Example #1
def stationary_cut(az, tol=None):
    """Cut samples where the telescope isn't moving at the beginning
	and end of the tod."""
    tol = config.get("cut_stationary_tol", tol) * utils.degree
    b1 = np.where(np.abs(az - az[0]) > tol)[0]
    b2 = np.where(np.abs(az - az[-1]) > tol)[0]
    if len(b1) == 0 or len(b2) == 0:
        # Entire tod cut!
        return sampcut.full(1, len(az))
        return sampcut.from_list([[[0, b1[0]], [b2[-1], len(az)]]], len(az))
Example #2
def stationary_cut(az, tol=None):
	"""Cut samples where the telescope isn't moving at the beginning
	and end of the tod."""
	tol = config.get("cut_stationary_tol", tol)*utils.degree
	b1 = np.where(np.abs(az-az[0])>tol)[0]
	b2 = np.where(np.abs(az-az[-1])>tol)[0]
	if len(b1) == 0 or len(b2) == 0:
		# Entire tod cut!
		return sampcut.full(1,len(az))
		return sampcut.from_list([[[0,b1[0]],[b2[-1],len(az)]]],len(az))
Example #3
def read_cut(fname, permissive=True):
    """Read the act cut format, returning ids, cuts, offset, where cuts is a Multirange
    nsamp, ndet, offset = None, None, None
    dets, cuts = [], []
    for line in utils.lines(fname):
        if "=" in line:
            # Header key-value pair
            toks = line.split()
            if toks[0] == "n_det": ndet = int(toks[2])
            elif toks[0] == "n_samp": nsamp = int(toks[2])
            elif toks[0] == "samp_offset": offset = int(toks[2])
            else: continue  # Ignore others
        elif ":" in line:
            parts = line.split(":")
            uid = int(parts[0].split()[0])
            if len(parts) > 1 and "(" in parts[1]:
                toks = parts[1].split()
                ranges = np.array([[int(w) for w in tok[1:-1].split(",")]
                                   for tok in toks])
                ranges = np.minimum(ranges, nsamp)
                cuts.append(sampcut.from_list([ranges], nsamp))
            # Handle uncut detectors
                cuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, nsamp))
    # Add any missing detectors if we are in permissive mode
    if permissive:
        missing = set(range(ndet)) - set(dets)
        for uid in missing:
            cuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, nsamp))
    # Filter out fully cut tods
    odets, ocuts = [], []
    for det, cut in zip(dets, cuts):
        if cut.sum() < cut.nsamp:
    if len(ocuts) == 0: ocuts = sampcut.full(0, nsamp)
    else: ocuts = sampcut.stack(ocuts)
    return odets, ocuts, offset
Example #4
def read_cut(fname, permissive=True):
	"""Read the act cut format, returning ids, cuts, offset, where cuts is a Multirange
	nsamp, ndet, offset = None, None, None
	dets, cuts = [], []
	for line in utils.lines(fname):
		if "=" in line:
			# Header key-value pair
			toks = line.split()
			if   toks[0] == "n_det":  ndet  = int(toks[2])
			elif toks[0] == "n_samp": nsamp = int(toks[2])
			elif toks[0] == "samp_offset": offset = int(toks[2])
			else: continue # Ignore others
		elif ":" in line:
			parts = line.split(":")
			uid   = int(parts[0].split()[0])
			if len(parts) > 1 and "(" in parts[1]:
				toks  = parts[1].split()
				ranges = np.array([[int(w) for w in tok[1:-1].split(",")] for tok in toks])
				ranges = np.minimum(ranges, nsamp)
			# Handle uncut detectors
				cuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, nsamp))
	# Add any missing detectors if we are in permissive mode
	if permissive:
		missing = set(range(ndet))-set(dets)
		for uid in missing:
	# Filter out fully cut tods
	odets, ocuts = [], []
	for det, cut in zip(dets, cuts):
		if cut.sum() < cut.nsamp:
	if len(ocuts) == 0: ocuts = sampcut.full(0,nsamp)
	else: ocuts = sampcut.stack(ocuts)
	return odets, ocuts, offset
Example #5
	def __init__(self, entry, subdets=None, d=None, verbose=False, dark=False):
		self.fields = ["gain","mce_filter","tags","polangle","tconst","hwp","cut","point_offsets","boresight","site","tod_shape","array_info","beam","pointsrcs", "buddies"]
		if dark: self.fields += ["dark"]
		if config.get("noise_model") == "file":
			self.fields += ["noise"]
			if config.get("cut_noise_whiteness"):
				self.fields += ["noise_cut"]
			if config.get("cut_spikes"):
				self.fields += ["spikes"]
		if d is None:
			d = actdata.read(entry, self.fields, verbose=verbose)
			d = actdata.calibrate(d, verbose=verbose)
			if subdets is not None:
		if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("No data in scan")
		ndet = d.ndet
		# Necessary components for Scan interface
		self.mjd0      = utils.ctime2mjd(d.boresight[0,0])
		self.boresight = np.ascontiguousarray(d.boresight.T.copy()) # [nsamp,{t,az,el}]
		self.boresight[:,0] -= self.boresight[0,0]
		self.offsets   = np.zeros([ndet,self.boresight.shape[1]])
		self.offsets[:,1:] = d.point_offset
		self.cut       = d.cut.copy()
		self.cut_noiseest = d.cut_noiseest.copy()
		self.comps     = np.zeros([ndet,4])
		self.beam      = d.beam
		self.pointsrcs = d.pointsrcs
		self.comps     = d.det_comps
		self.hwp = d.hwp
		self.hwp_phase = d.hwp_phase
		self.dets  = d.dets
		self.dgrid = (d.array_info.nrow, d.array_info.ncol)
		self.array_info = d.array_info
		self.sys = config.get("tod_sys")
		self.site = d.site
		self.speed = d.speed
		if "noise" in d:
			self.noise = d.noise
			spikes = d.spikes[:2].T if "spikes" in d else None
			self.noise = nmat_measure.NmatBuildDelayed(model = config.get("noise_model"), spikes=spikes,
		if "dark_tod" in d:
			self.dark_tod = d.dark_tod
		if "dark_cut" in d:
			self.dark_cut = d.dark_cut
		if "buddy_comps" in d:
			# Expand buddy_offs to {dt,daz,ddec}
			self.buddy_comps = d.buddy_comps
			self.buddy_offs  = np.concatenate([d.buddy_offs[...,:1]*0,d.buddy_offs],-1)
		self.autocut = d.autocut if "autocut" in d else []
		# Implementation details. d is our DataSet, which we keep around in
		# because we need it to read tod consistently later. It will *not*
		# take part in any sample slicing operations, as that might make the
		# delayed tod read inconsistent with the rest. It could take part in
		# detector slicing as long as calibrate_tod operates on each detector
		# independently. This is true now, but would not be so if we did stuff
		# like common mode subtraction there. On the other hand, not doing this
		# would prevent slicing before reading from giving any speedup or memory
		# savings. I don't think allowing this should be a serious problem.
		self.d = d
		self.entry = entry
		def fmt_id(entry):
			if isinstance(entry, list): return "+".join([fmt_id(e) for e in entry])
				if entry.tag: return entry.id + ":" + entry.tag
				else: return entry.id
		self.id = fmt_id(entry)
		self.sampslices = []
		self.mapping = None

		# FIXME: debug test
		if config.get("dummy_cut") > 0:
			nmax  = int(config.get("dummy_cut_len"))
			# Power law between 1 and nmax, with slope -1.
			# C(w) = log(w)/log(nmax)
			# P(w) = w**-1/log(nmax)
			# w(C) = n**C
			# Mean: (nmax-1)/log(nmax)
			nmean = (nmax-1)/np.log(nmax)
			ncut = int(self.nsamp * config.get("dummy_cut") / nmean)
			cut_ranges = np.zeros([self.ndet, ncut, 2],int)
			w = (nmax**np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=[self.ndet, ncut])).astype(int)
			np.clip(w, 1, nmax)
			cut_ranges[:,:,0] = np.random.uniform(0, self.nsamp, size=[self.ndet, ncut]).astype(int)
			cut_ranges[:,:,0] = np.sort(cut_ranges[:,:,0],1)
			cut_ranges[:,:,1] = cut_ranges[:,:,0] + w
			np.clip(cut_ranges[:,:,1], 0, self.nsamp)
			cut_dummy = sampcut.from_list(cut_ranges, self.nsamp)
			print np.mean(w), nmean, nmax, ncut
			print "cut fraction before", float(self.cut.sum())/self.cut.size
			self.cut *= cut_dummy
			print "cut fraction after", float(self.cut.sum())/self.cut.size
Example #6
def tod_end_cut(nsamp, srate, cut_secs=None):
	"""Cut cut_secs seconds of data at each end of the tod"""
	ncut = int(config.get("cut_tod_ends_nsec",cut_secs)*srate)
	return sampcut.from_list([[[0,ncut],[nsamp-ncut,nsamp]]], nsamp)
Example #7
def tod_end_cut(nsamp, srate, cut_secs=None):
    """Cut cut_secs seconds of data at each end of the tod"""
    ncut = int(config.get("cut_tod_ends_nsec", cut_secs) * srate)
    return sampcut.from_list([[[0, ncut], [nsamp - ncut, nsamp]]], nsamp)
Example #8
 def to_sampcut(self):
     # This could be optimized, since sampcuts and flagranges have some similariteis
     # int he internal representation
     ranges = self.to_ranges()
     return sampcut.from_list(ranges, self.nsamp)
Example #9
    def __init__(self, entry, subdets=None, d=None, verbose=False, dark=False):
        self.fields = [
            "gain", "mce_filter", "tags", "polangle", "tconst", "hwp", "cut",
            "point_offsets", "boresight", "site", "tod_shape", "array_info",
            "beam", "pointsrcs", "buddies"
        if dark: self.fields += ["dark"]
