Example #1
def toENDF6(self, baseMT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo):

    MF, MT, LP = 12, baseMT + int(self.label), 0
    nGammas, gammaData, levelEnergy_eV = len(
        self.gammas), [], self.energy.getValueAs('eV')
    for gamma in self.gammas:
    LGp = len(gammaData[0])
    for gamma in gammaData:
        gamma[0] = levelEnergy_eV - gamma[0]
    endfMFList[MF][MT] = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'], 2,
                                       LGp - 1, MT - baseMT, 0),
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(levelEnergy_eV, 0., LP, 0,
                                       LGp * nGammas, nGammas)
    endfMFList[MF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfNdDataList(gammaData)

    # Currently, assume all distributions are isotropic
    endfMFList[14][MT] = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'], 1,
                                       0, nGammas, 0)
Example #2
def toENDF6(self, flags={}, verbosityIndent=''):
    endfMFList = {1: {451: []}, 7: {}}
    targetInfo = {'ZA': self.MAT + 100, 'mass': self.mass}
    MAT = self.MAT
    NSUB, NVER = 12, 7  # 12: thermal scattering sub-library, 7: ENDF/B-VII

    for subsection in (thermalScatteringModule.coherentElasticToken,
        if getattr(self, subsection) is not None:
            getattr(self, subsection).toENDF6(endfMFList, flags, targetInfo,

    endfDoc = self.documentation.getLines()
    docHeader = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'],
                                       -1, 0, 0, 0),
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6),  # ENDF-6
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(1.0, self.emax.getValueAs('eV'), 1, 0,
                                       NSUB, NVER),
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, len(endfDoc), 0)
    endfMFList[1][451] = docHeader + endfDoc

    return endfFormatsModule.endfMFListToFinalFile(endfMFList,
Example #3
def toENDF6(self, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):

    gridded = self.forms[0]
    data = gridded.array.constructArray()
    Tlist = list(gridded.axes[-1].grid)  #FIXME what if grid units aren't 'K'?
    Elist = list(gridded.axes[-2].grid)  #FIXME      ""                  'eV'?

    LT = len(Tlist) - 1
    # first temperature includes the energy list:
    endf = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(Tlist[0], 0, LT, 0, 1, len(data[0]))
    independentInterp = gndToENDF6.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
    dependentInterp = gndToENDF6.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
    endf += ['%11i%11i%44s' % (len(data[0]), independentInterp, '')
             ]  # no trailing zeros
    endf += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(
        list(itertools.chain(*zip(Elist, data[0]))))

    # remaining temperatures:
    for T, datList in zip(Tlist[1:], data[1:]):
        endf += [
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(T, 0, dependentInterp, 0,
                                           len(datList), 0)
        endf += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(datList)
    return endf
Example #4
def toENDF6(self, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):
    NR = 1
    NP = len(self)
    endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, 0, NR, NP)]
    interp = gndToENDF6.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(self.interpolation)
    endf += ['%11i%11i%44s' % (len(self), interp, '')]
    endf += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(
    return endf
Example #5
def toENDF6(self, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):
    ZAM, AWT = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass']
    LTHR = 2
    endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAM, AWT, LTHR, 0, 0, 0)]
        'characteristicCrossSection'] = self.characteristicCrossSection.getValueAs(
    endf += self.DebyeWaller.toENDF6(flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent='')
    del targetInfo['characteristicCrossSection']
    endfMFList[7][2] = endf + [99999]
Example #6
def toENDF6(self, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):
    ZAM, AWT = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass']
    LTHR, LAT, LASYM = 0, self.calculatedAtThermal, self.asymmetric
    endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAM, AWT, LTHR, LAT, LASYM, 0)]
    # describe scattering atoms:
    LLN, NS = 0, len(self.scatteringAtoms) - 1
    NI = 6 * (NS + 1)
    endf += [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, LLN, 0, NI, NS)]
    # principal scattering atom:
    atom = self.scatteringAtoms[0]
    endf += [
            atom.freeAtomCrossSection.getValueAs('b'), atom.e_critical,
            atom.e_max.getValueAs('eV'), 0, atom.numberPerMolecule
    for atom in self.scatteringAtoms[1:]:
        a1 = {
            'SCT': 0.0,
            'free_gas': 1.0,
            'diffusive_motion': 2.0
        endf += [
                atom.freeAtomCrossSection.getValueAs('b'), atom.mass, 0, 0,

