = DialogueFlow.autostate()
                    followup['state'] = state
                    state = followup['state']
                if 'score' in followup:
                    default_score = followup['score']
            self.add_global_nlu(state, nlu, default_score, post_nlu='`/.*/ #GEXT`')
        self.load_transitions(transitions, Speaker.USER)

    def load_update_rules(self, rules_dict, score=None):
        for pre, post in rules_dict.items():
            self.update_rules().add(pre, post, score=score)

    def macros(self):
        return self._macros

    def add_goal(self, id_string, return_state=None, return_phrase=None, doom_counter=None):
        goal = {
            'id': id_string,
            'return_state': return_state,
            'return_phrase': return_phrase,
            'doom_counter': doom_counter
        self._goals[id_string] = goal

    def serialize(self):
        Returns json serialized dict of
            {'vars': vars, 'gates': gates, 'state': state}
        config = {'vars': self.vars(),
                 'gates': self.gates(),
                 'state': self.state()}
        return json_serialize_flexible(config, speaker_enum_mapping)

    def deserialize(self, config_str):
        config = json_deserialize_flexible(config_str, speaker_enum_rmapping)
Example #14
import pytest

from emora_stdm import NatexNLU, NatexNLG
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.macros_common import *
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.natex_common import *
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.dialogue_flow import DialogueFlow
from emora_stdm.state_transition_dialogue_manager.composite_dialogue_flow import CompositeDialogueFlow
from time import time

kb = KnowledgeBase([
    ('lion', 'type', 'cat'), ('panther', 'type', 'cat'),
    ('cat', 'type', 'animal'), ('animal', 'type', 'thing'),
    ('lion', 'sound', 'roar'), ('roar', 'quality', 'loud'),
    ('panther', 'sound', 'growl'), ('growl', 'quality', 'scary'),
    ('also', 'type', 'also_syns'), ('too', 'type', 'also_syns'),
    ('basketball', 'type', 'unknown_hobby'), ('basketball', 'expr', 'bball'),
    ('john', 'type', 'male'), ('mary', 'type', 'female'),
    ('male', 'type', 'person'), ('female', 'type', 'person'),
    ('friend', 'type', 'person')
ont = {"ontology": {"person": ["mom", "dad", "sister", "brother"]}}

df = DialogueFlow(initial_state='start')
df.add_state('start', 'start')
df.add_system_transition('start', 'start', 'hello')

macros = {
    'ONT': ONTE(kb),
    'KBQ': KBE(kb),
                for lemma in lemmas:
                    expr_arcs.add((hyponym.name(), lemma))
                type_arcs.add((hyponym.name(), synset.name()))
                for lemma in hyponym.lemmas():
                        (hyponym.name(), lemma.name().replace('_', ' ')))
        i += 1
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print(i, 'processed')


    kb = KnowledgeBase(arcs={(x, 'type', y)
                             for x, y in type_arcs}
                       | {(x, 'expr', y)
                          for x, y in expr_arcs})

    output = open('data/wordnet.json', 'w')
    while True:
        i = input('>> ')
            synsets = wn.synsets(i)
            result = set()
            for synset in synsets:
Example #16
def test_integration_opening_component():

    kb = KnowledgeBase()

    receive_how_are_you = ("{"
                           "[how are you],"
                           "[how you doing],"
                           "[what about you],"
                           "[whats up with you],"
                           "[how you are],"
                           "[how about you]"

    feelings_pos_and_not_received_how_are_you = (
        "[!#ONT_NEG(ont_negation), -%s, [#ONT(ont_feelings_positive)]],"
        "[! -%s, [#ONT(ont_negation)], [#ONT(ont_feelings_negative)]],"
        "}" % (receive_how_are_you, receive_how_are_you))

    nlu = NatexNLU(
            "ONT": ONTE(kb),
            "ONT_NEG": ONT_NEG(kb)