        if config.get("noise_model") == "file":
            self.fields += ["noise"]
            if config.get("cut_noise_whiteness"):
                self.fields += ["noise_cut"]
            if config.get("cut_spikes"):
                self.fields += ["spikes"]
        if d is None:
            d = actdata.read(entry, self.fields, verbose=verbose)
            d = actdata.calibrate(d, verbose=verbose)
            if subdets is not None:
        if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0:
            raise errors.DataMissing("No data in scan")
        ndet = d.ndet
        # Necessary components for Scan interface
        self.mjd0 = utils.ctime2mjd(d.boresight[0, 0])
        self.boresight = np.ascontiguousarray(
            d.boresight.T.copy())  # [nsamp,{t,az,el}]
        self.boresight[:, 0] -= self.boresight[0, 0]
        self.offsets = np.zeros([ndet, self.boresight.shape[1]])
        self.offsets[:, 1:] = d.point_offset
        self.cut = d.cut.copy()
        self.cut_noiseest = d.cut_noiseest.copy()
        self.comps = np.zeros([ndet, 4])
        self.beam = d.beam
        self.pointsrcs = d.pointsrcs
        self.comps = d.det_comps
        self.hwp = d.hwp
        self.hwp_phase = d.hwp_phase
        self.dets = d.dets
        self.dgrid = (d.array_info.nrow, d.array_info.ncol)
        self.array_info = d.array_info
        self.sys = config.get("tod_sys",
                              entry.tod_sys if "tod_sys" in entry else None)
        self.site = d.site
        self.speed = d.speed
        if "noise" in d:
            self.noise = d.noise
            spikes = d.spikes[:2].T if "spikes" in d else None
            self.noise = nmat_measure.NmatBuildDelayed(
        if "dark_tod" in d:
            self.dark_tod = d.dark_tod
        if "dark_cut" in d:
            self.dark_cut = d.dark_cut
        if "buddy_comps" in d:
            # Expand buddy_offs to {dt,daz,ddec}
            self.buddy_comps = d.buddy_comps
            self.buddy_offs = np.concatenate(
                [d.buddy_offs[..., :1] * 0, d.buddy_offs], -1)
        self.autocut = d.autocut if "autocut" in d else []
        # Implementation details. d is our DataSet, which we keep around in
        # because we need it to read tod consistently later. It will *not*
        # take part in any sample slicing operations, as that might make the
        # delayed tod read inconsistent with the rest. It could take part in
        # detector slicing as long as calibrate_tod operates on each detector
        # independently. This is true now, but would not be so if we did stuff
        # like common mode subtraction there. On the other hand, not doing this
        # would prevent slicing before reading from giving any speedup or memory
        # savings. I don't think allowing this should be a serious problem.
        self.d = d
        self.entry = entry

        def fmt_id(entry):
            if isinstance(entry, list):
                return "+".join([fmt_id(e) for e in entry])
                if entry.tag: return entry.id + ":" + entry.tag
                else: return entry.id

        self.id = fmt_id(entry)
        self.sampslices = []
        self.mapping = None

        # FIXME: debug test
        if config.get("dummy_cut") > 0:
            nmax = int(config.get("dummy_cut_len"))
            # Power law between 1 and nmax, with slope -1.
            # C(w) = log(w)/log(nmax)
            # P(w) = w**-1/log(nmax)
            # w(C) = n**C
            # Mean: (nmax-1)/log(nmax)
            nmean = (nmax - 1) / np.log(nmax)
            ncut = int(self.nsamp * config.get("dummy_cut") / nmean)
            cut_ranges = np.zeros([self.ndet, ncut, 2], int)
            w = (nmax**np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=[self.ndet,
            np.clip(w, 1, nmax)
            cut_ranges[:, :, 0] = np.random.uniform(0,
            cut_ranges[:, :, 0] = np.sort(cut_ranges[:, :, 0], 1)
            cut_ranges[:, :, 1] = cut_ranges[:, :, 0] + w
            np.clip(cut_ranges[:, :, 1], 0, self.nsamp)
            cut_dummy = sampcut.from_list(cut_ranges, self.nsamp)
            print(np.mean(w), nmean, nmax, ncut)
            print("cut fraction before", float(self.cut.sum()) / self.cut.size)
            self.cut *= cut_dummy
            print("cut fraction after", float(self.cut.sum()) / self.cut.size)