Example #1
class PubPicker(Plugin):
    name = "pubpicker"

    def enInit(self):
        self.venuetype = self.vars.get("venuetype", "pub")
        if ":" in self.venuetype:
            self.venuetype, self.pluraltype = self.venuetype.split(":")
            self.pluraltype = self.venuetype + "s"
        com = self.get('endroid.plugins.command')
        com.register_both(self.register, ('register', self.venuetype),
                          synonyms=(('register', 'new', self.venuetype),
                                    ('register', 'a', 'new', self.venuetype)))
        com.register_both(self.picker, ('pick', 'a', self.venuetype),
                          synonyms=(('pick', self.venuetype), ))
        com.register_both(self.vote_up, ('vote', self.venuetype, 'up'),
        com.register_both(self.vote_down, ('vote', self.venuetype, 'down'),
        com.register_both(self.alias, ('alias', self.venuetype),
                          '<name> to <alias>')
        com.register_both(self.list, ('list', self.pluraltype),
                          synonyms=(('list', self.venuetype), ))
                          ('list', self.venuetype, 'aliases'))
        com.register_both(self.rename, ('rename', self.venuetype),
                          '<oldname> to <newname>')

        self.db = Database(DB_NAME)

    def help(self):
        return "Let EnDroid pick a " + self.venuetype + " for you!"

    def load_db(self):
        self.pubs = {}
        self.aliases = {}
        for row in self.db.fetch(DB_TABLE, ("name", "score")):
            self.pubs[row["name"]] = int(row["score"])
        for row in self.db.fetch(DB_ALIAS, ("name", "alias")):
            self.aliases[row["alias"]] = row["name"]

    def setup_db(self):
        if not self.db.table_exists(DB_TABLE):
            self.db.create_table(DB_TABLE, ("name", "score"))
        if not self.db.table_exists(DB_ALIAS):
            self.db.create_table(DB_ALIAS, ("name", "alias"))

    def add_alias(self, pub, alias):
        if not alias:
            raise AliasEmptyError('Pub name cannot be empty.')
        if pub == alias:
            return  # loops are bad :-)
        if alias in self.aliases:
            self.db.delete(DB_ALIAS, {"alias": alias})
        self.aliases[alias] = pub
        self.db.insert(DB_ALIAS, {"alias": alias, "name": pub})
        self.add_alias(alias, alias.lower())

    def resolve_alias(self, alias):
        seen = set()
        while alias in self.aliases:
            if alias in seen:
                raise AliasError(alias)
            alias = self.aliases[alias]
        if not alias:
            raise AliasEmptyError('Pub string cannot be empty.')
        return alias

    # command
    def vote_up(self, msg, pub):
        if not pub:
            msg.reply('Pub string should not be empty.')
            pub = self.resolve_alias(pub)
        except AliasError as e:
            return msg.reply(ALIAS_ERROR.format(e))
        except AliasEmptyError:
            return msg.reply('Pub name cannot be empty.')
        if pub not in self.pubs:
            self.pubs[pub] = 10
            self.db.insert(DB_TABLE, {"name": pub, "score": 10})
            self.add_alias(pub, pub.lower())
            self.pubs[pub] += 1

    # command
    def vote_down(self, msg, pub):
        if not pub:
            msg.reply('Pub string should not be empty.')
            pub = self.resolve_alias(pub)
        except AliasError as e:
            return msg.reply(ALIAS_ERROR.format(e))
        except AliasEmptyError:
            return msg.reply('Pub name cannot be empty.')
        if pub in self.pubs:
            self.pubs[pub] = max(self.pubs[pub] - 1, 0)

    def rename_pub(self, oldname, newname):
        if not newname:
            raise AliasEmptyError('Pub name must not be empty.')
        self.add_alias(newname, oldname)
        score = self.pubs[oldname]
        self.db.delete(DB_TABLE, {"name": oldname})
        del self.pubs[oldname]
        self.pubs[newname] = score
        self.db.insert(DB_TABLE, {"name": newname, "score": score})
        self.add_alias(newname, newname.lower())

    def save_pub(self, pub):
        self.db.update(DB_TABLE, {"score": self.pubs[pub]}, {"name": pub})
        self.add_alias(pub, pub.lower())

    def pick_a_pub(self):
        # I imagine this can be done more cheaply...
        pubs = []
        for pub, score in self.pubs.items():
            if pub:  # if someone enters an empty pub and we pick that pub,
                # we'll end up reacting as if we didn't know any pubs
                # if we test for "if not __" rather than "if __ is None"
                pubs += [pub] * score
        if pubs:
            return random.choice(pubs)
            return None