    # convert data form: sort first by beta, then E, then T
    gridded = self.S_alpha_beta.forms[0]
    array = gridded.array.constructArray()  # 3D numpy array

    Tlist = list(gridded.axes[3].grid)  # FIXME check grid units
    betas = list(gridded.axes[2].grid)
    alphas = list(gridded.axes[1].grid)

    # switch array back to ENDF ordering:  1st beta, then T, then alpha:
    array = array.transpose((1, 0, 2))

    NR = 1
    NB = len(betas)
    endf += [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, 0, NR, NB)]
    #endf += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( (NB, 4) )
    endf += [
        '%11i%11i%44s' % (NB, 4, '')
    ]  # FIXME add 'suppressTrailingZeros' option to endfInterpolationList

    LT = len(Tlist) - 1
    if LT:
        T_interp = gndToENDF6.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
        T_interp = None
    beta_interp = gndToENDF6.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(
    alpha_interp = gndToENDF6.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(

    for index, beta in enumerate(betas):
        data = array[index, :, :]  # 2D sub-array for this beta

        endf += [
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(Tlist[0], beta, LT, 0, 1,
        endf += ['%11i%11i%44s' % (len(alphas), alpha_interp, '')
                 ]  # no trailing zeros
        # For each beta, the first temperature needs to include the energy list:
        endf += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(
            list(itertools.chain(*zip(alphas, data[0]))))

        # remaining temperatures:
        for T, datList in zip(Tlist[1:], data[1:]):
            endf += [
                endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(T, beta, T_interp, 0,
                                               len(datList), 0)
            endf += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(datList)

    for atom in self.scatteringAtoms:
        if atom.effectiveTemperature is not None:
            endf += atom.effectiveTemperature.toENDF6(flags,
    endfMFList[7][4] = endf + [99999]
Example #7
def toENDF6(self, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):
    ZAM, AWT = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass']
    LTHR = 1
    endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAM, AWT, LTHR, 0, 0, 0)]
    endf += self.S_table.toENDF6(flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent='')
    endfMFList[7][2] = endf + [99999]
Example #8
def toENDF6(self, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):

    ZAM, AWT = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass']
    NIS, ABN = 1, 1.0
    ZAI = ZAM  # assuming only one isotope per file

    # get target spin from the particle list:
    target = targetInfo['reactionSuite'].getParticle(
    targetInfo['spin'] = target.getSpin().value

    endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAM, AWT, 0, 0, NIS, 0)]
    resolvedCount, unresolvedCount = 0, 0
    # resolved may have multiple energy regions:
    if self.resolved is not None:
        resolvedCount = max(1, len(self.resolved.regions))
    if self.unresolved is not None: unresolvedCount = 1

    # resonances may only contain a scattering radius:
    if not (resolvedCount + unresolvedCount) and self.scatteringRadius:
        scatRadius = self.scatteringRadius.form
        lowerBound, upperBound = scatRadius.bounds
        endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAM, ABN, 0, 0, 1, 0))
                                           upperBound.getValueAs('eV'), 0, 0,
                                           0, 0))
        AP = scatRadius.value.getValueAs('10*fm')
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['spin'], AP, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        endfMFList[2][151] = endf