    m = nlu.match("im not too bad", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("great i guess", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("great", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty great thanks", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("not bad", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not bad dude", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("pretty well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("how are you im not well", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("im bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("im doing ok", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    feelings_neg_and_not_received_how_are_you = (
        "[!#ONT_NEG(ont_negation), -%s, [#ONT(ont_feelings_negative)]],"
        "[! -%s, [#ONT(ont_negation)], [{#ONT(ont_feelings_positive),#ONT(ont_feelings_neutral)}]],"
        "}" % (receive_how_are_you, receive_how_are_you))
    nlu = NatexNLU(
            "ONT": ONTE(kb),
            "ONT_NEG": ONT_NEG(kb)
    m = nlu.match("bad i guess", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("bad", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty bad thanks", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("not good", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not ok dude", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("great i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty great thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not bad dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("pretty well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("how are you im not well", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    feelings_neutral_and_not_received_how_are_you = (
        "[!#ONT_NEG(ont_negation), -%s, [#ONT(ont_feelings_neutral)]]" %
    nlu = NatexNLU(
            "ONT": ONTE(kb),
            "ONT_NEG": ONT_NEG(kb)
    m = nlu.match("ok i guess", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("ok", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be ok thanks", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("great i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty great thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not bad dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("pretty well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("how are you im not well", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty bad thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not good", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not ok dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    feelings_pos_and_received_how_are_you = (
        "[!#ONT_NEG(ont_negation), [#ONT(ont_feelings_positive)], [%s]],"
        "[#ONT(ont_negation), #ONT(ont_feelings_negative), %s],"
        "<#IsPositiveSentiment, %s>"
        "}" % (receive_how_are_you, receive_how_are_you, receive_how_are_you))
    nlu = NatexNLU(
            "ONT": ONTE(kb),
            "ONT_NEG": ONT_NEG(kb)
    m = nlu.match("pretty well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("great how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("not too bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("not bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("ok i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be ok thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty great thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not bad dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("how are you im not well", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty bad thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not good", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not ok dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    feelings_neg_and_received_how_are_you = (
        "[!#ONT_NEG(ont_negation), [#ONT(ont_feelings_negative)], [%s]],"
        "[#ONT(ont_negation), {#ONT(ont_feelings_positive),#ONT(ont_feelings_neutral)}, %s],"
        "<#IsNegativeSentiment, %s>"
        "}" % (receive_how_are_you, receive_how_are_you, receive_how_are_you))
    nlu = NatexNLU(
            "ONT": ONTE(kb),
            "ONT_NEG": ONT_NEG(kb)
    m = nlu.match("not well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("im bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("ok i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be ok thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty great thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not bad dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty bad thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not good", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not ok dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("pretty well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    feelings_neutral_and_received_how_are_you = (
        "[!#ONT_NEG(ont_negation), [#ONT(ont_feelings_neutral)], [%s]]" %
    nlu = NatexNLU(
            "ONT": ONTE(kb),
            "ONT_NEG": ONT_NEG(kb)
    m = nlu.match("ok but how are you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("not ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("im not ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("im bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be ok thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty great thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not bad dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty bad thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not good", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not ok dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("pretty well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    decline_share = (
        "[#ONT(ont_negation), {talk, talking, discuss, discussing, share, sharing, tell, telling, say, saying}],"
        "[#ONT(ont_fillers), #ONT(ont_negative)],"
        "<{dont,do not}, know>,"
        "<not, sure>"
    nlu = NatexNLU(decline_share,
                       "ONT": ONTE(kb),
                       "ONT_NEG": ONT_NEG(kb)
    m = nlu.match("i dont know", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("im not sure", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("i dont want to tell you", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("no", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("i dont want to talk about it", debugging=False)
    assert m
    m = nlu.match("ok but how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("im not ok how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("im bad how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("ok", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be ok thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty great thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not bad dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad i guess", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("bad", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("i seem to be pretty bad thanks", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("not good", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("thanks im not ok dude", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("pretty well how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m
    m = nlu.match("great how are you", debugging=False)
    assert not m