def getSshKey(uid): data = request.json try: user = Users.get(Users.uid == uid) except Users.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="No User Found") except: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error reading database", code=500) if 'password' in data: password = data["password"] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is required", code=400) # Verify password if not pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, user.password): return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is not correct", code=400) # Encrypt the user ssh key privateKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.privateKey) publicKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.publicKey) res = { "publicKey": publicKey, "privateKey": privateKey } return Response.make_json_response(res)
def osGenVars(user, password, space, flavorName, imageName, dbsize, safePlatformName, platformPath): print(dbsize) try: creds = OSCreds.get(( == space.cid) & (OSCreds.uid == user.uid)) except OSCreds.DoesNotExist: return "Error Finding Creds" osUsername = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.username) osPassword = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.password) authUrl = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.authUrl) publicKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.publicKey) return tf.generateOSPlatformVars(osUsername, osPassword, space.tenantName, authUrl, space.availabilityZone, flavorName, imageName, safePlatformName, space.ipPool, space.securityGroup, space.intNetwork, publicKey, dbsize, platformPath)
def removeAWSSpace(id): try: space = SpaceAWS.get( == id) except SpaceAWS.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Space Not Found", code=400) platforms = == if len(platforms) != 0: return Response.make_error_resp( msg= "Please remove all platforms in this space before removing space") data = request.json if 'uid' in data: uid = data['uid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="User ID is required", code=400) try: user = Users.get(Users.uid == uid) except Users.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="No User Found") if 'password' in data: password = data['password'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is required", code=400) if not pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, user.password): return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is Incorrect", code=400) creds = AWSCreds.get( == space.cid) secretKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.secretKey) accessKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.accessKey) tf.generateAWSSpaceVars(secretKey, accessKey, "", "", "", space.dir) path = space.dir resultCode = tf.destroy(space.dir) if resultCode != 0: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error deleting platform") space.delete_instance() if path != "": shutil.rmtree(path) return Response.make_success_resp(msg="Space Has been removed")
def gcpGenVars(user, password, creds, zone, dbsize, platformName, platformPath): print(dbsize) publicKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.publicKey) account = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.account) return tf.generateGCPPlatformVars(publicKey, account, platformName, creds.platform, zone, dbsize, platformPath)
def awsGenVars(user, password, space, dbsize, safePlatformName, platformPath): print(dbsize) # Get the aws creds object try: creds = AWSCreds.get(( == space.cid) & (AWSCreds.uid == user.uid)) except AWSCreds.DoesNotExist: return "Error Finding Creds" # Decrypt the user data secretKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.secretKey) accessKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.accessKey) return tf.generateAWSPlatformVars(space.keyPairId, space.securityGroupId, space.subnetId, secretKey, accessKey, dbsize, safePlatformName, platformPath)
def databaseDump(id): data = request.json try: platform = Platforms.get( == id) except Platforms.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Platform Not Found", code=400) if 'uid' in data: uid = data['uid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="User ID is required", code=400) try: user = Users.get(Users.uid == uid) except Users.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="No User Found") if 'password' in data: password = data['password'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is required", code=400) if not pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, user.password): return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is Incorrect", code=400) database = platform.database privateKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.privateKey) dumpAnsibleFiles = "ansiblePlaybooks/dataBaseDump" ansiblePath = os.path.join(platform.dir, "ansible", "dataBaseDump") if os.path.exists(ansiblePath): shutil.rmtree(ansiblePath) shutil.copytree(dumpAnsibleFiles, ansiblePath) ab.updateDBDumpVars(database, ansiblePath) output, error = ab.runPlaybook(platform.ipAddress, privateKey, ansiblePath, "dbDump") print(output) print(error) filename = "" dumpPath = "" if database == "influxdb": filename = "" dumpPath = os.path.join(ansiblePath, filename) elif database == "mongodb": filename = "" dumpPath = os.path.join(ansiblePath, filename) try: return send_file(dumpPath, attachment_filename=filename, as_attachment=True, mimetype="application/zip") except Exception as e: print(e) return Response.make_error_resp("Error Getting Dump", code=400)