    # command
    def register(self, msg, arg):
            self.vote_up(msg, self.resolve_alias(arg))
        except AliasError as e:
        except AliasEmptyError:
            msg.reply('Pub name cannot be empty.')

    # command
    def picker(self, msg, arg):
        pub = self.pick_a_pub()
        if pub is not None:
            msg.reply("Today, you should definitely go to %s" % pub)
            msg.reply("Unfortunately, I don't seem to know about any pubs "
                      "that anyone wants to go to")

    # command
    def alias(self, msg, arg):
        mf = ALIAS_FOR.match(arg)
        mt = ALIAS_TO.match(arg)
        if mf:
            self.add_alias(mf.group(2), mf.group(1))
        elif mt:
            self.add_alias(mt.group(1), mt.group(2))

    # command
    def rename(self, msg, arg):
        mt = ALIAS_TO.match(arg)
        if mt:
                self.rename_pub(self.resolve_alias(mt.group(1)), mt.group(2))
            except AliasError as e:
            except AliasEmptyError:
                msg.reply('Pub name cannot be empty.')

    # command
    def list(self, msg, arg):
        reply = ["Registered " + self.pluraltype + " (and their scores):"]
        reply.extend("%s (%d)" % (p, s) for p, s in self.pubs.items())

    # command
    def list_aliases(self, msg, arg):
        reply = ["Known " + self.venuetype + " aliases:"]
        reply.extend("%s -> %s" % (a, p) for a, p in self.aliases.items())

    def dependencies(self):
        return ['endroid.plugins.command']
Example #2
class PassTheBomb(CommandPlugin):
    help = "Pass the bomb game for EnDroid"
    bombs = defaultdict(set)  # users : set of bombs
    users = dict()  # user strings : User objects

    def endroid_init(self):
        self.db = Database(DB_NAME)
        if not self.db.table_exists(DB_TABLE):
            self.db.create_table(DB_TABLE, ('user', 'kills'))

        # make a local copy of the registration database
        data = self.db.fetch(DB_TABLE, ['user', 'kills'])
        for dct in data:
            self.users[dct['user']] = User(dct['user'], dct['kills'])

    def cmd_furl_umbrella(self, msg, arg):
        """This is how a user enters the game - allows them to be targeted
        and to create and throw bombs"""
        user = msg.sender
        if not self.get_shielded(user):
            msg.reply("Your umbrella is already furled!")
            if self.get_registered(user):
                self.users[user].shield = False
            else:  # they are not - register them
                self.db.insert(DB_TABLE, {'user': user, 'kills': 0})
                self.users[user] = User(user, kills=0, shield=False)
            msg.reply("You furl your umbrella!")

    cmd_furl_umbrella.helphint = ("Furl your umbrella to participate in the "
                                  "noble game of pass the bomb!")

    def cmd_unfurl_umbrella(self, msg, arg):
        """A user with an unfurled umbrella cannot create or receive bombs"""
        user = msg.sender
        if self.get_shielded(user):
            msg.reply("Your umbrella is already unfurled!")
            # to get user must not have been shielded ie they must have furled
            # so they will be in the database
            self.users[user].shield = True
            msg.reply("You unfurl your umbrella! No bomb can reach you now!")

    cmd_unfurl_umbrella.helphint = ("Unfurl your umbrella to cower from the "
                                    "rain of boms!")

    def cmd_bomb(self, msg, arg):
        """Create a bomb with a specified timer.

