Example #1
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        """"Returns the list of .studies owned by a user.

        Returns all studies owned by a user.

            token (String): A tokenized identifier of a user, tokenization is done with
                            a flask GET HTTP request using the crypto blueprint and formatted like this.
                            ('/token/generate', data={'user_id': 'VALID_USER_IN_DATABASE'})

            JSON: The list of owned studies.

        parser = reqparse.RequestParser(bundle_errors=True)
        #parser.add_argument("user_id", type=str, required=True, help="The user ID of the owner is a String.")
        returned_args = parser.parse_args()
        user_id = kwargs["user_id"]  #returned_args.get("user_id", None)
        # print(returned_args)
        user = Auxiliary.getUser(user_id)
        search = user.get_ownedStudies()
        params = {"Study_id": {"$in": search}}
        studyList = Auxiliary.getStudies(params)
        # convert output
        out = Auxiliary.studyListToDictList(studyList)
        # return converted output
        return jsonify(out)
Example #2
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        """"Establishes an owns relationship between a study and a user.

            Establishes the owns relationship only if the user has sufficient credits and doesn't already own the study.

                token (String): A tokenized identifier of a user, tokenization is done with
                                a flask GET HTTP request using the crypto blueprint and formatted like this.
                                ('/token/generate', data={'user_id': 'VALID_USER_IN_DATABASE'})
                study_id (int): The identifier for the study the user is trying to purchase.
                credits_available (int): The current credit balance for the user. Overrides any stored balance.

                JSON: The cost of the study, or an error message.
        # obtain parameters
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser(bundle_errors=True)
        #parser.add_argument("user_id", type=str, required=True, help="The user ID of the customer is a String.")
            help="The study ID of the study being purchased is an integer.")
            help="The credit balance available to the customer is an integer.")
        returned_args = parser.parse_args()
        user_id = kwargs["user_id"]  #returned_args.get("user_id", None)
        study_id = returned_args.get("study_id", None)
        credits_available = returned_args.get("credits_available", None)
        # verify the parameters exist - now handled by add_argument
        # if user_id == None or study_id == None or credits_available == None:
        #    return jsonify({"error": "missing parameter"})
        # get the necessary data from the database
        user = Auxiliary.getUser(user_id)
        # check for ownership first, because credits won't matter if already owned
        if study_id in user.get_ownedStudies():
            return jsonify({"cost": 0})
        study = Auxiliary.getStudy(study_id)
        cost = study.get_costInCredits()
        # check for sufficient credits and not already owning the study
        if cost > credits_available:
            return jsonify({"error": "insufficient credits"})
        # update the user data
        Auxiliary.addOwned(user_id, study_id, cost)
        # return the cost
        return jsonify({"cost": cost})
Example #3
    def post(self,**kwargs):
        """Rates a study.

        If the user is submitting a duplicate review (same study), the previous review will be overwritten.
        Fails, modifying nothing, if the user is the author of the study.

            study_id (Integer): The identifier of the study being rated.
            user_id (String): The identifier of the user rating the study.
            name (String): The name of the user, as it will be displayed for this review.
            rating (Integer): The rating the user is apllying to the study, from the range [0-5]
            comment (String): The comment the user is making about the study for this review.

            JSON: {Success: True} if the rating was made successfully.
        # obtain parameters
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser(bundle_errors=True)
        parser.add_argument("study_id", type=int, required=True, help="The integer identifier of the study to rate.")
        parser.add_argument("name", type=str, required=True, help="The name to be displayed for this review.")
        parser.add_argument("rating", type=int, required=True, choices=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
                            help="The integer [0-5] rating being given to the study.")
        parser.add_argument("comment", type=str, required=True, help="The comment to be displayed for this review")

        returned_args = parser.parse_args()

        study_id = returned_args.get("study_id", None)
        name = returned_args.get("name", None)
        rating = returned_args.get("rating", None)
        comment = returned_args.get("comment", None)
        user_id = kwargs["user_id"]

        # check for author
        user = Auxiliary.getUser(user_id)
        if study_id in user.get_authorList():
            return jsonify({"Success": False, "Reason": "User is Author."})

        ratingsys(study_id, user_id, name, rating, comment)

        return jsonify({"Success": True})
Example #4
    def get(self, **kwargs):
        """"Reviews a pending study.