    # For now I'm storing the LRF/LFW flags in xml, since they are tricky to compute
    # LFW is a pain: only applies to unresolved, but must be written at the start of MF2
    LRFurr, LFW = 0, 0
    if unresolvedCount != 0:
        LRF_LFW = self.unresolved.evaluated.ENDFconversionFlag
        LRFurr, LFW = map(int, LRF_LFW.split('=')[-1].split(','))
    NER = resolvedCount + unresolvedCount
    endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAI, ABN, 0, LFW, NER, 0))
    for idx in range(resolvedCount):
        if resolvedCount == 1: region = self.resolved
        else: region = self.resolved.regions[idx]
        LRU = 1  #resolved
        LRF = {
            resonancesModule.SLBW.moniker: 1,
            resonancesModule.MLBW.moniker: 2,
            resonancesModule.RM.moniker: 3,
            resonancesModule.RMatrix.moniker: 7
        EL, EH = region.lowerBound.getValueAs(
            'eV'), region.upperBound.getValueAs('eV')
        if LRF == 7: NRO = 0
        else: NRO = region.evaluated.scatteringRadius.isEnergyDependent()
        NAPS = not (region.evaluated.calculateChannelRadius)
        endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(EL, EH, LRU, LRF, NRO,
        endf += region.evaluated.toENDF6(flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent)
    if unresolvedCount != 0:
        LRU = 2  #unresolved
        region = self.unresolved
        EL, EH = region.lowerBound.getValueAs(
            'eV'), region.upperBound.getValueAs('eV')
        NRO, NAPS = 0, 0
        if region.evaluated.scatteringRadius.isEnergyDependent(): NRO = 1
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(EL, EH, LRU, LRFurr, NRO, NAPS))
        # pass LFW/LRF so we don't have to calculate twice:
        targetInfo['unresolved_LFW'] = LFW
        targetInfo['unresolved_LRF'] = LRFurr
        targetInfo['regionEnergyBounds'] = (region.lowerBound,
        endf += region.evaluated.toENDF6(flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent)
    endfMFList[2][151] = endf
Example #9
def toENDF6(self, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):

    endf = []
    AP = self.scatteringRadius
    if AP.isEnergyDependent():
        scatRadius = AP.form
        NR, NP = 1, len(scatRadius)
        endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, 0, NR, NP))
        endf += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList(
        endf += endfFormatsModule.endfNdDataList(
            scatRadius.convertAxisToUnit(0, '10*fm'))
        AP = 0
        AP = AP.getValueAs('10*fm')

    NLS = len(self.L_values)
    LFW = targetInfo['unresolved_LFW']
    LRF = targetInfo['unresolved_LRF']

    def v(val):  # get value back from PhysicalQuantityWithUncertainty
        if type(val) == type(None): return
        return val.getValueAs('eV')

    if LFW == 0 and LRF == 1:  # 'Case A' from ENDF 2010 manual pg 70
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['spin'], AP,
                                           self.forSelfShieldingOnly, 0, NLS,
        for Lval in self.L_values:
            NJS = len(Lval.J_values)
                endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['mass'], 0, Lval.L,
                                               0, 6 * NJS, NJS))
            for Jval in Lval.J_values:
                # here we only have one width per J:
                ave = Jval.constantWidths
                        v(ave.levelSpacing), Jval.J.value, Jval.neutronDOF,
                        v(ave.captureWidth), 0

    elif LFW == 1 and LRF == 1:  # 'Case B'
        energies = self.L_values[0].J_values[
            0].energyDependentWidths.getColumn('energy', units='eV')
        NE = len(energies)
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['spin'], AP,
                                           self.forSelfShieldingOnly, 0, NE,
        nlines = int(math.ceil(NE / 6.0))
        for line in range(nlines):
                endfFormatsModule.endfDataLine(energies[line * 6:line * 6 +
        for Lval in self.L_values:
            NJS = len(Lval.J_values)
                endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['mass'], 0, Lval.L,
                                               0, NJS, 0))
            for Jval in Lval.J_values:
                cw = Jval.constantWidths
                    endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, Lval.L,
                                                   Jval.fissionDOF, NE + 6, 0))
                        v(cw.levelSpacing), Jval.J.value, Jval.neutronDOF,
                        v(cw.captureWidth), 0
                fissWidths = Jval.energyDependentWidths.getColumn(
                    'fissionWidthA', units='eV')
                for line in range(nlines):
                            fissWidths[line * 6:line * 6 + 6]))

    elif LRF == 2:  # 'Case C', most common in ENDF
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['spin'], AP,
                                           self.forSelfShieldingOnly, 0, NLS,
        INT = gndToENDF6.gndToENDFInterpolationFlag(self.interpolation)
        for Lval in self.L_values:
            NJS = len(Lval.J_values)
                endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['mass'], 0, Lval.L,
                                               0, NJS, 0))
            for Jval in Lval.J_values:
                NE = len(Jval.energyDependentWidths)
                useConstant = not NE
                if useConstant: NE = 2
                    endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(Jval.J.value, 0, INT, 0,
                                                   6 * NE + 6, NE))
                        0, 0, Jval.competitiveDOF, Jval.neutronDOF,
                        Jval.gammaDOF, Jval.fissionDOF
                cws = Jval.constantWidths
                if useConstant:
                    # widths are all stored in 'constantWidths' instead. get energies from parent class
                    NE = 2
                    useConstant = True
                    eLow, eHigh = targetInfo['regionEnergyBounds']
                    for e in (eLow, eHigh):