        eg: 'bomb 1.5' for a 1.5 second fuse


        holder = msg.sender
        if self.get_shielded(holder):
            return msg.reply("Your sense of honour insists that you furl your "
                             "umbrella before lighting the fuse")
        # otherwise get a time from the first word of arg
            time = float(arg.split(' ', 1)[0])
            # make a new bomb and throw it to its creator
            Bomb(msg.sender, time, self).throw(msg.sender)
            msg.reply("Sniggering evilly, you light the fuse...")
        # provision for a failure to read a time float...
        except ValueError:
            msg.reply("You struggle with the matches")

    cmd_bomb.helphint = ("Light the fuse!")

    def cmd_throw(self, msg, arg):
        """Throw a bomb to a user, eg: 'throw [email protected]'"""
        target = arg.split(' ')[0]
        # we need a bomb to thrown
        if not self.bombs[msg.sender]:
            msg.reply("You idly throw your hat, wishing you had something "
                      "rounder, heavier and with more smoking fuses.")
        # need our umbrella to be furled
        elif self.get_shielded(msg.sender):
            msg.reply("You notice that your unfurled umbrella would hinder "
                      "your throw.")
        # check that target is online
        elif not target in self.usermanagement.get_available_users():
            msg.reply("You look around but cannot spot your target")
        elif self.get_shielded(target):  # target registered/vulnerable?
                "You see your target hunkered down under their umbrella. "
                "No doubt a bomb would have little effect on that "
            msg.reply("You throw the bomb!")
            self.messagehandler.send_chat(target, "A bomb lands by your feet!")

    cmd_throw.helphint = ("Throw a bomb!")

    def cmd_kills(self, msg, arg):
        kills = self.get_kills(msg.sender)
        nick = self.usermanagement.get_nickname(msg.sender, self.place_name)
        level = self.get_level(kills)

        text = "{} the {} has {} kill".format(nick, level, kills)
        text += ("" if kills == 1 else "s")

    cmd_kills.helphint = ("Receive and gloat over you score!")

    def register_kill(self, user):
        kills = self.get_kills(user)
        # change the value of 'kills' to kills+1 in the row where 'user' = user
        self.users[user].kills += 1
        self.db.update(DB_TABLE, {'kills': kills + 1}, {'user': user})

    def get_kills(self, user):
        return self.users[user].kills if user in self.users else 0

    def get_shielded(self, user):
        return self.users[user].shield if user in self.users else True

    def get_registered(self, user):
        return user in self.users

    def get_level(kills):
        if kills < 5:
            level = 'novice'
        elif kills < 15:
            level = 'apprentice'
        elif kills < 35:
            level = 'journeyman'
        elif kills < 65:
            level = 'expert'
        elif kills < 100:
            level = 'master'
            level = 'grand-master'
        return level
Example #3
class SMS(CommandPlugin):
    """Sends SMS messages to users; exposes relevant functions in Webex."""
    class UserNotFoundError(Exception):
        """When we try to get the number of a user who hasn't given Endroid a number."""

    class PersonalSMSLimitError(Exception):
        """SMS send limit reached; please wait a little to send a text."""

    class GlobalSMSLimitError(Exception):
        """Global SMS send limit reached; please wait a bit to send a text."""

    class SMSPeriodSendLimit(Exception):
        """Personal SMS send limit for this period has been reached."""

    class InvalidConfigError(Exception):
        """Something in the config file is of an invalid format"""

    class TwilioSMSLengthLimit(Exception):
        """The SMS message is longer than 1600 characters - don't bother
        sending it since Twilio won't allow it.

    class InvalidJIDError(Exception):
        """Raise if JID is of an incorrect format"""

    class SMSBlock(Exception):
        Raise if you try and send a message to
        someone who has blocked you from sending messages.

    name = "sms"
    help = ("Send an SMS to someone. \n"
            "'sms set number <num>' set your phone number.\n"
            "'sms whoami' find out what I think your number is.\n"
            "'sms forget me' make me forget your number.\n"
            "Aliases: setnum, getnum, delnum.\n"
            "'sms send <user> <message>' send an SMS to a user.\n"
            "'sms block <user>' prevent <user> from sending you messages.\n"
            "'sms unblock <user>' unblock a user.\n"
            "'sms blocked' display the users you have blocked.\n")

    dependencies = ['endroid.plugins.ratelimit']