            Approves or denies a given study.
            Creates a notification to alert the user, based on the parameters.
            If an optional parameter is not given, that field is assumed to be acceptable.
            Fails, modifying nothing, if the user is the author of the study.

                user_id (String): The identifier of the user approving or denying the study, required.
                study_id (Integer): The identifier of the study being reviewed, required.
                approved (Boolean): Whether to approve or deny this study. When true, ignore all following paramaters.
                title (String): The comment on what was wrong with the title.
                reference (String): The comment on what was wrong with the references.
                purpose (String): The comment on what was wrong with the purpose.
                categories (String): The comment on what was wrong with the categories.
                subcategories (String): The comment on what was wrong with the subcategories.
                keywords (String): The comment on what was wrong with the keywords.
                abstract (String): The comment on what was wrong with the abstract.
                num_stimuli (String): The comment on what was wrong with the number of stimuli.
                duration (String): The comment on what was wrong with the duration of the study.
                num_responses (String): The comment on what was wrong with the number of responses.
                num_trials (String): The comment on what was wrong with the number of trials.
                randomized (String): The comment on what was wrong with the randomization of the study.
                images (String): The comment on what was wrong with the images.
                template (String): The comment on what was wrong with the JSON template.

                JSON: {"Success":True} unless the review failed.
        # establish parameters
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser(bundle_errors=True)
        parser.add_argument("study_id", type=int, required=True)
        parser.add_argument("approved", type=inputs.boolean, default=False)
        parser.add_argument("title", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("reference", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("purpose", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("categories", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("subcategories", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("keywords", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("abstract", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("num_stimuli", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("duration", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("num_responses", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("num_trials", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("randomized", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("images", type=str)
        parser.add_argument("template", type=str)

        # obtain first parameters
        returned_args = parser.parse_args()
        study_id = returned_args.get("study_id", -1)
        user_id = kwargs["user_id"]
        approved = returned_args.get("approved", None)

        # check for author
        user = Auxiliary.getUser(user_id)
        if study_id in user.get_authorList():
            return jsonify({"Success": False, "Reason": "User is Author."})

        # check for non-existent study, storing the title for later
        study_title = Auxiliary.getTitle(study_id)
        if study_title is None:
            return jsonify({"Success": False, "Reason": "No such study."})

        # check for approval
        if approved is True:
            user_id = Auxiliary.timestampAndGetAuthor(study_id, "Approved")
            body = "Your study, " + study_title + ", was approved and is now visible in the Study Store."
            Auxiliary.addNotification(user_id, "Study approved.", body,
            return jsonify({"Success": True})

        # otherwise we need all the other parameters
        title = returned_args.get("title", None)
        reference = returned_args.get("reference", None)
        purpose = returned_args.get("purpose", None)
        categories = returned_args.get("categories", None)
        subcategories = returned_args.get("subcategories", None)
        keywords = returned_args.get("keywords", None)
        abstract = returned_args.get("abstract", None)
        num_stimuli = returned_args.get("num_stimuli", None)
        duration = returned_args.get("duration", None)
        num_responses = returned_args.get("num_responses", None)
        num_trials = returned_args.get("num_trials", None)
        randomized = returned_args.get("randomized", None)
        images = returned_args.get("images", None)
        template = returned_args.get("template", None)

        # build response body
        body_string = "Your study, " + study_title + ", has been denied."
        body_string += "Problems with the title: " + str(title) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the reference: " + str(reference) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the purpose: " + str(purpose) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the categories: " + str(
            categories) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the subcategories: " + str(
            subcategories) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the keywords: " + str(keywords) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the abstract: " + str(abstract) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the number of stimuli: " + str(
            num_stimuli) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the duration of the study: " + str(
            duration) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the number of responses: " + str(
            num_responses) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the number of trials: " + str(
            num_trials) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the randomization: " + str(
            randomized) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the images: " + str(images) + "\n"
        body_string += "Problems with the template: " + str(template) + "\n"

        # mark the study and post the notification
        user_id = Auxiliary.timestampAndGetAuthor(study_id, "Denied")
        Auxiliary.addNotification(user_id, "Study denied.", body_string,
        return jsonify({"Success": True})