Example #1
    def __init__(self, config, cons):

        assert config['bit_depth'] >= 1
        assert config['pixels_per_cycle'] >= 1

        self.bd = config['bit_depth']
        self.ps = config['pixels_per_cycle']
        self.axi_lite = config['support_axi_lite']
        enc_out_bits = min(31, 16 + self.bd) * self.ps

        #pixels in
        self.pixels_in = Array(
            Signal(self.bd, name="pixel_in") for _ in range(self.ps))

        #enc out
        self.enc_out = Signal(enc_out_bits)
        self.enc_out_ctr = Signal(max=enc_out_bits + 1)

        # valid in & out
        self.valid_in = Signal(1)
        self.valid_out = Signal(1)

        # end
        self.end_out = Signal(1)
        self.fend_out = Signal(1)

        if self.ps == 4:
            self.predictor = predictor_p1_c4_px4.PredictorP1C4Px4(config, cons)
            self.predictor = predictor_p1_c4_pix1_2.PredictorP1C4Pix12(
                config, cons)
        self.difference = difference.Difference(config, cons)
        self.normalize = normalize.Normalize(config, cons)
        self.encode = encode.Encode(config, cons)
        #create a merge layer only if more than one pixel per cycle
        if self.ps > 1:
            self.merge = merge.Merge(config, cons)
        self.signals = signals.Signals(config, cons)
        if self.axi_lite:
            self.core_axi_lite = core_axi_lite.CoreAxiLite(config, cons)
            self.register_file = register_file.RegisterFile()
        self.force_end = force_end.ForceEnd(config, cons)

        self.ios = \
         [pixel_in for pixel_in in self.pixels_in] + \
         [self.enc_out, self.enc_out_ctr] + \
         [self.valid_in, self.valid_out] + \
         [self.end_out, self.fend_out]
Example #2
def EncodeMessage():
    UserInputImage = input("Enter the name of the image in which you would like to encrypt your message (with extension): ")
    #image = Image.open(UserInputImage, 'r')

    SecretMessage = input("Enter the message you would like to encode : ")
    if (len(SecretMessage) == 0):
        raise ValueError('Message is empty')

    EncryptPasscode = input("Set a passcode for you to decrypt the message in future: ")

    print("Your secret message: '" + SecretMessage + "' is getting encoded in the image: '" + UserInputImage + "' . \nPlease use the passphrase: '" + EncryptPasscode + "' as a future reference to decode the message!" )
    print ("Encoding your message")
    EncryptPasscode = " " + EncryptPasscode
    SecretMessage += EncryptPasscode

    # Encode the message into the image
    EncodeImage = encode.Encode(UserInputImage,SecretMessage)
def encode_image(image_path, password, text_to_encode):
    # calling Encode class constructor
    encode_action = encode.Encode(image_path, password, text_to_encode)
    # calling method inside Encode class to check if all the values are valid
    msg = encode_action.are_values_valid()
    # checking the status message returned by above function
    if not msg[1]:
        # showing error if the supplied values are invalid
        messagebox.showerror("Error Encoding", msg[0])
        # calling a method inside Encode class to encode the data into image if all the values are valid
        stego_image = encode_action.encode_into_image()
        # checking the returned status message from the function above
        if stego_image[1]:
            # calling save_image() function to show the save image dialog and save the output image
            if save_image(stego_image[0]) is None:
                messagebox.showinfo("Image Saved",
                                    "Encode operation was successful.")
            # Showing error if any error occurs while encoding the image
            messagebox.showerror("Error Encoding", stego_image[0])
Example #4
from PIL import Image
import encode
import decode

conti = 1
while conti:
    k = input(
        "Press Key 1 : Encode \n          2 : Decode \n  Other key : Exit\n")
    if k == '1':
    elif k == '2':
    conti = input("Want to Encode/Decode again(y/n) : ")
    if conti.upper() == 'Y' or conti.upper() == 'YES':
        conti = 1
        conti = 0
Example #5
# Press ⌃R to execute it or replace it with your code.
# Press Double ⇧ to search everywhere for classes, files, tool windows, actions, and settings.

import encode
import decode

def print_hi(name):
    # Use a breakpoint in the code line below to debug your script.
    print(f'Hi, {name}')  # Press ⌘F8 to toggle the breakpoint.

# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    i = 0
    iteration_times = 100
    dataNum = 5  # should not be to large, 20 might be too big, usually 5~10
    dataMade = 3  # around dataNum/2
    dataLost = 3  # must less or equal to dataMade
    while i < iteration_times:
        encoder = encode.Encode(dataNum, dataMade)
        checker = decode.Check(dataLost)
        lostRows = checker.make_lost(encoder)
        decoder = decode.Decode(lostRows)
        decoder.decoding(encoder, checker)
        i = i + 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.e = encode.Encode()
     self.d = decode.Decode()