    # to allow other plugins access to smslib's errors, we copy them to here
    SMSError = smslib.SMSError
    SMSAuthError = smslib.SMSAuthError
    SMSInvalidNumberError = smslib.SMSInvalidNumberError

    def endroid_init(self):
        # set up database, creating it if it doesn't exist
        if not all([
                self.vars["country_code"], self.vars["phone_number"],
                self.vars["auth_token"], self.vars["twilio_sid"]
            raise ValueError("Specify country_code, phone_number, auth_token "
                             "and twilio_sid in the Endroid config file.")

        self._config = {
            "time_between_sms_resets": 1,
            "user_bucket_capacity": 3,
            "user_bucket_fillrate": 0.05,
            "global_bucket_capacity": 20,
            "global_bucket_fillrate": 1,
            "period_limit": 30

        for key in self._config:
            user_value = self.vars.get(key, "")
            if user_value:
                # Check user_value is a number
                    a = user_value / 2
                    self._config[key] = user_value
                except TypeError:
                    logging.info("{} must be a number".format(key))

        self.ratelimit = self.get('endroid.plugins.ratelimit')
        self.user_buckets = defaultdict(lambda: self.ratelimit.create_bucket(
            self._config["user_bucket_capacity"], self._config[
        self.global_bucket = self.ratelimit.create_bucket(

        self.db = Database(DB_NAME)
        # Create a table to store user's phone numbers
        if not self.db.table_exists(DB_TABLE):
            self.db.create_table(DB_TABLE, ("user", "phone"))
        # Create a table to record the number of SMSs sent per user
        if not self.db.table_exists(DB_LIMIT_TABLE):
                                 ("user", "texts_sent_this_period"))
        # Create a table to record any users and a user wants to block
        if not self.db.table_exists(DB_BLOCK_TABLE):
            self.db.create_table(DB_BLOCK_TABLE, ("user", "users_blocked"))

        # logging file stuff
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logfile = os.path.expanduser(
            self.vars.get('logfile', '~/.endroid/sms.log'))
        self.log.info("Logging SMS activity to {}".format(logfile))
        handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
        self.cron_name = "SMS_PERIOD_LIMIT"

        self.cron.register(self._sms_reset_number_sent, self.cron_name)
        if self.cron_name not in self.cron.getTimeouts():
            # Set number sent to reset at some time in the future for the first
            # time unless there is already a reset time set.
            # Convert days to seconds
            time_between = 60 * 60 * 24 * self._config[
            self.cron.setTimeout(time_between, self.cron_name, None)

    def sms_add_sender(self, user):
        Adds someone to the sms database so the
        number of messages sent is monitored.
            logging.error("User {} already in database".format(user))
        except self.UserNotFoundError:
            self.db.insert(DB_LIMIT_TABLE, {
                'user': user,
                'texts_sent_this_period': 0

    def get_number_sms_sent(self, user):
        """Returns the number of SMS messages sent by a user in a period."""

        results = self.db.fetch(DB_LIMIT_TABLE, ['texts_sent_this_period'],
                                {'user': user})
        if not results:
            raise self.UserNotFoundError
        return results[0]['texts_sent_this_period']

    def sms_blocked(self, msg, arg):
        users_blocked = self.whos_blocked(msg.sender)
        if users_blocked:
            msg.reply("The following users are prevented from sending you "
                      "SMS messages:\n{}".format(", ".join(users_blocked)))
            msg.reply("You haven't blocked anyone at the moment.")

    def sms_block(self, msg, arg):
        Blocks a JID from sending sms messages to this person.
        msg.sender: this person
        arg: JID
        user = msg.sender
        user_to_block = arg.strip()

        if not user_to_block:
            msg.reply("You don't appear to have specified a user to block.")

