Example #1
def read_helper(fname, shape=None, wcs=None):
    if shape is None: return enmap.read_map(fname)
    mshape, mwcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(fname)
    pixbox = enmap.pixbox_of(mwcs, shape, wcs)
    return enmap.read_map(fname, pixbox=pixbox)
Example #2
	map_keys = ["map","snmap","model","resid","resid_snmap"]
	# Mpi-parallelization over regions is simple, but a bit lazy. It means that there will be
	# no speedup for single-region maps
	for ri in range(comm.rank, len(regions), comm.size):
		reg_fid = regions[ri]
		reg_pad = dory.pad_region(reg_fid, args.pad)
		print "%3d region %3d/%d %5d %5d %6d %6d" % (comm.rank, ri+1, len(regions), reg_fid[0,0], reg_fid[1,0], reg_fid[0,1], reg_fid[1,1])
			# We only use T to find sources in find mode for now. P usually has much lower S/N and
			# doesn't help much. Should add it later, though.
			imap   = enmap.read_map(args.imap, pixbox=reg_pad).preflat[0]
			idiv   = enmap.read_map(args.idiv, pixbox=reg_pad).preflat[0]
			if args.mask:
				mshape, mwcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(args.mask)
				mbox  = enmap.pixbox_of(mwcs, imap.shape, imap.wcs)
				idiv *= (1-enmap.read_map(args.mask, pixbox=mbox).preflat[0])
			if "debug" in args.output: dump_prefix = args.odir + "/region_%02d_" % ri
			else:                      dump_prefix = None
			result = dory.find_srcs(imap, idiv, beam, freq=args.freq, apod=args.apod, apod_margin=args.apod_margin,
					snmin=args.nsigma, verbose=args.verbose, dump=dump_prefix)
			# FIXME: artifacts are act-specific
			result = dory.prune_artifacts(result)
		except Exception as e:
			print "Exception for task %d region %d: %s" % (comm.rank, ri, e.message)
		# Write region output
		if "reg" in args.output:
			prefix = args.odir + "/region_%02d_" % ri
			dory.write_catalog_fits(prefix + "cat.fits" , result.cat)
			dory.write_catalog_txt(prefix + "cat.txt" , result.cat)
Example #3
	write_args(args.odir + "/args.txt")
	# Mpi-parallelization over regions is simple, but a bit lazy. It means that there will be
	# no speedup for single-region maps
	for ri in range(comm.rank, len(regions), comm.size):
		reg_fid = regions[ri]
		reg_pad = dory.pad_region(reg_fid, args.pad)
		print("%3d region %3d/%d %5d %5d %6d %6d" % (comm.rank, ri+1, len(regions), reg_fid[0,0], reg_fid[1,0], reg_fid[0,1], reg_fid[1,1]))
			# We only use T to find sources in find mode for now. P usually has much lower S/N and
			# doesn't help much. Should add it later, though.
			imap   = enmap.read_map(args.imap, pixbox=reg_pad).preflat[0]
			idiv   = enmap.read_map(args.idiv, pixbox=reg_pad).preflat[0]
			if args.mask:
				mshape, mwcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(args.mask)
				mbox  = enmap.pixbox_of(mwcs, imap.shape, imap.wcs)
				mask  = enmap.read_map(args.mask, pixbox=mbox).preflat[0] > 0
				idiv *= 1-mask
				# Inpaint masked area, in case it contains fourier-unfriendly values
				imap = enmap.inpaint(imap, mask)
				del mask
			if "debug" in args.output: dump_prefix = args.odir + "/region_%02d_" % ri
			else:                      dump_prefix = None
			nsigma = args.nsigma if args.nsigma is not None else 3.5
			result = dory.find_srcs(imap, idiv, beam, freq=args.freq, apod=args.apod, apod_margin=args.apod_margin,
					snmin=nsigma, verbose=args.verbose, dump=dump_prefix)
			# FIXME: artifacts are act-specific
			if args.prune:
				result = dory.prune_artifacts(result)
		except Exception as e:
			print("Exception for task %d region %d: %s" % (comm.rank, ri, str(e)))
Example #4
            area = dmap.zeros(geo)

        # Set up our signal. We do this instead of building the pmat manually
        # to make it easy to support both maps and dmaps
        if not use_dmap: signal = mapmaking.SignalMap(myscans, area, comm)
        else: signal = mapmaking.SignalDmap(myscans, mysubs, area, comm)

        # Get the input sky map that we will subtract. We do this because the CMB+CIB
        # are the same from tod to tod, but we can't support intra-tod correlated noise,
        # so we have to get rid of it. This is not optimal, but it shouldn't be far off.
        if args.mapsub:
            sshape, swcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(args.mapsub)
            pixbox = enmap.pixbox_of(swcs, shape, wcs)
            if not use_dmap:
                refmap = enmap.read_map(args.mapsub,
                refmap = dmap.read_map(args.mapsub,
            refmap = signal.prepare(refmap)

        # Get the frequency and beam for this chunk. We assume that
        # this is the same for every member of the chunk, so we only need
        # to do this for one scan
        scan = actscan.ACTScan(filedb.data[chunk_ids[inds[0]]])
        _, dets = actdata.split_detname(scan.dets)