Example #1
def test_montecarlo_sensitivity():

    ishigami = Ishigami(a=5, b=0.1)
    space = ParameterSpace([
        ContinuousParameter('x1', -np.pi, np.pi),
        ContinuousParameter('x2', -np.pi, np.pi),
        ContinuousParameter('x3', -np.pi, np.pi)

    num_mc = 1000
    senstivity_ishigami = MonteCarloSensitivity(ishigami.fidelity1, space)

    main_sample = np.array([[3.10732573, -1.25504469, -2.66820221],
                            [-1.32105416, -1.45224686, -2.06642419],
                            [2.41144646, -1.98949844, 1.66646315]])
    fixing_sample = np.array([[-2.93034587, -2.62148462, 1.71694805],
                              [-2.70120457, 2.60061313, 3.00826754],
                              [-2.56283615, 2.53817347, -1.00496868]])

    main_effects, total_effects, total_variance = senstivity_ishigami.compute_effects(

    keys = space.parameter_names

    assert (all(k in main_effects for k in keys))
    assert (all(k in total_effects for k in keys))
def space():
    space = ParameterSpace([
        ContinuousParameter('x1', 0, 1),
        ContinuousParameter('x2', 0, 1),
        ContinuousParameter('x3', 0, 1)
    return space
Example #3
def catg_space():
    return ParameterSpace([
        ContinuousParameter("x1", 0, 15),
        CategoricalParameter("x2", OneHotEncoding(["A", "B", "C", "D"])),
        CategoricalParameter("x3", OneHotEncoding([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])),
        ContinuousParameter("x4", -2, 3),
Example #4
def branin_function():
    Two-dimensional Branin, often used as an optimization benchmark.

    Based on: https://www.sfu.ca/~ssurjano/branin.html

    .. math::
        f(\mathbf{x}) = (x_2 - b x_1 ^ 2 + c x_1 - r) ^ 2 + s(1 - t) \cos(x_1) + s


    .. math::
        b = 5.1 / (4 \pi ^ 2)

        c = 5 /\pi

        r = 6

        s = 10

        t = 1 / (8\pi)

    parameter_space = ParameterSpace(
        [ContinuousParameter("x1", -5, 10),
         ContinuousParameter("x2", 0, 15)])
    return _branin, parameter_space
Example #5
def catg_space():
    return ParameterSpace([
        ContinuousParameter('x1', 0, 15),
        CategoricalParameter('x2', OneHotEncoding([0, 1, 2, 3])),
        CategoricalParameter('x3', OneHotEncoding([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])),
        ContinuousParameter('x4', -2, 3)
Example #6
def space():
    space = ParameterSpace([
        ContinuousParameter("x1", 0, 1),
        ContinuousParameter("x2", 0, 1),
        ContinuousParameter("x3", 0, 1)
    return space
Example #7
def test_integrated_variance_acquisition(model):
    space = ParameterSpace(
        [ContinuousParameter('x1', 0, 1),
         ContinuousParameter('x2', 0, 1)])

    acquisition = IntegratedVarianceReduction(model, space)

    x_test = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    result = acquisition.evaluate(x_test)
    assert (result.shape == (10, 1))
    assert (np.all(result > 0))
Example #8
def test_integrated_variance_fails_with_out_of_domain_test_points(model):
    Checks that if the user supplies x_monte_carlo to the function, and they are out of the domain of the parameter space a ValueError is raised.
    space = ParameterSpace(
        [ContinuousParameter('x1', 0, 1),
         ContinuousParameter('x2', 0, 1)])

    x_monte_carlo = np.array([[0.5, 20.], [0.2, 0.3]])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        IntegratedVarianceReduction(model, space, x_monte_carlo)
def run_optimisation(current_range, freq_range, power_range):
    parameter_space = ParameterSpace([\
        ContinuousParameter('current', current_range[0], current_range[1]), \
        ContinuousParameter('freq', freq_range[0], freq_range[1]), \
        ContinuousParameter('power', power_range[0], power_range[1])

    def function(X):
        current = X[:, 0]
        freq = X[:, 1]
        power = X[:, 2]
        out = np.zeros((len(current), 1))
        for g in range(len(current)):
            Set JPA Current, Frequency & Power
            out[g, 0] = -get_SNR(
                plot=False)[-1]  #Negative as want to maximise SNR
        return out

    num_data_points = 10

    design = RandomDesign(parameter_space)
    X = design.get_samples(num_data_points)
    Y = function(X)