        # JID for user_to_block cannot have white space in it
        if " " in user_to_block:
                "The user you wish to block can't have whitespace in it.")

        people_blocked = self.whos_blocked(user)
        if user_to_block in people_blocked:
            msg.reply("User {} already blocked".format(user_to_block))
            self.set_blocked_users(user, people_blocked)
            msg.reply("{} has been blocked from sending SMS to "

    def sms_unblock(self, msg, arg):
        Unblocks the sender from sending SMS messages to the receiver
        user = msg.sender
        user_to_unblock = arg.strip()
        if not user_to_unblock:
            msg.reply("You don't appear to have specified a user to unblock.")
        people_blocked = self.whos_blocked(user)
        if user_to_unblock not in people_blocked:
            msg.reply("User {} already not blocked".format(user_to_unblock))
            self.set_blocked_users(user, people_blocked)
            msg.reply("{} has been unblocked from sending SMS to "

    def set_blocked_users(self, receiver, senders):
        """Prevent senders from being able to send SMSs to receiver."""

        senders_str = ",".join(senders)
        am_in_db = self.db.count(DB_BLOCK_TABLE, {'user': receiver})
        if am_in_db > 0:
            self.db.update(DB_BLOCK_TABLE, {'users_blocked': senders_str},
                           {'user': receiver})
            # This receiver doesn't have an entry in the DB yet
            self.db.insert(DB_BLOCK_TABLE, {
                'user': receiver,
                'users_blocked': senders_str

    def whos_blocked(self, receiver):
        """Which users are not allowed to send SMSs to receiver."""

        results = self.db.fetch(DB_BLOCK_TABLE, ['users_blocked'],
                                {'user': receiver})
        users_blocked = set()
        if results:
            # @@@UNICODE I don't even know where to start...
            users_blocked_str = results[0]['users_blocked'].encode('ascii')
            if users_blocked_str:
                users_blocked = set(users_blocked_str.split(","))

        return users_blocked

    def _sms_reset_number_sent(self, unused_params):
        """Resets the number of texts sent in the database."""

        logging.info("Reset the number of SMS messages sent this period "
                     "for all users")
            60 * 60 * 24 * self._config["time_between_sms_resets"],
            self.cron_name, None)

    @command(helphint="{number}", synonyms=("setnum", ))
    def sms_set_number(self, msg, arg):
        Sets the stored phone number of the sender.
        user = msg.sender
        number = arg

        if number[0] == '0':
            number = self.vars['country_code'] + number[1:]

        if not PHONE_REGEX.match(number):
            msg.reply("I don't recognise a number there. Use 11 digits, "
                      "no spaces, or a + followed by 11 to 13 digits. "
                      "I haven't done anything with your request.")

            self.db.update(DB_TABLE, {'phone': number}, {'user': user})
        except self.UserNotFoundError:
            self.db.insert(DB_TABLE, {'user': user, 'phone': number})

        msg.reply('Phone number for user {} set to {}.'.format(user, number))

    @command(helphint="", synonyms=("getnum", 'sms get number'))
    def sms_whoami(self, msg, arg):
        Tells the user what Endroid thinks their phone number is.
        user = msg.sender
        except self.UserNotFoundError:
            msg.reply("I don't know your number.")

    @command(helphint="", synonyms=("delnum", "sms forgetme"))
    def sms_forget_me(self, msg, arg):
        Tells Endroid to clear its stored number for the sender of the message
        user = msg.sender
        self.db.delete(DB_TABLE, {'user': user})
        msg.reply("I've forgotten your phone number.")