                    table = [
                    for attr in ('levelSpacing', 'competitiveWidth',
                                 'neutronWidth', 'captureWidth',
                        # find each attribute, in energy-dependent or constant width section
                        column = (Jval.energyDependentWidths.getColumn(
                            attr, units='eV') or [v(getattr(cws, attr))] * NE)
                        if not any(column): column = [0] * NE
                    for row in zip(*table):
    return endf
Example #10
def toENDF6(self, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):

    KRM = {
        'SLBW': 1,
        'MLBW': 2,
        'Reich_Moore': 3,
        'Full R-Matrix': 4
    endf = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, self.reducedWidthAmplitudes, KRM,

    # first describe all the particle pairs (two-body output channels)
    NPP = len(self.channels)
    endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, NPP, 0, 12 * NPP,
                                               2 * NPP))

    def getENDFtuple(spin, parity):
        # ENDF combines spin & parity UNLESS spin==0. Then it wants (0,+/-1)
        if spin.value: return (spin.value * parity.value, 0)
        else: return (spin.value, parity.value)

    def MZIP(p):  # helper: extract mass, z, spin and parity from particle list
        #mass = p.getMass( 'amu' ) / targetInfo['reactionSuite'].getParticle( 'n' ).getMass( 'amu' )
            nMass = targetInfo['reactionSuite'].getParticle('n').getMass('amu')
            nMass = 1.00866491578  # From ENDF102 manual, Appendix H.4
        mass = p.getMass('amu') / nMass
        Z = p.getZ_A_SuffixAndZA()[0]
        I, P = getENDFtuple(p.getSpin(), p.getParity())
        return mass, Z, I, P

    for pp in self.channels:
        pA, pB = pp.name.split(' + ')
        # get the xParticle instances for pA and pB:
        pA, pB = targetInfo['reactionSuite'].getParticle(
            pA), targetInfo['reactionSuite'].getParticle(pB)
        MA, ZA, IA, PA = MZIP(pA)
        MB, ZB, IB, PB = MZIP(pB)
        MT = pp.ENDF_MT
        PNT = pp.calculatePenetrability
        if PNT is None: PNT = self.calculatePenetrability
        SHF = pp.calculateShift
        if SHF is None: SHF = self.calculateShift
        if MT in (19, 102): PNT = 0  # special case
            Q = pp.Q.inUnitsOf('eV').value
            Q = targetInfo['reactionSuite'].getReaction(pp.channel).getQ('eV')
            # getQ doesn't account for residual left in excited state:
            for particle in targetInfo['reactionSuite'].getReaction(
                if (hasattr(particle, 'getLevelAsFloat')):
                    Q -= particle.getLevelAsFloat('eV')
        if MT == 102: Q = 0
        endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfDataLine([MA, MB, ZA, ZB, IA, IB]))
        endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfDataLine([Q, PNT, SHF, MT, PA, PB]))

    for spingrp in self.spinGroups:
        AJ, PJ = getENDFtuple(spingrp.spin, spingrp.parity)
        KBK = spingrp.background
        KPS = spingrp.applyPhaseShift
        NCH = len(spingrp.resonanceParameters.table.columns
                  ) - 1  # skip the 'energy' column
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(AJ, PJ, KBK, KPS, 6 * NCH, NCH))
        for chan in spingrp.resonanceParameters.table.columns:
            # which open channel does it correspond to?
            if chan.name == 'energy': continue
            name = chan.name.split(' width')[0]
            PPI, openChannel = [
                ch for ch in enumerate(self.channels) if ch[-1].name == name
            PPI += 1  # 1-based index in ENDF
            attr = chan.attributes
            L = attr['L']
            SCH = attr['channelSpin']
            # some data may have been moved up to the channel list:
            BND = float(
                attr.get('boundaryCondition') or self.boundaryCondition)

            channelOverride = resonancesModule.channelOverride(
            if openChannel.label in spingrp.overrides:
                channelOverride = spingrp.overrides[openChannel.label]

