Example #1
def create_topology1():
    1. Create a data center network object (DCNetwork)
    net = DCNetwork(controller=RemoteController,
    2. Add (logical) data centers to the topology
       (each data center is one "bigswitch" in our simplified
        first prototype)
    fog1 = net.addFogInstance("fog1")
    fog2 = net.addFogInstance("fog2")
    fog3 = net.addFogInstance("long_data_center_name3")
    fog4 = net.addFogInstance(
        metadata={"mydata": "we can also add arbitrary metadata to each DC"})
    3. You can add additional SDN switches for data center
       interconnections to the network.
    s1 = net.addSwitch("s1")
    4. Add links between your data centers and additional switches
       to define you topology.
       These links can use Mininet's features to limit bw, add delay or jitter.
    net.addLink(fog1, fog2)
    net.addLink("fog1", s1)
    net.addLink(s1, fog3)
    net.addLink(s1, "fog4")
    5. We want to access and control our data centers from the outside,
       e.g., we want to connect an orchestrator to start/stop compute
       resources aka. VNFs (represented by Docker containers in the emulated)

       So we need to instantiate API endpoints (e.g. a zerorpc or REST
       interface). Depending on the endpoint implementations, we can connect
       one or more data centers to it, which can then be controlled through
       this API, e.g., start/stop/list compute instances.
    # create a new instance of a endpoint implementation
    rapi1 = RestApiEndpoint("", 5001, net)
    # connect data centers to this endpoint
    # run API endpoint server (in another thread, don't block)

    6. Finally we are done and can start our network (the emulator).
       We can also enter the Mininet CLI to interactively interact
       with our compute resources (just like in default Mininet).
       But we can also implement fully automated experiments that
       can be executed again and again.
    # when the user types exit in the CLI, we stop the emulator