    def number_known(self, user):
        Returns bool(we have a number stored for this JID user).
        :param user: JID string of user to check
        :return: True/False if we do/don't know their number.
        except self.UserNotFoundError:
            return False
        return True

    def get_phone_number(self, user):
        Fetch stored number for a JID; raise UserNotFoundError if it doesn't exibzr resolvest
        :param user: the JID string of the user to search for
        :return: a string phone number
        results = self.db.fetch(DB_TABLE, ['phone'], {'user': user})
        if not results:
            raise self.UserNotFoundError(user)
        return results[0]['phone']

    def send_sms(self, sender, jid, message):
        Sends an SMS to the user with the specified JID.
        Returns a Deferred which acts as a string containing the server's
        Raises self.SMSError or its descendants if there is an error.
        Checks the user is allowed to send a message and they haven't gone over
        their allowed SMS messages for this time period and that there are
        enough tokens in their user bucket and the global bucket.
        :param sender: hashable object identifying the sender of the SMS
        :param jid: the user we're sending the SMS to
        :param message: the message body to send to them
        :return: output of Twilio, as a Deferred
        self.log.info("Attempting send of SMS from {} to {}.".format(
            sender, jid))
        number_messages = math.ceil(float(len(message)) / 160)
        if number_messages > 10:
            raise self.TwilioSMSLengthLimit(
                "You can only send a message which "
                "is less than or equal to 1600 "
                "characters long.  Your message is "
                "{} characters "

            number_sent = self.get_number_sms_sent(sender)
            number_sent += number_messages
        except self.UserNotFoundError:
            number_sent = number_messages

        if sender not in self.whos_blocked(jid):
            if number_sent <= self._config["period_limit"]:
                if self.global_bucket.use_token():
                    if self.user_buckets[sender].use_token():
                                       {"texts_sent_this_period": number_sent},
                                       {"user": sender})
                        number = self.get_phone_number(jid)
                        auth_token = self.vars['auth_token']
                        endroid_number = self.vars['phone_number']
                        sid = self.vars['twilio_sid']

                        response = smslib.send(endroid_number, number, message,
                                               sid, auth_token)

                        def log_success(resp):
                            self.log.info("{} to {} succeeded.".format(
                                sender, jid))
                            return resp

                        def log_failure(fail):
                            self.log.info("{} to {} failed.".format(
                                sender, jid))
                            return fail

                        response.addCallbacks(log_success, log_failure)
                        return response

                            "{} to {} was personally ratelimited.".format(
                                sender, jid))
                        if number_messages == 1:
                            raise self.PersonalSMSLimitError(
                                'Personal SMS limit reached')
                            raise self.PersonalSMSLimitError(
                                'Personal SMS limit '
                                'will be reached. Your '
                                'message will be split '
                                'into {} '
                    self.log.info("{} to {} was globally ratelimited.".format(
                        sender, jid))
                    raise self.GlobalSMSLimitError('Global SMS limit reached')
                self.log.info("{} has reached their SMS limit "
                              "for the period.".format(sender))
                if self._config["period_limit"] <= self.get_number_sms_sent(
                    raise self.SMSPeriodSendLimit("SMS period limit reached.")
                    raise self.SMSPeriodSendLimit(
                        "SMS period limit will be reached."
                        "  Your message will be split into "
                        "{} messages".format(int(number_messages)))
            self.log.info("{} was blocked from sending sms by "
                          "{}".format(sender, jid))
            raise self.SMSBlock("Permission denied.")

    @command(helphint="{user} {message}")
    def sms_send(self, msg, args):
        Sends SMS from Endroid with given message body to specified user.
        args_split = args.split(' ')

            to_user = args_split[0]
            to_send = ' '.join(args_split[1:])
        except IndexError:
            msg.reply('Call me like "sms send [email protected] Hello Patrick!"')

        # error if we get an unexpected response from the server
        def errback(fail):
            if fail.check(smslib.SMSAuthError):
                    "There was a problem with authentication. Check config.")
            elif fail.check(smslib.SMSError):

        def callback(response):
            msg.reply('Message sent!')

            result_deferred = self.send_sms(msg.sender, to_user, to_send)
            result_deferred.addCallbacks(callback, errback)
        except self.UserNotFoundError:
        except self.GlobalSMSLimitError:
                "Endroid has sent its limit of texts - please wait a bit.")
        except self.PersonalSMSLimitError:
            msg.reply("You have sent your limit of texts - please wait a bit.")
        except self.SMSPeriodSendLimit:
            msg.reply("You have used up your quota of texts for this period.")