            APT = channelOverride.scatteringRadius or openChannel.scatteringRadius or PQUModule.PQU(
                0, 'fm')
            APE = channelOverride.effectiveRadius or openChannel.effectiveRadius or APT
            APT = APT.getValueAs('10*fm')
            APE = APE.getValueAs('10*fm')
            if openChannel.ENDF_MT == 102:
                APT, APE = 0, 0
                endfFormatsModule.endfDataLine([PPI, L, SCH, BND, APE, APT]))
        # resonances:
        NRS = len(spingrp.resonanceParameters.table)
        NX = (NCH // 6 + 1) * NRS
        if NRS == 0: NX = 1  # special case
        endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, NRS, 6 * NX, NX))
        for res in spingrp.resonanceParameters.table:
            #resproperties = [res.energy.inUnitsOf('eV').value] + [
            #        w.inUnitsOf('eV').value for w in res.widths]
            for jidx in range(NCH // 6 + 1):
                endfLine = res[jidx * 6:jidx * 6 + 6]
                while len(endfLine) < 6:
        if NRS == 0:
            endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfDataLine([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
    return endf
Example #11
def toENDF6(self, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''):

    endf = []
    AP = getattr(self, 'scatteringRadius')
    if AP.isEnergyDependent():
        scatRadius = AP.form
        NR, NP = 1, len(scatRadius)
        endf.append(endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, 0, NR, NP))
        endf += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList(
        endf += endfFormatsModule.endfNdDataList(
            scatRadius.convertAxisToUnit(0, '10*fm'))
        AP = 0
        AP = self.scatteringRadius.getValueAs('10*fm')
    L_list = self.resonanceParameters.table.getColumn('L')
    NLS = len(set(L_list))
    LAD = getattr(self, 'computeAngularDistribution') or 0
    NLSC = getattr(self, 'LvaluesNeededForConvergence') or 0
    endf += [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['spin'], AP, LAD, 0, NLS,

    table = [
        self.resonanceParameters.table.getColumn('energy', units='eV'),
    NE = len(table[0])
    if isinstance(self, (resonancesModule.SLBW, resonancesModule.MLBW)):
        attrList = ('totalWidth', 'neutronWidth', 'captureWidth',
    elif isinstance(self, resonancesModule.RM):
        attrList = ('neutronWidth', 'captureWidth', 'fissionWidthA',
    for attr in attrList:
        column = self.resonanceParameters.table.getColumn(attr, units='eV')
        if not column: column = [0] * NE
    CS = self.resonanceParameters.table.getColumn('channelSpin')
    if CS is not None:  # ENDF hack: J<0 -> use lower available channel spin
        targetSpin = targetInfo['spin']
        CS = [2 * (cs - targetSpin) for cs in CS]
        Js = [v[0] * v[1] for v in zip(table[1], CS)]
        table[1] = Js
    table = zip(*table)

    for L in set(L_list):
        APL = 0
        if self.scatteringRadius.isLdependent(
        ) and L in self.scatteringRadius.form.lvals:
            APL = self.scatteringRadius.getValueAs('10*fm', L=L)
        resonances = [table[i] for i in range(NE) if L_list[i] == L]
        NRS = len(resonances)
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetInfo['mass'], APL, L, 0,
                                           6 * NRS, NRS))
        for row in resonances:
    return endf
Example #12
def toENDF6( self, style, flags, verbosityIndent = '', covarianceSuite = None ) :

    evaluatedStyle = self.styles.getEvaluatedStyle( )
    if( evaluatedStyle is None ) : raise ValueError( 'no evaluation style found' )

    if( flags['verbosity'] >= 10 ) : print '%s%s' % ( verbosityIndent, self.inputParticlesToReactionString( suffix = " -->" ) )
    verbosityIndent2 = verbosityIndent + ' ' * ( len( self.inputParticlesToReactionString( suffix = " -->" ) ) + 1 )
    projectile, target = self.projectile, self.target
    projectileZA = projectile.getZ_A_SuffixAndZA( )[-1]
    IPART = projectileZA
    if( projectile.name == 'e-' ) : IPART = 11
    targetZA, MAT = endf_endl.ZAAndMATFromParticleName( target.name )
    targetZ, targetA = divmod( targetZA, 1000 )
    targetInfo = processingInfoModule.tempInfo( )
    targetInfo['style'] = style
    targetInfo['reactionSuite'] = self
    targetInfo['ZA'] = targetZA
    if( self.particles.hasID( 'n' ) ) :       # Need neutron mass in eV/c**2, but it may not be in the particle list.
        targetInfo['neutronMass'] = self.getParticle( 'n' ).getMass( 'eV/c**2' )
    else :
        neutronAmu = masses.getMassFromZA( 1 )
        targetInfo['neutronMass'] = PQU.PQU( neutronAmu, 'amu' ).getValueAs('eV/c**2')
    if( isinstance( target, fudge.gnd.xParticle.element ) ) :
        targetInfo['mass'] = elementalMass[targetZA]
    else :
        targetInfo['mass'] = target.getMass( 'eV/c**2' ) / targetInfo['neutronMass']