    model_gpy = GPRegression(X, Y)
    model_emukit = GPyModelWrapper(model_gpy)

    exp_imprv = ExpectedImprovement(model=model_emukit)
    optimizer = GradientAcquisitionOptimizer(space=parameter_space)
    point_calc = SequentialPointCalculator(exp_imprv, optimizer)
    coords = []
    min = []

    bayesopt_loop = BayesianOptimizationLoop(model=model_emukit,

    stopping_condition = FixedIterationsStoppingCondition(i_max=100)

    bayesopt_loop.run_loop(q, stopping_condition)

    coord_results = bayesopt_loop.get_results().minimum_location
    min_value = bayesopt_loop.get_results().minimum_value
    step_results = bayesopt_loop.get_results().best_found_value_per_iteration

    return coord_results, abs(min_value)
Example #10
def test_continuous_parameter():
    param = ContinuousParameter('x', 1, 10)
    assert param.name == 'x'
    assert param.check_in_domain(np.array([1, 3]))
    assert param.check_in_domain(np.array([[1], [3]]))
    assert param.check_in_domain(3)
    assert not param.check_in_domain(0.9)
    assert not param.check_in_domain(0)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # too many columns
        param.check_in_domain(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 2]]))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # not a 1d/2d array
Example #11
def sixhumpcamel_function():
    Two-dimensional SixHumpCamel function, often used as an optimization benchmark.

    Based on: https://www.sfu.ca/~ssurjano/camel6.html

    .. math::
        f(\mathbf{x}) = \left(4-2.1x_1^2 = \frac{x_1^4}{3} \right)x_1^2 + x_1x_2 + (-4 +4x_2^2)x_2^2


    parameter_space = ParameterSpace([ContinuousParameter("x1", -2, 2), ContinuousParameter("x2", -1, 1)])
    return _sixhumpcamel, parameter_space
Example #12
def bayesian_opt():

    # 2. ranges of the synth parameters
    syn1 = syn2 = syn3 = syn4 = syn5 = np.arange(158)
    syn6 = np.arange(6000)
    syn7 = np.arange(1000)
    syn8 = np.arange(700)

    # 2. synth paramters ranges into an 8D parameter space
    # parameter_space = ParameterSpace(
    #     [ContinuousParameter('x1', 0., 157.)])

    # parameter_space = ParameterSpace(
    #     [DiscreteParameter('x8', syn8)])

    parameter_space = ParameterSpace(
        [ContinuousParameter('x1', 0., 157.), ContinuousParameter('x2', 0., 157.), ContinuousParameter('x3', 0., 157.),
         ContinuousParameter('x4', 0., 157.), ContinuousParameter('x5', 0., 157.), ContinuousParameter('x6', 0., 5999.),
         ContinuousParameter('x7', 0., 999.), ContinuousParameter('x8', 0., 699.)])

    # parameter_space = ParameterSpace(
    #     [DiscreteParameter('x1', syn1), DiscreteParameter('x2', syn2), DiscreteParameter('x3', syn3),
    #      DiscreteParameter('x4', syn4), DiscreteParameter('x5', syn5), DiscreteParameter('x6', syn6),
    #      DiscreteParameter('x7', syn1), DiscreteParameter('x8', syn8)])

    # 3. collect random points
    design = RandomDesign(parameter_space)

    X = design.get_samples(num_data_points)  # X is a numpy array
    print("X=", X)

    # [is the below needed?]
    # UserFunction.evaluate(training_function, X)
    # I put UserFunctionWrapper in line 94

    # 4. define training_function as Y
    Y = training_function(X)

    # [is this needed?]
    # loop_state = create_loop_state(X, Y)

    # 5. train and wrap the model in Emukit
    model_gpy = GPRegression(X, Y, normalizer=True)

    model_emukit = GPyModelWrapper(model_gpy)
    expected_improvement = ExpectedImprovement(model=model_emukit)
    bayesopt_loop = BayesianOptimizationLoop(model=model_emukit,

    max_iterations = 15
    bayesopt_loop.run_loop(training_function, max_iterations)
    results = bayesopt_loop.get_results()
    # bayesopt_loop.loop_state.X
    print("X: ", bayesopt_loop.loop_state.X)
    print("Y: ", bayesopt_loop.loop_state.Y)
    print("cost: ", bayesopt_loop.loop_state.cost)
Example #13
def multi_fidelity_borehole_function(high_noise_std_deviation=0, low_noise_std_deviation=0):
    Two level borehole function.