def createPlatform(): data = dict(request.form) if 'script' in request.files: script = request.files['script'] else: script = None externalVolume = None if 'platformName' in data: platformName = data["platformName"] + tf.genComponentID() else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Platform Requires Name", code=400) if 'cloudService' in data: cloudService = data['cloudService'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Cloud Service Choice is required", code=400) if 'uid' in data: uid = data['uid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="User ID is required", code=400) try: user = Users.get(Users.uid == uid) except Users.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="No User Found") if 'password' in data: password = data['password'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is required", code=400) if not pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, user.password): return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is Incorrect", code=400) if 'sid' in data: sid = data['sid'] else: sid = "" if "rabbitUser" in data: rabbitUser = data['rabbitUser'] else: rabbitUser = "" if "rabbitPass" in data: rabbitPass = data['rabbitPass'] else: rabbitPass = "" if "rabbitTLS" in data: # Get string version of rabbitTLS flag as ansible is looking for a string rabbitTLS = data['rabbitTLS'] else: rabbitTLS = "false" if "database" in data: validDbs = ["influxdb", "mongodb", "mysqldb", "timescaledb"] database = data['database'] if database not in validDbs: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Invalid database", code=400) else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Database is required", code=400) if "dbFields" in data: if database == "mysqldb" or database == "timescaledb": try: dbFields = json.loads(data["dbFields"]) except Exception as e: print(e) return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Invalid DB fields", code=400) else: dbFields = None else: dbFields = None if "dbsize" in data: dbsize = int(data["dbsize"]) if dbsize % 10 != 0 or dbsize > 100: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Database Size is invalid") else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Database Size is required", code=400) if 'packages' in data: packages = data['packages'].replace(" ", "").split(",") else: packages = [] if 'monitoring' in data: monitoring = data["monitoring"] if monitoring == "true": monitoringFreq = data["monitoringFreq"] else: monitoringFreq = "30" else: monitoring = "false" monitoringFreq = "30" if len(packages) != 0: issue = checkPackages(packages) if issue != "": return Response.make_error_resp(msg=issue + " Package not valid", code=400) packages = packages + [ "pika==1.1.0", "influxdb", "pymongo", "mysql-connector", "psycopg2" ] safePlatformName = platformName.replace('/', '_') safePlatformName = safePlatformName.replace(' ', '_') cid = "" space = "" # ------------Terraform Setup------------# validPlatforms = ["aws", "openstack", "gcp"] if cloudService not in validPlatforms: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="invalid cloudService", code=400) # Define Terraform Variables tfPath = "" platformPath = "" if cloudService == "aws": tfPath = "terraformScripts/createPlatform/aws" externalVolume = "/dev/nvme1n1" try: space = SpaceAWS.get(( == sid) & (SpaceAWS.uid == uid)) except SpaceAWS.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Finding Space", code=400) platformPath = os.path.join(space.dir, "platforms", safePlatformName) elif cloudService == "openstack": tfPath = "terraformScripts/createPlatform/openstack" externalVolume = "/dev/vdb" if 'flavorName' in data: flavorName = data['flavorName'] else: return Response.make_error_resp( msg="Flavor Name Required for Openstack") if 'imageName' in data: imageName = data['imageName'] else: return Response.make_error_resp( msg="Image Name Required for Openstack") try: space = SpaceOS.get(( == sid) & (SpaceOS.uid == uid)) except SpaceOS.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Finding Space", code=400) platformPath = os.path.join("openstack", "platforms", safePlatformName) elif cloudService == "gcp": tfPath = "terraformScripts/createPlatform/gcp" externalVolume = "/dev/sdb" if 'zone' in data: zone = data['zone'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Zone Required for GCP") if 'cid' in data: cid = data['cid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Credentials Required for GCP") try: creds = GCPCreds.get(( == cid) & (GCPCreds.uid == uid)) except SpaceOS.