    try :
        targetInfo['LIS'] = target['levelIndex']
    except :
        targetInfo['LIS'] = 0
    targetInfo['metastables'] = []
    targetInfo['LISO'] = 0
    for key, alias in self.aliases.items( ) :
        if( alias.hasAttribute( 'nuclearMetaStable' ) ) :
            targetInfo['metastables'].append( alias.getValue() )
            if( alias.getValue() == target.name ) :
                targetInfo['LISO'] = int( alias.getAttribute( 'nuclearMetaStable' ) )
    MAT += targetInfo['LISO']
    if( self.MAT is not None ) : MAT = self.MAT

    ITYPE = 0                   # Other ITYPE sublibraries not yet supported. BRB is this still true
    for reaction in self.reactions :
        if( 500 <= reaction.ENDF_MT < 573 ) : ITYPE = 3
    targetInfo['crossSectionMF'] = { 0 : 3, 3 : 23 }[ITYPE]

    targetInfo['delayedRates'] = []
    targetInfo['totalDelayedNubar'] = None
    targetInfo['MTs'], targetInfo['MF8'], targetInfo['LRs'] = {}, {}, {}
    endfMFList = { 1 : { 451 : [] }, 2 : {}, 3 : {}, 4 : {}, 5 : {}, 6 : {}, 8 : {}, 9 : {}, 10 : {}, 12 : {}, 13 : {},
            14 : {}, 15 : {}, 23 : {}, 26 : {}, 27 : {}, 31 : {}, 32 : {}, 33 : {}, 34 : {}, 35 : {}, 40 : {} }
    if( self.resonances is not None ) :      # Add resonances, independent of reaction channels
        self.resonances.toENDF6( endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=verbosityIndent2 )

    targetInfo['production_gammas'] = {}

    for reaction in self :
        reaction.toENDF6( endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent = verbosityIndent2 )
    gndToENDF6Module.upDateENDFMF8Data( endfMFList, targetInfo )
    for MT, production_gammas in targetInfo['production_gammas'].items( ) :
        MF, production_gammas = production_gammas[0], production_gammas[1:]
        for productionReaction in production_gammas :
            gammas = [ gamma for gamma in productionReaction.outputChannel ]
            targetInfo['crossSection'] = productionReaction.crossSection[targetInfo['style']]
            gndToENDF6Module.gammasToENDF6_MF12_13( MT, MF, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, gammas )

    for particle in self.particles :              # gamma decay data.
        if( isinstance( particle, fudge.gnd.xParticle.isotope ) ) :
            for level in particle :
                if( level.gammas ) :                        # non-empty gamma information
                    for baseMT in [ 50, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800 ] :
                        residualZA = endf_endl.ENDF_MTZAEquation( projectileZA, targetZA, baseMT )[0][-1]
                        if( nuclear.nucleusNameFromZA( residualZA ) == particle.name ) : break
                    level.toENDF6( baseMT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )

    MFs = sorted( endfMFList.keys( ) )
    endfList = []

    totalNubar = None
    totalDelayedNubar = targetInfo['totalDelayedNubar']
    if( 455 in endfMFList[5] ) :
        MF5MT455s = endfMFList[5][455]

        endfMFList[1][455]  = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( targetZA, targetInfo['mass'], 0, 2, 0, 0 ) ] # Currently, only LDG = 0, LNU = 2 is supported.
        endfMFList[1][455] += [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( 0, 0, 0, 0, len( targetInfo['delayedRates'] ), 0 ) ]
        endfMFList[1][455] += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( targetInfo['delayedRates'] )

        multiplicityModule.fissionNeutronsToENDF6( 455, totalDelayedNubar, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )

        MF5MT455List = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( targetZA, targetInfo['mass'], 0, 0, len( MF5MT455s ), 0 ) ]
        for MF5MT455 in MF5MT455s : MF5MT455List += MF5MT455
        if( len( MF5MT455s ) == 0 ) :
            del endfMFList[5][455]
        else :
            endfMFList[5][455] = MF5MT455List + [ endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber( ) ]
    if(   'promptNubar' in targetInfo.dict ) :
        promptNubar = targetInfo['promptNubar']
        multiplicityModule.fissionNeutronsToENDF6( 456, promptNubar, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )
        totalNubar = promptNubar
        try :
            if( not( totalDelayedNubar is None ) ) : totalNubar = totalNubar + totalDelayedNubar
        except :                                # The following is a kludge for some "bad" data.
            if( ( totalNubar.domainMax( unitTo = 'MeV' ) == 30. ) and
                ( totalDelayedNubar.domainMax( unitTo = 'MeV' ) == 20. ) ) :
                    totalDelayedNubar[-1] = [ totalNubar.domainMax( ), totalDelayedNubar.getValue( totalDelayedNubar.domainMax( ) ) ]
            totalNubar = totalNubar + totalDelayedNubar
    elif( 'totalNubar' in targetInfo.dict ) :
        totalNubar = targetInfo['totalNubar']
    if( totalNubar is not None ) :
        multiplicityModule.fissionNeutronsToENDF6( 452, totalNubar, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )

    if( covarianceSuite ) : covarianceSuite.toENDF6( endfMFList, flags, targetInfo )

    endfDoc = self.documentation.get( 'endfDoc' )
    if( endfDoc is None ) :
        docHeader2 = [  ' %2d-%-2s-%3d LLNL       EVAL-OCT03 Unknown' % ( targetZ, fudge.particles.nuclear.elementSymbolFromZ( targetZ ), targetA ),
                        '                      DIST-DEC99                       19990101   ',
                        '----ENDL              MATERIAL %4d' % MAT,
                        '-----INCIDENT %s DATA' %
                            { 1 : 'NEUTRON', 1001 : 'PROTON', 1002 : 'DEUTERON', 1003 : 'TRITON', 2003 : 'HELION', 2004 : 'ALPHA' }[projectileZA],
                        '------ENDF-6 FORMAT' ]
        endfDoc = [ 'LLNL ENDL file translated to ENDF6 by FUDGE.', '' ' ************************ C O N T E N T S ***********************' ]
    else :
        docHeader2 = []
        endfDoc = endfDoc.getLines( )

        # update the documentation, including metadata on first 4 lines:
    try :
        self.getReaction( 'fission' )
        LFI = True
    except KeyError :
        LFI = False
    LRP = -1
    if( self.resonances is not None ) :
        if( self.resonances.scatteringRadius ) :
            LRP = 0
        elif( self.resonances.reconstructCrossSection ) :
            LRP = 1
        elif( self.resonances.unresolved and not( self.resonances.resolved )
                and self.resonances.unresolved.tabulatedWidths.forSelfShieldingOnly ) :
            LRP = 1
        else :
            LRP = 2
    EMAX = max( [ reaction.crossSection.domainMax( unitTo = 'eV' ) for reaction in self.reactions ] )

    temperature = self.styles[style].temperature.getValueAs( 'K' )
    library = evaluatedStyle.library
    version = evaluatedStyle.version
    if( library == 'ENDL' ) :           # Additional ENDF meta-data. If the library is unknown, use NLIB = -1
        NVER, LREL, NMOD = 1, 1, 1
        NLIB = -1
    else :
        NVER, LREL, NMOD = map( int, version.split( '.' ) )    # Version stored as '7.2.1'
        NLIB = { "ENDF/B" :  0,     "ENDF/A" :  1,      "JEFF"                 :  2,    "EFF"      :  3,    "ENDF/B (HE)" :  4,
                 "CENDL"  :  5,     "JENDL"  :  6,      "SG-23"                : 21,    "INDL/V"   : 31,    "INDL/A"      : 32,
                 "FENDL"  : 33,     "IRDF"   : 34,      "BROND (IAEA version)" : 35,    "INGDB-90" : 36,    "FENDL/A"     : 37,
                 "BROND"  : 41 }.get( library, -1 )

