Example #1
 def list_as_json(self) -> str:
     """Return list of DatamapLine objects parsed from filepath as json."""
         lst_of_objs = datamap_reader(self.datamap_path)
     except DatamapNotCSVException:
     return json.dumps(lst_of_objs, cls=DatamapEncoder)
Example #2
def check_aux_files(config: Config):
    """Check the presence of the blank template, the datamap and the validity of the datmap"""
    blank_t = check_for_blank(config)
    if blank_t[0]:
            f"Blank template named {blank_t[1]} present in input directory.")
            f"No blank template present. Config requires a file called "
            f"{config.config_parser['DEFAULT']['blank file name']} in input directory."
    dm_t = check_for_datamap(config)
    if dm_t[0]:
            f"Datamap file named {dm_t[1]} present in input directory.")
            f"No datamap file present. Config requires a file called "
            f"{config.config_parser['DEFAULT']['datamap file name']} in input directory."
    # if we get this far, there is a datamap file, so we can run this
    dm_name = config.config_parser["DEFAULT"]["datamap file name"]
    if datamap_reader(config.PLATFORM_DOCS_DIR / "input" / dm_name):
            "Datamap file passes tests. Check any WARNING messages. Ok to proceed."
        logger.critical("Datamap tests failed")
def test_datamap_with_two_headers(datamap_two_headers):
    with pytest.raises(MalFormedCSVHeaderException) as excinfo:
        data = datamap_reader(datamap_two_headers)  # noqa
    msg = excinfo.value.args[0]
    assert (
        msg ==
        "Datamap contains only two headers - need at least three to proceed. Quitting."
def test_incorrect_headers_are_coerced_or_flagged(
    data = datamap_reader(datamap_moderately_bad_headers)
    # using same test as above because even though this datamap file has bad keys, we
    # accept them because they are not too bad...
    assert data[14].key == "Bad Spacing"
    assert data[14].sheet == "Introduction"
    assert data[14].cellref == "C35"
    assert data[14].data_type == "TEXT"
def test_datamap_type_is_optional(datamap_no_type_col):
    """We want the datamap to be processed even if it doesn't have a type col, which
    should be optional.
    data = datamap_reader(datamap_no_type_col)
    assert data[14].key == "Bad Spacing"
    assert data[14].sheet == "Introduction"
    assert data[14].cellref == "C35"
    assert data[14].data_type is None
def test_datamap_with_three_headers(datamap_three_headers):
    Should pass because fourth col (type) is optional.
    data = datamap_reader(datamap_three_headers)
    assert data[14].key == "Bad Spacing"
    assert data[14].sheet == "Introduction"
    assert data[14].cellref == "C35"
    assert data[14].data_type is None
def test_datamap_with_only_single_header_raises_exception(
    "We want the datamap to be checked first and rejected if the headers are bad"
    with pytest.raises(MalFormedCSVHeaderException) as excinfo:
        data = datamap_reader(datamap_single_header)  # noqa
    msg = excinfo.value.args[0]
    assert (
        msg ==
        "Datamap contains only one header - need at least three to proceed. Quitting."
Example #8
def test_datamap_reader(mock_config, org_test_files_dir):
    for fl in os.listdir(org_test_files_dir):
            Path.cwd() / "tests" / "resources" / "org_templates" / fl,
            (Path(mock_config.PLATFORM_DOCS_DIR) / "input"),
    dm_file = mock_config.PLATFORM_DOCS_DIR / "input" / "dft_datamap.csv"
    data = datamap_reader(dm_file)
    assert data[0].key == "Project/Programme Name"
    assert data[0].sheet == "Introduction"
    assert data[0].cellref == "C11"
    assert data[0].filename == str(dm_file)
Example #9
 def list_as_objs(self) -> List[DatamapLine]:
     """Return list of DatamapLine objects parsed from filepath."""
     return datamap_reader(self.datamap_path)
def test_bad_spacing_in_datamap(datamap):
    data = datamap_reader(datamap)
    assert data[14].key == "Bad Spacing"
    assert data[14].sheet == "Introduction"
    assert data[14].cellref == "C35"
    assert data[14].data_type == "TEXT"
def test_datamap_reader_supported_encodings(datamap_csv_supported_encodings):
    data = datamap_reader(datamap_csv_supported_encodings)
    assert data[0].key == "Project/Programme Name"
    assert data[0].sheet == "Introduction"
    assert data[0].cellref == "C11"
    assert data[0].filename == str(datamap_csv_supported_encodings)
def test_datamap_reader_unsupported_encodings(
    with pytest.raises(DatamapFileEncodingError):
        _ = datamap_reader(datamap_csv_unsupported_encodings)
def test_datamap_missing_key_fields(datamap_missing_key_fields):
    """We do not want the datamap read to pass if a line has a missing key field."""
    with pytest.raises(MissingCellKeyError):
        data = datamap_reader(datamap_missing_key_fields)  # noqa
def test_datamap_missing_sheet_fields(datamap_missing_fields):
    """We do not want the datamap read to pass if a line has a missing sheet field."""
    with pytest.raises(MissingSheetFieldError):
        data = datamap_reader(datamap_missing_fields)  # noqa
def test_datamap_with_seemingly_empty_rows_at_end_exception(
    "A datamap file with multple empty rows at the end is possible, and unwelcome..."
    with pytest.raises(MalFormedCSVEmptyTailRowsException):
        data = datamap_reader(datamap_empty_tail_rows)  # noqa
def test_datamap_file_as_pathlib_object(datamap):
    data = datamap_reader(Path(datamap))
    assert len(data) == 18
def test_very_bad_headers_are_rejected(datamap_very_bad_headers):
    "We want the datamap to be checked first and rejected if the headers are bad"
    with pytest.raises(MalFormedCSVHeaderException):
        data = datamap_reader(datamap_very_bad_headers)  # noqa