    The Borehole function models water flow through a borehole. Its simplicity and quick evaluation makes it a commonly
    used function for testing a wide variety of methods in computer experiments.

    See reference for equations:

    :param high_noise_std_deviation: Standard deviation of Gaussian observation noise on high fidelity observations.
                                     Defaults to zero.
    :param low_noise_std_deviation: Standard deviation of Gaussian observation noise on low fidelity observations.
                                     Defaults to zero.
    :return: Tuple of user function object and parameter space
    parameter_space = ParameterSpace([
        ContinuousParameter('borehole_radius', 0.05, 0.15),
        ContinuousParameter('radius_of_influence', 100, 50000),
        ContinuousParameter('upper_aquifer_transmissivity', 63070, 115600),
        ContinuousParameter('upper_aquifer_head', 990, 1110),
        ContinuousParameter('lower_aquifer_transmissivity', 63.1, 116),
        ContinuousParameter('lower_aquifer_head', 700, 820),
        ContinuousParameter('borehole_length', 1120, 1680),
        ContinuousParameter('hydraulic_conductivity', 9855, 12045),

    user_function = MultiSourceFunctionWrapper([
        lambda x: borehole_low(x, low_noise_std_deviation),
        lambda x: borehole_high(x, high_noise_std_deviation)])

    return user_function, parameter_space
Example #14
def get_validation_tasks_per_cache_size(trace_file, cache_type, cache_size, parameters, args_global, df):
    n_req = parameters['n_req']
    n_validation = int(n_req * args_global['ratio_validation'])
    n_iteration = args_global['n_iteration']
    n_beam = args_global['n_beam']
    if len(df) == 0 or len(df[df['cache_size'] == cache_size]) == 0:
        # init value
        next_windows = np.linspace(1, int(0.4 * n_validation), args_global['n_beam'] + 1, dtype=int)[1:]
        tasks = []
        for memory_window in next_windows:
            # override n_early stop
            task = _get_task(trace_file, cache_type, cache_size, parameters, n_validation, memory_window)
        return tasks

    # as emukit output is random, don't assume same points each time, as long as # point is enough
    df1 = df[df['cache_size'] == cache_size]
    if len(df1) >= n_iteration * n_beam:
        return []
    # next round
    # window at most 40% of length
    # add xs, ys in a consistent order otherwise the results will be difference
    parameter_space = ParameterSpace([ContinuousParameter('x', 1, int(0.4 * n_validation))])
    bo = GPBayesianOptimization(variables_list=parameter_space.parameters,
                                X=df1['memory_window'].values.reshape(-1, 1),
                                Y=df1['byte_miss_ratio'].values.reshape(-1, 1),
    next_windows = bo.suggest_new_locations().reshape(-1).astype(int)
    tasks = []
    for memory_window in next_windows:
        task = _get_task(trace_file, cache_type, cache_size, parameters, n_validation, memory_window)
    return tasks
Example #15
def multi_source_entropy_search_acquisition(gpy_model):
    space = ParameterSpace(
        [ContinuousParameter("x1", 0, 1),
    return MultiInformationSourceEntropySearch(gpy_model,
Example #16
File: bbo.py Project: kaghog/octras
    def initialize(self):
        parameter_space = ParameterSpace([
            ContinuousParameter("x%d" % index, bounds[0], bounds[1])
            for index, bounds in enumerate(self.problem.bounds)
        ] + [InformationSourceParameter(len(self.problem.fidelities))])

        # Obtain initial sample
        design = LatinDesign(parameter_space)
        initial_parameters = design.get_samples(self.initial_sample_count)
        initial_response = self._evaluate_batch(initial_parameters)

        kernels = [GPy.kern.RBF(1)] * len(self.problem.fidelities)
        kernel = emukit.multi_fidelity.kernels.LinearMultiFidelityKernel(kernels)

        model = GPyLinearMultiFidelityModel(
            initial_parameters, initial_response,
            kernel, n_fidelities = len(self.problem.fidelities)

        model = GPyMultiOutputWrapper(model, len(self.problem.fidelities))
        acquisition = NegativeLowerConfidenceBound(model)

        self.loop = BayesianOptimizationLoop(
            model = model, space = parameter_space,
            acquisition = acquisition, batch_size = self.batch_size