    NFOR = 6    # ENDF-6 format
    NSUB = 10 * IPART + ITYPE
    LDRV = 0
    STA = 0
    if( isinstance( self.target, fudge.gnd.xParticle.nuclearLevel ) or self.target.attributes.get( 'unstable' ) ) : STA = 1
    if( targetInfo['LISO'] ) : STA = 1
    levelIndex, level_eV = 0, 0.
    if( hasattr( self.target, 'getLevelIndex' ) ) : levelIndex, level_eV = self.target.getLevelIndex( ), self.target.getLevelAsFloat( 'eV' )
    docHeader = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( targetZA, targetInfo['mass'], LRP, LFI, NLIB, NMOD ),
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( level_eV, STA, levelIndex, targetInfo['LISO'], 0, NFOR ),
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( self.projectile.getMass( 'eV/c**2' ) / targetInfo['neutronMass'], EMAX, LREL, 0, NSUB, NVER ),
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( temperature, 0, LDRV, 0, len( endfDoc ), -1 ) ]
    new_doc = fudge.gnd.documentation.documentation( 'endf', '\n'.join( docHeader + docHeader2 + endfDoc ) )
    endfMFList[1][451] += endfFormatsModule.toEndfStringList( new_doc )

    return( endfFormatsModule.endfMFListToFinalFile( endfMFList, MAT, lineNumbers = True ) )
Example #13
def upDateENDF_MT_MF8Data(MT, endfMFList, targetInfo):

    reactionSuite = targetInfo['reactionSuite']
    MF8Channels = targetInfo['MF8'][MT]
    ZA, mass = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass']
    LIS, LISO, NO, NS = targetInfo['LIS'], targetInfo['LISO'], 1, len(
    firstReaction = MF8Channels[0]
    residual = firstReaction.outputChannel[0]

    crossSection_ = firstReaction.crossSection[
        targetInfo['style']]  # LMF determines which MF section to write to.
    if (isinstance(crossSection_, crossSectionModule.reference)):
        multiplicity = residual.multiplicity[targetInfo['style']]
        if (isinstance(multiplicity, multiplicityModule.constant1d)):
            LMF = 3
        elif (isinstance(multiplicity, multiplicityModule.reference)):
            LMF = 6
            LMF = 9
        LMF = 10

    level = 0
    if (hasattr(residual, 'getLevelAsFloat')):
        level = residual.getLevelAsFloat('eV')
    endfMFList[8][MT] = [
        endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZA, mass, LIS, LISO, NS, NO)
    if (LMF not in [3, 6]):
        endfMFList[LMF][MT] = [
            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZA, mass, LIS, 0, NS, 0)

    for reaction in MF8Channels:
        outputChannel = reaction.outputChannel
        if (len(outputChannel) != 1):
            raise Exception(
                'Currently, production channel can only have one product; not %d'
                % len(outputChannel))
        product = outputChannel[0]

        particle = reactionSuite.PoPs[product.id]
        ZAP = miscPoPsModule.ZA(particle)

        QI = outputChannel.getConstantQAs('eV', final=True)
        LFS2, level2 = 0, 0
        if (isinstance(particle, nuclearLevelModule.particle)):
            LFS2 = particle.intIndex
            level2 = particle.energy[0].float('eV')
        QM = QI + level2

            endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAP, level2, LMF, LFS2, 0, 0))

        if (
                LMF == 9
        ):  # Currenty, multiplicity.toENDF6List only has one interpolation and its linear.
            multiplicity = product.multiplicity[targetInfo['style']]
            interpolationFlatData, nPoints, multiplicityList = multiplicity.toENDF6List(
                endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(QM, QI, ZAP, LFS2,
                                               len(interpolationFlatData) / 2,
            endfMFList[LMF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList(
            endfMFList[LMF][MT] += multiplicityList
        elif (LMF == 10):
            interpolationFlatData, flatData = reaction.crossSection[
                targetInfo['style']].toENDF6Data(MT, endfMFList, targetInfo,
                endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(QM, QI, ZAP, LFS2,
                                               len(interpolationFlatData) / 2,
                                               len(flatData) / 2))
            endfMFList[LMF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList(
            endfMFList[LMF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(flatData)

    if (LMF not in [3, 6]):