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Finding Credentials", code=400) platformPath = os.path.join("gcp", "platforms", safePlatformName) try: shutil.copytree(tfPath, platformPath) except FileExistsError as e: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Platform Name already used", code=400) if cloudService == "aws": print(dbsize) varPath = awsGenVars(user, password, space, dbsize, safePlatformName, platformPath) if varPath == "Error Finding Creds": return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Finding Creds", code=400) elif cloudService == "openstack": print(dbsize) varPath = osGenVars(user, password, space, flavorName, imageName, dbsize, safePlatformName, platformPath) if varPath == "Error Finding Creds": return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Finding Creds", code=400) elif cloudService == "gcp": print(dbsize) varPath, accountPath, keyPath = gcpGenVars(user, password, creds, zone, dbsize, safePlatformName, platformPath) #------------Ansible Setup------------# createAnsibleFiles = "ansiblePlaybooks/createPlatform" ansiblePath = os.path.join(platformPath, "ansible", "createPlatform") shutil.copytree(createAnsibleFiles, ansiblePath) if script: os.path.join(ansiblePath, "roles", "dmacklin.mytInstall", "templates", "")) if dbFields: ab.createSQLInit(ansiblePath, dbFields, database) ab.updateAnsiblePlaybookVars(cloudService, externalVolume, database, rabbitTLS, monitoring, monitoringFreq, ansiblePath) ab.generateMyTConfig(rabbitUser, rabbitPass, rabbitTLS, database, ansiblePath) ab.generateRequirementsFile(packages, ansiblePath, "dmacklin.mytInstall") # ------------Terraform Create------------# initResultCode = tf.init(platformPath) output, createResultCode = tf.create(platformPath) print(createResultCode) if createResultCode != 0: # Add destroy function here print("Removing Inf") tf.destroy(platformPath) shutil.rmtree(platformPath) return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Creating Infrastructure", code=400) # Remove the vars file os.remove(varPath) if cloudService == "gcp": os.remove(accountPath) os.remove(keyPath) isUp = serverCheck(output["instance_ip_address"]["value"]) if not isUp: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Contacting Server") # ------------Ansible Create------------# privateKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.privateKey) aboutput, aberror = ab.runPlaybook(output["instance_ip_address"]["value"], privateKey, ansiblePath, "installService") print(aboutput) print(aberror) # ------------Save Platform------------# newPlatform = Platforms.create( dir=platformPath, name=safePlatformName, uid=user.uid, sid=sid, cid=cid, cloudService=cloudService, ipAddress=output["instance_ip_address"]["value"], packageList=data['packages'], database=database, dbsize=dbsize, id=str(uuid.uuid4())) try: platform = Platforms.get( == except Platforms.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Platform Not Found", code=400) # ------------Return Data------------# if rabbitTLS == "true": filename = "" dumpPath = os.path.join(ansiblePath, filename) try: return send_file(dumpPath, attachment_filename=filename, as_attachment=True, mimetype="application/zip") except Exception as e: print(e) return Response.make_error_resp("Error Getting Certs", code=400) else: res = {"id":, "name":} return Response.make_data_resp(res)
def updateDataProcessing(id): try: platform = Platforms.get( == id) except Platforms.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Platform Not Found", code=400) data = dict(request.form) if 'script' in request.files: script = request.files['script'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Script not in request", code=400) if 'uid' in data: uid = data['uid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="User ID is required", code=400) try: user = Users.get(Users.uid == uid) except Users.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="No User Found") if 'password' in data: password = data['password'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is required", code=400) if 'packages' in data: packages = data['packages'].replace(" ", "").split(",") else: packages = [] if len(packages) != 0: issue = checkPackages(packages) if issue != "": return Response.make_error_resp(msg=issue + " Package not valid", code=400) exsistingPackages = platform.packageList.split(",") packages = exsistingPackages + packages + [ "pika==1.1.0", "influxdb", "pymongo" ] if not pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, user.password): return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is Incorrect", code=400) privateKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.privateKey) updateAnsibleFiles = "ansiblePlaybooks/updateProcessing" ansiblePath = os.path.join(platform.dir, "ansible", "updatePlatform") if os.path.exists(ansiblePath): shutil.rmtree(ansiblePath) shutil.copytree(updateAnsibleFiles, ansiblePath) os.path.join(ansiblePath, "roles", "dmacklin.updateProcessing", "templates", "")) ab.generateRequirementsFile(packages, ansiblePath, "dmacklin.updateProcessing") output, error = ab.runPlaybook(platform.ipAddress, privateKey, ansiblePath, "updateProcessing") print(output) print(error) return Response.make_success_resp(msg="Script updated")
