Example #1
def update_user():
    user_uuid = request.form.get("uuid", None)
    name = str(request.form.get("name", None))
    user_hash = Encryption.encrypt_password(
        str(request.form.get("password", None)))
    email = str(request.form.get("email", None))
    birthdate = str(request.form.get("birthdate", None))

    if not data_validation.validate_uuid(user_uuid):
        return return_json(success=False, error="Invalid user UUID")

    if user_db.get_user(uuid=user_uuid)[0] is False:
        return return_json(success=False, error="User not found")

    if not data_validation.validate_email(email):
        return return_json(success=False, error="Invalid email")

    if not data_validation.validate_birthdate(birthdate)[0]:
        return return_json(

    c_user = user_db.get_user(uuid=user_uuid)[1]

    c_user.name = name
    c_user.user_hash = user_hash
    if c_user.email != email:
        c_user.email = email
        c_user.is_verified = False
    c_user.birthdate = birthdate


    return return_json(
        success=True, data={"message": "User {0} updated".format(c_user.uuid)})
Example #2
def register_user():
    name = str(request.form.get("name", None))
    user_hash = Encryption.encrypt_password(
        str(request.form.get("password", None)))
    email = str(request.form.get("email", None))
    birthdate = str(request.form.get("birthdate", None)).replace(
        "-", "/")  # IOS uses '-' instead of '/'

    if name is None or email is None or name is None:
        return return_json(success=False, error="Fields empty")

    if not data_validation.validate_email(email):
        return return_json(success=False, error="Invalid email")

    if not data_validation.validate_birthdate(birthdate)[0]:
        return return_json(success=False,
                           error="Invalid birthdate:" +

    res = user_db.insert_user(name, user_hash, email, birthdate)
    if not res[0]:
        return return_json(success=False, error="User already exists")
    user_uuid = res[1]

    token = token_generator.generate_confirm_token(email)

    send_confirmation_mail(name, email, token)

    return return_json(success=True)
Example #3
class UserAuthentication:
    def __init__(self, database):
        self.database = database
        self.encryption = Encryption()

    def identify_user(self, operation, username, password):
        """Chooses whether login of register operation
        will be performed with username and password.
        if operation == 'login':
            return self.login_user(username, password)
        elif operation == 'register':
            return self.register_user(username, password)

    def register_user(self, username, password):
        """Checks if there is no user in database with username,
        then encrypts password and adds entry to the database.
        :return register status modified with self.auth_output
        if self.database.check_user(username):
            return self.auth_output(False, f'"{username}" is already taken')
            return self.auth_output(True, f'"{username}" is now registered')

    def login_user(self, username, password):
        """Checks if user with username in database,
        compares password with the encrypted one from database entry.
        :return login status modified with self.auth_output
        if self.database.check_user(username):
            user_password = self.database.get_password(username)
            if self.encryption.check_password(password, user_password):
                return self.auth_output(True, f'"{username}", login success')
                return self.auth_output(False, 'Wrong password')
            return self.auth_output(False, f'No such user - "{username}"')

    def already_logged(self):
        return self.auth_output(False, 'Such user is already logged in')

    def auth_output(flag: bool, message: str):
        :param flag: boolean login/register success status
        :param message: verbal description of flag
        :return flag and message as one dictionary
        return {'flag': flag, 'verbose': message}
def add_user():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template('users/user_add.html')

    name = str(request.form.get("name", None))
    pw1 = request.form.get("password", None)
    pw2 = request.form.get("confirm_password", None)
    user_hash = Encryption.encrypt_password(
        str(request.form.get("password", None))
    email = str(request.form.get("email", None))
    birthdate = str(request.form.get("birthdate", None)).replace(
        "-", "/")  # IOS uses '-' instead of '/'

    if name is None or email is None or name is None:
        return render_template('users/user_add.html', error="Fields empty")
    if pw1 != pw2:
        return render_template('users/user_add.html', error="Passwords don't match")

    if not data_validation.validate_email(email):
        return render_template('users/user_add.html', error="Invalid mail")

    if not data_validation.validate_birthdate(birthdate)[0]:
        return render_template('users/user_add.html', error="Invalid birthdate:" + data_validation.validate_birthdate(birthdate)[1])

    res = user_db.insert_user(name, user_hash, email, birthdate)
    if not res[0]:
        return render_template('users/user_add.html', error="User already exists")

    user_uuid = res[1]

    token = generate_confirm_token(email)

    mail.send_confirmation_mail(name, email, token)
    return return_message("Succes", "User added!", 2, url_for('admin_blueprint.get_users'))