def fit_phase_flat(tods, az, daz=1*utils.arcmin, cuts=None, niter=None, overlap=None, clean_tod=False, weight=None): # for the given tods[ndet,nsamp], cuts (multirange[ndet,nsamp]) and az[nsamp], if not clean_tod: tods = tods.copy() if daz is None: daz = 1*utils.arcmin if niter is None: niter = 3 if weight is None: weight = np.full(len(tods), 1.0, dtype=tods.dtype) elif weight is "auto": weight = 1/estimate_white_noise(tods) weight /= np.mean(weight) # Set up phase pixels amin = np.min(az) amax = np.max(az) naz = int((amax-amin)/daz)+1 pflat = pmat.PmatPhaseFlat(az, amin, daz, naz) # Output and work arrays phase = np.zeros((2,naz),tods.dtype) dphase = phase.copy() div = phase.copy() # Precompute div pflat.backward(tods*0+weight[:,None], div, -1) div[div==0] = 1 print np.mean(div) for i in range(niter): # Overall logic: gapfill -> bin -> subtract -> loop if cuts is not None: gapfill.gapfill_linear(tods, cuts, overlap=overlap, inplace=True) pflat.backward(tods*weight[:,None], dphase) dphase /= div phase += dphase pflat.forward(tods, -dphase) return phase
def calibrate_boresight(data): """Calibrate the boresight by converting to radians and interpolating across missing samples linearly. Note that this won't give reasonable results for gaps of length similar to the scan period. Also adds a srate field containing the sampling rate.""" require(data, ["boresight","flags"]) # Convert angles to radians if data.nsamp in [0, None]: raise errors.DataMissing("nsamp") if data.nsamp < 0: raise errors.DataMissing("nsamp") a = data.boresight[1].copy() data.boresight[1] = robust_unwind(data.boresight[1], period=360, tol=0.1) data.boresight[1:]*= np.pi/180 #data.boresight[1:] = utils.unwind(data.boresight[1:] * np.pi/180) # Find unreliable regions bad_flag = (data.flags!=0)*(data.flags!=0x10) bad_value = find_boresight_jumps(data.boresight) bad_value |= find_elevation_outliers(data.boresight[2]) bad = bad_flag | bad_value #bad += srate_mask(data.boresight[0]) # Interpolate through bad regions. For long regions, this won't # work, so these should be cut. # 1. Raise an exception # 2. Construct a cut on the fly # 3. Handle it in the autocuts. # The latter is cleaner in my opinion cut = sampcut.from_mask(bad) gapfill.gapfill_linear(data.boresight, cut, inplace=True) srate = 1/utils.medmean(data.boresight[0,1:]-data.boresight[0,:-1]) data += dataset.DataField("srate", srate) # Get the scanning speed too speed = calc_scan_speed(data.boresight[0], data.boresight[1]) data += dataset.DataField("speed", speed) return data
def fit_common(tods, cuts=None, niter=None, overlap=None, clean_tod=False, weight=None): # for the given tods[ndet,nsamp], cuts (multirange[ndet,nsamp]) and az[nsamp], if not clean_tod: tods = tods.copy() if niter is None: niter = 3 if weight is None: weight = np.full(len(tods), 1.0, dtype=tods.dtype) elif weight is "auto": weight = 1 / estimate_white_noise(tods) weight /= np.mean(weight) # Output and work arrays res = tods[0] * 0 div = np.sum(tods * 0 + weight[:, None], 0) for i in range(niter): # Overall logic: gapfill -> bin -> subtract -> loop if cuts is not None: gapfill.gapfill_linear(tods, cuts, overlap=overlap, inplace=True) delta = np.sum(tods * weight[:, None], 0) delta /= div res += delta tods -= delta[None] return res
def deglitch(tod, nsigma=10, width=15, padding=7, inplace=False): spikes = find_spikes(tod) return gapfill.gapfill_linear(tod, spikes, inplace=inplace)
elif args.dets is not None: subdets = [int(w) for w in args.dets.split(",")] fields = ["gain","tconst","cut","tod","boresight"] if args.fields: fields = args.fields.split(",") d =, fields=fields) if absdets: d.restrict(dets=absdets) if subdets: d.restrict(dets=d.dets[subdets]) if args.calib: d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"]) elif args.manual_calib: ops = args.manual_calib.split(",") if "safe" in ops: d.boresight[1:] = utils.unwind(d.boresight[1:], period=360) if "rad" in ops: d.boresight[1:] *= np.pi/180 if "bgap" in ops: bad = (d.flags!=0)*(d.flags!=0x10) for b in d.boresight: gapfill.gapfill_linear(b, bad, inplace=True) if "gain" in ops: d.tod *= d.gain[:,None] if "tgap" in ops: gapfiller = {"copy":gapfill.gapfill_copy, "linear":gapfill.gapfill_linear}[config.get("gapfill")] gapfiller(d.tod, d.cut, inplace=True) if "slope" in ops: utils.deslope(d.tod, w=8, inplace=True) if "deconv" in ops: d = actdata.calibrate(d, operations=["tod_fourier"]) if args.bin > 1: d.tod = resample.downsample_bin(d.tod, steps=[args.bin]) d.boresight = resample.downsample_bin(d.boresight, steps=[args.bin]) d.flags = resample.downsample_bin(d.flags, steps=[args.bin]) oname = args.ofile if len(ids) > 1: oname = "%s/%s.hdf" % (args.ofile, id) with h5py.File(oname, "w") as hfile:
fields = ["gain", "tconst", "cut", "tod", "boresight"] if args.fields: fields = args.fields.split(",") d =, fields=fields) if absdets: d.restrict(dets=absdets) if subdets: d.restrict(dets=d.dets[subdets]) if args.calib: d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"]) elif args.manual_calib: ops = args.manual_calib.split(",") if "safe" in ops: d.boresight[1:] = utils.unwind(d.boresight[1:], period=360) if "rad" in ops: d.boresight[1:] *= np.pi / 180 if "bgap" in ops: bad = (d.flags != 0) * (d.flags != 0x10) for b in d.boresight: gapfill.gapfill_linear(b, bad, inplace=True) if "gain" in ops: d.tod *= d.gain[:, None] if "tgap" in ops: gapfiller = { "copy": gapfill.gapfill_copy, "linear": gapfill.gapfill_linear }[config.get("gapfill")] gapfiller(d.tod, d.cut, inplace=True) if "slope" in ops: utils.deslope(d.tod, w=8, inplace=True) if "deconv" in ops: d = actdata.calibrate(d, operations=["tod_fourier"]) if args.bin > 1: d.tod = resample.downsample_bin(d.tod, steps=[args.bin]) if "boresight" in d: d.boresight = resample.downsample_bin(d.boresight,
psrc.forward(wtod, src_rhs * 0 + 1, tmul=0))))) src_div = np.maximum(src_div, 0) # Bias slightly towards input value. This helps avoid problems with sources # that are hit by only a handful of samples, and are therefore super-uncertain. src_amp_old = scan.srcparam[:, 2] src_div_old = planet9.defmean(src_div[src_div > 0], 1e-5) * amp_prior src_rhs += src_amp_old * src_div_old src_div += src_div_old with utils.nowarn(): src_amp = src_rhs / src_div src_amp[~np.isfinite(src_amp)] = 0 # And subtract the point sources psrc.forward(wtod, src_amp, tmul=0) # Keep our gapfilling semi-consistent gapfill.gapfill_linear(wtod, scan.cut, inplace=True) scan.noise.apply(wtod) tod -= wtod del wtod, src_rhs, src_div # Build our rhs map apply_cut(tod) signal.backward(scan, tod, work, mmul=0) wrhs += work[0] if bleh: sim_rhs += psim.backward(tod) # Build our div map work[:] = 0 work[0] = 1 signal.forward(scan, tod, work, tmul=0) scan.noise.white(tod) apply_cut(tod)
def filter_poly_jon(tod, az, weights=None, naz=None, nt=None, niter=None, cuts=None, hwp=None, nhwp=None, deslope=True, inplace=True, use_phase=None): """Fix naz Legendre polynomials in az and nt other polynomials in t jointly. Then subtract the best fit from the data. The subtraction is inplace, so tod is modified. If naz or nt are negative, they are fit for, but not subtracted. NOTE: This function may leave tod nonperiodic. """ naz = config.get("gfilter_jon_naz", naz) nt = config.get("gfilter_jon_nt", nt) nhwp= config.get("gfilter_jon_nhwp", nhwp) niter = config.get("gfilter_jon_niter", niter) use_phase = config.get("gfilter_jon_phase", use_phase) if not inplace: tod = tod.copy() do_gapfill = cuts is not None # No point in iterating if we aren't gapfilling if not do_gapfill: niter = 1 if hwp is None or np.all(hwp==0): nhwp = 0 naz, asign = np.abs(naz), np.sign(naz) nt, tsign = np.abs(nt), np.sign(nt) nhwp,hsign = np.abs(nhwp),np.sign(nhwp) d = tod.reshape(-1,tod.shape[-1]) nsamp = d.shape[-1] if naz == 0 and nt == 0 and nhwp == 0: return tod B = [] # Set up our time basis if nt > 0: t = np.linspace(-1,1,nsamp,endpoint=False) B.append(utils.build_legendre(t, nt)) if naz > 0: if not use_phase: # Set up our azimuth basis B.append(utils.build_legendre(az, naz+1)[1:]) else: # Set up phase basis. Vectors should be periodic # in phase to avoid discontinuities. cossin is good for this. phase = build_phase(az)*np.pi B.append(utils.build_cossin(phase, naz)) if nhwp > 0: B.append(utils.build_cossin(hwp, nhwp)) B = np.concatenate(B,0) for it in range(niter): if do_gapfill: gapfill.gapfill_linear(d, cuts, inplace=True) # Solve for the best fit for each detector, [nbasis,ndet] # B[b,n], d[d,n], amps[b,d] if weights is None: try: amps = np.linalg.solve(, except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: print "LinAlgError in todfilter. Skipping" continue else: w = weights.reshape(-1,weights.shape[-1]) amps = np.zeros([naz+nt+nhwp,d.shape[0]],dtype=tod.dtype) for di in range(len(tod)): try: amps[:,di] = np.linalg.solve((B*w[di]).dot(B.T),[di]*d[di])) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as e: print "LinAlgError in todfilter di %d. Skipping" % di continue # Subtract the best fit, but skip some basis functions if requested if tsign < 0: amps[:nt] = 0 if asign < 0: amps[nt:nt+naz] = 0 if hsign < 0: amps[nt+naz:nt+naz+nhwp] = 0 d -= if do_gapfill: gapfill.gapfill(d, cuts, inplace=True) # This filtering might have casued the tod to become # non-continous, which would mess up future fourier transforms. # So it's safest to deslope here. if deslope: utils.deslope(tod, w=8, inplace=True) res = d.reshape(tod.shape) return res