def removePlatform(id): try: platform = Platforms.get( == id) except Platforms.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Platform Not Found", code=400) data = request.json if 'uid' in data: uid = data['uid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="User ID is required", code=400) try: user = Users.get(Users.uid == uid) except Users.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="No User Found") if 'password' in data: password = data['password'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is required", code=400) if not pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, user.password): return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is Incorrect", code=400) path = "" if platform.cloudService == "aws": space = SpaceAWS.get(( == platform.sid) & (SpaceAWS.uid == uid)) creds = AWSCreds.get( == space.cid) secretKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.secretKey) accessKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.accessKey) tf.generateAWSPlatformVars("", "", "", secretKey, accessKey, 0, "", platform.dir) elif platform.cloudService == "openstack": space = SpaceOS.get(( == platform.sid) & (SpaceOS.uid == uid)) creds = OSCreds.get( == space.cid) osUsername = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.username) osPassword = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.password) authUrl = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.authUrl) tf.generateOSPlatformVars(osUsername, osPassword, space.tenantName, authUrl, space.availabilityZone, "", "", "", space.ipPool, space.securityGroup, space.intNetwork, "", "", platform.dir) elif platform.cloudService == "gcp": creds = GCPCreds.get( == platform.cid) gcpGenVars(user, password, creds, "", "",, platform.dir) path = platform.dir resultCode = tf.destroy(platform.dir) if resultCode != 0: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error deleting platform") platform.delete_instance() if path != "": shutil.rmtree(path) return Response.make_success_resp(msg="Platform Has been removed")
def createAWSSpace(): data = request.json # Verify required fields if 'uid' in data: uid = data['uid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="User id is required", code=400) if 'cid' in data: cid = data['cid'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Credential id is required", code=400) if 'password' in data: password = data['password'] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is required", code=400) #if 'cloudService' in data: # validPlatforms = ["aws", "openstack"] # cloudService = data['cloudService'] # if cloudService not in validPlatforms: # return Response.make_error_resp(msg="invalid cloudService", code=400) #else: # return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Cloud Service Choice is required", code=400) if 'spaceName' in data: spaceName = data['spaceName'] + tf.genComponentID() else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Name of space required", code=400) if 'availability_zone' in data: availability_zone = data["availability_zone"] else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Availability Zone is required", code=400) # Get rid of unsafe characters in the name safeSpaceName = spaceName.replace('/', '_') safeSpaceName = safeSpaceName.replace(' ', '_') # Create a safe path spacePath = os.path.join("spaces", safeSpaceName) # Get the users data try: user = Users.get(Users.uid == uid) except Users.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="User does not exist", code=404) # Create a new directory for the space try: os.makedirs(spacePath) except FileExistsError as e: print(e) return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Space Name already used", code=400) except Exception as e: print(e) return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Creating Space Directory", code=400) # Verify the users password if pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password, user.password): tfPath = "terraformScripts/createSpace/aws" requiredFiles = ["", ""] # Get the files from the source code directory for file in requiredFiles: copyfile(tfPath + "/" + file, spacePath + "/" + file) # Get the aws creds object try: creds = AWSCreds.get(( == cid) & (AWSCreds.uid == uid)) except AWSCreds.DoesNotExist: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Finding Creds", code=404) # Decrypt the user data secretKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.secretKey) accessKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=creds.accessKey) publicKey = encryption.decryptString(password=password, salt=user.keySalt, resKey=user.resKey, string=user.publicKey) # Generate the variables file varPath = tf.generateAWSSpaceVars(secretKey, accessKey, publicKey, availability_zone, safeSpaceName, spacePath) # Init the terraform directory initResultCode = tf.init(spacePath) print(initResultCode) # Run the terrafom script output, createResultCode = tf.create(spacePath) # Check the result code for errors if createResultCode != 0: # Add destroy function here print("Removing Inf") tf.destroy(spacePath) shutil.rmtree(spacePath) return Response.make_error_resp( msg="Error Creating Infrastructure", code=400) # Remove the vars file os.remove(varPath) # Get data from the terraform outputs keyPairId = output["key_pair"]["value"] securityGroupId = output["security_group"]["value"] subnetId = output["subnet"]["value"] # Create the space object newSpace = SpaceAWS.create(dir=spacePath, keyPairId=keyPairId, securityGroupId=securityGroupId, name=safeSpaceName, subnetId=subnetId, uid=uid, availabilityZone=availability_zone, cid=cid, id=str(uuid.uuid4())) # Get the new space object try: newSpace = SpaceAWS.get( == except AWSCreds.DoesNotExist as e: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Error Finding Creds", code=404) # Return the space data res = {"id":, "name":} return Response.make_json_response(res) else: return Response.make_error_resp(msg="Password is incorrect")